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通过对绵竹种子贮藏时间、播种覆盖方式及实生苗移植时间、合理密度的观察,结果表明,采种后在自然条件下贮藏10d是比较理想的贮藏期(即5月下旬~6月上旬播种);遮阴是获得较多和较好幼苗的关建技术措施,用地膜+遮阴网覆盖的方法,是理想的覆盖方法;绵竹幼苗移植应在8月20日前进行;苗圃生产中以采用30×35cm的移植密度较好。  相似文献   

试验采用阴干、曝晒、冰箱贮藏、砂藏4种方法贮藏的花榈木种子进行播种,调查其出苗率,并用砂藏的花榈木种子进行不同的密度播种育苗试验,结果表明:采用4种不同贮藏方法的花榈木种子的发芽率差异极显著;以砂藏方法保存种子出芽率最高,冰箱贮藏效果最差;不同播种密度以株行距15 cm×15 cm的苗木质量和产量最好。  相似文献   

枫香播种育苗技术   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
采用田间全光播种育苗方式进行枫香苗床不同覆盖方式、不同移植密度的对比试验,结果表明:播种后苗床的覆盖方式以谷皮+塑料小拱棚的发芽率最高,达79.2%;苗木密度以株行距8 cm×8 cm最为适宜,合格苗产量最高,达80.44万株.hm-2。  相似文献   

沙地云杉为沙地造林常用的一个树种。通过开展沙地云杉播种育苗试验,研究了播种方式、播种时间、遮阴方式等对沙地云杉播种出苗量及生长情况的影响。结果表明:早播种、高床、遮阴有利于苗木地径、苗高的生长;影响苗木地径生长的主要因素是地面温度、最高温度、15cm土层温度;影响苗高的主要因素为地面温度、地面最高温度、20cm土层温度。  相似文献   

对福建青冈种子进行不同贮藏方式、播种时间、切根等播种育苗试验。结果表明:播种时间以采种后第2~7 d及时播种较好;湿沙层积贮藏和冷藏处理反而降低出苗率和成苗率;切根处理可以提高苗木质量。福建青冈育苗的关键技术是及时播种和切根处理。最佳技术组合为:福建青冈采种水选后,经湿沙层积贮藏2~7 d,取出用指甲掐断根尖0.2~0.3cm;或水选种子直接播种,于6月中旬,利用锋利铁铲,在距离苗木5 cm处,呈45°斜切,切断主根的育苗方式。  相似文献   

采用L9(34)正交试验表布置试验的方法研究了红桦树种的播种育苗,试验研究表明:红桦播种育苗时土壤基质、种子处理应以腐殖土(腐殖质∶细沙=1∶1)和水浸处理最为理想,适当遮阴有利于幼苗的生长。  相似文献   

朱砂根不同播种育苗方式效果分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过种子不同处理方法、选用不同土壤基质、贮藏方法、苗床覆盖、遮荫处理以及不同育苗密度进行试验对比,采用有序样本聚类分析法将朱砂根1年生播种苗的高生长过程划分为出苗期、生长初期、速生期、苗木硬化期4个时期,并进行苗木的生物量测定。结果表明:朱砂根播种育苗以种子去果皮、混沙湿藏,营养土(袋)播种,播后床面用地膜小拱棚+谷皮覆盖处理的发芽率最高;以75%的拱棚遮荫朱砂根的生长量最大,以株行距8 cm×8 cm(150株/m2)的密度合格苗产量最高,成本最低;田间苗床播种育苗比营养袋播种育苗的生长量及生物量大,但朱砂根为常绿植物,建议在生产上推广营养袋育苗,以提高移栽成活率。  相似文献   

干旱沙区沙地云杉育苗技术及幼苗生长节律   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以沙地云杉种子和1年生种子播种幼苗为试验材料,研究遮阴与否和不同覆沙厚度对沙地云杉幼苗保苗率和出苗率的影响。结果表明:从出苗到越冬,遮阴处理和不遮阴处理幼苗保存率为69.04%、17.35%,干旱荒漠区播种育苗覆沙适宜厚度0.5 cm。幼苗年生长规律研究表明:苗木地径和苗高的年生长规律基本相似,高生长从6月进入快速生长期,而地径生长从6月20日进入快速生长期,到7月苗高生长和地径生长趋于平缓,8月苗高生长和地径生长基本停止。在生长期幼苗地下部分干质量百分率和地上部分干质量百分率在生长季内持续上升,经回归分析,地下部分和地上部分干物质积累回归方程分别为:Y=0.000 2x-8.5223、Y=-1-0.6x2+0.092 9x-1 877.4。通过相关分析表明,影响地径和苗木生长的主要环境因子为最低气温、20 cm土壤温度、15 cm土壤温度和10 cm土壤温度。  相似文献   

在赤峰赛罕乌拉综合防护林示范基地,以樟子松幼苗为研究材料,对比50 cm×50 cm和80 cm×80 cm两种移植密度樟子松幼苗的苗高、地径、冠幅(东西);根系长度、直径、数量;生物量等指标。结果表明:80 cm×80 cm密度的幼苗的平均苗高比50 cm×50 cm密度的高14.9%、平均地径高17.5%、平均冠幅(东西)分别高21.4%与13.9%;80 cm×80 cm密度的幼苗的平均根系长度比50 cm×50 cm的高29.0%、平均根系直径高57.5%、平均根系数量高75.0%;80 cm×80 cm密度的幼苗的平均生物量比50 cm×50 cm的高128%。说明80 cm×80 cm密度的幼苗的质量比50 cm×50 cm密度的幼苗质量要好,更适宜当地造林。  相似文献   

[目的]以枫香种子为试材,研究不同贮藏温度下种子活力随时间的变化规律,为枫香种子的贮藏方法提供理论依据。[方法]将枫香种子阴干至含水量为10.54%,然后分别贮藏于室温(25±2)℃、4℃、-20℃和-70℃的温度条件下,于贮藏0、60、180、300、360、520、730 d分别测定种子的丙二醛含量和相对电导率,并将种子于室内播种,测定发芽势、发芽率及播种1个月后萌发幼苗的苗高和根长。[结果]随着贮藏时间的延长,4种温度下种子的发芽率、发芽势、幼苗苗高与根长均逐渐降低,丙二醛含量和相对电导率逐渐升高;贮藏至360 d时,4种温度均能较好地保持种子活力,相互之间差异不明显;至730 d时,4℃、-20℃和-70℃的贮藏效果明显优于室温,-70℃的贮藏效果最佳。[结论]枫香种子在含水量10.54%时,若贮藏时间在360d以内,则室温贮藏即可有效保持种子活力;若贮藏时间进一步延长,则需要采用低温进行贮藏;贮藏730d时,4℃、-20℃和-70℃均可有效保持种子活力,其中,-70℃的贮藏效果最佳。  相似文献   

金佛山方竹的育苗技术   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
金佛山方竹因其种子稀少,繁殖困难,种苗培育是发展方竹产业有待解决的问题,采用种子育苗结合连续分株育苗技术是大量培育种苗的一种有效方法。  相似文献   

Correlations between root growth capacity (RGC), at the time of planting, and field performance were studied for Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) seedlings. Before planting a gradient in seedling viability was generated through exposure to low root temperatures and different winter storage regimes. The hypothesis that high RGC values would improve field performance was to some extent verified for pine seedlings while no correlations could be registered for spruce. Reasons for these results are discussed.  相似文献   

The carbohydrate reserve of bareroot Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) seedlings was evaluated as means of describing seedling quality and capacity to withstand stress during nursery lifting, outplanting and acclimatization at the planting site. Carbohydrate concentrations in needles were followed through four spring storage treatments and the postplanting success and growth of seedlings monitored at two sites. The reduction in total glucose concentration in needles was affected by storage time and temperature. Depletion of carbohydrate reserves decreased needle growth, reduced the number of terminal buds, disturbed leader shoot formation, and consequently reduced shoot length. The depletion of reserves below a threshold concentration of ~2 % total glucose during storage resulted in significant seedling mortality. A simple model for estimating the depletion of carbohydrate reserves based on dark respiration was evaluated as a measure of the accumulated strain during the storage. The application of carbohydrate analyses as a routine test of seedling quality in a nursery is not currently feasible because of the insensitivity and laboriousness of the method.  相似文献   

报道日本栗在河南引种栽培研究结果。筑波、银寄等6个优良品种种植表现出生长快、长势好、早实、早熟、丰产、粒大、质优等优良性状,是值得大力推广的优良品种。适当密植、幼树整形修剪、合理配植授粉树、加强肥水管理及适时除雄是日本栗获得早实丰产的关健技术措施。  相似文献   

草珊瑚不同播种育苗方式效果研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
试验采用营养袋播种育苗和田间苗床播种育苗2种方式进行草珊瑚苗木生长量的比较研究,结果表明:2种育苗方式对苗木的出土时间没有影响,但对种子的发芽率具有极显著影响,前者比后者提高29.3%。2种不同育苗方式的高径生长量、根系生长量及总生物量(鲜重)差异极显著;营养袋有利于苗木的高径生长和主根生长,总生物量比田间苗床播种苗提高30.4%;但侧根生长相比较差。为提高移栽成活率,在生产上提倡营养袋育苗。  相似文献   

The degree to which freezer storage fulfilled the chilling requirement of ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa Dougl. ex Laws.) seedlings of two sources was determined by monitoring their development after potting or planting. The seedlings were lifted in September, October, November, or March and subjected to storage before outplanting. The fulfillment of chilling was assessed by measuring days to budbreak, cumulative percentage of seedlings flushing, foliated shoot length, and rate of bud abortion. The effect of freezer storage depended on stage of seedling development at lifting, length of storage, and seed source. Storage did not totally replace winter conditions, especially for seedlings lifted in September and October. Those from a high-elevation seed source flushed sooner than those from a low-elevation source. Delayed budbreak after planting of early lifted seedlings from the high-elevation source disappeared in the second year, but those from the low-elevation source continued to show effects. Seedlings lifted and stored in November had patterns of budbreak that were similar to those of seedlings that had overwintered in beds.  相似文献   

2007~2009年在普洱景谷进行了不同类型思茅松苗木造林对比试验,通过调查思茅松扦插苗与实生苗山地栽培的生长情况,分析了扦插苗留圃时间长短对造林初期思茅松生长的影响及不同育苗基质培育的扦插苗对造林初期生长的影响情况。结果表明,思茅松扦插苗与实生苗山地栽培2年3个月后,在树高生长方面差异显著,而地径生长差异不显著,林木生长量是扦插苗好于实生苗;思茅松扦插苗在生根良好的前提下,扦插留圃时间长短对幼树生长无明显影响;林下表土与树皮碎片(1?1)混合的育苗基质所培育的扦插苗,造林后其地径、树高生长明显好于育苗基质为林下土的扦插苗。  相似文献   

在德宏州林业科学研究所对引自海南的非洲桃花心木进行种子萌发和播种育苗造林试验。结果表明,非洲桃花心木的种子不耐贮藏,需即采即播,发芽率为68%,播种覆土厚度以1~2 cm为宜,适宜德宏热区海拔1 000 m以下山地采用袋苗造林,造林密度一般为3 m×3 m,造林成活率≥90%,造林3年后的保存率为89%。非洲桃花心木栽培4~5年即可郁闭成林,生长旺季为5~10月,12月至翌年4月林木生长缓慢,以半落叶的生理方式渡过冬旱季节。与种源地天然林中的非洲桃花心木相比较,两地5 a生、10 a生及25 a生树高、胸径基本接近,能正常开花结实,表明非洲桃花心木适宜德宏热区造林。  相似文献   

McKay  H.M. 《New Forests》1997,13(1-3):369-399
This paper presents the experimental evidence on the effects of desiccation, low and high temperatures, rough handling, root loss and storage between lifting and planting on plant quality and performance. The review concentrates on the impact of these stresses on outplanting performance; their effect on seedling properties, such as root growth potential and root electrolyte leakage, is also described. Stresses most often happen in combination but there is relatively little information on their interactions. Examples of desiccation plus rough handling, cold storage plus desiccation, frost damage plus freeze storage and the triple stress of desiccation, heating and rough handling are presented. The limited evidence on the cumulative effect of stresses suggests tentatively that damage from rough handling does not accumulate in the same way as damage from desiccation and prolonged storage. Factors affecting stress resistance are briefly reviewed.There are three impediments to producing a critical review of the literature: experimental treatments, particularly of desiccation and rough handling, can rarely be directly compared; the impact of stress treatments can be modified by a large number of factors, and the levels of stress have seldom been quantified in normal forestry practice. The first two problems also make it difficult to formulate general statements concerning critical thresholds for the stresses. However, instruments are now available for measuring and monitoring stresses between lifting and planting and it is, in theory, possible to model the effects of these stresses to take account of the many factors that modify their impact on seedling survival and growth. This offers the possibility of significant improvements in our ability to predict the effect of stresses between lifting and planting on seedling performance.  相似文献   

Feeding by pine weevil (Hylobius abietis L.) causes severe damage to newly planted conifer seedlings in most parts of Scandinavia. We investigated the effect of planting time and insecticide treatment on pine weevil damage and seedling growth. The main objective was to study if planting in early autumn on fresh clear-cuts would promote seedling establishment and reduce the amount of damage caused by pine weevil the following season. The experiment was conducted in southern Sweden and in south-eastern Norway with an identical experimental design at three sites in each country. On each site, Norway spruce seedlings with or without insecticide treatment were planted at four different planting times: August, September, November and May the following year. In Sweden, the proportion of untreated seedlings that were killed by pine weevils was reduced when seedlings were planted at the earliest time (August/September) compared to late planting in November, or May the following year. This pattern was not found in Norway. The average length of leading shoot, diameter growth and biomass were clearly benefited by planting in August in both countries. Insecticide treatment decreased the number of seedlings killed or severely damaged in both Norway and Sweden.  相似文献   

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