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为掌握进境集装箱空箱携带有害生物的种类和规律,进一步探讨进境空箱的检疫监管对策,笔者对2006年10月至2008年10月间盐田港口岸进境集装箱空箱中截获有害生物数据进行分类统计,共截获各类医学媒介生物、检疫性有害生物及一般性有害生物共计97种222批次,来自21个国家和地区.由此说明进境集装箱空箱携带有害生物疫情复杂,应对进境空箱加强卫生和植物检疫监管,以防止疫情和有毒有害物质随集装箱携带入境.  相似文献   

对阿拉山口口岸截获检疫性有害生物进行鉴定与疫情变化趋势分析。结果显示,近3年来,阿拉山口截获检瘦性有害生物16种.有效的防治了检疫性有害生物对我国农业系统的危害.  相似文献   

林业有害生物防治工作一直是林业中的重要工作环节。做好有害生物防护工作,不仅能够保护林业资源,同时对整个森林生态安全有着重要的意义,所以,有害生物防护工作已经成为森林防护部门的首要任务。对森林有害生物进行了阐述,进而提出林业有害生物的防治检疫措施。  相似文献   

马田余 《种子科技》2020,(8):77-77,79
林业资源关乎森林资源安全和生态环境改变,是林业经济可持续发展的重要内容,在林业生产经营中,加强有害生物防治检疫能够切实有效地保护林木,为进一步丰富林业资源创造条件,是发展林业生产的重要保障。随着林业的快速发展,对林业有害生物防治检疫工作提出更高的要求。通过分析林业有害生物防治检疫工作现状,探讨存在的问题,并提出优化措施。  相似文献   

为控制突发植物检疫性有害生物对农业生严造戚的危害,确保农业生产安全,根据农业部全国农技推广服务中心的安排和要求,山东省植保总站于6月26日-27日在济南举办了全省检疫性有害生物培训班。来自全省十七个市和部分县(市)的40多名植物检疫工作负责人接受了国内新公布检疫性有害生物及新近发现的危险性有害生物的监测检验及防控技术培训,学习了全国重大疫情防控座谈会会议精神,对下一步全省植物检疫工作的开展进行了讨论并提出了具体实施意见,圆满达到了预期目标。  相似文献   

本文对当前我国从巴布亚新几内亚进口原木的情况、检疫概况、存在的问题进行了论述,并从2003~2008年江苏口岸在巴布亚新几内亚原木上截获的有害生物中,重点归纳了一些截获频次大且为害较重的有害生物,以供口岸检疫参考.  相似文献   

为确保我国出口欧盟星天牛寄主植物的检疫质量,保护和促进我国对外贸易的健康发展,本文从注册登记要求、有害生物控制措施、检验检疫等方面对其检验检疫要求进行概述,希望  相似文献   

本文根据林业有害生物发生情况、危害程度和防控难度,将绍兴市已经发生或可能发生的检疫性林业有害生物和危害较重的非检疫性有害生物划分成5个风险等级,并提出了一套针对不同风险等级有害生物的切实可行的防控对策,为有效控制林业有害生物的扩散、蔓延和危害提供借鉴.  相似文献   

<正>北京检验检疫局近日在首都机场口岸接连截获国家二类危险性有害生物——芒果果核象甲。据介绍,这批有害生物是检验检疫人员从来自泰国和非洲的近30  相似文献   

<正>长江大学农学院李传仁博士最近在湖北省发现一种新的有害生物——悬铃木方翅网蝽,武汉、襄樊、荆门、宜昌等城市的三球悬铃木上均有发生,个别地区危害较严重。国家林业局日前要求各地高度重视,提高警惕,严把引种审批、调运检疫关,做到及时发现、及时报告、及早扑灭,防止虫害扩散。  相似文献   

烟蚜茧蜂繁育及对烟蚜的防治效果探索   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
653100云南省玉溪市红塔区许家湾路26号(农职院生活区)  相似文献   

Tuber resistance to P. infestans was evaluated in the progeny of potato genotypes differing in levels of resistance and maturity. Two methods of tuber evaluation were used: testing whole tubers and testing tuber slices. In the progeny, some genotypes were superior in resistance to the more resistant parent. This superiority was never associated with early maturity. The results of both tuber-testing methods were positively correlated but the interaction genotypes X years was more pronounced in the reaction of tuber slices. It is concluded that: (1) transgression in tuber resistance may be obtained, (2) a high level of tuber resistance is difficult to combine with early maturity and (3) the expression of genes for specific resistance was more pronounced in testing tuber slices than in testing whole tubers.  相似文献   

The tremendous seasonal variation of rainfall and the relative little dispose capacity of sewage are the main reason of the lack of water quantity and the contaminate of water quality in low water season in LIJIANG. Adjusting water quantity is an important measure to resolve the problem. So, the author does an investigation on water resource of LIJIANG, calculates upper-water supply and requires equation. As a result, in the condition of no water adjust, and if in the extraordinary year of the lack of water quantity, the water flow will fade in 2010, and the demand of water quantity of 30 m~3/s in the season of the lack of water will not be satisfied. Based on the actuality of water resource, the thesis introduces the project of mending water reservoir to LIJIANG,analyzes its feasibility in the respect of technique and financial condition,brings forward major problem of the project. The result proves the benefit of the project in the field of environment,economy society is very prominent, and the project is an engineering to realize water resource of LIJIANG reasonable utilize; for the reason to guarantee this project to bring into play its function,it is time to carry out integrate management to water resource and water environment in LIJIANG valley.  相似文献   

利用不同药剂防治稻瘟病,结果表明:三环唑、多菌灵、稻温灵、春雷霉素第一次防治叶瘟效果均在70%以下,但与对照(清水)比较均达极显著水平.在破口初期及14天后连续2次药剂防治穗瘟,效果均达80%以上,其中:三环唑、多菌灵、稻瘟灵、春雷霉素4种药剂交替施用,防治效果最佳,其次为稻瘟灵,春雷霉素第三,第四为多菌灵;经方差分析,4种药剂防治效果与对照(清水)均达显著差异.经贵州省农药产品质量监督检验站对各药剂防治后稻米品质测试:多菌灵、稻瘟灵、春雷霉素3种药剂防治的稻米未检出三环唑含量,多菌灵、稻瘟灵、春雷霉素、三环唑4种药剂混合防治的稻米检出的三环唑含量为0.09 mg/kg,达绿色稻米卫生要求(三环唑≤1.0 mg/kg).  相似文献   

S. M. Ali  B. Sharma  M. J. Ambrose 《Euphytica》1993,73(1-2):115-126
The economic importance and current progress made in studies of the host-parasite relationship and identification of sources of resistance and breeding strategies of some important biotic diseases of pea are reviewed in this paper. The root rot complex caused by Rhizoctonia solani, Fusarium solani, Aphanomyces euteiches, Pythium ultimum and Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. pisi, race 1 and 2 has been reported from all commercial pea growing areas of the world. Adequate sources of resistance have been identified and there has been impressive success in the control of the Fusarium wilt pathogen following the introduction of wilt-resistant cultivars. Leaf and stem diseases of pea caused by the Ascochyta complex, Peronospora viciae and Erysiphe pisi are prevalent in most temperate pea growing regions of the world. Several sources of resistance are available, some of which are surprisingly durable. The biochemical genetic parameters of phenolic content used for assaying resistance to Erysiphe pisi offers an alternative method of evaluating breeding material. Wild relatives of pea (Pisum fulvum and P. humile) are valuable additional sources of genetic variation and provide good sources of resistance to pests and diseases. In temperate rainfed pea growing areas of southern Australia, pea seed yield is more closely related to dry matter production than harvest index. Tall and leafy cultivars proved more productive than afila types.  相似文献   

牧草饲料是发展畜牧业的物质基础.种草养畜养禽已成为农业结构调整和农牧民致富奔小康的亮点.草是水土保持的先锋,锁住风沙的屏障;种草可改土肥田,改良盐碱滩涂,整治国土;还可美化环境、净化空气、减少公害;又可养蜂、养鱼等发展空中牧业和水体牧业,促进多种经营发展,增效增收.大力种植牧草饲料作物热潮正在进一步掀起.在繁多的牧草饲料作物种类品种中如何选择,到哪去买,是农户最关心的大问题.根据我们几十年从事牧草饲料作物引种栽培利用科研经验,结合生产实践和牧草饲料作物种子销售中存在的问题,提出看法,仅供农户参考.  相似文献   

Density and the journey to work   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
"This paper evaluates the influence of residential density on commuting behavior across U.S. cities while controlling for available opportunities, the technology of transportation infrastructure, and individual socio-economic and demographic characteristics. The measures of metropolitan and local density are addressed separately.... Regressions are conducted to predict commuting time, speed, and distance, by mode of travel on a cross-section of individuals nationally and city by city. The results indicate that residential density in the area around the tripmaker's home is an important factor: the higher the density the lower the speed and the shorter the distance.... The paper suggests a threshold density at which the decrease in distance is overtaken by the congestion effects resulting in a residential density between 7,500 and 10,000 persons per square mile (neither the highest nor lowest) with the shortest duration auto commutes."  相似文献   

Summary Hybridization work was done between gloxinia and streptocarpus cultivars and species. No hybrid seeds were obtained. It is concluded that Sinningia speciosa cultivars and Streptocarpus sp. do not hybridize using conventional methods, in spite of positive reports in literature. The origin of these hybrids may probably be explained by the irregular occurrence of peloric flowers in streptocarpus, and zygomorphic flowers in gloxinia.  相似文献   

Food shortage is currently a serious worldwide problem, and the fact that it will become an even greater problem in the coming decades underscores the necessity for more translational research in plant sciences that is directed towards crop breeding. Biotic stresses are important determinants of reduced crop production and, therefore, a better understanding of the resistance mechanisms utilized by plants to survive and remain productive following attacks by pathogens and pests is a major research goal of plant scientists and crop breeders. During the last two decades tremendous progress has been made in this field. Here we first summarize recent findings on how plants respond to their pathogens and pests and then we discuss resistance mechanisms in three categories based on differences in spectrum, durability and evolution. We also review different breeding strategies that have been adopted on the basis of these findings for improving resistance to pests and pathogens in crops and evaluate these strategies for their sustainability.  相似文献   

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