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A study was undertaken to investigate the effects of graded dietary levels and different types of carnitine on hybrid striped bass (Morone chrysops × M. saxatilis %) fed different levels of lipid. An incomplete factorial design was utilized in which diets containing lipid at either 5 or 10% were supplemented with l-carnitine at 0, 500, or 1000 mg kg–1 diet, dl-carnitine at 1000 mg kg–1 diet, or carnitine chloride to provide 1000 mg carnitine kg–1 diet. Juvenile hybrid striped bass (3.3 g fish–1) were stocked into individual 38-l aquaria connected as a brackish water (6), recirculating system and fed each diet in triplicate for 9 weeks.Supplementation of the diet with 1000 mg carnitine kg–1 increased muscle carnitine from 35.5 to 47.7 g g–1 tissue. Carnitine supplementation did not result in increased weight gain regardless of carnitine level or type; however, weight gain showed a significant (p<0.05) response to dietary lipid with fish fed diets containing 10% lipid growing 34% more than fish fed diets with 5% lipid. The hepatosomatic index also was unaffected by diet, but the intraperitoneal fat (IPF) ratio was significantly elevated (5.1 vs 3.2%) in fish fed diets with 10% lipid compared to those fed diets with 5% lipid. Fish fed diets containing 1000 mg carnitine kg–1 had increased IPF ratio values at 4.7% compared to 3.9% for fish fed the basal diet. Liver lipid also was responsive to dietary treatment, increasing from 6.7 to 8.8% of wet weight as dietary lipid increased from 5 to 10%. The relative quantities of triglycerides, free fatty acids and phospholipids in muscle and liver were not influenced by carnitine level, carnitine type or dietary lipid level. Supplementation of carnitine does not appear to be beneficial to hybrid striped bass based on either growth performance or body composition.  相似文献   

Smolting and maturation of 2+ brown trout Salmo trutta L. were evaluated after exposing the groups of trout to different feeding regimes during the summers at 0+ and 1+ ages. The hypothesis tested was based on the theory of smolting of a congeneric species, Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L., in which the physiological smolting decision is expected to be taken at the end of July or beginning of August. During the first summer, the growth of the trout was restricted in two groups out of four by low feeding frequency. During the second summer, food was totally withheld for 3 weeks in June–July (i.e. before the expected sensitive period), in August or not at all (control). The proportion of sexually mature males in November was 5.2% in the groups fasted during August, but somewhat lower in the groups fasted in June–July (average 2.3%) or in control fish (3%). The tendency for smolting was evaluated during the following spring in an artificial stream with the help of PIT-tag technology, which allowed monitoring of the movements of individually tagged trout. Seawater challenge tests were also carried out in April and June. Differences in osmoregulatory ability in seawater indicated that feeding treatments had a slight effect on the timing of smolting, but no differences were observed in movement behaviour between treatment groups. Mature and maturing males moved less at the peak migration time (mid-May) but more in October than immature fishes. These results suggest that the smolting decision in brown trout may be taken at a different time than in Atlantic salmon and that periodic poor growth conditions during the summer will not prevent smolting of trout during the following spring.  相似文献   

The presence of 17,20-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one (17,20-DHP) oocyte receptor activity has been demonstrated in brook troutSalvelinus fontinalis. Scatchard analyses of the cytosol fraction during various terminal stages of oocyte maturation gave a high equilibrium association constant (Ka) value of 1.394±0.669 108M–1 (n=7) and low maximum binding capacities (Nmax). The association kinetics of the receptor was second order k+1=2.292×106M–1 sec–1. The dissociation rate constant ka was 1.502×10–2 sec–1 for the first order dissociation reaction. The Ka=1.526×108M–1, when it was determined from k+1/k–1 a value close to that found from the Scatchard analysis. Competition studies showed the following binding affinities testosterone > 17-HP > 17,20-DHP > Promegestone > progesterone > estradiol > pregnenolone; cortisol showed no competitive inhibition. Cytosolic extracts when pre-equilibrated with various labelled steroids and eluted from a Sephacryl S-300 column gave multiple specific binding peaks. On sucrose density gradient centrifugation specific binding was observed at 3.05 S in cytosol containing 0.15M sodium chloride buffer. The receptor lost binding activity when incubated with various proteases, but DNase and RNase had no effect. Blood plasma without heparin at (110) dilution also bound [3H]17,20-DHP, Ka was 8.04×107 M–1.The nuclear pellet extract (750×g) gave very little specific binding activity even at high radiolabelled steroid concentrations and a linear Scatchard plot was not obtained. Nevertheless the nuclear extract, after dextran-charcoal treatment, pre-equilibrated with [3H]17,20-DHP, bound specifically to DNA cellulose, and cytosol from the same oocytes also bound to DNA cellulose under similar conditions. Although specific binding to DNA cellulose was obtained the salt concentrations at which the steroid-receptor complex elution took place was not reproducible in both nuclear extracts and cytosol samples. Also binding activity was extremely small compared to the total cytosolic binding. The nuclear extract when pre-equilibrated with high concentrations (20 nM) of the labelled steroid and then chromatographed on Sephacryl S-300 column gave a specific binding peak which was similar to that of the cytosolic preparation.The receptor levels in cytosol decreased progressively during final maturation (Stages 1–7). There is preliminary evidence for the presence of 17,20-DHP receptor activity in cytosol of landlocked Atlantic salmonSalmo salar ouananiche, and rainbow troutSalmo gairdneri. The zona radiata fraction from late stages oocyes 5, 6, and 7 in brook and rainbow trout oocytes were isolated by ultracentrifugation; from this fraction a protein was characterized which covalently bound [3H]R5020 after photoaffinity labelling. The same protein also bound [3H]17,20-DHP after solubilization in Brig 35 buffer. The SDS gel electrophoresis subunit composition of the above protein was similar to the cytosol counterpart binding [3H]17,20-DHP, although the molecular weights were different. The blood sample [3H]R5020 binding component subunit composition was different from that of the membrane extracted protein. These results demonstrate the presence of 17,20-DHP receptor activity in the cytosol and zona radiata membranes of the oocytes during final maturation.A. Maneckjee is presently NSERC postgraduate scholar at MSRL and Ph.D. candidate at Department of Biochemistry, Memorial University of Newfoundland.  相似文献   

Intraspecific diversity can be strongly impacted by the dynamics of reproductive isolation during secondary contacts. The high levels of hybridisation and introgression between Atlantic and Mediterranean lineages in contemporary populations of brown trout in the Northern part of the French Alps are a good case in point. After a long period of allopatry, which one assumes has facilitated their divergent phenotypic and genetic evolution, man has removed a geographical reproductive barrier via stocking the Atlantic lineage in the Mediterranean area, thereby potentially enabling gene flow between native and non native populations. We investigate how much a prezygotic reproductive behaviour, that is female preference for male phenotype, can influence hybridisation in natural environments, using subaquatic video recording of reproduction. Our statistical model indicates that female preference appears to be largely heterogamous: females tend to select dissimilar males with respect to their own phenotype; thus, rather than acting as a barrier to gene flow, female preference is favouring gene flow between lineages that have been artificially placed in sympatry. This finding based on observational data is in agreement with previously reported genetic data, high levels of hybridisation between the lineages. We suggest that a knowledge of reproductive behaviour in natural environments is an essential tool for biodiversity managers to assess the potential risks associated with the introduction into recipient populations of non‐native lineage fish at the intraspecific level.  相似文献   

In fish, oocyte maturation (resumption of meiosis after completion of vitellogenesis and before ovulation) is triggered by maturation inducing steroids (MIS) which generally appear to be secreted in the ovary in response to stimulation by a pituitary maturational gonadotropin. Converging data from different laboratories show that 17-hydroxy, 20-dihydroprogesterone (17, 20-OH-P) is the principal MIS in salmonoids; but clear identification remains to be done in other taxonomic groups.The experiments reported here in the rainbow troutSalmo gairdneri examine the possible involvement of oocyte cAMP on the mechanism of MIS action. The action of 17, 20-OH-P, on germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD) in oocytes incubatedin vitro within the follicle, was inhibited by various substances expected to elevate the intraoocyte concentrations of cAMP: cAMP ( 1 mM) or dibutyril cAMP ( 2 mM), phosphodiesterase inhibitors such as theophylline ( 0.2 mM) or 3-isobutyl-1 methylxanthine (IBMX 0.1 mM), adenylate cyclase activators such as cholera toxin (> 100 nM) or forskolin ( 0.03 mM). In fact, the combined action of IBMX (1 mM) and forskolin (0.01 or 0.05 mM)in vitro was to promote accumulation of intraoocyte cAMP within 1 to 5 hours. Oocyte cAMP concentrations exhibited a large variability between different females, depending on the stage of oocyte development; a significant positive correlation between oocyte cAMP concentration and the follicular weight, and a significant negative correlation between oocyte cAMP concentration and the median efficient dose of 17, 20-OH-P for induction of GVBD, were observed. Finally, when intrafollicular oocytes were incubatedin vitro, the addition of a maturation-inducing concentration of 17, 20-OH-P (3×10–6M) induced a significant decrease of oocyte cAMP within the first 10 hours of incubation. These results show that cAMP appears to play a central role in the regulation of oocyte sensitivity to 17, 20-OH-P and in the intraoocyte mechanisms leading to GVBD in trout.These data are discussed together with the few indications available in fish concerning the mechanism of MIS action which can be compared to some extent with the amphibian model.  相似文献   

Brown trout Salmo trutta L. parr were sampled from 21 Estonian and three Finnish streams to investigate whether national sea trout parr surveys sample the progeny of anadromous or resident maternal parents. Otolith Sr:Ca core values were used and validated as a tool for distinguishing between the progeny of the two forms. In Estonia (= 283), 92% of the parr were the progeny of anadromous maternal parents, and 8% were the progeny of resident maternal parents, whereas in Finland (= 24), the respective proportions were 79% and 21%. Variation in the maximum otolith Sr:Ca core values among progeny of anadromous maternal parents indicated that some adult females may enter fresh waters several months before spawning. It was concluded that easily accessible locations situated up to 30 km from the sea largely contain progeny of sea trout, whereas sites with poor connectivity with the sea can be dominated by progeny of resident trout. This study demonstrated that the method applied provided an effective means to distinguish between the progeny of sea trout and resident brown trout.  相似文献   

In 2018, Vagococcus salmoninarum was isolated from two lots of broodstock “coaster” brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) containing ~1,500 fish at the Iron River National Fish Hatchery, at which time it was identified as the causative agent of a chronic coldwater streptococcosis epizootic. Clinical signs included exophthalmia, lethargy, erratic swimming and loss of equilibrium. Female fish experienced disproportionately higher morbidity and mortality than male co-inhabitants, and routinely retained eggs following spawning. The most consistent gross clinical sign was heart pallor and turbid pericardial effusion. An attempted treatment using florfenicol was ineffective at halting the epizootic, which spanned more than a year and resulted in >50% mortality before remaining fish were culled. As there is no previous documentation of V. salmoninarum at this hatchery or in this species, it is still unclear what circumstances led to this epizootic. The inability to treat this chronic disease led to the loss of valuable broodstock, hampering ongoing fishery conservation efforts in the Great Lakes Basin.  相似文献   

Proliferative kidney disease (PKD) of salmonids caused by Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae causes high mortalities of wild brown trout (Salmo trutta fario) and farmed rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) at elevated water temperatures. Here the aim was to compare the temperature‐dependent modulation of T. bryosalmonae in the two salmonid host species, which display different temperature optima. We used a novel experimental set‐up in which we exposed brown trout and rainbow trout to an identical quantified low concentration of T. bryosalmonae for a short time period (1 hr). We followed the development of the parasite in the fish hosts for 70 days. PKD prevalence and parasite kinetics were assessed using qPCR. Exposures were performed at temperatures (12°C and 15°C) that reflect an environmental scenario that may occur in the natural habitat of salmonids. T. bryosalmonae infection was confirmed earliest in brown trout kept at 15°C (day 7 post‐exposure) while, in all other groups, T. bryosalmonae was not confirmed until day 15 post‐exposure. Moreover, significantly greater infection prevalence and a faster increase of parasite intensity were observed in brown trout kept at 15°C than in all other groups. These results indicate that PKD is differentially modulated by water temperature in related host species.  相似文献   

Immature brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) were randomly divided into a pH control, a pH and food control and an acid-stressed group. Fish in the first two groups were held at neutral pH and those in the last group were maintained at pH 4.2 for up to two months. The food supply to the pH and food control group was restricted to simulate the reduction in food intake demonstrated for acid-stressed trout. Plasma insulin levels were significantly decreased from 5–20 ng/ml to 1–2 ng/ml and plasma cortisol levels were significantly increased from 5–10 ng/ml to as high as 70 ng/ml in the acid-stressed brook trout. Concomitantly, a significant decrease of 21–39% in the proportion (volume density) of insulin immunoreactive -cells was observed within the principal pancreatic islets. Somatic growth was stunted and ultrastructural morphometry revealed the suppression of somatotrope secretory activity in the acid-stressed fish. Restriction of food supply induced a smaller but still significant decrease in circulating levels of insulin which was however not accompanied by a reduction in insulin immunoreactive -cells. The rise in plasma cortisol levels was not significant, and the plasma levels of glucose and protein were unaffected. Nevertheless, somatotrope secretory activity was suppressed and somatic growth was stunted. This study demonstrates for the first time the complexity of the endocrine response to acid stress and that some of the response to acid stress can be attributed to the lowering of food intake.  相似文献   

Yang  Fang  Ye  Huan  Takeuchi  Yutaka  Liu  Feng  Xu  Dongdong 《Fish physiology and biochemistry》2021,47(5):1467-1476
Fish Physiology and Biochemistry - Interspecific hybridization has been considered as a possible approach to improve biological traits and has been applied in aquaculture practices. In the present...  相似文献   

Thein vitro hepatic monodeiodination of L-thyroxine (T4) to triiodo-L-thyronine (T3) in rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) was found to be pH- and temperature-dependent, and was related to the amount of homogenate in the reaction vessel, suggestive of an enzyme-regulated event. Dithiothreitol (DTT) introduced into the reaction medium stimulated T3 production in a dose-related manner, whilst 6n-propyl-2-thiouracil (PTU) inhibited T3 production, also in a dose-related manner. The conversion was stimulated in the presence of light and depressed at buffer concentrations of less than 0.1 M.Prior treatment of fish with an intraperitoneal slow-release implant containing 17-estradiol (E2), at doses which are known to induce chronic mild elevations in plasma E2 levels, elicited a biphasic response to E2 as regards hepatic T3 production from T4 with a depression of T4 to T3 conversion evident within 1–2 days after implantation, and a subsequent stimulation of T3 production evident 56 days after, implantation. This increased hepatic deiodinase activity after chronic exposure to E2 at physiological doses was accompanied by a 3.5 fold increase in Vmax without a significant change in Km, suggesting the presence of an increased amount of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Profiles of plasma growth hormone (GH) in male tilapia hybrid (Oreochromis niloticus x O. aureus) were measured and compared at different times of the year. The profiles did not appear to be repetitive, however, differences in their nature were observed at the different seasons; the most erratic profiles were seen in the height of the reproductive season (July), while the peaks were more subdued in the spring and disappeared in the autumn. Peaks in male fish were more prominent than in the females when measured in July. Perifused pituitary fragments from fish with a high GSI responded to salmon gonadotropin-releasing hormone (sGnRH) analog (10 nM-1 M), while those from fish with a low GSI barely responded to even the highest dose. Exposure of perifused pituitary fragments from sexually-regressed fish to carp growth hormone-releasing hormone (cGHRH; 0.1 M) or sGnRH (I M) stimulated GH release only after injection of the fish with methyl testosterone (MT; 3 injections of 0.4 mg kg 1). The same MT pretreatment did not alter the response to dopamine (DA; 1 or 10 M). GH pituitary content in MT-treated fish was lower than in control fish, which may be explained by the higher circulating GH levels in these fish, but does not account for the increased response to the releasing hormones. Castration abolished the response of cultured pituitary cells to sGnRH (I fM-100 nM) without altering either their basal rate of secretion or circulating GH levels. Addition of steroids to the culture medium (MT or estradiol at 10 nM for 2 days) enabled a GH response to sGnRH stimulation in cells from sexually regressed fish. Pituitary cells which had not been exposed to steroids failed to respond to sGnRH, although their response to forskolin or TPA was similar to that of steroid-exposed cells. It would appear, therefore, that at least one of the effects of the sex steroids on the response to GnRH is exerted proximally to the formation of cAMP, or PKC, presumably at the level of the receptor. An increase in the number of receptors to the GH-releasing hormones, following steroid exposure, would explain also the changing nature of the GH secretory profile in different stages of the reproductive season.  相似文献   


Two commercial trout diets (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and one commercial pike perch diet (Sander lucioperca) were fed to hybrid striped bass (Morone chrysops × M. saxatilis) (mean initial weight ± SD of 60.7 g ± 12.1; mean initial length SD of 17.2 cm ± 1.1) for 69 days at rations of approximately 1% average body weight. While final body weight (FBW), final length (FBL) and condition factor (Cf) were not significantly influenced by diets, specific growth rate (SGR) in hybrid striped bass fed with the pike perch diet (1.15) was significantly higher than those fed with either of the two trout diets (1.04 and 1.07). The feed conversion ratio (FCR) in hybrid striped bass fed with the pike perch diet (1.0) was significantly lower than the FCR in hybrid striped bass fed with either of the two trout diets (1.1 and 1.2). When hybrid striped bass (mean initial body weight: 65.7 ± 4.5 and 127.7 ± 2.9 g) were fed with the pike perch diet twice per day until satiation for 52 days, the SGR was 1.7 and 1.15% d?1 in fishes with an average body weight of 116 and 183 g, respectively. Present results demonstrate that growth performance in hybrid striped bass can be improved when fishes are fed with commercial pike perch diets rather than using commercial trout diets as is the current practice.


Zhang  Zhe  Yang  Zhangwu  Ding  Ning  Xiong  Weiwei  Zheng  Guofu  Lin  Qi  Zhang  Gen 《Fisheries Science》2018,84(2):399-404
Fisheries Science - Pearl gentian grouper (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus ♀&nbsp;×&nbsp;Epinephelus lanceolatus ♂) is an important commercial and economic fish from the...  相似文献   

Thein vitro secretion of 17,20-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one 20-sulphate (17,20-P-sulphate) and the free steroid 17,20-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one (17,20-P), by rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) gonads, in response to gonadotropin (GTH) I and GTH II, were studied during the final stages of sexual maturation. Substantial amounts of 17,20-P-sulphate were produced, by both mature ovaries and testes, indicating considerable 20-hydroxysteroid sulphotransferase (20-HST) activity within these tissues. In the post-ovulatory ovary the level of 17,20-P-sulphate (36.6 ng ml–1) greatly exceeded that of 17,20-P (8.59 ng ml–1). The amount of 17,20-P-sulphate produced in incubations of both mature ovary and testes was unaffected by either GTH I or GTH II treatment at physiological concentrations up to 100 ng ml–1. Similarly, incubations of maturing ovary and testes, treated with GTH I or GTH II, in the presence of added 17,20-P at 100 ng ml–1 of medium, produced levels of 17,20-P-sulphate that were similar to those of the controls. In incubations of mature ovarian follicles at the stages of germinal vesicle breakdown and preovulation, both GTHs significantly stimulated secretion of 17,20-P, although GTH II was always more potent than GTH I. GTH II significantly elevated the levels of 17,20-P in testicular incubations from mature males more than 4-fold relative to GTH I and controls, which did not differ from one another.In conclusion, 20-HST, the enzyme responsible for the sulphate conjugation of 17,20-P, was found to be active in the ovaries and testes of rainbow troutin vitro. However, the levels of this enzyme do not appear to be regulated by either GTH I or GTH II.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to evaluate the effects of total replacement of fish oil (FO) with pork lard (PL), soybean oil (SO), or tea seed oil (TO) on growth and fatty acid compositions of hybrid tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus × O. aureus). Four diets were formulated to contain 4.5 % of each of the different lipid sources. Each diet was assigned to triplicate groups of 15 hybrid tilapia with the same initial body weight (4.6 ± 0.5 g). After a 10-week feeding, the FO, SO, and TO groups had similar final body weight. The mean hepatosomatic index in the FO group was significantly lower than the other groups (2.5 vs 2.9–3.0; P < 0.05). Whole-body lipid levels were highest in the TO group (5.2 ± 0.4 %) and lowest in the FO group (4.3 ± 0.5 %). Total n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) concentrations were greater in the SO and FO groups (5.5 ± 0.1 and 7.1 ± 0.2, respectively) than in the PL and TO groups (1.7 ± 0.1 and 1.4 ± 0.1, respectively). The FO group had a 2- to 4-fold reduction in the n-6/n-3 PUFA ratio relative to the other groups. The concentrations of both docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) were significantly (P < 0.05) higher in the FO group than in the other groups. Our data demonstrate that total replacement of dietary FO with SO or TO has little effects on growth of hybrid tilapia but reduces the contents of health-benefiting DHA and EPA in fish body.  相似文献   

The absorptions of 3,5,3-triiodo-L-thyronine (T3) and L-thyroxine (T4) from the intestinal lumen of the rainbow trout were compared in vivo. Tracer doses of [125I]T4 (+T4) or [125I]T3 (*T3) were injected through an anal cannula into the duodenum of trout fasted for 3 days at 12°C, and radioactivity was measured in blood and tissues at 4–48 h. *T3 was removed more extensively than *T4 from the intestinal lumen and more radioactivity was absorbed into the blood and tissues of u+T3-injected trout than *T4-injected trout. HPLC analysis showed that a high proportion of the radioactivity in the plasma, liver, kidney and intestinal lumen of *T3-injected trout remained as the parent *T3. However, in *T4-injected trout most plasma radioactivity was in the form of 125I, and by 24 h a high proportion of luminal radioactivity was 125I. By 48 h, over 4% of the injected *T3 and 1% of the injected *T4 dose resided in the gall bladder, primarily as derivatives of *T3 or *T4. We conclude that T3 is absorbed more effectively than T4 from the intestinal lumen of fasted trout, indicating the potential for an enterohepatic T3 cycle.  相似文献   

Cathelicidins are a class of antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) known to possess rapid and direct antimicrobial activities against a variety of microorganisms. Recently identified cathelicidins derived from alligator and sea snake were found to be more effective in inhibiting microbial growth than other AMPs previously characterized. The ability of these two cathelicidins along with the peptides, cecropin and pleurocidin, to protect channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus, Rafinesque) and hybrid catfish (I. punctatus ♀ × blue catfish, Ictalurus furcatus, Valenciennes ) against Edwardsiella ictaluri, one of the most prevalent pathogens affecting commercial catfish industry, was investigated. Cathelicidin-injected fish (50 µg ml−1 fish−1) that were simultaneously challenged with E. ictaluri through bath immersion at a concentration of ~1 × 106 CFU/ml had increased survival rates compared with other peptide treatments and the infected control. Bacterial numbers were also reduced in the liver and kidney of channel catfish and hybrid catfish in the cathelicidin treatments 24 hr post-infection. After 8 days of challenge, serum was collected to determine immune-related parameters such as bactericidal activity, lysozyme, serum protein, albumin and globulin. These immune-related parameters were significantly elevated in fish injected with the two cathelicidins as compared to other peptide treatments. These results indicate that cathelicidins derived from alligator and sea snake can stimulate immunity and enhance the resistance to E. ictaluri infection in channel catfish and hybrid catfish.  相似文献   

Captive rearing is being used increasingly to maintain demographics and genetic diversity of threatened fish populations and species, but its effectiveness can be hindered by domestication, that is, inadvertent selection for performance in captivity at the cost of that in the wild. Some captive rearing programmes have begun to take steps to limit such domestication, but the results are ambiguous, as the degree of generational exposure to captivity is often difficult to control. Using an endangered population of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) currently undergoing conservation‐oriented captive rearing, we tested for domestication effects on dominance (dyadic trials) and growth (seminatural stream channels with differing densities and group proportions) of juvenile offspring of wild and captive origin parents. Pedigree data afforded the ability to compare these effects among three specific study groups: wild, single‐generation captives and two to three generation captives. Our results indicate that, despite conservation breeding practices, a divergence in growth can occur in as little as one generation without divergence in dominance behaviour. Further, evidence suggests that trait divergence did not increase with generations in captivity. Given the experimental design, results and supporting literature, we conclude that this contemporary divergence is likely genetic and driven by a combination of factors, including variation in selective histories influencing behaviour.  相似文献   

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