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This article empirically examines whether variations in state environmental regulations have affected the location of manufacturing branch plants by the Fortune 500 companies. Using several measures of environmental regulation, no statistically significant effects of environmental regulation on business location are found. For most manufacturing industries, the estimates are precise enough to rule out the possibility of large effects of environmental regulation on business location. For highly polluting industries, however, the variance in the estimates is quite large. We cannot rule out the possibility of effects of environmental regulation on the location of highly polluting industries that are large enough to be important to policymakers.  相似文献   

Should an economic development strategy target the business services industry to insulate the local economy from the business cycle? The relationship between business services employment (SIC 73) and measures of the business cycle is analyzed at national and metropolitan-area levels. At the national level, certain components of business services are not immune to the business cycle while others are. At the metropolitan level, certain characteristics of the metropolitan area and its industrial structure are identified which would result in business services employment being procyclical or not immune to the business cycle.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Washington DC is the center of the nation's ninth largest metropolitan area (PMSA), home to 4.4 million people and 2.9 million employees in a web of 25 separate, autonomous municipalities spanning three states and the District of Columbia. As such, the region is a good place to analyze the pattern of suburbanization of producer service employment over the past 25 years. In addition to overall suburbanization, the metropolitan area has seen changes in the nature and role of its dominant economic force, the federal government. Direct federal employment has stagnated while federal contracts to private companies have soared. Producer service employment seemed to increase in importance in jurisdictions away from the region's core, simultaneous with increases in total employment, following increases in federal contracting, and independent of increases in federal employment. These trends have affected the growth of producer service employment across the metropolitan area, encouraging their suburbanization. By subjecting our initial models to sub-sector data and analysis of temporal trends in the coefficients, we uncover the uniqueness of legal services and additional evidence of suburbanization over time.  相似文献   

This study examines two important issues concerning the evaluation of business location factors. First, in contrast to many analyses that seek to determine the influence of a single factor or set of factors on site selection, this study aims to measure the relative importance of a wide range of factors. Second, it investigates the extent to which the perceived importance of a given location factor varies based on the type of facility in question. While there is a substantial amount of research devoted to identifying industry‐specific location factors, little is known about the influence that facility type has on the assessment of location criteria. Drawing on original survey data collected from real estate professionals in the U.S., we found significant differences in the mean ratings for more than half of the 39 location factors on the basis of facility type. In particular, “corporate/office” respondents were significantly more likely than “manufacturing” or “retail” respondents to assign higher ratings to “quality‐of‐life” location factors, such as crime rates, amenities, housing, and schools. We discuss the implications of these findings for future research on location theory.  相似文献   

More and more cities are being encouraged to subsidize sports stadiums as an economic development tool. In this paper regression analysis using census data on nine different metropolitan areas is employed to evaluate the impact of stadiums and professional sports teams on area development. Previous attempts to estimate the effectiveness of sports-based development have used assumption-driven trade multiplier models. The evidence presented here is that the presence of a new or renovated stadium has an uncertain impact on the levels of personal income and possibly a negative impact on local development relative to the region. These results should serve as a caution to those who assume or assert a large positive stadium impact.  相似文献   

One solution that has been proposed for the fiscal disparities in fragmented metropolitan areas is the sharing of taxes generated by commercial and industrial property. A criticism of this proposal is that it distorts the efficient pattern of business locations resulting when an implicit market for business locations is allowed to develop through the independent fiscal behavior of communities and the optimizing location behavior of businesses. Critics recognize that the efficiency argument against sharing a metropolitan area's business tax base must be qualified to the extent that local governments possess location advantages which enable them to extract rents from business firms. This paper presents an empirical analysis which permits a partition of the local property tax payments from industrial firms into accessibility location rents and compensation payments to the community for the negative externalities of industrial development. The empirical analysis suggests that approximately 40 percent of the industrial taxes received by communities in this analysis represents accessibility location rents. It is concluded that these receipts could be redistributed through a metropolitan area tax base sharing program without affecting the efficiency of the implicit market for business locations.  相似文献   

Using hedonic models, we analyze the effects of proximity and noise on housing prices in neighborhoods near Hartsfield‐Jackson Atlanta International Airport during 1995–2002. Proximity to the airport is related positively to housing prices. We address complications caused by changes over time in the levels and geographic distribution of noise and by the fact that noise contours are measured infrequently. A general decline in noise boosted housing prices during 1995–2002. After accounting for proximity, house characteristics, and demographic variables, houses in noisier areas sold for less than houses subjected to less noise. Also, the noise discount is larger during 2000–2002 than 1995–1999.  相似文献   

以采煤沉陷区为研究对象,分析采煤沉陷区土地利用和损毁情况,并通过生态系统服务价值(ESV)指标对土地整治效果进行评价。结果显示,通过土地整治工程,耕地面积由220.24 hm2增至311.08 hm2;采煤沉陷区总生态服务价值属于正向变化,由整治前的348.03×104元/年,增加至到整治后的356.67×104元/年;采煤沉陷区各单项生态服务价值有正向的,也有负向的。其中,属于正向影响的有气候调节、水源涵养、废物处理、食物生产和原材料;属于负向影响的有气温调节、土壤形成与保护、生物多样性保护和娱乐文化。土地整治改善农业基础设施条件和修复并重构生态环境,进而增加社会经济效益和生态效益。  相似文献   

Under the background of supply side structural reform of the land market, this paper constructs a location choice behavior model of reduction from the perspective of rent maximization, explores how these factors affect the industrial land reduction location choice. We consider 100 industrial parcels in the suburbs of Shanghai as an example to analyze. It is found that the enterprises in development zones have greater advantages in economies of scale, labor productivity, pollution treatment, and tax payments than enterprises outside the development zone, so the low-efficiency enterprises outside the development zones are the preferred objects of reduction. The suburban areas have a stronger attraction than the outer suburbs in the process of location choice, and the closer the city center is, the more obvious the location advantages of enterprises in development zones. Under the control of the total amount of construction land, the land use structure should be constantly adjusted, inefficient enterprises outside the development zone should be preferred to the reduction object, and the government should actively guide enterprises to enter the development zones.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT It is often assumed that future urban employment will be increasingly dependent on the knowledge‐intensive business services (KIBS). This underpins much of the current thinking about the development of the English “core cites.” Their example is employed to examine the more general validity of such assumptions, in terms of five critical questions to which research offers only partial and indefinite answers. For any city, how far are these activities really “knowledge intensive”? What markets do they serve? Is their future growth certain? And even when this is the case, how can they make a long‐term contribution to local urban economic success? Finally, how far do urban economic institutions and policies need to be adapted to foster knowledge‐based activities such as KIBS? It seems that, despite the growth of measured KIBS employment, most of the core cities possess few truly knowledge‐intensive KIBS, capable of serving national and international business markets, competitively adapting to future change, and adding to the competitiveness of the wider urban economy. Nationally such activities remain focused into the London region where, if anything, they have increased their concentration is recent years.  相似文献   

食品检测技术学习领域是高职食品类专业课程体系的重要组成部分,根据基本检测方法,分为食品感官检验、理化检验和微生物检验三大类课程。从食品检验学习领域的视角,对化学基础与分析技术、食品理化检验技术、食品仪器分析技术、食品微生物检验技术、食品感官检验技术等课程进行了定位。  相似文献   

This paper analysed the four forms of the cyclical fluctuation in business in our country: trade, administrative, product and managerial cyclical changes, and studied how to construct the models of residual method and pressure analysis method and with which to predict the business cycles.  相似文献   

The relation between biomedical firms and their metropolitan region location in Atlanta, Georgia is examined as an empirical test of both innovative milieu agglomeration theory and place specific strategies for life science companies in the Deep South. This sectoral analysis utilizes questionnaires and targeted interviews to highlight the economic development role of real estate in suburban employment and residence sites (SEARS) and the intra-metropolitan directional migration of firms. Clustering of related industries is fostered by a shortage of appropriately configured laboratory and office space at the intermediate stage of the business growth cycle, encouraging information sharing and cooperative behavior via proximity by necessity. Lack of a key networking individual or mediating organization critically retards development of this potential growth engine.  相似文献   

贺姗  黄克俭  柴健 《中国农学通报》2017,33(16):137-140
根据IEC 62305—2:2010标准中介绍的雷击风险的评估流程,在前人提出的适合雷击大型户外空旷区域风险计算方法的基础上,笔者结合大型户外空旷区域的具体闪电定位资料,精细化地研究了雷电可能为该区域带来的风险,主要分析了大型户外区域内雷电直接击中人体导致人员伤亡的概率PB、最小雷电流I、滚球半径hr,并举例说明了大型户外空旷区域精细化雷击风险评估的具体计算方法,以期为大型户外空旷区域的直击雷防护设计提供依据。  相似文献   

Harrington and Campbell (1997) previously illuminated the pattern of producer services' suburbanization in the Washington, D.C., metropolitan area between 1970 and 1992. Their results showed producer services growing at a faster rate at locations farther from the central city. We revisit the topic utilizing data from 2004 to 2010, assessing not only changes in the distribution of producer services since their work, but also the impact of massive increases in defense spending on producer services' growth throughout the first decade of the twenty‐first century. Multivariate linear regression is used to estimate per capita growth of producer services employment using six independent variables. Our results reveal producer services employment during the time period has grown significantly more quickly in the urban D.C. core than the outer suburbs, contrary to Harrington and Campbell's research. Additionally, we find per capita producer services employment is self‐limiting over the study period: locations with more producer services employment in 2004 experienced significantly less producer services growth over the period. We find federal procurement has no correlation on producer services overall, with limited effects on some subsectors. Analyzing a select group of producer services subsectors revealed that no sectors followed the overall model exactly, suggesting that targeting producer services for growth must be done carefully. None of our models show employment diversity to be a factor in differentiating economic growth at the intra‐metropolitan level.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The study presents original evidence on the characteristic features and innovation activities of knowledge‐intensive business services (KIBS). Based on a wide‐scale survey of 1,124 KIBS firms in Quebec (Canada), we explore empirically the extent to which KIBS from various sectors and regions differ in their characteristics and their uses of innovation practices. The results from the sectoral analysis reveal that KIBS display different characteristic features and innovation behaviours across sectors, thus suggesting that inter‐sectoral differences are important when explaining innovation activities in KIBS. The comparison between KIBS in large, medium, central, and resource regions shows that the characteristic features and the innovativeness of KIBS are rather similar, and little or no significant statistical differences were found between the different regions in the province of Quebec. Thus, overall, the results of our study seem to suggest that a location does not tend to make a difference in respect to characteristic features and innovation performance of KIBS.  相似文献   

农业高校社会化服务功能的实践与思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
西北农林科技大学坚持产学研紧密结合的办学模式,在农业科技推广人才队伍建设、网络体系建设、体制与机制创新等方面进行深入的探索和实践,初步建成了“以杨凌为中心,立足陕西,面向西北,辐射全国”的农业科技推广服务网络,社会化服务化功能不断增强。  相似文献   

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