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The settlement of the commercial scallop, Pecten fumatus (Reeve) 1855, in artificial collectors was monitored on the east coast of Tasmania over a 4-year period using spat collection techniques similar to those practised in Japan. Major spat settlement occurred in mid-late September but small irregular settlements were observed in late spring and early summer. Information on settlement obtained in the first 2 years of the study was successfully applied in the collection of large quantities of scallop spat during the later years of the study.The number of settled scallop spat and growth of the spat varied with depth. Maximum settlement occurred at depths of 16–22 m, with a decrease in numbers towards the surface and the seabed (depth, 31 m). Growth of scallop spat also varied with depth. Scallops in collectors near the surface grew faster than those in deeper water, the most noticeable change in growth occurring at depths between 16 and 20 m.A considerable percentage (up to 62%) of settled spat were lost from the larger-mesh collectors and most losses occurred when spat detached their byssal threads in late November-mid-December. Further losses are attributed to fish predation and competition with colonising ascidians. Major colonising groups apart from scallops included brown and filamentous algae, ascidians, bryozoans, crabs, shrimps, gastropods, bivalves and fish.  相似文献   

Scallop larval production systems in Norway have changed from the use of batch to continuous flow through systems (FTS) during the last decade. Energy use to heat water in both larval and spat nurseries is considerable. Two experiments (June 2010 and February 2011) using water recirculation technology (RAS) were performed in large scale systems (3500 L larval tanks) supplied with continuous addition of algal feed, and 20% renewal of seawater.In the RAS a gradual increase in CO2, decrease in pH and dissolved oxygen was observed over time. This was most obvious during experiment two, when the total organic carbon content increased in both FTS and RAS. The total bacterial number was lower and more stable in FTS than in the RAS. The variations in seawater quality parameters were smaller during the first experiment compared to the second, when values of oxygen saturation were reduced to <70%, pH was 7.8 and NO3 reached 5 mg L−1. Even though these changes would seem less beneficial for survival and growth of scallop larvae, results showed that the survival at the end of the larval stage was higher in the FTS, but the yield of competent larvae ready for settlement was not significant different (p > 0.05) due to large variations between tanks. The CV% was 28.9% in FTS, while it was 49.9% in RAS. In FTS the mean yield was 40.2%, while it was 26.5% of initial number of larvae in RAS. Large variations in survival and yield were found between the larval tanks as well as gradual reduction in pH and oxygen in RAS tanks. The results indicate that there is a large potential for 80% reduction in water use by utilizing recirculation technology.  相似文献   

Survival, growth and yield of competent great scallop (Pecten maximus) larvae were investigated during a full production season in a commercial hatchery in western Norway. Broodstock were collected from natural scallop beds and 12 groups were induced to spawn during the period December 2002 to July 2003. Larvae were reared on a large scale in 36 flow-through tanks (3500 l) at 17±1 °C and continuously fed a mixture of five algal species produced in an indoor continuous-flow system. Large variations in larval performance between spawning groups and tanks were observed, but the results were as good as earlier results using the batch system and prophylactic addition of chloramphenicol. Growth from days 3–24 averaged 4.8 μm day−1±0.8 (sd) and survival 22.4%±21.8 (sd). Mean yield of day 3 larvae was 7.1%±10.0 (sd) and 26.6%±25.9 (sd) for those surviving to day 24. Yield was significantly correlated to larval survival. Larval success was related to initial larval density, algal concentration and season. It was found that the best production regime had an initial larval density lower than 6 ml−1 and algal concentration of less than 12 μl−1 regardless of season. Seventeen tanks met these criteria and produced a mean yield of 0.5 larvae ml−1 to settlement. Flow-through systems are currently regarded as the only feasible method for viable hatchery production of P. maximus larvae in Norway.  相似文献   

Sympatric populations of the hermaphroditic scallop, Pecten fumatus Reeve, and of the dioecious scallop, Chlamys (Mimachlamys) asperrima (Lamarck), from Jervis Bay, New South Wales, Australia, were sampled between October 1991 and December 1994. Over the first 2 years, 5.1% of adult P. fumatus and 4.5% of adult C. asperrima were infected with a trematode, Bucephalus sp., that causes parasitic castration. A significant increase in the numbers of infected scallops occurred in spring 1993, teaching 63% in P. fumatus and 24% in C asperrima in May and March 1994, respectively. The prevalence of infection increased with scallop size, reaching 66% in P. fumatus greater than 80 mm in shell height and 40% in C. asperrima greater than 75 mm in 1994. Seasonal and interannual variations in parasitism for the P. fumatus recorded over a continuous period of 5 years in Jervis Bay are discussed, as are interspecies differences and the potential impact of the parasitic castration on reproductive potential and marketability of P. fumatus and C. asperrima.  相似文献   

During a series of experiments, bacteriological elements in scallop larval rearing were investigated: larvae susceptibility to pathogens as a function of their age, and the use of probiotic bacteria during larviculture. Younger larvae (d5 PF) were highly more susceptible to pathogenic‐challenge than their older siblings, which were challenged at an older age (d15 PF). A challenge with 104 CFU mL?1 of V. pectenicida killed 100% of d5 PF larvae 7 days following challenge, yet killed only 9% of d15 PF larvae 9 days following challenge. Use of the probiotics Phaeobacter gallaeciensis, Alteromonas macleodii 0444 and Neptunomonas sp. 0536, provided for larger larvae, a high yield of competent larvae and, perhaps more importantly, protection against pathogen‐challenge similar to levels achieved from antibiotic use. When challenged with V. pectenicida, d29 survivals were 20.3%, 85.1% and 75.0% respectively for control (no probiotic), antibiotic treated, and ‘probiotic mix’ administered larvae. Use of potential probiotic Pseudoalteromonas sp. D41 appeared to hinder scallop larvae. Future use of probiotics in scallop larval rearing would benefit from combined use of P. gallaeciensis, A. macleodii 0444 and Neptunomonas sp. 0536.  相似文献   

《Aquaculture Research》2017,48(11):5463-5471
Hatchery production of great scallop, Pecten maximus, remains unpredictable, notably due to poor larval survival. Large‐scale flow‐through systems up to 3500 L have been developed to avoid the use of antibiotics in static systems. Alternatively, small‐scale flow‐through systems have been successfully applied for oysters but they proved to be unsuitable to rear scallop larvae. By focusing on physical factors presumed to limit P. maximus larval development, this study aimed to optimize great scallop larvae rearing parameters under controlled conditions. First, the influence of aeration on larval performances, energetic metabolism and antioxidant defences were studied both in static and flow‐through systems. Aeration depressed larval food intake, regardless of the intensities of flow tested (100 ml/min, 155 ml/min and 270 ml/min). On the other hand, antioxidant enzyme activities remained constant or decreased, suggesting that antioxidant defences were inactivated. The increase in citrate synthase activity suggested an increase in metabolic rate possibly due to a turbulent stressful environment. All larvae exposed to such turbulence died before reaching metamorphosis, whereas those reared without aeration survived well (≈ 95%). The effects of water renewal were thereafter studied in 50‐L flow‐through flat‐bottomed tanks. No differences in survival (20.4 ± 0.5%), growth (3.8 ± 0.2 μm/d), competence (5.6 ± 0.2%), energetic metabolism level and antioxidant enzyme activities were observed when comparing 12.5 and 25 L/hr water renewal. Whereas air bubbling leads to detrimental effects, flow‐through in small flat‐bottomed tanks appears to be a suitable technique for scallop larvae rearing.  相似文献   

《Fisheries Research》2006,77(3):417-429
Pecten jacobaeus is an exploitable bivalve, whose populations have greatly declined in the main Mediterranean fisheries since the mid-1980s. A substantial population of the species was studied in the marine Lake Vouliagmeni (Korinthiakos Gulf, Greece). The population density and the spatial distribution of P. jacobaeus were estimated in the lake with line transect sampling by SCUBA diving, a method not previously used for scallop density estimations. Individuals of the first size class (small) were mainly restricted to shallow waters (4–8 m), while individuals of the second size class (large) were mainly restricted to deeper waters (>12 m). Possible reasons for this size-separation were: (1) the most appropriate settlement substrate for pediveligers was in shallow waters, (2) the strong summer thermocline in the lake may have induced the selection of the shallow and warm bottoms of the lake as settlement areas, (3) intraspecific competition between adults and pediveligers, and (4) the high fishing mortality of large individuals in shallow waters. On the hypothesis that successful recruitment of P. jacobaeus occurred mostly in the shallow areas of the lake, it was deduced that P. jacobaeus gradually migrated, as they grew, from the shallow settlement fields of the lake to the deeper areas. The density of large individuals was associated with depth and the degree of scatter (QDφ) of the granule size frequencies. Higher densities of large individuals were found deeper and in poorly sorted sediments (QDφ > 1.0). The size of large individuals was positively correlated with depth. The size of P. jacobaeus population in Lake Vouliagmeni was estimated.  相似文献   

At the present time, there is little information concerning the effect of transport on the physiology of scallops. Therefore, the overall objective of this study was to use the adenylic energetic charge (AEC) as an indicator of stress in scallops. Three transport trials were carried out: dry transport in polystyrene boxes containing seaweed and transport by vivier lorry at various densities. Post-transport scallop mortality was low for all trials, but the AEC results showed that scallop stress was reduced when animals were transported by vivier truck compared with dry transport. AEC levels in scallops remained high after 24.75 h of vivier transport in trial 2 (0.54–0.69) and after 17 h of vivier transport in trial 3 (0.79–0.82), whereas after 12 h of dry transport in trial 1, AEC levels in the striated muscle had decreased to 0.42. Ammonia concentration increased throughout the trials but did not appear to affect scallop survival in the short term. In general, the results indicate that greater survival can be achieved over longer distances (greater than 17 h) and at higher densities by vivier truck. However, better stability of holding units within tanks and a method to regulate ammonia and pH levels are needed if greater densities are used.  相似文献   

We investigated handling time, persistence time and shell‐breaking techniques by crab, Cancer pagurus (L.) (13–15 cm carapace width), offered cultured scallops, Pecten maximus(L.), within the recommended release size for bottom culture. Three shell height groups were used: 50–55, 60–65 and 70–75 mm. The results showed that the crabs managed to open scallops from all the three size groups. The median handling time in the 50–55 mm group (788 s) was significantly different from the median handling time of the 60–65 mm (2482 s) and 70–75 mm (2980 s) groups. The median persistence time increased significantly with each scallop size, from 89 s in the 50–55 mm group to 97 s in the 60–65 mm and 125 s in the 70–75 mm group. We observed a change in the shell‐breaking techniques from a dominance of smashed scallops in the 50–55 mm group to more punched and chipped scallops in the 60–65 and 70–75 mm groups. The shift in predation behaviour when crabs were offered 50–55 mm scallops compared with the larger groups is discussed in relation to strategies in the release of scallops to seabed cultures.  相似文献   

The great scallop, Pecten maximus is a potentialaquaculture species in Norway, but production to date has been low. Greatscallop landings in 2000 were 571 tonnes, exclusively from harvesting wildstocks, landed by divers. Approximately two million juveniles of 15mm shell height have been produced annually in a hatchery since1998, and distributed to farmers. Research projects on larvae and juvenilesinclude studies of various antibacterial treatments, improved culture systemdesigns and application of probiotics. Results from hanging cultures underdifferent environmental conditions indicate a strong correlation between lowtemperature and poor survival, and point out the importance of careful selectionof cultivation sites. Good growth potential of scallops in Norwegian waters hasbeen shown, and it is possible to reach market size of 10 mm shellheight in three to four years. Experiments with fences and other strategiesprotecting cultured scallops on the seabed from predation by crabs are inprogress.  相似文献   

提高扇贝制品安全水分含量的初步研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
取活体栉孔扇贝(壳高55—65mm),剖取贝柱或汽蒸开壳后取贝肉,制成3类不同水分活度(aw)的试样,测定其制品水分含量和水分活度的关系以及贮藏试验中变质菌类型。结果表明,对于L—aw型制品(0.60<aw<0.70),传统制品干贝的安全水分含量为17.3%以下,添加糖、盐等调味品后制品安全水分含量提高到20.3%,使用山梨酸钾作防霉剂进一步提高到24.1%。对于M—aw型制品(0.70<aw<0.90),采取真空包装,制品安全水分含量可提高到38%。对于H—aw型制品(0.90<aw<0.95),采取降低aw和pH、热加工、真空包装、二次低温加热杀菌的联合措施,制品安全水分含量可达50%。因此,采用适当的科学方法,扇贝制品的安全水分含量是可以提高的。  相似文献   

SUMMARY: Comparison of pectenotoxin (PTX) profiles between the toxic dinoflagellate Dinophysis acuta and scallops Pecten novaezelandiae collected at Wedge Point, Queen Charlotte Sound, New Zealand was carried out by liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (LC-MS) with turbo-ionspray ionization. Although the major PTX homolog in D. acuta was pectenotoxin-2 (PTX2), the scallops contained pectenotoxin-2 seco acid (PTX2SA) as the predominant toxin. Pectenotoxin-2 isolated from D. acuta was rapidly converted to PTX2SA and its epimer 7- epi -pectenotoxin-2 seco acid (7- epi -PTX2SA) in the scallop extracts. These results indicate that PTX2SA and 7- epi -PTX2SA arose from the conversion of PTX2 by scallop tissue. The results indicate that New Zealand scallops have an ability to reduce the cytotoxicity of PTX2 by conversion to PTX2SA.  相似文献   

Larval mortalities occurring in molluscan hatcheries have often been associated with bacterial contamination, and more specifically with vibrios. Although batches of oyster and clam larvae have been routinely reared in the hatchery of Argenton (North Brittany, France) without antibiotics, high larval mortalities have been recorded with the great scallop, Pecten maximus, under similar conditions. For this species, an addition of antibiotics was found necessary and chloramphenicol was used at a concentration of 8 mg l–1. However, this chemical has now been banned in Europe, making either substitution products or an improvement in the rearing procedures essential. Studies carried out have shown that neither a decrease in larval density (to 1 larva ml–1) nor an increase in seawater change frequency (to one per day) had any positive effects. Furthermore, elective substances such as sugars were not suitable and the use of another antibiotic, erythromycin, led to inconsistent results. The only positive effects were obtained with lower levels of chloramphenicol, which does not resolve the problem. Because no alternative solutions have as yet been found, further research needs to be undertaken.  相似文献   

In this study, the joint effects of two important environmental factors, temperature and salinity, on the per cent fertilization (FR) and per cent hatching (HR) of noble scallop, Chlamys nobilis, was evaluated using the central composite design and the response surface methodology. The results showed that the linear effects of temperature on FR and HR were significant (P < 0.01), and the linear effects of salinity were non‐significant (P > 0.05); the interactions between temperature and salinity were not significant (P > 0.05); the quadratic effects of temperature and salinity on the two responses were significant (P < 0.01); temperature was more important in influencing the reproductive success. The model equations of FR and HR towards temperature and salinity were established, with R2 more than 98%, indicating that the models had excellent ability for goodness of fit and projection. Through simultaneously optimizing the two models derived, we found out that the optimum factor combination was 25.7°C/29 ppt and the greatest reproductive success was 89.93% for FR and 72.42% for HR. The desirability value of 97.30% showed the reliability of these optima. Our results provide some valuable guidelines for refining the reproductive efficiency of C. nobilis.  相似文献   

利用中心复合实验设计法研究了温度和盐度两个环境因子对华贵栉孔扇贝幼虫存活的影响。采用响应曲面分析法确立了存活的二次回归方程,同时进行优化处理得到温度、盐度的最佳组合。结果显示在华贵栉孔扇贝幼虫存活中温度与盐度在一定的范围内的互作效应不显著,其中温度效应较为明显。温度对存活率影响的一次项效应和二次项效应均达到显著水平(P0.0001)。盐度对存活率影响的一次项效应不显著(P0.05),然而,盐度对存活率影响的二次项效应达到显著水平(P0.0001)。响应曲面法对华贵栉孔扇贝幼虫存活率不同日龄同时进行优化,其结果显示最佳温度、盐度组合为24.68℃和28.03,此条件下20日龄存活率为48.25%,其满意度函数值达到93.04%。  相似文献   

In the present study, norepinephrine (NE), epinephrine (E), dopamine (DA) and 5-hydroxy-tryptamine (5HT) have been quantified by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) in Pecten maximus during larval and post-larval development. With average values ranging from 2 to 5 pg μg–1 of protein, NE remained low through the whole larval life, while epinephrine (E) was undetected. DA and 5HT were the most abundant monoamines with significant variations between larval, pre-metamorphic and post-larval stages. During the first 20 days, corresponding to D larval and umboned larval stages, levels of DA and 5HT increased from 15 to 30 and 10 to 15 pg μg–1 of protein, respectively. Then during the last week of larval life, at the approach of metamorphosis, DA rose sharply from 30 to 50 pg μg–1 of protein and 5HT from 15 to 50 pg μg–1 of protein. Lastly during the first week of post-larval life (day 27 to day 34) DA and 5HT contents declined to levels similar to those detected in the first days of larval life reaching progressively 1 pg μg–1 of protein during the second week of post-larval life (day 34 to day 55). These rapid and transient variations in monoamine contents (5HT and DA) around metamorphosis, present a great interest. However, this relation between neurochemical changes and metamorphosis must be confirmed with future studies in order to verify if such monoamines might be used as indicators of larval competence in P. maximus, a commercially important species.  相似文献   

杂色鲍育苗中"掉板症"的药物防治研究   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  
在循环水育苗系统中,针对近年来南方杂色鲍育苗中的"掉板症",使用新兽药氟苯尼考(Florfenicol)和自配药物"鲍健",40 d育苗期内分别获得71.2%和67.7%的成活率,体长为(1.39±0.27) mm和(1.97±0.21) mm,而未使用药物的对照组幼体附着后10~12 d内全部死亡,初步试验显示使用抗菌素可有效控制"掉板症".同时分离出1株毒力强、疑为致病菌的溶藻弧菌(Vibrio alginolyticus).  相似文献   

为分析上海销售端扇贝冻品的品质状况及存在的问题,探究市售扇贝冻品的品质评价方法以及冻藏过程中导致其品质劣变的关键因素,本研究依据冰柜温度、冻藏时间、产品形式、包装方式和摆放位置共5种常见影响因素,对上海市售的11种扇贝冻品商品进行采样,测定白度、解冻损失、蒸煮损失、持水力、回复性、内聚性、弹性、咀嚼性、硬度和感官评分共10项品质指标,利用因子分析构建扇贝冻品品质评价模型,并结合多元线性回归分析确定影响扇贝冻品品质劣变的关键因素。结果显示,扇贝冻品10项品质指标之间存在一定相关性,通过因子分析提取了3个因子成分,累计方差贡献率为73.33%,可以代替原有指标来综合评价扇贝冻品的品质,建立了市售扇贝冻品的品质评价模型:f=0.467f1+0.302f2+0.231f3,其中,f1公因子包括弹性、回复性、内聚性、蒸煮损失和持水力,f2公因子包括硬度、白度和咀嚼度,f3公因子包括解冻损失和感官评分;进一步由多元线性回归分析得出,冻藏时间、冰柜温度和产品形式是影响扇贝冻品品质的关键因素,其他2种因素无显著影响。研究表明,基于因子分析和多元线性回归的方法能够较好地进行扇贝冻品的品质评价并分析导致其品质劣变的影响因素。  相似文献   

2012年5月和9月,2013年3月和6月,在自然水温条件下,采用呼吸瓶法比较了不同温度(5.6℃、10.5℃、14.4℃、21.2℃)下普通养殖虾夷扇贝(Patinopecten yessoensis)和虾夷扇贝选育新品种海大金贝(Haida golden scallop)耗氧率和排氨率的影响。结果表明,在实验设置水温范围内(5.6~21.2℃),普通虾夷扇贝和海大金贝的耗氧率表现出相似的变化趋势。在温度达到14.4℃之前,实验贝耗氧率随温度的升高而增大,而在14.4℃后,则随温度的升高而减小。两种贝最大耗氧率分别为1.67 mg/(g·h)和1.27 mg/(g·h),其中在5.6℃和14.4℃海大金贝耗氧率显著小于普通虾夷扇贝(P0.05);10.5℃和21.2℃时,两组贝类的耗氧率差异不显著(P0.05)。普通虾夷扇贝和海大金贝排氨率随温度变化呈现出不同的趋势。前者从5.6℃开始,随温度的升高,排氨率缓慢升高,水温为14.4℃时达到最大值,为0.063 mg/(g·h),然后逐渐降低,14.4℃水温的排氨率显著大于10.5℃和21.2℃(P0.05);而从5.6℃到10.5℃,后者的排氨率逐渐降低,10.5℃时达到最低值,为0.029 mg/(g·h),然后随温度升高缓慢升高,到21.2℃达到最高值。海大金贝组在温度条件为5.6℃和21.2℃时排氨率高于普通虾夷扇贝组(P0.05);而水温为14.4℃时,普通虾夷扇贝组排氨率显著高于海大金贝组(P0.05);10.5℃时两者排氨率差异不显著(P0.05)。两实验组耗氧率Q_10系数均随温度的升高而降低。O/N结果表明,普通虾夷扇贝在本次研究的设定温度区间内以消耗脂肪和碳水化合物为主;海大金贝以消耗蛋白质为主,当温度逐渐升高,转化为以消耗脂肪和碳水化合物为主,当水温达到较高的水平,又转换为以消耗蛋白质为主。  相似文献   

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