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The treaties established between the United States federal government and American Indian nations imply U.S. recognition of Native political sovereignty. Political sovereignty encompasses not only the ability to govern oneself but also self-determination regarding resource use, including food. This paper addresses The White Pine Treaty of 1837, which acknowledges the Ojibwe people’s right to hunt, fish, and harvest wild rice in their traditional landscape. This acknowledgement by extension recognizes the Ojibwe’s right to food sovereignty. From the perspective of the Ojibwe, continuing these activities requires not simply controlling access to important food resources but also protecting their rights to maintain traditional relationships with the plants and animals that provide food and to manage the landscapes that provision them. Therefore, true food sovereignty necessitates protecting a people’s relationships with the landscape. Appropriation of wild rice over the past century, however, has threatened food sovereignty among the Ojibwe because it has compromised their ability to maintain their traditional relationship with a staple food resource that is also central to their identity. In light of the White Pine Treaty, this threat to the Ojibwe’s food sovereignty is effectively a threat to their political sovereignty and, we argue, a violation of the treaty agreement.  相似文献   

For many years American science in the late 19th century was regarded as an intellectual backwater. This view derived from the assumption that the health of American science at the time was equivalent to the condition of pure science, especially pure physics. However, a closer look reveals that there was considerable vitality in American scientific research, especially in the earth and life sciences. This vitality is explainable in part by the natural scientific resources of the American continent but also in part by the energy given science from religious impulses, social reformism, and practicality. Furthermore, contrary to recent assumptions, the federal government was a significant patron of American science. The portrait of American science circa 1880 advanced in this article suggests that the nation's scientific enterprise was characterized by pluralism of institutional support and motive and that such pluralism has historically been the normal mode.  相似文献   

苏波 《农业展望》2013,9(9):25-29
粮食主权作为一种宗旨,正成为发展中国家解决粮食问题的指导思想,委内瑞拉查维斯政府在土地改革基础上推行的粮食主权运动是最早实践粮食主权宗旨的国家之一。通过对委内瑞拉粮食主权运动推行的背景、过程、措施的分析阐述,认为拉美各国只要在政府层面制定一个清晰的规划和农业发展战略,能够适应粮食市场的发展规律,提高小农的生产力水平,同时能最大限度地减少发达国家廉价粮食的冲击就可以真正解决粮食匮乏所带来社会、经济等问题。  相似文献   

公共消费包括政府自身消费和社会性消费,以公共风险为逻辑基础,并兼具经济和社会双重属性,既有利于维护经济稳定平衡,是可持续发展的基础;又有利于促进社会公平正义,是国民素质和社会文明程度提高的保障。目前理论界对公共消费问题的探讨大多基于经济视角,基于经济与社会双重视角审视公共消费理论,应树立“消费者主权”意识,明确我国公共消费政策方向。  相似文献   

“三农”问题的关键是要回答“钱从哪里来,人往哪里去”的问题。其成因是由中国长期以来“城乡分治,一国两策”体制和制度造成的。建立“三农”宏观经济发展战略、改革家庭承包责任制、户籍制度、农村金融财税制度、县乡政府机构等体制和制度,走市场化、产业化、城镇化道路是解决该问题的主要措施。  相似文献   

农村承包经营土地“三权分置”改革,进一步为农地经营权抵押贷款提供了法律支持和制度 保障。农村土地经营权抵押贷款,为盘活农村土地这一“沉睡资产”,促进“三农”发展提供了有力的资 金支持,从而带来了巨大的社会经济效益。农村土地经营权抵押贷款有助于农民脱贫增收,有助于农 村振兴,有利于推动农业的现代化。但事物的两面性决定了农村土地经营权抵押贷款在带来效益的 同时也会带来社会成本,农业环境效率、贫富差距、社会公平和社会稳定等问题需要给予重视。  相似文献   

With regard to promoting the competitiveness of U.S. industry, federal science policy is performing unevenly. Federally supported basic research is not well aligned with industrial needs, although the National Science Foundation's Engineering Research Centers and similar programs are improving matters. Large-scale federal undertakings in science and technology, such as the Apollo program and now the Strategic Defense Initiative, actually tend to divert resources away from commercial research and development. Needed are federal and industrial leaders who will work together to serve the interests of both competitive industry and efficient government in the United States.  相似文献   

《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1973,181(4098):423
In one of the more interestinlg apologias to surface in the wake of President Nixon's reorganization of federal science policy apparatus, Williain 0. Baker, president of Bell Telephone Laboratories, in effect, argued for a "new federalism" in science and engineering. Testifying before the House Committee on Science and Astrontautics on 19 July Baker recalled that federal scienice struture and policy was shaped after World War II by the wartime experienice and helped produce extraordinary accoinplishments in military, space, and medical fields. In the following excerpts he arguies that the demands on federal science have changed and so must the system:  相似文献   

约翰.洛克在《政府论》中,从"自然状态"的概念出发,详细地阐述了自然法、天赋人权、财产权、社会契约、自由和法治等理论,尤其是在"立法权的范围"、"论国家的立法权、执行权和对外权",以及"论国家权力的统属"等部分着力论述了"立法权是每个国家的最高权力",把立法权和执行权分立的观点,并提出了司法独立的思想,这是人类历史上的第一次。这对目前正在着力构建法治社会的中国来说,尤其是在立法、执法及法治政府建设等方面,具有借鉴和现实意义。  相似文献   

It is argued that the need to improve science education should be a national priority. Ways are suggested by which the federal government and the scientific community, working together, can address this issue. It is recommended that scientists, engineers, and educators make a significant personal and institutional commitment to participate in science education activities, and that the President of the United States provide the personal leadership to generate a national commitment to the improvement of education at all levels.  相似文献   

The Competitive Research Grants Office was established in 1978 by the federal government to encourage and support basic research related to agriculture. The effort has been enfeebled by controversy and continues to teeter on the edge of congressional extinction. The origins of the Competitive Research Grants Office and its first 3 years of operation make an interesting portrait of the problems of science and government in these times.  相似文献   

新政时期美国联邦政府的西部农业政策是联邦政府应对西部的农业经济危机和自然灾害而采取的应急改革和措施,同时也体现了联邦政府对西部农业长远发展的规划.这一政策总体来说较为成功,它有效地帮助了西部地区的农民,维护了西部地区社会的稳定,为西部地区农业的长远发展打下了坚实的基础,因而赢得了西部地区农民的充分肯定和支持.  相似文献   

Vogel G 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》2000,289(5483):1271-1273
Fourteen years ago, Congress declared the Southern California coast an otter-free zone--but the unwitting creatures aren't cooperating. That's no surprise to federal biologists, who this summer issued a report concluding that the otter-free zone harms the already-endangered population. Federal officials are now trying to come up with a better plan, but it's likely to draw from politics as well as science.  相似文献   

郭建  柴艳萍  孙惠莲 《安徽农业科学》2011,39(32):19971-19974,19978
日趋恶化的农村环境污染问题,已经成为社会主义新农村建设不可回避的一个重大课题。导致农村环境污染问题日趋恶化的原因是多方面的,但无论是"市场失灵",亦或"政府失灵",还是科学技术与教育文化方面存在的问题,在本质上,都是一系列具体制度及其运行机制设计、安排的"失灵"。因此,对现有的农村环境污染防治体系进行完善与创新,构建一个为政府、企业、公众和社会组织四方合作共赢的结构化制度安排,就成为当下必然的选择。  相似文献   

诚信理念多种形式中最为普遍的是以契约为基础的诚信。政府是契约的产物,因而任何政府都必须按契约的规定,信守承诺,按承诺办事。虽然我国不同于西方,但"人民当家作主"深刻体现了人民主权的思想,这两者都是作为政府生命周期主线的政府信用的基础。  相似文献   

以调研资料为经验数据,对重庆市农村剩余劳动力转移型态进行了实证分析。通过研究认为:在制度变迁过程中,不同的制度安排有不同的劳动力转移型态。中国农村剩余劳动力转移型态与农地承包制度、社会保障制度和经济管理制度三组核心制度之间存在密切联系。在现有制度背景框架下,重庆农村剩余劳动力在转移途径上还主要停留在“兼业型”转移型态,在流动方式上还主要表现为通过亲朋好友带动和自身外出务工的盲目流动。但同时也看出,随着经济发展水平的提高、城乡统筹社会保障制度的建立和市场制度的完善,农村剩余劳动力转移型态在循序优化,土地对农民的保障功能在逐步削弱,政府和民间机构在农村剩余劳动力转移过程中的主导作用在明显增强。  相似文献   

Bok DC 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1981,213(4511):980-982
In reassessing the role of government, many Americans have agreed that public expenditures should be curtailed. Although our universities must bear their full share of the sacrifices, some of the Administration's recent proposals would be to the detriment of the country. Drastic cuts in student aid, for example, will not encourage young people to seek the best possible education and training; reductions in federal funds for scientific instruments and facilities will mean that our laboratories will deteriorate, our accomplishments will be fewer. The success of American science has depended heavily on the talent that came from Europe at the time of World War II. Today that source has largely disappeared, and if we cannot replace it with exceptional young investigators of our own, the quality of our universities and the vitality of our science will diminish.  相似文献   

Long-term U.S. economic growth requires better use of R & D resources and closer interaction of the academic, government, and industrial research communities. The federal government has proposed to increase support for university research as a key means of addressing national needs for new knowledge in fields important to industrial development and for training of technical personnel. But continuing growth in support for basic research depends on how well the science community can agree on what research investments will have the greatest impact in producing new knowledge.  相似文献   

The process values of university research are important in the context of several significant social and economic trends in American life. These values are being taken into account in the design and administration of federal programs. Federal programs to support these values should be distinguished from programs to support the product values of research. Failure to distinguish between these two types of programs will lead to a further dilution of quality in programs designed to advance science as a legitimate end in itself. The scientific community can best protect its own interests by helping federal agencies and universities and colleges develop a funding system to support the process values of university research on a cooperative, regional basis.  相似文献   

土地承包经营权流转的农户决策行为分析与政策出路   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着社会主义新农村建设进程的深入推进,土地承包经营权流转问题已成为"三农"政策的热点问题.根据成本收益理论和Logistic模型有关原理,针对影响农户土地承包经营权流转决策行为因素进行实证检验及具体分析,从市场建设、政府服务和外部环境建设等3个方面提出土地承包经营权流转的政策出路.  相似文献   

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