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为探明2014年广西猪群主要疫病的感染情况,本研究从发病猪场和屠宰场采集猪组织样品共325份,应用RT-PCR方法检测猪瘟病毒(CSFV)、猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒(PRRSV)、猪流行性腹泻病毒(PEDV),并应用PCR方法检测猪圆环病毒2型(PCV2)和猪伪狂犬病病毒(PRV)。结果发现,发病猪场中,这5种病毒感染率分别为12.00%、28.57%、19.43%、53.71%和9.71%,而屠宰场的感染率分别为5.33%、2.67%、5.33%、59.33%和11.33%。对猪群混合感染情况分析发现,PCV2和其他病原的混合感染率最高。其中,发病猪场二重感染最高的为PRRSV+PCV2,达到11.43%,其次为PEDV+PCV2、CSFV+PCV2和PCV2+PRV,阳性率分别为5.71%、4.00%和4.00%;三重感染率最高的为PRRSV+PEDV+PCV2以及PRRSV+PCV2+PRV,阳性率均为2.29%。屠宰场二重感染最高的是PCV2+PRV,达到3.33%;三重感染最高的是CSFV+PCV2+PRV,阳性率为0.67%。结果表明,在发病猪场和屠宰场中,PCV2的感染率最高,且常与其他病原发生混合感染,PRV感染率呈上升趋势,加强对这2种病毒的监控对控制广西地区猪群发病具有重要意义。  相似文献   

李熙 《中国畜牧兽医》2010,37(12):189-190
为了解湖南省生猪肺线虫的感染情况和危害程度,控制该虫的流行,对3个屠宰场猪进行解剖,采用常规的寄生虫实验室检查法检查气管、支气管、细支气管、肺脏等处的虫体。所获虫体用75%酒精保存,统计感染强度,计算感染率。检测结果显示,3个屠宰场生猪肺线虫感染率A(5.93%)B(4.26%)C(4.18%)。结果表明,湖南省生猪有肺线虫感染,应引起注意。  相似文献   

为了解河南地区猪戊型肝炎感染情况,同时掌握该地区猪感染戊型肝炎病毒的基因型,对来自河南新乡、平顶山、南阳等地区不同商品猪场血清、肝脏、粪样品,采用ELISA技术检测猪血清中抗HEV特异性抗体水平,并使用套式RT-PCR检测肝脏和粪便中猪戊型肝炎病毒核酸。结果显示530份样品中HEV抗体阳性率0.6%,HEV RNA均为阴性,推测目前河南省猪戊型肝炎病毒感染率较低。  相似文献   

A study of ewe performance was undertaken in 795 sheep flocks based on data from the Norwegian Sheep Recording System. Herd level data included in the annual report for 1998 were used as the basis for the study. Average flock size was 75.3 ewes. The material was considered as representative of the better and more motivated sheep farmers in the mountain valley regions in south-eastern Norway. The average number of lambs born per ewe, inclusive (and exclusive) of barren ewes, was 1.89 (2.02), and of autumn lambs (those surviving from birth in the spring to autumn) 1.60 (1.66). The average autumn weight of the lambs corrected to 145 days of age was 42.4 kg, giving an overall performance of 67.9 kg lambs live weight per ewe. When including artificially reared lambs, overall performance was 70.4 kg per ewe. Artificial rearing of lambs, mostly triplets which had been removed from the ewe, was practised on 395 of the farms. In the 74 flocks with a rate of artificial rearing of more than 10% of all lambs, overall performance per ewe was 13.3 kg higher than in flocks with no artificial rearing. Total lamb mortality from birth to autumn recording, including stillborn lambs, was 12.44%. Mortality had a skewed distribution, some flocks having very high mortality figures. The arithmetic means (and medians) for mortality were as follows: 2.75 (2.29)% stillbirths, 2.93 (2.30)% died during the indoor feeding period, 0.88 (0.00)% at spring pasture, and 6.16 (4.40)% at summer pasture. In regression models using Proc Genmod in SAS®, it was found that average number of autumn lambs per ewe was negatively associated with the rate of barren ewes, late lambing date (flock average day in year when lambing took place), and total lamb mortality. The corrected autumn weight of the lambs was positively associated with the average number of lambs born per ewe and non-fertility rate, and negatively associated with flock size and total lamb mortality. The Dala breed had a positive effect on number of autumn lambs per ewe, and Spæl breed a negative effect on corrected autumn live weight of the lambs.  相似文献   

猪瘟流行病学研究概况   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
猪瘟流行历史久远,在猪瘟病毒分子生物学特性逐渐阐明的情况下,猪瘟流行病学已向分子领域进军并成为猪瘟研究的热点,其研究成果对阐明猪瘟发生机理和免疫预防提供重要参考数据。本文对猪瘟流行病学特别是分子流行病学现状做了简要叙述。  相似文献   

Sera from 200 sheep, swine and cattle, respectively, collected at slaughter at each of 3 abattoirs situated in the north, middle and south of Sweden were examined for the presence of antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii by the indirect fluorescent antibody test. Seropositive animals (titre ≥ 1:20) were found at the following rates from north to south: sheep 60%, 66% and 68.5%, swine 9%, 2.5% and 37%, and cattle 10%, 6 % and 35%. The significance of the serological findings is discussed, and it is concluded that T. gondii infection is common in Swedish farm animals. Thus the meat from particularly swine and sheep may provide a potential source of human toxoplasmosis.  相似文献   

为了解兰州地区宠物犬弓形虫病的感染情况以及不同弓形虫检测方法检测结果的差异,本研究对兰州地区272例宠物诊所受检犬只进行弓形虫阳性检出率的统计分析,对66份犬血样进行间接血凝试验(IHA)与酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)检测,并将2种方法结果进行比较。结果表明弓形虫的感染率与年龄有关,随着年龄的增长感染率增加,犬只小于1岁感染率最低3.77%,1~3岁感染率为10.59%,3~5岁感染率为15.28%,大于5岁时感染率最高22.58%,不同性别之间感染无显著差异(P>0.05);IHA与ELISA检测结果经t检验比较差异不显著(P>0.05),2种检测方法中,IHA方法适用于大规模流行病学调查。  相似文献   

The importance of toxoplasmosis as a cause of reproductive loss was examined during the period 1968—1973, based on diagnostic materials submitted from 126 flocks. Toxoplasmosis was diagnosed in 81 of these. Reliable information of the number of breeding ewes and their reproductive performance was obtained from 117 flocks, where 858 of 7812 breeding ewes failed to produce viable lambs. About 80 % of the total loss in these flocks was attributed to toxoplasmosis, 4 % to bacterial infections, and 16 % to non-infectious and/or unidentified causes.The frequency of loss within individual flocks was higher from toxoplasmosis than from any other cause, reaching a maximinn of 78 % of the breeding ewes. In 21 of 42 flocks of at least 20 breeding ewes and a high frequency of loss (≥ 10 %) from toxoplasmosis, 20 % or more of the ewes lost their lambs, whereas a loss of this order only occurred in 1 of the 13 flocks in which some other diagnosis was made.In addition to abortion, toxoplasmosis was also associated with returns to service, barrenness, stillbirth, and delivery of weak lambs that died soon after birth.White spots were observed on the cotyledons of nearly 2/3 of the placentas expelled from toxoplasmosis. No evidence was found that these changes occurred in any other disease.The incidence of abortion was higher among young ewes than among the older ones. No clinical symptoms of infection were observed prior to abortion from toxoplasmosis, and the ewes kept for breeding behaved normally in later pregnancies.  相似文献   

猪附红细胞体病研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
附红细胞体病是由附红细胞体寄生于红细胞表面、血浆及骨髓所引起的一种人兽共患传染病.该病分布范围广、感染宿主种类多,给人类的健康和畜牧业的发展带来巨大的危害,其中以猪附红细胞体病最为严重.文章根据国内外有关文献,结合科学研究和临床实践,对猪附红细胞体病的病原学、流行病学、发病机理、临床表现、血液学变化、病理变化、诊断及防治等进行了综述,以期为进一步研究附红细胞体病的致病机理和防治措施提供理论依据.  相似文献   

为了实现养猪业的健康、安全、优质高效生产,必须深刻认识到养猪环境控制在猪病防控中的中心地位,以期改善当前的生猪养殖环境,提高猪只的非特异性抵抗力,消除疾病诱发因素,切断疫病传播途径,减少疾病的发生,降低药物的使用,确保食品安全。论文对生猪养殖中,环境对猪健康的影响及存在的问题等予以综述,提出了环境优化的主要措施。  相似文献   

猪附红细胞体病研究进展   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
附红细胞体病是由附红细胞体寄生于红细胞表面、血浆及骨髓所引起的一种人畜共患的传染病。该病分布范围广、感染宿主多 ,给人的健康和畜牧业的发展带来巨大的影响 ,其中以猪附红细胞体病最为严重。根据国内外有关文献 ,结合科学研究和临床实践 ,对猪附红细胞体病的病原学、流行病学、发病机理、临床表现、血液学变化、病理变化、诊断及防治等进行了综述 ,可为进一步研究附红细胞体病的致病机理和防治措施提供理论依据  相似文献   

猪戊型肝炎病毒的流行病学调查   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
利用双抗原夹心ELISA对2009-2011年间采自广东省各地区的若干猪场的484份血清样品,进行血清流行病学调查;对69份病猪胆汁样品进行分子流行病学调查,分离得到猪源戊型肝炎病毒(swine hepatitis E virus, swHEV),并基于ORF2部分基因序列进行核苷酸序列比对、相似性分析和遗传进化树分析,以期初步了解广东各地猪群戊型肝炎(hepatitis E, HE)的感染情况和流行特点。试验结果显示,全部被检查猪的swHEV抗体平均阳性率为71.9%(348/484),分离的猪源HEV毒株均属于基因Ⅳ型,阳性率为71.0%(49/69)。调查结果表明基因Ⅳ型swHEV在广东地区普遍流行。  相似文献   

生猪感染非洲猪瘟病毒后,引发机体产生发热、出血等症状,是一种发病率高、传播途径广、传播速度快和死亡率高的传染性疾病。为做好非洲猪瘟疫病检疫和综合防治,该文总结非洲猪瘟流行病学、临床症状、诊断方法和防治措施。  相似文献   

以旋毛虫肌幼虫排泄分泌)抗原作为检测抗原,采用间接酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)法,分别对采集自青海省西宁市张氏生猪屠宰场、互助县屠宰场、平安县屠宰场的商品猪血清进行旋毛虫抗体检测,共检查猪血清1 065份.结果阳性血清为19份,阳性率为1.78%.可见在青海省商品猪中旋毛虫具有一定的感染率,动物卫生监督以及肉品检疫部...  相似文献   

为了解广西部分县市猪群常见疫病流行情况,本次调查通过RT-PCR或PCR方法,对采集到的26份病料进行病原学检测,主要检测猪瘟病毒(CSFV)、猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒(PRRSV)、猪圆环病毒2型(PCV2)、伪狂犬病病毒(PRV)、猪细小病毒(PPV)、乙脑病毒(JEV)和牛病毒性腹泻病毒(BVDV)。结果显示,抽检地区猪群多发生混合感染,以3重或多重感染为主,疫病潜在流行态势较为复杂。  相似文献   

2018年11月21日,农业农村部通报湖南省怀化市鹤城区排查出非洲猪瘟疫情。为追溯这起非洲猪瘟疫情的来源,怀化市动物疫病预防控制中心开展了流行病学调查,从生猪调运、饲料、泔水、生物安全等风险因素入手,结合流行病学关联养殖场血清以及饲料、泔水、关联屠宰场环境及冻库冷冻猪肉产品等样品的实验室检测,综合分析非洲猪瘟传播的可能途径。调查结果显示:疫情猪场2018年10月曾使用收购的泔水喂养生猪;泔水、冷冻猪肉产品非洲猪瘟病毒(ASFV)核酸阳性检出率分别为0.9%(3/348)、25.6%(10/39),而血清和饲料样品全为阴性;在冻库、餐饮机构和销售终端检出ASFV核酸阳性样品,阳性检出率分别为16.7%、1.8%、7.7%。调查分析显示,该疫情猪场的泔水饲喂时间、发病时间与ASFV自然感染的潜伏期相符,且与泔水有关联的某物流公司冻库猪肉被产品检测出ASFV核酸阳性。综上表明,泔水喂养引起该非洲猪瘟疫情的可能性最大。依据调查结果,采取严格生猪及其产品移动监管,强化落实禁止泔水饲喂政策,加强生物安全管理等一系列防控措施,使疫情得到了有效控制。  相似文献   

古典猪瘟是严重危害养猪业发展的重要疫病之一,对古典猪瘟病毒的分子生物学研究能揭示病毒复制和致病机理,寻找免疫保护关键位点,为新型疫苗开发奠定基础。文章综述了近年对古典猪瘟病毒基因组和相关蛋白的研究成果,对以后的研究方向作了展望。  相似文献   

安徽省北部地区猪高热病流行病学调查   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
2008年7月,安徽省北部地区生猪出现疫病,表现为不食、高热等特征,为查明病因,进行流行病学调查,同时采集发病猪群样品进行病原学和血清学检测。结果137份血清样品中,HPRRSV、PRRSV、PPV带毒率分别为25.5%、23.4%、37.9%;PRRSV、SIV(H1N1、H3N2)抗体阳性率分别为86.5%、9.49%和3.65%,仔猪CSFV抗体免疫合格率为50%;6份组织样品中HPRRSV、PRRSV、CSFV、PRV、PPV带毒率分别为50%、100%、66.7%、33.3%、33.3%。表明引起本次猪病为PRRSV、CSFV、PPV等多种病原体混合感染。  相似文献   

将斑点酶联免疫吸附试验(Dot—ELISA)用于检测猪弓形虫抗体,并与常规ELISA和IHA法进行了比较。结果,对102份滴度下降的猪阳性血清检测,弓形虫抗体阳性检出率,Dot—ELISA为66.67%(68/102),常规ELISA为48.04%(49/102),IHA为27.45%(28/102);对675头商品猪血清检测,弓形虫抗体阳性检出率,Dot—ELISA为48.15%(325/675),常规ELISA为41.93%(283/675),IHA为33.80%(228/675);与3种寄生虫(猪囊虫、猪旋毛虫、住肉孢子虫)阳性血清无交叉反应;对123份弓形虫抗体阳性和158份阴性猪血清进行3次重复性试验,结果完全一致。结果证明,该法敏感性高,特异性强,操作简便快速(于接到病料后2h报告结果),便于在基层推广使用。  相似文献   

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