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An experimental generalized Shwartzman reaction (GSR) induced in pigs by endotoxin from Escherichia coli has been reported previously (Teige et al. 1973, Quast 1973). The diet given to the pigs seemed to influence the outcome of the experiments. It has been found difficult to provoke GSR in pigs fed a commercial diet, even when the E. coli endotoxin is given as a single, relatively large dose or as 2 properly spaced doses (Teige et al., Nordstoga 1976). Quast induced the GSR by continuous infusion of endotoxin. In connection with 1 experiment in pigs, changes indicative of GSR were observed among a group of animals fed a commercial diet and receiving a small single dose of endotoxin. These observations are presented in this paper.  相似文献   

Actinobacillosis in pigs seems to be relatively rare and when it does occur, it usually manifests itself as acute septicaemia during the first weeks of life (Zimmermann 1965). Polyarthritis, pneumonia and heart lesions as well as petechial haemorrhages in skin, viscera and kidneys are also frequently found (MacDonald et al. 1976, Jones & Simmons 1971). Both Actinobacillus suis and Actinobacillus equuli have been isolated from such cases (Pedersen 1977).  相似文献   

Streptococcus suis is an important pig pathogen which is associated with respiratory problems, meningitis and less fre-quently with a variety of other conditions(Hommez et al. 1986). S. suis type 1 causes disease mainly in 1–2 week old pigs while serotype 2 is found commoaily in 2–22 week old pigs, S. suis type 2 is a zoonosis. It can cause meningitis and septicaemia in man (Christensen & Kronvall 1985). Several other serotypes of S. suis have also been identified on the basis of the capsular poly-saccharide (Perch et al. 1983, Hommez et al. 1986). We present a case where we isolated S. suis types 1 and 2 from the brain and lungs respectively of the same diseased suckling piglet. This i/s the first reported case of S. suis types 1 and 2 in Finland.  相似文献   

The first report of the isolation of adenovirus from a pig was that of Haig et al. in 1964. The virus was isolated from faeces and was serologically different from many of the common human adenoviruses. In Denmark, six strains have been found in organ material from pigs (Rasmussen 1966). In the USA Kasza (1966) isolated an adenovirus from the brain of a pig with encephalitic symptoms, and in West Germany the virus was demonstrated in tissue culture of pig kidney from a group of animals where up to every tenth kidney was found to be infected (Mahnet & Bibrack 1966).The present study deals with virus strains isolated from non-inoculated cell cultures or from normal or diseased pigs. It includes a serological classification of strains isolated from organ material and a study of the cytopathogenic effect of the viruses in cell cultures of the kidneys and lungs of pig embryos and of the kidneys of bacon pigs and calves.  相似文献   

Twenty-four conventionally reared pigs divided into 4 groups were fed a basic ration deficient in selenium. The following daily supplement of selenium was given per pig; Group 1: none, group 2: 0.2 mg, group 3: 0.4 mg and group 4: 0.8 mg. After 51 days all pigs were inoculated orally with a pure culture of Treponema hyodysenteriae, and subsequently observed for 26 days. Clinical signs of swine dysentery were seen in all 4 groups. Criteria such as morbidity rate, incubation time and weight gain showed that the non-supplemented pigs suffered more severely from swine dysentery than the supplemented ones. Best protection was found among the pigs given a daily supplement of 0.4 mg selenium, whereas a supplement of 0.8 mg had a negative influence on the resistance to swine dysentery. The results indicate that selenium plays a more complex role in mucosal defence mechanisms than hitherto anticipated.  相似文献   

Focal symmetrical poliomyelomalacia (FSP) is a neurological disorder mainly described in pigs in connection with experimental or spontaneous cases of selenium toxicosis (Harrison etal. 1983, Wendtetal. 1992, Wilson etal. 1983 & 1989). However, a few cases of FSP have been reported in other domestic animals including sheep, goat, and cattle (Innes & Plow-right 1955, Cordy et al. 1984, Bonniwell & Barlow 1985, Palmer et al. 1986). Common for reports on FSP in other species than pigs is an unsolved aetiology. In cattle only 1 report on FSP has been published previously describing 2 cases (Palmer et al. 1986). The present report describes a further case of FSP in cattle. A 4-month- old Red Danish × American Brown Swiss calf (♀) suddenly became lame on both fore limbs and unwilling to rise. The calf had a swelling around the coronary band and a temperature of 40°C. The calf was treated with antibiotics by a veterinary surgeon. The condition got severe during the next 24 h, and the calf became unable to stand on the fore limbs while the function of the rear limbs was normal. As the condition progressively got worse during the next week, the calf was euthanized by intravenous injection of pentobarbitone sodium and submitted for necropsy.  相似文献   

Previous investigations have clearly shown the existence of associations between halothane sensitivity, the H blood group system and the PHI enzyme system in pigs (Rasmusen & Christian 1976, Jørgensen et al. 1976). These associations which have considerable practical interest are most probably linkage phenomenons (Jørgensen 1977, Andresen & Jensen 1977). The major recessive locus for halothane sensitivity (HAL) comprises the two alleles N and n, n being responsible for halothane sensitivity. The distances between this locus and the loci for H and PHI are still not known exactly. This communication aims at clarifying these problems.  相似文献   

In the last few years special interest has been focused on enteric diseases localized to the lower alimentary tract, especially the ileum of weaned pigs. An increasing frequency of disorders of unknown aetiology described as regional ileitis (Emsbo 1951), necrotic enteritis (Jubb & Kennedy 1970), and intestinal adenomatosis (Rowland et al. 1973) has been reported. The changes include thickening of the ileal mucosa with hypertrophy of the muscular wall. The normal structure of villi is replaced by a proliferation of crypt cells. Necrosis of the mucosa and granulation-tissue proliferation in the submucosa occur in later stages. Regional ileitis in man (Crohn et al. 1932) which is described as a chronic enteric disease with granulomatous inflammatory changes localized to segments of the ileum is also attracting increasing attention in medical research (Liljefors 1972). The lesions are also found in the colon, and the presence of a transmissible agent involved in the aetiology of Crohn''s disease has been discussed on the basis of animal experiments (Cave et al. 1973). The disease in pigs is accompanied by haematological changes, including decreased concentration of total serum protein, albumin, alkaline phosphatase, and zinc (Martinsson et al. 1974, 1976).  相似文献   

Bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV) caused a large epizootic of acute respiratory disease in Japan in 1968—69 (Inaba et al. 1970, Inaba et al. 1972). A much smaller outbreak occurred in Switzerland (Paccaud & Jacquier 1970). In Belgium the virus has been isolated from an outbreak of respiratory disease (Wellemans et al. 1970). BRSV has later been proved an important causal agent of respiratory disorders in the same country (Wellemans & Leiinen 1975). In England and USA the virus has caused and been isolated from outbreaks of acute respiratory disease in calves (Jacobs & Edington 1971, Rosenquist 1974, Smith et al. 1974). In Denmark BRSV has sporadically been isolated from pneumonic calf lungs (Bitsch et al. 1976).  相似文献   

Satisfactory conception rates of deep frozen boar spermatozoa were obtained, with insemination by way of the cervix, after thawing the deep frozen spermatozoa in boar seminal plasma, both in preliminary trials (Crabo & Einarsson 1971, Crabo et al. 1972 b) and in a large field trial (Einarsson et al. 1972). Fertility with pellet frozen boar spermatozoa, thawed without dilution, was reported by Graham et al. (1971 a, b) and Pursel & Johnson (1971).  相似文献   

This study tried to evaluate the effect of highly fermentable fiber on the incidence and severity of swine dysentery (SD) after experimental oral infection with pure cultures of Brachyspira (B.) hyodysenteriae. Forty eight growing pigs were allocated to two groups and treated until slaughter as follows: Group 1 (n = 24): infected with B. hyodysenteriae and fed with a food containing 9.6% highly fermentable neutral detergent fiber. Group 2 (n = 24): infected with B. hyodysenteriae and fed with a food containing 6.1% low fermentable neutral detergent fiber. Pigs of each group were intragastrically inoculated on each of three consecutive days with pure culture of 1.8 x 10(10) B. hyodysenteriae. All pigs were monitored daily until slaughter. Faecal shedding of B. hyodysenteriae by polymerase chain reaction, antibody response by IFA, clinical signs, growth performance and extents of gross and microscopical lesions specific for swine dysentery were determined. Faecal shedding of B. hyodysenteriae and antibodies specific for B. hyodysenteriae were detected at day 30 post infectionem. Significant (p < 0.05) milder clinical signs typical for swine dysentery were detected in group 1, fed with 9.6% high fermentable fiber compared to group two fed with a food containing 6.1% low fermentable neutral detergent fiber. Daily weight gain differed significantly (p < 0.05) between the groups (group one 780 g vs. group two 760 g). Food conversion efficiency showed in group one a significant (p < 0.05) better (3.28) result than in group two (3.38). Feed consumption presented significantly (p < 0.001) better results in group one compared to group two (2.38 kg vs. 2.25 kg). From our experimental findings we conclude that in production units suffering of swine dysentery high levels of highly fermentable fiber in diet may increase health and performance.  相似文献   

Eggs from the pig roundworm Ascaris suum are easily obtainable in large numbers from uterus of adult worms. It is therefore natural that eggs isolated from that organ have been used almost exclusively in experimental ascariasis, both in the natural host (Kelley & Nayak 1965, Gaafar & Keittevuti 1972, Andersen et al. 1973, Jørgensen et al. 1975 and others) and in small laboratory animals (Jeska et al. 1969, Berger 1971 and others). In some cases no details are given on the origin and preparation of the infective eggs or the eggs may originate both from uteri of adult worms and from pig faeces (Kelley et al. 1957).  相似文献   

Lactic acid bacteria are considered indigenous members of the gastrointestinal microflora in a number of animal species (Savage 1977a). Some intestinal strains of lactobacilli and streptococci are aWe to adhere to stratified squamous epithelium of some animals (Tannock et al. 1987), in the non-secreting part of the stomach of piglets (Barrow et al. 1980, Fuller et al. 1978) and rodents (Tannock et al. 1982), and in the crop of poultry (Fuller 1978). The presence of lactic acid bacteria in the digestive tract is believed to be of beneficial value to the host animal (Fuller 1989). The production of organic acids in the stomach or the crop helps maintaining a low pH which may be important for inhibiting the colonization of potentially pathogenic bacteria, particularly in the newborn animal (Barrow et al 1980, Fuller 1977, Fuller 1978). The adhesion of lactobacilli to squamous epithelium is host specific: strains capable of adhering to the epithelium of piglets are usually not able to adhere in rodents or poultry and vice versa (Fuller 1978, Lin & Savage 1984, Tannock et al 1982). Adhesion of lactic acid bacterial strains to other epithelia than stratified squamous epithelium has been reported. Thus, the attachment of lactobacilli to cells from the secreting epithelium of the murine stomach (Kotarski & Savage 1979), to intestinal cells of humans (Goldin & Gorbach 1987), and to columnar epithelial cells of piglets and calves (Mäyrä-Mäkinen et al 1983) has been demonstrated using in vitro methods. In another study the in vivo attachment of Enterococcus faecium to duodenal epithelium of gnotobi-otic chickens was demonstrated (Fuller et al 1981). Recent research indicated that in adult mink lactic acid bacteria are not indigenous members of the intestinal flora, and they do not attach to epithelium in any part of the gastrointestinal tract (Federsen & Jørgensen 1992). The present paper presents evidence that Gram positive cocci may colonize the gut of suckling mink kits and attach to the gut mucosa.  相似文献   

A hypochromic microcytic iron deficiency anemia associated with light underfur and increased mortality in mink kits is caused by the feeding of various species of raw marine fish, especially coalfish (Gadus virens) and whiting (Gadus merlangus) as first detected in Norway by Helgebostad (1957). The same disorder caused by fish-feeding was later described from other countries (Stout et al. 1960, Jørgensen & Christensen 1966, Kangas et al. 1967). Nutritional anemia has also been induced in rats by feeding a raw coalfish diet as stated by Gjønnes & Helgebostad (1965).  相似文献   

Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), a transmissible spongiform encephalopathy in cattle, was first described in England by Wells et al. (1987). The infection occurs mainly due to digestion of feedstuffs containing ruminant derived protein in form of meat and bone meal contaminated with a scrapie-like agent (Wilesmith et al. 1991). Later, cases of BSE were diagnosed in the Republic of Ireland, Oman, France, and Switzerland (Marinovic & Senn 1991). This report describes the first case of BSE in Denmark.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to study the effect of diets with contrasting fermentability in the large intestine on experimental infections with Brachyspira hyodysenteriae, the causative agent of swine dysentery, and the whip worm, Trichuris suis, in pigs. Two diets with organically grown ingredients were composed. Both diets were based on triticale and barley and supplemented with either rape seed cake (Diet 1) or dried chicory root and sweet lupins (Diet 2). The study had a three-factorial design, with eight groups of pigs receiving Diet 1 or Diet 2, +/-B. hyodysenteriae, and +/-T. suis. Pigs fed Diet 2 and challenged with B. hyodysenteriae did not develop swine dysentery and B. hyodysenteriae was not demonstrated in any of the pigs during the study. In contrast, 94% of the B. hyodysenteriae challenged pigs fed Diet 1 showed clinical symptoms of swine dysentery and all the pigs were shedding B. hyodysenteriae in faeces at some points in time during the experiment. The number of T. suis was lower in pigs fed Diet 2 compared to pigs fed Diet 1, but the differences were not significant. Pigs on Diet 1 and challenged with both pathogens showed clinical symptoms of SD for a longer period than pigs inoculated with B. hyodysenteriae only. The study showed that diets supplemented with highly fermentable carbohydrates from dried chicory roots and sweet lupins can protect pigs against developing swine dysentery, but do not have any significant influence on T. suis.  相似文献   

Porcine pleuropneumonia caused by Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae (A. pleuropneumoniae) is a major problem in modern swine industry worldwide. At present 12 serotypes have been recognized (Nielsen 1990). Serotyping has been based upon capsule associated, heat-stabile antigens of polysaccharide (PS) and lipopolysaccharide (LPS) nature. A variety of tests have been used for serotyping including slide agglutination (Mittal et al. 1982), immunodiffusion (Gunnarsson et al. 1978, Nielsen & O’Connor 1984), indirect haemagglutination (Mittal et al. 1983a) and coagglutination (Mittal et al. 1983b). Recent studies report on serotyping of A. pleuropneumoniae strains using monoclonal antibodies in enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (Lida et al. 1990, Nakai et al. 1990).  相似文献   

The progesterone concentration of peripheral plasma in pigs has previously been studied during the oestrous cycle and in early pregnancy (Tillson & Erb 1967, Stabenfeldt et al 1969). The present study was undertaken to obtain some information on the concentration of plasma progesterone during the prepuberal period and during the first oestrous cycle in the pig.  相似文献   

Swine dysentery did not recur during a nine week period after withdrawal of medication in swine fed ronidazole at a level of 60 parts per million of feed for ten weeks or fed either carbadox at 55 ppm or lincomycin at 110 ppm of feed for six weeks. During this period swine dysentery was neither transmitted to accompanying sentinels after the withdrawal of the above medication or was Treponema hyodysenteriae isolated and cultured or observed in stained smears from rectal swabs and feces or from colonic scrapings at necropsy. Beginning three weeks after the withdrawal of medication, all swine were fed sodium arsanilate at a concentration of 220 ppm of feed for three weeks in an attempt to excite the carrier of swine dysentery into developing a swine dysentery diarrhea. A swine dysentery diarrhea did recur during the feeding of sodium arsanilate in swine previously fed ronidazole at a level of 60 ppm of feed for only six weeks. It was concluded: that swine dysentery was probably eliminated with the feeding of ronidazole for the longer duration and with the feeding of carbadox and lincomycin and that sodium arsanilate was of value in identifying the carrier state.  相似文献   

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