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The possibility to use membrane‐lipid measurements to screen barley genotypes for salt resistance was studied. The results showed that wild barley (Hordeum maritimum) displayed a typical halophytic response as compared to cultivated barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Manel). Growth, tissue hydration, and photosynthetic activity were less affected by salinity in H. maritimum than in H. vulgare. The induced effects of long‐term NaCl treatment were reflected in root membrane lipids that remained relatively unchanged in wild barley, whilst they were significantly diminished with increasing salinity in H. vulgare. The levels of membrane‐lipid peroxidation and electrolyte leakage were changed only at high salt concentrations in H. maritimum whereas those of H. vulgare were considerably increased by lower salinity levels as a result of oxidative damage. These findings indicate that maintained membrane integrity (in H. Maritimum) may be considered a possible trait for salt resistance. However, membrane fluidity in H. vulgare was more increased than in H. maritimum. Thus, the unsaturated–to–saturated fatty acid ratio (UFAs : SFAs) and the double‐bond index (DBI), significantly increased in response to salt stress in cultivated barley while it did not change in H. maritimum. The changes in lipid unsaturation were predominantly due to increases in linolenic (C18:3), linoleic (C18:2), and oleic (C18:1) acids and decreases in stearic acid (C18:0). These results suggest that, in spite of being important for maintenance of membrane fluidity, the ability to increase unsaturation is not a determinant factor for salt resistance in barley species.  相似文献   


Nitrogen (N) or growth regulator application to small grain cereals near anthesis has been demonstrated to alter grain fill and grain yield, the protein yield and nutritional quality may also be modified by these management factors. The objective of this study was to determine whether delivery of N, growth regulator, or sucrose solutions into greenhouse‐grown barley (Hordeurn vulgare L. cv. Leger) or wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Katepwa), plants through peduncle perfusion altered the amino acid composition of the grain. The following treatments were tested: N (25 and 50 mM), chlormequat (30 μM), ethephon (15 μM), N + chlormequat, N + ethephon, detillering + N, sucrose (250 mM), distilled water check, and non‐perfused check. Perfusion lasted 30 d beginning 5 to 8 d after spike emergence. Addition of N via peduncle perfusion increased protein concentrations and concentrations of all amino acids in both barley and wheat when expressed in terms of grain dry matter. Protein yield and lysine content were also increased. However, the increase in essential amino acids such as lysine, methionine, threonine, isoleucine, arginine, and leucine was relatively small, and the proportions of these amino acids in the grain protein were actually reduced. The sucrose treatment only affected wheat, increasing lysine concentration and decreasing the total protein concentration. Growth regulators used in this study did not alter protein yield or amino acid composition in either crop.  相似文献   

Because beef food products are generally cooked prior to consumption, the behavior of chemicals in these cooked foods is important in estimating human exposure. The heat stability of the natural estrogen β-estradiol (β-E2) and its metabolites α-estradiol (α-E2), estrone (E1), and several catechol estrogens was examined in heated vegetable oil and aqueous solutions. The chemicals were also incorporated into regular and extra lean ground beef and subjected to cooking. E1 and E2 were stable in aqueous solutions at 100°C, whereas the catechol estrogens exhibited first-order decay curves with half-lives of 2-10 min. Their stability improved to the same level as the other test chemicals when an antioxidant was added to the solution, suggesting that their disappearance was due to oxidation rather than thermal degradation. E1 and E2 were also stable in heated vegetable oil (160-180°C), whereas catechol estrogen decreased 30-50% over the 2 h duration of the experiments. Chemical losses from cooked beef appear to be related to the fat content of the beef, with greater losses occurring in regular ground beef (25-30%), compared to extra lean ground beef (5-20%). This study shows that cooking reduces but does not eliminate the potential for dietary exposure to growth promoters in ground beef.  相似文献   

Sea buckthorn berries (Hippopha? rhamnoides ssp. mongolica) of nine varieties were collected from three growth locations in five inconsecutive years (n = 152) to study the compositional differences of sugars, sugar alcohols, fruit acids, and ascorbic acid in berries of different genotypes. Fructose and glucose (major sugars) were highest in Chuiskaya and Vitaminaya among the varieties studied, respectively. Malic acid and quinic acid (major acids) were highest in Pertsik and Vitaminaya, respectively. Ascorbic acid was highest in Oranzhevaya and lowest in Vitaminaya. Berry samples of nine varieties collected from two growth locations in five years (n = 124) were combined to study the effects of latitude and weather conditions on the composition of H. rhamnoides ssp. mongolica. Sea buckthorn berries grown at lower latitude had higher levels of total sugar and sugar/acid ratio and a lower level of total acid and were supposed to have better sensory properties than those grown at higher latitude. Glucose, quinic acid, and ascorbic acid were hardly influenced by weather conditions. The other components showed various correlations with temperature, radiation, precipitation, and humidity variables. In addition, fructose, sucrose, and myo-inositol correlated positively with each other and showed negative correlation with malic acid on the basis of all the samples studied (n = 152).  相似文献   

In the present study, four high-pressure (HP) treatments (100, 200, 300, and 400 MPa) of 9 min duration were evaluated to assess their effect on the lipid fraction (fat-soluble vitamins and fatty acid profile) of an orange juice-milk and a vegetable beverage. After HP treatment, nonsignificant changes in vitamin D(2) and D(3) contents were observed for both beverages. An increase in vitamin E activity was observed in HP beverages when pressures >100 MPa were applied, mainly due to an increase in α-tocopherol content. Only a small reduction in fat content was found for the orange juice-milk beverage, but no changes were observed for the vegetable beverage. A significant decrease in SFA levels was observed in HP-treated (300-400 MPa) orange juice-milk. With regard to MUFA, a significant increase in oleic acid (C(18:1)) was found in both liquid foods. Nonsignificant differences in the PUFA profiles were observed after HP processing.  相似文献   

The concentrations of mercury, lead, cadmium, and arsenic were evaluated in 96 samples, 12 by each one of the following eight fish species: snook (Centropomus undecimalis), crevalle jack (Caranx hippos), Serra Spanish mackerel (Scomberomorus brasiliensis), southern red snapper (Lutjanus purpureus), blue runner (Caranx crysos), Atlantic tarpon (Megalops atlanticus), ladyfish (Elops saurus), and Atlantic goliath grouper (Epinephelus itajara), which were collected during 1 year in the Atrato River Delta in the Gulf of Urabá, Colombian Caribbean. Three fish were caught from each of the following sites the community usually uses to catch them (known as fishing grounds): Bahía Candelaria, Bahía Marirrío, Bocas del Roto, and Bocas del Atrato. The quantification of metals was performed by microwave-induced plasma-optical emission spectrometry. The Pb concentration fluctuated from 0.672 to 3.110 mg kg?1, surpassing the maximum permissible limit (MPL?=?0.3 mg kg?1) for human consumption for all species. The Hg concentration ranged between < Limit of detection and 6.303 mg kg?1, and in the crevalle jack and Atlantic tarpon, concentrations exceeded the MPL (0.5 mg kg?1). The levels of Cd and As were not significant in the studied species and did not exceed the MPL (0.05 mg kg?1).  相似文献   

Three major oat components, β-glucan, starch, and protein, and their interactions were evaluated for the impact on viscosity of heated oat slurries and in vitro bile acid binding. Oat flour from the experimental oat line "N979" (7.45% β-glucan) was mixed with water and heated to make oat slurry. Heated oat slurries were treated with α-amylase, lichenase, and/or proteinase to remove starch, β-glucan, and/or protein. Oat slurries treated with lichenase or lichenase combined with α-amylase and/or proteinase reduced the molecular weight of β-glucan. Heat and enzymatic treatment of oat slurries reduced the peak and final viscosities compared with the control. The control bound the least amount of bile acids (p < 0.05); heating of oat flour improved the binding. Heated oat slurries treated with lichenase or lichenase combined with α-amylase and/or proteinase bound the least amount of bile acid, indicating the contribution of β-glucan to binding. Oat slurries treated with proteinase or proteinase and α-amylase together improved the bile acid binding, indicating the possible contribution of protein to binding. These results illustrate that β-glucan was the major contributor to viscosity and in vitro bile acid binding in heated oat slurries; however, interactions with other components, such as protein and starch, indicate the importance of evaluating oat components as whole system.  相似文献   

The oil content and fatty acid composition of berries from two subspecies of sea buckthorn (Hippopha? rhamnoides L.) were investigated. The berries of subsp. rhamnoides contained a higher proportion of oil in seeds (11.3% vs 7.3%, p < 0.01), berries (3.5% vs 2.1%, p < 0.001), and seedless parts (2.8% vs 1.7%, p < 0.01) than the berries of subsp. sinensis. Linoleic (18:2n-6) and alpha-linolenic acids (18:3n-3) comprised about 70% of seed oil fatty acids. Palmitoleic acid (16:1n-7), practically absent in the seed oil, comprised 12.1--39.0% of oil in pulp/peel and 8.9--31.0% of that in the whole berries. More linoleic acid (40.9% vs 39.1%) and less alpha-linolenic acid (26.6% vs 30.6%) was found in the seed oil of subsp. sinensis than in the seed oil of subsp. rhamnoides (p < 0.05). The proportion of palmitoleic acid was higher in the oil of berries of subsp. rhamnoides than the berries of subsp. sinensis (26.0% vs 21.5%, 0.05 < p < 0.1), but was vice versa with alpha-linolenic acid (8.8% vs 11.2%, 0.05 < p < 0.1). The proportions of alpha-linolenic acid correlated inversely with oleic and linoleic acids in the seed oil. In the oil of whole berries, the proportion of palmitoleic acid correlated negatively with the proportions of linoleic and alpha-linolenic acids.  相似文献   

Growth of vinca [Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don ‘Grape Cooler'] was compared under several cultural conditions. Conditions investigated included two types of media (a peat‐lite mix and a mix containing 25% pine bark) and five types of nutrient charges in the peat‐lite media (sulfated micros, chelated micros, sulfated or chelated micros with pH adjustment to 5.5, and no charge). Nitrogen (N) source effect on growth was also investigated. Plants were grown at five different ratios of nitrate‐N to ammonium‐N. Greatest growth as measured by shoot length and shoot dry weight occurred in the peat‐lite media at either the sulfated micro or chelated micros adjusted to pH 5.5 and at the highest ratios of nitrate‐N to ammonium‐N. Root dry weight and growth were negatively affected by high levels of ammonium‐N in the fertilizer solution.  相似文献   

A comprehensive comparison about microbial community (bacterial, archaeal and fungal) response to different tillage managements in Northern China remain little studied, in this study we compared no-tillage (NT) versus conventional tillage (CT) management on topsoil microbial community diversity and composition in field experiment. We found that NT practice significantly increased the soil moisture content (SMC), bulk density, stocks of soil organic carbon (SOC), total nitrogen (TN), and microbial biomass carbon and nitrogen (P < 0.05). Moreover, higher levels of bacterial and archaeal alpha diversity were observed in NT relative to CT while unexpectedly, there was no significant difference found in fungal diversity between two treatments. The most pronounced shifts in the composition of the different microbial groups were found for the archaeal community, which followed by bacterial and fungal. NT practice markedly enhanced abundances of Proteobacteria (belongs to bacteria) phyla, Thaumarchaeota phyla (belongs to archaea) and Glomeromycota phyla (belongs to fungi). Redundancy analysis revealed that the factor that most closely correlated with bacterial, archaeal and fungal composition were SMC, TN and SOC, respectively. Considering NT enhanced both microbial composition and C storage in topsoil, we suggest that NT offers significant promise to improve topsoil health in this region.  相似文献   

Growth and N‐P‐K uptake in pumpkin (Curcubita moschata Poir.) cv ‘Libby‐Select’ were studied in dryland and irrigated culture. In both moisture regimes, maximum rates of dry matter accumulation occurred between the early and mid‐fruiting developmental stages. Higher total dry matter production with irrigated than dryland culture was primarily associated with increased shoot growth. Concentrations of N, P, and K in foliage generally decreased as pumpkin age increased. Irrigated pumpkins in conjunction with higher total vegetative dry matter accumulated more N, P, and K than dryland pumpkins. Up through early fruit development, N, P, and K accumulation was primarily in leaves and vines and by the late growth stages was almost entirely in the fruit. Total N, P, and K uptake at late fruiting was estimated at 219, 32, and 228 kg/ha in irrigated pumpkins and 180, 21, and 177 kg/ha in dryland pumpkins. Approximately 58% of the N, 52% of the K, and 68% of the P accumulated by late‐fruiting was absorbed by the plant after the early‐fruiting stage in both moisture regimes. Potassium redistribution from vegetative tissues during late fruit development decreased foliar K contents 32% in dryland pumpkins and 21% in irrigated pumpkins.  相似文献   

Stimulation of macrophages by a variety fatty acids causes activation of MAP kinases (MAPKs). The consequences arising from down-regulation of MAPKs may be a limitation in the activity of PPARγ, which is modulated by a modification catalyzed by these kinases. Phosphorylation of MAP kinases-ERK1/2 and p38 as well as PPARγ was determined by real-time polymerase chain reaction and Western blotting in human macrophages cultured with conjugated linoleic acids (CLAs). We demonstrated that CLA isomers alter MAP kinase phosphorylation and PPARγ activation. Phosphorylation of ERK1/2 was diminished in cells cultivated with cis-9,trans-11 CLA, whereas phosphorylation of p38 was reduced by trans-10,cis-12 CLA. PPARγ was phosphorylated mainly by ERK1/2, and consequently, PPARγ phosphorylation was suppressed mainly by cis-9,trans-11 isomer. In human adipocytes, cis-9,trans-11 C 18:2 raised the activation of PPAR and several of its downstream target genes. We suggest that a similar process may also occur in human macrophages.  相似文献   

This work aims to evaluate the soil physical properties affected by cover crop rotation and soil management in a long-term experiment in southern Brazil. The experiment was established in 1986, with treatments combining six winter treatments and two tillage systems (conventional and no tillage). Bulk density, porosity, aggregate-size class distribution, and organic carbon content of the aggregates were determined at six depths. Bulk density was not affected by tillage systems and winter treatments. The soil disturbance by plowing enhanced the macroporosity, decreased the microporosity, and promoted the formation of smaller aggregate size, in comparison to no tillage. Apart from the soil management, all winter species increased the greater aggregate-size classes, mean weight diameter, geometric mean diameter, and aggregate stability index compared to the fallow treatments. At the no-till treatments, the greater part of sequestered carbon into the soil was stored into the lower and bigger soil aggregates.  相似文献   

A 7-year-old tillage trial, comprising conventional tillage (CT), minimum tillage (MT) and no-tillage (NT), was chosen to study the relative importance of controlled mulch rates and soil physical properties such as bulk density, pore volume and hydraulic conductivity upon infiltrability. Infiltration measurements were carried out with a portable rainfall simulator. Mulch consisted of soya bean residues.Soil physical analysis showed higher bulk densities in the top 20 cm under NT, whereas CT, and to a lesser extent MT, led to the development of a plough pan in 20–30 cm depth. At the same time, compaction brought about a decrease in macropores and an increase in micropores. Total porosity ranged between 56.6% and 66.4%. Hydraulic conductivity did not differ significantly between tillage systems, and overall conductivity values were very high.The main factor influencing infiltrability was the formation of a surface seal depending on the degree of soil cover by mulch, irrespective of tillage system. For all 3 tillage systems, a 100% soil cover led to the complete infiltration of a 60-mm rainfall, whereas only 20% of the applied rain infiltrated when the soil was bare and the surface completely sealed. Plant residues of 4–6 t ha−1 are proposed, as the minimum amount of mulch needed to reduce runoff and erosion effectively.  相似文献   



The Isábena catchment (445 km2), Spain, features highly diverse spatial heterogeneity in land use, lithology and rainfall. Consequently, the relative contribution in terms of water and sediment yield varies immensely between its subcatchments, and also temporally. This study presents the synthesis of ~2.5 years of monitoring rainfall, discharge and suspended sediment concentration (SSC) in the five main subcatchments of the Isábena and its outlet.

Materials and methods

Continuous discharge at the subcatchment outlets, nine tipping bucket rainfall and automatic SSC samplers (complemented by manual samples), were collected from June 2011 until November 2013. The water stage records were converted to discharge using a rating curve derived with Bayesian regression. For reconstructing sediment yields, the data from the intermittent SSC sampling needed to be interpolated. We employed non-parametric multivariate regression (Quantile Regression Forests, QRF) using the discharge and rainfall data plus different aggregation levels of these as ancillary predictors. The subsequent Monte Carlo simulations allowed the determination of monthly sediment yields and their uncertainty.

Results and discussion

The stage–discharge rating curves showed wide credibility intervals for the higher stages, with great uncertainties associated with the discharge rates, especially during floods. The water yield of the subcatchments differed considerably. The entire catchment’s output was dominated by the northernmost subcatchment (~360 mm year?1). The smaller, southern subcatchments featured much higher variability and lower runoff rates (55–250 mm year?1). The SSCs exhibited a wide range and can exceed 100 g l?1 for the central subcatchments, where most of the badlands are located. For the reconstruction of the sedigraphs, the QRF method proved suitable with Nash–Sutcliffe indices of 0.50 to 0.84. The specific sediment yield ranges from relatively low (32 t km?2 year?1) in the highly vegetated north to high values (3,651 t km?2 year?1) in areas with many badland formations.


The Isábena catchment shows high erosion dynamics with great variability in space and time, with stark contrasts even between adjacent subcatchments. The natural conditions make water and sediment monitoring and instrumentation very challenging; the measurement of discharge is particularly prone to considerable uncertainties. The QRF method employed for reconstructing sedigraphs and monthly yields proved well suited for the task.  相似文献   

The aim was to evaluate eight methods of boron (B) extraction in different soils from Córdoba and Sucre, Colombia. 37 samples were collected at a depth of 0–20 cm and carried to Soil and Water Laboratory of University of Córdoba for its chemical characterization. The available boron was extracted with the following methods: modified hot water, calcium chloride (CaCl2) 0.05, hydrochloric acid (HCl) 0.05, barium chloride (BaCl2) 0.006, manitol 0.05 + CaCl2 0.01, Ca(H2PO4)2H2O 0.008 in mol L?1, mehlich-1 and ammonium acetate (NH4OAc) (1.0 mol L?1, pH = 7.0). The major quantity of boron was extracted with mehlich-1, HCl 0.05 mol L?1 and hot water, extracting 0.36, 0.29 and 0.26 mg kg?1, respectively. The extracting solution that correlated with the hot water method was HCl 0.05 mol L?1 (r = 0.81); followed by Ca(H2PO4)2H2O 0.008 mol L?1 (r = 0.62) and mehlich-1 (r = 0.54). According to characteristic and heterogeneity of soils, we recommend HCl method to extract available boron.  相似文献   


Inoculated soybeans (Glycine max L. Merr. cv. Eragg) were grown in an intensively managed cabbage (Brassica oleracea L. Capitata group)‐ sweetcorn (Zea mays L.) multiple‐cropping sequence on a tile‐drained Arenic Haplaquod having variable residual K levels. The study was conducted to assess the effect of residual and applied K on soybean K and N composition, nodulation, root growth, and pod formation. Sidedress treatments of 0 and 100 kg K/ha were applied at bloom to plots that received either 0 or 300 kg K/ha/acre that had been applied previously to other crops in the sequence. Treatments were arranged in a randomized complete block design witn six replications. Although leaf N conc, was uniform at bloom (R2), leaf N at pod‐fill (R6) ranged from 2.8 to 4.3% and wasquadratically related to leaf K (r2 = 0.92). Without residual K fertilizer from cabbage and sweet corn applications sidedress application of K increased leaf and nodule K and N. Root K conc. was correlated with root dry wt. (r = 0.35) at bloom stage, and with root 10 dry wt. (r = 0.54), pod number (r = 0.43), and pod dry wt. (r = 0.39) at pod‐fill stage. Root K conc. was negatively correlated with nodule number (r = ‐0.34) and nodule dry wt. (r = ‐0.41). Sidedress‐applied K did not increase root growth and pod number whereas residual fertilizer K did. A curvilinear relationship between leaf K and N conc. and a linear relationship between leaf N and soybean yield indicated that K deficiency limited the capacity of the soybean plant to supply N to the developing grain during pod‐fill, and that this response was not due to inadequate nodulation.  相似文献   


Influence of two rootstocks and five levels of hand thinning (fruit spacing) on yield, fruit quality at harvest and after storage, and leaf and fruit elemental composition of ‘Redspur Delicious’ apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) were studied. Trees on M.7 rootstock had a higher yield with heavier and firmer fruit at harvest than those on M.26. Trees on M.7 had significantly lower leaf and fruit N which resulted in a darker fruit color than those on M.26 rootstock. Fruit from trees on M.26 had a higher soluble solids concentration (SSC) at harvest than those on M.7. Leaf and fruit potassium (K) increased but fruit calcium (Ca) decreased with an increase in fruit spacing. Thinning fruit to 10 cm or 18 cm spacing, depending on market demand for fruit size, is recommended for improvement of fruit quality. Fruit weight and quality was improved with 18 cm fruit spacing without a significant decrease in yield, while thinning fruit further than 18 cm apart reduced yield without a significant change in the fruit weight or quality.  相似文献   

During a six‐year period (1980, 1985–1989), 20 different calcium (Ca) materials were sprayed at an early (3X; June to July), late (3X; July to August), and an early plus late (5X; June to August) timing on 25‐year‐old ‘Anjou’ pear (Pyrus communis L.) trees. Calcium chloride (CaCl2) sprays increased fruit Ca in the cortex by an average of 10.5% greater than in unsprayed controls and cork spot was reduced by an average of six‐fold. Yield from trees sprayed with Ca materials averaged greater than 13% more crop load than the unsprayed control trees. Leaf and fruit injury from CaCl2 sprays in 1980 were near borderline acceptability, but injury was reduced slightly by halving the spray concentration rate to 681 g CaCl2 per 379 liters of water in 1985 to 1989. Due to temperatures above 26°C, leaf and fruit injury from Ca sprays, particularly calcium nitrate [Ca(NO3)2], were more severe for the late or early plus late sprays than for the early sprays. Fruit size was slightly larger on trees sprayed only three times (early or late sprays) versus trees sprayed five times during the season (early plus late sprays). Best control of cork spot occurred with early plus late sprays. Best control of alfalfa greening and black end occurred with late or early plus late sprays. The importance of fruit Ca for controlling cork spot is illustrated when triiodobenzoic acid (TIBA) was sprayed on trees which resulted in reduced fruit Ca and increased incidence of fruit disorders, alfalfa greening, black end, and cork spot. Sprays containing nitrates or sulfates were frequently associated with a higher incidence of fruit disorders. Although fruit quality was not significantly influenced by Ca treatments or spray time, it was related to Ca in fruit peel or cortex due to annual variations in Ca concentrations.  相似文献   

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