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Eleven of 20 dogs (55%) were incontinent after surgical treatment of ureteral ectopia. Ureterocystostomy was performed in 15 dogs, ureteral transection and bladder reimplantation in four dogs, and ureteronephrectomy in one dog. Siberian huskies had a significantly higher rate of persistent postoperative incontinence than other breeds. There was no difference in postoperative incontinence between dogs with unilateral and bilateral ectopia. Concurrent bacterial cystitis was not associated with persistent postoperative incontinence. Age at the time of surgical correction had no effect on the rate of postoperative incontinence. Eight incontinent dogs were treated medically; three are continent with medication, three are improved but still incontinent, and two did not improve.  相似文献   

Objective— To describe augmentation of primary Achilles tendon repair using suture with a semitendinosus muscle flap and report outcome in 5 dogs.
Study Design— Prospective clinical study.
Animals— Dogs (n=5) with Achilles tendon rupture (n=6).
Methods— After tendon repair with #2 polypropylene in a 3-loop pulley suture pattern, the lateral one-half of the semitendinosus muscle was transected from the ischium, rotated distally then sutured with #2 polypropylene to the calcaneus in a 3-loop pulley pattern. The epitenon was sutured to the muscle flap fascia with interrupted sutures. All dogs had a bivalved cast for 2 weeks then a cranial splint for 2–6 weeks. Lameness scores (0=stands and walks normally to 4=non-weight-bearing lameness, plantigrade stance on affected pelvic limb) were determined every 2–3 weeks postoperatively for 12 weeks. Outcome was determined from telephone questionnaire of owners.
Results— Four had lameness scores of 0, the 5th had a score of 1 at 12 weeks. Three owners were very satisfied with outcome. Minor complications included cast sores (2 dogs), infection (2), and acute swelling (1); 1 major complication occurred (infection resulting in reoperation).
Conclusions— Semitendinosus flap augmentation resulted in early return to function without prolonged postoperative immobilization. Three dogs returned to full work/activity after repair.
Clinical Relevance— Augmentation of primary Achilles tendon repair with a semitendinosus flap can be considered in dogs with chronic rupture but further investigation of the long-term outcome using this technique is needed.  相似文献   

为了探索犬前列腺摘除术的不同通路及其关键技术,选择3~5月龄、3~5 kg体重的4只杂交犬,分成1、2组,分别采用翻开耻骨片和经腹底部正中切口牵拉膀胱以暴露前列腺的手术通路,对前列腺进行完整摘除后作尿道断端吻合,术后观察犬的精神、食欲、饮欲、排便、排尿等情况,并于术后第3周进行剖检,观察膀胱及尿道断端的愈合情况。结果显示,采用上述2种手术通路进行前列腺摘除后,试验犬的精神、食欲、饮欲、排便、排尿等一切正常,膀胱有少量出血点,尿道吻合处愈合良好。试验结果表明,采用6-0单丝尼龙线和结节缝合法是吻合尿道断端的可靠方法,而使用盆腔脂肪组织覆盖尿道吻合处能够有效地预防吻合处漏尿且与周围组织黏连,是保证吻合处良好愈合的有利因素。  相似文献   

Objective— To evaluate the biomechanical effects of 5 types of meniscal lesions on contact mechanics in the canine stifle.
Study Design— Experimental study.
Animals— Cadaveric canine stifles (n=12 pair).
Methods— Medial meniscal lesions (radial, vertical longitudinal, nonreducible bucket handle, flap, and complex tears) were simulated in cadaveric stifles. A contact map was recorded from each tear type and contact area (CA) and peak contact pressure (PCP) from each tear type were compared.
Results— A significant difference in PCP was detected between control and nonreducible bucket handle, flap, and complex tears. PCP increased by >45% in nonreducible bucket handle, flap, and complex meniscal tears when compared with control. No significant difference was found in PCP between control and radial and vertical longitudinal tears. No significant difference was found in CA between any of the meniscal conditions.
Conclusions— Nonreducible bucket handle, flap, and complex tears cause a significant increase in PCP. Radial and vertical longitudinal tears had a minimal impact on the contact pressures of the medial compartment of the stifle.
Clinical Relevance— Based on this ex vivo model, we support the clinical recommendation of debriding nonreducible bucket handle, flap, and complex tears because the injured portion of the meniscus no longer contributes significantly to the function of the meniscus. Radial and vertical longitudinal tears do not cause a change in contact mechanics allowing consideration of nonsurgical treatment and meniscal repair, respectively. Future experimental and clinical studies should aim to refine the treatment of specific meniscal injuries.  相似文献   

Objective— To report a surgical technique for primary repair of separation of the annular and auricular cartilages of the ear and long-term outcome.
Study Design— Case series.
Animals— Cats (3) and dogs (2) with ear canal separation.
Methods— Medical records (1998–2007) of dogs and cats with ear canal separation were reviewed. Long-term outcome was obtained by telephone interview of owners or referring veterinarians.
Results— Three cats and 1 dog had ear canal separation after being hit by a car; there was no history of trauma in 1 dog. Successful repair was achieved by a caudal approach to the ear canal, identifying and debriding separated cartilage edges and using primary repair. A patent ear canal was confirmed in all animals by otoscopy 4–12 weeks later and by ear canalography in 3 animals. Long-term outcome was excellent with no reported complications 10–90 months later (median 24 months).
Conclusions— Both acute and chronic separation between the annular and auricular cartilages, in the absence of middle ear disease, can be successfully treated using primary repair via a caudal approach to the ear canal, with excellent long-term outcome.
Clinical Relevance— Primary repair should be considered in animals with separation of the annular and auricular cartilages.  相似文献   

貉犬瘟热的诊断与防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
犬瘟热是由犬瘟热病毒(Canina Distemper virus,CDV)引起的犬科、鼬科及部分浣熊科动物的急性、热性、高度接触性传染病。临床症状早期表现双相体温热型,症状类似感冒,随后以支气管炎、卡他性肺炎、胃肠炎为特征。病后期可见痉挛、抽搐等神经症状。部分病例可出现鼻部和角垫高度角化,即硬脚垫病。本病广泛存在于世界各地毛皮  相似文献   

在24孔组织培养板上应用从美国引进的犬冠状病毒(CCV)参考株NL18与猫肾传代细胞(CRFK),采用固定病毒(100TCID50)稀释血清法建立了CCV中和试验。运用该方法测定了142条群养犬和35条散养犬的中和抗体水平,以1∶4作为阳性血清的判定标准,群养犬与散养犬的血清阳性率分别为100%和829%;测定了母犬的血清与乳汁、所产仔犬及仔犬脐带血的CCV抗体效价,证实母犬可以通过胎盘及乳汁将抗体转移给仔犬,吮食乳汁是仔犬获得母源抗体的主要途径。本试验从抗体水平上证实我国的犬已发生CCV感染。  相似文献   

The development of dog-ears of redundant skin or removal of large areas of additional skin are problems often encountered when closing circular skin defects. Defects 3 cm in diameter were created along the backs of dogs. Eight techniques of reconstruction were evaluated by measuring the area of additional skin removed and length of final suture line and by counting the number of dog-ears produced. The eight techniques were linear, fusiform, double S, three point, four point, pin wheel, bow tie, and combined V closures. Based on the results of this study, the linear, combined V, and bow tie techniques provide the best closure. In general, the linear technique should be used when skin edges can be apposed without the formation of dog-ears (e.g., smaller defects). When skin edge apposition results in dog-ear formation and when there is limited skin for reconstruction surrounding the defect, the combined V technique should be used. When larger dog-ears form as the skin edges are apposed and when there is an abundance of skin surrounding the defect, the bow tie technique could be considered for closure. One-half of the bow tie technique can be used to approximate wound edges where one edge is long and curved.  相似文献   

犬去势后可消除其性欲和繁殖能力,纠正和消除其不良性行为,使犬性情变得温顺,容易饲养便于管理;肉用犬的生长速度快,肉质细嫩;同时还可以控制其交配行为,有利于良种的繁殖和选育,并可避免某些疾病的发生和传播。  相似文献   

本研究旨在建立可同时检测犬源牛犬细小病毒(CBoV)和犬圆环病毒(CCV)的二联PCR检测方法,并对两种病毒病当前的流行情况进行监测和调查.分别将已发表的CBoV和CCV基因组序列进行同源性比对,选择高同源区段,应用Primer Primier 5计算机软件设计并合成了2对特异性扩增引物,目的片段大小分别为170 bp...  相似文献   

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