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太平洋牡蛎生理活动的季节变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以大窑湾养殖太平洋牡蛎离体鳃为材料,周年观察鳃片的匍匐速度以及鳃片在不同盐度海水中和无氧状态下的耐受力。以此作为生理活动指标,描述了其季节变化。显示繁殖季节牡蛎的生理活动下降。同时发现本海区牡蛎鳃缘附有大量真枝螅,对牡蛎鳃纤毛的活动和生长有一定影响。  相似文献   

漳州破灶屿海区海水及贝类体中的粪大肠菌群   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2007年9月-2008年9月期间对漳州破灶屿海区海水及养殖贝类体中的粪大肠菌群(FCB)进行了采样调查,同时采集海门岛附近海域养殖贝类进行对比分析。结果表明,破灶屿周边海域海水中FCB均未超GB 3097-1997《海水水质标准》第二类标准(≤2000个/L),受到FCB的污染相对较小;养殖的牡蛎粪大肠菌群均符合GB 18421-2001《海洋生物质量》第一类标准(≤3000个/kg);而海门岛附近海域养殖的缢蛏粪大肠菌群超标率为80%,贝类已受到粪大肠菌群的污染。  相似文献   

饲在太平洋牡蛎人工育苗过程中,海水单胞藻是不可替代的活性生物饵料。不同种类的海水单胞藻在适口性、营养价值、消化难易及对牡蛎幼虫的毒性等方面情况差异,这必然要影响到牡蛎浮游幼虫的生长变态及成活率,从而影响到育苗结果。在本试验中,使用包括云微藻在内的六种在贝类育苗中常用的海水单胞藻作投喂试验,观察、比较了太平洋牡蛎浮游幼虫的生长发育及成活情况,并据此对这几种海水单胞藻及其组合的优势、生产上的适用性进行评判。目前,大部分太平洋牡蛎育苗场在育苗生产中使用云微藻,甚少使用其它藻类虽然也能够培育出种苗,但使…  相似文献   

利用山东青岛养殖的太平洋牡蛎(N)与汕头本地养殖的葡萄牙牡蛎(S)两个近缘种为亲本,采用正交设计建立了杂种组NS(N♂×S♀)和SN(S♂×N♀)与纯种组NN(N♂×N♀)和SS(S♂×S♀)4个不同的遗传组合,通过比较不同阶段(幼虫期、稚贝期、养成阶段)的生长和存活数据,研究了牡蛎近缘种间的杂种优势,目的为改良牡蛎的生产性状。结果表明,这两个近缘种之间杂交能够产生显著的杂种优势,杂交后代的生长与存活两个表型性状都得到改良。杂交组比近交组生长得快,杂种优势在幼虫期为37.44%,稚贝期为42.47%。杂交组也比近交组存活率高,8日龄幼虫存活率的杂种优势为76.80%、14日龄幼虫存活率的杂种优势可达107.70%,60、90和105日龄稚贝存活率的杂种优势分别为17.30%、15.62%和9.08%。研究表明,通过太平洋牡蛎和葡萄牙牡蛎两个近缘种间的杂交有望解决牡蛎养殖产业存在的育苗难、存活率低、生长慢、个体小等问题。  相似文献   

太平洋牡蛎(Crassotrea gigas)具有生长快、个体大、适应性强、味道鲜美等特点,是人们喜食的海水贝类,也是目前世界沿海国家常见的养殖贝类品种之一。  相似文献   

我国北方太平洋牡蛎育苗及养殖现状   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在海水养殖品种中,由于贝类投入成本低、单产高等特点,已成为沿海渔民的主要经济来源,贝类养殖占海水养殖的比重高达80%以上;我国的牡蛎养殖在贝类  相似文献   

以太平洋牡蛎(Crassostrea gigas)为研究对象,对其在-3 ℃微冻贮藏过程中的感官品质、细菌总数和细菌菌相变化情况进行了分析。结果表明,牡蛎在微冻贮藏过程中,感官评分呈下降的趋势,至第30天时已接近感官拒绝点。细菌总数呈先减少后增加的趋势,第60天贮藏期末时为4.1 lg cfu.g-1。牡蛎生鲜样品的初始菌相比较复杂,分离到的菌株分别属于14个属(科),其中假单胞菌(Pseudomonas spp.)和弧菌(Vibrionaceae)为优势菌,比例分别为22%和20%。微冻贮藏过程中,各个菌属的比例有不同程度的变化,其中假单胞菌比例不断增加,成为牡蛎微冻贮藏过程中的优势菌。  相似文献   

太平洋牡蛎在-3℃微冻贮藏过程中的品质和细菌茵相变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以太平洋牡蛎(Crassostrea gigas)为研究对象,对其在-3℃微冻贮藏过程中的感官品质、细菌总数和细菌菌相变化情况进行了分析。结果表明,牡蛎在微冻贮藏过程中,感官评分呈下降的趋势,至第30天时已接近感官拒绝点。细菌总数呈先减少后增加的趋势,第60天贮藏期末时为4.1lg cfu·g^-1。牡蛎生鲜样品的初始菌相比较复杂,分离到的菌株分别属于14个属(科),其中假单胞菌(Pseudomonas spp.)和弧菌(Vibrionaceae)为优势菌,比例分别为22%和20%。微冻贮藏过程中,各个菌属的比例有不同程度的变化,其中假单胞菌比例不断增加,成为牡蛎微冻贮藏过程中的优势菌。  相似文献   

刘伟  鞠青  刘星辰 《河北渔业》2023,(1):1-4+29
为研究牡蛎对Pb2+富集和排出过程中生理代谢的变化,将太平洋牡蛎(Crassostrea gigas)暴露于含有浓度为0.2 mg/L Pb2+的海水中,18 d后转入洁净海水中继续暂养18 d。实验结果表明,在牡蛎对Pb2+富集的过程中,其摄食率、滤水率、耗氧率和排氨率显著提高,转入洁净海水培养后,其摄食率、滤水率、耗氧率和排氨率迅速降低,6 d左右恢复正常水平。总体来说,在浓度为0.2 mg/L Pb2+海水胁迫下,牡蛎通过提升其生理代谢水平以抵御Pb2+的毒性影响,转入洁净海水后,Pb2+对牡蛎生理代谢产生的毒性影响迅速恢复。  相似文献   

根据北太平洋长鳍金枪鱼渔获量、海水表层温度等数据,研究了长鳍金枪鱼渔获量的分布区及其海水表层温度(SST)的统计特征.结果表明,北太平洋长鳍金枪鱼渔场主要分布于25~40°N之间的海域.长鳍金枪鱼渔场区平均SST为23.6℃,中位数为24.5℃,多数渔场区位于暖温带海域,其平均SST多数为16~28℃,产量数据分布为正偏.海水表层温度为16~23℃的海域,长鳍金枪鱼的平均产量和平均CPUE变化趋势类似,且表层温度为18~20℃的海域,长鳍金枪鱼的平均产量最高.渔获量分布于表层温度为16~23℃和24~27℃海域,但主要集中于16~23℃的范围.交叉相关分析表明长鳍金枪鱼CPUE同太平洋年际振荡指数具有相关性.  相似文献   

1 材料与方法 1.1 海区选择 鉴于太平洋牡蛎体型大、固着点小,抗风浪能力差的特点,选择了风浪较小、潮流畅通、饵料生物丰富、污染轻的沧口海区和湖岛海区进行筏式试养.养殖面积分别为6.7hm2和20hm  相似文献   

为了解乳山湾近岸海域重金属污染情况及养殖贝类对重金属富集情况,按春、夏、秋、冬四个航次采集湾内和湾外的表层海水,并于秋季采集湾内养殖的太平洋牡蛎(Crassostrea gigas)分析海水及牡蛎体内Cu、Pb、Zn、Cr、Cd、As、Hg等7种重金属含量,评价海水质量与养殖贝类的食用安全。结果表明:乳山湾湾内湾外海域水质较好,除冬季Zn以及春、秋两季的Hg符合二类海水水质标准,其余点位均符合一类海水水质标准,海水水质为"清洁"。乳山湾湾内和湾外沉积物中各重金属的含量均低于第一类海洋沉积物标准,没有受到明显的污染。乳山湾内养殖牡蛎体内Cd和Zn的浓度远远高于湾内水体中重金属的浓度,表明太平洋牡蛎对重金属具有较强的富集作用,但仍符合二类海洋生物质量标准。  相似文献   

Shell length and tissue growth of Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas integrated culture with Sea bass Lateolabrax japonicus were monitored during April–October 2010 in Ailian Bay, China. And also, the food sources of the oyster were analyzed and quantified by stable carbon and nitrogen isotope methods. Results showed that the increment of shell length and flesh dry weight of oyster cultured at cage area were greater than that at control area significantly (P < 0.05). Enrichment of δ13C and δ15N in oyster tissue at the cage area relative to the control area was significant (P < 0.05). Based on the simple linear mixing model, the contribution rate of the fish feces and waste fish feed to oyster was 29.27 and 5.59 %, respectively. This work demonstrates that the differences in growth performance of oyster between cage area and control area were resulted from the utilization of organic matter derived from fish aquaculture. Integrated filter-feeding bivalves culture with marine fish can reduce the environmental impact of organic waste from fish-farming activities.  相似文献   

The growth and survival of Crassostrea gigas were evaluated in hanging culture in the Chone River estuary (Bahía de Caráquez), Manabí province, Ecuador. Oyster seeds (~10 mm) were confined in lantern nets at a density equal to the occupation of half the surface of the basket base, until reaching commercial size (80 mm). A sample for oyster biometric, parasitic and bacterial analysis was obtained monthly. Temperature, salinity, oxygen concentration, seston and phytoplankton biomass were determined. At the end of the study, the oysters were analysed for heavy metal concentration. The commercial oyster production was extrapolated to estimate the possible economic performance of a family production module (a 7 × 7 m bamboo raft). The results show a great biological feasibility of culture of C. gigas with harvests of commercial size oysters in only 5 months and acceptable survivals (accumulated >70%, after 3 weeks of crop seed selection). The heavy metal concentrations and the parasitological and bacteriological analyses did not indicate levels of contamination. The economic projections suggest that, even with a profitability of 57%, the initially invested capital could be recovered within the first harvest.  相似文献   

In order to study individual growth variability and its relationship with survival in juvenile Crassostrea gigas, parental oysters were sampled at four sites located along the French Atlantic coast and bred under controlled hatchery conditions. Four groups of larvae were obtained by crossing five males and five females from each of the four sites, and a fifth group by crossing these 20 males and 20 females together in a pool. Larvae were reared under conditions allowing the maintenance of a maximum variability of size and gave five experimental groups. Oysters were individually monitored for growth and survival from 3 to 10 months after fertilization. The individual growth performances were relatively stable over time and no noticeable compensation for growth occurred. Early growth rate was a very good predictor of size later in life: 66% of variation in the live weight at 10 months could be explained by variation in the initial growth rate calculated between 3 and 4 months. A significant group effect was observed on survival and on growth rate. Mortality mostly occurred between 3 and 5 months and appeared to affect the slow-growing animals more. However, two groups can be distinguished among those which died during the experimental period, one which showed a decrease in weight and the other whose growth was similar to surviving oysters. These results are discussed in the light of usual oyster farming practices and selective breeding. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

在对1998~2005年胶州湾北部水环境调查的基础上,分析了该水域挥发性酚含量的水平分布、季节变化及年际变化趋势。结果表明,各调查站位挥发性酚平均含量有明显差异,其平均含量变化范围为1.12~1.79μg/L,但各测站挥发性酚含量均低于一类《海水水质标准》。挥发性酚含量年际变化趋势为1998~2000年呈上升趋势,2000~2005年呈下降趋势。与国内其他海域相比,胶州湾北部近岸水域中挥发性酚的含量较低。  相似文献   

采用固相萃取的方法提取海水中的蛤毒素(Pectenotoxins,PTXs).从2006年7月28日~8月29日,将含有吸附剂的吸附盘片置于黄海胶州湾取样点(36°12.428'N,120°17.826'E)水面以下3 m处,每次放置4d后取出.吸附盘片中的蛤毒素用甲醇洗脱,洗脱液蒸发浓缩近干,用1 ml80%甲醇溶解,然后以液相色谱-串联质谱分析.串联质谱采用电喷雾离子原(ElectroSpray Ionization,ESI)阳离子模式.样品分析所用分离柱为Waters XTerra C18柱(50×2.1mm,3.5 μm),预柱为C18(10×2.1 mm,3.5 μm).流动相A为2 mmol/L甲酸铵、50mmol/L甲酸溶于95%的乙腈;流动相B为2 mmol/L甲酸铵、50mmol/L甲酸溶于纯水.流速为0.4 ml/min,淋洗梯度为0~11min,35%A~100 %A;在11~16.5min,100%A;在16.5~17.0 min,100%A~35%A.分别给出海水中蛤毒素PTX-2、PTX-2 SA、7-epi-PTX-2 SA、PTX-11、PTX-12a和PTX-12b的质谱图.结果发现,这一海域海水中存在蛤毒素PTX-2、PTX-2 SA和7-epi-PTX-2 SA,不存在蛤毒素PTX-11、PTX-12a和PTX-12b.海水中蛤毒素PTX-2、PTX-2 SA与7-epi-PTX-2 SA之和的最大峰值出现在8月1日.然后,蛤毒素浓度逐渐降低.  相似文献   

Pavlova lutheri was cultivated in carboys using batch technique and in a flat alveolar photobioreactor (FAP), using initially batch and then semi‐continuous techniques. Growth and productivity of the cultures were compared and their nutritional quality was assessed by analysing their biochemical composition (gross composition, fatty acids and sterols) and by evaluating their food value for Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) larvae as bispecific diet in association with Chaetoceros calcitrans forma pumilum. The highest productivity was achieved with the FAP operating in semi‐continuous mode. Gross composition of P. lutheri was similar in all cultures, while cellular organic matter content of the microalga grown in FAP in semi‐continuous mode was lower. Significant differences in fatty acid content were detected with respect to the n‐6 polyunsaturated fatty acid fraction, which was lower in cells cultivated in the FAP in semi‐continuous mode. As concerns the main individual fatty acids, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) content was higher in cells cultivated in the photobioreactor in batch mode than in carboys. The neutral lipid fraction contained seven principal sterols and the comparison among the cultures evidenced different proportions and different patterns. No differences were observed among larvae fed diets containing P. lutheri grown in carboys or in the FAP.  相似文献   

罗源湾夏季游泳动物种类组成及其多样性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据2009年7月在罗源湾进行的底拖网和笼壶调查资料,对该海域游泳动物组成特征进行了初步研究。结果表明,在该海域共捕获游泳动物96种,底拖网平均相对资源量为5.43kg/h。以生物量为单位计算群落多样性,Shannon—Wiener种类多样性指数盯平均为1.793,Margalef种类丰富度指数D平均值为2.386,Pielou种类均匀度指数J’平均为0.653。优势种为日本囊对虾(Penaeusjaponicus)、小鳞沟根虎鱼(Oxyurichthys microlepis)、日本蟪(Charybdisjaponica)、海鳗(Muraenesox cinereus),常见种为髭锻虎鱼(Triaenopogon barbatus)、鹰爪虾(Trachypenaeus curvirostris)、锯塘鳢鱼(Prionobutis koilomatodon)、绿斑细棘服虎鱼(Acentrogobius chlorosigmatoides)、口虾蛄(Oratosquilla oratoria)。与历史资料相比,罗源湾游泳动物种类数明显减少,渔业资源呈现出小型化和低质化的趋势。  相似文献   

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