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Abstract: Changes in immigration and refugee policy since 1991 have led to an increasing number of minority ethnic groups settling in Aotearoa New Zealand. The number of Black African migrants and refugees granted permanent residence in New Zealand has increased substantially from about six in 1982 to over 770 in 1998 (New Zealand Immigration Services, 2001). The socio‐economic, professional and cultural characteristics of this emerging Black African minority ethnic community are complex but fascinating. In mid 2000 the majority of the Black African community in New Zealand were refugees ( Chile 1999A ). This paper is part of a broader study to analyse the nature and structure of Black African migration and settlement in New Zealand. It is an attempt to undertake applied migration research from a participatory methodology framework that addresses the expressed needs of the grass‐roots level client community. The paper examines the socio‐economic status of Black African refugees in New Zealand and analyses the factors and processes that create an impoverished community that is increasingly excluded from mainstream society. Strategies to reverse the process of marginalisation and create a healthy, vibrant community with the capacity to participate effectively in New Zealand society are examined.  相似文献   

"In this paper the settlement patterns of persons from each of eleven different Latin and Caribbean nations who received immigrant status [in the United States] in 1987 are considered. Regression analysis suggests that social and economic forces were important, but that specific factors influenced different nationalities differently. Evidence is also found for a lagged adjustment in the settlement process. Furthermore, the attractive effect of a previously settled migrant stock is estimated to be strong for every nationality."  相似文献   

The effect of immigration on state and local budgets is a frequent topic of both political and academic conversations. A controversial issue among scholars is whether or not immigration induces outmigration of low income native born residents, a population movement which would potentially have implications for the jurisdictional distribution of immigration's fiscal impact. It is hypothesized here that if interstate poverty migration occurred, it should cause fiscal spillovers by distributing some of the public sector burden of immigration from immigrant “host” states to neighboring states. This paper uses cross‐sectional state data from 1988–1995 to explore the relationship between immigration in neighbor states and state redistributive expenditures. The results suggest that there is a positive relationship between immigration to neighboring states and redistributive expenditures. While most discussion of the fiscal impact of immigration has focused on the effects on host states and localities, the implications of these findings are that there are fiscal spillovers to neighboring states, suggesting that fiscal impacts on host states have been over‐estimated and effects on neighboring states have been underestimated. Additionally, the implications of recent welfare reform, which gives states the opportunity to use citizenship as a criterion for program eligibility, are discussed.  相似文献   

In the last 30 years international migration has been transformed from being of little or no significance in Asia to being of substantial economic, social, political and demographic importance. Two types of migration which have increased greatly in significance since the 1970s are international labour migration and refugee movements. Throughout most of the last two decades Asia has had more refugees than any other world region, although numbers have declined in the 1990s with the success of resettlement and repatriation programmes for Indochinese refugees. On the other hand, international labour migration has continued to increase in scale and importance, with the majority of workers moving between Asian countries in the 1990s, although the Middle East remains an important destination. It is argued that two elements, proliferating migrant social networks and the emergence of a vibrant immigration industry, have given a momentum to international migration which to some extent limits the power of nation states to control it. There is some concern among countries in the region that the increase in migration is creating excessive economic dependence upon the export of labour. Fears that migration threatens social cohesion depend upon the extent to which migrants settle permanently in destination areas.  相似文献   

Public sector activities are often neglected in the economic approaches used to analyze the driving forces behind urban growth. The institutional status of a regional capital is a crucial aspect of public sector activities. This paper reports on a quasi‐natural experiment on county towns in East Germany. Since 1990, East German cities have demonstrated remarkable differences in population development. During this same period, many towns have lost their status as a county seat due to several administrative reforms. Using a difference‐in‐differences approach, we compare the annual population development of former county capitals to population change in towns that have successfully held on to their capital status throughout the observed period. The estimations show that losing county capital status has a statistically significant negative effect on annual changes in population. This effect continues to increase over time after the respective reforms have been implemented.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Portes and Borocz's (1989 ) segmented assimilation framework argued that the assimilation of immigrants into American society does not necessarily or automatically lead to similarity and equality with the mainstream culture. Instead, endowed human capital, the nature of immigration, and reception contextualize the process and potentially lead to differential outcomes. Recognizing that spatial differences in assimilation may also exist, the segmented assimilation framework is extended within this paper to include a more explicit recognition of geography's role in shaping the assimilation trajectory. The empirical analysis draws upon the 1980 and 1990 PUMS data files, and compares the assimilation trajectory of Chinese immigrants (excluding Hong Kong and Taiwanese origins) across the New York, San Francisco, and Los Angeles metropolitan areas. Based upon period of arrival and age in 1980 and 1990, measures of assimilation are compared across these three metropolitan areas, along with the role of internal migration in maintaining or decreasing assimilation differences. The analysis indicates that the progress of assimilation varies significantly over space, with spatial differences in measures of assimilation persisting over time, despite the role of internal migration. Reasons as to why this occurs are presented in the conclusion.  相似文献   

Abstract: This paper considers the convergence of immigration/globalisation and education in New Zealand. The issues of immigrant students at Epsom Normal Primary School were raised nationally in 1995, and this incident serves as a useful departure point to consider some of the challenges involved in bridging the gap between immigration and education. Educational immigration is a notion used by Belich (2001) amongst others, to suggest that immigrants arrive in New Zealand in order to bypass full cost fees paid by international students. This notion, while useful, is challenged. Research undertaken in North Shore City as well as official immigration figures show the complexities of the issue: immigrant communities may be indirect recruiters of these students, but there are also an increasing number of international students becoming permanent residents. Either way, education providers face particular challenges with migrant students, not only in terms of English language abilities, but also in the lack of financial incentive migrant students give to an education provider relative to international students’ contributions. These micro issues are placed in perspective when returning to considering the transient nature of many young migrants exploring opportunities in a globalised world.  相似文献   

In Australia, the transfer of asylum seekers to Nauru for ‘processing’ and the harm experienced by refugees in this context has been analysed from various perspectives, including criticisms that this is a form of torture. However, the harm experienced by refugees seeking asylum has not been considered through a southern disability theory (SDT) lens. Whilst SDT has been employed to examine various contexts, the framework has not explicitly been used to discuss the production of impairment in Nauru. Our application of this framework in this context highlights the Global North and Global South inequalities operating on the bodies of those refugees seeking asylum who are initially obstructed from entry into Australia. SDT also highlights some Global North framings that do not include the production of impairment in theorising disabling conditions. This obscures the power relations underpinning the policies generating harm to those in Nauru; however, SDT makes these power relations central, thus providing a better framework for appreciating what is occurring in Nauru and the ongoing refugee transition undertaken to ‘claim’ asylum in Australia.  相似文献   

In order to reduce the differential settlement of gravel pile foundation under large scale oil tank, axisymmetric numerical simulation method and finite element method was employed to study the pile length, the exchange rate of length, the length of the cushion course to the influence of differential settlement and the relationship of negative lateral displacement and the settlement. It is found that: differential settlement has a minimum range of pile length. For the oil tank foundation center, by keeping the pile diameter, increasing pile spacing can increase the rate of exchange and obtain smaller differential settlement in relatively smaller displacement rate conditions. And by keeping replacement rate unchanged, the larger the pile diameter(namely the looser pile spacing) is, the smaller the differences settlement of the gravel pile foundation is. Moreover, pile length adjustment and the exchange rate have obvious effects on different subsidence and not obvious effects on the length of the cushion course. The appearance of oil tank foundation negative lateral displacement is one of the most important features of differential settlement adjustment.  相似文献   

This paper examines the vertical and horizontal dimensions of human capital across regions within the U.S., ranging from densely populated city centers to isolated and sparsely populated rural areas. To do so, we classify detailed geographic areas into categories along the entire urban–rural hierarchy. An occupation‐based cluster analysis is then used to complement the conventional measure of human capital, based on college attainment, by measuring the types of skills available in the regional workforce. We find that differences in human capital across the urban–rural hierarchy are related to both the types of work performed in urban and rural areas and that a higher share of college‐educated workers is present in urban areas regardless of the skills typically required to perform the job.  相似文献   

Canada, the U.S., and Australia have recently experienced an increased regional dispersion of entering immigrants. American research suggests that a mixture of economic push factors (away from states like California) and pull factors (toward states with growth of low‐wage jobs) and changing government policies and regulations contributed to the development of the New Gateways. Very few studies have been conducted to determine why the regional dispersion of entering immigrants occurred in Canada. This paper assesses the extent to which changes in immigration selection programs, notably, the Provincial Nominee Programs, contributed to the regional dispersion of entering immigrants. Using data from immigrant landing records, this study shows that different factors accounted for changes in the share of immigrants settling in different destinations. Changes in immigration selection programs played the primary role in the increasing numbers going to Saskatchewan and Manitoba, although improving economic conditions may have played an indirect role. Shifts in immigrant source regions were an important factor in the decrease in immigration to Toronto and in the increase to Montréal. Economic conditions likely played a significant role in the changes in the shares of new immigrants going to Toronto, Montréal, Calgary, and Edmonton.  相似文献   

农户是土地承包权调整方式的“践行者”,也是调整效果的“检验者”,探究其认可度对相关政策的制定与可持续发展实施至关重要。基于江西省510份农户的调查数据,从生计资本视角运用Ordered Logit模型,就农户土地承包权调整方式认可度及影响因素展开研究分析。研究发现:(1)样本农户生计资本总值与各项生计资本指数都较低,五大生计资本指数存在显著差异性,其中生计资本指数最高、自然资本指数最低。(2)人力资本中,文化程度、是否有非农技能和家人健康状况都呈显著影响;自然资本中,承包地面积呈显著正向影响;物质资本中,货车数量呈显著负向影响;金融资本中,家庭年收入和贷款难度都呈显著影响;社会资本中,是否有村干部和是否经常参加村会议都呈显著影响。在此结果基础上,提出了要发挥政府主导作用,加大相关宣传,也要因地制宜,在稳定的承包关系下,根据村庄实际情况选择土地承包权调整方式的政策建议。  相似文献   

This paper examines the roles of physical capital, human capital, and social capital in China's economic growth during the reform period 1981–2010. Empirical estimation confirms that physical capital and human capital contribute to the economic growth, probably due to the capital accumulation and the improvement of labor productivity. The impact of social capital turns from being insignificant in the 1980s and the 1990s to be positive in the 2000s, suggesting its rising importance in recent decades. A declining role of physical capital in the economic growth in China from 1990s to 2000s is also found. The findings hold for several additional robustness checks, including focusing on longer term determinants of the economic growth, subregional analysis, and endogeneity. Furthermore, the foreign direct investment inflows and adjustment of economic ownership structure are also important for economic growth in China.  相似文献   

Immigration and settlement pattern of 0-group summer flounder (Paralichthys dentatus) and southern flounder (P. lethostigma) in an estuarine nursery are described. Flounders entering the estuary were transforming larvae. Despite their sympatric occurrence during larval immigration, the two species were found concentrated in different habitats. Sampling along transects within the estuary indicated that newly settled southern flounder were concentrated on tidal flats towards the head of the estuary while greatest numbers of summer flounder were captured on tidal flats in the middle reach of the system. Logistic regression analysis of presence/absence data indicated that salinity affected the distribution of southern flounder while substrate type was an important factor affecting the distribution of summer flounder. Numbers of both species on tidal flats declined in the spring, southern flounder appeared to move upstream to oligohaline riverine habitat and summer flounder appeared to move to high salinity salt marsh habitat. The segregated distribution apparent in juveniles is largely established during the immigration period. Differences in settling behaviour and subsequent movement and/or differential mortality occurring during settlement, appear important in determining the observed distribution of juvenile summer and southern flounder.  相似文献   

山区人类生产和生活对土地利用的影响主要集中在聚落生态位内,以山区聚落生态位为研究单元,可有效揭示山区微观尺度土地利用的动态变化过程和人地作用机制。利用遥感资料和GIS技术,研究1999—2009年岷江上游干旱河谷区聚落生态位内部土地利用时空分布及其变化特征,研究结果表明:(1)10年间聚落生态位内耕地显著减少,而草地和林地明显增加;(2)聚落生态位内土地利用在海拔2001~2900 m、坡度15°~35°分布最为集中,在坡向上呈现南坡高于北坡,东坡高于西坡的特征;(3)聚落生态位内高山区土地利用结构趋于有序,而低山区-高半山区土地利用结构趋于无序。岷江上游聚落生态位内部土地利用正处于快速调整阶段,耕地呈现出明显的非农化特征(耕地→草地、耕地→生态林、耕地→经果林),这种土地利用变化主要是聚落人口空心化、生态保育政策和比较利益共同驱动作用的结果。  相似文献   

Our understanding of the socio-economic and geographical impacts of structural adjustment has not kept pace with the transformations, and this paper responds to this problem. Faced with massive foreign debt and a collapse of traditional exports, governments throughout the developing world have agreed to World Bank- and International Monetary Fund (IMF)-prescribed structural adjustment and to its component industrial free zones. The zones are designed to attract foreign manufacturers to produce for export, and thereby generate hard currency for governments and jobs for young women. Jamaica, which has experienced a greater foreign debt burden and more structural adjustment agreements than virtually any other third world country, provides a case study of free zone policy. The research employs a political economy approach (Barnes 1993, whereby conventional wisdom that free zones contribute positively to Third World development is initially scrutinized. Free zones are examined with respect to the historical, social, and spatial contexts in which they are imbedded, and social groups affected by free zones are disaggregated by class and gender to expose power relationships and differential impacts. Most evidence is drawn from internal Jamaican government records and interviews with public and private managers involved with the free zones. The findings indicate that the costs and benefits of free zone promotion are distributed very unevenly with respect to class, gender and location.  相似文献   

Using Singer's typology of different types of immigration gateways, this study mainly addresses how metropolitan area conditions impact ethnic labor force entrepreneurial choices across ethnicity and gender, within the contexts of different types of immigration gateways. Employing the 5 percent 2000 Integrated Public Usable Microdata Samples and a multilevel regression strategy, this study demonstrates that different types of immigration gateways have distinctive impacts on ethnic entrepreneurship. After controlling for both personal‐ and metropolitan‐level characteristics, it is found that whites and blacks are more likely to own businesses in newer immigration gateways, while Hispanics and Asians are more likely to do so in the more established gateways. In addition, differences as to the interaction effects of gender and regional labor markets are the most significant for blacks and Asians. Such interaction effects reshape gender differences in business ownership across ethnic groups.  相似文献   

It is very imporfand to monitor the exchange of the foreign trade income when the convertibikty of current account has been realied.In order to enforce the monitoring of the settlement of foreign exchange income in Chongqing, Grey Model and Auto-Regression Model have been built based on the characteristics of local data, which focus on the forecasting of the local settlement of foreign exchange of foreign trade income. From different aspects, these two models efficiently forecast the variation, in short run and middle run, of the exchange of foreign trade income in Chongqing. Based these analyses, this paper suggests the combination of two models and enforcing the monitoring of the settlement of foreign exchange of cooperation of enterprises and banks.  相似文献   

为分析农业户籍流入人口的户籍迁移趋势,以期为西北中小城市对农业户籍流入人口的管理提供参考,对西北中小城市农业户籍流入人口的户籍迁入意愿进行了调查。通过采用定点抽样的方式和无结构访谈的方式,调查西北中小城市农业户籍流入人口的户籍迁入意愿。结果发现:女性、已婚、月收入成中等水平、本地化流动、居住时间长、对生活状态满意的流入人口迁入意愿强烈;个人因素对户籍迁入影响显著,经济因素、社会因素起着制约性的影响。建议政府部门采取加强流动人口的动态监测,强化就业培训意识,顺应家庭化流入趋势,做好信息共享等措施,为农业户籍流入人口的户籍迁入工作做好服务。  相似文献   

The notion of dark networks has recently received attention in the literature on policy network analysis. Dark networks are defined as illegal and covert, in contrast to bright networks which are legal and overt. In this article, we suggest a third category – grey networks – which are characterised by their use of secrecy and concealment despite their ostensibly legal status. These networks are subject to contradictory imperatives. They employ methods that cannot be openly acknowledged within the larger legal and social framework in which they function. In this article, we illustrate this concept through an interview‐based study of Australia's immigration detention network. This network enacts a deterrence policy which has been widely condemned as breaching Australia's obligations under international law. At the same time, it is required to maintain a façade of lawfulness and respect for human rights.  相似文献   

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