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We investigated the distribution of B and T cells in the peripheral blood of haematologically inconspicuous (non-persistent lymphocytotic, PL-) cattle infected with the bovine leukaemia virus (BLV). Flow cytometric data were obtained from six PL- cattle and compared with six age-matched animals with persistent lymphocytosis (PL+) and five non-infected healthy controls (BLV-). In the PL- group, the percentage and number of surface immunoglobulin-positive (sIg+) B cells were significantly reduced. Whereas in BLV-cattle, about 40% of the peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) were sIg + and 24% were sIgM + B cells. In the PL- group, less than 20% of the PBL were sIg+ and sIgM+ B cells. Only 5% of the PBL co-expressed sIgM+ and CD5+ versus 16% in BLV-. This decrease was persistent over 3 years and predominantly affected: (i) B cells that did not express sIgM; (ii) sIgM + B cells co-expressing CD5 and CD11b; and (iii) equally both lambda- and K-type light chain B-cell subpopulations. In contrast, the number of all circulating lymphocytes, CD5- and CD11b- sIgM+ B cells and CD2+ T cells did not differ. In PL+ animals, about 75% of the PBL were sIgM+ CD5+ B cells. These cells were of polyclonal origin, as light chains of the lambda- and K-type were expressed in a ratio of 4:1 (57.7% of PBL lambda+, 14% kappa+) as in BLV- animals (33.6% of PBL lambda+, 8.7% kappa+). In PL+ cattle the absolute number of B-cells and, therefore, their relative percentage is significantly increased. For this reason, even in case of absolutely increased T-cell numbers, the relative percentage of T-cells could be lower than in normal controls. The cause for the observed B cell decrease in PL- cattle is unknown, but it can be assumed that cytotoxic T cells are involved in this B-cell lymphopenia.  相似文献   

In cattle, we encountered insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) associated with bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) infection. To estimate the correlation between IDDM and BVDV infection, the distribution of BVDV in the pancreas and islet-cell antibody (ICA) were investigated. The distribution of BVDV in the pancreas was examined by in situ hybridization using two oligonucleotide probes that recognized the gp25- and p14-coding regions of the BVDV gene. ICA was examined by indirect fluorescence antibody assay using the sera from affected cattle and pancreata from normal cattle. In the pancreata of all BVDV-infected cattle, including IDDM-complicated cattle, oligonucleotide probe hybridized portions were recognized. In short, BVDV genes were detected not only in IDDM-complicated cattle but also in uncomplicated cattle. Moreover, there was no hybridized portion in the islet cells. In BVDV-infected and IDDM-complicated cattle, ICA was frequently detected. On the other hand, ICA was not detected in BVDV-infected and IDDM uncomplicated cattle. These results suggest that IDDM associated with BVDV infection is not a direct effect of BVDV on islet cells. Therefore, as BVDV did not induce IDDM in any cases, it appears that BVDV does not induce IDDM directly, but rather may be an autoimmune disease induced by autoantibodies against islet cells.  相似文献   

In swine, predicting the fertilizing ability of boar ejaculates before using seminal doses for artificial insemination purposes is very important for pork breeders. Routinely, semen quality is evaluated by means of sperm concentration, viability, motility and morphology. However, in some cases, these spermiogram parameters may not be precise enough to detect altered/non-functional spermatozoa within boar ejaculates that may yield lower reproductive performance. The present work reviews the conventional parameters most used for assessing porcine semen quality, and it also describes other markers recently found that may help for evaluating more accurately the boar sperm function and survival. These markers are related to alterations induced by defective spermatogenesis, epididymal maturation or sperm handling.  相似文献   

A new diagnostic approach testing tissue samples derived from cattle ear tagging for bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) antigen in a commercially available antigen capture enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay (ACE) was developed. To validate this method, 99 positive and 469 negative samples were tested. With those samples the assay yielded a sensitivity of 100% and specificity of ≥99.6%. Serum and ear tissue samples from 11 persistently infected (PI) BVDV calves were tested. While serum samples were negative after intake of colostrum, the ear tissue samples could be detected positive for BVDV all the time. Testing multiple samples derived from the same ear from PI cattle yielded positive results and low variation. Using cattle ear tags combining the ear tag application with sampling of a small ear tissue plug and testing those tissue samples with an ACE could be a reliable and economic way of BVDV testing.  相似文献   

A 12‐year‐old, male castrated Domestic Shorthair cat was presented to Animal Medical Center of Gifu Univeristy with anorexia and vomiting. Physical examination revealed an enlarged left tonsil and right mandibular lymph node (approximately 2–3× the normal size), and a submucosal mass on the right side of the epiglottis (1.5 × 2.0 cm). On computed tomography images, an enlarged left tonsil, and enlarged right mandibular, right pharyngeal, and left and right cervical lymph nodes were observed. Cytologic examination of smears of tonsil and lymph nodes revealed numerous medium‐ to large‐sized neoplastic lymphoid cells, approximately half of which contained one or several light‐blue homogenous globoid cytoplasmic inclusions (5–10 μm), which stained magenta with periodic acid–Schiff (PAS) stain. Histopathologic examination of the left tonsil revealed diffuse proliferation of medium‐ to large‐sized neoplastic lymphoid cells effacing the original lymphoid architecture. Half of the cells contained one or several eosinophilic globoid cytoplasmic inclusions, which stained magenta with PAS and showed positive immunohistochemical reactions for immunoglobulin M (IgM) and λ light chain. Neoplastic lymphoid cells were also CD20+, Pax5+, and MUM1+, and CD3?. Thus, the neoplastic lymphoid cells expressed a B‐cell immunophenotype, and the globoid cytoplasmic inclusions represented an aberrant IgM λ light chain accumulation, similar to Russell bodies. B‐cell lymphoma with Mott cell differentiation was diagnosed based on cytologic, histopathologic, and immunohistochemical features. This is the first report of B‐cell lymphoma with Mott cell differentiation in a cat.  相似文献   

Several data from different authors show that Bovine virus diarrhoea virus (BVDV) could be a key component in multiple‐etiology diseases, indeed a lower leukocytes number and their impaired functions decrease the resistance to infections. However, most of the information on the impairment of immune function during BVDV infections arise from circumstantial evidence and from experimental infection studies, and few from field data. To assess the effects of BVDV on blood cells parameters, cellular and humoral functions under field conditions, we designed a controlled study in commercial dairy herds, comparing persistent infected (PI) and healthy heifers. A total of 45 heifers were considered, the PI animals were nine, the control animals were 34, while two controls were considered as acute infected animals. The comparison of the mean values in PI calves showed a significant decrease for leukocytes and granulocytes, while platelets showed a significant increase, when compared with control animals. The total number of lymphocytes decreased not significantly in PI animals, while the proportion significantly increased. The number and proportion of monocytes was significantly reduced in PI animals, when compared with controls. The data collected on markers of cellular immunity during our study cannot be compared with the literature because there are no reference values. The presence of a persistent infection affected the cellular enzymes: NAGase, lysozyme and respiratory burst showed a large statistically significant decrease in PI animals when compared with controls. The presence of a persistent infection with BVD virus influenced blood cells number and impaired some blood cell functions. Such impairment confirms that PI animals represent a threat to the herd not only because they could spread BVDV, but also because they are more susceptible to other infectious diseases.  相似文献   

A 7‐year‐old Shetland Sheepdog was presented with anorexia. A CBC indicated thrombocytopenia and neutropenia. Bone marrow cytology revealed that 67.7% of all nucleated cells (ANC) were anaplastic large mononuclear cells. These cells were confirmed to be of B‐cell origin based on IgH rearrangement, immunohistochemical, and flow cytometric analysis. Microscopic examination revealed that the neoplastic cells had intranuclear inclusions resembling Dutcher bodies. Immunohistochemistry confirmed that the intranuclear inclusions were immunopositive for IgG antibodies. The periodic acid–Schiff reaction was negative for the presence of polysaccharides and related substances. Although the dog achieved complete remission with a multi‐drug chemotherapy protocol, it ultimately died because of tumor progression and acute renal insufficiency on day 201. This is the first known case of canine acute B‐cell leukemia with intranuclear inclusions resembling Dutcher bodies.  相似文献   

Abstract: Two young adult dogs with gastrointestinal signs were each found to have an intra‐abdominal mass based on physical examination and diagnostic imaging. On exploratory laparotomy, small intestinal masses and mesenteric lymphadenopathy were found in both dogs; a liver mass was also found in dog 1. Cytologic and histologic examination of intestinal and liver masses and mesenteric lymph nodes revealed 2 distinct lymphoid cell populations: lymphoblasts and atypical Mott cells. With Romanowsky stains, the atypical Mott cells contained many discrete, clear to pale blue cytoplasmic inclusions consistent with Russell bodies that were positive by immunohistochemistry for IgM and CD79a in both dogs and for IgG in dog 2. The Mott cells and occasional lymphoblasts stained strongly positive with periodic acid‐Schiff. Using flow cytometric immunophenotyping in dog 1, 60% of peripheral blood mononuclear cells and 85% of cells in an affected lymph node were positive for CD21, CD79a, IgM, and MCH II, indicative of B‐cells. With electron microscopy, disorganized and dilated endoplasmic reticulum was seen in Mott cells in tumors from both dogs. Antigen receptor gene rearrangement analysis of lymph node and intestinal masses indicated a clonal B‐cell population. Based on cell morphology, tissue involvement, and evidence for clonal B‐cell proliferation, we diagnosed neoplasms involving Mott cells. To the authors' knowledge, this is the second report of Mott cell tumors or, more appropriately, B‐cell lymphoma with Mott cell differentiation, in dogs. More complete characterization of this neoplasm requires further investigation of additional cases. This lymphoproliferative disease should be considered as a differential diagnosis for canine gastrointestinal tumors.  相似文献   

Abstract: A 1‐year‐old intact female miniature Dachshund was presented with hematochezia, vomiting, and diarrhea of more than 1‐week duration. An abdominal mass was palpated, which at exploratory surgery was found to be a 7‐cm‐long thickened section of ileum. The thickened ileum was resected. Impression smears revealed numerous small‐ to medium‐sized lymphocytes, with a smaller number of cells resembling Mott cells. The Mott‐like cells contained multiple pale vacuoles that were positive for periodic acid‐Schiff (PAS) in wet‐fixed smears, consistent with Russell bodies. Histologic evaluation of the surgically excised ileum revealed 2 populations of neoplastic lymphoid cells. The majority were uniform medium‐sized lymphocytes with hyperchromatic oval or round nuclei and inconspicuous nucleoli. The remaining cells resembled Mott cells, which contained several PAS‐positive eosinophilic globules in the cytoplasm, occasionally compressing the nucleus. The majority of neoplastic cells stained positively for vimentin, CD20, CD79a, and Pax‐5, but were negative for CD3 and lysozyme; 43.5% of cells stained positively for Ki‐67. The Mott cells were strongly positive for immunoglobulin but were negative for Pax‐5. Using electron microscopy, a homogenous substance of intermediate electron density was observed frequently in the cisternae of rough endoplasmic reticulum in the cytoplasm of the Mott cells, and rarely in the perinuclear cisternae of the lymphoid cells, corresponding to the site of immunoglobulin staining. Monoclonal rearrangement of immunoglobulin heavy‐chain (IgH) gene was observed by PCR testing for lymphocyte–antigen receptor rearrangement. The morphologic features, immunophenotype, and IgH gene rearrangement verified the lymphoid cells were neoplastic (mature cell type) and had a B‐cell phenotype, with evidence of immunoglobulin production and differentiation into Mott cells. This case was unusual because of the age of the dog and because most intestinal lymphomas are T‐cell phenotype. The Mott cell morphology also differed from typical mature B‐cell lymphoma types and may be a unique B‐cell lymphoma variant.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the usefulness of the previously identified B‐cell epitope TSLNLQKDEPNGRASDTAGQ of the VapA protein of Rhodococcus equi and its association with R. equi pneumonia. A modified peptide designated PN11‐14 corresponding to the epitope was recognized by all sera from experimentally infected foals with virulent R. equi ATCC103+ containing the virulence plasmid but not by its plasmid‐cured derivative ATCC103? strain. Marked levels of VapA‐specific immunoglobulin (Ig)G were detected in all sera from the ATCC103+ infected foals at 2 weeks after the infection. One control animal had high titres as determined by the peptide enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), indicating the ELISA may not absolutely differentiate between foals with R. equi pneumonia and healthy exposed foals in farms where the prevalence of disease is high. However, numbers of animals used were small. Further evaluation of the peptide ELISA with field samples is necessary to determine whether the assay is diagnostically useful. This study showed that levels of passive transfer of maternal IgG antibodies to the epitope in newborn foals could be measured. Interestingly, the maternally derived antibodies were found to significantly (P < 0.05 by Student's t‐test) decline 2 weeks after birth. Seroconversion against naturally occurring VapA expressing R. equi could be detected in some foals at 4 weeks of age. Antibodies to the epitope peaked and were significantly (P < 0.05) greater in foals aged between 6 and 8 weeks. These results indicated that the peptide ELISA could be used to monitor anti‐VapA antibodies in foals, particularly those at the age of 4–6 weeks. It is possible that the ELISA may be of some use as a diagnostic test on farms where R. equi is non‐endemic. Further studies using large number of field samples are needed to verify this assumption.  相似文献   

Since the first detection of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) in homebred cattle in Germany on 26 November 2000, 382 cases have been confirmed until 30 September 2005. Thirty‐two of these cases were reported from the Federal State of Schleswig‐Holstein (SH). There are hypotheses on the routes of infection for German cattle, but only few efforts have been made to assess potential risk factors by epidemiological studies. The purpose of this study was to identify potential risk factors at the farm level for the occurrence of BSE in cattle in SH. By applying the method of indirect standardization, the prevalence of various structural and management parameters of BSE‐affected farms in SH was compared with the prevalence of these parameters in a standard population of cattle farms from SH. The data describing the standard population were obtained by a cross‐sectional study performed in SH in 2003. Data of the BSE case population were available from the central German BSE case database. A possible association of the occurrence of BSE with the feeding of milk replacers to calves was observed. There was a clear indication that the occurrence of BSE was associated with the presence of pigs and/or poultry on the farm. This finding suggests that cross‐contamination of feed or cross‐exposition may have occurred in SH. The results obtained using the indirect standardization analysis were validated by multiple logistic regression. This study indicates that the feedborne path has been the principal route of transmission for the BSE agent in SH.  相似文献   

Diffuse large B‐cell lymphoma (DLBCL) is the most common haematopoietic malignancy in dogs. Recently, MYC and BCL2 expression levels determined with immunohistochemistry (IHC) were found to be prognostic in people with DLBCL. We hypothesized that canine DLBCL can be similarly subdivided into prognostic subtypes based on expression of MYC and BCL2. Cases of canine DLBCL treated with CHOP chemotherapy were retrospectively collected and 43 dogs had available histologic tissue and complete clinical follow‐up. Median values of percent immunoreactive versus immunonegative cells were used to determine positive or negative expression status. Completion of CHOP was significantly associated with a positive outcome. Compared with human patients, our canine DLBCL patients had high IHC expression of both MYC and BCL2, and relative expression levels of one or both markers were not associated with clinical outcome.  相似文献   

Clinico‐pathological profiles were studied in adult and young Friesian cattle naturally infected with Theileria annulata in the Qassim Region, Saudi Arabia. Sixty‐two clinical cases of T. annulata infection in adult and young Friesian cattle were diagnosed during the period from August 1999 to July 2000. Symptoms observed were marked fever, swelling of superficial lymph nodes, inappetance, tachycardia, dyspnoea and weakness. The most prominent gross pathological features were jaundice, petechial and ecchymotic haemorrhages involving mucosal and serosal surfaces of many organs as well as body fat. A number of young and adult Friesian cattle undergoing lethal T. annulata infection developed lymphoma‐like lesions in a manner similar to that of T. parva. The main histological findings were necrosis and severe lymphocytic infiltration. The spleen, lymph nodes and Peyer's patches were devoid of typical lymph nodules.  相似文献   

An 11‐year‐old, 443‐kg Haflinger mare was presented to the North Carolina State University Veterinary Teaching Hospital with a 2‐week history of lethargy and a 3‐day duration of anorexia, pyrexia, tachycardia, and ventral edema. Severe pitting edema, peripheral lymphadenopathy, and a caudal abdominal mass were noted on physical examination. An extreme leukocytosis (154.3 × 103/μL) and microscopic hematologic findings suggestive of myelomonocytic leukemia were observed. Serum protein electrophoresis revealed a monoclonal gammopathy and urine protein electrophoresis revealed a monoclonal light chain proteinuria. Necropsy and histopathology confirmed widespread neoplastic infiltration in many organs with a heterogenous population of cells; there was no apparent evidence of bone marrow involvement. Immunohistochemistry confirmed presence of a majority of B cells with a limited antigen expression, admixed with a lower number of T cells. Molecular clonality analysis of IgH2, IgH3, and kappa‐deleting element (KDE, B cell) on whole blood and KDE on infiltrated tissues revealed clonal rearrangements, and the KDE intron clones that amplified in blood and in infiltrated tissue were identical. In contrast, the clonality analysis of T‐cell receptor γ revealed no clonality on blood cells and infiltrated tissues. In conjunction with the histopathologic changes, the lesion was interpreted to be composed of neoplastic B cells with a reactive T‐cell population. Polymerase chain reaction testing for equine herpes virus 5 was negative. The final diagnosis was diffuse large B‐cell lymphoma with a marked hematogenous component.  相似文献   

Ki67 can discriminate between high‐ and low‐grade canine lymphomas, but its prognostic role in specific subtypes of the neoplasm is unknown. We assessed the prognostic significance of Ki67% (percentage of Ki67‐positive cells), evaluated by flow cytometry, in 40 dogs with high‐grade B‐cell lymphoma, treated with a modified Wisconsin–Madison protocol (UW‐25). The following variables were investigated for association with lymphoma specific survival (LSS) and relapse free interval (RFI): Ki67%, breed, sex, age, stage, substage, complete remission (CR). By multivariate analysis, Ki67% (P = 0.009) and achievement of CR (P = 0.001) were independent prognostic factors for LSS. Dogs with intermediate Ki67% (20.1–40%) presented longer LSS and RFI (median = 866 and 428 days, respectively) than dogs with low (median = 42 days, P < 0.001; median = 159 days, P = 0.014) or high (median = 173 days, P = 0.038; median = 100 days, P = 0.126) values. Determination of Ki67 is a prognostic tool that improves the clinical usefulness of flow cytometric analysis in canine high‐grade B‐cell lymphoma.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of Bovine Herpesvirus 4 (BoHV‐4) and Histophilus (H.) somni on fertility rate of cows in a Hungarian Holstein‐Friesian dairy herd with purulent vaginal discharge (PVD). Non‐pregnant cows (n = 188) with mature corpus luteum were treated with cloprostenol and 3 days later if they did not show oestrus, were examined by rectal palpation. Animals showing PVD (n = 60/31.9%/) and 14 controls with normal vaginal discharge (Score 0) were randomly selected and further examined by ultrasonography and blood samples were collected for detecting BoHV‐4 DNA and transcervical guarded swabs were collected from the uterus for bacteriological examination. Although the majority of the examined animals were infected with BoHV‐4 and H. somni including the control animals as well, in group of animals with PVD score 3, fewer animals became pregnant and the duration between the first treatment to pregnancy was significantly extended. Based on these clinical and comparative data, our results confirm that these two microorganisms together may impair important reproductive parameters which may cause large economic losses to dairy farms.  相似文献   

An 18‐year‐old male castrated jaguar (Panthera onca) was presented with anorexia and continuous bleeding from the oral cavity after a history of fighting with the partner animal. Clinical evaluation revealed ulcerating lesions on the gingiva and hard palate and a hematoma on the tongue. Computed tomography of the head and endoscopic examination of the esophagus and stomach were unremarkable. Hematology and clinical chemistry revealed severe nonregenerative anemia, mild thrombocytopenia, and moderate azotemia. Several PCRs for feline hemotropic mycoplasmas (Mycoplasma haemofelis, M heamominutium, M turicensis), Babesia felis, and Bartonella spp., as well as an FeLV antigen test were negative. The cytologic examination of a bone marrow aspirate was consistent with ineffective erythropoiesis, most likely due to immune‐mediated destruction of the erythroid precursor cells. Prednisolone therapy was initiated (1.25 mg/kg/day), and the CBC returned to normal 16 days after the initiation of the therapy. Anemia relapsed after 4 months and severe splenomegaly was noted. A repeat bone marrow aspirate revealed active erythropoiesis in the presence of erythroid precursor phagocytosis suggesting an immune‐mediated process. Splenic fine‐needle aspiration and tissue biopsies were taken, and all findings including histology and immunohistochemistry were consistent with a diffuse large B‐cell lymphoma (DLBCL). Five days later, the clinical condition deteriorated and the jaguar died. Histopathology following necropsy showed infiltration with neoplastic lymphoblasts in the spleen, liver, and abdominal lymph nodes. This case report describes a nonregenerative immune‐mediated anemia associated with a DLBCL in a jaguar.  相似文献   

The present study sought to determine: (i) the effects of Neospora caninum infection and twin pregnancy on plasma pregnancy‐associated glycoprotein‐2 (PAG‐2) concentrations throughout pregnancy and (ii) whether plasma PAG‐2 concentrations could predict abortion in N. caninum‐infected cows. The study was performed on a commercial Holstein‐Friesian dairy herd in northeastern Spain and the final data included those recorded in 53 non‐aborting and 19 aborting animals. Blood samples were collected immediately before pregnancy diagnosis (on Days 40, 90, 120, 150, 180 and 210 post‐insemination) in non‐aborting cows or until the time of abortion detection in aborting cows. General lineal models (GLM) repeated measures anova revealed the different behaviour of PAG‐1 and PAG‐2, and significant effects of Neospora seropositivity, cool season and twin pregnancy on plasma PAG‐2 concentrations throughout gestation (between‐subject effects). In addition, based on the odds ratios, the likelihood of abortion increased in Neospora‐seropositive cows (by a factor of 7.0) compared to seronegative animals and decreased in cows with a high plasma PAG‐2 concentration (>4.5 ng/ml) on Day 120 of pregnancy (by a factor of 0.24), compared to the remaining cows. In conclusion, there is a relationship between plasma PAG‐2 concentrations and the risk of abortion in Neospora‐infected dairy cows. Thus, plasma PAG concentrations measured using anti‐boPAG‐2 antiserum on Day 120 of gestation could serve as an indicator of the abortion risk in N. caninum infected animals; values <4.5 ng/ml indicating a high risk of abortion in chronically infected animals.  相似文献   

Death‐associated protein kinase (DAPK) is a serine/threonine kinase and a tumour suppressor gene. Diffuse large B‐cell lymphomas with inactivated DAPK through hypermethylation of a CpG island is known to result in a biologically aggressive phenotype in humans. This retrospective study was carried out to analyse the prognostic significance of DAPK CpG island hypermethylation in canine lymphoma. We hypothesized that DAPK CpG island hypermethylation can be a negative prognostic indicator in dogs with nodal high‐grade B‐cell lymphoma. Forty‐seven dogs with high‐grade B‐cell lymphoma, according to the updated Kiel classification, were evaluated after being treated with a CHOP (vincristine, cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin and prednisolone)‐based chemotherapy protocol. The methylation status of the DAPK CpG island was examined by methylation‐specific PCR. Progression‐free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS) were compared using the Kaplan‐Meier analysis and log‐rank test. The cox proportional hazard regression model was used to evaluate the effect of multiple variables. Hypermethylation of the DAPK CpG island was detected in 21 of the 47 dogs. The PFS and OS in dogs with the hypermethylation (median: 220 and 266 days, respectively) were significantly shorter than those of dogs without hypermethylation (median: 301 and 412 days, respectively) (PFS, P = .036; OS, P = .007). In the multivariate analysis, hypermethylation of the DAPK CpG island remained an independent prognostic factor in predicting shortened PFS (P = .047) and OS (P = .021) as well as clinical substage b. Overall, hypermethylation of the DAPK CpG island was a negative prognostic factor in canine high‐grade B‐cell lymphoma.  相似文献   

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