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Objectives of our studies were to quantify effects of salinity on growth and nitrogen metabolism of wheat and to measure variation in response of different cultivars, hybrids, and classes. Methods and criteria for identifying resistance to salinity in wheat, particularly effects on nitrogen metabolism also were tested. Variation in response to salinity was measured by subjecting seedlings of six wheats to one control treatment (‐0.1 bars) and two stress treatments (‐3.5 and ‐10.4 bars) from NaCl, MgSO4, and MgCl2 in hydroponic solutions. Both stress treatments retarded growth; wheats significantly varied at ‐3.5 bars but not at ‐10.4 bars. Stress decreased root and shoot nitrate N and total N contents. Studies with one wheat cultivar showed that salinity decreased activity of nitrate reductase enzyme and stimulated accumulation of proline. Salinity more adversely affected vegetative stages than reproductive stages of plants grown to maturity. We concluded that salinity affected wheat by both osmotic effects and antagonism of nitrate metabolism from chloride. Absolute growth and relative growth at different stress levels were superior to differences in nitrogen metabolism as selection criteria for salinity tolerance.  相似文献   

Recently nitric oxide (NO) has emerged as a key signal molecule in plants. However, little is known about the role of NO in the salt tolerance of halophytes. Effects of the NO donors sodium nitroprusside (SNP) and nitrate (NO ) on growth and ion accumulation in the euhalophyte Suaeda salsa under salinity were investigated in the present study. The results showed that higher SNP supply increased seedling emergence, but SNP had no effect on shoot growth and the concentrations of Na+, K+, Cl, and NO . Higher NO had no effect on seedling emergence of the species. Shoot Cl decreased, but NO3increased markedly, with a higher NO supply. The decrease in the estimated contribution of Cl to the osmotic potential was compensated for by an increase in that of NO . It appears that NO plays an important osmotic role in S. salsa under high salinity with a higher NO supply, and this trait may increase salt tolerance of the species under high salinity.  相似文献   

Two cultivars of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) with differential salinity tolerance were compared by evaluating the growth attributes, pigment composition and accumulation of Na+, K+, Zn2+, Fe 2+, Mn 2+ and proline. Wheat cultivars Al-Moiaya (AM) (salt tolerant) and Habbe-Druma (HD) (salt sensitive) were subjected to four levels of salinity (1.21 dS m?1, 4.4 dS m?1, 8.8 dS m?1 and 13.2 dS m?1) in factorial combinations with three drought stress (FC 30%, FC 60% and FC 90%) treatments in a randomized complete block design. Plant dry weight, leaf area ratio (LAR), soluble protein and total chlorophyll (Chl) content were higher in AM than HD. Salt-tolerant AM maintains a higher K+/ Na+ ratio and thereby is able to grow better than the salt-sensitive HD under both the stresses. The lower foliar Na+ in AM resulted in retention of higher Chl content, reflected in the strong positive correlations between plant ion status and Chl contents (Na+-Chl r2 = 0.83; Chl- Fe2+ r2 = 0.76; Zn2+ r2 = 0.93 and Mn2+ r2 = 0.88). In conclusion, our results suggested that the K+/Na+ ratio, exclusion of Na+ and ion homeostasis play much more important roles in the tolerance to salinity and drought stress than the compatible osmolyte, proline.  相似文献   

【目的】为更好地了解植物水通道蛋白盐胁迫下的调节作用,对小盐芥质膜内在蛋白TsPIP1;1及液泡膜内在蛋白TsTIP1;1在转基因水稻中的盐胁迫生理响应机制进行探究,旨在为水通道蛋白在耐盐作物分子改良育种中的应用提供理论支撑。【方法】以野生型 (WT) 与 T3 代转 TsPIP1;1 及 TsTIP1;1 基因水稻为材料,进行了水培试验,并设置了 0、100、200 mmol/L NaCl 处理。处理一周后,分别测定水稻的光合参数、株高、生物量、相对含水量、失水率及钾、钠含量。【结果】在盐胁迫处理下,与野生型相比,转基因水稻的生物量和含水量明显增加,渗透势和失水率显著降低。转 TsPIP1;1 及 TsTIP1;1 基因水稻根部及地上部的 Na+ 含量都显著降低,K+ 在转基因株系中的累积显著高于野生型,降低了体内 Na+/K+ 比,并且能够保持更强的净光合速率、气孔导度、蒸腾速率及水分利用效率。在 200 mmol/L NaCl 处理下,与野生型相比,TsTIP-5、TsTIP-7 及 TsPIP-19 的株高分别高出 8.2%、11.6%、4.9%;单株干重分别高出 17.9%、23.9%、16.9%;地上部 Na+/K+ 比分别降低 24.3%、24.4%、24.8%;根部 Na+/K+ 比分别降低 29.6%、27.5%、32.4%;渗透势分别显著降低了 18.3%、19.4%、30.3%;相对含水量分别增加了 5.8%、5.5%、5.4%;净光合速率分别增加了50.4%、 78.5%、56.2%。【结论】TsPIP1;1 及 TsTIP1;1 增强了转基因水稻的光合呼吸作用,通过降低植物体内 Na+/K+ 比,参与植物细胞的渗透调节,提高了细胞持水能力,促进转基因水稻的生长发育,增强了水稻的耐盐性。  相似文献   

Plants in arid or semiarid areas often experience simultaneous salt and boron (B) stress. Interactive effects on stress responses have been clearly established, but results are inconsistent and variably indicate antagonistic or synergistic interactions even within the same plant species. In this study, five differently B‐ and salt‐resistant wheat genotypes were grown hydroponically at low and high B supply. The effect of increasing NaCl salinity on plant growth, boron uptake rates, shoot B concentrations, and transpiration was determined under both B regimes. The interactive effect of salt and B was different under low and high B supply. Boron‐uptake rates were reduced with increasing salt concentration only under high B supply, and reductions correlated significantly with decreases in leaf area and shoot B concentrations. Under low B supply, however, salt‐induced effects on B‐uptake rates were variable and not significantly correlated with leaf‐area reductions. These results suggest that under high B supply, when B uptake is predominantly passive by diffusion or channel‐mediated via aquaporins, transpiration‐driven water flow is the dominant factor for B accumulation in arial plant parts. Under low B supply, when a significant portion of B can be taken up via active pathways, transpiration is not the decisive factor for B accumulation. Under these conditions, the salt sensitivity of a genotype is a modifying factor of salt–B interactions, because salt‐induced growth inhibition can result in a concentration effect, offset the reduction of B‐uptake rates, and result in increased shoot B concentrations. Contradictory reports on the nature of salt–B interactions might in part be related to low levels of B supply chosen as control treatments and concomittant differences in predominant B‐uptake pathways.  相似文献   

The effect of fertilization with silicon (Si) compounds on accumulation of Si in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) has been studied. Wheat plants were grown under identical growing conditions, but subjected to fertilization with various Si compounds (pyrolitic fine silica particles [aerosil®], sodium silicate, silica gel), and the Si content of the above ground plants was analyzed via X‐ray microanalysis (EDX) and atomic‐absorption spectroscopy (AAS). Silicon was predominantly deposited in the epidermis cells of the leaves and their cell walls. The efficiency of the Si compounds used as fertilizers to augment the Si content of the plants increased in the order sodium silicate > silica gel > aerosil® and thus seemed to correlate with the ease of formation of orthosilicic acid from these compounds.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to test whether foliar application of KNO3 on wheat in the heading stage could reduce salinity‐induced injuries, produce high grain yield, and improve grain quality. Salt‐resistant DK961 and salt‐sensitive JN17 wheat cultivars under 0 or 100 mM–NaCl conditions were foliarly watered with distilled water or a 10 mM–KNO3 solution. The four treatments included: T1 (CK1), 0 mM NaCl + distilled water; T2, 0 mM NaCl + 10 mM KNO3; T3 (CK2), 100 mM NaCl + distilled water; T4, 100 mM NaCl + 10 mM KNO3. The results indicate that there were no differences (p > 0.05) in plant growth, grain yield, and grain quality between T2 and T1 in both cultivars, but these response variables were significantly lower in T3 than in T1. K+ : Na+ ratio, chlorophyll content, photosynthetic capacity, grain yield, flour yield, water absorbance, ash content, dough‐development time and dough‐stability time were significantly higher in T4 than in T3, while protein concentration, wet‐gluten concentration, and antioxidant enzyme activities were lower. Although foliar application of KNO3 on JN17 enhanced plant growth, grain yield, and grain quality, these parameters were still lower in T4 than in T1. Our findings suggest that cultivating the salt‐resistant wheat cultivar combined with foliar application of KNO3 at heading stage may alleviate salinity injuries and produce higher grain yield and better grain quality under saline conditions.  相似文献   

Drought is a major factor limiting crop production worldwide. Barley is a well‐adapted cereal that is largely grown on dry marginal land where water and salinity are the most prevalent environmental stresses. This study was carried out to investigate the effects of drought stress and subsequent recovery on growth, photosynthetic activity, water relations, osmotic adjustment (OA), and solute accumulation of wild (Hordeum maritimum) and cultivated barley (H. vulgare L.). In a pot experiment, 60 d old seedlings were subjected to drought stress for 0, 7, 14, 21, or 28 d, and then re‐watered to recover for up to 21 d. Plants were harvested at the end of each of these drought/recovery treatments. Drought significantly reduced fresh and dry weights at the whole‐plant level, photosynthetic activities, and solute and water potentials, while increasing leaf Na+ and K+ concentrations. The adverse effects of drought on growth were more marked in cultivated barley than in wild barley and the reverse was true for photosynthetic activities. During recovery, all wild barley seedlings completely recovered. For cultivated barley seedlings, rehydration had a beneficial effect on growth and photosynthesis, independent of treatment duration, but complete recovery did not occur. The reduction in leaf solute potential at full turgor in drought‐stressed barley, relative to the control, suggests active OA which was more significant in wild barley than in cultivated barley. OA was mainly due to the accumulation of inorganic (K+ in cultivated barley and Na+ in wild barley) and organic (soluble sugars and proline) solutes. The results suggest that OA is an important component of the drought‐stress adaptation mechanism in wild barley, but is not sufficient to contribute to drought tolerance in cultivated barley. In the latter species, the results show that even short periods (as little as 7 d) of water deficit stress had considerable long‐term effects on plant growth.  相似文献   

Bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon) is a salinity-tolerant turfgrass that has good use potential in the saline-alkali lands of warm regions. However, the systematic Na+ and K+ regulation mechanisms under salinity stress remain unclear at the whole plant level. Two bermudagrass cultivars differing in salinity tolerance were exposed to 0, 50, 100, 200, or 300 mM NaCl in a hydroponic system. Growth, absorption, transportation, and secretion of Na+ and K+, and gas exchange parameters were determined in both cultivars. K+ contents were decreased and Na+ contents and Na+/K+ ratios were increased in both bermudagrasses with increased salinity; however, lower Na+ content and Na+/K+ ratio and more stable K+ content were found in the leaves of the salinity-tolerant ‘Yangjiang’ than the salinity-sensitive ‘Nanjing’. Higher Na+ contents in root cortical cells were found than in the stele cells of ‘Yangjiang’, but the opposite was observed in ‘Nanjing’. Lower Na+ contents and higher K+ contents were found in vessels for ‘Yangjiang’ than for ‘Nanjing’. Salinity stress increased the selective transport of K+ over Na+ from roots to leaves and the Na+-selective secretion via salt glands, which were stronger in ‘Yangjiang’ than ‘Nanjing’. Net photosynthetic rate and stomatal conductance decreased in the two bermudagrasses with increased salinity; however, they were more stable in ‘Yangjiang’. The results suggested that bermudagrass could reduce Na+ accumulation and maintain K+ stability in leaves under salinity stress by restricting Na+ into vessels in roots, selectively transporting K+ over Na+ from roots to leaves, selectively secreting Na+ via leaf salt glands, and maintaining suitable stomatal conductance.  相似文献   

Salt stress effects were investigated on growth, the carbohydrate levels and the activity of degradative enzymes amylases, phosphorylase and invertase of two soybean varieties, Jackson and the more salt tolerant Lee.

Stress depressed growth of Jackson more than of Lee. Salt stress increased leaf and root sucrose more in Jackson than it did in Lee. Root sucrose was higher in Lee. Stress reduced leaf starch in both. It decreased spec. invertase activity in close negative correlation with the sucrose. Independent from salt tolerance, increased spec. amylase activity was in some correlation with the declined starch level. Stress changed phosphorylase little in both varieties. It is concluded that salt stress‐induced restricted utilization of leaf sucrose, but not foliar starch, could partly be a result of ionic affected degradation, which may diminish survival value of soybean varieties.  相似文献   


The effects of pretreatment with salicylic acid on wheat seed germination (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Roshan), lipid peroxidation, and superoxide dismutase, catalase, polyphenol oxidase, and peroxidase activity were studied under conditions of salt stress. Seeds treated with different concentrations of salicylic acid were used for measuring germination traits. Salt stress was induced by sodium chloride solution. Seeds were soaked in salicylic acid solution for 24 h, dried with sterile paper, transferred to sterile Petri dishes, and treated with 10 ml NaCl solution at different concentrations. After 1 week, the number of germinated seeds, root length, seedling length, and dry weight were recorded. Antioxidant enzyme activity and lipid peroxidation were also assayed. Salinity decreased seed germination. Thus, a high concentration of NaCl (200 mM) decreased germination by 17.6% compared with control treatment. Salicylic acid significantly increased germination in stressed and control seeds. Salicylic acid increased the level of cell division of seedlings and roots, which increased plant growth. Salt stress significantly increased the activity of the antioxidative enzymes catalase, superoxide dismutase, peroxidase, and polyphenol oxidase in wheat seedlings, and salicylic acid reduced the activity of antioxidant enzymes as stress signal molecules. Our results indicated that scavenging of reactive oxygen species was effective, especially by salicylic acid, and that membrane damage was limited. The aim of the present work was to study the character of changes in enzymatic systems induced by NaCl and salicylic acid in wheat seedlings under conditions of salt stress. In brief, salicylic acid treatment reduced the damaging action of salinity on embryo growth and accelerated a restoration of growth processes; thereupon it may be effective for the improvement of seed germination in arid and semi-arid regions.  相似文献   

The response of two leguminous plants Alhagi pseudoalhagi and Vigna radiata to seawater salinity was studied over a period of 30 d. The growth of Vigna radiata was markedly and gradually reduced by increasing salinity levels, whereas that of Alhagi pseudoalhagi was promoted at 9.1 and 16.2 dS m-1 salinity but then was slightly reduced at 28.2 dS m-1 salinity. These results indicate that Alhagi pseudoalhagi belongs to the group of halophytic plants. Seawater salinity caused changes in the membrane permeability measured as electrolyte leakage in both plants. Alhagi pseudoalhagi maintained a lower membrane permeability than Vigna radiata. With increasing salinity levels, the membrane permeability decreased in Alhagi pseudoalhagi, whereas, in Vigna radiata it slightly increased at 9.1 dS m-1. The leaf water potential and the osmotic potential decreased in both plants along with the seawater salinity levels. However, the turgor potential and osmotic adjustment in Alhagi pseudoalhagi were maintained at a higher level than in Vigna radiata. The contributions of organic and inorganic solutes to the osmotic adjustment differed: Alhagi pseudoalhagi achieved osmotic adjustment through Cl- and Na+ uptake from the substrate, while the contribution of K+, Ca2+, and organic solutes to the osmotic adjustment was limited. These results suggest that the differences in salt tolerance between Alhagi pseudoalhagi and Vigna radiata can not be due to differences in specific-ion effects, but may be related to some factors involved in membrane permeability and osmotic adjustment.  相似文献   

Four wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars 711, PBW343, 3765 and WH542 were screened for studying variations in glycinebetaine (GB) content and plant dry mass under 100 mmol L-1 NaCl stress. A tolerance index was calculated using plant dry mass data to select salt-tolerant and salt-sensitive types and find association between tolerance index and GB content. Tolerance index has been used as a good criterion to select the tolerant types under high salinity stress. Further, physiological differences in salt-tolerant cultivar 711 and salt-sensitive cultivar WH542 were examined. The salt-tolerant cultivar exhibited greater GB content, which was found correlative with ethylene. The cultivar also showed higher nitrogen (N) content and nitrate reductase activity, reduced glutathione and higher redox state resulting in maximal protection of plant dry mass than the salt-sensitive type. Thus, the content of GB may be considered as important physiological criteria for selecting salt-tolerant wheat types.  相似文献   

The effects of NaCl salt (EC = 16 dS m−1) on water potential, and accumulation of proline, Na+ and K+ in leaves on the main stem of 30 wheat cultivars (Triticum aestivum L.) at awn appearance and 20 days after anthesis (20 DAA) were evaluated in a greenhouse experiment. Plants were arranged in a according to a randomized complete block design with factorial treatments in three replications. Proline accumulation at 20 DAA increased with increasing salt stress. This increase was 27.4-fold with the salt-sensitive cultivar “Ghods,” while the mean was 5.2-fold for 19 salt-resistant cultivars. Positive correlations between proline, and K+ + Na+ concentrations associated with higher sensitivity to salt stress indicated that proline may not have a protecting role against salt stress. No correlation was observed between leaf proline and water potential. Almost no contribution to the osmotic adjustment seems to be made by proline. The contribution made by proline to the osmotic adjustment of plants at 20 DAA was 0.69 bar, whereas that made by K+ and Na+ was 2.11 and 4.48 bar, respectively. The 30 wheat CVs used in this experiment showed different performances regarding the traits observed. Eleven of them showing the higher stress sensitivity indices had the highest level of proline and Na+ concentrations. They were considered to be salt-sensitive cultivars. Among the others, nine cultivars showed salt tolerance with almost the same Na+ and proline concentrations, but a higher K+/Na+ selectivity of ions from leaf to grains. In 10 of the cultivars, Na+ and proline concentrations were low, indicating the presence of a salt avoiding mechanism.  相似文献   

Wheat (Tritcum aestivum L.) genotypes were screened and characterized for performance under salt stress and/or water‐logging. In a solution‐culture study, ten wheat genotypes were tested under control, 200 mM–NaCl salt stress and 4‐week water‐logging (nonaerated solution stagnated with 0.1% agar), alone or in combination. Shoot and root growth of the wheat genotypes was reduced by salinity and salinity × water‐logging, which was associated with increased leaf Na+ and Cl concentrations as well as decreased leaf K+ concentration and K+ : Na+ ratio. The genotypes differed significantly for their growth and leaf ionic composition. The genotypes Aqaab and MH‐97 were selected as salinity×water‐logging‐resistant and sensitive wheat genotypes, respectively, on the basis of their shoot fresh weights in the salinity × water‐logging treatment relative to control. In a soil experiment, the effect of water‐logging was tested for these two genotypes under nonsaline (EC = 2.6 dS m–1) and saline (EC = 15 dS m–1) soil conditions. The water‐logging was imposed for a period of 21 d at various growth stages, i.e., tillering, stem elongation, booting, and grain filling alone or in combinations. The maximum reduction in grain yield was observed after water‐logging at stem‐elongation + grain‐filling stages followed by water‐logging at grain‐filling stage, booting stage, and stem‐elongation stage, respectively. Salinity intensified the effect of water‐logging at all the growth stages. It is concluded that the existing genetic variation in wheat for salinity × water‐logging resistance can be successfully explored using relative shoot fresh weight as a selection criterion in nonaerated 0.1% agar–containing nutrient solution and that irrigation in the field should be scheduled to avoid temporary water‐logging at the sensitive stages of wheat growth.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to study the influence of salinity of the fertigation solution on the vegetative growth, as well as on the osmolytes and chloride concentration of four halophytic species. Results show that the increase of salinity caused the reduction of plant fresh and dry matter in Asteriscus maritimus, while plant dry weight was unaffected by the salinity in Crithmum maritimum, Halimione. portulacoides and Limonium cossonianum. Salinity enhanced root growth of H. portulacoides. Salt-induced succulence was detected in A. maritimus. The translocation of Cl to the leaves is an important factor responsible for salt tolerance of A. maritimus and H. portulacoides. However, C. maritimum and L. cossonianum restricted the uptake of Cl and excrete salts through the leaves. Crithmum maritimum and H. portulacoides accumulated proline and soluble sugars in leaves which acts as osmoprotectant. Among the species studied, H. portulacoides has the greatest Cl phytoextraction efficiency.  相似文献   


Ion‐specific initial salt effects due to supply of extreme K+, Na+, Cl or SO4 2‐ combinations were studied on the carbohydrate pattern as well as on the activity of amylases, phosphorylase and invertase of two soybean varieties, Jackson and the more tolerant Lee.

Reducing sugars were little affected. Salinity increased leaf sucrose more in Jackson than in Lee, and more due to Cl? than to SO4 2‐ supply. Salinity increased the higher level of root sucrose in Lee less than the lower sucrose level in Jackson, independent of the nature of salination. Salinity increased leaf starch more in Jackson than in Lee. KCl increased leaf starch of Jackson most, Na2SO4. least. KCl increased leaf starch of Lee more than NaCl, while K2SO4 and Na2SO4 tended to decrease leaf starch. Only KCl stimulated amylases and phosphorylase in leaves of Jackson. Salinity changed amylases according to the starch content in leaves of Lee, while phosphorylase decreased independent of the ion combination supplied. Salinity decreased invertase in leaves of Jackson, it affected invertase in Lee only little.

It is suggested that the carbohydrate metabolism dependent and independent of ionic regulation contribute to physiological salt tolerance mechanisms of soybean varieties.  相似文献   

盐胁迫对玉米发芽和苗期生长的影响   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
通过室内培养及盆栽试验,研究了不同浓度NaCl胁迫对玉米种子发芽和幼苗生长的影响。结果表明,≤0.5g/L NaCl处理有利于提高玉米种子萌发率、发芽率和根、芽的伸长及根数的增加。随盐胁迫浓度的增大,玉米种子萌发率、发芽率急剧下降,根芽伸长及根数极受抑制,0.5g/L NaCl可能是影响玉米种子发芽的临界浓度。用≥0.5g/L NaCl的盐溶液长期灌溉会因土壤中盐分累积而使玉米生长受阻,成活率下降,幼苗在形态上表现出盐害效应。用自来水(0.1g/L NaCl)处理的玉米幼苗在植株干重、根系干重、含水量等5个指标都较其它处理达显著水平,说明用低盐浓度(0.1g/L NaCl)灌溉可促进玉米生长发育,提高产量。  相似文献   


Using saline irrigation water for crop production continues to gain more importance year by year, especially in regions where freshwater resources are very scarce. Therefore, this study was carried out to investigate the effects of six water salinity levels (0.38 (control), 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, and 8.0 dSm?1) on salt tolerance, evapotranspiration, and yield of chives under a rain shelter. The experiment was laid out in pots using a randomized plot design with four replicates of each treatment. Leaf fresh-dry weights, plant height, evapotranspiration, and water use efficiencies of chive plants were significantly affected by increasing levels of salinity. The results revealed that chives can be classified as a salt-sensitive crop with a threshold value of 1.13 dSm?1 and relative yield decreased by 6.19% per unit increase of soil salinity. In conclusion, with appropriate leaching management practices, irrigation water with 0.38 dSm?1 salinity level is recommended for chives production.  相似文献   

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