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3 柃属蜜源在各省区具体分布情况云南种类最多,共有43种,分布在全省60多个县。在南部的西畴、屏边、麻栗坡、马关、文山、河口、金平等县种类最多,每个县都有20多种,其次是南部的蒙自、勐腊、景洪,西部怒江流域的德钦、贡山、维西、碧江、泸水、腾冲、龙陵,东北部的盐津、绥江,西南部的景东、双江、耿马、镇康等每个县都有多种柃分布。广西全区有39种,主要分布在东部、东北部和西南部。种类较多的县有桂林地区的龙胜、临桂、灌阳、资源等,南宁地区的南宁、凭祥、宁明、邕宁,钦州地区的上思、防城,玉林地区的容县、南平、桂平,苍梧地区的贺…  相似文献   

以沙为栽培基质,南迪诺白三叶为指示植物,开展了氮、磷、钾、钙、镁、硫、铜、锌、锰、硼、铁、钼十二种必需元素肥的沙培肥效试验。结果表明,南迪诺白三叶对氮、磷、钾、锌、镁的缺乏较敏感,其次为硼,对钙、硫、铜、锰、铁、钼的施用不敏感,所以在单一地种植南迪诺白三叶时,除了考虑土壤的肥力和各种矿质元素含量,一定要重视磷、钾、锌、镁、氮肥的供给,其次为硼肥,可不考虑硫、铜、锰、钼元素肥的施用。  相似文献   

<正>四川省地处我国西南部,交通便利,并且冬暖春早,蜜源丰富,是我国重要的蜂产品生产地。另外,从四川周边来看,向北的宁夏、陕西、甘肃和山西有油菜、洋槐、枣花、荆条、枸杞、荞麦、草木樨等蜜源;向东的河南、湖北、江西有槐花、枣花、油菜等蜜源;向西的青海、新疆有油菜、棉花蜜源;向南的贵州、云南、广西、海南有龙眼、荔枝、油菜、桉树、野坝子等蜜源,一年四季花期更替不穷。这些都是最佳越冬春繁的放蜂场地,因此,四川省当地农户有着悠久的养蜂传统,专职蜂  相似文献   

德国是欧盟大家庭中最发达的国家之一,畜牧业生产同样如此,在去年赴德国畜禽技术推广考察的短短两周时间内,所见所闻其畜牧业现代化的生产技术和管理水平,令笔者大开眼界。 在饲养生产环节,从饲料采收、运输、装卸、进库,到各库不同饲料原粮的取卸、传送、加工粉碎、配方、混合、包装,到畜禽饲料的饲喂、粪便的清理,禽蛋的采集、外壳清洗、蛋品分级、产品包装、标签的粘贴,到奶牛的采食记录、挤奶及产奶记录、牛奶的营养成分测定以及到牛奶的消毒、包装等等,全部实现机械化作业;在屠宰、加工环节,从放血、剥皮、开膛、分割、深…  相似文献   

何人 《猪业科学》2002,19(1):62
绿壳蛋鸡,皮、毛、肉、血、内脏为黑色,所产蛋为绿色,已引起国内外行家的高度重视和关注.绿壳蛋,属纯天然,蛋白浓厚,蛋黄呈桔黄色,含有大量的卵磷脂、维生素A、B、E,微量元素碘、锌、硒,属于高维生素、高微量元素、高氨基酸、低胆固醇、低脂肪的理想天然保健食品.  相似文献   

中草药大多是植物的根、茎、叶、花、实、皮,以及禽、兽、虫、鱼的肢体、内脏或躯壳,还有一部分矿物质,含有丰富的有机物和无机物。实践证明,将药渣拌在饲料中喂猪,有明显的助长、保健、催肥作用。如虎杖、菝葜、胡枝子、马尾松等不但能清热解毒,还兼有驱虫、催肥、补血、生肉的功效;乌药、莎草、虎杖、钩吻、木防已、菝葜等,能促进仔猪消化器官的生长发育,提高饲料利用率;琴叶、榕、崖头藤、杜鹃等,可使猪发育骨架,为长肉增重打好基础;稀莶  相似文献   

金辉蜂产品公司始创于1992年,经历13年的发展。公司从无到有、从小到大、从弱到强。我们始终坚持“改革创新、强化管理、质量过硬、诚实守信”的原则,以“一流的质量、一流的信誉、一流的服务”为宗旨,以“一真、二纯、三鲜”为目标,创造的金辉品牌已逐步赢得了社会各界的认可和广大消费者的青睐。公司生产蜂蜜、蜂王浆、蜂花粉、蜂胶、蜂具、蜂药、山野菜、木耳、蘑菇、人参和鹿产品10大系列200余种产品,集公司、协会、研究所、商店为一体,提供产品和蜂具加工、销售一条龙服务,共有生产车间4个,职工40余名。公司已实现产、供、销一条龙,科…  相似文献   

<正>天山深处,彩云的最深处,有一方人们苦苦搜寻的传奇小镇,那是一处令人神往、迷失心境、颠倒神魂的圣洁之地。蜜蜂小镇!是的,就是蜜蜂小镇,它被成团的蜜蜂和蝴蝶簇拥着,楚楚动人羞涩地隐居在特克斯县喀拉峻大草原的深处,这里是草原上最美丽的小镇,是人们心目中的天堂小镇。这里是百里长卷,天然画廊,山、水、松、林、石、泉、鸟、兽、蜂蝶、花草、冰雪、牛羊群、毡房、炊烟、少女、骏马、美酒、歌舞……所有能够触动灵魂、震撼心灵的完美要  相似文献   

矿物质需要盈及其毒性目前,有15种元素被认为是动物日粮中的必需元素,动物所需的常量元素变化范围大,包括钙、磷、镁、钾、钠、氯、硫;其余的8种需要量少,在活组织中量也少,称微量元素,它们是铁、锌、铜、锰、钴、碘、钼、硒。Meiske 等(1985)总结了肉牛的矿物质需要量(NRC,1984)、缺乏症,检测缺乏的方法及防止钙、钴、铜、碘、铁、镁、锰、  相似文献   

秸秆颗粒饲料技术是以稻草、麦秸、玉米秸、花生禾、高粱秆等为主要原料,通过生物酶的酶解、转化、发酵作用,将干秸秆软化、熟化,将其粗纤维、木质素、角质的镶嵌细胞分解,将不易溶解的木质素变成易于溶解的羟基木质素,既制成为饲养猪、鸡、鸭、鹅、鱼、奶牛等优良饲料。这种饲料最大优点是废物利用,原料充足,节约粮食,降低成本,不需膨化、氨化,无异味,牧畜爱吃,既有一定咬头,又易为牲畜用嘴采食咬断、咀嚼、吞咽、  相似文献   

Progesterone plays an important role in maintenance of pregnancy. It is hypothesized that insufficient progesterone early in pregnancy may result in embryonic loss, and that supplemental progesterone would decrease pregnancy loss in dairy cows. In Experiment 1, 84 cows and 16 heifers from a single dairy operation were selected randomly. Within each age category, controlled internal drug release (CIDR) devices were inserted into the vagina of every other female on Day 4 post-insemination and removed on Day 18 post-insemination. Transrectal ultrasonography was performed to determine pregnancy at 4 time periods [days 30 to 37 (week 5), days 44 to 51 (week 7), days 58 to 65 (week 9), and days 86 to 93 (week 13)]. Progesterone supplementation had no effect on pregnancy rate. In Experiment 2, there were no differences in progesterone concentrations between cows that did and did not receive a CIDR. Further, cows receiving CIDR devices did not have an increase in circulating progesterone concentrations 30 min or 1 h after CIDR insertion. It appears that progesterone supplementation does not increase circulating levels of progesterone in the early pregnant lactating dairy cow. Alterative methods to influence progesterone concentrations and/or early embryonic loss need to be investigated.  相似文献   

Fertilization rates were similar for normal and subfertile mares, and much of the difference in fertility between normal and subfertile mares was due to embryonic loss. Fertilization rate estimates for mares ranged from 71 to 96 per cent. The incidence of embryonic loss detected by ultrasonography between Days 11 and 50 was approximately 9 per cent for normal mares, and the estimated incidence of embryonic loss before Day 14 was also 9 per cent. Therefore, the estimated incidence of embryonic loss in normal mares between fertilization and Day 50 is approximately 18 per cent (Fig. 1). In subfertile mares, the corresponding estimate for embryonic loss between fertilization and Day 50 is 80 per cent, with most embryonic losses occurring before Day 14 in subfertile mares (Fig. 1). The high rate of early embryonic loss in subfertile mares could be related to embryonic defects, oviductal environment, or uterine environment. Oviductal embryos from subfertile mares were less viable than embryos from normal mares; therefore, embryonic defects were important in early embryonic losses in subfertile mares. These defects might be inherent within the embryo or might arise from the early oviductal environment. The uterine environment of subfertile mares was adequate to support normal embryos in early gestation; however, the relationship between the uterine environment and the increased metabolic demands of the conceptus in the late embryonic or early fetal periods requires further study. The uterine environment is also altered in mares with endometritis; therefore, endometritis may also be an important factor in embryonic loss in some mares. Uterine-induced luteolysis, as well as the effect of the pathogen or the resulting inflammation, may lead to embryonic loss. An increased susceptibility of some subfertile mares to endometritis could result in embryonic loss secondary to a postcoital endometritis that persists until the embryo reaches the uterus at Days 5 or 6 postovulation. Although progesterone is critical to embryonic survival, the cause-and-effect relationship between progesterone and spontaneous embryonic loss remains unclear. Reduced progesterone concentrations could be related to endometritis, failure of maternal pregnancy recognition, or luteal insufficiency. Progesterone supplementation may be indicated for some mares, but the value of exogenous progesterone for prevention of spontaneous embryonic loss has not been critically tested. A number of other factors have been associated with embryonic loss in mares.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

试验旨在获取胚胎滞育期与激活期水貂卵巢组织的转录组信息,挖掘滞育的胚胎激活前后水貂卵巢差异表达基因(DEGs)及其功能信息,为探讨卵巢信号调控水貂胚胎滞育的分子机制提供参考。随机采集8只健康雌性水貂(胚胎滞育期和激活期各4只)的卵巢组织为样本,利用Illumina HiSeq平台RNA-Seq技术对其进行转录组测序,筛选在水貂胚胎滞育期和激活期卵巢中的DEGs并进行生物信息学分析。结果显示,测序获得661 195 568个raw reads,经过滤后获得650 834 900个clean reads,组装后得到389 895个unigenes,通过与Nr、GO、KOG和KEGG数据库比对,对unigenes进行注释,其中Nr数据库注释了156 419个unigenes;GO数据库注释了122 657个unigenes;KOG数据库注释了58 320个unigenes;KEGG数据库注释了72 653个unigenes。滞育期和激活期卵巢中有1 797个DEGs,与胚胎滞育期水貂卵巢相比,激活期卵巢有1 298个DEGs显著上调,499个DEGs显著下调。GO功能分析发现,DEGs显著富集的生物学过程主要有跨膜信号受体活性、信号受体活性、G蛋白偶联受体活性、酶联受体蛋白信号通路、细胞表面受体信号通路、细胞周期阻滞、芳香酯酶活性。KEGG通路分析发现,水貂滞育期和激活期卵巢中的DEGs显著富集于神经活动配体-受体相互作用信号通路。本研究利用高通量测序技术获得水貂胚胎滞育期与胚胎激活期卵巢的转录组信息,为深入探究水貂卵巢调节胚胎滞育的分子机制奠定了基础。  相似文献   

The ostrich industry experiences a high rate of embryonic mortalities during artificial incubation of eggs. Embryonic deaths were studied from data recorded on 37,740 fertile eggs incubated artificially during the 1998-2005 breeding seasons. Roughly 10,000 eggs that sustained embryonic mortalities were classified according to the stage and nature of death, i.e. before 21 days of incubation, after 21 days of incubation, deaths after pipping and rotten eggs. Although infection may have played a role in approximately 1300 rotten eggs, no detailed knowledge of the pathogens involved was available. The remainder of deaths could not be related to pathogens and the deaths were thus generally referred to as non-infectious. The overall level of embryonic mortality in all the eggs studied was 28.5 %. Overall embryonic mortality was affected by incubator, with higher levels (57.0 %) found in eggs incubated in an African Incubator and also in eggs that were transferred between incubators during incubation (38.1%). Overall embryonic mortality also increased in eggs produced by older females. Eggs produced in the autumn had the highest level of embryonic mortality at 53.6 %, whereas eggs produced in the winter had a marginally higher level of embryonic mortalities of 29.2 % compared with eggs produced during summer (27.4 %). Eggs produced by South African (SA) Black males crossed to Zimbabwean Blue females had high levels of embryonic losses of 45.7 %. The embryonic mortality of eggs produced by SA Blacks or Zimbabwean Blue breeding birds subjected to pure breeding was similar at approximately 33-34 %, but embryonic mortality was improved in eggs produced by Zimbabwean Blue males crossed to SA Black females (27 %). Embryonic mortality was increased in eggs that were set directly (32.0 %) or subjected to longer than 6 days of storage (43.5 %). Embryonic mortality was affected by year. The results that were obtained will assist in determining non-infectious factors that have a negative effect on hatching success. Steps can thus be taken to eliminate such factors that may compromise hatching success.  相似文献   

为鉴定男性不育药和有些驱虫药对寄生蠕虫的不育作用,对培养在试管内的鸡蛔虫和卵胚,以及人工感染蛔虫的鸡分别进行了体内和体外试验。棉酚和硝基呋喃类的呋喃唑酮、呋喃西林、S_(73031)和S_(72055)均无抑制产卵和卵胚发育的作用,苯并咪唑类的丙硫咪唑、甲苯咪唑和噻苯咪唑以及吩噻嗪均有抑制产卵和卵胚发育的作用,它们的EMIC_(50)分别为0.006,1.326,0.029和0.052ppm。抑制产卵所需浓度远大于抑制卵胚发育所需浓度。吡喹酮和硫双二氯酚也不具有抑制产卵和卵胚成熟的作用。放线菌酮仅对试管内蛔虫有抑制产卵作用,但对体内蛔虫却无影响。  相似文献   

隐性乳房炎患牛乳汁pH值变化与体细胞数关系的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采集奶牛乳样604份, 测定乳汁pH值与体细胞的含量, 确定奶牛隐性乳房炎与牛乳pH值的变化关系。结果表明, 牛乳pH值的变化与体细胞的含量呈正相关。正常乳汁的pH值在6 4~6 6之间; 体细胞在20万~50万/mL区间时, 奶牛乳汁pH值在6 6~6 8之间; 体细胞在50~150万/mL区间时, 奶牛乳汁pH值在6 8~7 0之间; 体细胞在150万~500万/mL区间时, 奶牛乳汁pH值在7 0~7 2之间; 体细胞大于500万/mL时, 奶牛乳汁pH值在7 2以上。  相似文献   

在非繁殖季节应用CIDR法和Progestagen Sponge法对受体绵羊进行同期发情处理后,进行冷冻胚胎移植,研究不同同期发情处理方法、卵巢状况、胚龄、移植方法和移植时间对冷冻胚胎移植妊娠率的影响,以期为当地实现绵羊胚胎移植产业化提供理论依据和技术参考。结果表明:经同期发情处理后,绵羊在去栓后24~72 h集中发情,在去栓后36~48 h发情最为集中;CIDR法和Progestagen Sponge法的同期发情率分别为91.11%和87.78%(P>0.05),同期发情绵羊移植利用率分别为82.93%和78.48%(P>0.05);单侧卵巢上含有1个和2个黄体其妊娠率分别为46.07%和48.78%(P>0.05);桑椹胚和囊胚的妊娠率分别为49.25%和42.11%(P>0.05);腹腔镜法和手术法的妊娠率分别为45.16%和48.52%(P>0.05);11月和12月进行冷冻胚胎移植的妊娠率分别为50.76%和43.08%(P>0.05),该试验的绵羊冻胚移植妊娠率为46.92%,基本接近国内冻胚移植水平,但低于目前国内羊鲜胚移植妊娠率(50%~60%)。由此可以得出,不同同期发情处理方法、卵巢状况、胚龄、移植方法和移植时间对胚胎移植妊娠率的影响均无显著性差异(P>0.05),大规模群体羊同期发情时,可选价格便宜的Progestagen Sponge法;只要受体绵羊黄体质量好即可移植胚胎;为了减轻受体绵羊的应激反应,降低术后子宫粘连的发病率,可广泛应用腹腔镜法进行胚胎移植;该试验的绵羊冻胚移植妊娠率低于目前国内羊鲜胚移植妊娠率,通过筛选高效低毒的抗冻保护剂,以及提高基层技术人员操作水平,则有望进一步提高绵羊冷冻胚胎移植妊娠率。  相似文献   

A total of 384 Thoroughbred mares were investigated to determine and evaluate the features of early embryonic death at nine equine farms on Jeju Island, South Korea, from 2001 to 2003. Overall, 771 matings for 384 mares resulted in 376 pregnancies 15 days after ovulation. Subsequently, 12.2% (46/376) of these early conceptuses were lost within 45 days after ovulation. Furthermore, about three quarters of the 46 embryonic deaths occurred between 16 and 25 days after ovulation. The incidence of embryonic death was highest in the barren (17.2%), more than 15 years old (15.4%), and more than 10 parities (18.2%) groups compared with the other groups (9.1-16.9%). Mares mated in March, April, and during the first estrus postpartum had higher embryonic death rates, (19.6%, 17.2%, and 24.6%, respectively). Mares with abnormal fluid and cysts in the uterus (18.0%) or multiple embryonic vesicles (23.1%) had higher embryonic death rates than those with normal uterine conditions (9.8%) or single embryonic vesicles (10.5%). The condition of mares, such as breeding condition and the environment of the embryo or fetus, are the major factors in relation to occurrence of early embryonic death.  相似文献   

Spleen cells but not the thymus or the bursa cells of chicken embryos suppressed the in vitro mitogenesis of spleen cells of adult syngeneic or allogeneic chickens. The natural suppressor cell activity of embryo spleen was present at embryonation day 16, reached peak levels at embryonation day 18 and disappeared at hatch. The embryo spleen cells did not by themselves respond to phytohemagglutinin stimulation in vitro. The suppressive effect of embryonic spleen cells on adult spleen cells was present when the embryonic cells were added at the time of or after initiation of the adult spleen mitogenic cultures. When the embryonic cells were added to the cultures of adult spleen cells after the blastogenic response of the adult cells had peaked, the embryonic cells inhibited the incorporation of the label into adult spleen cell blasts. The suppressive activity of the embryonic spleen cells was mediated by soluble suppressor product(s) secreted by these cells, and direct cell-to-cell contact between embryonic and adult spleen cells was not necessary for suppression to occur. Infection of embryos with turkey herpesvirus and Marek's disease virus reduced the suppressor cell activity of embryonic spleen, although substantial residual suppressor cell activity remained in virus-infected embryos. Several pathogenic or non-pathogenic isolates of infectious bursal disease virus did not appreciably alter the suppressor cell activity of embryonic spleen cells.  相似文献   

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