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In den Jahren 1992 und 1993 wurden 24 schwarzeTheysohn-Schlitzfallen mit Kombinationen von synthetischen Borkenk?ferlockstoffen, Pheroprax, Chalcoprax, Linoprax und Cembrax, auf ihre F?ngigkeit getestet. Zum Vergleich wurden Fallen mit Einzelbestückung und Zweifachkombinationen von Pheroprax+Cembrax und Linoprax+Cembrax sowie zwei Fallen ohne Lockstoff in einem 24 ha gro?en Forstgebiet aufgestellt. Mit den Fallen wurde die Flugaktivit?t der angelockten Scolytiden ermittelt. Die erhaltenen Fangzahlen vonIps typographus, Pityogenes chalcographys, Xyloterus lineatus undX. domesticus wurden w?chentlich registriert und in Verbindung mit der unterschiedlichen Pheromonbestückung der Fallen diskutiert. Von den drei letztgenannten Arten wurde der Fang von M?nnchen und Weibchen getrennt bewertet. In einzeln mit Pheroprax bestückten Fallen fanden sich die meisten Buchdrucker pro Falle. Ihr Anteil nahm 1993 um 9% gegenüber dem Vorjahr zu. Für den Kupferstecher waren die vierfach kombinierten Pheromonfallen etwas f?ngiger als die einzeln mit Chalcoprax bestückten Fallen. AuchXyloterus-Arten bevorzugten die vierfach kombinierten Pheromonfallen gegenüber solchen, die nur Linoprax enthielten. Die Anzahl der gefangenen Ambrosiak?fer wurde im Verlauf von 5 Jahren stark reduziert.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung  In den Jahren 1992 und 1993 wurden 24 schwarzeTheysohn-Schlitzfallen mit Kombinationen von synthetischen Borkenk?ferlockstoffen, Pheroprax, Chalcoprax, Linoprax und Cembrax, auf ihre F?ngigkeit getestet. Zum Vergleich wurden Fallen mit Einzelbestückung und Zweifachkombinationen von Pheroprax+Cembrax und Linoprax+Cembrax sowie zwei Fallen ohne Lockstoff in einem 24 ha gro?en Forstgebiet aufgestellt. Mit den Fallen wurde die Flugaktivit?t der angelockten Scolytiden ermittelt. Die erhaltenen Fangzahlen vonIps typographus, Pityogenes chalcographys, Xyloterus lineatus undX. domesticus wurden w?chentlich registriert und in Verbindung mit der unterschiedlichen Pheromonbestückung der Fallen diskutiert. Von den drei letztgenannten Arten wurde der Fang von M?nnchen und Weibchen getrennt bewertet. In einzeln mit Pheroprax bestückten Fallen fanden sich die meisten Buchdrucker pro Falle. Ihr Anteil nahm 1993 um 9% gegenüber dem Vorjahr zu. Für den Kupferstecher waren die vierfach kombinierten Pheromonfallen etwas f?ngiger als die einzeln mit Chalcoprax bestückten Fallen. AuchXyloterus-Arten bevorzugten die vierfach kombinierten Pheromonfallen gegenüber solchen, die nur Linoprax enthielten. Die Anzahl der gefangenen Ambrosiak?fer wurde im Verlauf von 5 Jahren stark reduziert. In beiden Untersuchungsjahren wurden neben den gezielt gek?derten Scolytiden 252 K?ferarten aus 49 Familien registriert, von denen 10 Arten eine Pheromonpr?ferenz erkennen lie?en. Der Beifang betrug j?hrlich 0,6–0,7% der Gesamtzahl an gefangenen K?fern. Zu 85–87% war der Kupferstecher am Gesamtfang beteiligt. Der Buchdrucker hatte einen Anteil von 11–14% an der Gesamtausbeute.
In the years 1992 and 1993 blackTheysohn slit-traps were set up in a forest area near Hanover, Germany. The traps were baited with combinations of the synthetic bark beetle pheromones Pheroprax?, Chalcoprax?, Linoprax?, and Cembrax?. Their captivity was tested in comparison to singly baited and control traps without pheromone. Additionally, combinations of Pheroprax+Cembrax and Linoprax+Cembrax were tested. The captivity numbers obtained fromIps typographus, Pityogenes chalcographus, Xyloterus lineatus andX. domesticus were discussed in relation to the differently baited traps. In the latter three species, females and males were separated. The periods of flight activity of the four Scolytidae baited were ascertained for both years. Concerning the singly baited traps, Pheroprax captured the highest amount ofIps typographus per trap, its population increased 9% in 1993 related to that of 1992. ForP. chalcographus, the combination of the four pheromones resulted in a little higher number of individuals than in singly baited traps.Xyloterus lineatus preferred the four-pheromone combination, in which Linoprax was present showing a synergistic effect of baiting. In contrary, the baiting ofX. domesticus was lower by the combined pheromones than by Linoprax alone. The latter was found in lower numbers thanX. lineatus. The trapped amounts of both Xyloterus species were continuously reduced throughout the years 1989 to 1993. The Coleoptera species, not specially trapped, amounted yearly to 0.6–0.7% of the collected individuals.P. chalcographus was collected to 85–87%, andIps typographus to 11–14% of the total amount of Coleoptera trapped.

During 1991 to 1997 4078 samples sent in by public and private institutions were tested for their attack by arthropods. 5994 determinations were done. Seven the store damaging species of Lepidoptera were observed.Plodia interpunctella was the prime pest (305 determinations, mainly in cornflakes, muesli, sunflower seeds, nuts, feed, milk porredge and chocolate products). The percentage ofP. interpunctella increased from 4,3% (1991) to 5.6%–8.4% (for 1993). Larvae and adults and pure larvae samples ofP. interpunctella were mainly noticed from September to November. Pure adults samples could be counted for the most part from March to September. 27 the store damaging Coleoptera-species were determined.Stegobium paniceum was the prime pest (164 samples). 4% of the samples involvedS. paniceum. Further mainly observed beetle-species were:Lasioderma serricorne (36 samples),Tenebrio molitor (in 75 samples) andTrogoderma angustum (134 samples).

Aktualisierte Fassung des auf der Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreises Medizinische Arachno-Entomologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Allgemeine und Angewandte Entomologie (K?ln/ Monheim, 1 und 2. 10. 1997) gehaltenen Vortrages.  相似文献   

Monitoring of the pathogen spectrum in grain peas (Pisum sativum L.) was conducted in Germany between 2005 and 2007. The outcome of this study implies that the infections of pathogens depend on the annual weather condition and the geographic area.Ascochyta pinodes, which infects aerial plant organs, was the pathogen found most frequently (on average 61, 8%). Especially in years with moist weather conditions a more severe spreading of the pathogen could be observed. Similarly, the occurrence ofBotrytis cinerea depends on the weather conditions. In 2007 were optimal conditions for infections and consequentlyB. cinerea was found with a high frequency of about 70%. Regarding diseases on root and stem base, this study clearly shows that infection of less prominent Fusarium species, such asF. redolens andF. avenaceum was significantly higher compared toF. oxysporum andF. solani.  相似文献   

Data from silage maize variety trials of the years 1999?C2010 in the Central German dry region were subjected to a secondary analysis using methods of mathematical statistics: With the phenological ripeness indicators (grain dry matter content/TM of the residual plant) the differences in the ripeness dynamics of grain to residual plant and their effects on the economy and ecology compared to the current ripeness system with use-specific ripeness numbers are documented. This dependence on all directions of use in the maize of the environments and varietal types taking into account of the different plasticity of maize varieties is been quantified. The achievement of physiological ripening of the grain is the interface of all usage directions and at the same time basis for the comparable, agro-eco-efficient level of maturity (63% TM) in conjunction with the silage ripeness index (SRI of 2.8) by eco-silage maize crops. The specific characteristics of the usage directions are low and with regard to efficiency, environmental and consumer protection discussed. With the phenological stage indicator (SRI) can both replaced the DM content of the whole plant as a parameter to the harvest date of silage and energy maize as the usage-specific ripeness numbers to the variety choice for silage and grain maize. A classification of the varieties according to ripeness groups would fully correspond to the environmental maize production. In the preparation of production (breeding, approval, testing and type of election), the SRI serves as selection and during inventory management through differential ripening control in compliance with the environmental and field production conditions as ripeness index. The wide ripeness ratio between grain and residual plant is the phenotypic expression of maize varieties as indicator for the agro-eco-efficiency and multifunctional guarantee better plant health, the resource efficiency, as well as basic product safety and sustainability of the process of maize silage. A precise fixing of harvest time point (HTP) is possible only with the SRI. The correct HTP is in principle maximum possible SRI. This HTP differently from the silage optimum can be according to the environments and the type of election. Ideally a maximum high SRI of 2.9 and over to a high basic intake of ground feed when reaching for exclusive maize silage feeding ruminant more friendly, better structural efficiency and grain hardness for the bypass of starch in the small intestine. The variety and the harvest strategy are to focus their reasons of economy and ecology on a high proportion of stocks ripeness in the field of silage optimum (SRI >?2.6) reach. Standard for maximum efficiency of production process maize and its environmental and consumer protection in the field of view of social line is the reaching of the agro eco-efficient ripeness point (SRI of 2.8 at physiological ripeness of grain by 63%).  相似文献   

The foilage of Asparagus officinalis L. has a large contact surface for different leaf diseases, which can lead to profits cuts, especially by the causal pathogen of Stemphylium leaf spot, Stemphylium botryosum. The maintaining healthy of the foliage is an important precondition to achieve an optimal harvest in the following year. Therefore, it is necessary to describe the efficacy of currently approved plant protection products against S. botryosum in order to optimize the fungicide applications. In the context of greenhouse trials with asparagus seedlings a method should be developed to evaluate the preventive and curative efficacy of fungicides. At the beginning, stable, repeatable and homogeneous infections of S. botryosum needed to be achieved. Ad hoc the factors plant age (weeks after sowing date), inoculum (density of conidia per ml and concentration of malt), infection conditions (period of high relative humidity) and day of rating, as well as their influence on the occurrence of the symptoms, were investigated. With the exception of the factor plant age, the other factors had a significant effect on the infection. For the trials to evaluate the efficacy of fungicides, the analysed factors were defined. The age of the seedlings was six weeks after sowing, the inoculum was composed of 1,00?×?105 conidia per ml combined with an 0,5% malt concentration, as infection condition the ??tunnel system?? with periodically high relative humidity was chosen. 13 days past infection was the optimal day of rating. To apply the seedlings with the fungicides, the registered application rate was reduced to 1/5. The trials to evaluate fungicides were conducted with the fungicides Signum®, Rovral® WG and two different testing agencies. At four consecutive application days, the plants were covered with fungicides. In the following, the infestation degree of stems in percent was evaluated. Additionally, the used S. botryosum-Isolates were biomolecularly investigated and the QoI- and SDHI resistance state determined.  相似文献   

In the year 2002, in Beytepe, near Ankara, the food spectrum of Great Tit (Parus major), House Sparrow (Passer domesticus) and Starling (Sturnus vulgaris) was determined, using the neck-ringing method. The food analysis of the bird species mentioned above proved their importance in biological control methods for destruction of organisms harmful for the forest. The proportion of injurious insects in the food spectrum of the bird species investigated is as follows: Starling 60,6 % (n = 20), House Sparrow 56,4 (n = 22) and Great Tit 78,8 % (n = 41).
Die Schädlingsvertilgung einiger Singvogelarten in einem Schwarzkiefern-Zedern-Wald in Beytepe bei Ankara, Türkei

The cabbage whitefly,Aleyrodes proletella, has developed to a key pest in brassica vegetable crops throughout Germany. In a 3-year project we investigated a biotechnical approach employing netting (0.8?×?0.8 mm meshsize) in combination with the native parasitoidEncarsia tricolor in an inoculative-inundative approach in organic Brussels sprouts under field conditions. In small scale plot experiments continuous netting from transplanting in May till October alone reduced whitefly larval densities by 77 % at peak infestation in all years. Remaining whitefly infestation under net was associated with the necessity of temporary net removal for the purpose of mechanical weeding, which caused primary whitefly infestation. Release of mass rearedE. tricolour under net at the first signs of larval infestation significantly increasedA. proletella-parasitation and reduced infestation compared to netted controls without release. Furthermore, at highest dosage in 2009,E. tricolor had a significant enhancing effect on raw yield and the quality level of marketable yield. Additional on-farm experiments without netting in 2008 and 2009 confirmed the control potential ofE. tricolor. Although the most important project mile stones have been achieved, namely (a)E. tricolour-establishment under net and in the open field, (b) enhanced parasitation corresponding with pest density decline and (c) a positive impact on yield and quality parameters, further research will be necessary. The focus should be on the initial infestation period, optimizing the timing, frequency and required dosage.  相似文献   

Analysis of nestling food in four species of Parus and one species of Ficedula using the 'Halsringmethode' showed a high quota of adults and caterpillars of the important forest pests: Tortrix viridana, Euproctis chrysorrhoea, Diprion pini, and Lymantria dispar. These four major pest species amounted in the nestling food of Parus major to 50%, P. coeruleus to 52.6%, P. ater to 40.9%, and Ficedula hypoleuca to 30.2%.  相似文献   

Analysis of nestling food in four species of Parus and one species of Ficedula using the 'Halsringmethode' showed a high quota of adults and caterpillars of the important forest pests: Tortrix viridana, Euproctis chrysorrhoea, Diprion pini, and Lymantria dispar. These four major pest species amounted in the nestling food of Parus major to 50%, P. coeruleus to 52.6%, P. ater to 40.9%, and Ficedula hypoleuca to 30.2%.  相似文献   

The project deals with the evaluation whether the conversion to organic farming leads to an increase of weed diversity. Additionally to the analysis of the above ground vegetation and the soil seedbank on the small permanent plots a mapping of the surrounding vegetation was conducted in 2012. The number of weed species varies highly over the years, but the inventory of species differs only slightly from the one found on the surrounding fields. The number of seeds per m² is highly correlated with the number of above ground weeds species. The crop has shown the highest influence on both.  相似文献   

The commercial available diatomaceous earth Fossil Shield® and the neem product Neem Azal-T/S® are tested as single treatments and in combination as controls for the stored product pests Sitophilus oryzae (L.) and Tribolium castaneum (Herbst). The diatomaceous earth, applied in concentrations of 0.5 g, 1 g and 2 g kg-1 rice, reduced numbers of surviving beetles significantly (over a period of 3 weeks). A single treatment with the neem product, in concentrations of 0.01 g, 0.1 g, 0.2 g and 1 g azadirachtin kg-1 rice, increased the mortality rate for both species significantly. The combination of neem and diatomaceous earth (1 g diatomaceous earth with 0.2 g or 1 g azadirachtin kg-1 rice) was more effective than the single treatment in reducing numbers of surviving beetles.  相似文献   

The commercial available diatomaceous earth Fossil Shield® and the neem product Neem Azal-T/S® are tested as single treatments and in combination as controls for the stored product pests Sitophilus oryzae (L.) and Tribolium castaneum (Herbst). The diatomaceous earth, applied in concentrations of 0.5 g, 1 g and 2 g kg-1 rice, reduced numbers of surviving beetles significantly (over a period of 3 weeks). A single treatment with the neem product, in concentrations of 0.01 g, 0.1 g, 0.2 g and 1 g azadirachtin kg-1 rice, increased the mortality rate for both species significantly. The combination of neem and diatomaceous earth (1 g diatomaceous earth with 0.2 g or 1 g azadirachtin kg-1 rice) was more effective than the single treatment in reducing numbers of surviving beetles.  相似文献   

The polyphagous gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar) is able to feed on about 400 different woody plant species. In general, oak species are preferred – on the other hand some other groups of plants are avoided on account of the presence of toxic substances. These unfavoured hosts are, for example, most of the Papilionaceae, like locust (Robinia pseudoacacia). We compared survival rate and development of two populations of different origin with long-term habituation to oak and locust, respectively. Larvae from the population habituated to oak proved unable to develop on locust food. There must be a lack of detoxification systems to modify the toxic alcaloids and flavenoids produced by Robinia pseudoacacia. On the other hand, larvae isolated from an locust stand were able to feed on oak leaves without problems in larval development or eclosion of adults. Gypsy moth larvae specialized on locust as host showed increased mortality (up to 27%) in the early larval instars, but the surviving animals, especially female individuals, reached significantly higher pupal weights and showed better fecundity: 40% higher egg numbers/egg mass compared to those feeding on oak. These results indicate that the gypsy moth population originating from the locust forest had achieved a high level of metabolic adaptation to this host plant and formed a 'biotype' of Lymantria dispar with optimal reproductive conditions in this special habitat.  相似文献   

The polyphagous gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar) is able to feed on about 400 different woody plant species. In general, oak species are preferred – on the other hand some other groups of plants are avoided on account of the presence of toxic substances. These unfavoured hosts are, for example, most of the Papilionaceae, like locust (Robinia pseudoacacia). We compared survival rate and development of two populations of different origin with long-term habituation to oak and locust, respectively. Larvae from the population habituated to oak proved unable to develop on locust food. There must be a lack of detoxification systems to modify the toxic alcaloids and flavenoids produced by Robinia pseudoacacia. On the other hand, larvae isolated from an locust stand were able to feed on oak leaves without problems in larval development or eclosion of adults. Gypsy moth larvae specialized on locust as host showed increased mortality (up to 27%) in the early larval instars, but the surviving animals, especially female individuals, reached significantly higher pupal weights and showed better fecundity: 40% higher egg numbers/egg mass compared to those feeding on oak. These results indicate that the gypsy moth population originating from the locust forest had achieved a high level of metabolic adaptation to this host plant and formed a 'biotype' of Lymantria dispar with optimal reproductive conditions in this special habitat.  相似文献   

Fusarium oxysporum and Fusarium proliferatum are important causal agents of crown and root rot of asparagus. In order to detect differences in pathogenicity and aggressiveness, two F. proliferatum and five F. oxysporum single spore isolates from asparagus spears from plantings in Austria and Germany, 55 pure cultures of F. oxysporum from asparagus roots from a planting in Hesse, Germany, and a single F. oxysporum isolate from an asparagus shoot collected in Austria were evaluated in a 28-day quick test on Hoagland??s agar in glass culture tubes. Plantlets were inoculated with spore suspensions from each respective isolate after 14 days of growth under sterile, controlled conditions in a growth chamber. A severity scale was used to assess symptoms on roots two weeks after inoculation. The effects of the single-spore isolates on root and shoot fresh weights of the plantlets were also determined. The pathogenicity of the majority of the F. proliferatum and F. oxysporum isolates included in this study was confirmed. Inoculation with pure and single-spore cultures resulted in elevated disease severity in comparison to non-inoculated controls. In particular, the two F. proliferatum isolates were found to be more aggressive than the F. oxysporum isolates. Moreover, all single spore isolates caused a reduction in fresh weight of roots and shoots in comparison to the controls. With respect to differences among asparagus cultivars, ??Ramos??, was found to be more susceptible than ??Ravel??. Overall, the quick test method was found to be capable of evaluating the pathogenicity and aggressiveness of the tested F. oxysporum and F. proliferatum isolates towards asparagus within 28 days.  相似文献   

Glyphosate is the most widely used herbicidal active ingredient in the world. In Germany, the distributed amounts have been doubled during the last ten years. There is public concern and criticism on this extensive use and use limitations are claimed. However, also loss of efficacy as reported from countries with high use intensity of glyphosate reduces long term use of these herbicides. Recently, scientific studies aimed to quantify the economic benefits of glyphosate to estimate the costs of losing or banning this herbicide. In this text, possibilities of reductions of glyphosate use in arable farming are discussed to obtain a necessary extent. It is pointed out, that those uses are preferential, that enable minimum soil cultivation that minimize soil erosion. Post-harvest applications have the potential for use reductions, due to replacement techniques such as soil cultivation that are available. Pre-harvest applications, which are targeted for crop maturation only, should not be used as a routine. It is suggested to seek for best management practices of glyphosate use.  相似文献   

Early blight is a major disease of potatoes which has established in most potato growing areas as a destructive disease. The integration of several factors like weather conditions, nutrition, the use of potent fungicides as well as the cultivation of tolerant varieties are essential parts of an integrated control strategy and can be effective in preventing early blight disease. Cultivar resistance to early blight disease has become more important due to losses in fungicide sensitivity. Nevertheless, little research has been directed towards this area. Several, perennial field trials were carried out in order to investigate disease susceptibility for varieties out of different maturity groups. Early maturing varieties have shown to be more susceptible. The disease intensity (AUDPC) was much more expressed in early varieties contrary to medium and late maturing varieties. However, a stronger impact on potato yield has been found in the medium to late maturing varieties. We discuss the relevance of time and amount of leaf damage for formation of tuber yield.  相似文献   

Data of a pest control business was used to study infestation with the brown, or Norway rat (Rattus norvegicus Berkenhout, 1769]) in the City of Magdeburg for the year 1999. Swarms of rats were found to live all over the territory of the city. Blocks of residential buildings erected during G. D. R. times and, more specifically, their basements were noted to be focal sites of infestation with rats. The problem of rats living in the sewerage system of the city turned out to be unresolved. Detailed reference is made to rodenticides and active substances as well as to control strategies. The priority given to economical issues over the application of scientific findings is considered to be the decisive factor which accounts for the needs in the extermination of rats.   相似文献   

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