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为了支撑生产建设项目水土保持区域监管外业调查工作,设计开发了一种基于移动终端的区域监管APP,实现了防治责任范围/扰动图斑查询、生产建设项目/扰动图斑导航、水土保持图斑信息采集、水土保持图斑标注、工作日志管理,实现了终端设备与全国水土保持信息管理系统、区域遥感解译成果库的数据实时共享。实践应用表明,区域监管APP运行稳定,可大幅度提高生产建设项目水土保持遥感监管外业调查的工作效率和成果质量。  相似文献   

正2013年以来,松辽流域在水土保持工作中应用无人机遥测技术取得了丰硕成果。自无人机遥测系统引入松辽流域水土保持监督管理以来,累计完成国家级水土流失重点防治区监管面积约5万km~2,对流域内国家重点治理工程100多个项目区实行无人机遥测监管。同时,将无人机遥测技术运用到生产建设项目水土保持工作中,监管流域在建大中型生产建设项目115个。松辽流域已应用无人机完成建设项目扰动地表面积、水土保持措施情况、水土流  相似文献   

生产建设项目水土保持动态变化监管是水行政主管部门的一项重要日常工作。针对动态变化监管需求,结合不同分辨率遥感影像特点,研究了不同分辨率遥感影像在动态变化监管中的应用技术体系:基于中等分辨率遥感影像不同时期植被覆盖度变化情况,研究了区域新增扰动动态变化监测和合规性动态变化监管技术;利用高分辨率影像,分析了重点项目扰动动态变化、合规性动态变化和项目分类管理等内容;分别采用Landsat 8影像和高分一号高分辨率影像进行了应用示范;对区域生产建设项目水土保持动态变化监管频次和不同类型项目或重点水土流失部位动态变化监管频次进行了探讨,以期提高生产建设项目水土保持动态变化监管的针对性和工作效率。  相似文献   

生产建设项目是黄土高原区人为水土流失的主要来源之一.快速获取生产建设项目地块的位置和属性信息,对提升水土保持监管效率、保护区域水土资源具有重要意义.当前生产建设项目地块的提取主要采用专家目视解译遥感影像的方法,存在效率低、主观性强、稳定性差等问题.本文采用高分一号(GF-1)影像,提出一种面向对象的快速提取黄土高原区生产建设项目地块的方法.首先,分析研究区各类典型生产建设项目地块中组成地物的可分性,确定6类用于标记生产建设项目地块的标志性地物.在此基础上,融合多尺度分割和模糊分类方法,构建面向对象的多层次提取模型提取标志性地物,获得生产建设项目地块的提取结果.结果显示:6类标志性地物具备标记黄土高原区生产建设项目地块的能力,使用本方法提取点型生产建设项目地块的数量精度达到95%以上,提取线型生产建设项目地块的长度精度超过86%,且总耗时不超过现行方法的20%.与专家目视解译相比,本文方法在保证提取精度的同时,极大地提升了提取效率,可用于黄土高原较大区域的生产建设项目地块的快速准确提取.这一方法可为水土保持监管的高效化、精准化实施提供有力的技术支撑.  相似文献   

加强生产建设项目水土保持监管、防治人为水土流失是各级水行政主管部门的重要职责,但传统监管方式已难以满足日益严格的水土保持监管要求。以晋陕蒙接壤地区部批生产建设项目为例,探讨卫星遥感与无人机遥感技术在生产建设项目水土保持监管中的应用,认为卫星遥感能够快速、高效地发现生产建设项目扰动,无人机遥感能够精准观测地面扰动和水土保持措施,可以为水土保持监管提供重要技术支撑。  相似文献   

基于协同解译平台的生产建设项目扰动图斑解译   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为积极践行"水利工程补短板、水利行业强监管"水利发展改革总基调,贯彻落实"在监管上强手段,在治理上补短板"的水土保持总体工作思路,面对生产建设项目全覆盖"天地一体化"监管所需全面提升监管成果的准确性、时效性、权威性的新要求,在分析传统的解译扰动图斑在工作环境、影像收集与分发、作业人员解译、质量控制,以及管理等方面所面临挑战的基础上,介绍了协同解译平台整体框架,并提出了基于协同解译平台的生产建设项目扰动图斑解译流程。基于协同解译平台完成了2019年全国647万km2国土面积生产建设项目扰动图斑的解译与汇总,并与生产建设项目监管水土保持信息化监管平台实现了数据交换,有力地支撑了2019年全国生产建设项目"天地一体化"监管工作,面临2020年监管任务覆盖范围广、监测频次高的新特点,基于协同解译平台的解决方案将发挥更大的作用。  相似文献   

面向对象的解译方式在遥感解译中得到普遍应用,解译标志的建立是其中必不可少的环节。截至目前,矿山开发、土地资源、围填海等解译标志已相继建立,但生产建设项目水土保持扰动图斑解译标志仍未系统化整理。结合生产建设项目水土保持"天地一体化"监管关键技术研究,分析了生产建设项目水土保持监管扰动图斑解译标志建立的工作流程,以典型生产建设项目扰动为例,建立了解译标志库,并进行了讨论,以期为开展后续项目提供支撑。  相似文献   

生产建设项目“天地一体化”监管示范总体实施方案   总被引:11,自引:11,他引:0  
根据《全国水土保持信息化规划(2013—2020年)》和《全国水土保持信息化实施方案(2014—2016年)》,水利部印发了《全国水土保持信息化工作2015—2016年实施计划》。为做好生产建设项目监管示范工作,水利部水土保持监测中心组织编制了《生产建设项目监管示范实施方案》。该方案基于国产高分辨率遥感影像、通用GIS工具和全国水土保持监督管理系统等现代信息技术手段,全面阐述了开展项目建设扰动遥感识别、建设扰动合规性分析、数据入库管理、信息即时交换与共享的工作流程与技术方法。该实施方案的主要内容包括监管示范工作的目标与任务、监管对象及其主要指标、工作流程与技术方法、组织实施与进度安排等。  相似文献   

随着国家"长江经济带""一带一路"等区域发展战略的实施,涉及区域生态保护的责任越来越重,社会关注和影响度越来越高,给生产建设项目集中区水土保持监管提出了新的要求,传统的监管方式和手段难以满足"保护优先""加强事中事后监管"的要求,已成为水土保持改革发展的短板和当前面临的突出问题。以黄河上中游管理局组织实施的晋陕蒙接壤地区水土保持动态监管项目为例,对照动态监管目标,梳理了生产建设项目动态监管工作的任务与内容,分析了实际工作中的工作流程与技术路线,总结了生产建设项目集中区水土保持动态监管工作经验,探讨了存在问题与下一步工作重点方向与技术环节,为全面贯彻落实水利部关于生产建设项目水土保持动态监管的任务,提高区域水土保持动态监督管理工作的信息化和现代化水平提供借鉴。  相似文献   

生产建设项目水土保持区域监管的实践与思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合生产建设项目水土保持区域监管实践,对设计资料矢量化、扰动图斑解译、合规性分析、现场复核等技术进行了归纳和总结,并根据区域监管的实践体会,提出了关于生产建设项目区域监管的几点思考,一是项目各方要顺畅沟通、协调和密切配合,这是监管工作顺利实施的重要保障;二是设计资料要尽可能详细,以保障矢量化结果的准确性;三是监管成果分析中,应对已批项目情况进行全面分析;四是现场复核中发现的疑似未批先建、未批先弃且信息不详的图斑如何认定处置仍需进一步研究;五是生产建设项目水土保持宣传力度要加大。  相似文献   

In two studies, we assessed the mass balance of added 14C-labelled sucrose and 15NH415NO3 by measuring 14CO2, 14C and 15N in soil microbial biomass (SMB) and 14C and 15N in soil solution. Specifically, we assessed the potential of recently added 14C to be re-mobilised by cryptic growth using subsequent additions of sucrose and cellulose and the effect of physical protection on the stabilisation of the labelled substrate. We used both a constructed soil with low soil organic matter content and varied the clay content as well as a natural soil. We observed a substantial initial as well as a later stage transfer of 14C into unidentifiable form, hypothesised to be microbial residues. When using a standard k EC value of 0.45, only roughly 50% of the added labelled substrates were accountable and therefore we explored the full range of reported k EC values to assess the mass balance. Subsequent application of unlabelled sucrose and cellulose did not substantially increase turnover 14C and 15N. Contrary to our expectation, there was no effect of clay content on the amount of unidentified 14C and 15N. The unidentified 14C and 15N is ascribed to formation of soil microbial residue. The low recovery of added isotope suggests that our mechanistic models are missing a large and important pool in order to realistically simulate organic matter turnover in soil.  相似文献   

Plant phenolics and tocopherols content were determined in light and wholegrain buckwheat and wheat flour. Antioxidant activity of flours were comparatively assessed by scavenging activity on 1,1‐diphenyl‐2‐picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), hydroxyl (OH), and superoxide anion (O2•–) radicals, reducing activity, and chelating activity on Fe2+. Rutin, quercetin, and ferulic acid were quantified in both buckwheat flours, while ferulic acid was quantified in wholegrain wheat flour. Significantly higher content of phenolics and tocopherols was found in buckwheat than in wheat flours. Tocopherols in buckwheat flours were present in the order: γ‐ > α‐>> δ‐tocopherol, and in wheat flours: α‐ > γ‐ >> δ‐tocopherol. Buckwheat flours possessed better scavenging abilities on DPPH, OH and O2•– radicals, as well as better reducing activity, while wheat flours showed better chelating activity on Fe2+, according to IC50 values. Results suggest the possibility of improving the antioxidant properties of wheat‐based food products through addition of buckwheat flour.  相似文献   

氮磷钾配比对木薯养分吸收动态及产量影响   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
【目的】木薯是重要的粮食作物,也是优质的淀粉工业原材料,被认为是非粮生物质能源的最合适原料。氮、 磷、 钾含量水平显著影响木薯产量,但有关木薯养分阶段性累积特征及其对生物量和产量形成影响的相关研究仍较少。本文比较了不同肥料配比情况下,木薯生物量, 氮、 磷、 钾累积量变化趋势,探讨了不同生育期氮、 磷、 钾含量及累积量的重要性及施肥对其影响。【方法】以我国主栽木薯品种华南205为材料,2009年在广东省郁南县丘陵坡地开展田间施肥试验,共设CK、 NP、 NK、 PK、 NPK 5个施肥处理。于苗期、 块根形成期、 块根生长早期、 块根快速膨大期和成熟期调查生物量和氮、 磷、 钾含量,得出氮、 磷、 钾累积动态。以各时期氮、 磷、 钾含量及累积量作为原始变量进行主成分分析,判断各时期氮、 磷、 钾含量及累积量的重要性,并分析不同肥料配比对各时期氮、 磷、 钾含量及累积量的影响。【结果】华南205的生物量累积动态呈S型曲线, 生物量在苗期较小,进入块根形成期后快速提高,当进入成熟期后增长逐渐减缓。氮肥对生物量影响最大,其次是钾肥,磷肥的影响最小。木薯氮含量的变幅为3.99%~0.93%, 磷含量为0.82%~0.26%, 钾含量为1.39%~0.89%。氮、 磷、 钾含量均在苗期最高,且随着生育期的推进不断降低,尤以氮含量降幅最大。不同氮、 磷、 钾肥料配比显著影响木薯的氮、 磷、 钾含量。PK处理的氮含量较NPK处理降低了32.96%,NK处理的磷含量较NPK处理降低了16.21%,NP处理的钾含量较NPK处理降低了50.37%。氮、 磷、 钾累积量与产量显著相关。主成分分析表明木薯整个生育期的营养状况与块根形成期的氮含量、 苗期的钾含量及块根生长阶段的磷含量相关性最大。氮、 磷、 钾的吸收累积量随着木薯生长不断提高,其中块根形成期、 块根生长早期、 块根快速膨大期的氮累积量较大,块根形成期、 块根快速膨大期的磷累积量较大,块根生长早期、 块根快速膨大期、 成熟期的钾累积量较大。主成分分析表明块根快速膨大期的氮、 磷、 钾累积量对整个生育期养分累积影响显著,同时,苗期及块根生长早期的氮、 钾累积量对养分累积总量影响也较大。【结论】木薯氮、 磷、 钾含量随着植株生长不断下降,而累积量却不断提高。不同氮、 磷、 钾肥料配比显著影响木薯的氮磷钾含量及累积量、 物质累积及产量形成,其中氮肥的影响最大,其次是钾肥,磷肥的影响最小。综合分析表明,苗期、 块根形成期、 块根生长早期为氮、 磷肥的最佳施用时期,块根形成期、 块根生长早期及块根快速膨大期为钾肥的补充阶段。  相似文献   


Laboratory and greenhouse experiments were conducted to determine the effects of rate of nitrapyrin and soil pH on nitrification of NH4 + fertilizer in soil, and growth and chemical composition of burley tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. ‘KY ‐14'). Such experiments were needed to develop information for increasing efficiency of N fertilizer use and to lessen the fertilizer‐induced soil acidity and salt effects on tobacco plants.

Results for laboratory and greenhouse incubations indicated that nitrification proceeeded slowly below pH 5.0 and the nitrapyrin necessary to delay nitrification increased with both increasing soil pH and length of incubation time. Generally, nitrification could be delayed 30 days by nitrapyrin rates of 0.25 or 0.5 μg g‐1 regardless of soil pH. but rates of 1 μg g‐1 nitrapyrin or higher were required for 60 days and longer incubation times, particularly at higher soil pH.

Growth and morphology of tobacco plants were either unaffected, or affected positively, by low rates of nitrapyrin (up to 2 μg g‐1). However, rates of 4 μg g‐1 and above reduced total plant dry weight, reducing sugars and contents of mineral elements. Concentrations and content of plant NO3 N and Mn were greatly decreased by application of nitrapyrin. Values for most parameters measured increased with increasing soil pH. The data show that low rates of nitrapyrin may be used to alter the ratio of NO3 to NH4 + N absorbed by tobacco and possibly improve growth and safety of tobacco.  相似文献   

The effects of biochar (maize biochar – MBC, wood biochar – WBC) and unfermented or fermented hydrochar (HTC) on the euedaphic Collembola Protaphorura fimata and on spring wheat were investigated in greenhouse experiments. The impact of char type, amount of fermented HTC, and MBC-Collembola interactions were assessed. Generally, shoot and root biomass as well as abundance of P. fimata were not affected by the different chars. However, with increasing amounts of fermented HTC the abundance of P. fimata declined, whereas shoot biomass of wheat increased. Moreover, MBC altered root morphology and resulted in thicker roots with higher volume. The latter was not apparent when Collembola were present.  相似文献   

黄瓜果实表面蜡粉的多少影响其商品品质,蜡粉多少在一定条件下取决于植株对硅的吸收特性。本试验选择4个果实表面具蜡粉的南瓜自交系(Z1、 Z2、 Z3和Z4)和4个果实表面没有蜡粉的南瓜自交系(Z5、 Z6、 Z7 和Z8)为砧木,嫁接津优1号黄瓜,以自根黄瓜为对照,研究了嫁接和自根黄瓜果面蜡粉形成与硅吸收分配的关系。结果表明, 采用果面具蜡粉砧木Z1、 Z2嫁接的黄瓜果实表面鲜亮、 光滑,几乎无蜡粉;果面具蜡粉的砧木Z3、 Z4以及不具蜡粉的4个砧木嫁接的黄瓜果面蜡粉量多,色灰暗,与自根黄瓜之间差异显著或不显著。果面没有蜡粉的黄瓜植株各器官中硅含量显著低于果面有蜡粉的黄瓜;果实果皮中硅含量高于果肉。嫁接黄瓜果面是否具蜡粉与砧木果面有无蜡粉没有必然联系,采用去蜡粉砧木嫁接的黄瓜硅吸收量明显减少。  相似文献   

Forest management requires a profound understanding of how tree species affect C and N cycles in ecosystems. The large C and N stocks in forest soils complicate research on the effects of tree species on C and N pools. In‐situ 13C and 15N labeling in undisturbed, natural forests enable not only tracing of C and N fluxes, but also reveal insight into the interactions at the plant‐soil‐atmosphere interface. In‐situ dual 13C and 15N pulse labeling of 20 beeches (Fagus sylvatica L.) and 20 ashes (Fraxinus excelsior L.) allowed tracing the fate of assimilated C and N in trees and soils in an unmanaged forest system in the Hainich National Park (Germany). Leaf, stem, root, and soil samples as well as microbial biomass were analyzed to quantify the allocation of 13C and 15N for 60 d after labeling and along spatial gradients in the soil with increasing distance from the stem. For trees of similar heights (≈ 4 m), beech (20%) assimilated twice as much as ash (9%) of the applied 13CO2, but beech and ash incorporated similar 15N amounts (45%) into leaves. The photosynthates were transported belowground through the phloem more rapidly in beech than in ash. Ash preferentially accumulated 15N and 13C in the roots. In contrast, beech released more of this initially assimilated 13C (2.0% relative 13C allocation) and 15N (0.1% relative 15N allocation) via rhizodeposition into the soil than ash (0.2% relative 13C, 0.04% relative 15N allocation), which was also subsequently recovered in microbial biomass. These results on C and N partitioning contribute to an improved understanding of the effects of European beech and ash on the C and N cycles in deciduous broad‐leaved forest. Differences in C and N allocation patterns between ash and beech are one mechanism of niche differentiation in forests containing both species.  相似文献   

Processes governing the mobilization of Al and Cd in podzols and cambisols of S. Sweden having different tree layer vegetation (Picea abies, Fagus sylvatica, or Betula pendula) were investigated. Speciation of Al and Cd in soil solutions were performed by a column cation exchange procedure (cf. Driscoll, 1984) in combination with thermodynamic calculations. Podzols in spruce and beech stands were characterized by a high release of organic compounds from the O/Ah horizons, resulting in a high organic complexation of Al (c. 93%) in the soil solution from the E horizon (15 cm lysimeters). Organic complexes were mainly adsorbed/precipitated in the upper Bh horizon and the overall transport of Al at 50 cm depth was governed by a pH dependent dissolution of a solid-phase Al pool. In the cambisols, inorganic Al forms were predominant at both 15 and 50 cm depth, and Al solubility was closely related to solution pH. Secondary minerals like synthetic gibbsite, jurbanite, kaolinite or imogolite could generally not explain measured solution Al3+ activities. Results instead indicated that the relatively large organically bound solid-phase Al pools present in both soil types could do so. The column fractionation procedure could be used only qualitatively for Cd, but results strongly indicated that Cd-organo complexes contributed significantly to the overall mobilization of Cd in the podzol E horizons. In all other soil solutions, Cd2+ was the predominant species. Both solid-phase and solution chemistry suggests that ion exchange processes controlled the Cd2+ activities in these solutions. All reactive solidphase Cd was extractable by NH4Cl and Cd2+ activities could in most cases effectively be modeled by the use of ion exchange equations. Solubilized Al3+ efficiently competed for exchange sites and played an important role for the Cd mobilization in these soils.  相似文献   

氟 对玉米产量品质及土壤性质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
适量氟对动物和人类健康有益, 而过量氟对动物和人类健康有害。为研究氟对玉米产量品质及土壤性质的影响, 采用盆栽试验研究了添加0、100 mg·kg-1、200 mg·kg-1、500 mg·kg-1、1 000 mg·kg-1 和1 500 mg·kg-1 氟(NaF)对玉米产量、粗蛋白和淀粉含量及土壤pH、水溶性钙和微生物数量的影响。结果表明: 随氟处理浓度的增加玉米产量显著降低, 减产9.9%~85.4%; 玉米籽粒蛋白质含量显著增加, 从91.8 g·kg-1 增加到108.8 g·kg-1。加入氟100 mg·kg-1 和200 mg·kg-1 时, 淀粉含量表现为下降趋势,而当加入氟500 mg·kg-1、1 000 mg·kg-1 和1 500 mg·kg-1 时, 淀粉含量表现为上升趋势。玉米不同部位氟含量基本上随氟浓度的增加而增加, 玉米根部和籽粒含氟量与氟添加量的相关性达极显著水平, 相关系数分别为r=0.998**r=0.915**; 叶含氟量与氟添加量的相关性达显著水平, r=0.852*; 玉米不同部位氟含量的大小顺序为根>叶>叶鞘>茎>籽粒。氟浓度在200 mg·kg-1 时, 籽粒含氟量已超过无公害农产品标准1.0 mg·kg-1。石灰性土壤添加氟后, 可使土壤pH 增加,从8.05 增加到8.70; 水溶性钙含量显著下降, 由2.71 g·kg-1 下降到1.02 g·kg-1。随氟浓度的增加土壤放线菌数量显著降低, 与对照相比, 降低0.92%~65.22%; 低浓度的氟可以促进土壤细菌、真菌的生长, 而高浓度的氟可以抑制细菌、真菌的生长。  相似文献   

Greenhouse and laboratory studies were conducted to evaluate the toxic effects of Be and V on collards (Brassica oleracea, var. acephala L.). In the laboratory germination study, incremental increases in the Be concentrations of the growing medium induced a steady decline in the radicle length of seven-day-old collard seedling. Beryllium concentrations greater than or equal to 8 mg Be L?1 totally inhibited seed germination. The presence of V in the growing medium had no effect on collard germination; however, it had a profound effect on subsequent radicle elongation. Concentrations of V less than 1 mg V L?1 stimulated radicle elongation, while concentrations greater than or equal to 3 mg V L?1 caused severe toxicity. In the greenhouse study, Be toxicity was observed in collards grown in a Blanton sand (Grossarenic Paleudult) received treatments greater than or equal to 150 mg Be kg ?1 (as BeSO4). Irrespective of treatment level, 97% of the Be taken up by the plants remained in the roots while only 3% was translocated to aboveground plant parts. Vanadium tissue concentrations and toxicity to collards varied with soil type. Additions as low as 80 mg V kg?1 to the Blanton sand significantly reduced collard biomass while additions as high as 100 mg V kg?1 to an Orangebury loamy sand (Typic Paleudult) had no effect on plant biomass. The differential response was attributed to greater accumulation of V by plants grown in the Blanton soil.  相似文献   

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