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草业学院课程设置及教学效果调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对草业科学专业本科4年的课程设置和实验、实习等情况以问卷的形式进行调查和分析,结果显示:学生对基础课程和专业课程设置的平均满意度都达80%。部分同学认为应增加思想品德修养、线性代数、概率论、农业微生物、体育、计算机应用基础、计算机程序设计VB、植物学、草坪学、草地保护学、专业英语、植物分类学、植物生理学等课程的总学时、实习学时或学分;建议英语课程增加自主独立和协作探究学习,并加强英语口语、听力训练;高等数学、线性代数、田间试验与统计学等理科类课程,课后作业练习有助于提高学习成绩;多媒体教学方式受到大家欢迎;学生对社会实践、实验、毕业实习兴趣很高。  相似文献   

海南州生态环境现状与治理对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
海南州草地资源丰富。但长期以来,由于人们只顾眼前利益,掠夺式放牧,重农轻牧、挤牧,毁草开荒,只用不建,造成超载过牧,草地严重退化,加之草原鼠虫害猖獗,毒草蔓延,气候变化等诸多因素造成生态失去平衡。为防止草地继续退化、沙化、水土流失、湖泊萎缩等生态环境恶化问题和保护利用好现有的草地资源,需要进一步加大对草地建设的投资力度,改变传统的经营方式,实行保护、建设、管理利用并举,推进草地畜牧业稳步、健康、持续发展。  相似文献   

湘西黄牛生产性能的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析测定了湘西黄牛公牛258头和母牛625头各不同年龄的体重、生长指数、屠宰性能及母牛的繁殖性能.结果湘西黄牛公牛初生、6、12、18、24、36、48、60月龄的体重分别为15.86、113.7、161.5、183.63、231.43、280.03、323.23、353.25 kg;母牛体重分别为14.16、102.5、152.46、169.04、208.46、250.86、278.44、295.64 kg.成年牛体长指数为113.6,胸围指数为135.9,体躯指数为119.7.未经育肥的公牛和母牛的屠宰率、净肉率、骨肉比分别为45.5%、36.52%、1∶4.45和42.91%、34%、1∶4.6;经育肥的公牛分别为48.9%、38.56%、1∶4.82.母牛初配年龄为24.03月,发情周期21.07 d,妊娠期281.02 d,繁殖率68.21%,成活率95.35%,泌乳期215.5 d.为进一步开发利用湘西黄牛遗传资源提供了基础资料.  相似文献   

This paper describes the more common inherited eye conditions in the dog and cat, paying particular attention to the newer conditions, not all of which have previously been reported in the literature. These newer conditions include entropion in the shar pei, microphthalmos in the dobermann and miniature schnauzer, cataract in the German shepherd dog and Norwegian buhund, progressive retinal atrophy in the Tibetan terrier, Tibetan spaniel, miniature longhaired dachshund and two forms in the Abyssinian cat, multifocal retinal dysplasia in the English springer spaniel and other breeds, persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous in the Staffordshire bull terrier and dobermann and optic nerve hypoplasia in the toy poodle. Anatomical classification presents a convenient means of describing these conditions which may affect the whole globe, the eyelids, the nictitating membrane, the nasolacrimal duct system, the conjunctiva, the cornea, the aqueous, the iris, the lens and zonule, the vitreous, the retina, the choroid and sclera and the optic nerve.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to analyse thirty chinchilla ( Chinchilla lanigera ) brains, injected with latex, and to systematize and describe the distribution and the vascularization territories of the middle cerebral artery. This long vessel, after it has originated from the terminal branch of the basilar artery, formed the following collateral branches: rostral, caudal and striated (perforating) central branches. After crossing the lateral rhinal sulcus, the middle cerebral artery emitted a sequence of rostral and caudal convex hemispheric cortical collateral branches on the convex surface of the cerebral hemisphere to the frontal, parietal, temporal and occipital lobes. Among the rostral convex hemispheric branches, a trunk was observed, which reached the frontal and parietal lobes and, in a few cases, the occipital lobe. The vascular territory of the chinchilla's middle cerebral artery included, in the cerebral hemisphere basis, the lateral cerebral fossa, the caudal third of the olfactory trigone, the rostral two-thirds of the piriform lobe, the lateral olfactory tract, and most of the convex surface of the cerebral hemisphere, except for a strip between the cerebral longitudinal fissure and the vallecula, which extended from the rostral to the caudal poles bordering the cerebral transverse fissure.  相似文献   

王冲  娄玉杰 《家畜生态》2004,25(3):10-13
本试验以绵羊作为研究对象,通过常规养分测定、消化试验和瘤胃降解试验(尼龙袋法),对生物纤维饲料的常规养分、饲用价值、瘤胃降解特性进行了探讨。结果表明:生物纤维饲料中干物质、粗蛋白、粗脂肪、粗纤维、粗灰分、无氮浸出物、钙和磷的含量分别为:65.61%、21.97%、1.88%、3.00%、7.79%、30.97%、0.85%和1.13%;绵羊对生物纤维饲料的干物质、粗蛋白、粗脂肪、粗纤维、粗灰份、无氮浸出物和能量的消化率分别为74.71%、84.81%、72.24%、72.68%、45.41%、77.52%、77.76%;同时测得生物纤维饲料原样中的消化能为10 100kJ/kg;生物纤维饲料干物质的有效降解率为61.75%,而蛋白质的有效降解率为73.73%。  相似文献   

为探究康县太平鸡的体尺性状、屠宰性状及两者间的相关性,以40周龄的健康太平鸡为研究对象,测定其体尺性状与屠宰性状,并对所有测定性状指标间的相关性进行分析。结果表明:40周龄太平鸡体斜长为21.87 cm、龙骨长为10.70 cm、胫长为9.01 cm、胫围为4.32 cm、胸围为28.05 cm、胸深为10.65 cm、胸宽为6.82 cm、骨盆宽为7.65 cm;宰前活重为1 920.7 g、屠体重为1 712.5 g、半净膛重为1 533.4 g、全净膛重为1 314.3 g、胸肌重为277.6 g、腿肌重为395.5 g、屠宰率为89.1%、半净膛率为79.3%、全净膛率为67.8%、胸肌率为20.8%、腿肌率为27.1%、心重率12.2%、腹脂率3.0%。太平鸡体斜长、胸围、胫长、胫围与屠体重、全净膛重、半净膛重、腿肌重之间呈极显著正相关(P<0.01)。结论:太平鸡产肉性能好、低脂,体斜长、胸围、胫长、胫围可以作为太平鸡屠宰性能选育的指标。  相似文献   

利用体外培养技术,评估了急性与亚急性酸中毒条件下添加阿卡波糖对瘤胃微生物发酵的影响。设3个实验,实验1和实验2体外摸拟了亚急性酸中毒(5.0P<0.001),乙酸、丙酸、丁酸、总挥发性脂肪酸(total volatile fatty acid, TVFA)、乳酸浓度和累积产气量皆显著降低(P<0.01),但异戊酸浓度变化不显著(P=0.794);实验2中,较对照组相比,添加阿卡波糖提高了4种底物下发酵液的pH值和氨氮浓度(P<0.01),降低了发酵体系中的乙酸、丙酸、异丁酸、丁酸、异戊酸、戊酸和TVFA浓度,提高了乙丙比(P<0.01),除乙酸和TVFA外,对上述其他指标,日粮与阿卡波糖间存在显著的互作效应(P<0.01)。实验3中,与对照相比,添加阿卡波糖显著提高了发酵液pH值、氨氮、丙酸、丁酸和戊酸浓度(P<0.01),降低了乳酸和乙丙比(P<0.05),但对乙酸、异丁酸、异戊酸和TVFA浓度无显著影响(P>0.05)。结果说明阿卡波糖可有效提高发酵体系中的pH值,降低乳酸浓度,预防瘤胃酸中毒。  相似文献   

一株弗氏柠檬酸杆菌的分离鉴定及致病性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为确定导致罗非鱼患病的原因,本试验对濒临死亡的罗非鱼进行无菌解剖,从心脏部位分离得到1株细菌,通过形态学观察、生理生化鉴定和16S rDNA分析,确定菌株为弗氏柠檬酸杆菌(Citrobacter freundii)。药敏试验结果显示,该菌株具有很强的多重耐药性,测试的20种药物中,该菌株对恩诺沙星、青霉素等13种药物具有完全耐药性,仅对头孢曲松、头孢他啶、头孢拉定、哌拉西林、舒巴坦5种药物敏感。人工感染试验结果显示,该菌对草鱼、黄颡鱼、罗非鱼、禾花鲤具有较强的致病性。本试验结果阐明了罗非鱼患病的原因,同时在养殖过程中可指导养殖户合理用药。  相似文献   

对364例皱胃变位奶牛实施手术治疗,临床资料进行统计显示,左方变位295例,占81.04%,右方变位69例,占18.96%,其中发生于1胎龄的有231例,占63.46%,2胎龄的有84 例,占23.08%,3胎龄的有37例,占10.16%,4胎龄的9例,占2.47%,5胎龄以上的2例,占0.55%。手术治愈357例,治愈率为98.08%。并对不同季节奶牛皱胃变位发生率、变位后的血清电解质含量变化情况、术后患牛正常反刍、正常排粪等进行了统计。  相似文献   

高原鼠兔洞口区侵蚀过程高山草甸土壤的变化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在西藏那曲高山嵩草草甸,选择高原鼠兔活动区域不同高度土堆和不同深度侵蚀坑,分析表层土壤粒度和养分.结果表明,高原鼠兔掘洞形成洞口土堆,造成草甸土壤发生侵蚀,侵蚀程度随着侵蚀坑深度逐渐增加而减弱,在侵蚀坑深度达到20cm时侵蚀基本停止;在侵蚀过程中,细粒物质减少,砾石含量增加.在强烈侵蚀阶段初期,有机物分解条件改善,土堆表层土壤的有机质、全N、全P、水解N、速效K含量提高,但土壤养分物质在侵蚀作用下迅速流失,土壤有机质、全N、全P、水解N、速效P和速效K含量减少;在侵蚀减缓阶段,养分损失速度减缓,补偿作用逐渐增加;在侵蚀基本停止阶段,土壤表层有机质、全N、水解N和速效K含量明显增加.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to understand the difference in the quality of alpaca wool in different regions and parts,and to provide reference data for alpaca breeding and alpaca wool production.In this study,a total of 636 wool samples of alpaca jaw,neck,shoulder,side,thigh,back and abdomen were collected from Xinjiang Wild Animal Park,Altay,Aksu,Shanxi,and Tianjin regions,and the traits such as mean fiber diameter,length,net wool rate,single fiber strength,medullated wool content and non-medullated wool content were measured.The differences of wool quality traits in different regions and parts were analyzed,and least squares analysis was performed.The results showed that there were extremely significant differences in alpaca mean fiber diameter,whiteness,brightness,fat content,net wool rate,wool length,single fiber strength,breaking elongation,and presence or absence of myelin wool content in different regions (P<0.01).There were extremely significant or significant differences in alpaca mean fiber diameter,raw wool grease,length,single fiber strength,and impurity content (P<0.01),and the content of medullated wool and non-medullated wool (P<0.05) in different sampling locations.According to the principle that the finer the alpaca wool was,the better the alpaca wool quality was,combined with the properties of single fiber strength and the length,the order of the alpaca wool quality of the different parts from high to low was:Back>side>thigh>shoulder>neck>jaw>abdomen.In breeding,the improvement of the non-medullated wool content could be regarded as the breeding goal of Xinjiang alpaca wool fineness,and the improvement of net wool rate and single fiber strength could be taken as the direction of the alpaca wool quality in Shanxi and Tianjin.At the same time,it could be considered to increase the non-medullated wool content of the alpaca's neck,jaw,and abdomen,in order to improve the overall wool quality of alpaca.  相似文献   

In order to establish and perfect the quality standard of Sihuangzhili granules, this experiment was conducted to identify coptidis rhizome, cortex phellodendri, rhubarb, scutellaria baicalensis, and radix isatidis in Sihuangzhili granules. We used TLC identification method to investigate the factors such as the developing agent, the expansion temperature, the expansion of the humidity, the source of the thin layer, the batch number and the color developing conditions.In the experiment, the mixture of cyclohexane, ethyl acetate, isopropyl alcohol, methanol, water, and triethylamine (3∶3.5∶1∶1.5∶0.5∶1) as the developing agent, was put into the expansion cylinder with the pre-saturated ammonia vapor, and was used to identify coptidis rhizome and cortex phellodendri under the UV lamp(365 nm);The mixture of ethyl acetate, butanone, formic acid and water (5∶3∶1∶1) as developing agent, sprayed with 2% ethanol solution of ferric chloride, was used to identify scutellaria baicalensis;At last, n-butanol, acetic acid, and water (19∶5∶5) as developing agent, dried and sprayed with indene ketone solution, heated at 105 ℃, was used to identify radix isatidis. The test results showed that under the test condition, the target spot was clear, with no tail, and the experiments were specifically suited in this test with strong specificity and good reproducibility.  相似文献   

分别利用28种植物精油对蓝莓雌果蝇做嗅觉实验,研究不同精油对蓝莓雌果蝇的趋避效果。结果表明:葡萄柚精油、尤加利精油、没药精油、杜松精油、欧薄荷精油、柠檬精油、天竺葵精油、茶树精油、丝柏精油和葡萄籽油对蓝莓雌果蝇有强烈驱避效果,驱避效果均达到80%以上,其中葡萄柚精油驱避效果最好,达到93%;而百里香精油、茴香精油和罗勒精油对蓝莓雌果蝇表现为较强的引诱性,引诱效果达到70%以上,其中罗勒精油引诱性最强,引诱效果为76.7%。  相似文献   

By means of the Astrup equilibration method the values of the acid-base balance of the blood were determined in 104 cows, 99 horses, 100 pigs, 15 sheep, 20 goats, and in 101 dogs. The pH values of the blood, the partial pressure of CO2, the base excess, the base buffer, the standard bicarbonate, the actual bicarbonate, and the total CO2 were processed statistically and are presented in tables.  相似文献   

北京黑白花乳牛蹄底角质中25种元素含量的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本实验采用电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱仪,在1987年春、秋两季对北京某牛场的黑白花成年乳牛蹄底角质中25种元素(K、Na、S、Ca、P、Mg、Mn、Mo、Cu、Zn、Fe、I、Se、Co、Cd、Cr、Ni、B、Al、Si、Ti、Ba、Ph、As、Hg)进行了测定,并对春、秋季正形蹄与变形蹄、正形蹄与病变蹄,以及春秋正形蹄、变形蹄之间做了对比,还测定了饲料地的土壤、水和饲料中25种元素的含量,与国内外有关资料的结果进行了对比,初步探讨了某牛场成乳牛中正形蹄蹄底角质中25种元素的含量,指出春秋两季正形蹄蹄底角质中25种元素的含量是有差异的,春季正形蹄与变形蹄相比各元素差异均不显著;秋季变形蹄含Mg量显著高于正形蹄,含Ca、Al、Cd和Ti量显著低于正形蹄;春季病变蹄含K、Fe、Mn、Cu、Mg、Al、Ti、Se、I、Pb、Hg量显著高于正形蹄。本文首次提出北京黑白花乳牛正形蹄蹄底角质中Ca、P比值,春季是5.822/1,秋季是6.253/1。此牛场乳牛饮水中Hg含量过高是环境污染的结果。本文为今后进一步研究北京黑白花乳牛蹄角质与元素的关系提供了临床参考的依据。  相似文献   

通过对甘肃省庆阳市镇原县上肖乡路岭村肉牛产业发展现状调查分析表明,该村作为肉牛养殖大县的一个村,已具备建设肉牛产业基地的基本条件;目前主要的制约因素有能繁母牛总量少、青壮年劳力短缺、基础设施条件差、养殖技术落后、资金短缺、技术服务力量薄弱等,加快发展的路径有加大各项政策扶持力度、逐步培育具有地方特色的肉牛品种(品系)、加快"144模式"和"120模式"养殖户的培养、加快标准化牛舍的推广、加快清洁养殖模式的转变、加大对养殖户科学技术的培训、加大荒山荒坡的开发、大力推广新型饲草料种植、充分发挥养殖合作社的作用、加强疫病防控、建立稳定高效的服务保障体系等。本文对甘肃陇东地区肉牛产业发展具有指导意义。  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to evaluate the changes in the concentrations, after two rides different for distance covered, of different amino acids in endurance horses. Blood samples have been collected from horses just before the start, at the top of a steep slope (819 m difference in height) and just at the end of a 32-km endurance ride. A second group, competing in a 72 km endurance ride, has also been sampled immediately before and after the race. In serum samples, the concentrations of alanine, arginine, asparagine, glycine, isoleucine, histidine, leucine, lysine, methionine, ornithine, phenylalanine, tryptophan, tyrosine and valine have been measured by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). anova and t-test have been used to study the differences in the concentrations of the amino acids. The pre-ride concentrations of the free amino acids were different between the two races, except for methionine and leucine. Differences between start and end race have been found for both groups for all the considered parameters except asparagine, isoleucine, leucine and lysine for the 72 km ride. Increases have been recorded for the shorter and decreases for the longer ride in the blood serum concentrations. Significant increases have also been found between the starting sampling and the second, at the top of the slope, only for alanine, arginine, asparagines, phenylalanine and lysine. The ride length has a significant impact on blood serum amino acids mobilization and uptake; in the shorter race the increases stand only for mobilization, whereas in the longer the decrease can be considered the effect of the onset of the amino acids catabolism.  相似文献   

通过2000、2008、2018年3期的Landsat数据,利用遥感生态指数(remote sensing ecological index,RSEI)确定哈密绿洲生态环境质量等级,运用3D趋势面探究生态环境质量各等级空间变化规律,利用移动窗口法分析绿洲生态环境质量的空间内部异质性及生态质量格局变化.结果表明:1)2000-2018年,哈密绿洲RSEI均值从0.223上升到0.396,生态环境质量总体转好,但水平较低.2)2000年生态环境质量中等、较好和优的分布较集中,均在东南-西北走向的轴线上;2008年生态环境质量极差与差等级区域明显减少,中等级、良等级和优等级区域增加范围较大,哈密绿洲整体扩展迅速;2018年生态环境质量中等、较好和优的范围相互交错,混合分布,且分布范围较大,生态质量不够稳定.3)生态环境质量变好的区域集中在绿洲的内部,且从内部到外部呈环状嵌套分布.2018年及2008年从内部到外部表现为:低值区-高值区-低值区-高值区;2000年与之相反.  相似文献   

采集了华南荔枝主产区不同产地的11个优新品种荔枝果穗,测试了叶片、枝条及果实不同部位(果柄、果蒂、果皮、种柄、果肉及种子)大中微量元素养分含量,比较不同养分元素在荔枝叶片、枝条和果实的累积及转移特性。结果表明,多数养分元素如N、Ca、Mg、Fe和Mn在叶片中含量最高,而P和K则在叶片中含量最低,在果柄最高,部分元素如Zn、B和Mo在种柄含量最高,在果肉最低。根据养分从叶片向不同部位的移动性,Mo从源(叶片)到库(果实)的转移能力最强,表现出优先向繁殖器官转移累积的特点;K、P、Zn、Cu和B的移动能力也较强,Ca、Mg、Fe和N则较差,而Mn的移动性最差。如对养分从叶片至种子的逐级转移能力进行比较,则K、Cu、P、B在不同部位的逐级移动能力强;Mo、Mg、Zn和N整体移动性也较强,但同时均存在从果皮或种柄向果肉移动的运输障碍;Fe和Mn逐级移动能力中等,但也存在从种柄或果皮至果肉移动性差的共性问题;Ca的逐级移动能力均较差,尤其难以从果皮及种柄运输至果肉。综合而言,Ca、Mn、Mg、Mo、Zn营养从果皮或种柄到果肉的移动性低,尤其是Ca和Mn极难从果皮或种柄移动到果肉,可能成为荔枝果实发育的营养限制因子。  相似文献   

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