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The current experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of a synbiotic (Biomin Imbo) on intestinal microflora of Ross broiler chickens. A total of 200 male chickens were randomly divided into 20 groups of 10 birds each, kept in 20 pens (1.5 × 1 m each), and fed for 42 d at different synbiotic levels. Treatments included (1) a basal diet without synbiotics (control), (2) a basal diet with synbiotic levels proposed by the manufacturer, (3) a basal diet with synbiotic levels 25% lower than those proposed by the manufacturer, (4) a basal diet with synbiotic levels 50% higher than those proposed by the manufacturer, and (5) a basal diet with synbiotic levels 25% higher than those proposed by the manufacturer. At the end of the 42-d feeding period, 1 bird was randomly selected from each experimental unit, humanely euthanized, and the cecum was removed to measure the microbial population. The cecal contents were collected in discharge containers for microbial cultures, and counts were conducted after microbial culture. The addition of the synbiotic reduced Escherichia coli and total coliform populations in the intestines of broiler chickens. Conversely, different levels of probiotic increased the numbers of lactobacilli in the intestine of broiler chickens. Concentrations of the synbiotic higher than the recommended levels in the diet increased the lactic acid bacteria population in the gut of broiler chickens.  相似文献   

To demonstrate whether that hypotrophied histological alterations of intestinal villi and epithelial cells are observed in chickens fed low crude protein (CP) diet, 36 male chickens were allotted into 10%, 16% and 22% CP diets groups for 35 days. The 10% CP group showed a lower value of weight gain and feed efficiency than the other two CP groups (p < 0.05). On the relative weight of visceral organs, the 10% CP group showed a heavier gizzard than the 22% CP group, a heavier jejunum than the other two CP groups and a heavier value of ileum and caeca than the 22% CP group (p < 0.05). On the relative length of intestines, the 10% CP group showed a longer value of duodenum and caeca than the other two CP groups, a longer jejunum than the 16% CP group and a longer colon than the 22% CP group (p < 0.05). The villus height and villus area of all intestinal segments did not change in all groups. The duodenal cell areas and cell mitosis numbers tended to be lower in 10% CP group than in the other two protein groups, and the jejunal cell area and duodenal cell mitosis numbers were decreased in the 10% crude protein group (p < 0.05). In relation to the protuberated cells in the higher CP groups, the 10% CP group showed only faintly protuberated cells on the duodenal and jejunal villus apical surface. The ileal villi did not show specific alterations among each group. The chronic feeding of low CP diet induced a hypotrophied histological alteration. This suggests that the hypotrophied histological alterations can assess that the fed‐diet is not so well‐balanced diets, nutritionally.  相似文献   

The effect of lignin supplementation to a diet contaminated with zearalenone (ZEA) on antioxidant status was studied in female chickens of the ISA BROWN laying strain. From the day of hatching to 2 weeks of age, four groups of chickens were fed the same uncontaminated control diet. After 14 days, Group 1 (control) continued to receive the uncontaminated diet, while Group 2 was fed an identical diet enriched with 0.5% chemically modified lignin. Simultaneously, chickens of Group 3 were switched to a diet contaminated with 7.9 mg/kg ZEA and those of Group 4 to an identical contaminated diet supplemented with 0.5% lignin. At 6 weeks of age blood and tissue samples were collected. Feeding of a diet contaminated with a high level of ZEA resulted in elevated glutathione peroxidase (GPx) activity in the duodenal mucosa and kidney tissues, and an increased γ-glutamyltransferase (GGT) activity in the plasma, indicative of oxidative stress. In the liver tissue, no mycotoxin-induced response in GPx and thioredoxin reductase (TrxR) activities occurred, and the malondialdehyde (MDA) level was even reduced. Neither the plasma levels of retinol and α-tocopherol nor the activities of superoxide dismutase in erythrocytes and GPx in blood were affected in birds fed the contaminated diet. The only effect of lignin supplemented to the contaminated feed was that it prevented the increase of GPx activity in the duodenal mucosa as an indicator of oxidative stress.  相似文献   

Four Duroc x White composite crossbred (21.8 +/- 1.0 kg BW) and four 12-wk-old Meishan purebred (20.7 +/- 1.6 kg BW) growing barrows were used to determine the relative breed differences in metabolic and microbial responses to a high-fiber diet. The pigs were trained to consume 700 g of a diet containing 35% (as-fed basis) dehydrated alfalfa meal once daily. The pigs' daily intakes of DM, N, GE, NDF, and ADF were 610 g, 16.6 g, 2.64 Mcal, 150 g, and 88 g, respectively. On d 12 after surgical catheterization of the portal vein, ileal vein, and carotid artery, a 3-d total urine and feces collection was conducted. On d 24 after surgery, each pig was placed in an open-circuit calorimeter, and its catheters were connected to a system for simultaneous measurements of oxygen consumption by portal-drained viscera and by whole body, and the net portal absorption of VFA after a 24-h fasting and during a 5-h postprandial period. The VFA measured included acetic, propionic, isobutyric, butyric, isovaleric, and valeric acids. A second 3-d total urine and feces collection was conducted on d 30 after surgery. There were no differences (P = 0.13) between the first and second collections in apparent total-tract digestibility coefficients for nutrients and N retention of pigs. Compared with Duroc x White composite crossbred pigs, Meishan pigs had lower (P = 0.05) apparent digestibility coefficients for DM, N, NDF, hemicellulose, and N retention, but their portal-drained viscera used a greater (P = 0.05) fraction of whole-body oxygen consumption. No differences (P = 0.12) were found between Duroc x White composite crossbred and Meishan pigs in total viable bacteria and cellulolytic bacteria from fecal samples, in vitro digestibility of alfalfa NDF fractions by fecal inocula, whole-body oxygen consumption, net portal absorption of VFA, total energy of absorbed VFA, and the potential of absorbed VFA for meeting the energy needs for whole-body heat production. These results indicate that, in contrast to previous beliefs, the ability of Meishan growing pigs to utilize a high-fiber diet is not superior to that of Duroc x White composite crossbred growing pigs.  相似文献   

Eight crossbred male horses aged 12 +/- 5 yr and with BW of 305 +/- 18 kg were used in pairs in a 4 x 4 Latin square design with 4 ground and pelleted diets. Each pair included a cecum and right ventral colon-fistulated animal and a cecal-fistulated animal. The 4 horse diets were a high-fiber diet (HF+0) based on dehydrated alfalfa, a high-starch diet based on barley and wheat bran (HS+0), and the HF or HS diets supplemented with Saccharomyces cerevisiae (SC) CBS 493.94 (HF+SC and HS+SC). The probiotic preparation contained 4.5 x 10(9) cfu/g of live yeast mixed with the culture medium, and was top-dressed onto the feed pellets at a rate of 10 g/d, equally distributed between the 2 daily meals. All 4 diets were offered in the same quantities (18.0 g of pelleted feed DM + 3.5 g of long wheat straw/kg of BW per d). Each of the 4 experimental treatments was divided into a 21-d period of diet adaptation followed by a 10-d period of total fecal collection for digesta flow rate and apparent digestibility measurements. Three markers were used to measure mean retention time (MRT) of the feed particles: Yb bound to the pelleted feeds for MRT in the whole digestive tract (MRT(Yb)), Eu bound to the pelleted feeds, and Dy bound to the fecal particles for MRT in the hindgut (MRT(Eu) and MRT(Dy)). Apparent digestibilities of DM, OM, and CP were greater (P < 0.001) in the HS than HF diet, independently of SC supplementation, whereas ADF digestibility was greatest in the HF diet (P = 0.035). Cellulolytic activity estimated through the in vitro disappearance rate of the dietary ADF fraction (IVAD(ADF)) was less (P < 0.001) in the HS than the HF diet. There was no dietary effect on NDF digestibility due to the longer MRT(Eu) of small particles in the hindgut (P = 0.036), which compensated for the lower fibrolytic activity expressed per unit of time in the HS compared with the HF diet. Supplementation with SC improved ADF digestibility (P = 0.038) and stimulated DM (P = 0.030) and NDF (P = 0.038) intakes, but had no effect on the MRT of solid digesta. The absence of any significant diet x SC interaction supports the strategy of using SC to stimulate cellulose digestion and improve the nutritional status of horses under both HF and HS diets.  相似文献   

Six Salers steers, fitted with ruminal and duodenal cannulas, were used in a double 3x3 Latin square design to assess the depressive effect of the nature of wheat, flint corn, and dent corn on fiber digestion in animals fed high-concentrate diets, and to determine the mechanisms involved in these negative digestive effects. Diets were balanced to be equal in starch content (47.7+/-2.3%). The three cereals were characterized by ruminal starch digestibilities of 86.6, 60.8, and 34.8% for the wheat, dent corn, and flint corn, respectively. Ruminal digestion of NDF was lower with wheat- than with corn-based diets (49.4 vs. 55.2%; P<.001), and with dent corn than with flint corn (53 vs. 57.3%; P<.01). Degradability of hay in nylon bags was not affected by the grain source in the diet (P>.1). The mean retention time of forage particles in the rumen was similar between wheat and corn diets (P>.1), but it was lower for steers fed dent corn than for those fed flint corn (P<.05). Most fibrolytic activities of the solid-associated microorganisms were lower (P<.05) in animals fed wheat than in those fed corn. Differences in fibrolytic activities of the solid-associated microorganisms between the two corn genotypes were not statistically significant (P>.1), but activities of all fibrolytic enzymes were lower (P<.05) with the dent than with the flint corn diet. Protozoal number in ruminal fluid was lower in animals receiving wheat than in those fed corn (177 vs. 789x10(3)/mL; P<.001) and was related to the high ruminal acidity (P<.01) of the wheat diet. Large modifications in the rumen microbial ecosystem between the two corn genotypes were not visible in protozoal numbers or pH. Total-tract digestion of NDF was the same for wheat and for corn diets, averaging 55% for the three diets. A postruminal compensation of NDF digestion (14% of the total tract NDF digestion) seemed to occur with the wheat diet. The lack of any postruminal NDF digestion (0%) with the two corn diets may suggest negative digestive interactions in the hindgut similar to those in the rumen.  相似文献   

Two trials (24 and 48 pigs; 9.7 kg initial body weight) were conducted to determine the effects of dietary fiber on growth, nutrient utilization and intestinal morphology of young pigs. The four diets fed were: basal corn-soybean meal (B), 15% oat hulls (OH), 15% soybean hulls (SH), and 20% alfalfa meal (AM). Fiber source did not have major effects on performance in a 35-d feeding trial. Balance trials (7-d duration) were conducted 32 d (Trial 1) or 6 d (Trial 2) after completion of the feeding trials. Feed intakes were equalized at 8.7% (Trial 1) or 10.3% (Trial 2) of initial body weight (kg.75). All fiber sources decreased apparent digestibilities of N, energy and dry matter (P less than .05) with no effect on N retention. Apparent digestibilities of neutral and acid detergent fiber, cellulose, and hemicellulose were reduced by OH and AM (P less than .01), but not by SH. Fiber sources did not affect apparent Ca, P, Zn or Mn absorption or retention, or Mg absorption, but decrease Mg retention (P less than .05). Apparent Na absorption was decreased by OH and increased by AM (P less than .05) but was unaffected by SH. All fiber sources increased K intake, but only SH and AM increased apparent K absorption (P less than .05). Fiber sources did not affect Na or K retention. The OH increased Cu intake and balance (P less than .05). All fiber sources increased Fe intake, but only SH and AM increased (P less than .05) Fe balance. Villus shape and surface morphology in jejunum and ileum examined by scanning electron microscopy (Trial 1 only) appeared to be independent of diet. However, jejunum villus morphologies of two pigs fed AM were characterized by loss of epithelial cells and microvilli at the villus apex, and ileum villi were blunted and frequently folded in one pig fed SH. Fiber sources at the levels included in a corn-soybean meal diet fed in this study had only a minimal impact on performance and utilization of minerals and N and intestinal structure, although apparent energy utilization was decreased.  相似文献   

The effect of feed particle size on the growth performance and intestinal morphology of Hyline chickens was studied. Sixty one‐day‐old chickens were randomly assigned into two groups with five replicates per group and six chickens per replicate. The control group (CG) was fed pelleted feed and the experimental group (EG) was fed crumbled feed. The geometric mean diameter (GMD) of the pelleted and crumbled feed was approximately 1.2 and 0.8 mm respectively. The trial was carried out from day 15 to day 69 of the lives of the chickens. During the experimental period, the average daily feed intake (ADFI), average daily gain (ADG) and feed conversion rate ( FCR) were calculated. At 42 and 69 days of age, fifteen chickens from each group were slaughtered for the intestinal morphology analyses. The morphologies of various segments of the intestine were observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results showed that from 15 to 42 days of age, the FCR of the CG was higher than that of the EG, but the final body weight was lower in the CG than in the EG (p < 0.05). The villi heights in the duodenum, jejunum and ileum were shorter in the CG than in the EG (p < 0.05). The villi tips in the duodenum and jejunum of the CG were broken, but they were protected in the EG. At 69 days of age, the BW and the whole intestinal villi height of the CG were greater than those of the EG (p < 0.05). The villi in the duodenum and jejunum in the CG were better than 42 days, but the tips of the duodenal villi in the EG were slightly broken. In conclusion, feeding chickens crumbled feed from 15 to 42 days of age and then feeding them pelleted feed was beneficial to the growth performance of the Hyline chickens, as the pelleted feed would break the intestinal villi of young chickens, but the intestinal villi become stronger with the chicken growth.  相似文献   

Five sheep (average BW 48 kg) with ruminal, duodenal, and ileal cannulas were fed 63% roughage: 37% concentrate diets (CP = 14.5%) in a 5 x 5 Latin square design to study effects of urea and sodium bicarbonate supplementation on nutrient digestion and ruminal characteristics of defaunated sheep. Diets were fed twice daily (DMI = 1,076 g/d). Defaunation was accomplished with 25-ml doses of alkanate 3SL3/sheep daily for 3 d. Control sheep were faunated (Treatment 1) and fed soybean meal as the major N supplement. Remaining sheep were maintained defaunated and fed either the same diet as Treatment 1 (Treatment 2), Treatment 1 with urea replacing 30% of the soybean meal N (Treatment 3), or Treatment 1 with 2% sodium bicarbonate in the diet (Treatment 4). Treatment 5 was a combination of Treatments 3 and 4. Compared with the faunated control, defaunation decreased (P less than .05) total tract DM, OM, NDF, ADF, and CP digestibilities (71.5 vs 69.4, 73.8 vs 71.7, 64.6 vs 61.4, 58.7 vs 55.8, and 74.2 vs 70.6%, respectively) and average (2 to 12 h postfeeding) ruminal fluid ammonia (23.5 vs 13.7 mg/dl) and isobutyrate (.9 vs .7 mM) concentrations. However, defaunation increased (P less than .05) linoleic and linolenic acid flows (.58 vs .45 g C18:2/d; .17 vs .14 g C18:3/d) to and disappearance (.50 vs .39 g C18:2/d; .14 vs .11 g C18:3/d) from the small intestine. Urea supplementation increased (P less than .05) total tract DM (70.2 vs 68.6%) and OM (72.3 vs 71.0%) digestibilities of defaunated sheep but lowered (P less than .05) ruminal fluid isobutyrate concentration (.6 vs .8 mM). Sodium bicarbonate supplementation increased (P less than .05) ruminal fluid pH (6.4 vs 6.2), isobutyrate concentration (.75 vs .60 mM), total tract ADF digestibility (57.6 vs 54.2%), and ruminal NDF (41.6 vs 28.5%), ADF (36.6 vs 22.8%), and CP (-5.5 vs -26.8%) digestibilities in defaunated sheep. Dietary supplementation of urea or sodium bicarbonate increased nutrient digestion by defaunated sheep.  相似文献   

Twelve Angus steers (BW 452.8 ± 6.1 kg) fitted with ruminal cannulae were used to determine the impact of trace mineral (TM) source on digestibility, ruminal volatile fatty acid (VFA) composition, ruminal soluble concentrations of Cu, Zn, and Mn, and relative binding strength of trace minerals located in the rumen insoluble digesta fraction. Steers were fed a medium-quality grass hay diet (DM basis: 10.8% CP, 63.1% neutral detergent fiber [NDF], 6.9 mg Cu/kg, 65.5 mg Mn/kg, and 39.4 mg Zn/kg) supplemented with protein for 21 d. Treatments consisted of either sulfate (STM) or hydroxy (HTM) sources (n = 6 steers/treatment) to provide 20, 40, and 60 mg supplemental Cu, Mn, and Zn/kg DM, respectively. Following a 21-d adaptation period, total fecal output was collected for 5 d. Dry matter (P < 0.07) and CP (P < 0.06) digestibility tended to be reduced, and NDF (P < 0.04) and acid detergent fiber (ADF) (P < 0.05) digestibility were reduced in STM- vs. HTM-supplemented steers. On day 6, ruminal fluid was collected at 0, 2, and 4 h post-feeding and analyzed for VFA. There were no treatment x time interactions for VFA. Steers receiving HTM had less (P < 0.02) molar proportions of butyric acid and greater (P < 0.05) total VFA concentrations than STM-supplemented steers. Steers were then fed the same diet without supplemental Cu, Zn, or Mn for 14 d. On day 15 steers received a pulse dose of 20 mg Cu, 40 mg Mn, and 60 mg Zn/kg DM from either STM or HTM (n = 6 steers/treatment). Ruminal samples were obtained at 2-h intervals starting at −4 and ending at 24 h relative to dosing. There was a treatment x time interaction (P < 0.03) for ruminal soluble Cu, Mn, and Zn concentrations. Ruminal soluble mineral concentrations were greater (P < 0.05) for Cu at 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 14 h; for Mn at 4 and 6 h; and for Zn at 4, 6, and 8 h post-dosing in STM compared with HTM-supplemented steers. Copper concentrations were greater (P < 0.05) at 12 and 24 h and Zn concentrations in ruminal solid digesta were greater at 24 h in HTM-supplemented steers. Upon dialysis against Tris-EDTA, the percent Zn released from digesta was greater (P < 0.05) at 12 h (P < 0.03) and 24 h (P < 0.05), and the percent Cu released was greater (P < 0.02) at 24 h post-dosing in HTM steers when compared with STM-supplemented steers. Results indicate that Cu and Zn from HTM have low solubility in the rumen and appear to be less tightly bound to ruminal solid digesta than Cu and Zn from STM. The lower ruminal soluble concentrations of Cu and Zn in steers given HTM were associated with greater fiber digestibility.  相似文献   

Salmonellosis is one of the most common worldwide zoonosis, and the Enteritidis and Typhimurium serotypes are most prevalent. In this study, we evaluated the effects of a diet supplemented with mannanoligosaccharides (MOS) on CD3+, CD4+, CD8+, and goblet cell counts in the intestines of broilers vaccinated and challenged withSalmonella Enteritidis. The evaluation was based on randomized experiments including 45 chickens divided into 3 experimental groups. Group 1 received a nonsupplemented control diet. Group 2 received a diet supplemented with 1 kg MOS/t from d 1 to 21 and 0.5 kg MOS/t from d 22 to 56. Group 3 received a diet supplemented with 2 kg MOS/t from d 1 to 21 and 1 kg MOS/t from d 22 to 56. Chickens fed the lower level of MOS demonstrated reduced fecal shedding ofSalmonella 14 d after being challenged (P < 0.05). Both groups of MOS-supplemented chickens showed an increase in CD4+ and CD8+ cell counts in the ileal and cecal mucosa after being challenged withSalmonella Enteritidis (SE). Supplementation with MOS increased the specific T lymphocyte infiltration in the intestinal mucosa of chickens vaccinated and challenged withSalmonella Enteritidis.  相似文献   

1. Dried poultry manure (DPM) has been tested as a replacement for groundnut cake in poultry diets.

2. Body weight gain, and the efficiency of food conversion were improved when the diet contained 50 g DPM/kg but higher rates of inclusion (100 or 150 g/kg) depressed growth.

3. Birds fed on diets containing 50 g DPM/kg yielded meat of comparable quality to those fed on the control diet whereas those fed on diets containing more DPM yielded meat containing more fat and less water.

4. The percentage moisture in the meat was inversely related to the lipid content.

5. Nitrogen retention was comparable in all groups.  相似文献   

1. This study was conducted to evaluate the feasibility of using a transformed Lactobacillus reuteri Pg4 strain harbouring a rumen fungal xylanase gene as a probiotic supplement in a wheat-based poultry diet. 2. A total of 400 broiler chicks was allocated to two treatment groups with or without supplementation with 10(6) colony forming units (cfu)/g of transformed L. reuteri Pg4 in a wheat-based regimen to investigate the performance, intestinal microflora populations, digesta viscosity and excreta ammonia concentrations in these broiler chickens. 3. Supplementation of the wheat-based diet with transformed L. reuteri Pg4 decreased intestinal viscosity, caecal coliform population, and increased body weight gain and ileal villus height and crypt depth from 0 to 21 d of age. It also decreased excreta ammonia concentrations, and increased the caecal total volatile fatty acid (VFA) and lactic acid concentrations from 0 to 21 d and 22 to 37 d of age. 4. Further, it was demonstrated that 40% of the Lactobacillus cells randomly isolated from the digesta of the ileum and caecum of the supplemented group possessed xylanase secretion capability. 5. It appears reasonable to assume, therefore, that the derived benefit is a result of the organism surviving, and the associated performance of some function in the intestinal tract which benefits gut health.  相似文献   

壳聚糖对肉仔鸡肠道菌群的影响   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
试验选择1日龄、体重42.8±2.6g的AA雄性肉仔鸡294只,随机分成7个日粮处理组,每个处理6个重复,每个重复7只鸡,试验期为42d。7种日粮是在基础日粮中分别添加0.00%(对照组)、0.02%、0.05%、0.10%、0.30%、0.50%壳聚糖和50mg/kg金霉素配制而成。结果表明:日粮各处理组对肉仔鸡盲肠内容物中总需氧菌无显著影响;大肠杆菌在14和42日龄时也未显示出显著的组间差异,而在28日龄时组间差异趋于显著(P=0.121),添加壳聚糖的各处理组均不同程度地低于对照组,其中以0.05%壳聚糖组最低;乳酸菌在14日龄时无显著的组间差异,在28日龄时,添加壳聚糖的各处理组相对于对照组均有不同程度的升高趋势,尤以0.05%壳聚糖组最高,而金霉素组则极显著低于0.05%~0.50%壳聚糖组(P=0.008),在42日龄时,乳酸菌的组间无显著差异(P=0.201),但变化趋势与28日龄时类似。可见,添加适宜剂量的壳聚糖可在一定程度上改善肉仔鸡的肠道微生态环境。  相似文献   

One hundred and seventy one‐day‐old female broiler chicks were randomly divided into three groups fed with different dietary treatments: basal control diet (C); C supplemented (2 g/kg) with an oregano aqueous extract (O); C supplemented (150 mg/kg) with vitamin E (E). Growth performance was evaluated at 21 (T1) and 42 days (T2). On the same days, morphological, histochemical and microbiological analyses were performed. The O group showed the highest (p < 0.01) body weight at T1, while no differences were observed at T2. Light microscopic observation and conventional histochemistry showed no differences with regard to the two sampling times, whereas significant differences emerged among the treatments. The O treatment generally enhanced goblet cell reactivity more than both the C and E treatments. Coliform count was lower in the ileum tract of the O group at both T1 and T2 (p < 0.05) and increased with age in all groups. Escherichia coli showed the lowest values in the caecum of the O group (p < 0.001) at both sampling times. Enterococci, lactobacilli and staphylococci populations showed no differences among the different experimental groups in the caecum. In the ileum, the O group did not exhibit the sharp decline (p < 0.001) in the lactic acid bacteria population observed in the other two experimental groups. In conclusion, oregano aqueous extract supplementation seemed to elicit the best response among treatments, enabling better growth performance, enhancing both the quantity and quality of glycoconjugates involved in indirect defence actions and significantly reducing both the coliform and E. coli counts.  相似文献   

In pigs, the gut microbiota composition plays a major role in the process of digestion, but is influenced by many external factors, especially diet. To be used in breeding applications, genotype by diet interactions on microbiota composition have to be quantified, as well as their impact on genetic covariances with feed efficiency (FE) and digestive efficiency (DE) traits. This study aimed at determining the impact of an alternative diet on variance components of microbiota traits (genera and alpha diversity indices) and estimating genetic correlations between microbiota and efficiency traits for pigs fed a conventional (CO) or a high-fiber (HF) diet. Fecal microbes of 812 full-siblings fed a CO diet and 752 pigs fed the HF diet were characterized at 16 weeks of age by sequencing the V3-V4 region of the 16S rRNA gene. A total of 231 genera were identified. Digestibility coefficients of nitrogen, organic matter, and energy were predicted analyzing the same fecal samples with near infrared spectrometry. Daily feed intake, feed conversion ratio, residual feed intake and average daily gain (ADG) were also recorded. The 71 genera present in more than 20% of individuals were retained for genetic analyses. Heritability (h²) of microbiota traits were similar between diets (from null to 0.38 ± 0.12 in the CO diet and to 0.39 ± 0.12 in the HF diet). Only three out of the 24 genera and two alpha diversity indices with significant h² in both diets had genetic correlations across diets significantly different from 0.99 (P < 0.05), indicating limited genetic by diet interactions for these traits. When both diets were analyzed jointly, 59 genera had h² significantly different from zero. Based on the genetic correlations between these genera and ADG, FE, and DE traits, three groups of genera could be identified. A group of 29 genera had abundances favorably correlated with DE and FE traits, 14 genera were unfavorably correlated with DE traits, and the last group of 16 genera had abundances with correlations close to zero with production traits. However, genera abundances favorably correlated with DE and FE traits were unfavorably correlated with ADG, and vice versa. Alpha diversity indices had correlation patterns similar to the first group. In the end, genetic by diet interactions on gut microbiota composition of growing pigs were limited in this study. Based on this study, microbiota-based traits could be used as proxies to improve FE and DE in growing pigs.  相似文献   

1. The occurrence of 15N was examined in excreta for 10 h, and in intestinal contents, blood and tissues at 10 h after [15N]urea was fed to conventional and colostomised cockerels.

2. Total‐15N excretion and 15N‐balance in control chickens were 18.88 and 44.79 mg/kg body weight/10 h), respectively. The former was increased and the latter was decreased by colostomy by 10.75 mg (P<0.01).

3. Amounts of [15N]urea, [15N]ammonia and [15N]uric acid excreted by control birds were 13.78, 3.90 and 0.18 mg/kg body weight/10 h or 0.73, 0.21 and 0.01 of the total‐15N excreted respectively.

4. The [15N]urea, [15N]uric acid and total‐15N excreted were all increased after colostomy but [15N]ammonia was decreased (uric acid P<0.05, others P<0.01). The increase in total‐15N was mostly accounted for by [15N]urea.

5. Colostomy resulted in significantly less total‐15N in the contents of the whole intestine (P<0.01), less total‐15N, [15N]ammonia and [15N]urea in the contents of the co!o‐rectum (P<0.01) and less total‐15N and [15N]urea in the contents of the upper intestine (P< 0.05); it did not affect any in caecal contents.

6. [15N]Urea in blood, liver and kidney (blood P<0.01, others P< 0.05), and [15N]glutamine amide (P< 0.05) and [15N]uric acid (P< 0.01) in blood were significantly decreased after colostomy.

7. The results support the hypothesis that most of the dietary urea is utilised as the result of a back‐flow of ureteral urea into the caeca where it is rapidly converted into ammonia which is then metabolised to other compounds.  相似文献   

With a view to gaining an insight into the regulatory mechanism of blood glucose concentrations specific to the chicken, an experimental induction of hypoglycemia was conducted by single or sequential administration of tolbutamide in broiler chickens fed a standard or low-carbohydrate diet. A single dosing of tolbutamide at levels of 25-200 mg/kg body weight decreased plasma glucose concentrations for 2 to 8 h after the dosing in chickens fed either diet. No significant rise in plasma insulin concentration was observed for 2 to 24 h after the single dosing of tolbutamide in chickens on either diet, with the exception of a significant rise when chickens on the standard diet received 100 mg tolbutamide. However, a transient increase of plasma insulin concentration was observed only in the 20 min immediately after the single dosing. Persistent hypoglycemia that was sustained for 5 days, with no significant changes in plasma insulin concentration, was induced by sequential dosing (3 times per day for 5 days, every 8 h) of tolbutamide (100 and 200 mg/kg body weight) in chickens fed the low-carbohydrate diet. In these chickens, the consistently low concentration of plasma glucose, with small diurnal variations, was evidenced by the determination of plasma glucose every 3 h in day 4/5 of the tolbutamide dosing. In chickens fed the standard diet, on the other hand, the low plasma glucose concentrations for 5 days were accompanied by significant diurnal fluctuations. Chickens with persistent hypoglycemia showed slight decreases in plasma non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) concentration and only slight changes in blood D-3-hydroxybutyrate (3HB) concentration. The present study shows that the persistent hypoglycemia with normoinsulinemia, in the main, is induced by tolbutamide dosing in chickens fed a low-carbohydrate diet, and that the blood concentrations of NEFA and 3HB, alternatives of energy source in animals, are only slightly changed or not at all in hypoglycemic chickens.  相似文献   

1. An experiment was conducted to evaluate high-fibre sunflower cake (HF-SFC); a feed ingredient distinguished by large amounts of crude fibre and insoluble non-starch polysaccharides (i-NSP). 2. Broiler chickens (n = 160) were fed on pelleted maize-based diets free from coccidiostats and antibiotic growth promoters between 15 and 31 d of age. Diets included 0, 10, 20 or 30% HF-SFC. Performance and small intestinal health were assessed. 3. In general, HF-SFC inclusion mediated significant linear increases in ileal digestibility of fat and protein and significant linear decreases in ileal digestibility of dry matter, ash and energy. 4. Weight gain increased linearly with HF-SFC inclusion. Feed conversion was negatively affected by 30% HF-SFC but not by 20% HF-SFC. 5. In the jejunal lumen, inclusion of HF-SFC was associated with significant decreases in colony counts of Clostridium spp. 6. HF-SFC inclusion resulted in significant linear reductions of villus height, thickness of muscularis mucosa, and the circular and longitudinal layers of muscularis in the jejunum. Crypt depth and submucosal thickness were not affected. 7. The data indicate that broiler chickens may thrive on feeds with insoluble fibre contents far exceeding those used in practice, and that HF-SFC exerts some positive effects on digestion and small intestinal health.  相似文献   

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