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The localization of the bovine lingual tonsil is described as a prerequisite for the removal of specified risk material from the tongue meat in order to restrict the risk arising from bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) to public health. The major part of this tonsil can be located macroscopically by the openings of its follicular crypts at the root of tongue. This part consists of organized aggregations of lymph nodules. Additional solitary primary lymph nodules and diffuse accumulations of lymphocytes are macroscopically invisible but are bilaterally present in the area extending 2 cm caudal to 3 cm rostral to the last vallate papillae. By sectioning the tongue 3 cm rostral to the last vallate papillae, undermining the lingual mucosa to the level of these papillae and making a transverse cut towards the lingual process of the basihyoid bone, the greater part of the lingual tonsil can efficiently be removed. Finally, immunohistochemical staining demonstrated the presence of T and B lymphocytes, suggesting that the bovine lingual tonsil can be considered as a site where an immune response can be induced.  相似文献   

The full elimination of all specified risk material (SRM) in food of animal origin is crucial for consumer protection and is of high priority in inner EU trade. Among other tissues, the tonsils of cattle are considered as SRM. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether the 'cut at the back of the tongue just before the tongue bones' required by EC regulation is sufficient to remove tonsils and lymphatic tissue completely. Eight skulls from cattle were collected for the simulation of a vertical cut according to the EC regulation and the detection of the target at the back of the tongue. Further, specimens of the lingual mucosa were cut out from two tongues and examined microscopically. The most caudal of these specimens was from the macroscopically visible part of the lingual tonsil. The most rostral specimen contained the most caudal Papilla vallata. Simulation of the obligatory ventro-dorsal cut yielded hits at varying locations on the dorsal surface of the tongue, sometimes including tissue of the lingual tonsil. Histological examination of the lingual mucosa gave clear evidence that lymphatic tissue resembling the tissue of a tonsil in terms of its histological organization and infiltration of the mucosal epithelium could even be found in areas with no macroscopically visible lingual tonsils.  相似文献   

The full elimination of all specified risk material (SRM) in food of animal origin is crucial for consumer protection and is of high priority in inner EU trade. Among other tissues, the tonsils of cattle are considered as SRM. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether the ‘cut at the back of the tongue just before the tongue bones’ required by EC regulation is sufficient to remove tonsils and lymphatic tissue completely. Eight skulls from cattle were collected for the simulation of a vertical cut according to the EC regulation and the detection of the target at the back of the tongue. Further, specimens of the lingual mucosa were cut out from two tongues and examined microscopically. The most caudal of these specimens was from the macroscopically visible part of the lingual tonsil. The most rostral specimen contained the most caudal Papilla vallata. Simulation of the obligatory ventro‐dorsal cut yielded hits at varying locations on the dorsal surface of the tongue, sometimes including tissue of the lingual tonsil. Histological examination of the lingual mucosa gave clear evidence that lymphatic tissue resembling the tissue of a tonsil in terms of its histological organization and infiltration of the mucosal epithelium could even be found in areas with no macroscopically visible lingual tonsils.  相似文献   

The distribution and organisation of the intralingual lymphoid tissue was studied in sheep, goat and cattle. For each species, the tongues of two animals were harvested and divided in sample blocks extending over the total surface of the tongue. With 2.5 mm intervals, ten serial histological sections were made for conventional histological staining (haematoxylin-eosin, Van Gieson, Masson's trichrome) and immunohistochemical staining of lymphoid cells (anti-CD3, anti-CD21, anti-CD45). Lymphocytes were scattered in the subepithelial propria-submucosa and in the connective tissue cores of the lingual papillae. The connective tissue cores of fungiform papillae, including those located on the lingual apex, and vallate papillae showed relatively more lymphocytes than the propria-submucosa. Lymphoid cell aggregations were even more abundant beneath the grooves surrounding the vallate papillae in small ruminants. In cattle, a well-organised lingual tonsil was additionally found at the root of the tongue. CD3-positive lymphocytes were observed in all species examined. CD21-positive lymphocytes were numerous in the lymphoid nodules of the bovine lingual tonsil but very scarce in the ovine and caprine tongues. Therefore, the lymphoid cell aggregations in the tongues of small ruminants should not be referred to by the term 'lingual tonsil'.  相似文献   

The topography and histologic structure of the various tonsils were studied anatomically and microscopically in 15 sheep aged between 9 and 15 months. The palatine, pharyngeal and paraepiglottic tonsils were readily visible macroscopically. They consisted mainly of secondary lymph nodules and were encapsulated in dense connective tissues. The epithelium covering the tonsils and their crypts was frequently infiltrated heavily by lymphocytes. The tubal tonsil and the tonsil of the soft palate were macroscopically visible after fixation in 2% acetic acid. These tonsils consisted of scattered lymph nodules, aggregations of lymphocytes and diffuse lymphoid tissue. They were not encapsulated, and therefore the borders of these tonsils could not be clearly delineated. The lingual tonsil was not macroscopically visible in sheep and consisted of scattered small aggregations of lymphocytes.  相似文献   

The current study aims to illustrate the gross and scanning electron microscopic characterizations and ultrastructural adaptation of the lingual papillary system of Egyptian Ossimi sheep to Egyptian ecological conditions. The tongue had three regions: the apex (with a slightly bifurcated tip), the body (subdivided into rostral and caudal parts) and the root (subdivided into rostral papillary and caudal non-papillary parts). Torus linguae had two parts: the triangular rostral part (the caudal part of the body) and the quadrilateral wide part (the rostral part of the root). The lingual papillary system had mechanical (filiform, conical and lentiform) and gustatory (fungiform and circumvallate) types. Filiform papillae were heavily scattered on the dorsal surface of the apex, the rostral part of the body and the ventral surface of the papillary region of the tip. Filiform papillae had five subtypes (ventral and dorsal processed, triangular, leaf-like and triangular-processed papillae), while the conical papillae had three subtypes: two lingual (small, large) and one paralingual (elongated pointed), and the fungiform had two subtypes: the high-density ovoid (on the ventral surface of the tip) and round papillae (on the dorsal surface) that possessed a high number of taste pores, not previously described. They ranged from 5 to 10 for ovoid and 25 to 25 for round papillae. Each circumvallate papilla had an ovoid bulb (with 2–5 taste pores) encircled by an annular groove and two pads (i.e. not described previously). The papillary system's regional divergence was specialized for their harsh and semi-harsh diet.  相似文献   

The infectivity in tissues from cattle exposed orally to the agent of BSE was assayed by the intracerebral inoculation of cattle. In addition to the infectivity in the central nervous system and distal ileum at stages of pathogenesis previously indicated by mouse bioassay, traces of infectivity were found in the palatine tonsil of cattle killed 10 months after exposure. Because the infectivity may therefore be present throughout the tonsils in cattle infected with BSE, observations were made of the anatomical and histological distribution of lingual tonsil in the root of the tongue of cattle. Examinations of tongues derived from abattoirs in Britain and intended for human consumption showed that macroscopically identifiable tonsillar tissue was present in more than 75 per cent of them, and even in the tongues in which no visible tonsillar tissue remained, histological examination revealed lymphoid tissue in more than 90 per cent. Variations in the distribution of the lingual tonsil suggested that even after the most rigorous trimming of the root of the tongue, traces of tonsillar tissue may remain.  相似文献   

In sheep, the pharyngeal first defence line against oral and inhaled antigens is organized in six tonsils. Since tonsils are regarded as secondary lymphoid tissue and part of the acquired immune system which is subjected to induction through contact with antigens, an evaluation of the different lymphocyte populations in tonsils is useful to determine a tendency of the specific tonsils to more inductive or more effective immunity. By means of immunohistochemistry, different lymphocyte populations were quantified and localized using a panel of eight antibodies, i.e. anti-CD45, anti-CD21, anti-CD2, anti-CD3, anti-CD4, anti-CD8, anti-WC1 and anti-Ki67. The CD21+ B lymphocytes were localized within the tonsillar lymphoid follicles. The CD2+/CD3+ T lymphocytes were numerous in the interfollicular regions and were aligned underneath and within the epithelium but were also observed at the CD21+ pole of the lymphoid follicles. Near the lingual and tubal tonsils, and the tonsil of the soft palate, the CD45+ cells around the seromucous glands and in the lamina propria were mainly CD3+ T cells. In all tonsils, the WC1+ gamma delta T cells formed a small lymphocyte population which harboured the lamina propria and the interfollicular region. The relative percentages of the different lymphocyte populations of the large palatine and pharyngeal tonsils, which are macroscopically the most developed, were comparable. In contrast, the lingual tonsil was significantly different from the other tonsils not only by its small size and lack of lymphoid follicles, but also by the lymphocyte populations. Based on the lymphocyte populations, the ovine tonsils can be divided in three groups with the tonsil of the soft palate, the tubal and paraepiglottic tonsil forming an intermediate between the palatine and pharyngeal tonsils as true tonsils on the one side, and the lingual tonsil as a scattered lymphocyte aggregation on the other side.  相似文献   

Tonsils form a first line of defence against foreign antigens and therefore play a key role in immunity. Since documented information about ovine tonsils is limited, a study was performed in which the morphological characteristics and the volume of lymphoid tissue present in each ovine tonsil were determined. The tonsils of five adult healthy sheep were examined histologically and the volumes were estimated using the Cavalieri method. The pharyngeal tonsil had a mean volume of 1296.1 ± 205.9 mm3 and was by far the largest ovine tonsil, followed by the paired palatine tonsil with a mean volume of 715.0 ± 110.5 mm3. The tonsil of the soft palate, the paired tubal and paraepiglottic tonsils and the lingual tonsil were much smaller with a mean volume of, respectively, 90.3 ± 24.9 mm3, 80.1 ± 24.3 mm3, 29.7 ± 11.8 mm3 and 10.1 ± 2.8 mm3. The folds and crypts of the pharyngeal and palatine tonsils were covered by a reticular and a non-reticular epithelium. Both tonsils were mainly composed of primary and secondary lymph follicles. The palatine tonsils contained 1–3 crypts with a few secondary infoldings. Lymphoid tissue in the tonsil of the soft palate was located at the nasopharyngeal (dorsal) side of the soft palate. The tubal tonsil was lined with a pseudostratified columnar ciliated epithelium and consisted of scattered lymphoid cells and lymph follicles. The paraepiglottic tonsil consisted of lymph follicles and aggregated lymphoid cells. Its overlying keratinized stratified squamous epithelium was folded and often heavily infiltrated by lymphocytes. The ovine lingual tonsil was not macroscopically visible and did not contain clearly distinguishable lymph follicles. It consisted of aggregations of lymphoid cells that were mainly located within the vallate lingual papillae.  相似文献   

The study of lingual surfaces and the surface of interface epithelium-connective tissue of the tongue of Bradypus torquatus was performed by employing the light and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) techniques. The results revealed that the rostral part of the tongue presents a round apex and covered by filiform and fungiform lingual papillae and a ventral smooth surface. It was observed that the epithelial layer of the dorsal surface possesses the basal, spinosum, granular and cornified epithelial cells. The lamina propria is characterized by a dense connective tissue forming the long, short and round papillae. Numerous typical filiform papillae are located especially in the rostral part intermingled for few fungiform papillae, which were revealed in three-dimensional SEM images. Usually, the fungiform papillae are located in the border of rostral apex of the tongue exhibiting the rounded form. They are covered by keratinized epithelial cells. In the fungiform papillae, several taste pores were observed on the surface. The vallate papillae presented numerous taste buds in the wall of epithelial cells, being that the major number of taste buds is located on the superior half of vallate papilla. The taste pores are surrounded by several laminae of keratinized epithelial cells. The samples treated with NaOH solution and examined by SEM revealed, after removal of the epithelial layer, the dense connective core in original disposition, presenting different sizes and shapes. The specimens stained with Picrosirius and examined by polarized light microscopy revealed the connective tissue, indicating the collagen fibres type I and type III.  相似文献   

The morpho-functional and topographical features of the lingual papillae situated on the dorsal surface of the bovine tongue, were studied utilizing LM and SEM techniques. In the bovine species, the functional differentiation of the lingual papillae in their gustative and mechanical modes, seems to be related to the position of the papillae rather than to their morphological features. The gustative function predominates over the mechanical one on the caudal tract of the tongue body (lateral to the lingual torus and associated with circumvallate papillae). The gustative function also involves the conical papillae situated on the caudal tract of the tongue body. This gustative function is aided by additional anatomical structures: 1. The grooves situated on the rostro-lateral side of the conical papillae; 2. The microcraters located on the top of the fungiform papillae; and 3. The furrows of the circumvallatae papillae vallum. The contact between saliva soluble food particles and taste buds is aided and made more efficient by these structures. Furthermore, a large variety of conical papillae were observed, whereas no filiform papillae were noted.  相似文献   

The light and scanning electron microscopic structure of the filiform lingual papillae was studied in five adult porcupine (three males and two females). The tongue was characterised by a round tip, a rostral median sulcus and a deep lingual fossa which was situated just rostral to a prominent inter-molar eminence corresponding to a torus linguae. The filiform papillae were curved, enclosed a large connective tissue core and were separated by wide inter-papillary zones covered by a thick epithelium. Most filiform papillae had a cylindrical shape, but the rostral and central parts of the tongue contained a number of flat, comb-shaped papillae with rounded tips.  相似文献   

The morphology of the tongue of the adult barking deer, Muntiacus muntjak, was examined by light and scanning electron microscopy. The result showed that the tongue of the barking deer was elongated with a rounded apex. Four types of lingual papillae were observed: filiform, fungiform, vallate and large conical papillae. The filiform papillae represented the most numerous types of lingual papillae. The fungiform papillae were distributed among the filiform papillae on the rostral and the body portions of the tongue. Ten to thirteen vallate papillae were distributed on both sides of the lingual prominence among the large conical papillae. Histologically, both the fungiform and vallate papillae contain taste buds in the epithelial layer. The distribution and types of lingual papillae found in the barking deer are similar to those in the other species that belong to the family Cervidae.  相似文献   

The tongue of the Florida manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris) was studied macroscopically, light and electron microscopically. The tongue was slender, muscular and firmly fixed in the oral cavity; only the cranial tip was free and mobile. Numerous filiform papillae were distributed over the dorsal surface of the rostral tongue. Multiple raised, round fungiform-like papillae were distributed over most of the dorsum. Typical fungiform papillae were restricted to the lateral margins of the tongue. Foliate papillae, presenting as multi-fossulate openings, were noted on the caudolateral margins. Open pits were located on the dorsocaudal surface and lateral walls. Microscopic examination showed that most of the lingual dorsum was covered with a thick stratified squamous epithelium. Open pits led to well-developed mucous salivary glands. Glands within the foliate papillae were mostly mucous, although some seromucous glands were present. Taste buds were restricted to the epithelium of the foliate papillae. Throughout the tongue, striated muscle was abundant below the epithelium. Blood vessels, lymph channels and nerve fibres were freely distributed throughout the intermuscular stroma. Nerve fibres reacted positively with neurone specific enolase (NSE) antibody throughout the tongue, including nerve bundles, glands and taste buds. Clear to translucent vacuoles were found juxtaposed to nuclei in the stratum spinosum in the foliate papillae epithelium.  相似文献   

This study was made on 24 camel fetuses of crown‐rump vertebral length (CVRL) ranging from 10.5 cm to 105 cm CVRL (94–352 days old). These camel fetuses were classified into three groups representing the three trimesters of prenatal life. During the first trimester (94–142 days), lingual papillae (circumvallate and lentiform papillae) were demonstrated on the lingual root, but lingual body and the apex were almost free of papillae except for some scattered epithelial projections especially near the lateral borders of the body. In the second trimester (152–229 days), the lentiform papillae covered the entire root of the tongue except for areas occupied by the circumvallate papillae. Taste buds with clear pores were observed for the first time in areas between the circumvallate gustatory furrow and surface epithelium of the tongue. In addition, short numerous filiform papillae were observed on the rostral part of the lingual body and the lateral parts of the apex. Fungiform papillae, however, were demonstrated amidst the filiform papillae. In this trimester, taste buds were also seen on the top of the fungiform papillae. In the third trimester (256–352 days), all lingual papillae were clearly demonstrated on the dorsum of the root, body and apex of the tongue. Both types of gustatory papillae (circumvallate and fungiform) had well‐developed taste buds. Mechanical papillae (filiform and lentiform) were well developed. Lentiform papillae occupied most of the dorsal aspect of the Torus linguae; they were larger in size with semicircular apices. Filiform papillae, however, were numerous and demonstrated heavily on the lateral and rostral parts of the body as well as on the apex of the tongue.  相似文献   

This investigation was led to depict the structural and functional adaptations of the oral cavity of herbivorous Egyptian tortoises using scanning electron and light microscopes. The SEM showed that the triangular papillary tongue possessed three conical papillary subtypes: the rectangular conical on the tip, the round conical on the rest of the dorsal lingual surface and the elongated conical on the caudal portion of the lingual wing. The presence of the serrated lips with their valves compensated for the absence of the teeth. The rostral part had a vomeronasal opening while the middle part had the choana, but the caudal part had numerous openings of the salivary glands. There are three palatine folds: a single median palatine fold, two peripheral palatine folds and the choanal fold. The current histological results show the keratinized dorsal lingual surface, in which the keratinized layer extended to cover the papillae. Two types of lingual glands, according to their position, are papillary superficial and deep lingual glands. Papillary or superficial glands open in the interpapillary spaces via narrow openings, while the deep glands are surrounded by well-developed muscles and open via wide openings on the dorsal lingual surface. An entoglossal cartilaginous structure of hyaline cartilage was found in the mid- and hindtongue, with numerous chondrocytes lodged within the lacunae. Our results conclude that the oral cavity of the herbivorous Egyptian tortoise was adapted to the dietary and vigorous demands of the Egyptian fauna.  相似文献   

Objective: To describe a lingual arch bar technique for fixation of rostral mandibular body fractures and report outcome in 16 cats. Study Design: Original study. Animals: Cats (n=16) with rostral mandibular body fracture (10 bilateral, 6 unilateral) just caudal to the canine teeth. Methods: Orthodontic wire (Dentaurum®; 0.9 mm) was used as a lingual arch bar by contouring it to the shape of the lingual side of the alveolar margin, and secured by circum‐mandibular wires passed interproximal to teeth. Stability of fixation, occlusion, tolerance to the lingual arch bar, degree of secondary gingivitis/periodontitis, and ability to eat were evaluated clinically, and fracture union was assessed radiographically. Results: The lingual arch bar was well tolerated. Eleven cats without a feeding tube were able to eat within 24 hours. Time to fracture union and appliance removal ranged from 28 to 64 days (mean, 42.5 days). Malocclusion of the rostral part of the fracture occurred in 5 cats; however only 1 required correction. Conclusions: Intraoral stabilization of rostral mandibular fractures using a lingual arch bar is a simple and effective method for the treatment of rostral mandibular fractures just caudal to the canine teeth.  相似文献   

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