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The interactions between the spatial pattern of soil crust development and crop cover conditions are investigated through controlled laboratory experiments using rainfall simulation. The experimental responses are monitored by using terrestrial photogrammetry and results quantified and analysed in a geographical information system. The generated categorical data is used within a stepwise logistic modelling framework. Results obtained show for the experimental conditions that the expected results of a decrease in areal crust development with increase in crop cover do not hold true. These results are being explained in terms of differences in crop morphology of the two crops used: sweet corn and cabbages, and the specific properties of the soil used in the experiments.  相似文献   

Changes in the soil microbial communities and networks were monitored after planting the cover crop for 9 years. The field experiment included plots with a cover crop and without a cover crop but with weed control, and two subplots with or without chemical fertilizer (192 kg N ha?1, 108 kg P2O5 ha?1, and 168 kg K2O ha?1 each year). After applying the cover crop and chemical fertilizer for 9 years, the composition and activity of bacterial and fungal communities changed significantly (p?<?0.05), with the cover crop had greater effects than the chemical fertilizer on the composition of the soil microbial community. The relative abundances of 22 selected genera (in Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes) and two selected classes (Ascomycota) related to cover crop residue degradation increased significantly in the presence of the cover crop (p?<?0.05). Network analysis showed that the cover crop decreased the number of positive links between bacterial and fungal taxa by 25.33%, and increased the negative links by 22.89%. The positive links among bacterial taxa increased by 16.63% with the cover crop, mainly among Proteobacteria (increase of 39), Firmicutes (16), Actinobacteria (five), and Bacteroidetes (10). The links among fungal taxa were less than among bacterial taxa and were not significantly affected by cover crop. Taxa such as Thaumarchaeota, unidentified_Nitrospiraceae, unidentified_Nitrosomonadaceae, Faecalibacterium, Coprococcus_3, and Ruminococcaceae_NK4A214_group dominated the network without the cover crop but they were not dominant with the cover crop. The relative abundances of potential genes involved with the degradation of cellulose, hemicellulose, and cello-oligosaccharides increased significantly with the cover crop. Therefore, the SOC and TN contents were enhanced by the cover crop with the increase of the soil enzyme activities. Thus, the apple yield was improved by the cover crop.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to evaluate the contribution of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungal hyphae to 15N uptake from vineyard cover crop litter (Medicago polymorpha), and to examine the soil microbial community under the influence of mycorrhizal roots and extraradical hyphae. Mycorrhizal grapevines (Vitis vinifera) were grown in specially designed containers, within which a polyvinyl chloride (PVC) mesh core was inserted. Different sizes of mesh allowed mycorrhizal roots (mycorrhizosphere treatment) or extraradical hyphae (hyphosphere treatment) to access dual labeled 15N and 13C cover crop litter that was placed inside the cores after 4 months of grapevine growth. Mesh cores in the bulk soil treatment, which served as a negative control, had the same mesh size as the hyphosphere treatment, but frequent rotation prevented extraradical hyphae from accessing the litter. Grapevines and soils were harvested 0, 7, 14, and 28 days after addition of the cover crop litter and examined for the presence of 15N. Soil microbial biomass and the soil microbial community inside the mesh cores were examined using phospholipid fatty acid analysis. 15N concentrations in grapevines in the hyphosphere treatment were twice that of grapevines in the bulk soil treatment, suggesting that extraradical hyphae extending from mycorrhizal grapevine roots may have a role in nutrient utilization from decomposing vineyard cover crops in the field. Nonetheless, grapevines in the mycorrhizosphere treatment had the highest 15N concentrations, thus highlighting the importance of a healthy grapevine root system in nutrient uptake. We detected similar peaks in soil microbial biomass in the mycorrhizosphere and hyphosphere treatments after addition of the litter, despite significantly lower microbial biomass in the hyphosphere treatment initially. Our results suggest that although grapevine roots play a dominant role in the uptake of nutrients from a decomposing cover crop, AM hyphae may have a more important role in maintaining soil microbial communities associated with nutrient cycling.  相似文献   

Collembola and microbial biomass C were investigated in a field experiment with controlled agricultural traffic and crop rotation over a period of 27 months. The wheel-induced compactive efforts were applied according to management practices within the crop rotation of sugar beet, winter wheat, and winter barley. Increasing wheel traffic produced increasing soil compaction, mainly due to a reduction in surface soil porosity. Increasing soil compaction was accompanied by a decrease in microbial biomass C and the density of collembola. The influence of soil compaction on microbial biomass C was smaller than that of the standing crop. However, for collembola, especially euedaphic species, a reduction in pore space appeared to be of more importance than the effects of a standing crop. Within the crop rotation, microbial biomass C and the density of collembola increased in the order sugar beet, winter wheat, and winter barley.  相似文献   

Biochar application to arable soils could be effective for soil C sequestration and mitigation of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Soil microorganisms and fauna are the major contributors to GHG emissions from soil, but their interactions with biochar are poorly understood. We investigated the effects of biochar and its interaction with earthworms on soil microbial activity, abundance, and community composition in an incubation experiment with an arable soil with and without N-rich litter addition. After 37 days of incubation, biochar significantly reduced CO2 (up to 43 %) and N2O (up to 42 %), as well as NH4 +-N and NO3 ?-N concentrations, compared to the control soils. Concurrently, in the treatments with litter, biochar increased microbial biomass and the soil microbial community composition shifted to higher fungal-to-bacterial ratios. Without litter, all microbial groups were positively affected by biochar × earthworm interactions suggesting better living conditions for soil microorganisms in biochar-containing cast aggregates after the earthworm gut passage. However, assimilation of biochar-C by earthworms was negligible, indicating no direct benefit for the earthworms from biochar uptake. Biochar strongly reduced the metabolic quotient qCO2 and suppressed the degradation of native SOC, resulting in large negative priming effects (up to 68 %). We conclude that the biochar amendment altered microbial activity, abundance, and community composition, inducing a more efficient microbial community with reduced emissions of CO2 and N2O. Earthworms affected soil microorganisms only in the presence of biochar, highlighting the need for further research on the interactions of biochar with soil fauna.  相似文献   

Due to disruption of soil aggregates and cell lysis and the subsequent release of organic C and N, increased microbial N transformation processes can be observed after freeze–thaw cycles. In a microcosm study, we investigated the influence of plant residues with different C/N ratios (lucerne-clover-grass-mix and wheat straw) on N transformations and the abundance pattern of the corresponding functional genes in an arable soil after freezing and thawing. Unfrozen soil samples, continuously incubated at 10°C, served as control. Concentration of soil NH4+, NO3, and water-extractable organic C (WEOC) as well as genes involved in nitrification and denitrification, quantified by real-time PCR, were determined before freezing and 1, 3, and 7 days after thawing. The amounts of inorganic N and WEOC as well as the investigated gene abundance pattern did hardly differ between control samples and samples subjected to freezing and thawing that have been amended with straw. In contrast, clear alterations of the measured parameters and abundances were observed after freezing and thawing in samples being amended with the lucerne-clover-grass-mix compared to the control samples.  相似文献   

This study aimed at quantifying the consequences of reduced precipitation and plant diversity on soil microbial community functioning in a Mediterranean shrubland of southern France. Across a natural gradient of shrub species diversity, we established a total of 92 plots (4 × 4 m) with and without a moderate rain exclusion treatment of about 12 % of total precipitation. Shrub diversity included all possible combinations of the four dominant species (Cistus albidus, Quercus coccifera, Rosmarinus officinalis, and Ulex parviflorus). Respective leaf litter mixtures of these species combinations were exposed in all plots over 2 years. We quantified how litter species richness and the reduction in precipitation affected the soil microbial substrate utilization (measured by CO2 evolution using the MicroResp method) on soil samples collected underneath each individual litter mixture after 1 and 2 years of decomposition. Moderate precipitation reduction had a minor impact, but litter species richness and the dissimilarity in phenolic concentrations (estimated using Rao’s quadratic entropy) showed a positive effect on the diversity of substrates metabolized by the microbial communities. Moreover, litter species richness increased soil microbial activity by increasing the catabolic diversity of the soil microbial community. These effects were mostly driven by the presence of Quercus and Ulex leaf litter, which at the same time reduced microbial metabolic dominance, while the presence of Rosmarinus had opposite effects. Our data suggest that plant species loss can have stronger effects on the functioning of soil microbial communities than moderate drought, with potentially important feedbacks on biogeochemical cycling in Mediterranean shrubland ecosystems.  相似文献   

The Negev Desert is characterized by low soil moisture and organic matter content and an unpredictable rainfall amount, dispersion, and intensity. Water and nutrient availability are, therefore, the major limiting factors of biological activity in arid and semi-arid ecosystems. Plants have developed different ecophysiological adaptations in order to cope with the harsh conditions in this xeric environment, e.g., excretion of salt (Reaumuria negevensis) and chemical compounds (Artemisia sieberi) through the leaves. Microorganisms constitute a major part of these ecosystems' total biomass, and are diverse members of the soil food web, being primarily responsible for breaking down complex organic compounds, which are then recycled. They are also known to be very sensitive to abiotic changes and can time their activity to the environmental conditions.Soil samples were collected monthly from a 0 to 10 cm depth, under the canopies of A. sieberi, Noaea mucronata, and R. negevensis. Samples collected from inter-shrub spaces served as control. CO2 evolution, microbial biomass, microbial functional diversity, and the physiological profile of the community, were determined by MicroResp™ analysis. A significant difference was found between the two dry periods in most of the examined parameters. The values of water, organic matter content, and total soluble nitrogen were higher in soil samples collected in the vicinity of R. negevensis than in samples collected in the vicinity of N. mucronata, A. sieberi, and the open area. A similar trend was found in CO2 evolution, microbial biomass, and H' values, in which soil samples collected beneath the canopies of N. mucronata and R. negevensis and from open area had higher values during the wet periods (which were characterized by a mesic environment) and in samples collected beneath the A. sieberi in the wet 2006 and dry 2007 periods.  相似文献   

We propose a new method for estimating and testing the zones where a variable has discontinuities or sharp changes in the mean. Such zones are called Zones of Abrupt Change (ZACs). Our method is based on the statistical properties of the estimated gradient of the variable. The local gradient is first interpolated by kriging. Then we test whether the estimated local gradient exceeds some critical threshold computed under the null hypothesis of a constant mean. The locations where the local test is rejected define the potential ZACs, which are then tested globally. Using this method, we analysed soil data from an agricultural field. The analysis of the main soil components of the ploughed layer (clay, silt and sand particles and calcium carbonate content) reveals the structural variations in the field, linked to boundaries between soil types. Its application to non‐permanent variables (soil water and mineral nitrogen content of the soil profile to 120 cm taken at several dates) shows that water content has the same ZACs for all dates, whereas mineral nitrogen has none.  相似文献   


Quantitative evaluation of denitrification by the dual isotope approach, which measures the stable isotope ratios of nitrogen (δ15N) and oxygen (δ18O) in nitrate, has been hampered by the wide range of values reported for the ratio of enrichment factors for 15N and 18O (15ε and 18ε, respectively) during denitrification. The objectives of this study were to determine 15ε and 18ε values at different denitrification rates under controlled conditions, and to infer possible mechanisms by which the 18ε/15ε ratio is influenced under different conditions. Column experiments were conducted at 25, 15, and 10°C, which enabled determination of 15ε and 18ε at different denitrification rates, in the absence of nitrate replenishment from ammonium oxidation and other sources. The values of 15ε and 18ε ranged from ?11.8 to ?14.9‰ and from ?8.4 to ?15.9‰, respectively, with 15ε less sensitive to changes in the denitrification rates. The resultant 18ε/15ε ratio, ranging from 0.70 to 1.17, was close to the values reported for sediment incubations, and larger than those for groundwater systems. These results are consistent with the explanations that 18ε/15ε value itself is close to unity during denitrification, and that at smaller denitrification rates, concurrent reactions including re-oxidation of nitrite to nitrate lead to smaller apparent fractionation of 18O and smaller 18ε/15ε ratios. This suggests that while linear relationships between δ18O and δ15N give a strong evidence of denitrification, apparent 18ε/15ε values are site specific and depend on the ambient conditions. In evaluating denitrification in such systems, we suggest the use of 15ε in preference to 18ε because 15ε is less sensitive to denitrification rates.  相似文献   

Although the effects of cover crops (CC) on various soil parameters have been fully investigated, less is known about the impacts at different stages in CC cultivation. The objective of this study was to quantify the influence of CC cultivation stages and residue placement on aggregates and microbial carbon (Cmic). Additionally, the influence of residue location and crop species on CO2 emissions and leached mineralized nitrogen (Nmin) during the plant degradation period was also investigated. Within an incubation experiment, four CC species were sown in soil columns, with additional columns being kept plant‐free. After plant growth, the columns were frozen (as occurs in winter under field conditions) and then incubated with the plant material either incorporated or surface‐applied. With CC, concentrations of large and medium macroaggregates were twice that of the fallow, confirming positive effects of root growth. Freezing led to a decrease in these aggregate size classes. In the subsequent incubation, the large macroaggregates decreased far more in the samples with CC than in the fallow, leading to similar aggregate size distributions. No difference in Cmic concentration was found among the CC cultivation stages. CO2 emissions were roughly equivalent to the carbon amounts added as plant residues. Comparison of columns with incorporated or surface‐applied residues indicated no consistent pattern of aggregate distribution, CO2 emission or Cmic and Nmin concentrations. Our results suggest that positive effects of CC cultivation are only short term and that a large amount of organic material in the soil could have a greater influence than CC cultivation.  相似文献   

Using a scheme of agricultural fields with progressively less intensive management (deintensification), different management practices in six agroecosystems located near Goldsboro, NC, USA were tested in a large-scale experiment, including two cash-grain cropping systems employing either tillage (CT) or no-tillage (NT), an organic farming system (OR), an integrated cropping system with animals (IN), a successional field (SU), and a plantation woodlot (WO). Microbial phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) profiles and substrate utilization patterns (BIOLOG ECO plates) were measured to examine the effects of deintensification on the structure and diversity of soil microbial communities. Principle component analyses of PLFA and BIOLOG data showed that the microbial community structure diverged among the soils of the six systems.Lower microbial diversity was found in lowly managed ecosystem than that in intensive and moderately managed agroecosystems, and both fungal contribution to the total identified PLFAs and the ratio of microbial biomass C/N increased along with agricultural deintensification. Significantly higher ratios of C/N (P 〈 0.05) were found in the WO and SU systems, and for fungal/bacterial PLFAs in the WO system (P 〈 0.05). There were also significant decreases (P 〈 0.05) along with agricultural deintensification for contributions of total bacterial and gram positive (G+) bacterial PLFAs.Agricultural deintensification could facilitate the development of microbial communities that favor soil fungi over bacteria.  相似文献   

转基因水稻秸秆还田对土壤硝化反硝化微生物群落的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
转基因作物可能通过根系分泌物和植株残体组成的改变及外源基因的转移释放令土壤微生物群落产生变化,影响土壤微生物的生态功能。氨氧化细菌和反硝化细菌是驱动土壤硝化和反硝化过程的关键微生物,其群落结构的变化直接关系土壤氮素的转化与利用。本研究利用荧光定量PCR和PCR-DGGE技术分析了转cry1Ac/cpti双价抗虫基因水稻‘Kf8’秸秆还田降解过程中,土壤氨氧化细菌和反硝化细菌群落丰度与组成的变化,探讨转基因水稻是否存在影响稻田土壤氮素转化与N2O排放的可能。结果显示:无论是氨氧化细菌amo A基因还是反硝化细菌nirS基因,其丰度在转基因水稻‘Kf8’与非转基因水稻‘Mh86’的秸秆还田土壤中都没有显著差异;转基因水稻‘Kf8’和非转基因水稻‘Mh86’秸秆还田降解过程中0~10 cm土层中的amo A基因丰度均显著高于10~20 cm及20~30 cm土层(P0.05);各深度土层中的nirS基因丰度均存在随秸秆还田时间延长而增加的趋势。水稻秸秆还田降解过程中,转基因水稻‘Kf8’的土壤氨氧化细菌和反硝化细菌的群落多样性指数及组成,均与非转基因水稻‘Mh86’没有显著差异。相关分析结果表明土壤氨氧化细菌和反硝化细菌群落组成均与水稻秸秆还田时间存在显著相关性(P=0.002),反硝化细菌群落组成还与土层深度显著相关(P=0.024)。本研究表明转cry1Ac/cpti抗虫基因水稻秸秆还田对稻田土壤硝化和反硝化关键微生物群落不会产生明显影响。就土壤微生物群落而言,转cry1Ac/cpti抗虫基因水稻秸秆还田不存在影响土壤氮素转化与N2O排放的可能。  相似文献   

A field study was conducted on upland soils for six years to determine interactive effects of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cover crop, organic and inorganic soil amendments on grain yields and nutrient utilizations in a no-till corn (Zea mays)-soybean (Glycine max) rotation. Experimental design was a split-plot arrangement with four replicates. Cover crops were the main plots and fertilization treatments used as sub-plot. Fertilization treatments included an unfertilized control, poultry litter, poultry litter (PL) plus flue gas desulfurization (FGD) gypsum and inorganic N fertilizer applied every other year to corn. Corn grain yield and grain N and P uptake were greater with PL than inorganic fertilizer in 2014 and 2016. Addition of FGD gypsum to PL significantly increased corn grain yield by 15% in 2016. Cover crop increased corn and soybean grain yields in a year with less seasonal rainfall possibly by conserving soil moisture.  相似文献   

 Traditional tree fallows have been abandoned on the western coast of the Reunion Island because of the increasing need for cultivated land. Soil fertility is no longer restored and crop yields have decreased drastically. The leguminous plant, Lotus uliginosus (trefoil), used as a cover crop, has made possible the control of erosion, the restoration of soil macrofauna, especially earthworms, and the increase in crop yields. When trefoil was associated with earthworms (Amynthas corticis), the densities of maize, the yields of maize stalk and dry matter, the yield of trefoil fodder dry matter, and the biomass and respiratory activity of soil microflora were considerably increased. The combined effects of their association led to a significant decrease in populations of the plant-parasitic nematode, Pratylenchus vulnus, in maize roots, and in the population of borers. Some soil chemical features were modified. Received: 10 September 1997  相似文献   

Long-term rates of litter decay have been shown to be primarily influenced by temperature, moisture and litter quality. However, while decomposition is a biological process, the relative importance of microbial communities and other soil chemistry factors is not well understood. Our analysis examined long-term litter decay parameters, microbial community composition via phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) analysis, and soil organic horizon chemistry at 14 upland forested sites. Data were collected as part of the Canadian Intersite Decomposition Experiment (CIDET), a 12-year national litter decomposition experiment. Residual errors from a two-pool exponential decay model with decay rates modified by mean annual air temperature and moisture stress were compared to PLFA marker groups and chemistry variables. Residual errors were not well explained by soil PLFA marker group abundance or concentration, soil pH, nor soil C:N ratios. The best predictor of residual error was soil carbon percent (%C), with higher %C associated with slower than predicted decomposition.  相似文献   

More and more cultivated coastal territories of Syria are being affected by increasing land degradation processes, specifically, by soil erosion due to non‐sustainable soil management. The use of cover crops can be considered an ideal solution to reduce the negative impacts of extreme rainfall events on soil erosion. However, there is no enough information about the main cultivated areas of Syria due to the current conflicts and the very few types of research conducted there. Therefore, the main aim of this research was to assess soil erosion (soil loss and sediment concentration) and hydrological response (run‐off and infiltration) considering the impact of different types of cropping systems on soil organic matter. To achieve this goal, using erosion plots, five grouped natural rainfall events and soil samples were collected, and infiltration measurements were performed between November 2012 and April 2013 (rainy season) on three different cropping systems (wheat, vetch, bean and control) with different sloping gradients (8% and 20%) in Tartous governorate (W Syria). Our results showed a cumulative rainfall amount from 68.8 to 201 mm during the study period. The highest sediment yield was generated in the control and wheat plots, registering 0.468 and 0.368 kg m?2, respectively, with an inclination of 8%. For an inclination of 20%, the control and wheat plots registered 1.145 and 0.967 kg m?2, respectively. In comparison with the control plots, there was a decrease in the total eroded organic matter, which ranged from 0.0579 (control) to 0.0289 (bean) kg m?2 year?1 in the plots with 20% inclination, and from 0.0233 (control) to 0.0069 (bean) kg m?2 year?1 with 8% inclination. To sum up, bean and vetch play an effective role to mitigate soil erosion, delay run‐off and reduce sediment yield. The output of this research provides first insights into the impact of different land uses on soil loss. Also, it could help rural inhabitants and farmers to correctly manage their soils against soil erosion processes.  相似文献   

The amounts of N2O released in freeze‐thaw events depend on site and freezing conditions and contribute considerably to the annual N2O emissions. However, quantitative information on the N transformation rates in freeze‐thaw events is scarce. Our objectives were (1) to quantify gross nitrification in a Luvisol during a freeze‐thaw event, (2) to analyze the dynamics of the emissions of N2O and N2, (3) to quantify the contribution of nitrification and denitrification to the emission of N2O, and (4) to determine whether the length of freezing and of thawing affects the C availability for the denitrification. 15NO was added to undisturbed soil columns, and the columns were subjected to 7 d of freezing and 5 d of thawing. N2O emissions were determined in 3 h intervals, and the concentrations of 15N2O and 15N2 were determined at different times during thawing. During the 12 d experiment, 5.67 mg NO ‐N (kg soil)–1 was produced, and 2.67 mg NO ‐N (kg soil)–1 was lost. By assuming as a first approximation that production and loss occurred exclusively during thawing, the average nitrate‐production rate, denitrification rate, and immobilization rate were 1.13, 0.05, and 0.48 mg NO ‐N (kg soil)–1 d–1, respectively. Immediately after the beginning of the thawing, denitrification contributed by 83% to the N2O production. The ratios of 15N2 to 15N2O during thawing were narrow and ranged from 1.5 to 0.6. For objective (4), homogenized soil samples were incubated under anaerobic conditions after different periods of freezing and thawing. The different periods did not affect the amounts of N2 and N2O produced in the incubation experiments. Further, addition of labile substrates gave either increases in the amounts of N2O and N2 produced or no changes which suggested that changes in nutrient availability due to freezing and thawing are only small.  相似文献   

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