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Growth and survival of the scallop Lyropecten nodosus were studied in 1997 at two sites (inner and outer Turpialito Bay) during a non‐upwelling period normally occurring between August and November. Individuals had an initial shell height of 4.86 cm (SD=1.64 cm). Both experimental groups were held in suspended plastic baskets at the same depth (4 m). Measurements of shell height and dry weights of shell, gonad, digestive gland, remaining tissues and shell biofouling were taken at monthly intervals. Environmental parameters, including temperature, phytoplanktonic biomass, total particulate material (TPM) and associated organic (POM) and inorganic (PIM) fractions, were recorded simultaneously. At the end of the study, significant differences in growth and survival of scallops were observed between the two experimental sites. Scallops maintained inside the bay showed a 22% greater increase in shell height (7.41±0.27 cm) than those placed outside the bay (6.37±0.41 cm). Survival of scallops inside the bay was 31% higher compared with scallops outside. The greater availability of food of phytoplanktonic origin during the first two experimental months (July and August) together with greater POM throughout the whole experimental period except September, at the inner bay site, probably explained survival and growth differences observed between the two locations. Results suggest that, during the non‐upwelling period (characterized by low primary productivity and high water temperatures), POM of sedimentary origin may play an important role as an energy source required for metabolic and reproductive activities of L. nodosus.  相似文献   

Growth and survival of scallop Lyropecten nodosus were studied fromJuly to November 1997 using three bottom culture methods, (1) in corrals,(2) in pockets, and (3) in anchored sleeves. All size parameters studied (dryweight of the muscle, gonad, remaining tissues and shell, and shell length)showed significant differences due to culture method. The body componentswere larger for scallops in corrals than for those in pockets and greater forthose in pockets than in sleeves. In contrast, survival did not vary withculture method. Tissue components increased rapidly during the first 2months, when temperatures were lower and phytoplankton abundant(upwelling and transition periods). Subsequently values leveled off, or insome cases (muscle) decreased, and this coincided with stratification of thewater column and associated high temperatures and scarce food resources(and possible energetic demands for gonadal development). In contrast,shell weight and length showed no apparent affect of the environmentalchanges. The increased growth in the corrals was possibly because thecorral walls permitted the scallops to raise themselves off the bottom whichcould have provided greater access to food resources (suspendedparticles), or to better quality food.  相似文献   

We analysed the settling rate of Nodipecten nodosus L. scallop spats during winter and spring, testing different types of collectors and collector preparation periods. Larval rearing was conducted with water exchange every 48 h, density at 2 larvae mL−1 and feeding between 0.5 and 2 × 104 microalgae cellsmL−1. The recovery larvae based on D-larvae produced were 31.6% (Winter Trial) and 47.2% (Spring Trial), without any antibacterial additives. The mean settling rates obtained in Winter Trial were from 0.04% to 0.79% withstand in Spring Trial were 24.99–48.65%. In the Winter Trial, there was no statistical difference between the settling rate of collectors prepared for 6 or 12 days. The settling rates of the netlon collectors with pine leaves were up to 19 times higher than those of the other types of collectors. In the Spring Trial, there was no statistical difference between the settling rates of the netlon and plastic net fruit collectors. Collectors with pine leaves produced a yield of spats up to 48.65%, more than those without pine leaves ( P <0.01). The efficiency of larval rearing and settling obtained in spring, pine leaves and low-cost local material indicate the feasibility to improve and facilitate regular production of N. nodosus spats for promotion of the growth of scallop culture in Brazil.  相似文献   

Several experiments were performed examining the effect of different culture variables on the growth and survival of Argopecten nucleus and Nodipecten nodosus larvae. Higher growth and survival values were obtained at a low density (1 larvae mL?1) than at a high density (5 larvae mL?1), except for N. nodosus's survival, which was not affected by density. Higher growth was obtained when feeding the larvae a diet of Isochrysis galbana, similar results occurred with the diet of Isochrysis galbana+Chaetoceros calcitrans in A. nucleus and with I. galbana combined with the lipid emulsion EmDHA in N. nodosus. Higher survival was obtained when the diet included a mixture of microalgae than when EmDHA was supplemented. Growth and survival of the larvae of A. nucleus were greater when fed continuously, while N. nodosus grew and survived better when food was given discontinuously. Higher growth and survival values were recorded at lower food concentrations ranging from 20 to 40 cells μL?1 of I. galbana. Higher growth was observed with increasing temperature between 22 and 28 °C, although there was a simultaneous decrease in survival. No significant effects on larval production parameters were found when the culture water was changed totally or partially, but higher larval growth of N. nodosus was verified when a partial renewal of water was performed.  相似文献   

A study was made of the growth and survival of postlarvae and spat of Argopecten nucleus and Nodipecten nodosus produced in the laboratory and exposed to different conditions of settlement and culture. An evaluation was made of the different types of collection substrates (onion-bags, artificial-grass, fibreglass-plates), two types of settlement inducers (epinephrine, low temperature), and two culture environments (sea, laboratory). The results showed that larger numbers of postlarvae were obtained in artificial-grass collectors than on fibreglass-plates or in the onion-bags. The growth of the A. nucleus postlarvae was not affected by the collector type, while that of N. nodosus was higher on fibreglass-plates, and lesser in the onion-bags. Both thermal and chemical stimulation of the competent larvae resulted in recovery of a greater percentage of postlarvae. The growth of postlarvae of A. nucleus was better in groups exposed to the two methods of settlement induction, while those of N. nodosus remained unaffected by this treatment. The survival of the postlarvae and spat was greater in the laboratory than at sea except in the case of A. nucleus postlarvae attached to collectors, whose survival was similar in both environments. The growth of postlarvae and spat was greater in the sea than in the laboratory.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of density and growing season on growth and survival of juvenile lion's paw scallops (Nodipecten subnodosus) in Estero San Buto, a mangrove channel in Bahía Magdalena, Mexico. Scallops were kept in plastic mesh bags in oyster trays at three population densities (500, 1000 and 2000 organisms per tray, or low medium and high density respectively) over a period of 2 months from October to December 2001 and from February to April 2002. Growth (shell height increment) was measured every 7–12 days and mortality was evaluated at the end of the experiment (dead shell count). Overall growth was fast (0.24–0.38 mm day?1) in comparison with other pectinids. Significant differences were found for both, density and season, with faster growth occurring at lower densities and during the fall season when the water temperature was higher. Mortality was low (0.5–3.0% 60 day?1) except for the high‐density treatment in the fall (44% 60 day?1). Crowding together with high water temperatures and increased metabolic oxygen demand of the scallops and possibly competition for food were the probable reasons for this high mortality. Overall, mortality was lower in the spring, when temperatures were lower, O2 values were higher and food was more abundant.  相似文献   

The embryonic and larval development of black skirt tetra, Gymnocorymbus ternetzi, are described under controlled laboratory conditions. In addition, major histomorphological changes and the allometric growth patterns during larval development have been described. The laboratory‐reared broodstock, that is 1 year of age, were spawned. Hatching occurred 20–21 h after spawning at 24 ± 0.5°C. The cleavage was finished in 2 h and the early blastula stage occurred at 2:04 hours after spawning. The gastrulation started at 3:20 hours and 30% epiboly was observed at 3:34 hours after spawning. Eight‐somite stage was observed at 08:33 hours. And embryonic developmental stage was completed at 21 h after spawning. The newly hatched larvae were 1442 ± 14.3 μm in mean total length (TL). The mouth opened at 3 days after hatching (DAH). The yolk sac had been totally absorbed and the larvae started to swim actively within 3–4 days. Notochord flexion began at 11 DAH. The metamorphosis was completed and the larvae transformed into juveniles at 32 DAH. In this paper, the full developmental sequence from egg to juvenile of G. ternetzi is described for the first time.  相似文献   

Different types and concentrations of probiotics were evaluated for their effects on growth, survival and enzyme activity of hatchery‐reared Nodipecten subnodosus spat. The treatments included (1) a mix of the microalgae Isochrysis galbana and Pavlova salina as the control group; (2) Diet 1 + a mix of Burkholderia cepacia and Pseudomonas aeruginosa; (3) Diet 1 + the commercial probiotic Epicin; and (4) Diet 1 + the commercial probiotic Bactosafe. Both commercial probiotics were tested at 3, 6 and 10 mg L−1. Scallops receiving Bactosafe and Epicin at 3 and 6 mg L−1 grew ~30% faster and larger than in the control group. Regardless of the treatment, survival at the end was 98.7%. There was no relation between the activity of catalase and superoxide dismutase; however, significantly lower catalase levels occurred at increasing doses of Epicin; significant higher catalase levels occurred in the control group and mix of bacilli. Compared with the control group, lysozyme levels were significantly higher with the Epicin and Bactosafe treatments (3 and 6 mg L−1). More research needs to be conducted with probiotics to determine their real effects on the activity of antioxidant enzymes. We expect that treated scallops will increase their performance at the field.  相似文献   

Knowledge of broodstock manipulation, gametogenesis, artificial fertilization and larval nutrition is a prerequisite to reach a large‐scale production of the polychaete Hediste diversicolor. In this study, the characteristics of oogenesis and spermatogenesis and embryonic and larval development were observed. Moreover, the effect of temperature on embryonic development and effect of diets and sediment on earlier juvenile development were tested. Mature oocytes were characterized by a spherical shape with a diameter of about 200 μm. They showed radial symmetry with a large centric nucleus surrounded by four distinctive layers. Embryo cleavage started between 4 and 10 hr after fertilization, and developed to the swimming trochophore stage after 5–6 days after fertilization at 11°C. The rate of embryonic development increased with a temperature increase from 6.1 to 21.2°C. The trochophore larvae increased in length from day 9 and commenced differentiation into 3‐setiger stage larvae at day 12. The length growth of larvae until 7‐setiger stage was 0.43 mm/day when fed with fish feed, while those fed shellfish diet and smolt sludge both grew around 0.21–0.23 mm/day. The results suggest that fish feed is a superior diet compared to shellfish diets and smolt sludge for the early larval stage of H. diversicolor.  相似文献   

In this study, the embryonic and larval development stages of one of the most important ornamental fish serpae tetra (Hyphessobrycon eques) are described. The early life stage is documented from fertilization until the beginning of the juvenile period. The fertilized eggs (the average diameter = 938.55 ± 35.20 µm) were incubated at a water temperature of 26 ± 0.5°C. The cleavage finished in 1:10 hr (=h) and the early blastula stage occurred at 1:26 hr post fertilization (hpf). The gastrulation started at 3:05 hpf, and 50% epiboly was observed at 3:25 hpf. Segmentation stage was monitored at 7:26 hpf. Embryonic developmental stage was completed and hatching occurred 20–21 hpf. The total length (TL) of newly hatched larvae was 2.64 ± 0.21 mm. The larval development of serpae tetra was divided into four different periods: Yolk‐sac larva (1–4 DAH, TL = 2.77 ± 0.09 mm ‐ 3.85 ± 0.11 mm), preflexion larva (5–12 DAH), flexion larva (13–15 DAH, TL = 5.78 ± 0.46 mm on the 15th day) and post‐flexion larva (16–30 DAH, TL = 10.7 ± 0.27 mm on the 28th–30th days). The mouth and anus are closed at 1 DAH. The mouth and anus opened at 4 DAH. Exogenous feeding started on the 4th day. The first gulping of the swim bladder was on days 3. The larva begins to swim freely, and the yolk sac was completely consumed at 4 DAH. Histological structures of the eye and brain of new hatched larva were clearly identified at 1 day after hatching (DAH). According to histological findings, the digestive system (stomach, intestine) started to develop and the liver could be seen on the ventral side of the swim bladder at 5 DAH. No histological difference was observed between the anterior intestine and the posterior intestine at 15–16 DAH. The larval metamorphosis was completed, and the larvae transformed into juveniles at 28–30 DAH.  相似文献   

At 25 °C, metamorphosis in leopard grouper Mycteroperca rosacea larvae took 60 days after hatching. The total length at day 1 was 1.95±0.22 mm and juveniles reached a length of 30.64±0.23 mm at day 60; the increase was approximately linear. We describe eight stages of development during this period. Larvae with the yolk sac attached occur from days 1 to 4 (Stages 1 and 2). The preflexion occurs on days 5–20 (Stages 3 and 4). Bending notochord occurred at day 25 (Stage 5). The other morphological changes that precede the juvenile phase occurred progressively until day 60 (Stages 6–8). Allometric growth in the height and length of the head, trunk length, height and length of the tail and the diameter of the eye compared with the total length showed two distinct stages of growth. Inflexion point, where growth is positive, occurred when larvae reached between 18.75 and 21.59 mm, which corresponds to larvae at days 35–40.  相似文献   

Scallop Pecten maximus spat (1.3–2.1 mm shell height) from different settlement groups were transferred from hatchery to land‐based nursery at different ages and sizes. Chemical content, growth and survival were compared at transfer time and after 1 and 8 weeks of nursery growth. Growth was lowest and mortality highest in the first week after transfer. Mean shell height growth was 21.5–71.4 μm day?1 and ash‐free dry weight (AFDW) growth ?2.7 to 10.3 μg day?1. Spat from the first settlement group attained a larger size and weight than spat from larvae settled 3 days later, but had a lower daily growth rate (%). Keeping the late‐settled spat a longer time in the hatchery to reach a bigger size before transfer seemed not to improve subsequent nursery growth. Survival showed a large variation with mean survival ranging from 32% to 74%. A substantial reduction in lipid content was found after transfer to the nursery. Sterol content at transfer was the only lipid class correlating with survival in the nursery. Based on the results, it is justified that spat groups of different settlement age are included in production of 15‐mm great scallop spat if they are transferred from the hatchery at the same age.  相似文献   

The West Indian top shell, Cittarium pica, is an endangered vetigastropod of ecological and commercial value from the Caribbean. In order to assess the use of aquaculture as a tool for its sustainable production and conservation, embryos were produced in hatchery and experimentally cultured until juveniles under different conditions. Embryos were incubated under two temperatures (25 and 29°C) and six densities (0.3, 0.6, 1.0, 4.0, 9.0 and 37.0% of bottom‐coverage). Larvae were reared under different temperatures (25 and 27°C), densities (0.5, 1, 1.5 and 10 larvae/ml) and culture systems (static and down‐welling). Post‐larvae were obtained in three different settling conditions, and the early juveniles were cultured supplying fresh seaweed (Laurencia obtusa and Padina gymnospora), natural multi‐specific biofilm and Cylindroteca sp. biofilm. The growth and survival of embryos and larvae were not affected by temperature, but they were affected by density. Higher values were obtained at low densities (<1% of embryos bottom‐coverage and <1 larvae/ml), except for the growth of larvae, which was similar among treatments. Higher larval survival was recorded using the static culture system, and higher percent of post‐larvae recovered was associated with lower density of crawling veliger (0.2 and 0.1/ml), while its higher growth rate was related to the use of biofilms with conspecific mucus and low water‐flow (50%/h). The type of food tested did not affect the juvenile growth, but higher survival was obtained in those fed with seaweed than with multi‐specific biofilm.  相似文献   

Shi drum (Umbrina cirrosa L.) larvae were maintained under three photoperiod regimes: a natural photoperiod regime (16L:8D), continuous light (24L) and equal durations of light and dark (12L:12D) from the end of the vitelline phase to the end of the metamorphosis. Muscle and body parameters were studied at hatching and at 4, 10, 14, 39 and 55 days post hatching (dph). During the vitelline phase, the total body length growth was scarce, whereas the muscle grew significantly, being the hypertrophy of the main mechanism involved. Both the total body length and the hypertrophy were significantly greater at 16L:8D than in the rest of photoperiod regimes. At 10 and 14 dph, the greatest body length was reached at 16L:8D, followed by the 24L group, showing the 12L:12D group the lowest values. At 14 dph, the hypertrophy and hyperplasia were also higher at 16L:8D than in the rest of groups. At 39 dph, the highest values of body length were reached in both 16L:8D and 12L:12D regimes, this latter group reaching the highest values of hypertrophy, thus showing a compensatory growth when comparing with the previous stages. The end of the metamorphosis took place at 50–55 dph in all the groups, with 2.7–3.1 cm of body length (> 0.05). At this stage, the transverse area of the white muscle was similar among the groups, but the greatest hypertrophy was reached at 16L:8D, whereas the highest hyperplasia was reached at 24L.  相似文献   

The geoduck clam, Panopea generosa, is a species from the west coast of Baja California, Mexico, and the optimization of seed production systems is still a limiting factor for its aquaculture. In this study, a flow‐through culture system was designed and tested in P. generosa larvae. Survival and growth was compared in triplicate 45‐L fiberglass tanks using three larval densities (5, 10 and 15 larvae/ml). A head tank kept constant the water inflow, with a daily renewal rate of 1.8× tank volume. The food (Isochrysis spp.) was dosed according to the ingestion rate of larvae and the dilution rate. Survival decreased linearly during the first 10 days and reached asymptotic values of ca. 20% (15 larvae/ml) and 50% (densities of 5 and 10 larvae/ml) afterwards. Mean shell length at the end of the experiment (243 ± 1.8 to 270 ± 0.7 μm) was not statistically different among treatments, even though a trend towards higher gross growth rate was observed in the treatment with the lowest density (9.5 μm/day) relative to the rest of the treatments (8.5 μm/day). It is concluded that P. generosa larvae can be successfully grown in flow‐through systems at maximum densities of 10 larvae/ml without significantly affecting their survival and growth rates. The system design was reliable, kept a constant water flow with reduced maintenance, and may represent an important option in the laboratory for increasing the stocking density of Panopea species during the larval phase.  相似文献   

To examine the impact of fouling organisms on the growth and survival of the scallop Euvola ziczac L., we maintained 31-34-mm juveniles in pearl nets at 8 m in depth at Turpialito, Golfo de Cariaco, Venezuela. The experiment ran for a 67-d period under four conditions: (1) shells and nets cleaned; (2) shells not cleaned and nets cleaned; (3) shells cleaned and nets not cleaned; and (4) shells and nets not cleaned. The growth of the scallop was least when fouling developed on both the pearl nets and scallop shells. The rate of growth of the shell (height and mass) was strongly affected by organisms colonizing the pearl nets and only weakly affected by organisms colonizing the shells. Fouling organisms on the shells only slightly affected rates of increase of tissue mass, but probably accounted for increased mortality. In developing commercial culture of E. ziczac, strategies need to be developed to limit the adverse effects of fouling on yield.  相似文献   

以产自黑龙江的三角鲂(Megalobrama terminalis)为研究对象,对其胚胎和早期仔鱼发育的形态特征和时间进行观察和描述。将受精卵去膜,在Holtfreter氏液中培育,着重观察去膜卵在原肠胚及后期发育的形态特征。在水温(23.5±1.0)℃条件下,黑龙江三角鲂胚胎从受精到出膜历时30 h 10 min,历经7个主要发育阶段(分为卵裂前期、卵裂期、囊胚期、原肠胚期、神经胚期、器官形成期、出膜期),25个发育时期。初孵仔鱼体长为(4.33±0.16)mm,在(25.5±1.0)℃条件下,经144 h,卵黄囊被完全吸收,此时全长为(7.73±0.20)mm。早期仔鱼可根据眼色素沉积、体色素沉积、鳔和卵黄囊的变化分为眼色素增多期、体色素增多期、鳔出现期、鳔充气期和卵黄囊完全吸收期5个时期。黑龙江三角鲂在鳔充气膨大(出膜后96 h)前无摄食行为。在出膜后96~144 h为混合营养期,此时适宜将仔鱼转入池塘进行夏花培育。本研究旨为黑龙江三角鲂的资源保护和苗种培育提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Hatchery culture of mud crabs has not yet achieved commercial viability despite decades of research efforts. Further research is therefore needed to better understand larval culture requirements of the crab. Based on anecdotal observations, an experiment was carried out to test whether the background colour of the culture vessel affected larval culture success. Newly hatched larvae of Scylla serrata were reared in culture vessels of five colours, i.e., black, dark green, maroon, sky blue and white. Larval survival and development were monitored daily until all of them either moulted to the first crab stage or died. The results showed clear effects of background colour on larval survival. A general tendency of higher larval survival in darker‐coloured backgrounds was evident. In particular, overall zoeal survival for larvae reared in black vessels was significantly higher than those reared in white ones. Background colour also appeared to affect larval development. Larvae reared in darker backgrounds generally had shorter development times and more synchronized moulting. A significant delay in zoeal development was observed in larvae reared in white vessels. Dark backgrounds possibly facilitated more efficient feeding, reduced settlement of larvae at the bottom of the vessels as well as minimized stress. This result appears to be the first to demonstrate that background colour can significantly affect larval survival and development of a crustacean species.  相似文献   

The Mediterranean spider crab, Maja squinado, is depleted due to overfishing. The crab has virtually disappeared from areas where it was abundant, such as the Balearic Islands and the Catalan coast. Maja squinado, is economically and ecologically very valuable, and it is essential to obtain information on its biology and rearing conditions to attempt to repopulate the damaged stocks of the species in the Mediterranean basin. Herein, we describe the first successful rearing of M. squinado under laboratory conditions. Our results show that M. squinado is an excellent candidate for restocking using cultured juveniles. Two consecutive broods with a 1–4 day interbrood period were observed in the laboratory in wild‐caught females, the maximum observed duration of embryonic development of the egg mass being 32 days at 18.4 ± 0.9°C, and went through four different stages. The complete larval and first juvenile development was studied in laboratory cultures fed enriched Artemia metanauplius. At 19.6 ± 0.6°C, development from hatching to first crab moult took 17 days, and it comprised two zoeae stages and one megalopa stage. The survival rate at the different stages was monitored, and 7.13 ± 2.3% was achieved at the first crab instar.  相似文献   

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