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展秀丽  严平 《土壤学报》2010,47(4):598-603
选择内蒙古太仆寺旗北部地区为研究区,采用野外取样和室内分析,初步探讨了不同土地利用类型地表(灌丛沙堆、草地、耕地)的137Cs含量及其分布特征。研究表明,在0~30cm深度,137Cs活度平均值为4.97±0.31Bqkg-1,137Cs总量平均值为2149±133.8Bqm-2。不同地表137Cs活度排序为草地耕地灌丛沙堆,137Cs总量的排序为:灌丛沙堆草地耕地。灌丛沙堆的137Cs活度和137Cs总量的变异系数(ν=S/X)分别达到了146.1%、142.1%,而草地和耕地的137Cs活度和137Cs总量的变异系数分别为63.90%、74.67%和62.98%、55.61%。通过典型样点的深度分布可以看出,灌丛沙堆137Cs剖面分布形态大体符合侵蚀-沉积剖面,草地137Cs剖面为负指数分布,耕地地表137Cs分布比较均匀。  相似文献   

侵蚀引起的苏南坡地土壤退化   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Soil erosion accelerates soil degradation. Some natural soils and cultivated soils on sloping land in southern Jiangsu Province, China were chosen to study soil degradation associated with erosion. Soil erosion intensity was investigated using the 137Cs tracer method. Soil particle-size distribution, soil organic matter (OM), total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) were measured, and the effects of erosion on soil physical and chemical properties were analyzed statistically using SYSTAT8.0. Results indicated that erosion intensity of cultivated soils was greater than that of the natural soils, suggesting that cultivation increased soil loss. Erosion also led to an increase of coarser soil particle proportion, especially in natural soils. In addition, silt was the primary soil particle lost due to erosion. However, in cultivated fields, coarser soil particles over time were attributed not only to soil erosion but also to mechanical eluviation as a result of farming activities. Moreover, erosion caused a decrease in soil OM, TN and TP as well as thinning of the soil layer.  相似文献   

Terrain attributes, landform segmentation, and soil redistribution   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The 137Cs technique has greatly expanded our knowledge of the topography–soil redistribution relationship. For the technique to be useful in upscaling of process models and regional-scale conservation planning, we must be able to show that a consistent relationship exists between 137Cs-derived soil redistribution rates and terrain attributes in a given region. In this paper, the association between 137Cs-derived soil redistribution rates and quantitatively defined landform elements was examined at nine hummocky terrain sites in southern Saskatchewan, Canada. Shoulder (SH) elements with convex plan curvatures had the highest mean soil loss rates of 33 t ha−1 yr−1, followed closely by other SH and backslope (BS) elements. The erosional behavior of level elements (i.e. those with gradients less than 3°) was highly dependent on the specific dispersal area (SDA) of the element—elements with high dispersal areas were dominantly erosional (mean soil loss of 14 t ha−1 yr−1), whereas level elements with low dispersal areas were depositional (mean soil gain of 15 t ha−1 yr−1). Doubly concave footslope (FS) elements had mean soil gain of 10 t ha−1 yr−1. The dispersion of values across the nine sites was much greater for the depositional units than the erosional units, indicating a complex relationship between deposition and terrain attributes in the depositional units. The results clearly indicate that regional-scale patterns of soil redistribution can be developed using the 137Cs technique.  相似文献   

该文通过紫色丘陵区响水滩小流域不同土地利用类型、不同坡度和坡长、不同地貌部位土壤剖面中 137Cs含量的测定与分析,对其侵蚀空间分布进行了估算。研究结果表明:该流域 137Cs含量的背景值为1870 Bq/m2;流域内坡耕地、林地的年平均侵蚀强度分别为4468、1759 t/(km2·a);土壤侵蚀量与坡长、坡度均指数相关;丘顶、丘坡和鞍部的年平均侵蚀强度分别为2125、4676、3625 t/(km2·a)。结果表明土地利用类型、坡长和坡度、地貌部位对土壤侵蚀量影响很大,坡耕地是该流域泥沙的主要来源。  相似文献   

Cesium and soil carbon in a small agricultural watershed   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
Scientific, political, and social interests have developed recently in the concept of using agricultural soils to sequester carbon. Studies supporting this concept indicate that soil erosion and subsequent redeposition of eroded soils in the same field may establish an ecosystem disequilibrium that promotes the buildup of carbon on agricultural landscapes. The problem is to determine the patterns of soil erosion and redeposition on the landscape and to relate these to soil carbon patterns. Radioactive 137cesium (137Cs) can be used to estimate soil erosion patterns and, more importantly, redeposition patterns at the field level. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between 137Cs, soil erosion, and soil carbon patterns on a small agricultural watershed. Profiles of soils from an upland area and soils in an adjacent riparian system were collected in 5 cm increments and the concentrations of 137Cs and carbon were determined. 137Cs and carbon were uniformly mixed in the upper 15–20 cm of upland soils. 137Cs (Bq g−1) and carbon (%) in the upland soils were significantly correlated (r2=0.66). Carbon content of the 0–20 cm layer was higher (1.4±0.3%) in areas of soil deposition than carbon content (1.1±0.3%) in areas of soil erosion as determined by the 137Cs technique. These data suggest that measurements of 137Cs in the soils can be useful for understanding carbon distribution patterns in surface soil. Carbon content of the upland soils ranged from 0.5 to 1.9% with an average of 1.2±0.4% in the 0–20 cm layer while carbon below this upper tilled layer (20–30 cm) ranged from 0.2 to 1.5% with an average of 0.5±0.3%. Total carbon was 2.66 and 3.20 kg m−2 in the upper 20 cm and upper 30 cm of the upland soils, respectively. Carbon content of the 0–20 cm layer in the riparian system ranged from 1.1 to 67.0% with an average 11.7±17.1%. Carbon content below 20 cm ranged from 1.8 to 79.3% with an average of 18.3±17.5%. Soil carbon in the upper 20 cm of the riparian profile was 10.1 and 15.0 kg m−2 in the upper 30 cm of the riparian profiles. This is an increase of organic carbon by a factor of 3.8 and 4.7 for the upper 20 cm and upper 30 cm of the riparian profiles, respectively, when compared to the upland soil profiles.  相似文献   

黄土高原区137Cs与土壤颗粒及有机质的关系研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
研究了黄土高原地区土壤颗粒及有机质对137Cs分布的影响以及137Cs与有机质的关系.结果表明,137Cs与土壤颗粒的剖面分布趋势并不一致,而只是与某一粒级在某一深度上表现出一致性.137Cs与有机质的剖面分布则因不同的利用方式而有所差异.对于非耕作土壤,137Cs与有机质主要分布在土壤剖面的表层;而对于耕作土壤,由于人为的耕作作用,137Cs与有机质都均匀分布在耕作层中.土壤中的137Cs含量与有机碳含量的相关分析表明,两者之间呈显著相关,相关系数为0.791.  相似文献   

Some alternative mehods for estimating soil erosion rates rapily were used to elucidate the relationship between the land use types and land degradation.The ^137Cs content,magnetic susceptibility,aggregate stability,and soil properties were studied in the Dongxi River Basin, a mountainous area of ewstern Fujian, A plot of ^137Cs inventory(Y) against slope angle(X) shows a strong inverse log-log relationship(r=-0.83), indicating that muh more soil erosion occurs on steeper slopes.Average soil loss(in thickness of top soil per year) in the past 30 years for arable slope crest,arable slopes and tea plantation slopes are 1.6,10.4 and 8.0 mm year^-1 respectively,The surface layer enrichment factor of magnetic susceptibility(Y) in soil aslo shows an inverse log-log relationship (r=-0.63), indicating a similar tendency with the realtionship between the ^137Cs inventory(Y) against slope angle (X).The Physical and chemical properties of soils among different land use types show different degraded characteristics at different significant levles.  相似文献   

In the Eastern Rif of N Morocco, soil conservation is seriously threatened by water erosion. Large areas of soil have reached an irreversible state of degradation. In this study, the 137Cs technique was used to quantify erosion rates and identify the main factors involved in the erosion process based on a representative catchment of the Eastern Rif. To estimate erosion rates in terms of the main factors affecting soil losses, samples were collected taking into account the lithology, slope and land use along six selected transects within the Boussouab catchment. The transects were representative of the main land uses and physiographic characteristics of that Rif sector. The reference inventory for the area was established at a stable, well preserved, matorral site (value of 4250 Bq m− 2). All the sampling sites were eroded and 137Cs inventories varied widely (between 245 and 3670 Bq m− 2). The effective soil losses were also highly variable (between 5.1 and 48.8 t ha− 1 yr− 1). Soil losses varied with land use. The lowest average values were on matorral and fallow land (10.5 and 15.2 t ha− 1 yr− 1, respectively) but much higher with alfa vegetation or cereal crops (31.6 and 27.3, respectively). The highest erosion rate was on a badland transect at the more eroded part of the catchment, with rates exceeding 40 t ha− 1 yr− 1 and reaching a maximum of 48.8 t ha− 1 yr− 1.The average soil losses increased by more than 100% when the slope increased from 10° (17.7 t ha− 1 yr− 1) to 25° (40. 8 t ha− 1 yr− 1). Similar results were obtained when comparing erosion rates in soils that were covered by matorral with respect to those under cultivation. Lithology was also a key factor affecting soil loss. Soils on marls were more erodible and the average erosion rates reached 29.36 t ha− 1 yr− 1, which was twice as high as soils on the glacis and old fluvial terraces (average rates of 14.98 t ha− 1 yr− 1). The radiometric approach was very useful to quantify erosion rates and to examine the pattern of soil movement. The analysis of main erosion factors can help to promote rational soil use and establish conservation strategies in the study area.  相似文献   

Starting in the 1980's, the Rainbow Smelt (Osmerus mordax) population of the Boyer River (Canada) gradually declined due to water eutrophication and excessive siltation in the spawning area. Sediments and agricultural nutrients reach hydrosystems through runoff and soil erosion. The objectives of the study were to quantify the soil and sediment loss from agricultural fields and to identify the areas at risk, using 137Cs measurements. Using a Geographical Information Systems (GIS), the watershed was subdivided into 6 isosectors presenting specific soil/slope combinations. Representative fields from each isosector were sampled for 137Cs. Using GIS, the data for individual fields were extrapolated to isosectors and the whole cultivated area of the watershed. Based on this approach, it was estimated that around 30% of the arable lands of the watershed show erosion rates higher than 6 t ha− 1 yr− 1, which is considered as a tolerable level for Canadian soils, and that 45% of the residual area presents an erosion rate close to that limit. The average sediment production at the edge of fields was estimated at 2.8 t ha− 1 yr− 1, for an annual production of more than 60 000 t of material. Loamy soils with a slope higher than 2% were estimated to generate the highest sediment rate (6.9 t ha− 1 yr− 1) and nearly 40% of the overall sediment production.  相似文献   

The adsorption of Zn, as compared with Mg, on two mineral soils, which differed in their major cation-exchange materials and with and without Ca-saturation, was measured in the presence of free CaCl2.

The adsorption of Zn as well as Mg occurred on cation-exchange sites. The Zn adsorption data conformed to a two-term Langmuir equation. The presence of two kinds of adsorption sites and their numbers and bonding energies were deduced. However, the Langmuir approach was not adopted on the basis of comparison between the total number of the adsorption sites for Zn deduced and the CEC of the soils.

As an alternative approach, the selectivity coefficient as defined by the equation:

was calculated for each adsorption equilibrium and plotted against the amount of Zn adsorbed. This [Zn]soil plot was used to estimate the capacities of the soil to adsorb Zn with specified affinities. The value varied between 1 and 1,000, whereas the corresponding value varied only between 0.5 and 1. The value was dependent upon the amount of Zn adsorbed, the status of exchangeable cations, and the major cation-exchange materials (montmorillonite VS. allophane-imogolite) in the soils. The importance of surface OH groups in allophane-imogolite as specific adsorption sites for Zn was suggested.  相似文献   

The impact of soil erosion on the nutrient dynamics in alpine grassland soils is still an essential problem. Selecting a grass-covered hillslope in eastern Tibet Plateau, the cesium-137 (137Cs) technique was used to determine the impacts of soil erosion on soil organic carbon (SOC), total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), and total potassium (TK). The 137Cs data revealed that there were distinct soil redistribution patterns in different hillslope positions because of the influences of slope runoff, plant coverage and grazing activity. For the upper slope, soil erosion first decreased downward, followed by soil deposition in its lower part. In contrast, for middle and toe slopes, there was an increasing soil erosion along a downslope transect. Across the lower slope, soil erosion showed an irregular variation. Influenced by the selective transport of water erosion, SOC, TN and TP storage decreased with increasing soil erosion in upper, middle and toe slopes. In contrast, SOC, TN and TP storage varied little with soil erosion in the lower slope. On the whole hillslope, TK storage also varied little with soil erosion due to the large amount of potassium elements derived from soil parent materials. Particularly noteworthy was the greatest storage of SOC, TN and TP in the lower slope where most obvious net soil erosion occurred, which is closely related to the humus accumulation combined with gravel separation as well as weathering and pedogenesis of parent rocks induced by soil freeze-thaw.  相似文献   

对贵州省西南部麦岗水库沉积物柱芯MG4-2,采用210Pb和137Cs法进行了测年与现代沉积速率研究.结果表明,该柱芯中存在这3个明显的137Cs蓄积峰,对应1964,1975,1986年3个计年时标.运用210Pb的恒定补给速率(CRS)模式计算得到的年代,总体上与137Cs法的结果吻合较好,但存在一定的偏差,特别是与1964年的计年时标的偏差较大,这可能是因为沉积物柱芯受到了一些人为扰动所致.两种核素测定的平均沉积速率在数值上有一定的偏差,但都反映了麦岗水库沉积物近几十年以来经历了从慢到快再到慢的沉积过程,初步推测,沉积速率的这种变化与人类活动有一定的关系.两种计年方法结合,相互印证,使计年和沉积速率的研究更为准确.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to evaluate the applicability of conventional 137Cs sampling and a simplified approach, for estimating medium-term tillage- and water-induced soil erosion and sedimentation rates on agricultural land in Chile. For this purpose, four study sites under contrasting land use and management were selected in central-south Chile. First, a conventional 137Cs approach, based on grid sampling was applied, adapting a mass balance conversion model incorporating soil movement by tillage to the site specific conditions of the study region. Secondly, using the same conversion model, the feasibility of estimating soil redistribution rates from measurements of 137Cs inventories based on composite soil samples taken along contour lines was also tested at all four sites. The redistribution rates associated with tillage and water and the total rates estimated using both methods correlated strongly at all four sites. The conventional method provides more detailed information concerning the redistribution processes operating over the landscape. The simplified method is suitable for assessing soil loss and sediment accumulation in areas exhibiting simple topography and almost similar slopes along the contour lines. Under these conditions, this method permits faster estimation of soil redistribution rates, providing the possibility of estimating soil redistribution rates over larger areas in a shorter time. In order to optimise the costs and benefits of the methods, the sampling and inventory quantification strategy must be selected according to the resolution of the required information, and the scale and complexity of the landscape relief. Higher tillage- and water-induced erosion rates were observed in the annually ploughed cropland sites than in the semi-permanent grassland sites. Subsistence managed crop and grassland sites also show greater erosion effects than the commercially managed sites. The 137Cs methods used permit discrimination between redistribution rates observed on agricultural land under different land use and management. The 137Cs technique must be seen as an efficient method for estimating medium-term soil redistribution rates, and for planning soil conservation and sustainable agricultural production under the climatic conditions and the soil type of the region of Chile investigated.  相似文献   

固定态铵的含量及中国某些耕地土壤NH4+的固定能力   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Fixed ammonium contents and NH4^ fixation capacities of some representative cultivated solis collected from 16 provinces of China were studied.Results showed that the contents of fixed ammonium in soils ranged from 35 to 573 mg N kg^-1,with an average of 198mg Nkg^-1.The content of fixed ammonium correlated very significantly with mica content for tropical and subtropical soils,whereas this was not the case for soils in the temperate zone.At the end of K-exhausting experiment the fixed ammonium content increased in most soils studied.However,it decreased in smom temperate soils.Generally,fixation of added NH4^ could not be found either before or after K-exhausting experiment for highly weathered soils,including tropical soils and soils derived from granite-gneiss or Quaternary red clays in the subtropic zone,while for most soils in the Yangtze River dalta the NH4^ fixation capacity was rather high and increased significantly in the K-exhausted soils.  相似文献   

Poly dispersive aerosols of SrCl2, NaI, CsCl having a size distribution of 2.33 m (Activity Median Aerodynamic Diameter, [AMAD]) with a geometric standard deviation of 1.83 m are used for the determination of deposition velocity for 85Sr, 131I and 137Cs aerosols on tropical spinach (Spinicia olericia), radish (Raphanous sative) and beans (Phasolous valugeries) plant leaves. The experiments were carried out in a specially designed exposure chamber to simulate deposition under accidental releases of radioactivity in tropical environment. The rates of particles deposition are expressed as a function of plant surface area and of plant dry weight. The deposition velocities obtained are in the range of 10–6 to 10–7 m/s. These values differ significantly from those in temperate regions. The lower values for deposition velocities (v g) for the tropical environment is attributed due to high humidity. Therefore, the deposition of suspended aerosols on leaf surfaces caused by impaction and Brownian diffusion becomes slower in tropical environment and resulted into lower value of deposition velocities.  相似文献   

Distributed erosion and sediment yield models are being increasingly used for predicting soil erosion and sediment yields in agricultural catchments. In most applications, validation of such models has commonly been restricted to comparison of the predicted and measured sediment output from a catchment, because spatially distributed information on rates and patterns of soil redistribution within the catchment has been lacking. However, such spatially distributed data are needed for rigorous model testing, in order to validate the internal functioning of a model and its applicability at different spatial scales. The study reported in this paper uses two approaches to test the performance of the agricultural non-point source pollution (AGNPS) and areal non-point source watershed environmental response simulation (ANSWERS) erosion and sediment yield models in two small catchments in Devon, UK. These involve, firstly, comparison of observed and predicted runoff and sediment output data for individual storm events monitored at the basin outlets and, secondly, information on the spatial pattern of soil redistribution within the catchments derived from 137Cs measurements. The results obtained indicate that catchment outputs simulated by both models are reasonably consistent with the recorded values, although the AGNPS model appears to provide closer agreement between observed and predicted values. However, the spatial patterns of soil redistribution and the sediment delivery ratios predicted for the two catchments by the AGNPS and ANSWERS models differ significantly. Comparison of the catchment sediment delivery ratios and the pattern of soil redistribution in individual fields predicted by the models with equivalent information derived from 137Cs measurements indicates that the AGNPS model provides more meaningful predictions of erosion and sediment yield under UK conditions than the ANSWERS model and emphasises the importance of using information on both catchment output and sediment redistribution within the catchment for model validation.  相似文献   

中国滇池流域土地利用方式对土壤侵蚀和养分状况的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Soil erosion and loss of soil nutrients have been a crucial environment threat in Southwest China. The land use and its impact on soil qualities continue to be highlighted. The present study was conducted to compare soil erosion under four land use types(i.e.,forestland, abandoned farmland, tillage, and grassland) and their effects on soil organic carbon(SOC), total nitrogen(TN) and total phosphorus(TP) in the Shuanglong catchment of the Dianchi Lake watershed, China. There were large variations in the erosion rate and the nutrient distributions across the four land use types. The erosion rates estimated by137 Cs averaged 2 133 t km-2year-1under tillage and abandoned farmland over the erosion rate of non-cultivated sites, and the grasslands showed a net deposition. For all sites, the nutrient contents basically decreased with the soil depth. Compared with tillage and abandoned farmland, grassland had the highest SOC and TN contents within 0–40 cm soil layer, followed by forestland. The significant correlations between137 Cs, SOC and TN were observed. The nutrient loss caused by erosion in tillage was the highest. These results suggested that grassland and forestland would be beneficial for SOC and TN sequestration over a long-term period because of their ability to reduce the loss of nutrients by soil erosion. Our study demonstrated that reduction of nutrient loss in the red soil area could be made through well-managed vegetation restoration measures.  相似文献   

As part of a research program on the transfer withinfreshwater ecosystems of the radionuclides present inthe weakly radioactive liquid effluents from nuclearpower stations, this article presents an assessment ofthe dynamics of zooplankton contamination from water.The experiments were carried out on young pre-adultdaphnids, placed at a density of 250 individualsL-1, in 0.45 m filtered river water. Inorder to maintain the radionuclide contamination at ahigh level and to limit alterations in the chemicalcharacteristics of the medium, the water was reneweddaily. The dynamics of contamination were described bya one (137Cs) or a two compartmental model(110mAg, 60Co and 54Mn), taking intoaccount the fluctuations of the radionuclideconcentration in the water, as well as the growth rateof the daphnids. The contamination levels weredescribed by the steady state value of theconcentration factor, which was 2870 mL g-1 wetweight, 320 mL g-1 wet weight, 265 mL g-1wet weight and 30 mL g-1 wet weight, for110mAg, 54Mn, 60Co and 137Cs,respectively. During the depuration phase,radioactivity decrease in daphnids was a very fastphenomenon indicating that radionuclide adsorption tothe surface was the major process involved in thecontamination of daphnids. The two correspondinghalf-lives of the depuration kinetics were 10 min and7 d, 20 min and 1 d and 3 hr and 1.5 d for60Co, 110mAg and 54Mn, respectively.The loss of 137Cs was characterised by a singlehalf-life of 0.3 d.  相似文献   

Although much of the recent attention on the environmental problems has focused on climatic change, there is also increasing concern that accelerated soil erosion and associated land degradation represent a major problem for sustainable development and environmental protection. There is an urgent need to obtain reliable quantitative data on the extent and rates of soil erosion worldwide to provide a more comprehensive assessment of the magnitude of the problems and to underpin the selection of effective soil conservation measures. The use of environmental radionuclides, in particular 137Cs, affords an effective and valuable means for studying erosion and deposition within the landscape. The key advantage of this approach is that it can provide retrospective information on medium-term (30–40 years) erosion/deposition rates and spatial patterns of soil redistribution, without the need for long-term monitoring programmes. Advantages and limitations of the technique are highlighted. The launching of two closely linked International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) research networked projects in 1996 involving some 25 research groups worldwide has made a major contribution to co-ordinating efforts to refine and to standardise the 137Cs technique. The efficacy and value of the approach has been demonstrated by investigations in a number of environments. Significant developments that have been made to exploit its application in a wide range of studies are reported in this review paper. Other environmental radionuclides, such as unsupported 210Pb and 7Be offer considerable potential for use in soil erosion investigations, both individually and complementary to 137Cs. The IAEA through research networks and other mechanisms is promoting further development and applications of these radionuclides in soil erosion and sedimentation studies for a sustainable resource use and environmental protection.  相似文献   

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