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  • 1. Mussel beds are important intertidal communities in the Mediterranean Sea and have traditionally been exploited by humans.
  • 2. Marine protected areas are management tools for recovering over‐fished populations, normally top predator populations, which may in turn undermine prey abundance. Therefore, mussel populations might not recover inside protected areas, as they are affected by increasing fish populations.
  • 3. To study the effects of both human and fish predation on mussels, three locations were selected: the Reserve (R), where all types of exploitation were banned and fish were abundant; the Partial Reserve (PR), where only angling was permitted, and fish abundance was low; and the Non‐Reserve (NR), where no protection existed and fish were rare.
  • 4. Data from mussel bed surveys indicate that recruitment is critical to sustain mussel populations, and similar size structures were found at all three locations. However, the overall biomass in the PR was nearly double that in both R and NR, suggesting disturbance of some sort at these latter two sites.
  • 5. A tethering experiment showed that fish predation greatly affected mussels in R, while the analysis of harvester collections from the NR showed that the most harvested size classes were those least abundant in the mussel bed.
  • 6. Both protected and non‐protected areas are unable to increase mussel populations due to trophic cascade effects, while partial reserves, where fish populations are exploited and mussels protected, are areas where the Mediterranean mussel populations can recover.
Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Although daily variations in drug pharmacokinetics have been reported for a variety of teleost species, the influence of this daily variation on the cortisol response following anaesthesia remains poorly understood. To address this, two experiments were performed. The first experiment described the daily patterns of cortisol and glucose secretion in tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). The second experiment investigated how the timing of anaesthetic administration (specifically at mid‐light [ML] or at mid‐dark [MD]) affects the induction and recovery times and plasma cortisol and glucose levels of juvenile Nile tilapia exposed to benzocaine, clove oil or tricaine methanesulphonate (MS‐222). The results revealed that the effect on the stress response associated with the moment when anaesthesia took place (ML or MD) varied according to the treatment (p < 0.05). Cortisol levels were significantly higher at ML for MS‐222 (ML = 116.23 ± 25.55; MD = 48.25 ± 22.33 ng/dl) (p < 0.05) and clove oil (ML 59.73 ± 14.27; MD 38.26 ± 12.07 ng/dl) (p < 0.05), whereas no significant differences were found between ML and MD cortisol levels for the control treatment (ML = 72.91 ± 18.42; MD = 64.80 ± 10.68 ng/dl) (p > 0.05) or in the benzocaine‐treated group (ML = 38.7 ± 4.90; MD = 38.60 ± 3.69 ng/dl) (p > 0.05). The highest plasma cortisol level in ML was found in the MS‐222‐treated group. All the tested anaesthetics had similar cortisol levels at MD (p > 0.05).  相似文献   

The use of fish aggregating devices (FADs) by purse seine fisheries has come under increasing criticism for its potential deleterious impacts on tuna stocks, for high levels of by‐catch and threats to the biodiversity of tropical pelagic ecosystems. Here, we review the current state of scientific knowledge of this fishing technique and current management strategies. Our intent is to encourage objective discussion of the topic and highlight areas worthy of future research. We show that catching juvenile tuna around FADs does not necessarily result in overfishing of stocks, although more selective fishing techniques would likely help obtain higher yield. Levels of non‐tuna by‐catch are comparable to or less than in other commercial tuna fisheries and are primarily comprised of species that are not considered threatened. Accordingly, to minimize impacts on ecosystem balance, there is merit in considering that all species captured in purse seine fisheries (excluding vulnerable species such as turtles and sharks) should be retained, but the consequences of such a measure should be carefully examined before implementation. The take of vulnerable species could be further reduced by introduction of additional mitigation measures, but their potential benefits would be limited without parallel efforts with other gears. Finally, there is no unequivocal empirical evidence that FADs represent an ‘ecological trap’ that inherently disrupts tuna biology although further research should focus on this issue. We encourage RFMOs to expand and improve their FAD management plans. Under appropriate management regimes, FAD fishing could be an ecologically and economically sensible fishing method.  相似文献   

  • 1. Recently, the snails Hinia reticulatus, Cyclope neritea and Cerithium rupestre and the hermit crabs Diogenes pugilator and Clibanarius erythropus from warm European coastal waters have started to be commercially collected and traded.
  • 2. The average number (± standard deviation) of specimens captured per hour, by collectors were 475±237 for H. reticulatus, 363±112 for C. neritea, 384±173 for C. rupestre, 302±121 for D. pugilator and 210±54 for C. erythropus.
  • 3. All species survived well during transportation, were popular among aquarium hobbyists and attained high retail values, ranging from €0.90 to €4.00 per specimen.
  • 4. The collection and trade of these novel commercial species can either become a sole economic activity or an additional one for traditional fishermen and aquaculturists.
  • 5. Although no destructive collection techniques are employed, the lack of population biology studies and legislation regulating the capture of these species is a major problem in ensuring the sustainable use of these highly valuable marine resources.
  • 6. These species are currently mainly collected from natural parks areas protected by Portuguese and European Union designations.
Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Abstract – Effects of environmental or landscape factors on species composition, species richness and complexity of fish assemblages were examined using our collections of fish from 65 sites on streams in 13 drainages across the midwestern United States. Effects of environmental factors were examined at three scales: broad geographic factors included drainage, latitude, and longitude; local terrestrial factors included features of the riparian zone adjacent to the collecting site as well as local climate and land use; within-stream aquatic factors related to structure and hydrology of the stream reach sampled. Each assemblage property was examined for its relationship to factors at each scale separately, and then for relative importance of all factors found to be significant in the separate analyses. Assemblage composition (summarized as sample scores on two axes of a detrended correspondence analysis) varied significantly as a function of factors at all three scales when each scale was considered separately. With simultaneous consideration of all scales, however, only broad geographic factors (particularly latitude) and local terrestrial factors explained significant variation in assemblage composition. Species richness (the number of species we captured) was explained by longitude and within-stream aquatic factors both when considered separately and together. Assemblage complexity (quantified as slope of relative abundance versus rank abundance) was only related to within-stream aquatic factors. Assemblage composition and emergent assemblage properties (richness and complexity), therefore, were explained by factors acting at different scales. The total variation explained for assemblage composition was much greater than that explained for emergent assemblage properties, suggesting that assemblage composition may vary more as a function of environmental and landscape factors than do species richness and complexity. NOTE  相似文献   


There have been several attempts to distinguish farmed Atlantic salmon by origin using trademarks. Whether there exist different regional markets for salmon, and in particular whether the UK market is separate from the market in continental Europe, is also an issue that has received attention. To address these questions, we investigate the relationship between Norwegian and Scottish salmon both in France and the UK, and between Scottish salmon in France and the UK. The analysis is carried out by investigating how the development of prices is related using co‐integration tests.  相似文献   

A laboratory experiment with larval cod fed natural zooplankton and enriched rotifers was carried out to investigate the effects of feed type on fatty acid (FA) and lipid composition. A divergence in FA composition was observed within a week of feeding on respective diets, and subsequent transfers of larvae from one feeding regime to the other also confirmed a rapid change in FA composition towards that of the newly provided feed source. The rapid change in FA composition after switching diet is in part expected to be due to the high growth and tissue turnover of cod larvae during the early life stages and provides an opportunity to assess recent feeding history by means of FA analysis. The FA contents also varied between the main analysed lipid classes, with relatively higher eicosapentaenoic acid levels in neutral lipids than in polar lipid classes. Although zooplankton contained notably more polar lipids and less neutral lipids than enriched rotifers, the relative amounts of polar and neutral lipids in larvae from respective prey groups were similar, signifying that the larval composition only partly reflects what they have been eating. Still, the FA composition of the previous diet was still discernible in larvae after 1–2 weeks of transfer to a new diet or after weaning to a formulated feed. The potential long‐term effects of these nutritional differences are discussed.  相似文献   

Marine heatwaves are increasingly affecting marine ecosystems, with cascading impacts on coastal economies, communities, and food systems. Studies of heatwaves provide crucial insights into potential ecosystem shifts under future climate change and put fisheries social-ecological systems through “stress tests” that expose both vulnerabilities and resilience. The 2014–16 Northeast Pacific heatwave was the strongest and longest marine heatwave on record and resulted in profound ecological changes that impacted fisheries, fisheries management, and human livelihoods. Here, we synthesize the impacts of the 2014–2016 marine heatwave on US and Canada West Coast fisheries and extract key lessons for preparing global fisheries science, management, and industries for the future. We set the stage with a brief review of the impacts of the heatwave on marine ecosystems and the first systematic analysis of the economic impacts of these changes on commercial and recreational fisheries. We then examine ten key case studies that provide instructive examples of the complex and surprising challenges that heatwaves pose to fisheries social-ecological systems. These reveal important insights into improving the resilience of monitoring and management and increasing adaptive capacity to future stressors. Key recommendations include: (1) expanding monitoring to enhance mechanistic understanding, provide early warning signals, and improve predictions of impacts; (2) increasing the flexibility, adaptiveness, and inclusiveness of management where possible; (3) using simulation testing to help guide management decisions; and (4) enhancing the adaptive capacity of fishing communities by promoting engagement, flexibility, experimentation, and failsafes. These advancements are important as global fisheries prepare for a changing ocean.  相似文献   

Are recreational fisheries resilient to harvest or prone to collapse? This paper reviews research published since that question was posed by Post et al. (2002, Fisheries 27 , 6–17). A number of patterns and processes have been identified that suggest understanding the risk of collapse requires knowledge of the fishing effort response, degree of depensation in the fishery and the life history of the harvested species. Processes involving the behaviour of fish, behaviour of anglers and management responses to declining quality can all impact the degree of resilience of recreational fisheries and their risk of collapse. The spatial context of an individual fishery can be important as they are often embedded in lake districts and joined by mobile anglers so their local dynamics are not independent from other fisheries. Typical regulations that restrict the behaviour of individual anglers in open‐access fisheries can provide some resilience but cannot prevent collapse if the fishing effort is too high. Many uncertainties remain related to the occurrence and intensity of the key processes and therefore adopting an adaptive experimental management approach might be the most useful approach to minimise the risk of collapse in recreational fisheries.  相似文献   

A negative correlation between the degree of fine sediment deposition and the abundance of stream benthic fishes has often been reported, although the causal mechanisms for this effect are not fully understood. To better understand the influence of sedimentation, it is important to clarify whether it alters the habitat required by fish, or merely preferred by them. We conducted two enclosure experiments in the field to examine (i) whether an endangered benthic fish, Cobitis shikokuensis, prefers sediment‐free substrate and (ii) whether fine sediment deposition has negative effects on the physiological condition of C. shikokuensis. The first experiment, which used three types of substrates, ‘cobble’, ‘pebble’ and ‘mixture of fine sediment and pebbles’, showed that C. shikokuensis avoided the mixture. The second experiment, which compared the physiological condition of fish reared in enclosures with either a pebble or mixture substrate, showed that the condition of the fish in the latter group declined more quickly. These results suggest that, for C. shikokuensis, sediment‐free substrate is a habitat requirement, not merely a preference, and that excessive input of fine sediment due to human activities can cause a decline in the population of this species.  相似文献   

Abstract. The Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., was once of major importance to the fishing industry along the River Rhine. This paper discusses the Dutch and German salmon catches over the years 1863–1950. Even up to the end of the last century, it was not uncommon for Dutch and German fishermen to land 100000 salmon a year. However, factors such as the increased use of locks and weirs along the Rhine, coupled with growth in pollution, soon led to a rapid decline in numbers. By 1933, the salmon fishing industry in the Netherlands had virtually ceased to exist. Analysis of the available catch statistics suggests that the decline in the salmon population could have started before official records began. Although the degree of scatter in the data and uncertainties in the assumptions preclude the possibility of drawing firm conclusions about the survival rate of salmon, these figures illustrate how difficult it will be to maintain a stable population in the Rhine. Moreover, a number of changes have taken place since the heyday of salmon in western Europe, which could compound the problem. Of particular importance in the context of the Rhine are:
  • 1 the closure of two of the major migration routes to the sea (Haringvliet and Zuiderzee);
  • 2 morphological changes in the river;
  • 3 chemical and thermal pollution;
  • 4 the loss of accessible spawning and nursery areas of the required quality;
  • 5 the disappearance of salmon from other rivers that flow into the North Sea such as the Rivers Elbe, Weser and Ems. If salmon were only reintroduced into the Rhine, a certain proportion would probably stray and infiltrate these other rivers.
The fact that the impact of these changes is difficult to quantify increases the uncertainty associated with maintaining a stable stock of salmon in the Rhine.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to determine the osmoregulatory ability of a juvenile marine fish, silver moony (Monodactylus argenteus), for the purpose of developing a new experimental species for ecophysiological research. In this study, M. argenteus was acclimated to freshwater (FW), brackish water (BW), or seawater (SW). The salinity tolerance of this euryhaline species was effective, and the fish survived well upon osmotic challenges. The largest apical surface of mitochondrion-rich cells was found in the FW individuals. Immunohistochemical staining revealed that Na(+), K(+)-ATPase immunoreactive (NKA-IR) cells were distributed in the interlamellar region of the gill filaments of the silver moony in all experimental groups. In addition to the filaments, NKA-IR cells were also found in the lamellae of the FW individuals. The number of NKA-IR cells in the gills of the FW individuals exceeded that of the BW and SW individuals. The NKA-IR cells of FW and SW individuals exhibited bigger size than that of BW fish. The NKA activities and protein expression of the NKA α-subunit in the gills of the FW individuals were significantly higher than in the BW and SW groups. Additionally, the relative amounts of Na(+), K(+), 2Cl(-) cotransporter 1 (NKCC1) were salinity-dependent in the gills. Immunofluorescent signals of NKCC1 were localized to the basolateral membrane of NKA-IR cells in all groups. In the gills of the FW individuals, however, some NKA-IR cells did not exhibit a basolateral NKCC1 signal. In conclusion, the present study illustrated the osmoregulatory mechanisms of this easy- and economic-to-rear marine teleost with euryhaline capacity and proved the silver moony to be a good experimental animal.  相似文献   

Climate change, ocean acidification (OA) and the subsequent changes in marine productivity may affect fisheries and eventually the whole economy in the Arctic. We analysed how changes in climate and ocean pH under scenarios of anthropogenic CO2 emissions are likely to affect the economics of marine fisheries in the Arctic. We applied a Dynamic Bioclimate Envelope Model (DBEM) and outputs from four different Earth System Models (ESMs) to project future changes in the distribution and maximum catch potential of exploited marine fishes and invertebrates. We projected that total fisheries revenue in the Arctic region may increase by 39% (14–59%) by 2050 relative to 2000 under the Special Reports on Emission Scenario (SRES) A2. Simultaneously, total fishing costs, fishers’ incomes, household incomes and economy‐wide impacts in the Arctic are also projected to increase. Climate change with OA is expected to reduce the potential increases in catch and the economic indicators studied herein. Although the projections suggest that Arctic countries are likely to be ‘winners’ under climate change in comparison with tropical developing countries, the effects of OA will lower the expected future benefits in the Arctic. The predicted impacts are likely to be conservative as we consider only the direct effects of OA on fishes and calcifiers, of which there are only a few in the Arctic. Results of this study would be useful for designing effective adaptation strategies to climate change and measures to mitigate the potential negative impacts of OA in the Arctic.  相似文献   

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