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在综述了当前国内外水稻超高产育种现状的基础之上,对水稻超高产育种理论、方法以及所面临的问题进行了讨论,笔者还结合自身育种实践对水稻超高产育种理论进行了探讨。  相似文献   

贾东 《北方水稻》2011,41(2):73-74
简要回顾了水稻超高产育种的历史进程,指出了提高单产是增加粮食产量的根本。结合我国水稻超高产育种经典理论内容与实践,分析了水稻超高产育种的现状,提出了通过籼粳稻杂交、光敏核不育和广亲和基因等途径实现水稻超高产育种的方法。  相似文献   

简要回顾了水稻超高产育种的背景及水稻育种发展的概况,对水稻超高产育种理论研究与育种实践的发展历史、现状及发展趋势进行了综合评述,并对目前各种水稻超高产育种理论的提出依据、育种手段方法和所需要达到的目标等方面进行了总结和分析,认为种质资源的创新是水稻超高产育种的物质基础,解决广适性是当前超级稻育种应重点解决的问题,并对超级稻发展中存在的问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

水稻超高产育种问题初探   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
从历史发展的角度看,我国的水稻育种,已有两次突破,第一次是60年代初矮化育种的成功,把水稻产量提高了20%~30%;第二次是70年代中期杂交水稻的研究成功,水稻产量又在矮秆良种的基础上增长了20%左右[1],水稻是我国最重要的粮食作物,依靠科技进步,大幅度提高水稻单产,是人多地少的我国面临严峻挑战的必然选择。一、水稻高产潜力与超高产目标80年代以来,国内外兴起了水稻超高产育种热潮。国内杨守仁教授提出理想株型和优势利用相结合的理论[’]。黄耀祥先生提出“半矮秆丛生快长超高产株型模式[’j,周开达提出“重穗型”模式…  相似文献   

中国在步入21世纪的进程中.面临着资源和人口的巨大压力,是世界各国进一步发展所面临问题的典型缩影。因此,粮食的安全供给受利国内外的广泛关注。在解决粮食的诸多措施中,从育种角度入手,提高单位面积产量切实可行。辽宁省近10年水稻单产增加了10%,其中育种与栽培的贡献各约占50%。我国水稻育种工作者经过长期不懈的努力,形成了与国情相适应的超高产育种体系,并在实践中不断地完善和发展,为水稻的进一步高产,进而实现超高产奠定了坚实的基础。豆水稻超高产育种的概念1981年,日本农林水产省组织全国主要国立育种机构.率先拟定…  相似文献   

杂交水稻超高产育种   总被引:394,自引:46,他引:394  
杂交水稻超高产育种袁隆平(国家杂交水稻工程技术研究中心410125)1超高产水稻的概念什么叫水稻超高产育种,迄今并没有一个统一的标准和严格的定义,因此各家各派提出的产量指标并不相同。1980年日本制定的水稻超高产育种计划,要求在15a内育成比原有品种...  相似文献   

水稻超高产育种的可能途径   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
回顾水稻超高产育种的背景和现状,对超高产育种的基础、目标、途径、进展及存在问题等进行了综述。展望超高产育种未来发展方向,必须大力加强高新技术的发展和多学科之间的合作,共同攻克难关,以实现我国水稻育种的第三次突破。  相似文献   

水稻超高产育种途径及问题探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
回顾了国内外水稻超高产育种背景与概况,认为种质资源的收集与创新、籼粳亚种间杂交及理想株型的塑造是水稻超高产育种的主要途径。对高产优质结合的方法、亲本材料的利用、加强组合选配及提高选择水平进行了探讨。  相似文献   

水稻超高产育种理论与方法的辩证分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
综述了水稻超高产育种的研究现状,并对水稻超高产育种的理论和方法进行了辩证的分析,阐述了超高产新株型创制、水稻杂种优势利用等水稻超高产育种的实践探索,提出未来水稻超高产育种研究的方向。冠层结构、光合作用、物质积累、分配与调运的综合作用是作物产量形成的基础,充分利用遗传资源和高光效育种以及传统育种和生物技术相结合,协调生物产量与收获指数的关系,协调穗数、穗粒数与粒重的关系,建立合理的产量结构,理想株型与杂种优势利用相结合,实现超高产育种。生态设计育种和分子育种是未来超高产育种的研究方向。  相似文献   

杨守仁是沈阳农业大学一级终身教授,首批博士生导师,国务院政府特殊津贴最早获得者,水稻高产栽培理论体系的研究者,籼粳杂交育种、理想株型育种、超高产育种创始人,在水稻界享有极高声望,被誉为中国稻界之牛耳,打造水稻高产自由王国的科学巨匠。  相似文献   

Selection for yield per se has greatly contributed to yield improvement in many crops. It is expected that selection based on plant traits is more effective in increasing crop yield potential. This study was conducted to compare the effectiveness of trait-based and yield-based selection in increasing rice yield and to determine whether lines with ideotype traits have the potential to express higher yield under optimal crop management conditions. Lines were selected based on plant traits or on grain yield measured in a breeder's replicated yield trial. The main target traits for selection were plant height, leaf and panicle morphology, grain size, total dry weight, and grain-filling percentage. Yield performance of trait-based selection was compared with that of yield-based selection in an agronomic trial with optimum crop management for three seasons. Trait-based selection increased leaf area index and total dry weight but reduced spikelet number per m2 and harvest index compared with yield-based selection. Consequently, selection based on plant traits did not increase grain yield compared with selection based on yield per se. In one of the three seasons, yield of trait-based selection was significantly lower than that of yield-based selection. Among all tested breeding lines, maximum yield was produced by yield-based selection and minimum yield came from trait-based selection. These results suggest that lines with ideotype traits did not express higher grain yield than lines selected based on yield per se under optimal crop management conditions, and yield-based selection was as effective in increasing rice grain yield as trait-based selection in the late generations of the breeding cycle.  相似文献   

Few studies have assessed the effective gains achieved by collaborative decentralized participatory breeding, in terms of yield and other agronomic traits, in comparison with centralized conventional breeding using the same breeding schemes. Our study concerned an experience of participatory improvement of tortillero sorghum for low-input cropping systems in northern Nicaragua. It set out to compare the effect of two breeding schemes simultaneously managed on-station and on-farm. Two synthetic populations were used as sources of genetic variability. The study was designed to distinguish between three “selection modes”: farmers’ selection on-farm (FoF), breeder’ selection on-station (BoS) and breeder's selection on-farm (BoF). After two selection cycles, we found that FoF selection reduced phenotypic variability as much as BoS selection. In general, BoS selection produced higher-yielding lines under the target on-farm conditions. But FoF selection was more effective in promoting lines with higher values for an index of agronomic suitability (IAS), expressing a better balance between earliness, plant height, grain size and yield. Such genotypes might cope more easily with local environmental constraints and farmers’ preferences. BoF selection did not prove to be effective for either yield or IAS. This research shows the need for close collaboration between farmers and breeders as well as complementarities between the selection phases managed on-farm and on-station, to make breeding for difficult environments fully efficient.  相似文献   

马铃薯新品种—‘晋薯22号’选育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马铃薯新品种‘晋薯22号’,由山西省农科院五寨农业试验站马铃薯育种课题组于2001年以‘五薯1号’作母本,‘底西瑞’作父本,采用有性杂交、系统选择方法培育而成。经山西省马铃薯中晚熟组两年的区域试验及同步生产试验,每公顷可产鲜薯26 004 kg,比对照‘晋薯16号’平均增产20.5%。该品种属中晚熟类型,植株较高、直立、紧凑,根系发达,适宜山西省马铃薯中晚熟区种植,也适于我国北方一季作区选择。  相似文献   

超级杂交稻育种三步法设想与实践   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
介绍了国内外水稻超高产育种的基本情况,提出了当前我国水稻超高产育种面临的新问题,即超级稻品种资源匮乏、部分超级杂交稻组合适应性较差、超高产水稻育种理论过于模式化等。针对当前形势,结合多年育种实践,提出了超级杂交稻育种三步法设想,即超级亲本选育——超级杂交组合选育——超级杂交制种,并详细阐述了各步骤的标准和实现其目标的技术路线。超级亲本要求综合性状优良,产量水平或库容量达到或基本达到各级区试对照杂交稻组合的水平。超级杂交稻组合的标准是品质优、适应性广、耐肥抗倒、对主要病虫害达中抗以上水平,产量水平较国家或省区试中对照增产8%左右。其选育的技术路线是通过双亲最佳组配方式,增加选择压力,注重理想株型和优良生理机能及其各性状间的高度协调。超级杂交制种产量水平根据不育系的类型来确定,其中早稻类型不育系杂交制种产量要求大面积达到3.75 t/hm2以上,中稻类型的不育系要求达到5.25 t/hm2以上。其技术路线是通过选择最佳的制种基地,选用库容量大和异交结实特性好的不育系,通过超大行比与超常规培育父本措施提高父本的花粉量,从而提高制种产量。按照超级杂交稻育种三步法的技术路线,成功选育了父本996和两用核不育系C815S两个超级杂交稻亲本,利用前者选育出适合长江中下游稻区作双季早稻种植的超级杂交早稻组合陆两优996,用后者选配出几个增产幅度大、极有应用前景的超级稻新组合。  相似文献   

Marketable yield data were extracted from a regional trial system in the Northeastern United States and Canada. Three data bases were formulated containing data from selections (i.e. varieties and breeding lines) evaluated in trials in two consecutive years (1986–87, 1987–88 and 1988–89). Each data base was in the form of an incomplete two-way table as not all selections were tested at all trial locations. The analytic procedure was based on a linear model such that each selection was described by mean marketable yield and a sensitivity measure to environments, and each trial location was described by an environmental effect. An iteration process was used to estimate all parameters. A group of selections was evaluated in all three data bases. Mean marketable yields and sensitivity measures showed fairly good correspondence between data bases. The results provided useful information on selections with regard to their performance and adaptability in the region. A positive association was detected between mean marketable yield and the sensitivity measure, suggesting that a high yielding selection was more sensitive to environmental changes than was a low yielding one. Environmental effects were useful identifying high and low yielding areas. Correlation analyses between observed and fitted yields in individual trials showed that the linear model did not fit well for some trial locations. It is suggested that further research is needed for the investigation of data obtained from a network of trial systems.  相似文献   

超级玉米是在现有玉米杂交优势利用的基础上,针对创新研究内容、突破杂优增产潜力、实现品种的零风险、低耗、资源高效利用化,以便充分发挥玉米的生产潜力,最终达到玉米生产最大增值效益的跨越。针对我国现有种质利用状况、品种的增产潜力、专用化以及不同地域生态区特征、复杂的栽培制度等,"超级玉米"的内涵要有一定的广延性,赋予其更广泛的内容。"超级玉米"不仅提出了一个更新、更高、更远的追求目标,而且会促使我国玉米育种遗传基础理论得以不断创新。"超级玉米"实现高产、超高产,必须依赖群体密植化。因此,耐密玉米品种的选育是超级玉米遗传育种理论不断创新的重要技术内容。  相似文献   

Under field conditions, phosphorus (P) deficiency reduces wheat yield by affecting different yield components. However, the physiological strategies by which wheat genotypes with different yield structures respond to low-P stress are not clear. In the present study, we investigated tiller, floret, and root biomass, and P uptake and remobilization at two levels of P under field conditions in three winter wheat genotypes with different yield structures and P-efficiencies. Results showed that P-efficient cultivars CA9325 and ND139 got higher yield and total P accumulation than P-inefficient ND3291 at low-P, but not at normal P treatment. However, both the P-efficient wheat cultivars tend to have the same advantageous yield components at both high P and low-P stress. CA9325, a large-eared genotype, developed more fertile florets, and therefore had more grains at low-P stress. Increasing the number of grains formed a large sink for P demand during the grain-filling stage. Correspondingly, this genotype developed large roots for sustaining post-anthesis P uptake. ND139, a multi-eared genotype, developed many more tillers at low-P stress, and formed more ears at maturity. P from infertile tillers was probably reutilized by the surviving tillers to ensure floret development. Correspondingly, the contribution of pre-anthesis P uptake in ND139 and subsequent remobilization of P to the grains was higher. It was found that larger root rather than higher root activity was the determinant factor in efficient pre-anthesis P uptake in ND3291 and efficient post-anthesis P uptake in CA9325. It is concluded that increasing wheat yield at low soil P availability can be realized by either increasing ears per plant or increasing grains per ear through crop management or breeding.  相似文献   

白粳占是以五百粒与粳籼89杂交的中间材料为母本,与广东省优质丰产地方品系抗白粳籼占杂交选育而成的感温型常规稻品种。该品种抗白叶枯病强毒菌系V型菌(1~3级)兼抗稻瘟病,产量与区试对照品种玉香油占相当,米质达到省标优质3级。适宜广东省粤北以外稻作区早季、中南和西南稻作区的平原地区晚季种植,特别适合广东省珠江口以西,水稻白叶枯病强毒菌系V型菌主要发病稻作区江门、阳江、湛江及雷州半岛地区种植。  相似文献   

黄淮冬麦区小麦产量及品质改良现状分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了解黄淮冬麦区小麦育种的现状和存在的问题,分析了近十年来通过国家黄淮冬麦区区试的68个小麦品种的产量和品质指标.结果表明,育成品种的产量及产量构成三因素呈逐步上升的趋势,穗粒数、公顷穗数、千粒重的标准化回归系数依次为1.149、1.06、0.793,说明穗粒数对产量影响最大;育成品种的品质指标则表现出徘徊甚至下降的趋势.对已通过审定且在生产上有一定种植面积的6个优质强筋小麦品种的品质分析表明,拉伸面积、稳定时间、延伸性等指标与美国小麦、加拿大小麦差距较大,且多数品质指标年度间、地点间表现不稳定.对上述6个优质强筋品种以及6个骨干亲本品种分析表明,优质HMW-GS缺乏,且许多仍为1BL/1RS易位系材料.今后在产量育种中应以主攻穗粒数为重点;在优质育种中,应注意提高优质亚基的比重,并注意产量和品质的同步改良.  相似文献   

小麦的高产育种途径及其发展趋势   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
探讨了小麦高产育种的6种途径.从小麦育种的历史看,随着小麦品种产量潜力的提高,所需要协调的性状不断增加,从少数性状的协调到多性状的协调,从形态性状的协调到生育动态性状的协调,育种难度逐步增大.小麦高产育种就是不断协调各个性状关系,挖掘小麦光能利用潜力,促进光合产物的分配向经济产量倾斜.现阶段小麦自身的光合利用潜力尚未全部发挥出来,通过株型、生育动态的调整还可提高小麦的产量潜力.小麦育种的更高阶段是提高小麦自身光合机能.  相似文献   

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