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OBJECTIVES: To identify the impact of body mass index (BMI) and Western advertising and media on the stage of the nutrition transition among Jordanian women, and to evaluate their impact on eating styles and body image. DESIGN: A randomised cross-sectional survey that included a variety of culturally measured Likert-type scales and body size images. In addition, BMI was calculated based on measured height and weight. SETTING: In the homes of the participants. The data were collected by female interviewers who worked for the Jordan Department of Statistics. SUBJECTS: The sample was based on a random and representative selection of 800 mostly urban Jordanian women. A pre-test sample of 100 women was also used to validate the instruments. RESULTS: Women tended to agree that they ate based on emotional cues. They had high levels of disordered eating attitudes and behaviours and 42.1% were considered restrained eaters. However, these women also had higher than expected body esteem levels and desired a healthy body size. As expected, being obese was associated with a desire to lose weight, being a restrained and emotional eater, and having more disordered eating attitudes and behaviours. Similarly, Western advertising and media were associated with restrained and emotional eating, desired weight loss, and disordered eating attitudes and behaviours. CONCLUSIONS: There is a need to develop health education materials that explain the influence of obesity on health and the negative psychological and physical consequences of restrained and emotional eating, building on the current cultural preferences of healthy body size. Further implications and suggestions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

两段式冷却对牛肉食用品质的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为探讨两段式冷却对牛肉食用品质的影响,以20头杂交牛胴体(延边牛×西门塔尔牛)按试验设计进行两段式冷却(温度-13~-15℃、时间2 h,风速3 m/s,随后转入常规冷却间至24 h)和常规冷却处理(温度0~4℃、时间24 h)相比较,研究不同处理对牛肉食用品质的影响。表明:两段式冷却处理加快胴体温度下降速率,减缓pH值下降速率,显著降低胴体冷却质量损失,使肉的色泽鲜红,提高肉的剪切力,对背最长肌的保水性无影响。可以认为在肉牛屠宰加工流程中,单独采用两段式冷却处理能降低肉的嫩度,但随时间的增加,剪切力值会有所降低,建议应用时结合电刺激处理来同时改善肉的食用品质。  相似文献   

基于GIS的重庆市丘陵山地耕地质量评价与比较   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
利用农用地分等自然质量等指数模型,结合分模块控制的方法实现区域间等指数可比,对重庆市丘陵山地4个代表县耕地质量进行了评价。利用MapGIS采用多图层叠加确定评价单元并获取单元属性数据;建立省内2级区间可比的自然质量分综合评判模型;通过采用同能量标准化产量和引入光温协调系数,改进对光温潜力指数的加和。结果表明:丘陵区大足、低山丘陵区梁平以中高等地为主,低中山区彭水以中低等地为主,中山区巫溪以低中等地为主,地势起伏对丘陵山地耕地总体质量具有重要的影响。评价方法能实现跨区域和跨耕作制度间等指数的可比性,提高耕地质量评价的精度。  相似文献   

施肥模式对茶叶品质、产量构成及土壤肥力的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用田间试验,比较分析了撒施、沟施和沟施覆膜3种施肥模式及沟施覆膜下氮肥施用量对茶叶品质成分、产量构成因子和茶园土壤肥力状况的影响。结果表明:沟施覆膜在一定程度上增加了茶叶产量并改善了品质,提高了茶园土壤的基本肥力状况,沟施次之,撒施效果最差。与沟施相比,沟施覆膜下茶叶的水浸出物、咖啡碱、游离氨基酸含量分别提升2.24%、7.26%、14.68%,茶多酚下降1.88%,芽叶密度、芽叶长度分别提升8.50%、8.15%;土壤表层和深层pH分别下降8.16%和5.30%,表层有机质、全氮、速效氮、速效磷、速效钾分别提升10.87%、26.74%、17.95%、34.69%、25.42%,深层有机质、全氮、速效氮、速效磷、速效钾分别提升10.38%、28.22%、25.64%、15.34%、17.97%。比较沟施覆膜下45 kg·hm-2、60 kg·hm-2、75 kg·hm-2、90 kg·hm-2 4种施氮量对茶叶品质、产量构成以及土壤肥力提高的效果,结果表明随着施氮量的增加,茶叶品质及产量构成和茶园土壤肥力增加,但施氮75 kg·hm-2与90 kg·hm-2处理的茶叶品质及产量构成因子间差异不显著,说明沟施覆膜条件下施氮肥75 kg·hm-2即可满足茶园生产需求。  相似文献   

熟制温度及切割方式对牛排食用品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为研究熟制温度以及切割方式对西餐红肉煎制牛排食用品质的影响,该文采集了12头中国西门塔尔公牛的背最长肌,研究了终点温度、切片厚度以及肌纤维走向对煎制牛排剪切力、质构剖面分析(texture profile analysis,TPA)以及感官品质的影响。结果显示:牛排的剪切力、蒸煮损失、硬度和咀嚼性随熟制温度的升高而增加(P0.05)。终点温度为72~100℃的牛排风味和总体可接受性得分显著高于45和60℃的牛肉(P0.05)。牛排剪切力随切片厚度增加而增加(P0.05);平行肌纤维切片的剪切力、硬度和咀嚼性显著低于垂直肌纤维切片(P0.05);切片厚度和肌纤维走向只对感官嫩度有显著影响(P0.05)。因此,煎制牛排的较佳熟制温度为80℃、切片厚度为10 mm和肌纤维走向为垂直肌纤维。研究结果为牛排生产企业、西餐厅以及宾馆饭店等生产、销售和加工牛排提供参考。  相似文献   

高压处理对牛肉感官特性与食用品质的影响   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:13  
通过对宰后牛肉施加250 MPa的压力处理,分析测定处理后牛肉在贮藏期间理化指标的变化,研究了高压处理对牛肉感官品质的影响。试验结果表明高压处理能明显降低牛肉的剪切力和改善牛肉的嫩度(P<0.01),高压嫩化的效果与肌肉的部位密切相关,压力处理对背最长肌和里脊的嫩化作用最明显。压力处理后牛肉的可溶性物质含量有所增加,但在贮藏后期差异不显著(P>0.05),压力处理对牛肉中的游离氨基酸的影响不明显(P>0.05),这也表明压力处理对牛肉风味的贡献与自然成熟的作用相近。通过研究可以得出结论,在室温下用250 MPa的压力处理宰后热剔骨(6小时以内)真空包装的牛肉10 min,0~4℃冷藏条件下贮存2~3 d,可获得嫩度好、其它感官指标不明显低于低温吊挂成熟7~10 d的产品。  相似文献   

The least limiting water range (LLWR) attempts to incorporate crop-limiting values of soil strength, aeration, and water supply to plant roots into one effective parameter (on the basis of soil water content). The LLWR can be a useful indicator of soil quality and soil physical constraints on crop production. This study focused on assessing dynamic cultivation zone LLWR parameters between different cropping/tillage/trafficked clay loam plots at Winchester, Ont., to identify potential management impact on surficial soil physical conditions for contrasting growing seasons. This study also evaluated dynamic cultivation layer LLWR variables as indicators of corn (Zea mays L.) plant establishment and corn yield. The results suggest that no-till soils had lower average air-filled porosities (AFP) and O2 concentrations than respectively managed tilled plots for both years of study. Potential trafficking effects on aeration properties were most evident in no-till relative to till; preferentially trafficked no-tilled plots had lower AFP and O2 concentrations than respective non-preferentially trafficked no-till plots for both years of study. Corn establishment and yield variability were principally explained by cumulative differences between daily AFP and aeration threshold values, and the cumulative number of days daily AFP was below an AFP aeration threshold for specific corn growth stage periods. Lower AFP was linked to lower yields and plant establishments. Soil strength, as measured by cone penetration resistance, was important over certain sites, but not as important globally as AFP in predicting crop properties. Overall, conventional tilled soils that were not preferentially trafficked had most favorable aeration properties, and subsequently, greatest corn populations and yields. No-till soils were at greater risk of aeration limiting conditions, especially those in continuous corn and preferentially trafficked.  相似文献   

氮肥对稻米垩白及蒸煮食味品质特性的影响   总被引:84,自引:2,他引:84  
利用稻米品质特性不同的 7个粳稻品种 ,研究了氮肥对稻米垩白率、理化特性及淀粉谱特性的影响。结果表明 ,随着氮肥施用量的增加 ,稻米垩白率和直链淀粉含量逐渐降低 ,胶稠度变短 ,蛋白质含量提高 ,而在稻米淀粉谱特性中除糊化开始温度略提高外 ,其余特性均降低或变小 ;在水稻全生育期施同等量的氮肥时 ,与生育前期追施氮肥相比 ,抽穗期追施氮肥 ,其稻米的垩白率和直链淀粉含量降低 ,胶稠度变短 ,蛋白质含量提高 ,但对稻米淀粉谱特性的影响很小。品质特性对氮肥的反应敏感程度品种间有差异。  相似文献   

不同植烟模式对烤烟产质量、土壤养分和酶活性的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
在贵州烟区具有代表性的第四纪黄壤上,进行了连续6年的田间定位试验,研究了烤烟连作,烤烟-玉米轮作和玉米-烤烟-烤烟轮作三种种烟模式对烤烟的产量和品质,土壤养分以及酶活性的影响。结果表明,烤烟连作降低烤烟的产量、质量和土壤pH,提高有效磷和速效钾含量,抑制脲酶和蔗糖酶活性,增加过氧化氢酶活性。相反,烤烟-玉米轮作和玉米-烤烟-烤烟轮作有益于提高烤烟的产量和质量,是值得推广的种烟模式。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the correlates of central adiposity. DESIGN: Population-based cross-sectional study. SUBJECTS: A total of 926 women (aged 40-60 years) from all districts of Tehran. METHODS: Demographic data were collected and anthropometric indices were measured according to standard protocols. Dietary intakes were assessed by means of a semi-quantitative food-frequency questionnaire. The suggested cut-off point for waist-to-hip ratio (WHR>or=0.84) for Tehrani people, adjusted for their age group, was used to determine central adiposity. Logistic regression analysis was used to determine the correlates of WHR, which were adjusted for age, taking medications and body mass index (BMI). The components of dietary intake were determined by factor analysis. Pearson correlation was used to determine the association between the dietary components and WHR. Analysis of covariance was employed to compare the mean values of WHR in different lifestyle groups, with adjustment for BMI and age. RESULTS: Mean WHR was 0.82 +/- 0.06. The possibility of being centrally obese was higher in women with light physical activity (odds ratio: 2.11; 95% confidence interval: 1.40-2.53), depressed women (1.36; 1.02-1.93), smokers (1.21; 1.02-1.56) and unemployed women (1.41; 1.13-1.72). Marriage (1.31; 1.10-1.82), menopause (1.22; 1.02-1.61), low vitamin C intake (2.31; 1.25-4.25) and low calcium intake (1.30; 1.07-3.78) were associated with central fat accumulation. Dairy consumption was inversely correlated with central fat accumulation (r = -0.2, P < 0.05). CONCLUSION: Central adiposity is associated with poor lifestyle factors including low physical activity, depression, smoking, low intake of vitamin C, low intake of calcium and dairy products and high fat consumption. Thus lifestyle modifications should be encouraged to achieve a healthier body shape.  相似文献   

The intake of alkylresorcinols and lignans in Spain is unknown due to the lack of information on the content of these compounds in particular foods. This paper describes the development of the first alkylresorcinol and lignan database adapted to the Spanish diet, including foods items especially relevant for this population. The values of alkylresorcinols and lignans in common foods and beverages were collected from scientific publications in refereed journals, and other foods particularly consumed in Spain, for which values were not available, were analyzed by standardized protocols and included into the database. The Alignia database presents the content of alkylresorcinols in 88 food items and the lignan content of 593 foods and beverages. Using the database, the intake of lignans in Spain, calculated using data from the Food Composition Panel based on household consumption, was estimated to be 0.76 mg/day.  相似文献   

不同种植模式对土壤微生物区系及烟叶产量与质量的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为探明不同烤烟(nicotiana tobacumL.)种植模式对土壤微生物区系及烟叶产量和质量的影响,采用磷脂脂肪酸(phospholipid fatty acids,PLFAs)方法研究了连作烟、轮作烟、麦套烟和麦茬烟等4种烤烟种植模式下耕层(0~25cm)土壤微生物的群落动态,并探讨了烟叶产质量的变化。研究结果表明,在绿肥翻压期,土壤微生物总PLFAs的含量以麦茬烟处理最低;在烟草团棵期,轮作烟处理最高且与其他处理差异显著;而在现蕾期和成熟期,各处理之间无显著差异。各微生物类群的PLFAs含量及其在不同处理间的差异均随生育期而异,其中真菌PLFAs含量在各处理间的差异不显著。真菌和细菌的PLFAs比值及革兰氏阳性细菌与阴性细菌的比值显示,整个土壤微生物及细菌部分的群落结构均受烤烟种植模式和生育期的影响。其中,土壤微生物群落结构的变化以麦茬烟处理最明显。各微生物类群在成熟期的主成分分析结果显示,烤烟种植模式之间存在明显分异,与连作烟相比,麦茬烟的土壤微生物群落结构与之类似,而轮作烟和套作烟则变化较大。此外,不同种植模式显著影响烤后烟叶的经济性状及化学成分。与连作烟相比,种植模式改变后有利于烟叶等级结构、均价及产值的提高,并显著增加烟叶中的钾含量,但不利于烟叶中糖分的积累,各植烟模式中以麦套烟和麦茬烟的综合效益较好。该研究结果有助于了解烤烟种植对土壤生物环境的影响,并为中国北方烟区烤烟种植制度的优化提供依据。  相似文献   

为研究谷蠹不同生长发育阶段侵害小麦后其成分及食用品质的变化,设定谷蠹在最适生长发育条件下(温度(32±1)℃、相对湿度75%±1%)对小麦进行侵害,测定受谷蠹卵期、幼虫期、蛹期和成虫期侵害后小麦的营养品质、流变学特性、食用品质等相关指标。结果表明:谷蠹感染小麦后,随着谷蠹在小麦籽粒内从卵生长发育到成虫阶段:灰分呈先降低后上升趋势,蛹期和成虫期与原始样间差异显著(P<0.05);清蛋白和还原糖含量等营养指标呈现先升高后降低,清蛋白各虫期均与原始样间差异显著(P<0.05),还原糖各虫期与原始样间无显著差异(P<0.05);粗脂肪、谷蛋白含量逐渐降低,粗脂肪各虫期均与原始样间差异显著(P<0.05),谷蛋白幼虫期、蛹期和成虫期与原始样间差异显著(P<0.05);球蛋白、醇溶蛋白含量呈波动变化,球蛋白和醇溶蛋白均在幼虫期、蛹期和成虫期与原始样间差异显著(P<0.05);另外,其微观结构显示随着谷蠹卵在小麦籽粒内生长发育,谷蠹侵害界面的质地变硬、表面粗糙、结构疏散、基质蛋白质断裂严重,且破损淀粉逐渐增多;流变学特性变化明显:出峰时间呈逐渐降低趋势,在蛹期和成虫期与原始样间差异显著(P<0.05),峰高和峰面积先降低后升高,峰宽整体呈上升趋势,峰高、锋宽和峰值面积在各虫期间均与原始样间差异显著(P<0.05),中线峰值右侧斜率呈先升高后降低,各虫期与原始样间差异显著(P<0.05);馒头感官评价总分逐渐降低;全麦粉馒头质构参数中弹性、黏聚性和恢复性逐渐减小,硬度、咀嚼度、胶着性呈波动性变化。从谷蠹不同虫期感染小麦与其理化及应用品质指标间差异性分析可看出,不同虫期之间受谷蠹感染的小麦理化及应用品质指标变化显著(P<0.05)。谷蠹在幼虫期和成虫期侵害小麦后各项理化及应用品质指标变化更明显。结果表明不同虫期谷蠹对小麦蛀蚀不仅可造成理化指标的变化还可直接影响其食用品质,因此在储藏期间应注重防治不同生长期的谷蠹。  相似文献   

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