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畜禽粪便固液分离研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
畜禽粪便的固液分离是处理和利用畜禽粪便的重要环节之一。为此,论述了固液分离在畜禽粪便处理中的作用,介绍了几种主要的分离方法及其基本原理;综合分析了国内外各种分离设备的特点、结构形式、适用范围及不足之处;并就开发新的分离设备提出建议。此研究有助于在畜禽粪便的处理中合理选择固液分离设备,对提高固液分离的技术水平提供参考。  相似文献   

现阶段我国的畜禽养殖固体废弃物利用程度仍不高,堆肥是畜禽粪便无害化资源化的重要技术手段之一。但主要以低效益的常规单一有机肥生产为主,大量的畜禽养殖固体废弃物资源得不到有效利用,造成环境污染。蝇蛆是畜禽养殖固体废弃物的高效生物转化器,畜禽废弃物可经蝇蛆生物转化后生产蝇蛆蛋白和优质有机肥。该文针对传统堆肥经济效益低、辅料依赖性强、处理周期长和成本高等特点,结合主要畜禽粪的组分特征及理化特性,在现有的蝇蛆生物转化畜禽粪工艺基础上,通过对蝇蛆生物转化畜禽养殖固体废弃物的产业化共性关键技术和设备进行研究,实现畜禽养殖固体废弃物的生态治理和高值化利用。   相似文献   

介绍畜禽粪便高效快速烘干该设备的基本结构、工作原理、工艺流程及性能特点,并分析其实用性和经济社会效益。  相似文献   

我国畜禽粪便处理利用现状及展望   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
随着农业结构调整和农业产业化的推进,以及规模化、集约化畜禽养殖业的迅猛发展,其规模由小到大,范围由点到面,但由于畜禽养殖业管理薄弱和农业与养殖业脱节,致使大量畜禽粪便与污染物随意排放和流失,破坏了生态环境.为此,介绍了畜禽粪便的处理方法和资源化技术,并根据我国现状提出了畜禽粪便处理利用的发展方向.  相似文献   

固液分离是规模化养殖场畜禽粪水混合物处理的关键环节,其分离效果直接影响分离出的固体与液体的利用率与资源化。固液分离方法多样化,优劣势并存,其中机械分离法效果好且性价比高,介绍了几种常用的分离设备并分析了优缺点。   相似文献   

根据市场需求,研制了畜禽粪便脱水机,简要介绍了该机器的总体结构及主要部件,基本工作原理和主要技术参数及特点。  相似文献   

介绍了国内外畜禽粪便综合处理利用的现状,分析提出了一种符合我国广大农村美化环境、资源化、无害化可持续发展、节约型社会的生产新型饲料——蝇蛆同时产生沼气的新型畜禽粪便综合处理工程技术,并提出了综合处理工程技术对今后养殖业发展创造的优势和前景。  相似文献   

畜禽粪便生物质资源利用的现状与展望   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
现代化、集约化畜禽养殖业不断增加,过量的畜禽粪便污染然物得不到合理处理,致使畜禽粪便污染物随意流失和排放,不仅严重污染了周边环境,而且危害人禽健康。如何科学有效地利用畜禽粪便生物质资源,引起国内外学者的日益重视。为此,阐述了国内外对畜禽粪便利用的主要方式,包括畜禽粪便能源化、肥料化、饲料化及食用菌栽培技术。同时,概述了各种处理技术的应用和发展,并根据我国现状提出处理畜禽粪便的综合利用模式。  相似文献   

随着我国畜禽养殖业的迅速发展,畜禽集约化养殖和产业化发展在极大地丰富人们“菜篮子”的同时,也使大量畜禽粪便得不到及时有效的处理,不仅造成环境严重污染,而且也使得粪便中动植物所需的营养物质白白流失。为解决以上问题,由农业部南京农机化所与安徽农业大学工学院共同研制了一种粪便高效、快速烘干设备。  相似文献   

以畜禽粪便为原料的沼气工程,在原料预处理和沼渣堆肥利用环节中,螺旋压榨固液分离是重要处理手段。为此,针对目前固液分离机在筛网上形成腐蚀、堵塞等问题进行了研究,设计了冲洗装置。本装置能够提高固液分离分离效果,延长筛网的使用寿命,具有较好的应用前景。  相似文献   

针对目前养殖场粪污还田利用率低、处理效果差和资源浪费严重等问题,结合粪污易泵送、致密性好的特点,介绍了畜禽粪污收集的方法和针对不同应用场景收集后粪污的处理方式,分析了养殖场粪污处理的工艺特点。废水经过厌氧处理,多种微生物协同发酵产生有机物,病菌数量显著降低,对农作物中的多种病虫害具有一定的防治作用,和农药相比具有价格低、无抗性等优势,又能够起到改良土壤的作用,是理想的农药代替品。   相似文献   

浅述了畜禽粪污堆肥技术工艺和各种粪污堆肥装备,分析了畜禽粪污堆肥技术装备的发展趋势,得出了畜禽粪污堆肥技术装备是解决养殖业粪污处理的有效途径,能够促进绿色发展、生态循环,为我国畜禽粪污堆肥技术装备的设计、生产、应用提供参考。  相似文献   

国内种肥施肥机械化发展现状及思考   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
施种肥是最经济有效的施肥方法之一。为此,介绍了国内施肥机械化技术发展现状,包括排肥器的种类及穴施肥排肥器的研究进展情况以及种肥施肥机械装备发展概况;指出了目前种肥施肥机械化技术存在的问题;分析了施肥机械化技术发展趋势,认为变量施肥技术及穴施肥技术等是未来种肥机械化施肥方式的重要发展方向。  相似文献   

简要介绍了旋涡泵的结构、特点和应用。从工作原理,结构参数对泵性能的影响,设计理论,内部流动和实验研究五个方面论述了国内外旋涡泵的研究现状,并指出今后研究的发展方向和趋势。文章认为,利用先进技术对泵内部流动进行测试,建立新的流动理论模型,完善设计方法是今后研究的重点。  相似文献   

Agricultural animal production is increasingly regarded as a source of gases which are both aggravating and ecologically harmful. An overview of the origin, number and quantity of trace gases emitted from animal housing and from manure stores is presented and possible means of preventing or reducing them are discussed.Of the 136 trace gases in the air of animal houses, ammonia and methane present the greatest risk to the environment. Quantitative information on concentrations found in air is available for only 23 of these gases. The gases are emitted principally from freshly deposited and stored excreta, from animal feed and from the animals themselves. Future work should determine sources and quantities of the gases emitted from animal housing more precisely and should aim to investigate the potential of these gases to cause damage to man, animals and environment.Total ammonia emissions from animal production in the former West Germany are estimated as approximately 300 000 to 700 000 t/a. It is calculated that between 10 and 23 kg/ha of nitrogen a year enters the soil via the air from these sources, the average of which is higher than the average "critical loads" for most natural habitats. However, there is still a shortage of satisfactory information on the extent of emissions, in particular on those from naturally ventilated animal houses. Ammonia has a direct effect on the trees in the area surrounding animal houses and is also transported long distances through the air causing eutrophication and acidification of water and soil. This frequently results in changes in plant ecology, hence reducing plant diversity.Reduction measures must begin with the housing and manure removal systems and with feeding and management. Factors such as the protein content of feeds, the pH value of slurry and feed additives, air temperature, air exchange rate and litter affect the extent of ammonia emissions from animal housing. Sustained reduction of emissions from outdoor stores is possible by using various coverings. The greatest research need is perceived to be in the area of feed practices which reduce nitrogen and the development of low emission housing and manure removal systems as well as in a detailed compilation of emission factors.As regards the environment, probably the most important carbon-containing gas is methane, which contributes to the "greenhouse effect". Emissions from animal husbandry in Germany are estimated at about 2Mt/a. This corresponds to 0·15% of the assumed global emission from all sources. There is still little knowledge about the quantities of the greenhouse gas nitrous oxide (N20) released from agricultural animals. It is estimated that agriculture in Germany emits between 5 and 23 kt/a.It will take some time for reduction measures to be put into practice and the possibility of reducing livestock numbers should also be included in the discussion. Ammonia emissions from animal production represent a considerable loss in valuable fertilizer nitrogen. A reduction in emissions is therefore necessary not only for environmental protection but also to minimize economic loss.  相似文献   

甜菜是我国重要的糖料作物,市场需求量巨大。目前,甜菜收获主要依靠人工捡拾,人工需求量大且作业效率低。为了解放劳动力、提高生产效率,甜菜收获机械得到了一定普及和使用。受限于种植模式和机具作业性能,甜菜捡拾机械化水平较低。结合甜菜捡拾机研究现状,从甜菜捡拾机关键技术着手,分析了甜菜捡拾机发展瓶颈,指出甜菜捡拾机发展趋势。   相似文献   

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