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黑猩猩生理常数的测定陈元枝,林耀明福州动物园雷瑶福建农业大学1994年春节前夕,福州动物园从国外引进一对黑猩猩。公的名叫马图斯,母的名叫艾丽娜,年龄均为13岁。有关黑猩猩生理常数资料较少。为了提供黑猩猩的生理学数据。我们对这两只黑猩猩进行生理常数的测...  相似文献   

1997年,我园1只黑猩猩发生股动脉栓塞,由于动物无繁殖能力,决定进行试验性治疗。报道如下。1患兽简况黑猩猩,,23岁,发病初期体重约75Kg,营养中等。前两年秋冬季节天气变化时偶见右脚行动不便,按风湿症治疗后均很快康复。2发病经过1997年10月...  相似文献   

柴达木黄牛和青海东部黄牛红细胞钾型的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用火焰光度法对238头柴达木黄牛和263头于海东部黄牛的红细胞钾型进行了研究。结果发现:①柴达木黄牛全部为低血钾型,而青海东部黄牛有高血钾和低血钾两种表型;②青海东部黄牛的K^L和K^h基因频率分别为0.826和0.174。  相似文献   

正【美国石英财经网站7月4日报道】题:科学家正在研究黑猩猩的食物,用以治疗癌症等人类疾病一些西非植物是野生黑猩猩用来治疗寄生虫和细菌感染等各种病痛的"丛林药房"的组成部分。因为人类有98%的DNA与黑猩猩相同,并且容易受到一些  相似文献   

正低血钾症属于一种电解质紊乱,当血清钾低于3.5mmol/L时,即可判定为低血钾症。轻度低血钾血清钾浓度为3~3.5 mmol/L,大多没有明显临床症状,偶尔表现不耐运动,两后肢无力;血清钾低于3 mmol/L时,表现精神不振、两后肢肌肉震颤,多饮多尿。低血钾症如果得不到及时有效的治疗,或者因用药不当,可加重病情,导致死亡。  相似文献   

黑猩猩的进口检疫及饲养管理李金录,熊万华,郭耕,刘兴国,崔向东(北京濒危动物驯养繁殖中心102602)近代生物进化研究证明黑猩猩(Pantroglody-ies)是最接近于人类的非人灵长类动物,因此黑猩猩在生物学、医学等研究领域和生产实践中,享有特殊...  相似文献   

一例黑猩猩志贺氏菌性痢疾的诊治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2007年12月27日和30日,深圳市某野生动物园饲养的两只雄性黑猩猩,先后出现粪便带血和脓液的水样腹泻,经诊断为索氏志贺菌感染.经半个月的治疗和调养后该两只黑猩猩痊愈.  相似文献   

正黑猩猩分布于非洲赤道附近,栖息于炎热、潮湿的热带雨林中,大多在森林的边缘地带活动。黑猩猩主要采食水果、树叶、根茎、花、种子,偶尔也捕食昆虫、鸟蛋,甚至狒狒、猴子等小动物,是一种观赏和科研价值极高的珍稀野生动物。目前,长春市动植物公园共有4只黑猩猩,呼名为"乔乔"、"黑妞"的黑猩猩为雌性,分别21岁和10岁,呼名为"千千、"几内亚"的黑猩猩为雄性,分别19岁和10岁。"乔乔"和"千千"为我园黑猩猩繁殖而来,"黑妞"和"几内亚"来自于国  相似文献   

兽类研究新成果近年来,美国等生物学家、人类学家对兽类的研究有较大进展,为我们提供了不少新知识。猿类分类新观点新的灵长类动物学揭示:世界上有2种大猩猩,而不是1种;世界上有3种黑猩猩,而不是2种。据美国哈佛大学MarellenRuvolo和她的同事报告...  相似文献   

驴Zfy基因cDNA克隆及生物信息学分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
本研究旨在对驴Zfy基因的cDNA序列进行克隆及生物信息学分析。根据GenBank中公布的家牛Zfy基因mRNA序列(登录号:NM_177491.1)设计特异性引物,运用RT-PCR技术获取驴Zfy基因的cDNA序列,并对Zfy基因CDS区核苷酸序列与蛋白质结构进行生物信息学分析。结果表明,驴Zfy基因CDS区序列长度为2 325 bp,编码774个氨基酸;蛋白质二级结构预测结果显示,Zfy蛋白没有信号肽及跨膜结构;驴Zfy基因CDS区序列与家牛、绵羊、人、家猫、家犬、马鹿、黑猩猩、藏羚羊的同源性分别为92.9%、92.6%、91.8%、93.8%、92.5%、92.3%、91.6%和92.6%;对驴和其他8种哺乳动物Zfy基因CDS区核苷酸序列构建的系统进化树显示,驴与绵羊、藏羚羊、家牛、马鹿亲缘关系较近,与家犬和家猫的亲缘关系稍远,与人和黑猩猩亲缘关系最远。本研究成功克隆出驴Zfy基因CDS区序列,为进一步研究驴Zfy基因的功能奠定了基础。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To determine the prevalence of gastrointestinal tract lesions in brachycephalic dogs with upper respiratory tract disease. METHODS: The gastrointestinal tract and respiratory disorders of 73 brachycephalic dogs presented with upper respiratory signs were evaluated. Clinical signs and endoscopic and histological anomalies of the upper digestive tract were analysed. RESULTS: A very high prevalence of gastrointestinal tract problems in brachycephalic dogs presented with upper respiratory problems was observed clinically, endoscopically and histologically. Endoscopic anomalies of the upper digestive tract were present even in dogs without digestive clinical signs. Furthermore, histological evaluation of the digestive tract sometimes showed inflammatory lesions not macroscopically visible at endoscopy. Statistical analysis showed a relationship between the severity of the respiratory and digestive signs. This was significant in French bulldogs, males and heavy brachycephalic dogs. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: These observations show a correlation between upper respiratory and gastrointestinal tract problems in brachycephalic breeds with upper respiratory disease. Surgical treatment of respiratory disease could improve the digestive clinical signs, and/or gastro-oesophageal medical treatment could improve the outcome for surgically treated brachycephalic dogs.  相似文献   

在养羊生产实践中,呼吸器官疾病是一种(类)常见多发病,在全球范围内均广泛存在,可导致严重的经济损失。呼吸器官是机体与外界进行气体交换的组织器官,包括呼吸道(鼻、副鼻窦、咽、喉、气管、支气管)和肺两部分。呼吸器官是机体的开放门户,环境中的寒冷刺激、病原微生物、有害气体、化学刺激、粉尘等易随空气进入呼吸道和肺部,引起呼吸器官发病。羊常见的呼吸器官疾病主要有上呼吸道感染(包括感冒、流行性感冒、鼻炎和鼻窦炎)、支气管炎、肺炎等。本文重点介绍羊常见呼吸器官疾病的防控措施及治疗验方。  相似文献   

犬类呼吸道疾病是宠物犬常见病,严重者导致犬只死亡.但是,目前在临床上该病用药缺乏科学指导.本实验采集了西宁地区5家宠物医院共63例健康犬及92例呼吸道患病犬的标本,进行呼吸道多菌群的分离培养、染色镜检和全自动微生物分析仪鉴定,并对检出菌进行了Kirby- Bauer纸片扩散法药敏试验.结果发现,犬呼吸道正常菌群有缓慢葡...  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The antipyretic and analgesic efficacy of vedaprofen (at a dose of 0.5 mg/kg) was evaluated after repeated once-daily administration (for three or five days) to 80 cats with upper respiratory tract disease or 302 cats undergoing ovariohysterectomy. METHODS: Both clinical trials were randomised, double blinded and placebo controlled. RESULTS: In the upper respiratory tract disease trial, vedaprofen produced a significant reduction in rectal temperature when compared with cats administered antimicrobial treatment only. This antipyretic activity lasted at least four hours after administration on the first day of treatment (day 0) and at least eight hours on day 1 and day 2. Significantly more cats in the treatment group were classified as having returned to normal on day 5, day 6 and day 7 compared with the placebo group. In the ovariohysterectomy trial, scores for behaviour (on day 1, day 2 and day 3) and appetite (on day 1 and day 2) were significantly better in the vedaprofen group than in the placebo-treated cats. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Vedaprofen produced a clinically relevant reduction in body temperature and a more rapid return to normality in cats with upper respiratory tract disease. Vedaprofen treatment also resulted in more rapid recovery, presumably through the relief of pain and inflammation, in cats that had undergone soft tissue surgery.  相似文献   

The incidence of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) in Switzerland was determined in three groups of horses selected at random. Group A (97 horses) and Group B (93 horses) had no history of respiratory disease, but Group C (113 horses) had a history of lower respiratory tract disease. All horses were examined by auscultation of the respiratory tract under forced breathing, endoscopic examination of the upper and lower respiratory tract, arterial blood gas analysis at rest and cytological examination of respiratory secretions (RS). Fifty-four per cent of the horses in Group A and 54.8 per cent of Group B were diagnosed as suffering clinical COPD and only 12.4 per cent of horses in Group A and 8.6 per cent in Group B had no detectable abnormalities in their lower respiratory tracts. In Group B, 19.4 per cent were considered to be suffering from parasitic pulmonary disease indicated by elevated numbers of eosinophils in their RS. Pharyngeal lymphoid hyperplasia was exhibited in 70.1 per cent of Group A and 74.2 per cent of Group B. Cytological examination of RS was useful to determine if the secretions found in the trachea originated from the upper or lower respiratory tract. Arterial blood gas analysis revealed no significant differences between healthy horses and those with subclinical or mild COPD.  相似文献   

Lasers have become important tools for the equine surgeon in the treatment of upper respiratory tract disease in the horse. Multiple wavelengths and delivery systems are available. Indications for the use of lasers in the upper respiratory tract primarily include minimally invasive procedures not possible with conventional surgical instrumentation. New applications for the use of lasers to treat upper respiratory disease are likely to evolve with the development and introduction of new wavelengths and delivery systems.  相似文献   

CASE DESCRIPTION: 3 racehorses were evaluated because of poor performance or abnormal noise originating from the upper portion of the respiratory tract. CLINICAL FINDINGS: During maximal exercise, initial dynamic videoendoscopy of the upper respiratory tract revealed complete arytenoid cartilage abduction in 2 horses and incomplete but adequate abduction of the left arytenoid cartilage in 1 horse. Subsequent exercising endoscopic evaluation revealed severe dynamic collapse of the left arytenoid cartilage and vocal fold in all 3 horses. TREATMENT AND OUTCOME: 2 horses were treated with prosthetic left laryngoplasty and raced successfully. One horse was retired from racing. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Idiopathic laryngeal hemiplegia can be a progressive disease. Successive dynamic videoendoscopic upper airway evaluations were used to confirm progression of left laryngeal hemiplegia in these 3 horses. Videoendoscopy of the upper respiratory tract during exercise should be considered as part of the clinical evaluation of horses with signs of upper respiratory tract dysfunction.  相似文献   

Dorsal displacement of the soft palate associated with dysphagia and aspiration pneumonia was diagnosed in 2 young foals. The displacement appeared to be congenital. Clinical signs associated with the condition were resolved after staphylectomy. Dorsal displacement of the soft palate is usually recognized in adult animals as an upper respiratory tract disease, but may be a contributing factor to dysphagia and lower respiratory tract disease in young animals.  相似文献   

Evaluation of respiratory tract disease is a challenge for several reasons: no serum biochemical or hematologic tests that localize injury to the respiratory system are available, imaging techniques do not usually lead to etiologic diagnoses, and excisional biopsies are often very difficult to obtain from respiratory lesions. For these reasons, specific diagnosis of respiratory tract disease often resides in cytologic evaluation. This article reviews the various cytologic collection techniques that yield high-quality specimens from the upper and lower respiratory tract. Cytologic features of the normal respiratory tract as well as common respiratory disorders are described and illustrated.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: After a first clinical study showing a high prevalence of gastrointestinal tract diseases in brachycephalic dogs presented for upper respiratory syndrome, a prospective study was performed to determine the influence of medical treatment for gastrointestinal tract disorders associated with upper respiratory syndrome surgery. METHODS: The gastrointestinal tract and respiratory disorders of 61 brachycephalic dogs presented for upper respiratory syndrome were evaluated. Together with surgery of the upper respiratory tract, a specific gastrointestinal medical treatment was administered. A minimal follow-up of six months was required for inclusion. RESULTS: Palatoplasty with rhinoplasty was the most common surgical correction (88.5 per cent). The mortality rate in the perioperative period was 3.3 per cent. Minor complications accounted for 26.2 per cent of cases. No aspiration pneumonia was encountered. A sufficient follow-up was obtained in 51 dogs. The improvement was judged by the owners as excellent or good in 88.3 per cent of the respiratory disorders and in 91.4 per cent of the gastrointestinal disorders. Clinically, a statistically significant improvement was obtained for both respiratory and gastrointestinal disorders. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: In comparison with other studies, digestive tract medical treatment combined with upper respiratory surgery seems to decrease the complication rate and improve the prognosis of dogs presented for upper respiratory syndrome.  相似文献   

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