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The 26 December 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami had major effects on coastal communities and ecosystems. An assessment of coastlines after the tsunami indicates that coastal vegetation such as mangroves and beach forests helped to provide protection and reduce effects on adjacent communities. In recent years, mangroves and other coastal vegetation have been cleared or degraded along many coastlines, increasing their vulnerability to storm and tsunami damage. Establishing or strengthening greenbelts of mangroves and other coastal forests may play a key role in reducing the effect of future extreme events.  相似文献   

In eastern Hokkaido, 60 to 80 kilometers above a subducting oceanic plate, tidal mudflats changed into freshwater forests during the first decades after a 17th-century tsunami. The mudflats gradually rose by a meter, as judged from fossil diatom assemblages. Both the tsunami and the ensuing uplift exceeded any in the region's 200 years of written history, and both resulted from a shallow plate-boundary earthquake of unusually large size along the Kuril subduction zone. This earthquake probably induced more creep farther down the plate boundary than did any of the region's historical events.  相似文献   

At sites near the Brazos River, Texas, an iridium anomaly and the paleontologic Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary directly overlie a sandstone bed in which coarse-grained sandstone with large clasts of mudstone and reworked carbonate nodules grades upward to wave ripple-laminated, very fine grained sandstone. This bed is the only sandstone bed in a sequence of uppermost Cretaceous to lowermost Paleocene mudstone that records about 1 million years of quiet water deposition in midshelf to outer shelf depths. Conditions for depositing such a sandstone layer at these depths are most consistent with the occurrence of a tsunami about 50 to 100 meters high. The most likely source for such a tsunami at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary is a bolidewater impact.  相似文献   

Megasplay faults, very long thrust faults that rise from the subduction plate boundary megathrust and intersect the sea floor at the landward edge of the accretionary prism, are thought to play a role in tsunami genesis. We imaged a megasplay thrust system along the Nankai Trough in three dimensions, which allowed us to map the splay fault geometry and its lateral continuity. The megasplay is continuous from the main plate interface fault upwards to the sea floor, where it cuts older thrust slices of the frontal accretionary prism. The thrust geometry and evidence of large-scale slumping of surficial sediments show that the fault is active and that the activity has evolved toward the landward direction with time, contrary to the usual seaward progression of accretionary thrusts. The megasplay fault has progressively steepened, substantially increasing the potential for vertical uplift of the sea floor with slip. We conclude that slip on the megasplay fault most likely contributed to generating devastating historic tsunamis, such as the 1944 moment magnitude 8.1 Tonankai event, and it is this geometry that makes this margin and others like it particularly prone to tsunami genesis.  相似文献   

After the 26 December 2004 earthquake and tsunami, field data on the extent of the inundation in Banda Aceh, Sumatra, were combined with satellite imagery to quantify the tsunami effects. Flow depths along the shores of Banda Aceh exceeded 9 meters, with inundation reaching 3 to 4 kilometers inland. To the southwest, at Lhoknga, flow depths were more than 15 meters at the shoreline and runup exceeded 25 meters. Erosion and subsidence moved the shoreline of Banda Aceh inland up to 1.5 kilometers, and 65 square kilometers of land between Banda Aceh and Lhoknga were flooded.  相似文献   

The global reach of the 26 December 2004 Sumatra tsunami   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Numerical model simulations, combined with tide-gauge and satellite altimetry data, reveal that wave amplitudes, directionality, and global propagation patterns of the 26 December 2004 Sumatra tsunami were primarily determined by the orientation and intensity of the offshore seismic line source and subsequently by the trapping effect of mid-ocean ridge topographic waveguides.  相似文献   

Toward inherently secure and resilient societies   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Allenby B  Fink J 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》2005,309(5737):1034-1036
Recent years have seen a number of challenges to social stability and order, ranging from terrorist attacks and natural disasters to epidemics such as AIDS and SARS. Such challenges have generated specific policy responses, such as enhanced security at transportation hubs and planned deployment of a global tsunami detection network. However, the range of challenges and the practical impossibility of adequately addressing each in turn argue for adoption of a more comprehensive systems perspective. This should be based on the principle of enhancing social and economic resiliency as well as meeting security and emergency response needs and, to the extent possible, developing and implementing dual-use technologies that offer societal benefits even if anticipated disasters never occur.  相似文献   

利用不同剂量的磷酸三钠、次氯酸钙、苏纳米、甲醛、高锰酸钾、盐酸和二氯异氰尿酸钠溶液对带番茄细菌性溃疡病菌的番茄种子进行不同时间的处理,旨在筛选出各药剂除菌的最适处理剂量和最宜处理时间。借助传统PCR方法检测药剂处理对人工接菌种子的除害效果,同时采用活菌培养法测定各药剂对番茄细菌性溃疡病菌的抑制作用。结果显示,各药剂最适宜的除害处理条件为:8%磷酸三钠处理30 min,1%次氯酸钙处理20 min,0.4%苏纳米处理20 min,甲醛100倍液处理20 min,p H值1.5的盐酸处理10 min,1%高锰酸钾处理30 min,二氯异氰尿酸钠700倍液处理40 min。应用纸床法进行发芽试验,检测各药剂处理对番茄种子发芽的影响,结果表明,各药剂处理对番茄种子的发芽率没有明显不利影响。综合7种药剂的特点、最适除害处理条件和对发芽率的影响,二氯异氰尿酸钠为最理想的种子除害处理药剂。  相似文献   

文章以江苏省农业科学院某研究所五个不同类型的创新团队为例,通过冰山模型分析得出,该所团队在后备人才中缺乏"浅水区"青年人才;通过金字塔模型分析发现,该所团队存在人才力量分布不均、人才培养模式差距较大等问题;通过运用线性模型相关的数据分析法,推出纵向因素中的年龄层次,横向因素中的籍贯、毕业院校及出国访问次数,与成果产出呈...  相似文献   

金融危机的海啸过后,我国主要依靠出口拉动的经济发展模式显现出弊端,扩大内需再次成为宏观经济政策的主要任务,这正是将美国金融危机转化为中国发展机会,将出口导向型增长转变为内需拉动型增长的大好时机。本文依据科学发展观的内在要求,围绕扩大内需的最终受益主体,把扩大国内消费需求作为推动经济增长的立足点,建立以国内消费需求为主导的经济增长模式是中国经济发展的长期战略。  相似文献   

加强银行基层机构领导班子建设,培养德才兼备的领导干部是金融事业成功的关键。作为一个基层行的领导班子,如何把党和国家的各项方针、政策、规章制度以及上级行决策部署不折不扣地落到实处,是一项重要的任务。本文分析论述了基层支行领导班子建设的重要意义,以及基层支行领导班子建设的重点和目标,探讨如何加强基层支行领导班子建设,并提出基层支行领导班子建设的建议措施。  相似文献   

Neetu S  Suresh I  Shankar R  Shankar D  Shenoi SS  Shetye SR  Sundar D  Nagarajan B 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》2005,310(5753):1431; author reply 1431
Lay et al. (Research Articles, 20 May 2005, p. 1127) estimated a 600-km length for the tsunami source region. Adding tide-gauge data from Paradip, the northernmost of the Indian east-coast stations and therefore the most critical constraint on the northern extent of the source, we estimate that its length was greater by approximately 30%.  相似文献   

Southwestern Colombia and northern Ecuador were shaken by a shal-low-focus earthquake on 12 December 1979. The magnitude 8 shock, located near Tumaco, Colombia, was the largest in northwestern South America since 1942 and had been forecast to fill a seismic gap. Thrust faulting occurred on a 280- by 130-kilometer rectangular patch of a subduction zone that dips east beneath the Pacific coast of Colombia. A 200-kilometer stretch of the coast tectonically subsided as much as 1.6 meters; uplift occurred offshore on the continental slope. A tsunami swept inland immediately after the earthquake. Ground shaking (intensity VI to IX) caused many buildings to collapse and generated liquefaction in sand fills and in Holocene beach, lagoonal, and fluvial deposits.  相似文献   

The marker bed at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary of the Beloc Formation (southern Haiti) contains abundant coarse-grained microtektites and minor amounts of shocked quartz grains in the basal part. The upper part is composed of medium-grained marl with amalgamated microtektite lenses and finer-grained marl lenses disseminated throughout. Field and petrographic observations, and the distribution of planktonic foraminifera suggest that the bed formed from a complex sequence of events. A bolide impact nearby produced microtektites that sett1led to form a nearly pure layer at the base. Vaporized materials with anomalously high extraterrestrial components settled last, along with carbonate sediments. The entire bed became sparsely consolidated. Subsequently, another major disruptive event, perhaps a giant tsunami, partly reworked the initial deposit. Cohesive fragments of the original marker bed mixed with exotic materials were redeposited as lenticular bodies. This process also may have caused further mixing of Cretaceous and Tertiary microfossils, as observed at Beloc and elsewhere.  相似文献   

Water surged from Puget Sound sometime between 1000 and 1100 years ago, overrunning tidal marshes and mantling them with centimeters of sand. One overrun site is 10 kilometers northwest of downtown Seattle; another is on Whidbey Island, some 30 kilometers farther north. Neither site has been widely mantled with sand at any other time in the past 2000 years. Deposition of the sand coincided-to the year or less-with abrupt, probably tectonic subsidence at the Seattle site and with landsliding into nearby Lake Washington. These findings show that a tsunami was generated in Puget Sound, and they tend to confirm that a large shallow earthquake occurred in the Seattle area about 1000 years ago.  相似文献   

The Barberton greenstone belt of South Africa and the eastern Pilbara block of Western Australia provide information about Earth's surface environments between 3.2 and 3.5 billion years ago, including evidence for four large bolide impacts that likely created large craters, deformed the target rocks, and altered the environment. We have obtained identical single-zircon uranium-lead ages of 3470 +/- 2 million years ago for the oldest impact events from each craton. These deposits represent a single global fallout layer that is associated with sedimentation by an impact-generated tsunami and in Western Australia is represented by a major erosional unconformity.  相似文献   

邹琼 《安徽农业科学》2010,38(33):19134-19135,19138
通过对农业高新科技企业创业团队的界定,指出其组建过程中的最大风险就是团队核心员工的流失。在分析风险因素的基础上,提出了相应的防范对策,以期对我国高新农业科技企业的创业团队建设中的风险控制提供指导。  相似文献   

Radiocarbon ages of submerged trees on landslide deposits in Lake Washington, Seattle, indicate that the most recent slides in three separate areas may have occurred simultaneously about 1000 years ago. Tree ring crossdating shows that seven bark-bearing trees from one of these recent slides and a tree 23 kilometers to the northwest in a probable tsunami deposit on the shore of Puget Sound died in the same season of the same year. The close coincidence among the most recent lake landslides, a probable tsunami, abrupt subsidence, and other possible seismic events gives evidence for a strong prehistoric earthquake in the Seattle region.  相似文献   

李晶 《农业图书情报学刊》2010,22(7):328-330,334
分析了数字图书馆时代人力资源建设的必要性和存在的问题,探讨了树立"以人文本"的管理理念、优化人才队伍建设、完善激励机制等一系列人力资源建设和创新的管理措施。  相似文献   

基于新产品研发团队这一临时性组织情境,探讨团队断裂带对新产品研发团队创新绩效的影响,尤其是团队快速信任和知识转移渠道在其中的情境机制。通过选取本土企业内98个新产品研发团队的团队领导-团队成员配对样本,运用层级回归分析对假设进行验证。研究结果发现,团队断裂带与新产品研发团队创新绩效之间存在倒“U”字型关系,团队快速信任和知识转移渠道均显著调节这一非线性关系。即在团队快速信任水平越高或知识转移渠道越丰富的情况下,团队断裂带与新产品研发团队创新绩效之间的倒“U”字型关系越不明显。  相似文献   

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