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  • 1. Circle hooks have rapidly become popular among recreational anglers, based largely on the assumption that their use aids in the conservation of fisheries resources by reducing gut hooking, and hence mortality. In addition, circle hooks are intended to facilitate jaw hooking. Unfortunately, these assumptions have been perpetuated by anecdotal reports with very little rigorous scientific information to support these assertions.
  • 2. A number of recently published, forthcoming, and grey literature reports provide an opportunity to review briefly and synthesize research conducted on circle hooks. We surveyed literature databases and also used questionnaires to solicit information from unpublished or in‐progress circle hook research.
  • 3. Although among studies the results have been quite disparate, overall the mortality rates were consistently lower for circle hooks than J‐style hooks. In addition, circle hooks were more frequently hooked in the jaw, and less frequently hooked in the gut than conventional hook types. There is no doubt that in some marine fisheries, such as tuna, billfish, and striped bass, capture efficiency remains high and injury and mortality rates are drastically reduced. However, in other species (e.g. bluegill), injury can actually be more severe from circle hooks relative to some other hook types. In other species, such as largemouth bass, circle hooks have minimal conservation benefit, but have reduced capture efficiency relative to conventional hook designs.
  • 4. Factors such as hook size, fishing style, fish feeding mode, and mouth morphology all appear to affect the effectiveness of circle hooks. For these reasons, it is difficult to promote the adoption of the use of circle hooks as a panacea for all fish and fisheries. Instead, we recommend that management agencies focus on recommending circle hooks only for instances for which appropriate scientific data exist.
  • 5. The recent interest in circle hooks has been beneficial for stimulating interest and research on the role of hook designs in reducing hooking‐related injury and mortality. We encourage tackle manufacturers to continue to develop new hook designs that have the potential to provide conservation benefit to caught and released fish. This paper provides direction to management agencies and outdoor media for disseminating responsible information to anglers regarding the application of circle hooks for conserving fisheries resources.
Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Small‐scale driftnets (SSDs) have been historically used in the Mediterranean without major environmental concern. The introduction of large‐scale driftnets caused unwanted catches of protected species. Specific regulations were therefore issued in European waters, culminating in a proposed moratorium on SSDs. This study aimed to characterise the SSD fishery targeting anchovy (menaide), evaluating its environmental sustainability, economic performance and social relevance. In 2013, a survey by interviews, logbooks and observers on board assessed the order of magnitude of this fishery in terms of fishing capacity and activity, volume of landings and revenues. The menaide fleet consisted in 60 vessels <12 m overall length, moored in little harbours in southern Italy. These nets are highly selective: the target species, European anchovy, Engraulis encrasicholus (L.) and sardine, Sardina pilchardus (Walbaum), dominates the catches, while discards are negligible. The anchovies caught are of high quality and large size; the high prices support fish processing by local factories. Moreover, the results of a SWOT analysis demonstrated that replacing SSDs with a semi‐industrial fishery, like purse seining, would increase impacts on the ecosystem, and a loss of socio‐economic opportunities for several coastal villages. These findings support the option of keeping SSDs operating, in the framework of specifically oriented management measures.  相似文献   

Caligus rogercresseyi generates the greatest losses in the salmon industry in Chile. The relationship between salmon farming and sea lice is made up of various components: the parasite, host, environment and farming practices, which make it difficult to identify patterns in parasite population dynamics to define prevention and control strategies. The objectives of this study were to analyse and compare the effect of farming, sanitary practices and environmental variables on the abundance of gravid females (GF) and juveniles (JUV) of C. rogercresseyi on Salmo salar in three Salmon Neighborhood Areas (SNAs) in Region 10, south of Chile. Linear mixed‐effects models of the negative binomial distribution were used to evaluate the effect of the different explanatory variables on GF and JUV. Productive variables were the key drivers explaining the abundance of GF and JUV. Results suggest that C. rogercresseyi is not controlled and JUV are persistent in the three SNAs, and sanitary practices do not control the dissemination of the parasite among sites. Environmental variables had a low impact on sea lice abundance. There is a need to perform analysis for modelling of parasite population dynamics to improve Integrated Pest Management, including changes in the governance to achieve an effective prevention and control.  相似文献   

  • 1. Classification is a useful tool for researchers and managers wishing to group functionally similar sites or to identify unique or threatened habitats. A process‐based river classification scheme that successfully integrates physical and biological aspects of lotic form and function would enhance conservation and restoration efforts by allowing more meaningful comparisons among sites, and improving functional understanding of lotic ecosystems.
  • 2. The River Styles framework provides a geomorphological river characterization scheme in which assemblages of geomorphic units vary for differing River Styles, presenting differing arrays of aquatic habitat diversity for each style.
  • 3. The ecological significance of the River Styles framework is tested by comparing the macroinvertebrate assemblages and habitat characteristics of pool and run geomorphic units for three different River Styles on the north coast of New South Wales, Australia.
  • 4. Multivariate ordinations and analysis of similarity (ANOSIM) revealed that macroinvertebrate community structure differed between Bedrock‐Controlled Discontinuous Floodplain rivers and Gorge rivers, and between Bedrock‐Controlled Discontinuous Floodplain and Meandering Gravel Bed rivers, especially in pools. Differences between Gorge and Meandering Gravel Bed rivers were less apparent, largely due to variations within the Meandering Gravel Bed rivers group.
  • 5. The variability in macroinvertebrate assemblage structure among geomorphic units was most strongly related to variability in substrate and hydraulic variables. Substrate composition differed significantly among all River Styles and geomorphic units, but other habitat variables showed few consistent differences among River Style groups.
  • 6. These results suggest that the ecological similarity of macroinvertebrate communities within River Styles may presently be limited because some important large‐scale drivers of local habitat conditions are not included in River Styles designations. Integrating River Styles classification with other large‐scale variables reflecting stream size, temperature and hydrological regime may produce a process‐based physical classification capable of identifying river reaches with similar ecological structure and function.
Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Problematic sea lice infestations on farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) have motivated extensive research and development into new methods to prevent, monitor and control sea lice. Most of these technologies require detailed information on the behaviour, spatial distribution and demography of lice on host fish. This study investigated how salmon lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) infestation density varies across the host's surface under sea cage farming conditions. Lice abundance, demography and attachment location were tracked over time, with repeated sampling of 300 individually tagged salmon across three replicate experimental sea cages. The data reveal clear differences in attachment locations according to sex and stage, but with an overall preference for the dorsal surface among mobile stages—dorsal head for adult females and dorsal-posterior section for males and pre-adults. Total lice abundance was highly variable between repeated measures of individual fish, consistent with frequent host-switching or mortality. Total lice numbers also declined between sampling dates, likely due to handling, with lost mobile lice being almost exclusively adult males. As the distribution of sea lice on hosts is likely determined by numerous factors, future image-based automated detection systems should be validated in settings that reflect the complex host–parasite interactions that occur in open farming systems.  相似文献   

Many adult sea bass (>40 cm total length) tagged between May and October around the coasts of England and Wales have been recaptured close to their respective tagging locations in successive years. Analysis of mark and recapture data sets, for the late 1970s and early 1980s and in 2000–2006, show that some 55% of all recaptures were within 16 km of their original release position. This suggests that mortality rates of adult bass in local populations could be reduced by around 50% if a number of carefully selected areas were designated as catch and release only for bass, thus providing a management option with which more and bigger sea bass will be available to recreational sea anglers.  相似文献   

  • 1. Dolphins are often claimed to compete with fisheries, including through removal of substantial biomass. To calculate the biomass removed by fisheries and the degree of resource overlap with dolphins in a coastal area of Greece, estimates of dolphin abundance based on photographic capture–recapture were combined with an assessment of fishing effort and catch.
  • 2. The estimated total biomass consumed annually by local dolphin populations – 15 short‐beaked common dolphins and 42 common bottlenose dolphins – was 15.5 and 89.8 tonnes, respectively. The total biomass removed by the local fishing fleet (307 fishing boats) was 3469.2 tonnes, i.e. about 33 times greater than that removed by dolphins.
  • 3. Dolphins removed 2.9% of the total biomass, fisheries 97.1%. Nine purse seiners (representing only 3% of the active fishing fleet) were responsible for 31.9% of biomass removal. Similarity of biomass composition between dolphins and fisheries was expressed by a Pianka index of 0.46 for common dolphins and 0.66 for bottlenose dolphins.
  • 4. Overlap differed according to fishing gear. Common dolphin overlap was higher with purse seiners (0.82), and lower with beach seiners (0.31), bottom trawlers (0.11) and trammel boats (0.06). There was virtually no overlap with longliners (0.02). Bottlenose dolphin overlap was higher with trammel boats (0.89) and bottom trawlers (0.75), and lower with longliners (0.38), purse seiners (0.24) and beach seiners (0.18). There was minimal overlap (0.12) between the two dolphin species.
  • 5. This study suggests that ecological interactions between dolphins and fisheries in this coastal area have minor effects on fisheries. Conversely, prey depletion resulting from overfishing can negatively affect dolphins. Fisheries management measures consistent with national and EU legislation are proposed to ensure sustainability and to protect marine biodiversity. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

A plankton survey investigated spatial and temporal distributions of larval sea lice in a sea loch on the north-west coast of Scotland. Plankton tows were collected approximately weekly at two depths (0 and 5 m) at five sample stations over a 2-year period. The survey began in March 2002 when Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., farms in the study area stocked with fish and finished in March 2004, after farms completed harvesting. Over 90% of lice recovered were Lepeophtheirus salmonis (Kr?yer); therefore, the results of this paper refer largely to that species. The data were analysed using generalized additive models with explanatory variables for time, depth and station. Greatest densities of nauplii were recovered at stations adjacent to farms indicating that the local salmon farms were a likely source of larvae at times during the production cycle. There were significant temporal trends in larval densities and the stocking and harvesting of farms can possibly account for these increases and decreases, particularly at the start and at the end of the production cycle. The distribution of copepodids was more widespread than that of nauplii, indicating that the larvae can be transported several kilometres from the point of release.  相似文献   

Lighting systems combining light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and metal halide lamps (MHs) are expected to be energy-saving tools in Japan??s squid jigging fishery. Previous research has shown the need for light stronger than LEDs (9?kW) and 36 MHs (108?kW) to catch the Japanese common squid Todarodes pacificus. We tested a stepwise lighting method termed ??stage reduced lighting?? in the Tsushima Strait in January and February 2010 using nine fishing boats. LEDs (9?kW) and 50 MHs (150?kW) were lit for 3.9?h on average, and then the number of MHs was reduced to either 30 or 36 until the end of fishing (7.3?h on average). This method reduced fuel consumption by 22?C25?% compared to the continuous use of all fishing lamps (159?kW). We carried out a catch analysis of nine experimental boats and 21 commercial boats during the experimental period. Generalized linear modeling analysis suggested that the squid catch can be explained by the illuminated fraction of the moon and monthly changes in squid abundance, and the lighting method. The stage reduced lighting using LEDs and MHs has the potential to reduce fuel consumption while maintaining the squid catch.  相似文献   

This paper describes and evaluates the mortality associated with the potential stressor effect induced by application of artificial photoperiods in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). After application of artificial photoperiods, high mortalities of trout subjected to this management were recorded (36% in LD 14:10 and 25% in LD 24:0) as compared to controls (7%). The recorded signology related to diseased trout included darkening, lethargy and erratic swimming. Among the morphological changes, skin lesions and ulcerative-type necrosis could be observed. Blood tests, histopathology and isolation of pathogens identified as Flavobacterium psychrophilum, associated with Aeromonas, Pseudomonas and Saprolegnia sp., were performed. The application of artificial photoperiods suggests that fish may be more susceptible to opportunistic diseases; thus, it is advisable to emphasize preventive measures in fish subjected to this management.  相似文献   

In the Bay of Biscay, the selective properties of otter trawls have mainly been studied with regard to single species. However, for bottom trawl multispecific fisheries targeting fish, it remains challenging to find a selective device capable of limiting catches of small individuals of several species without commercial losses. The present study focuses on an innovative technical solution to reduce catches of undersized individuals in a multispecies bottom trawl fishery in the Bay of Biscay. We tested a cylinder made of 100-mm diamond meshes turned at 90°, namely T90 inserted in the extension piece. We present the selectivity results obtained for six commercial species. This device allows the escape of small Solea solea, Trachurus trachurus and Spondyliosoma cantharus individuals. No commercial losses of Sepia officinalis were recorded. Patterns for Dicentrarchus labrax and Mullus surmuletus require further investigation due to limited fish size ranges in the dataset.  相似文献   

1. It is proposed that an appreciation of patterns of change and stability in macrophyte floras is an important tool for lake managers. 2. The presence and abundance of aquatic macrophytes was annually monitored (from 1983 to 1995) along permanent transects in 13 shallow lakes in the Broads wetland in eastern England, United Kingdom. 3. Cluster analysis (TWINSPAN) revealed three Broad Macrophyte Types (BMTs) or assemblages. Two of these were sub-divided into four and then again into six sub-types. BMT1 had a constant presence (i.e. in more than 60% of all samples) of charophytes, Potamogeton pectinatus L.,Myriophyllum spicatum L. and Najas marina L. BMT2 had a constant presence of Nuphar lutea (L.) Smith and filamentous algae. BMT3 consisted of sites without macrophytes. 4. The BMTs provided a useful regional classification for aquatic vegetation in shallow, calcareous, and slightly brackish lakes with relatively organic sediments. The BMTs were compared with national and international classifications. The value of BMTs as conservation targets was assessed. 5. Analysis of changes of macrophyte assemblages with time, using ordination (CANOCO) and time-series plots, revealed lakes with stable, drifting, or erratic and unstable macrophyte assemblages. 6. The method of presentation used facilitates the interpretation of year-to-year macrophyte changes. The implication is that management effort can be more effectively directed towards conservation targets. The effects of management on the aquatic flora, such as dredging and biomanipulation, were shown to be easily evaluated using Cockshoot Broad as an example. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

  • 1. The Hawkesbury‐Nepean River provides potable water for 5 million people living in the Sydney basin, and water for agricultural and horticultural production that meets most of Sydney's daily needs for fresh food. Anecdotal evidence indicated that numbers of freshwater mussels have seriously declined in much of the river over recent decades.
  • 2. A field survey revealed the presence of populations of three species of mussels, Hyridella depressa, Hyridella australis and Velesunio ambiguus in the river. Higher density mussel populations were most common in catchment areas with little human modification to the channel bed or adjacent vegetation communities.
  • 3. Levels of disturbance of riparian vegetation and, to a lesser degree, land use, were identified as being strongly associated with the absence of mussels from some reaches.
  • 4. Catchment geomorphology was also shown to be relevant to the abundance, population structure and suite of mussel species present in different geomorphic reaches of the river. Absence of mussels was noted from areas where they had been recorded in previous studies. These results demonstrate that mussel species are under threat in the catchment.
  • 5. As filter feeders with the ability to remove excess nutrients and bioaccumulate toxic substances, freshwater mussels play an important role in natural remediation processes in freshwater systems.
  • 6. The decline in mussel populations in the Hawkesbury‐Nepean River highlights concerns for the overall health of the river system, and supports the need to identify the subsidiary impacts of physical habitat modification in developing both riverine and riparian management strategies.
Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

1. The forthcoming European Commission Water Framework Directive will introduce catchment management throughout Europe, and could have major impacts on the conservation and restoration of aquatic ecosystems. The Directive is outlined, and the proposed mechanisms for determining water quality status under the Directive are described. 2. The Directive is assessed using the developing ideas of ecosystem health. These combine scientific validity with an open acknowledgement of the value judgements inherent in all assessments of ecological quality, and emphasize the importance of public involvement. 3. Permitted derogations and exemptions are identified and their likely consequences discussed. These include substantial reductions in the potential of the Directive to improve water status in some cases. Existing bioassessment methods relevant to the proposed scheme are reviewed, and the sampling and statistical implications of the Directive are explored. Much work is needed on the development of ecological classification and referencing systems if the requirements of the Directive are to be met. 4. The emphasis of the Directive on biological (and not just chemical) quality goals, and the introduction of a consideration of ecological functioning (as well as structure) is welcomed. Although the Directive requires the assessment of hydromorphological and chemical, in addition to biological, variables, in most cases biological assessment is given priority. We advocate inclusion of all three elements in quality assessments. 5. The Directive gives little advice on policy integration for catchment management at European and national levels, and fails to provide for public involvement in the process of ecosystem management. These omissions will limit the ability of the Directive to deliver ecosystem health, and need to be addressed if the goals of the Directive are to be achieved. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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