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The overall objective was to evaluate the suitability of electronarcosis as a stunning method for farmed eels. In the first experiment the minimum electrical current needed to induce a general epileptiform insult by head‐only stunning was assessed. The individual eels (n = 40) with a live weight of 700–800 g were fixed in a specially designed re‐strainer. The EEG (electroencephalogram) and ECG (electrocardiogram) recordings, observation of behaviour and responses to pain stimuli were used to assess unconsciousness, insensibility and cardiac function. The applied current of 150, 200 or 250 V, 50 Hz, AC was delivered via scissor‐model stunning tongs for approximately 1 s. A general epileptiform insult was observed in 31 eels for which a successful EEG recording was obtained, using 255 ± 4 V, 545 ± 32 mA, for 1.2 ± 0.2 s. The general epileptiform insult as measured on the EEG was characterized by a tonic/clonic phase and an exhaustion phase. The behaviour showed one phase: tonic cramps alternated by clonic ones. The heart rate was 22 ± 8 beats min?1 (n = 23) prior to stunning. After stunning the ECG revealed fibrillation. In the second experiment the behaviour of seven individual eels able to move freely in water was observed after head‐only stunning (250 V). Two phases were distinguished. Limited tonic and clonic cramps combined with backward swimming were followed by heavy clonic cramps combined with unco‐ordinated movements such as jumping out of the water. A distinct exhaustion phase was not observed in all animals. In the third experiment a head‐to‐tail electrical method was examined in 15 eels for rendering the eels unconscious and insensitive prior to slaughter. They were stunned by applying 253 V for 3 s followed by 50 V for 5 min. In the fourth experiment nine eels were head‐only stunned with 260 V for 1 s immediately followed by 50 V for 5 min applied from head to tail. Results obtained in these two experiments were similar. After stunning no brain activity and no responses to pain stimuli on the EEG were observed and the ECG showed ventricular extra systolae. It was observed that it might take 60 ± 25 min or longer for a complete recovery. It can be concluded that for effective electrical stunning of eels with a weight of 700–800 g an average current of 545 ± 32 mA (at approximate 250 V, 50 Hz AC) is needed. In this case, within a confidence level of 95% at least 91% of the eels are effectively stunned (n = 31). Therefore, it is recommended to increase the minimum current for an effective stun in practice to 600 mA. Further research is needed to determine the conditions to induce permanent unconsciousness and insensibility of the eels to protect the animals at slaughter.  相似文献   

Eels (Anguilla anguilla L.) were slaughtered using two procedures. The commercial method consisted of desliming the fish in dry salt followed by evisceration. The alternative method consisted of stunning and killing in water with a combination of electricity and oxygen removal. Eels slaughtered as commercially exhibited aversive reactions and consequently a higher level of muscular activity before death. In raw fillets, differences appeared clearly between the two batches. The alternative slaughter by electricity and gas led to redder, firmer flesh with a higher pH. Myofibrillar proteolysis, lipid oxidation and loss of freshness (as evaluated by K‐value) were reduced. After hot‐smoking, which is a process that greatly modifies the fish flesh properties, differences between batches were less pronounced. However, eels slaughtered by the alternative method were characterized by a higher pH and a redder colour of the dark muscle, a desirable property form a commercial point of view. When assessed by sensory difference tests, appearance seemed to be the only attribute that allowed panellists to discriminate the two batches. Overall, it is concluded that slaughter by electricity and gas improved the quality of raw and smoked eels compared with the commercial method.  相似文献   

Food quality aspects of farmed turbot (Psetta maxima) were compared following two methods of slaughter: the current commercial method, by immersion in an ice slurry, which is then dewatered after approximately 20 min, or by first humanely, electrically stunning the fish using a prototype commercial stunner, before immersion in an ice slurry, which is dewatered after 20 min. Quality was assessed for up to 10 days of storage on ice following slaughter. No differences were found between the slaughter methods in terms of an overall carcass quality: overall appearance, haemorrhage, damage, burst gall bladder, staining of the body cavity by leakage from the gut or damage to the spine. No detectable difference was found between the treatments using the industry standard freshness scoring system, the Quality Index Method. Both groups of fish were classified as ‘Fresh’ after 10 days of storage on ice. Using objective measurements of colour, no differences between fish from either treatment were found in fillet colour. Changes in flesh pH were similar in electrically stunned and traditionally killed fish with a mean pH (±SE) at 2 h post‐mortem of 6.80±0.027 declining to 6.44±0.032 at 24 h post‐mortem. Humane electrical stunning of turbot at slaughter neither detectably improved nor decreased product quality as measured between 1 and 10 days of storage on ice.  相似文献   

Abstract. Commercial slaughtering of eel sold fresh starts with the so-called 'neck-cut'. This tran5ectlon of the spinal column separates the spinal cord from the brain. In due course the slaughtering process is completed by gutting, skinning and, finally, by decapitation. There is a widespread belief that the advantage of the neck-cut is that it causes immediate death. However, inspection of eels with a neck-cut revealed no visible injury to the brain. Repeating the method as a laboratory experiment and subsequent observation of the experimental eels resulted in spinal regeneration, as reflected by behavioural recovery through four stages in about 6 weeks. It seems that after the neck-cut the brain is still intact, both structurally and functionally, and remains so as long as the slaughtering has not been completed. Thus a prolonged state of suffering cannot be ruled out. Consequently, slaughtering of eel should include instant destruction of the brain.  相似文献   

Abstract –  Changes in the numbers and size-class structure of European silver eels, Anguilla anguilla , in the River Frémur (France) were examined over a 9-year period after installation of downstream eel passes. The number of silver eels migrating downstream peaked in 1999, then decreased strongly and steadily after 2000, reaching relatively low levels. At the same time, a gradual shift in the silver eel sex ratio from a dominance of males (size from 270 to 442 mm, age from 3 to 6 years) to females (size from 366 to 1112 mm, age from 4 to 9 years) was recorded. Possible explanations for the escapement patterns observed are environmental sex determination and the installation of eel passes on the main hydraulic engineering structures in 1992 and 1996.  相似文献   

Food quality aspects of farmed sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) were compared following two methods of slaughter: the normal commercial method of killing, by immersion in an ice slurry, or by first electrically stunning the fish, before immersion in an ice slurry. Quality was assessed for up to 10 days of storage on ice after slaughter. No differences were found between the slaughter methods in terms of an overall sensory evaluation of cooked fillets, or in terms of overall carcass quality: overall appearance, internal and external haemorrhage, fin damage, burst gall bladder, staining of the body cavity by leakage from the gut or damage to the spine. Using objective measurements of colour, no differences between fish from either treatment were found in terms of external colour or colour of the fillets. A chemical analysis of flesh nucleotide breakdown products as well as the freshness indicator Ki value did not differentiate the two treatments nor did the industry standard freshness scoring technique (QIM, quality index method), over 10 days of storage on ice. Flesh pH was marginally lower in electrically stunned fish at 4 h post mortem (6.42 cf 6.56) but by 24 h, pH in fish from both treatments had decreased to a similar level (6.22). Humane electrical stunning of sea bass at slaughter neither measurably improved nor decreased product quality for between 1 and 10 days of storage on ice. Electrical stunning accelerated the pattern of onset and resolution of rigor mortis. If electrical stunning were to be widely adopted, re‐education of buyers would be necessary as rigor mortis is currently used by buyers as a proxy measure of fish freshness.  相似文献   

Differences in eel, Anguilla anguilla (L.), head shape were the result of greater increases in head width, rather than changes in head length. The ratio of head width:total length (HW:TL) increased significantly ( t -test, P < 0.05) from the glass-yellow eel stage. Cultured yellow eels were exclusively narrow headed (mean HW:TL = 0.027, range = 0.023–0.032), while wild yellow eels displayed an array of head shapes (mean HW:TL = 0.033, range = 0.023–0.046). Therefore, broad heads (HW:TL 0.033) occurred only among wild yellow eels sampled and may have resulted from diet. Cultured yellow eels consumed only small pellet material. Of wild yellow eels stomachs containing food, 78% of broad-headed eels consumed large and/or hard-bodied organisms (e.g. beetles, fish, molluscs and Notonecta sp.), while 83% of narrow-headed eels consumed exclusively small/soft-bodied prey (e.g. amphipods and chironomids).  相似文献   

Monitoring of yellow‐phase and silver‐phase Anguilla anguilla during their continental life history is necessary for evaluation of stock recovery measures. Eel population data for an Irish lake (Lough Sheelin) were compiled for the period 1993–2014. Catch data from 2009 to 2014 provided minimum estimates of recent silver eel production ranging annually from 0.79 to 1.84 kg/ha. Long‐term changes in yellow eel abundance and silver eel size structure were assessed as part of a fishery monitoring programme. Yellow eel catch per unit effort (CPUE) in the lake (from longline surveys) was considerably higher in the 1990s (52.2–62.1 eels/100 hooks) than 2002–2008 (1.9–15.8 eels/100 hooks). Conversely, during 1993–2014, the mean size of silver eels migrating from the lake increased significantly (< .001), from 659 mm to 838 mm. The results suggest that in the absence of direct yellow eel abundance data, interannual variation in silver eel size structure may be a useful monitoring tool for local eel stocks as part of Eel Management Plans (EMP's).  相似文献   

Abstract – We analysed the movements of the growing yellow phase using a long-term mark–recapture programme on European eels in a small catchment (the Frémur, France). The results showed that of the yellow eels (>200 mm) recaptured, more than 90% were recaptured at the original marking site over a long period before the silvering metamorphosis and downstream migration. We conclude that yellow European eels >200 mm may adopt a sedentary lifestyle in freshwater area, especially in small catchment.  相似文献   

Otoliths of glass eels and larvae collected from the Rio Minho (Portugal/Spain) as well as from the Iberian continental slope from the Bay of Biscay were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy. Preliminary data are presented on the total radius of the otolith and the width of the zone exhibiting a diffuse structure which, in the literature, is suggested to be the zone of metamorphosis. It was found that the radius increased from the development stage I through stage II to the glass eel stage (Vb). The width of the diffuse zone also exhibited an increase. Calculations of the dimensions of the diffuse zone of specimens older than stage I revealed that the area of metamorphosis amounts to about 28–60% of the total diffuse zone. From these results it is evident that part of the diffuse zone must have formed during a larval phase of retarded growth, during which no formation of daily growth rings takes place. Only the outer portion of the diffuse zone can be accounted for by the metamorphosis. For these reasons, an exact age determination by counting daily rings seems impossible. A determination of the oceanic life of the eel recruits is difficult for other reasons too: all earlier and recent studies have indicated that Anguilla leptocephali and their metamorphosis stages do not occur on the continental shelf, which could add an additionally high amount of time needed until arrival at the coasts.  相似文献   

Due to a recruitment decline of more than 90% in 30 years, the European eel (Anguilla anguilla L.) has been classified by IUCN as critically endangered. Although the species has been studied intensively to obtain knowledge to improve management, studies about the resident yellow stage are relatively scarce. In this study, 52 large female yellow eels were tagged with acoustic transmitters in a Belgian polder system and tracked by a network of 23 automatic listening stations. We studied both circadian and seasonal movement patterns and the effect of environmental variables on these patterns. Large female yellow eels were most active at night in late summer and early autumn. A generalised linear mixed model showed that their movement is only slightly influenced by environmental variables. Moreover, as yellow eels show high site fidelity (i.e., the majority was detected only in the habitat type of their catch‐release location), they do not encounter many human‐induced connectivity problems in polder systems, which makes these systems highly suitable as eel growth habitat. These results can contribute to an effective eel management regarding habitat protection and restoration.  相似文献   

The objective was to assess neural, behavioural responses and product quality in farmed sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) upon electrical stunning in seawater. The electrical sinusoidal 50 Hz or pulse square wave alternating 133 Hz current induced a general epileptiform insult with a current of 3.3±0.2 or 3 A dm?2, respectively, for 1 s head to tail in seawater. The total duration of the insult was 48±34 and 23±11 s. After stunning, the electro‐cardiogram revealed fibrillation and ceased or showed malfunction. Product quality was assessed in a group electrically stunned, followed by chilling in ice water and the controls were only chilled in ice water. The pH of the fillets was 0.1–0.2 lower (P<0.01) when stunned electrically at days 1, 2, 8 and 10 postmortem, where the colour did not differ. The percentage of sea bass effectively stunned using an electrical sinusoidal or pulse square wave current was above 85% within a confidence level of 95%. A combination of electrical stunning for 10 s, followed by chilling in seawater with ice flakes resulted in the death of all fish. The former method is recommended to be adapted for implementation in practice.  相似文献   

Abstract –  The downstream migration of European silver eels in the River Frémur was examined to determine the potential effects of the numerous migration barriers that exist on waterways in western France. The Frémur has a 14 m high dam which creates a 3 × 106 m3 water supply reservoir, 6 km from tidal limit. Based on 8-year records (1996–2004) of migrant silver eels captured in a Wolf trap located about 1 km below the dam, the influence of this dam on the migration was examined. These records indicate that 91% of silver eels were captured when the dam was overtopped (i.e. when the water reservoir was full). The timings of the overflow periods varied greatly between years mainly because they are function of the duration of the filling period which in turn is dependent on the level of summer water abstraction and annual hydrological conditions. Consequently, migration periods occurred at variable dates (between November and April) which is late in comparison with nonobstructed European river systems (generally between August and December). During overflow periods the migration of silver eels increased markedly during rain events (increasing river flow). This indicates that flow flushes, are essential so that settled silver eels can orientate themselves and pass over the dam. The hypothesis of a 'dam effect' that could stop temporarily or permanently some of silver eels in the reservoir is discussed. Finally, the influence of the migration delays on the condition of silver eels is considered.  相似文献   

The effect of oral administration of insulin, in various concentrations, on the growth of European eels (Anguilla anguilla L.) was studied. In order to determine whether the insulin penetrated through the stomach or gills to the blood system, 5 ml insulin, suspended in an 0.6% solution of NaCl, was inserted via the mouth of eels, and the insulin content in the blood measured by radioimmunoassay immediately, and at one and two hours after administration. A control group was given 0.6% NaCl alone. Significantly increased levels of insulin in the blood plasma were found in eels which received high insulin concentrations compared to the control group. Eels administered 20 ppm and 40 ppm insulin in the diet grew significantly faster than a control group fed a diet without insulin, and a group fed 5 ppm insulin.  相似文献   

This study aimed to compare the fertility of eggs between artificially matured female silver eels that spawned spontaneously and those that were spawned by manual stripping. The effects of the two methods of spawning on ovulation and fertilization rate were also investigated. For this purpose, 18 wild female European eels captured in Bonello lagoon (North Adriatic Sea) were carp pituitary extract‐injected to undergo sexual maturation and ovulation; a final injection of 17,20β‐dihydroxy‐4‐pregnen‐3‐one (DHP) was administered when at least 30% of the oocytes were fully transparent. After the DHP‐injection, nine eels were transferred to a new closed recirculating aquaculture system, where they were housed with spermiating males (sex ratio 4/1) to allow spontaneous spawning (SPT‐group); the remaining nine eels were transferred to a 250 L tank and ovulation was checked at four‐hourly intervals by manual stripping (STR‐group). The number of eggs per female in the SPT‐group was significantly greater than that in the STR‐group. Furthermore, fertilization rates in the SPT‐group were notably higher than those observed in the STR‐group. Significantly, the best performances were obtained among eels in which at least 50% of oocytes were fully transparent at the time DHP was administered. We conclude that the fertility of eggs from spontaneously spawning eels is superior to that of eggs acquired by strip‐spawning and artificial fertilization.  相似文献   

益生菌的应用对鳗鲡池塘水质变化的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在鳗鲡养殖池中应用益生菌,研究其对池塘水质变化的影响。结果表明,在鳗鲡养殖池中添加芽胞杆菌、光合菌及EM菌,能有效降低养殖水体的氨氮(NH4+-N)、亚硝酸盐氮(NO2--N)及化学耗氧量,有利于水质净化和微生态环境的修复。  相似文献   

Abstract –  Modelling-governing patterns of European eel ( Anguilla anguilla L.) distribution of four eel size classes (<150, 150–300, 300–450 and >450 mm) in the Frémur basin (northwest France) was done using artificial neural network (ANN) techniques and ecological profiles. Our results demonstrate the high predictive power of the ANN models. Some macro- and microscale factors, such as distance from the sea, depth and flow velocity, have the most significant influence on the models. Influence of distance from the sea appears to be very different from the spatial organisation usually described in river systems. In fact, the general tendencies of total eel densities according to the distance from the sea showed that densities increase weakly upstream. Another outcome was the variations in habitat preference according to the eel size, even if this species is spread over practically every type of microhabitat. Small eels were mainly found in shallow habitats with strong abundance of aquatic vegetation, whereas large eels tend to be found in intermediate to high depth with small to intermediate abundance of aquatic vegetation. Finally, we hypothesise that European eels change behaviour and microhabitat characteristic preference around a size of 300 mm.  相似文献   

Abstract  – To study the behaviour of silver eels ( Anguilla anguilla L.) during their downstream migration, particularly near a hydroelectric power dam, we tagged nine eels with ultrasonic transmitters and tracked their paths in the River Mosel, Germany. The onset of migration coincided with the first flood event that followed the full moon but was independent of daytime, because migration and turbine passage occurred during both day and night. During migration eels swam actively downstream with a velocity of 0.3–1.2 m · s−1. When migrating eels arrived at the dam, they either passed through the turbines immediately or stayed upstream of the powerhouse for up to 8 days, showing a characteristic circling behaviour. Circling eels repeatedly approached the trashrack, sprinted upstream, and finally passed through the turbines with the next high water discharge. These observations are discussed with regard to the design of appropriate downstream passage facilities.  相似文献   

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