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Computed tomographic (CT) venography of the cervical vertebral canal was performed in six, clinically normal, adult mixed-breed dogs from 14 to 23 kg. After dogs were euthanized and saline perfused, a gelatin and iothalamate mixture was injected into the right external jugular vein. Contiguous, 4-mm-thick CT images were obtained with dogs in sternal recumbency. Dogs were kept in the same position as for the CT scan and frozen to approximately -8 degrees C. All post-contrast CT images were analyzed using similar bone window and level settings. Additional multiplanar reformatted dorsal images were obtained in all dogs. The frozen cadavers were sectioned through the cervical region extending from the occiput to T1 at approximately 8-mm intervals. The frozen sections were then compared with the CT images. The CT appearance of the normal cervical vertebral venous system was described and illustrated. Components such as the internal vertebral venous plexus, interarcuate veins, intervertebral veins, and vertebral veins were clearly identified on the CT images.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to provide an atlas of the normal anatomy of the canine abdomen using helical computed tomographic (CT) images of the abdomen in four mature cross-breed dogs. The dogs were supported in sternal recumbency under general anaesthesia and scans were performed with 5 mm collimation and a pitch of 1. All sections were imaged with soft-tissue window settings and the cranial abdomen was also imaged with mediastinum-vascular window settings. CT scans were performed immediately after iodinated contrast medium was injected into the cephalic vein at 2 mL/kg. Iodinated contrast medium (10 mL/kg) was administered orally 2 h before the scan with a further 3 mL/kg administered immediately prior to scanning. A cross-sectional anatomy atlas was used to identify the structures of the abdominal cavity. Clinically relevant anatomical structures were identified and labelled in the CT images.  相似文献   

The computed tomographic (CT) features of the normal thyroid gland were compiled from images acquired in 25 client-owned dogs without thyroid gland disease. The mean pre- and postcontrast attenuation values were 107.5 and 169.0 Hounsfield Units, respectively. After injection of intravenous contrast medium (600 mg iodine/kg), the apparent thyroid gland volume (both lobes combined) increased from a mean value of 1148.0 nm3 to a mean value of 1188.9 mm3. All thyroid lobes were homogeneous on pre- and postcontrast images. In a craniocaudal direction, the gland spanned a region from the 1st to the 8th tracheal ring and the right lobe was often more cranial than the left. On transverse images the lobe shape was ovoid in 72%, and its location was dorsolateral to the trachea in 90% of dogs. Parathyroid glands could not be identified and an isthmus connecting both thyroid lobes was only seen in one dog. Considering the excellent visibility of the normal canine thyroid gland, CT can be beneficial in the differentiation of thyroidal versus nonthyroidal neck masses. CT also yields potential in the staging of thyroid carcinomas.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: The equine temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and its surrounding structures can be difficult to investigate in cases with a clinical problem related to the region. Little previous attention has been given either to a computed tomographic (CT) imaging protocol for the joint or an interpretation of the structures displayed in CT images of the normal joint. Objectives: To provide a CT atlas of the normal cross‐sectional anatomy of the equine TMJ using frozen and plastinated sections as anatomical reference. Methods: Eight TMJs from 4 immature pure‐bred Spanish horses were examined by helical CT. Scans were processed with a detailed algorithm to enhance bony and soft tissue. Transverse CT images were reformatted into sagittal and dorsal planes. Transverse, sagittal and dorsal cryosections were then obtained, photographed and plastinated. Relevant anatomic structures were identified in the CT images and corresponding anatomical sections. Results: In the CT images, a bone window provided excellent bone detail, however, the soft tissue components of the TMJ were not as well visualised using a soft tissue window. The articular cartilage was observed as a hyperattenuating stripe over the low attenuated subchondral bone and good delineation was obtained between cortex and medulla. The tympanic and petrous part of the temporal bone (middle and inner ear) and the temporohyoid joint were seen in close proximity to the TMJ. Conclusions: Helical CT provided excellent images of the TMJ bone components to characterise the CT anatomy of the normal joint. Potential relevance: Detailed information is provided that may be used as a reference by equine veterinarians for the CT investigation of the equine TMJ and serve to assist them in the diagnosis of disorders of the TMJ and related structures (middle and inner ear). The study was performed at an immature stage and further studies of mature individuals are required in order to confirm that the clinical interpretation is not affected by changes occurring with age.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare radioulnar incongruence (RUI) of normal canine elbows and elbows with arthroscopically confirmed medial compartment disease in vivo using systematic computed tomography (CT) measurements. STUDY DESIGN: Prospective comparison of RUI measurements in normal and dysplastic canine elbows. SAMPLE POPULATION: Right elbows of 25 medium-large breed, adult dogs with medial compartment disease and 9 medium-large breed, adult dogs with no elbow disease. METHODS: Transverse CT images of proximal radioulnar articulation were reformatted to dorsal and sagittal planes. RUI in 3 locations of the forelimb's medial coronoid was measured. Arthroscopy confirmed diagnosis of medial compartment disease in the diseased group. RUI measurements of the diseased and normal elbows were compared. RESULTS: Cumulative statistical analysis of RUI in all planes revealed no significant difference between the normal and abnormal elbows (P = .61). The abnormal elbows had negative mean RUI at the mid (P = .56) and cranial (P = .24) coronoid regions that were not significantly different from normal elbows and mean positive RUI at the base coronoid that was significantly greater than in normal elbows (P = .00082). CONCLUSION: Canine elbows with established medial compartment disease do not have significant RUI at the medial coronoid region at the time of diagnosis when compared with normal elbows. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: If RUI is a significant factor in the pathophysiology of medial compartment elbow disease in the dog, it does not appear to be present at the time of diagnosis of disease. Ulnar or radial osteotomies do not appear to be indicated for restoration of normal radioulnar articular surface alignment.  相似文献   

Objectives— To describe computed tomographic (CT) features of canine elbows with incomplete ossification of the humeral condyle (IOHC) and investigate co-existing incongruence in the elbow joint.
Study Design— Case control study.
Animals— Dogs with IOHC (n=20; 38 elbows) and 25 normal elbows.
Methods— Elbows with IOHC and normal elbows were assessed by CT. Standardized dorsal and sagittal reconstructions were created at 3 levels using image analysis software to obtain single measurements of the humero-radial and humero-ulnar joint spaces. On dorsal plane reconstructions, joint space measurements were obtained at the center point of the humero-radial and humero-ulnar articulations. Joint incongruity was defined as the difference between the humero-radial and the humero-ulnar joint spaces.
Results— Nineteen dogs (95%), all Spaniel breeds, had either bilateral IOHC demonstrable as a saw-toothed intercondylar complete or incomplete hypoattenuating defect with hyperattenuating margins, or IOHC with contralateral humeral condylar fracture (HCF). Joint incongruity values for IOHC were compared with those of normal elbows. Significant differences were noted at the levels of the medial coronoid apex ( P <.0001) and base ( P <.004) indicative of humero-ulnar incongruence. Evidence of medial coronoid disease in 10 elbows (26%) and degenerative joint disease in 30 elbows (79%) was also found.
Conclusions— Presence of elbow incongruence may be an underlying factor in failure of ossification centers to fuse leading to IOHC.
Clinical Relevance— IOHC is clearly defined by CT, and it should be considered in larger Spaniel breeds, with a chronic forelimb lameness or HCF.  相似文献   

We conducted a retrospective study to determine whether multidetector computed tomography (CT) could be of value for adrenal gland assessment in dogs with pituitary-dependent hyperadrenocorticism. Adrenal gland attenuation and volume values of 49 dogs with hyperadrenocorticism were recorded and age, body weight, and gender were examined to determine if a relationship existed between these variables and adrenal gland morphology. There was not a statistically significant difference in mean X-ray attenuation of the left vs. right adrenal gland in normal dogs (35.3 +/- 6.1 HU), or in dogs with hyperadrenocorticism. The mean adrenal X-ray attenuation (+/- standard deviation [SD]) in dogs with microadenoma was 33.1 +/- 6.8 vs. 31.8 +/- 12.7 HU for dogs with macroadenoma, and these values were not statistically different. The mean volume of the left adrenal gland in normal dogs (0.59 +/- 0.17 cm3) was greater than that of the right adrenal gland (0.54 +/- 0.19 cm3) (P < 0.05). The mean CT volume (+/- SD) of the adrenal glands in dogs with microadenoma vs. macroadenoma were 1.60 +/- 1.25 vs. 2.88 +/- 1.60 cm3, respectively. There was no effect of age or gender on adrenal gland morphology or X-ray attenuation. The weight effect was the most important source of variation for the volume measurement in dogs with hyperadrenocorticism.  相似文献   

The heads of three loggerhead sea turtles were disarticulated and imaged immediately to minimize postmortem changes and then frozen and sectioned. For computed tomography (CT) imaging, the heads were positioned in ventral recumbency. Transverse CT images with soft-tissue window were obtained from the olfactory sac region to the temporomandibular joint region. After CT imaging, the heads were sectioned and the gross sections were compared to CT images, to assist in the accurate identification of the anatomic structures. Different clinically relevant anatomic structures were identified and labelled in two series of photographs (CT images and anatomic cross-sections). CT images provided good differentiation between the bones and the soft tissues of the head. The information presented in this paper should serve as an initial reference to evaluate CT images of the head of the loggerhead sea turtle and to assist in the interpretation of lesions of this region.  相似文献   

In the human and veterinary orthopaedic literature it has been implied that intercondylar notch stenosis is a mechanical factor in cranial cruciate ligament rupture and intraarticular graft failure. The patients in this study were classified as normal (32), unilateral cruciate rupture (23), or bilateral cruciate rupture (17). The dogs were placed under general anaesthesia and both stifles were scanned via computed tomography (CT) as previously described. Three CT slices at predetermined levels were evaluated within the notch. Measurements included opening notch angle, notch width and height, condyle width, and notch width index (notch width/condyle width) at two different heights within the notch. Intercondylar notch measurements at the most cranial extent were significantly more narrow in unilateral and bilaterally affected stifles when compared to the normal population. Significant differences were noted in the opening notch angle (ONA), notch width index (NWI), NWI at two thirds notch height (NWI2/3), and tibial slope index (TSI). No significant differences were noted between unilateral and bilateral affected stifles. Increased mechanical contact of the cranial cruciate ligament with a stenotic intercondylar notch may predispose the ligament to mechanical wear and structural weakening. Intercondylar notch measurements have been used as a tool to predict the risk of anterior cruciate ligament injury in young human athletes, and to assess the risk factors for intra-articular graft replacements. Our findings may be useful in developing similar predictive models using stifle CT scans.  相似文献   

Objectives : To describe computed tomographic (CT) findings in canine spontaneous pyothorax and compare them to surgical findings and to assess the utility of CT in guiding case management. Methods : Records from 2003 to 2010 were reviewed to identify dogs, with spontaneous pyothorax, which had undergone CT. Cases were managed medically or surgically. CT images and surgery reports were reviewed and compared for surgical cases. Results : Twelve dogs were included. Eight were managed surgically, three were managed medically and one died before management. Pleural fluid was present in all dogs on CT (n=12) and at surgery (n=8). Pleural gas was identified in five dogs on CT. Pleural thickening was detected in eight dogs on CT (seven visceral, one parietal and six mediastinal) and eight dogs at surgery (seven visceral, eight parietal and six mediastinal), six of which were identified by CT. Abnormal pulmonary parenchyma was detected in 10 dogs on CT and 5 dogs at surgery, all of which were identified by CT. Mediastinal involvement was detected in 10 dogs on CT and 6 dogs at surgery, 5 of which were identified by CT. Conclusions : CT and surgical findings are similar in most cases of canine spontaneous pyothorax. CT may be a useful diagnostic tool for guiding case management.  相似文献   

O bjective : To describe the computed tomographic and magnetic resonance imaging features of segmental caudal vena cava aplasia and associated vascular anomalies in dogs.
M ethods : A retrospective study was performed reviewing computed tomographic and magnetic resonance imaging archives of eight institutions for dogs with segmental caudal vena cava aplasia. Inclusion criteria included a computed tomographic or magnetic resonance imaging study and supportive diagnostic and follow-up information. Abdominal vessels were reviewed for size, shape, location and course (including tributaries and branches) and classified as normal, abnormal or shunt vessels.
R esults : Ten dogs with segmental caudal vena cava aplasia were identified. In all dogs, postrenal caval blood was shunted to either a right or a left azygos vein, with seven different angiographic patterns. Affected dogs were predominantly female (70 per cent) and young (mean 2·6 years). Additional portocaval and porto-azygos shunt vessels were identified in two cases each. Computed tomographic angiography and magnetic resonance angiography depicted details of abdominal vessels including thrombus formation in one dog.
C linical S ignificance : Segmental caudal vena cava aplasia is a vascular congenital anomaly in the dog that can be associated with thrombosis and portosystemic shunts. Computed tomographic angiography and magnetic resonance angiography are excellent tools to demonstrate the complex vascular anatomy and to guide treatment planning for portosystemic shunts and thrombolytic therapy.  相似文献   

Ultrasonographic (US), magnetic resonance (MR) and computed tomographic (CT) images of normal canine stifle joints were obtained and compared with plastinated cross-sectional slices of cadaver specimens from the same dogs. The bony and articular structures were identified and correlated with the three diagnostic imaging modalities. These results provide an atlas of normal cross-sectional US, MR and CT anatomy of the canine stifle, which can be used for the interpretation of stifle images from any of these imaging modalities.  相似文献   

The morphological features of the distal border synovial invaginations (SI) of the distal sesamoid bone (DSB) in horses were described by the use of computed tomography (CT). Transverse CT images were obtained on 50 cadaver forefeet from 25 Warmblood horses. Dorsal and sagittal planes were reformatted. The CT images allowed the evaluation of the number, shape, depth of penetration and direction of the SI into the bone. The total number of SI was 295 (mean 5.9). The number of invaginations in a particular DSB ranged from 3 (n = 3), 4 (n = 6), 5 (n = 11), 6 (n = 12), 7 (n = 13), 8 (n = 3), 9 (n = 1) to 11 (n = 1). The shape of the SI was 'conical' (n = 118), 'linear' (n = 109), 'lollipop' (n = 38) or 'branched' (n = 30). Penetration of the SI into the DSB was 'mild' in 195 cases, 'moderate' in 67 cases and 'deep' in 33 cases. The SI ran in a 'straight', 'dorsoproximal' and 'palmaroproximal' direction in 187, 28 and 80 cases, respectively. In only six DSBs, all SI ran in the same direction. The images obtained in this study may serve as reference for the radiographic evaluation of these SI.  相似文献   

Computed tomographic examination of the trachea was performed on 18 mix-breed dogs. The measurements were taken from 5 segments from which the first 3 segments were extrathoracic trachea, 1 segment at the level of thoracic inlet and 1 segment intrathoracic trachea. The inner and outer transverse and vertical diameters were measured at each of the segments. The cross-sectional area of the lumen, ratio of the inner and outer transverse and vertical diameters were also calculated. It was seen that the diameters and cross-sectional area of the lumen decreased gradually in the extrathoracic trachea from larynx to thoracic inlet but these values showed an increase in the intrathoracic trachea. Correlation coefficients between the inner diameters, cross-sectional lumen areas and the body weight was calculated and a high correlation was found between the inner transverse and vertical diameters and the cross-sectional area of the lumen except between the inner transverse and vertical diameters at the level of S5 segment.  相似文献   

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