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拟锥齿鲨是热带大西洋金枪鱼延绳钓渔业中较为常见的兼捕物种,处于海洋生态系统的顶端,对维持海洋生态系统的稳定性和多样性起着非常重要的作用。根据我国金枪鱼渔业国家观察员2010—2015年在热带大西洋海域调查时收集的1 561尾拟锥齿鲨数据,对其资源动态和空间分布进行了初步分析,结果表明:在研究的海域内(6.33°S~17.43°N,18.25°W~42.03°W),拟锥齿鲨CPUE高的区域为5°N~10°N,20°W~30°W;2010—2015年CPUE呈现波动,整体有上升的趋势,但不显著;软骨鱼类占总渔获物的比例整体呈下降趋势;拟锥齿鲨兼捕数量占总渔获的5.8%,占兼捕软骨鱼类的22.5%;拟锥齿鲨在12月—3月的平均CPUE较高。拟锥齿鲨最大叉长组(叉长范围在85~90 cm)的个体多分布在5°N~7.5°N,27.5°W~37.5°W和5°N~0°,25°W~30°W这两个区域。拟锥齿鲨理论钩获深度范围为140~313 m,平均深度为221 m。1、2、3钩位(140~212 m)的上钩频率最大,占总上钩率的55.59%。10月至次年4月不同月份拟锥齿鲨的钩位分布没有显著性的差异。妊娠期拟锥齿鲨明显分布于较浅的水层。不同钩位拟锥齿鲨的摄食等级无显著性差异。  相似文献   

Overexploitation threatens the future of many large vertebrates. In the ocean, tunas and sea turtles are current conservation concerns because of this intense pressure. The status of most shark species, in contrast, remains uncertain. Using the largest data set in the Northwest Atlantic, we show rapid large declines in large coastal and oceanic shark populations. Scalloped hammerhead, white, and thresher sharks are each estimated to have declined by over 75% in the past 15 years. Closed-area models highlight priority areas for shark conservation, and the need to consider effort reallocation and site selection if marine reserves are to benefit multiple threatened species.  相似文献   

大青鲨(Prionace glauca)是金枪鱼延绳钓渔业的主要兼捕鲨鱼种类。根据2012~2019年中国金枪鱼延绳钓观察员在印度洋记录的1272 次作业的778尾大青鲨数据,运用广义线性模型(GLM)分析大青鲨的钩捕死亡率(即钓捕上船时死亡个体的比率)和潜在的影响因素。结果表明:1)大青鲨的总体钩捕死亡率为13.4%,雄性的钩捕死亡率高于雌性;2)潜在影响因素中,钓钩类型、钓钩大小、个体长度、捕获深度和捕获纬度对钓获时的存活状态具有显著影响(P <0.05),其中钓钩类型和捕获纬度的影响最大;3)钩型与纬度的交互项、性别与个体长度的交互项对死亡率也有显著影响(P <0.05)。使用鹰嘴钩时,纬度越北,死亡率越小;其他三种钩型,纬度越北,死亡率越高。雌性大青鲨的个体越大,死亡率减小;但雄性大青鲨的死亡率与个体大小无明显规律。本研究可为降低大青鲨的钓获死亡率,促进该海域的资源可持续利用提供科学参考。  相似文献   

Three partial skeletons of a large pterosaur have been found in the latest Cretaceous nonmarine rock of West Texas. This flying reptile had thin, elongate, perhaps toothless jaws and a long neck similar to Pterodaustro and Pterodactylus. With an estimated wingspan of 15.5 meters, it is undoutbtedly the largest flying creature presently known.  相似文献   

塔里木裂腹鱼生物学研究初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
塔里木裂腹鱼是新疆自治区特有的二级保护动物,国内外关注的学者甚少,其相关研究比较薄弱。本文从分类地位、生物学特征、致危因素等方面介绍了塔里木裂腹鱼的研究进展,并针对塔里木裂腹鱼的现状提出保护措施。  相似文献   

塔里木裂腹鱼胚胎和仔鱼的发育与生   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2012年4月至6月,在新疆博湖苇业股份有限公司三苇场(新疆且末县)进行了塔里木裂腹鱼的人工繁殖和苗种培育研究。人工授精的受精率为83%,孵化率为89%。塔里木裂腹鱼受精卵在16~19 ℃下历时约93 h经过卵裂期、囊胚期、原肠期、神经胚期、孵化期等时期孵化出膜,初孵仔鱼平均体长(7.29±0.18) mm。1~25日龄的仔鱼可分为卵黄囊期、弯曲前期、弯曲期和弯曲后期4个发育阶段;对仔鱼阶段的全长(LT)、头长(LH)、躯干长(LQ)、尾部长(LC)、眼径(D)、体高(HB)、头高(HH)、湿重(W)8项生长指标的特定生长率进行了分析,结果表明仔鱼各个阶段的发育是异速的;仔鱼全长、尾部长、头长、头高、体高、眼径的生长方程都为二次多项式,体长与体质量之间呈指数相关。  相似文献   

The large-scale spatial dynamics and population structure of marine top predators are poorly known. We present electronic tag and photographic identification data showing a complex suite of behavioral patterns in white sharks. These include coastal return migrations and the fastest known transoceanic return migration among swimming fauna, which provide direct evidence of a link between widely separated populations in South Africa and Australia. Transoceanic return migration involved a return to the original capture location, dives to depths of 980 meters, and the tolerance of water temperatures as low as 3.4 degrees C. These findings contradict previous ideas that female white sharks do not make transoceanic migrations, and they suggest natal homing behavior.  相似文献   

At Guryul Ravine near Srinagar, Kashmir, a varied fauna of productid brachiopods, including Spinomarginifera, is associated in approximately 15 feet (about 4 meters) of strata with the typical Scythian (Lower Triassic) pelecypod Claraia. These faunas are interpreted as true associations of surviving "Permian" and Lower Triassic faunal elements. Similar mixed associations have previously been identified in the lowest Triassic strata of the Salt Range and Surghar Range of West Pakistan.  相似文献   

The martian valley networks formed near the end of the period of heavy bombardment of the inner solar system, about 3.5 billion years ago. The largest impacts produced global blankets of very hot ejecta, ranging in thickness from meters to hundreds of meters. Our simulations indicated that the ejecta warmed the surface, keeping it above the freezing point of water for periods ranging from decades to millennia, depending on impactor size, and caused shallow subsurface or polar ice to evaporate or melt. Large impacts also injected steam into the atmosphere from the craters or from water innate to the impactors. From all sources, a typical 100-, 200-, or 250-kilometers asteroid injected about 2, 9, or 16 meters, respectively, of precipitable water into the atmosphere, which eventually rained out at a rate of about 2 meters per year. The rains from a large impact formed rivers and contributed to recharging aquifers.  相似文献   

Massive blocks of freshwater ice and frozen sediments protrude from shallow, saline lakes in the Andes of southwestern Bolivia and northeastern Chile. These ice islands range up to 1.5 kilometers long, stand up to 7 meters above the water surface, and may extend out tens of meters and more beneath the unfrozen lake sediments. The upper surfaces of the islands are covered with dry white sediments, mostly aragonite or calcite. The ice blocks may have formed by freezing of the fresh pore water of lake sediments during the "little ice age." The largest blocks are melting rapidly because of possibly recent increases in geothermal heat flux through the lake bottom and undercutting by warm saline lake water during the summer.  相似文献   

【目的】为系统选育和改良珍珠鸡Guinea fowl生产性能提供基本数据资料。【方法】以1~9周龄珍珠鸡为研究对象,分析其生长发育规律,并采用Logistic、Gompertz、Bertalanffy 3种模型进行拟合分析,探讨其合适的生长模型。【结果】公、母珍珠鸡的体质量、龙骨长、胫长和胫围差异不显著(P0.05),生长发育规律呈现一致趋势。体尺性状在2周龄生长速率最大,呈直线上升趋势。珍珠鸡体质量与体尺性状间均呈正相关,公珍珠鸡的胫长与体质量的相关系数最大(r=0.752),且达到极显著水平。母珍珠鸡的体质量与龙骨长的相关系数最大(r=0.600),其次为胫长(r=0.509),且胫长与龙骨长之间相关性达到显著水平,相关系数为0.477。3种曲线模型均适合珍珠鸡生长曲线的模拟,其中Gompertz模型是珍珠鸡体质量的最佳拟合模型,龙骨长、胫长和胫围的最佳拟合模型均为Bertalanffy模型。【结论】公、母珍珠鸡体质量和体尺生长发育规律趋势一致,Gompertz、Bertalanffy模型分别是体质量和体尺性状的最佳拟合模型,应加强对胫长指标的选育,有可能间接提高珍珠鸡龙骨长度和胸肌产量,并提高体质量。  相似文献   

Hurricane Ivan, a category 4 storm, passed directly over six wave-tide gauges deployed by the Naval Research Laboratory on the outer continental shelf in the northeastern Gulf of Mexico. Waves were observed with significant wave heights reaching 17.9 meters and maximum crest-to-trough individual wave heights of 27.7 meters (91 feet). Analysis suggests that significant wave heights likely surpassed 21 meters (69 feet) and that maximum crest-to-trough individual wave heights exceeded 40 meters (132 feet) near the eyewall.  相似文献   

Displacement above the hypocenter of the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The moment magnitude (M(w)) = 9.0 2011 Tohoku-Oki mega-thrust earthquake occurred off the coast of northeastern Japan. Combining Global Positioning System (GPS) and acoustic data, we detected very large sea-floor movements associated with this event directly above the focal region. An area with more than 20 meters of horizontal displacement, that is, four times larger than those detected on land, stretches several tens of kilometers long along the trench; the largest amount reaches about 24 meters toward east-southeast just above the hypocenter. Furthermore, nearly 3 meters of vertical uplift occurred, contrary to observed terrestrial subsidence.  相似文献   

Wells PV  Berger R 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1967,155(3770):1640-1647
Seventeen ancient wood-rat middens, ranging in radiocarbon age from 7400 to 19,500 years and to older than 40,000 years, have been uncovered in the northeastern, north-central, southeastern, and southwestern sectors of the Mohave Desert. Excellent preservation of macroscopic plant materials (including stems, buds, leaves, fruits, and seeds) enables identification of many plant species growing within the limited foraging range of the sedentary wood rat. An approximately synchronous zonal differentiation of vegetation in response to a gradient of elevation on limestone in the northeastern Mohave Desert is apparent from the macrofossil evidence, preserved in wood-rat middens and ground-sloth coprolites, covering a time span bracketed by radiocarbon ages of about 9000 and 10,000 years. XerophilQus juniper woodlands descended to an elevation of 1100 meters, some 600 meters below the present lower limit of woodland (1700 meters) in the latitude of Frenchman Flat. But desert or semidesert shrubs coexisted with the woodland trees throughout much of the span of elevation corresponding to the pluvial lowering of the woodland zone, and the more mesophytic phase of pinyonjuniper woodland was evidently confined to montane habitats at elevations above 1500 meters. Joshua trees, accompanied by desert shrubs, prevailed down to about 600 meters at Gypsum Cave, Nevada, but only the shrubs of the existing warm-desert vegetation occurred at 530 meters near Rampart Cave, Arizona. Pleistocene middens from the southeastern Mohave Desert record a relatively large downward shift of the pinyon-juniper woodland zone, paralleling the remarkably low minimum elevation of the existing woodland zone in that area. The macrofossil evidence speaks for former continuity of the many disjunct stands of woodland vegetation in the Mohave Desert region, at least along the higher divides connecting most of the ranges. However, there is no macrofossil evidence of pluvial continuity of range for the more mesophytic, montane, coniferous-forest zone of ponderosa pine or white fir now occupying islands of relatively mesic environment on the highest mountains of the region. On the contrary, the uneven stocking of the lofty mountains of the Mohave Desert with mesephytic or boreal species and the trend toward endemism suggest a long history of isolation.  相似文献   

Shark populations are declining globally, yet the movements and habitats of most species are unknown. We used a satellite tag attached to the dorsal fin to track salmon sharks (Lamna ditropis) for up to 3.2 years. Here we show that salmon sharks have a subarctic-to-subtropical niche, ranging from 2 degrees to 24 degrees C, and they spend winter periods in waters as cold as 2 degrees to 8 degrees C. Functional assays and protein gels reveal that the expression of excitation-contraction coupling proteins is enhanced in salmon shark hearts, which may underlie the shark's ability to maintain heart function at cold temperatures and their niche expansion into subarctic seas.  相似文献   

The optical properties of the ice at the geographical South Pole have been investigated at depths between 0.8 and 1 kilometer. The absorption and scattering lengths of visible light ( approximately 515 nanometers) have been measured in situ with the use of the laser calibration setup of the Antarctic Muon and Neutrino Detector Array (AMANDA) neutrino detector. The ice is intrinsically extremely transparent. The measured absorption length is 59 +/- 3 meters, comparable with the quality of the ultrapure water used in the Irvine-Michigan-Brookhaven and Kamiokande proton-decay and neutrino experiments and more than twice as long as the best value reported for laboratory ice. Because of a residual density of air bubbles at these depths, the trajectories of photons in the medium are randomized. If the bubbles are assumed to be smooth and spherical, the average distance between collisions at a depth of 1 kilometer is about 25 centimeters. The measured inverse scattering length on bubbles decreases linearly with increasing depth in the volume of ice investigated.  相似文献   

Shark cartilage contains inhibitors of tumor angiogenesis   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
A Lee  R Langer 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1983,221(4616):1185-1187
Shark cartilage contains a substance that strongly inhibits the growth of new blood vessels toward solid tumors, thereby restricting tumor growth. The abundance of this factor in shark cartilage, in contrast to cartilage from mammalian sources, may make sharks an ideal source of the inhibitor and may help to explain the rarity of neoplasms in these animals.  相似文献   

A flume 60 feet (18.28 meters) long was employed to study the controls of lateral and vertical incision of a sinuous stream in simulated bedrock. When 100 percent of the available sediment load was entrained the flow incised vertically at bends. When less than 100 percent of the load was entrained the flow downcut laterally outward at bends. The effects of helicoidal currents and shear stress localization explain the loci of erosion and deposition.  相似文献   

Cartilaginous fishes represent the living group of jawed vertebrates that diverged from the common ancestor of human and teleost fish lineages about 530 million years ago. We generated approximately 1.4x genome sequence coverage for a cartilaginous fish, the elephant shark (Callorhinchus milii), and compared this genome with the human genome to identify conserved noncoding elements (CNEs). The elephant shark sequence revealed twice as many CNEs as were identified by whole-genome comparisons between teleost fishes and human. The ancient vertebrate-specific CNEs in the elephant shark and human genomes are likely to play key regulatory roles in vertebrate gene expression.  相似文献   

The Landers earthquake, which had a moment magnitude (M(w)) of 7.3, was the largest earthquake to strike the contiguous United States in 40 years. This earthquake resulted from the rupture of five major and many minor right-lateral faults near the southern end of the eastern California shear zone, just north of the San Andreas fault. Its M(w) 6.1 preshock and M(w) 6.2 aftershock had their own aftershocks and foreshocks. Surficial geological observations are consistent with local and far-field seismologic observations of the earthquake. Large surficial offsets (as great as 6 meters) and a relatively short rupture length (85 kilometers) are consistent with seismological calculations of a high stress drop (200 bars), which is in turn consistent with an apparently long recurrence interval for these faults.  相似文献   

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