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Toxicology is the medical discipline that studies the often dramatic effects that poisons can have on living organisms. The body of toxicological information that the practicing veterinarian must deal with is growing exponentially. The veterinary clinician must come to understand the source of potential toxicants, circumstances leading up to poisoning episodes, must recognize the clinical signs of a wide variety of poisons, be able to diagnose intoxications, successfully treat and manage exposed animals, and institute strategies that educate the public and help prevent future poisonings. This is a tremendously tall order and can be not a little bit overwhelming. Fortunately, the clinicians are not alone and have tremendous resources in their corner, including veterinary schools, regional poison and drug centers, national veterinary hot lines utilizing board-certified veterinary toxicologists, local toxicologists and an ever-growing body of literature concerning small animal poisoning management. This discussion will investigate ways in which to make this seemingly daunting field much more palatable to small animal practitioners.  相似文献   

Cytotoxic drugs encapsulated into liposomes were originally designed to increase the anticancer response, while minimizing off‐target adverse effects. The first liposomal chemotherapeutic drug was approved for use in humans more than 20 years ago, and the first publication regarding its use in a canine cancer patient was published shortly thereafter. Regardless, no general application for liposomal cytotoxic drugs has been established in veterinary oncology till now. Due to the popularity of canines as experimental models for pharmacokinetic analyses and toxicity studies, multiple publications exist describing various liposomal drugs in healthy dogs. Also, some evidence for its use in veterinary cancer patients exists, especially in canine lymphoma, canine splenic hemangiosarcoma and feline soft tissue sarcoma, however, the results have not been overwhelming. Reasons for this may be related to inherent issues with the enhanced permeability and retention effect, the tumour phenomenon which liposomal drugs exploit. This effect seems very heterogeneously distributed in the tumour. Also, it is potentially not as ubiquitously occurring as once thought, and it may prove important to select patients for liposomal therapy on an individual, non‐histology‐oriented, basis. Concurrently, new developments with active‐release modified liposomes in experimental models and humans will likely be relevant for veterinary patients as well, and holds the potential to improve the therapeutic response. It, however, does not resolve the other challenges that liposomal chemotherapy faces, and more work still needs to be done to determine which veterinary patients may benefit the most from liposomal chemotherapy.  相似文献   

影响水产动物药代动力学的因素   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对影响水产动物药代动力学的机体因素、药理因素和环境因素进行了综述。影响药动学的因素很多,尤其对于所处环境因素复杂的水产动物来说,除了遗传种属、性别等生理因素和病理、药理等因素外,环境因子尤其是水温能显著影响药代动力学过程。研究不同条件下的药动学,对于合理、正确地使用药物有重要的指导作用。  相似文献   

Dietary protein, carbohydrates, fats and fibre have marked influences on gastrointestinal tract function and dysfunction. This article reviews the nutritional management of common gastrointestinal disorders in companion animals and introduces some of the current areas of research including probiotics, prebiotics, protein-hydrolysate diets, immunonutrition and dietary fibre.

Nutritional management of oesophageal disease revolves around varying the consistency of the diet and feeding the animal from an elevated container. Provision of bowel rest remains the mainstay of the management of acute gastroenteritis but food-based oral rehydration solutions are a useful adjunct. The recommended diet for chronic small bowel diarrhoea is a highly digestible, hypoallergenic, gluten-free, low-lactose and low-fat diet with modest amounts of fermentable fibre. The use of probiotics in the management of diarrhoea in companion animals has not yet been shown to be beneficial. It is likely that prebiotics will prove more effective than probiotics in the prevention of enteropathogenic infections.

Approximately 50% of cats in New Zealand that suffer from chronic idiopathic vomiting or diarrhoea will respond to a novel-protein-elimination diet and approximately 30% meet the diagnostic criteria for food sensitivity. Growing evidence supports the use of protein-hydrolysate diets in the management of inflammatory bowel disease and further advances in immunonutrition are expected. The dietary management of colitis should include a hypoallergenic diet with a fermentable fibre source.

Manipulation of the diet provides clinicians a powerful therapeutic strategy to be used alone or concurrently with drug therapy in the management of gastrointestinal disorders.  相似文献   

In the inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) that affect dogs and cats there appears to be dysregulation of normal mucosal immunity, characterised by polyclonal lymphocytic infiltrates which are presumably specific for luminal antigens. There is an absence of a classical polarisation of either T-helper (Th) 1 or Th2 cytokine responses, although increased expression of mRNA for interleukin (IL) 2 and IL-12p40 and a shift towards mucosal immunoglobulin (Ig) G production are consistent findings, whilst variable responses are seen in tumour necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), IL-1, IL-4, IL-6, and interferon-γ (IFN-γ). Increased mucosal permeability and deranged intestinal motility are common sequelae.

Despite obvious similarities with Crohn’s disease and ulcera- tive colitis in humans, important differences exist. Of these, the diffuse superficial nature but with no Th1 or Th2 bias, and the prevalence of proximal small intestinal disease are notable. Potential hypotheses for these disparities include specific differences in the types or locations of “agonistic” gut flora, diffuse abnormalities in microbial-host interactions, a greater importance of diet, or anatomical or cellular differences in mucosal immune responses.

Although specific pathogens and genetic susceptibilities may be involved, quantitative or qualitative changes in the normal flora or abnormal responses to a normal flora are more likely to be involved in the immunopathogenesis. Dietary influences include a large source of antigen, promotion of abnormal microbial growth through Maillard compounds within canned diets, and specific macro- and micronutrient deficiencies. Although dependent on a histopathological diagnosis, limitations of biopsies procured endoscopically, lack of histopathological standardisation and difficulty distinguishing inflammation from neoplasia remain significant problems. Clinician-pathologist dialogue, immunohistochemistry, cytokine profiling and lymphocyte-clonality assessment may lead to more accurate diagnoses, a deeper understanding of the immunopathogenesis, and ultimately to new therapies or prevention of disease induction.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo review the evidence regarding the reversal of neuromuscular block (NMB) in companion animals with emphasis on the development and use of newer agents.Database usedData sources include scientific reviews and original research publications in both human and veterinary literature using Pubmed and Scopus as search data bases. Unpublished and locally published data on reversal of NMB are presented.ConclusionsResidual NMB has been shown to increase morbidity and mortality in humans and needs to be avoided. It can be detected only by adequate neuromuscular monitoring. The proper use of reversal agents avoids residual NMB and recurarization should not occur. Anticholinesterase inhibitors, such as edrophonium and neostigmine have been used to reverse NMB when the need for this has been established. Reversal is influenced by several factors and a number of undesirable side- effects of these drugs have been reported. Sugammadex, a γ-cyclodextrin, which was designed specifically to encapsulate rocuronium, is more rapid in its actions, has fewer side effects and can reverse profound NMB induced by aminosteroidal muscle relaxants.  相似文献   

Vector-borne diseases are caused by parasites, bacteria or viruses transmitted by the bite of hematophagous arthropods (mainly ticks and mosquitoes). The past few years have seen the emergence of new diseases, or re-emergence of existing ones, usually with changes in their epidemiology (i.e. geographical distribution, prevalence, and pathogenicity). The frequency of some vector-borne diseases of pets is increasing in Europe, i.e. canine babesiosis, granulocytic anaplasmosis, canine monocytic ehrlichiosis, thrombocytic anaplasmosis, and leishmaniosis. Except for the last, these diseases are transmitted by ticks. Both the distribution and abundance of the three main tick species, Rhipicephalus sanguineus, Dermacentor reticulatus and Ixodes ricinus are changing. The conditions for such changes involve primarily human factors, such as travel with pets, changes in human habitats, social and leisure activities, but climate changes also have a direct impact on arthropod vectors (abundance, geographical distribution, and vectorial capacity). Besides the most known diseases, attention should be kept on tick-borne encephalitis, which seems to be increasing in western Europe, as well as flea-borne diseases like the flea-transmitted rickettsiosis. Here, after consideration of the main reasons for changes in tick vector ecology, an overview of each “emerging” vector-borne diseases of pets is presented.  相似文献   

对江苏省兽药产业竞争力现状进行分析,重点阐述加入WTO后,江苏兽药产业及兽药科技研究水平在国内外同行业中的优势与劣势,并提出扶持发展江苏兽药产业的策略和建议.  相似文献   

: Non-accidental injury (NAI), animal abuse and "battered pet" syndrome are terms used to identify "the intentional harm of an animal". The terms include, but are not limited to, wilful neglect, inflicting injury, pain or distress, or malicious killing of an animal. Three categories of abuse are recognised: physical, sexual and neglect.A postal survey was conducted to determine the extent to which NAI was recognised by veterinary surgeons in urban, semi-rural and rural veterinary practices in the Republic of Ireland. The questionnaire was sent to 600 veterinarians; completed submissions were received from 115 respondents (19.2%).The occurrence of NAI was acknowledged by 106 (92.2%) of the respondents and cases had been seen by 50 (43.3%) of them, comprised of 36.2% of urban veterinary surgeons from rural towns and of 82% of urban practitioners. In 59% of cases the client indicated the injury was non-accidental; 39 (67.2%) of the 58 reported cases involved a single event. Signs that made veterinary surgeons suspicious of NAI included inconsistent history, untreated injuries, recurring injuries, meekness of the animal, suspicious behaviour of the owner and injuries consistent with abuse. The types of injuries observed included burns, lacerations, gunshot wounds, poisoning, injury to genitalia, bruising and fractures.The findings of this study are comparable with those from other countries. Most but not all veterinary surgeons in Ireland recognise NAI and animal abuse is of significant concern in rural and urban communities as evidenced by this survey of practising veterinary surgeons.  相似文献   

ObjectiveThere is little information in the veterinary literature about the perioperative management of small animal patients with previously implanted pacemakers undergoing elective or emergency non-cardiac procedures. The purpose of this article is to review the current literature with regard to human patients, with previously implanted pacemakers, undergoing general anaesthesia. Using this and the current information on pacemakers and anaesthesia in dogs and cats, we provide recommendations for small animal patients in this situation.Databases usedGoogle Scholar, PubMed and CAB Abstracts using and interlinking and narrowing the search terms: “dog”, “cat”, “small animals”, “anaesthesia”, “pacemaker”, “perioperative”, “transvenous pacing”, “temporary pacing”. Scientific reports and human and small animal studies from the reference lists of the retrieved papers were reviewed. In addition, related human and veterinary cardiology and anaesthesia textbooks were also included to create a narrative review of the subject.ConclusionsThe best perioperative care for these animals comes from a multidisciplinary approach involving the anaesthetist, cardiologist, surgeon and intensive care unit team. When such an approach is not feasible, the anaesthetist should be familiar with pacemaker technology and how to avoid perioperative complications such as electromagnetic interference, lead damage and reprogramming of the device. The preanaesthetic assessment should be thorough. Information regarding the indication for pacemaker placement, complications during the procedure, location, type and programming of the pacemaker should be readily available. The anaesthetic management of these veterinary patients aims to preserve cardiovascular function while avoiding hypotension, and backup pacing should be available during the perioperative period. Further prospective studies are needed to describe the best perioperative care in small animals with a previously implanted pacemaker.  相似文献   

动物铅毒性研究进展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
铅污染是个严重的社会公共卫生问题,本文综述了动物生产领域对铅的研究结果。内容包括:①动物生产中铅的来源。②铅在动物体内的吸收、分布和代谢。③铅对动物的危害及其机理。④铅与其他养分之间的关系。⑤饲料中铅的最大允许量。  相似文献   

为了解河北地区狐肺炎大肠杆菌毒力基因、耐药基因的分布及耐药性情况,本研究采用PCR技术对从狐肺炎病例分离的81株大肠杆菌的毒力基因和耐药基因进行检测,采用K-B法检测这些大肠杆菌对16种抗菌药物的敏感性,采用试管二倍稀释法检测中药对大肠杆菌的最小抑制浓度(MIC)和最小杀菌浓度(MBC),采用腹腔注射法检测81株大肠杆菌对小白鼠的致病性。结果显示:此次共分离到81株大肠杆菌,且对小白鼠具有较强致病性;毒力基因irp2、fyuA、Ler、eaeA检出率分别为50.6%、56.8%、9.9%、23.5%;耐药基因blaTEM、blaOXA1、sul1、sul2、blaTEM1、blaSHV-1、blaCTX-M、strA-strB、aadA1、blaPSE1、sul3、tetA、tetB、tetC、tetD、ermF检出率分别为84.0%、69.1%、43.2%、38.3%、28.4%、4.9%、24.7%、29.6%、16.1%、9.9%、11.1%、9.9%、18.5%、8.6%、13.6%、3.7%,未检出耐药基因ermB、ermC;81株大肠杆菌均对磺胺间甲氧嘧啶、林可霉素等耐药;诃子、乌梅、五味子对81株大肠杆菌具有较好的体外抑菌作用,抑菌圈直径在20 mm~36 mm,MIC和MBC在7.81 mg/mL~62.50 mg/mL。本研究调查了河北地区狐肺炎大肠杆菌的流行情况,对狐肺炎病的防治具有重要的指导意义,更具公共卫生学意义。  相似文献   

Radiation is becoming widely available to treat tumours in veterinary patients. Orthovoltage machines capable of delivering low energy external beam radiation are less versatile than linear accelerators and cobalt-60 machines that deliver megavoltage radiation. In addition, electron beam capabilities that are available with some linear accelerators allow more targeted treatment in smaller patients. Acute effects of radiation are to be expected, but in nearly all cases such side effects resolve without limiting protocols. In contrast, late effects of radiation are dose limiting and are more likely with higher doses per treatment fraction. Protocols that use smaller doses per fraction have a lower risk of late effects thereby allowing higher total doses to be delivered which leads to higher tumour control rates. It is possible to provide long-term tumour control in cats and dogs using radiation therapy, particularly for mast cell tumours, soft tissue sarcomas, oral tumours and brain tumours in dogs and soft tissue sarcomas and skin tumours in cats. Individualization of treatments for tumours based on tumour staging and proliferative fraction should be considered, rather than making blanket assumptions about the behaviour of histologically determined tumour types.  相似文献   

概述兽药残留产生主要种类和原因,描述其对人类及其环境的危害,分析了预防措施,并对我国残留监控工作进行展望。  相似文献   

Batch safety tests (BSTs) of veterinary vaccines are conducted using small laboratory animals to assure the safety of vaccines according to several criteria, including clinical signs and change in body weight. Although the latter is used as an evaluation index in BSTs, there have been no reports on the internal changes that affect body weight during the test period. Therefore, we analyzed BST via pathological examination of the tested animals. Here, BSTs were performed for 176 batches using mice and 126 batches using of guinea pigs. Most of the gross findings could be classified into four lesion types (nodules, adhesions, ascites, no apparent signs), with only one vaccine inducing lesions that could not be classified into any of these four types. Histopathological examination revealed that the reactions caused by BST were pyogenic and/or granulomatous inflammation. Nodular or adhesive lesions comprised more severe pyogenic granulomatous inflammation than ascites or cases with no apparent gross lesions. These nodular or adhesive lesions were more frequently induced by vaccines that contained an adjuvant than by vaccines that did not contain an adjuvant. The cases with “exceptional” gross findings histologically presented severe necrosis of the hematopoietic system. Additional testing showed that these “exceptional” lesions were induced when a specific type of light liquid paraffin was injected along with other vaccine additives. Our results show that body weight loss and/or lesions during BST were induced by proinflammatory properties of the tested vaccines and that BST is a sensitive method for detecting unexpected effects of vaccine components.  相似文献   

从现实需求的角度出发,建议国家根据《兽药管理条例》和《兽药经营质量管理规范》,在全国范围内尽快组织开展兽药GSP认证工作,从而提高经营环节的兽药质量,保证动物疫病防治和动物性产品安全,保护广大养殖农民及养殖户的根本利益,维护人民群众的合法权益和身体健康。  相似文献   

Current and prior veterinary cancer registries are few in number and scattered. Different inclusion criteria, dissimilar collection methods and variable reference population estimation methods pose obstacles in the comparisons between veterinary and human cancer registries. Veterinary cancer registries have yielded information on the risk and incidence of different cancer types in certain breeds and geographical regions, as well as provided information on genetic and environmental risk factors in some cancers. The objective of this article is to review the prior and current veterinary cancer registries, the information they have contributed and to discuss different issues relating to their structure including inclusion criteria, study populations, reference populations utilized in evaluations, recorded variables and the outcome from these.  相似文献   

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