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Methionine–choline‐deficient (MCD) mammals are known to accumulate liver TAG probably due to phosphatidylcholine (PC) deficiency and thus assembly of VLDL and transport of lipids from liver to peripheral organs. To assess whether supplementation of choline could spare methionine and secure a healthy liver metabolism, by reducing the endogenous PC synthesis without interfering with lipid transport and distribution, Atlantic salmon with initial BW of 700 g were fed adequate (1.9 g Met/16 gN) or surplus methionine (2.5 g Met/16 gN) diets of which were supplemented with choline or not for a period of 19 weeks. Fish fed the low‐methionine diets had reduced growth (p = .013) due to reduced protein gain (p = .007), while lipid gain slightly improved in fish fed the choline‐supplemented diets (p = .047). Also, feed conversion improved when fed surplus methionine (p < .001), while choline supplementation had no impact on feed conversion. No interaction between choline and methionine on growth performance or retention existed. Phospholipid status in liver and muscle was not affected by treatments, and no liver TAG accumulation occurred at the methionine levels used. Gene expression of ApoB100 necessary for assembling VLDL or pemt necessary for endogenous PC synthesis was unaffected by treatments. Capacity of methylation (MAT, BHMT) within the liver was not affected by treatment nor was the gene expression of enzymes in liver transsulfuration (CBS or CDO). Methionine status within liver was unaffected by treatments, while free methionine reduced in those fish fed the low‐methionine diets in muscle and plasma. Cystathionine and taurine were elevated when fed surplus methionine. Choline supplementation had no impact on sulphur amino acid metabolites in either tissue. Neither did choline supplementation improve TAG mobilization from liver to muscle. To conclude, choline does not improve endogenous phospholipid synthesis or transport of TAG from liver to muscle depot when added to diets containing 1.9 g Met/16 gN, while surplus methionine improved growth and protein retention, indicating that 1.9 g Met/16 gN is enough to support a healthy liver metabolism, but too low to support muscle protein deposition in adult salmon fed high plant protein diets for longer periods of time.  相似文献   

In the current study, we tested whether the addition of a small amount of crystalline dl ‐methionine to a fishmeal‐based diet would affect general sulphur metabolism and apparent digestibility in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Triplicate tanks of salmon with mean BW of half a kilo were fed a control diet or the control diet supplemented with 0.2 wt%dl ‐methionine (+17% methionine relative to control diet) for a period of 3 months. Feed intake and thus nutrient intake did not differ significantly between treatments. Fish fed the diet supplemented with dl ‐methionine had 18% higher mean intake of methionine. The apparent energy digestibility was significantly improved in the salmon fed the methionine‐enriched diet as was the methionine digestibility. Salmon fed the methionine‐supplemented diet had about 32% higher plasma‐free methionine concentration and 25% more total homocysteine 5 h post prandial. No difference was observed in hepatic‐free methionine, but hepatic cystathionine (~62%) and taurine (~20%) were significantly higher in fish fed the methionine‐enriched diet due to a higher transsulphuration. In the liver, taurine might be conjugated to bile acids (BAs), and conjugation of BAs increases their solubility and enhances their biliary secretion affecting the digestibility. Both faecal and plasma BA concentrations were elevated in fish fed the methionine‐enriched diet, although the differences did not reach statistical significance. Taken together, our data show that feeding salmon a fishmeal‐based diet supplemented with a small amount of crystalline dl ‐methionine increased the apparent energy digestibility, possibly through an increased liver transsulphuration and taurine production, which might enhance BA conjugation and biliary secretion.  相似文献   

Previously, we reported that methionine intake determined the taurine concentration in the liver of on‐growing Atlantic salmon fed plant protein diets. Further, the methionine intake and/or the increased taurine concentration following increased methionine intake affected the liver lipid metabolism. The following study therefore aimed to test whether taurine affected the growth or the type of growth when added in high plant protein diets naturally low in taurine but equal and adequate in dietary methionine. Juvenile Atlantic salmon [initial body weight (BW) of 2 g] were fed plant protein diets (16.5% fishmeal), which were supplemented with taurine or not for a period of 56 days. As a control for growth and normal metabolism, a fishmeal‐based commercial diet (68% fishmeal) was used. Supplementation with taurine to high plant protein diets had a slightly negative effect on weight gain, but the final body weight was not different. Interestingly, the pool of free amino acids in the liver and muscle was significantly higher in fish fed the supplemented diet as compared with fish fed the plant protein diet without taurine supplementation. Liver polyamine concentration was higher in fish fed the supplemented diet than in fish fed the similar diet without supplementation. Additionally, juvenile salmon fed the plant‐based diet supplemented with taurine had a lower body lipid‐to‐protein ratio due to a reduced whole‐body lipid content, while the whole‐body protein content was similar between treatments. Our study thus indicates that the addition of a low concentration of taurine to high plant protein diets interacts with lipid metabolism and storage, concomitantly affecting the general metabolism as the concentrations of the free amino acids and polyamines in the liver were significantly higher. The possible reasons for these changes are discussed.  相似文献   

We previously reported that juvenile Atlantic salmon with mean initial BW 11.5 g offed a methionine deficient diet had lower weight gain due to a reduced protein accretion, while lipid gain was unaffected. Muscle of the fish fed the methionine deficient diet was depleted for sulphur amino acids, while in liver, the concentration of these metabolites was maintained within narrow limits. We speculated whether this could be due to an increased muscle proteolysis to support a prioritized liver metabolism in fish fed the low methionine diets. In this study, we assessed whether genes associated with muscle proteolysis increased under methionine deficiency. The composition of the diets was similar to those used previously containing 1.6 or 2.1 g Met/16 g N. We confirmed that the fish fed the low methionine diet gained less protein compared to fish fed the DL‐methionine enriched diet (P = 0.014), but growth did not reduce significantly. Also the deficient fish maintained the concentrations of liver sulphur amino acids and reduced muscle free methionine. Several of the other free amino acids within muscle increased. Further, methylation capacity was maintained in liver but reduced in the muscle (P = 0.78 and 0.04, respectively). Gene expression of muscle IGF‐1 was lower (P = 0.008) and myosin light chain 2 tended (MLC2, P = 0.06) to be reduced in fish fed low methionine diet, concurrently the activity of cathepsins B+L increased (P = 0.047) in muscle of fish fed the low methionine diet. Gene expression of the muscle‐specific E3 ubiquitine ligases (Murf and MaFbx) was not affected by treatment. Thus, the lower protein gain observed in fish fed the low methionine diet may be caused by reduced protein synthesis in line with the reduced IGF‐1 gene expression in the white trunk muscle. Thus, to support metabolism, the dietary protein needs to be balanced in amino acids to support metabolism in all compartments of the body and secure maximal protein gain.  相似文献   

A two-factor study was conducted to evaluate the effects of dietary riboflavin and lipid levels on the growth, health performance and riboflavin status of Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salar ). Atlantic salmon parr were fed four fishmeal-based diets with or without supplementation of 20 mg riboflavin kg–1, at two lipid levels, 150 or 300 g kg–1. Each diet was fed to triplicate tanks of fish for 12 weeks. Unsupplemented diets contained between 6 and 8 mg riboflavin kg–1. There were no significant differences in growth as a result of riboflavin supplementation. No mortality or histomorphological changes in eye tissues were observed. Dietary treatments did not affect blood haemoglobin values. After 12 weeks, muscle lipid content seemed to be reduced by riboflavin supplementation irrespective of dietary lipid level. Riboflavin status of whole body, muscle, liver, kidney and eye lenses is reported. Saturation levels of riboflavin in liver and muscle were reached with unsupplemented diets. The concentrations of riboflavin and lipid in liver were negatively correlated. There was a tendency of higher whole body riboflavin concentration in fish fed high-lipid diets. Based on growth, absence of deficiency signs and maximal tissue saturation of riboflavin, it can be concluded that the requirement for riboflavin was met by the natural riboflavin content in the raw materials of the feed. However, independent of dietary lipid level, dietary riboflavin supplementation may increase lipid utilization in rapidly growing salmon parr.  相似文献   

The present experiment reports on the effects of inositol supplementation from 0 to 1600 mg kg−1 to a fishmeal-based diet on growth, inositol retention, proximate composition (dry matter, protein and lipid) and blood chemistry in Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., fry during a 28-week feeding experiment. Growth was affected to a minor extent, and only during the first 4 weeks of the experiment. Mortality was low and not related to dietary inositol. The inositol concentration in whole fish and liver was affected by dietary inositol supplementation. Proximate composition of whole fish was similar among dietary groups, except for positive correlations between dry matter, lipid and protein and dietary inositol supplementation after 8 weeks. Analyses of hepatic lipid classes after 8 weeks showed non-significant differences among the groups, mostly explained by somewhat reduced total hepatic lipid accumulation with increasing dietary inositol. Triacylglycerol and phosphatidylcholine accounted for 80% and 8–10% of the hepatic lipids (approximately 80 mg lipid g−1 wet weight) in all groups. Blood haemoglobin was positively correlated and plasma triacylglycerol was negatively correlated to dietary inositol supplementation at week 28, while plasma protein and cholesterol were unaffected. The present results indicate that the requirement of Atlantic salmon fry for inositol is covered through the natural content of inositol in practical feed ingredients at around 300 mg inositol kg−1. It may, however, be advisable to supplement starter diets with moderate amounts of inositol, around 200 mg kg−1, to compensate for fluctuations in inositol concentrations in natural ingredients, leaching loss of inositol from the diet and for any potential increased inositol requirement in salmon fry.  相似文献   

Liver cells were isolated from 6 fish fed a diet containing 12.1 g methionine/kg, 11.02 mg vitamin B6/kg, 0.20 mg vitamin B12/kg and 7.80 mg folate/kg (named high‐1C diet). These cells were compared to liver cells isolated from 6 fish fed a diet containing 6.7 g methionine/kg, 7.01 g vitamin B6/kg, 0.15 mg vitamin B12/kg and 2.60 mg folate/kg (named low‐1C diet). Isolated cells were plated on 6‐well plates in Leibovitz medium and treated with 10 mM metformin, 10 mM metformin for 24 hr followed by 0.4 mM oleic acid (OA) for 24 hr or only 0.4 mM OA for 24 hr. The cells were compared to untreated controls added only the medium. All cells were harvested 48 hr after being plated. Cells isolated from Atlantic salmon fed low‐1C diets showed higher gene expression of MGAT‐2 (p < .0001), CPT‐1 (p = .028), FAS (p = .0006), LXR (p = .020), ACC (p = .032) and MnSOD (p < .0001). The low‐ or high‐1C diets fed prior to cell isolation had no effect on gene expression of ApoB100, PPARa, CD36, SREBP‐2 or Bcl‐2. Metformin treatment increased the expression of the anti‐apoptotic protein Bcl‐2 (p = .0001) indicating an anti‐apoptotic effect. Metformin generally increased the expression of genes associated with lipid oxidation and transport, but decreased the expression of genes associated with cholesterol metabolism confirming our earlier results using this model.  相似文献   

The water balance in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) overwintering in sea water (34 ) was investigated. With a decrease of temperature from 5.6 to 1.0°C the drinking rate decreased from 13.9 to 5.7 ml/kg/day, and the absolute amount of water absorbed decreased from 8.9 to 5.0 ml/kg/day. A decrease in temperature led, however, to an increase in the proportion of water absorbed in the intestines from 60 to 96%. Blood serum osmolarity increased from 320 to 440 mosm/1 with decreasing temperature and there was a reduction in tissue water content from 75 to 69% The disturbance of water balance at low temperature may be one of the factors responsible for mortality of salmon overwintering in sea water.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of dietary taurine and methionine on Persian sturgeon (Acipenser persicus) fed with plant‐based diets. To this purpose, sturgeons were fed with either of methionine + taurine‐supplemented (MT), without taurine supplementation (M) or without methionine supplementation (T) diets. Growth performance, body composition, tissue amino acids and serum glucose and lipids were studied at the end of the experiment. Results showed that the treatments T and MT had similar growth performance and feed efficiency, which were significantly higher than the treatment M. Dietary taurine and methionine significantly altered carcass and liver taurine and methionine contents. The highest serum glucose was observed in the treatment M and the lowest in treatment MT. Serum cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the treatments T and MT were similar and significantly higher than those of the treatment M. This study showed that Persian sturgeon needs taurine supplementation when fed with plant‐based diets, but the supplemented level seems to be lower than those of the other species. Taurine has hypoglycaemic and lipidogenesis effects on Persian sturgeon. However, further studies are required to illustrate taurine and methionine metabolism in Persian sturgeon.  相似文献   

The cell membrane phospholipid composition is of major importance for normal cell functions. However, it is not known how complete depletion of both shorter and longer chain omega‐3 fatty acids in salmon diets influences fatty acid composition of phospholipid subclasses in different organs of Atlantic salmon. We describe here the fatty acid composition in phospholipid subclasses of liver, muscle, heart and intestine in Atlantic salmon after 18 months of dietary n‐3 essential fatty acids deprivation. The percentage of 22:6n‐3 was markedly reduced in almost all phospholipid subclasses, and except for muscle phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) and phosphatidylinositol (PI), phospholipids in deficient fish were totally devoid of 20:5n‐3. As compensation, we observed significant increases in 20:4n‐6, and especially in 20:3n‐9 (Mead acid) and 22:5n‐6, varying among phospholipids and organs. High amounts of 20:3n‐9 were found in liver and intestinal PE, little in PE from heart and muscle. For 22:5n‐6, we saw a small incorporation in PI in liver and intestine compared to heart and muscle. Generally in PI, the preference for 20:4n‐6 to 20:5n‐3 differed significantly between organs. Overall, changes upon n‐3 deprivation seemed to be strongest in liver and intestine, the lipid‐secreting organs, and less in muscle and heart.  相似文献   

In today's aquaculture of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.), a majority of viral disease outbreaks occur after seawater transfer. A relevant question is how the parr–smolt transformation influences the efficacy of viral vaccines and the innate resistance against viral diseases. In this study, vaccinated and unvaccinated A. salmon parr were exposed to different photoperiodic regimens (1‐, 3‐ or 6‐week continuous light—WCL). Fish groups at different stages in the smoltification process were induced, as demonstrated by differences in morphological and physiological smolt parameters. At the time of seawater transfer, the 6‐WCL group had reached a more pronounced stage in the smoltification process than the 1‐WCL group. In unvaccinated fish, the subsequent cohabitation challenge with infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV) gave a significantly higher accumulated mortality in the 6‐WCL group (87%) compared to the 1‐WCL group (39%). In the vaccinated groups, this effect was not apparent and there were no differences in accumulated mortality between the 1 WCL, 3 WCL and 6‐WCL groups. These data suggest that the resistance to IPN in A. salmon was negatively influenced by smoltification, while vaccine‐mediated protection to IPN was maintained equally well irrespective of smolt status.  相似文献   

Individually tagged Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., were fed three different adaptation diets containing low, medium or high levels of extruded starch, before intraperitoneal injection of glucose. The injections were done at winter and at summer temperatures. This was to investigate whether the tolerance for glucose varied according to adaption diet and/or according to season. The results showed a temperature-dependent response. At winter temperatures (2°C) the Atlantic salmon had problems adapting to both medium and high levels of dietary starch. This was indicated by lower growth response in the adaptation period, as well as by delayed glucose regulation. At summer temperatures (12.5°C) the Atlantic salmon could tolerate and utilize both medium and high levels of dietary starch. In summer also all groups responded evenly to the tolerance tests with respect to blood glucose regulation. Incorporation of liver glycogen was higher at summer than at winter temperatures in the high- carbohydrate group. No effect was found on haematocrit values as a response to diet or season.  相似文献   

The influence of dietary cholesterol (CHOL) and short-chain fatty acids (SCFA; sodium salts of acetic, propionic and butyric acid, 5:5:2 w/w/w) on growth, organ indices, macronutrient digestibility, and fatty acid composition of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar was investigated. Salmon (initial average weight 0.7 kg) held in seawater (7°C) for 175 days were fed one of six diets: 1, without CHOL/SCFA supplement; 2, with 0.5% SCFA; 3, with 2.0% SCFA; 4, with 1.0% CHOL; 5, with 1.0% CHOL and 0.5% SCFA; 6, with 1.0% CHOL and 2.0% SCFA.
Neither SCFA nor CHOL supplements had any significant effects on specific growth rate (SGR), mortality, apparent digestibility coefficients (ADC) of macronutrients, total lipid content. Hepatosomatic index (HSI) was slightly increased in salmon fed the CHOL supplement ( P  < 0.05). Hepatic CHOL concentration, but not the hepatic CHOL pool, was significantly increased ( P  < 0.001) by dietary CHOL supplementation.
The fatty acid compositions of fillet and gut tissues were not influenced by dietary treatment, while significant effects of CHOL supplements were observed in faeces and liver. Less saturated fatty acids and more mono- and poly-unsaturated fatty acids were excreted with faeces in salmon fed CHOL supplements. Salmon fed CHOL supplements significantly reduced the relative concentration of hepatic palmitic acid (C16 : 0), arachidonic acid (C20 : 4 n-6) and docosahexaenoic acid (C22 : 6 n-3), while the contents of oleic acid (C18 : 1 n-9) and eicosenoic acid (C20 : 1 n-9) were significantly increased. SCFA did not influence the observed effects of dietary CHOL.
The present study shows that dietary CHOL supplements profoundly altered excretion and liver metabolism of individual fatty acids in salmon. The impact of this alteration on physiological performance has not been elucidated.  相似文献   

An experiment with 2(7 ? 3) reduced factorial design was conducted to study the biological effects of pro‐ and antioxidant micronutrients and lipid in Atlantic salmon. Vitamins C and E, astaxanthin, lipid, iron, copper and manganese were supplemented at high and low levels. For vitamins and minerals, high levels were chosen to be below the anticipated toxic level and the low levels were just above the requirement (vitamin C, 30 and 1000 mg kg?1; vitamin E, 70 and 430 mg kg?1; Fe, 70 and 1200 mg kg?1; Cu, 8 and 110 mg kg?1; Mn, 12 and 200 mg kg?1). For astaxanthin, the dietary levels were 10 and 50 mg kg?1 and for lipid, 150 and 330 g kg?1. The experiment was started with postsmolts (148 ± 17 g) and lasted for 5 months. The variation in micronutrients had only minor effects on growth, feed conversion and fillet quality, measured as lipid and astaxanthin deposition. High dietary lipid had a profound positive effect on growth and feed conversion but gave fillets nearly two times the fat content that was found in fish fed the low lipid diet. Astaxanthin deposition in the fillet was primarily affected by dietary astaxanthin with a positive effect of high dietary lipid in week 14 but not in week 23. Vitamin E protected the fillet against iron ascorbate stimulated oxidation, with no effect of the other nutrient variables.  相似文献   

A large-scale trial of the effect of different commercial diets on the incidence of preclinical spinal deformation, as assessed by radiography, and the influence of two contrasting rearing systems was carried out. Two sets of three populations of Atlantic salmon, each of 20 000 first feeding fry of identical hatchery origin, created from equal numbers of eggs from 15 different families, were reared under commercial conditions on two different farms. Three commercial (closed formula) extruded fish meal-based diets were used in this study (diets A, B & C). Each diet was fed to one population of 20 000 fish at each site. Fish were fed a percentage of their body weight per day, with feeding rates set at commercial levels, based on water temperature, day length and fish biomass. Additional hand feeding was used to ensure satiation in all tanks. Fish in each tank were bulk-weighed and counted at the beginning and at 2-week intervals throughout the study. The fish were grown for 30 weeks. In addition, phosphorus (P) digestibility was evaluated by in-feed absorption testing in rainbow trout. The morphology of the radiographic lesions conformed to those described previously. Statistical analysis using multivariate regression analysis showed that date of sampling, site and diet were all statistically significant (P < 0.001) on univariable analysis. Farm A had significantly more affected fish than farm B (P < 0.001), which may have been attributable to variation in dissolved oxygen levels. The available dietary P levels were low in each diet. The number of fish affected in the group of fish being fed diet B was significantly lower than in the groups being fed diets A or C (P < 0.001). It appears most likely that the occurrence of preclinical radiographically apparent defects in parr which are believed to lead to the condition known as 'spinal deformity' is predominantly caused by a deficiency of available dietary P in first-feeding fry. The availability of dietary P may also vary considerably between diets formulated using different ingredients. Phytate-P associated with plant ingredients may affect the availability of P as well as other essential dietary nutrients. Additionally, diets for the production of salmonids in fresh water are currently formulated to keep P effluent to a minimum compatible with healthy spinal development. These various factors combine to make it crucial that small Atlantic salmon, especially first-feeding fry, are provided with carefully formulated diets fortified to an adequate level with a high quality source of available P.  相似文献   

The capacity of carbohydrate and ketone bodies metabolism in brain and liver was evaluated in fed and food-deprived Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in a time period covering from 1 to 7 days (Experiment I), and in Atlantic salmon food deprived for 6 weeks, and food deprived for 4 weeks and refed for 2 weeks (Experiment II). The results obtained demonstrate for the first time in a teleost the existence of changes in brain metabolism due to food deprivation. Thus, decreased glucose levels in plasma are reflected in the brain by an increased mobilization of glycogen reserves, and by a decreased glycolytic capacity. Also, ketone bodies appear to increase their importance as a metabolic fuel from day 7 of food deprivation onwards. A possible increase in the gluconeogenic potential in brain simultaneously is not discarded. All these metabolic changes are reversed under refeeding conditions.  相似文献   

A feeding trial was conducted on the effects of methionine hydroxy analog (MHA) and taurine supplementation in diets with high levels of soy protein concentrate (SPC) on the growth performance and amino acid composition of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum) comparing with fish meal based diet. The control diet had 520 g kg?1 fish meal. In the methionine deficient diets (5.1 g kg?1), fish meal was replaced by 490 g kg?1 of the SPC in the SPC49 diet. The SPC49 diet was supplemented with either MHA (6 g kg?1) only or a combination of MHA and taurine (2 g kg?1). Fish were fed isoproteic (460 g kg?1) and isolipidic (130 g kg?1) diets for 12 weeks. Growth performance (i.e. weight, feed conversion ratio, and thermal‐unit growth coefficient) was inferior in fish fed the SPC49 diet. MHA supplementation improved growth performance (< 0.05). No difference was observed when taurine was added to the SPC49 and MHA diet (> 0.05). Whole‐body taurine contents increased with taurine supplementation, whereas plasma methionine increased with MHA supplementation (< 0.05). In conclusion, the substitution of fish meal with SPC supplemented with MHA did not negatively impact growth, and the addition of taurine did not improve growth performance in rainbow trout.  相似文献   

The effects of various dietary blends of menhaden oil (MO) with canola oil (CO) on the growth performance, whole body proximate composition, flesh quality (muscle proximate and lipid composition) and thyroidal status of immature Atlantic salmon in sea water were studied.Atlantic salmon (initial weight, 145.2–181.3 g), held on a natural photoperiod and in 1100 L fibreglass tanks that were supplied with running, aerated (D.O., 9–10.5 p.p.m.), ambient temperature (8–10.5 °C) sea water (salinity, 28–30), were fed twice daily to satiation one of four isonitrogenous (36% digestible protein) and isoenergetic (18.8 MJ of digestible energy kg-1) extruded high-energy diets for 112 days. All diets contained omega –3 (n-3) fatty acids in excess of requirements and differed only with respect to the source of the supplemental lipid which was either, 25% MO; 20.75% MO and 4.25% CO; 16.5% MO and 8.5% CO; or 12.25% MO and 12.75% CO. Thus, CO comprised, respectively, 0, 15.5, 31.2, or 47.0% of the total dietary lipid content (28% on an air-dry basis).Dissimilar percentages of saturated fatty acids in the dietary lipids were not found to be consistently related to the apparent gross energy digestibility coefficients of the diets. Atlantic salmon growth, dry feed intake, feed and protein utilization, percent survival, thyroidal status, and whole body and muscle proximate compositions were generally not influenced by the different sources of supplemental lipid. Therefore, our results suggest that canola oil may comprise as much as 47% of the lipid in high-energy grower diets for Atlantic salmon without compromising performance.The muscle lipid compositions generally mirrored those of the dietary lipids which, in turn, were influenced strongly by the concentrations and compositions of the CO and MO in the diet. Hence, as the dietary CO level was increased there were attendant increases in percentages of oleic acid (18:1(n-9)), linoleic acid (18:2(n-6)), total omega-6 (n-6) fatty acid content, and ratios of (n-6) to (n-3) and decreases of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA; 20:5(n-3)), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA; 22:6(n-3)) and n-3 HUFAs (EPA & DHA) in the flesh lipids. The ranges for percentages of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids in the flesh lipids were, however, much less than those noted respectively in the dietary lipids probably because of selective metabolism of many of the former acids and some of the 18 carbon unsaturates for energy purposes.  相似文献   

Abstract There remains considerable debate over the impact of predation upon Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., populations. The pattern and prevalence of predator damage on salmon returning to a river system in North-east Scotland were recorded. Overall, 214 (19.5%) out of 1099 fish sampled were damaged, and 10 distinct categories of damage were identified. Measurements of scratches indicated that the damage was caused by a number of different factors. In particular, damage typically attributed to seals was suggested to be the result of attacks by odontocete cetaceans. These results highlight the multispecies nature of interactions between salmon and their predators, but suggest that damage levels may be of limited use in assessing the impact of different predators on salmonid population dynamics.  相似文献   

Abstract At the River Bush salmon station in Northern Ireland, a genetically marked strain of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., was established, with a low frequency (0.194) of a glucose-6-phosphate isomerase genotype (GPI-3* 100/93). As part of a salmon enhancement programme, 43500 of these fish were stocked as swim-up fry into a tributary of the nearby Margy River in Spring 1990, following a baseline genetic survey which indicated an absence of the GPI–3*93 allele in the wild population. This survey also indicated a significant frequency difference of a malate dehydrogenase allele (MDH-B1,2*85) present both in the stocked and wild fish. A post-stocking electrofishing survey in summer 1990 indicated higher summerling densities in stocked sections compared with unstocked (control) sections, with an estimated survival of stocked fry to summerling ranging from 24% to 29%. Genetic analysis based on GPI-3*100/93 and MDH-B1,2*100/85 genotypes provided similar estimates of the overall contribution of stocked fish at 59.8% to 61.9%, respectively, although there was a disparity between markers in estimated contributions to stocked and control sections. A further genetic survey in 1991 estimated that 32.2% (MDH) to 69.1% (GPI) of the 1 + parr population consisted of stocked fish, the MDH-based estimate having declined greatly between summerling and 1 + parr stages. Possible reasons for the disparity of marker results are outlined, and the implications for use of low-frequency genetic marking discussed.  相似文献   

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