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Corn requires high nitrogen (N) fertilizer use, but no soil N test for fertilizer N requirement is yet available in Quebec. Objectives of this research were (1) to determine the effects of soil nitrate (NO3 ?)-N, soil ammonium (NH4 +)-N, and N fertilizer rates on corn yields and (2) to determine soil sampling times and depths most highly correlated with yields and fertilizer N response under Quebec conditions. Soil samples were taken from 0- to 30-cm and 30- to 60-cm depths at seeding and postseeding (when corn height reached 20 cm) to determine soil NH4 + and NO3 ? in 44 continuous corn sites fertilized with four rates of N in two replications using a quick test (N-Trak) and a laboratory method. The N-Trak method overestimated soil NO3 ?-N in comparison with the laboratory method. Greater coefficients of determination were observed for soil NO3 ?-N analyses at postseeding compared with seeding.  相似文献   

中国陕西省施有机肥黄土NH4+固定的热力学性质   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Some thermodynamic properties of NH4+ fixation by loess soil in plowing and clay layers are discussed. The results indicate that the four ion adsorption equations commonly used can describe the properties of NH4+ fixation in these soils under constant temperature. Among the four adsorption equations, the single-surface Langmuir equation is the best. When the concentration of NH4Cl solution is 10-1 mol below, the Freundlich equation can be used. The changes of apparent standard free energy (ΔG°), enthalpy (ΔH°) and entropy (ΔS°) illustrate that NH4+ fixation in soil is an endothermic adsorption and spontaneous reaction, and the process can be enhanced by a higher temperature and clay content in soil. The "proper value of NH4+ fixation by soil (K1 × qm) increased with increasing clay content and temperature. The heat of NH4+ fixation in soil (Qm) confirms the conclusions made in this paper.  相似文献   

WANG Yu  ZHANG Yi-Ping 《土壤圈》2004,14(2):253-257
Effects of NH4+ concentration, solution/soil ratio and temperature on NH4+ adsorption were studied in a Eum-Orthic Anthrosol. The slopes of the soil NH4+ adsorption isotherms and the fitted n, the coefficient for the adsorption intensity, and k, the coefficient related to adsorption capacity, of the Freundlich equation increased with increasing solution/soil ratio (SSR) and with decreasing temperature (T). For the range of experimental conditions, the value of ∂q/∂c, the rate of change of the amount of NH4+ adsorbed in the soil solid phase (q) with respect to the equilibrium concentration of NH4+ in soil solution (c), was 0.840, indicating that q increased with increasing c. From 2 to 45 ℃, ∂q/∂SSR, the rate of change of q with respect to SSR, decreased from 2.598 to 1.996, showing that q increased with increasing SSR, while its increasing rate decreased with temperature. From SSR 1:1 to 20:1, ∂q/∂T, the rate of change of q with respect to T, decreased from -0.095 to -0.361, indicating that q decreased with increasing temperature, and at the same time the negative effect of temperature became larger as SSR increased. Thus under the experimental conditions the order of importance in determining the amount of NH4+ adsorbed in the soil solid phase was ∂q/∂SSR > ∂q/∂c > |∂q/∂T|, indicating that the greatest effect on the amount of NH4+ adsorbed was with the solution/soil ratio; the equilibrium concentration of NH4+ had a lesser effect; and temperature had the least effect.  相似文献   

陕西省几种代表性土壤NH4+吸附、解吸动力学特征研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
薛泉宏  尉庆丰  高彦  石辉  曲东 《土壤学报》1996,33(2):129-137
采用连续液流法测定了五种土壤吸附、解吸NH^+4的动力学性质。研究表明:(1)NH^+4吸附、解吸平衡时间及反应速率,平衡时的吸附、解吸量及吸附平衡常数均随土壤粘粒和CEC不同而变化;(2)不同动力学模型及同一模型对不同土壤的拟合性不同。  相似文献   

为探明缓释尿素与普通尿素掺混比例对安徽小麦花后氮素运转特征和土壤氮素盈余的影响,分别选择安徽省北方小麦产区小麦—玉米轮作和南方小麦产区小麦—水稻轮作方式,土壤类型分别为两合土和黄棕壤,设置不施氮肥处理(CK)、农民习惯处理(Ncon)、减少普通尿素用量的优化氮素处理(Nopt)、缓释尿素及其掺混普通尿素处理(SRU1、SRU2、SRU3)和普通尿素全部基施处理(SRU4),分析了不同施肥处理在两种土壤上小麦花后氮素转运、产量、氮肥利用率和土壤无机氮积累量。结果表明:与黄棕壤比较,相同施肥处理两合土上小麦产量、花后氮素积累量和氮素运转量显著增加,平均分别增加了71.8%,199.1%和25.8%,而氮素转移率和土壤氮素表观盈余量平均分别降低16.1%和49.7%。在两种土壤上,与Ncon比较,缓释尿素及其掺混普通尿素处理小麦产量差异不大,显著提高了氮肥利用率,黄棕壤和两合土上增幅分别达43.7%~91.9%和6.6%~26.9%,以缓释尿素掺混普通尿素比例2∶1处理(SRU2)最高;与Nopt相比,仅两合土上SRU2氮肥利用率显著提高。在小麦生育后期,农民习惯施肥处理0—30cm土壤NO_3~-—N和NH_4~+—N积累量明显高于缓释尿素处理,且土壤氮素盈余量高于其他处理。缓释尿素与尿素掺混实现了一次性简化施肥,可保障小麦产量、提高氮肥利用率、减少土壤氮素盈余量及降低环境污染风险。  相似文献   

祁连山东段青海云杉林土壤有效氮研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过野外取样和实验室分析,对祁连山东段青海云杉林的土壤有效氮状况进行了研究。结果表明:(1)青海云杉林0—40 cm土层土壤总有效氮(铵态氮+硝态氮)的变化范围为17.26~20.76 mg/kg,铵态氮是土壤有效氮的主要存在形态,其含量占到总有效氮的66.72%以上;(2)土壤铵态氮含量随土层深度的增加而较少,硝态氮则无明显的变化规律,而且土壤硝态氮较土壤铵态氮对土壤微环境敏感;(3)土壤铵态氮与有机质相关关系显著(p<0.05),土壤硝态氮与有机质无显著相关性。研究区铵态氮为土壤有效氮的主要赋存形式,它在很大程度上取决于该区土壤pH中性值,较低温度和较高的水分含量。  相似文献   

沙丘固定过程中土壤铵态氮和硝态氮的时空变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李荣  何兴东  张宁  邬畏 《土壤学报》2010,47(2):295-302
沙丘固定过程中土壤铵态氮和硝态氮存在着时空变化。本文对腾格里沙漠和毛乌素沙地沙丘固定过程中土壤铵态氮和硝态氮的含量进行了测定。结果表明,在剖面的垂直方向,土壤铵态氮和硝态氮含量均随土壤深度的增加而减小;在沙丘的水平方向,从丘顶、丘坡到丘间地,土壤铵态氮和硝态氮含量均趋于增加,但20~40cm土层的硝态氮/铵态氮比(硝/铵比)逐渐降低。而其时间变化体现于演替系列的进程中,演替系列前中期,土壤铵态氮含量逐渐增加,演替系列中后期,硝态氮含量逐渐增加;0~20cm土层硝/铵比的变化与上述趋势相同,而20~40cm土层硝/铵比的变化则没有这种规律。可见,在沙丘固定过程中,土壤铵态氮和硝态氮均表现出明显的时空变化规律,这种时空变化规律是植被与环境综合作用的结果,进而影响植物生长与植被动态。  相似文献   

水分状况与供氮水平对土壤可溶性氮素形态变化的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用通气培养试验,研究比较了两种水稻土在不同水分和供氮水平下的矿质氮(TMN)和可溶性有机氮(SON)的变化特征。结果表明,加氮处理及淹水培养均显著提高青紫泥的NH4+-N含量;除加氮处理淹水培养第7 d外,潮土NH4+-N含量并未因加氮处理或淹水培养而明显升高。无论加氮与否,控水处理显著提高两种土壤的NO3--N含量,其中潮土始见于培养第7 d,青紫泥则始于培养后21 d;加氮处理可显著提高淹水培养潮土NO3--N含量,却未能提高淹水培养青紫泥NO3--N含量。两种土壤的SON含量从开始培养即逐步升高,至培养21~35 d达高峰期,随后急剧下降并回落至基础土样的水平;SON含量高峰期,潮土SON/TSN最高达80%以上,青紫泥也达60%。综上所述,潮土不仅在控水条件下具有很强硝化作用,在淹水条件下的硝化作用也不容忽视,因此氮肥在潮土中以硝态氮的形式流失的风险比青紫泥更值得关注;在SON含量高峰期,两种土壤的可溶性有机氮的流失风险也应予以重视。  相似文献   

减氮配施有机物质对土壤氮素淋失的调控作用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
采用室内土柱模拟试验方法,研究不同氮肥施用下1m土体中氮素的分布和移动特征,揭示土壤氮素动态变化规律。结果表明:FN(农民习惯施无机氮用量)、RN(根据土壤养分供应和作物需求确定的推荐无机氮用量)显著增加了土壤上层NH_4^+-N和NO_3^--N向下层淋失。RN+HA(与推荐无机氮纯养分相等的锌腐酸尿素)和RN40%+OMB(推荐无机氮肥减60%基础上配施自制有机调理物质)可延长上层土壤NH_4^+-N峰值出现时间,降低下层NH_4^+-N。淋溶结束后,等氮量下增施HA较RN降低60cm以下NH_4^+-N残留29.7%~54.2%;降低60—80cm NO_3^--N累积17.4%。RN40%+OMB处理无机氮肥用量最小,0—20cm的NH_4^+-N最高,40—100cm稳定在2.0mg/kg左右;0—20,20—40cm土层NO_3^--N较RN+HA增加12.3%和2.0%,显著降低40cm以下NO_3^--N残留。RN+HA和RN40%+OMB较RN的土壤总无机氮残留分别减少7.4%和20.2%,降低表观淋失率。因此,RN40%+OMB可较好地抑制氮素下移,降低氮素淋失风险,为减少氮素淋失、明确合理氮肥施用方式提供科学依据。  相似文献   

It is globally accepted that soil carbon (C) dynamics are at the core of interlinked environmental problems,deteriorating soil quality and changing climate.Its management remains a complex enigma for the scientific community due to its intricate relationship with soil nitrogen (N) availability and moisture-temperature interactions.This article reviews the management aspects of soil C dynamics in light of recent advances,particularly in relation to the availability of inorganic N pools and associated microbial processes under changing climate.Globally,drastic alterations in soil C dynamics under changing land use and management practices have been primarily attributed to the variation in soil N availability,resulting in a higher decomposition rate and a considerable decline in soil organic C (SOC) levels due to increased soil CO2 emissions,degraded soil quality,and increased atmospheric CO2 concentrations,leading to climate warming.Predicted climate warming is proposed to enhance SOC decomposition,which may further increase soil N availability,leading to higher soil CO2 efflux.However,a literature survey revealed that soil may also act as a potential C sink,if we could manage soil inorganic N pools and link microbial processes properly.Studies also indicated that the relative,rather than the absolute,availability of inorganic N pools might be of key importance under changing climate,as these N pools are variably affected by moisture-temperature interactions,and they have variable impacts on SOC turnover.Therefore,multi-factorial studies are required to understand how the relative availability of inorganic N pools and associated microbial processes may determine SOC dynamics for improved soil C management.  相似文献   

硝化反应是土壤、特别是干旱半干旱地区农业土壤N2O产生的重要途径之一。但是,目前环境条件对硝化反应中N2O排放的影响研究较少,而在国内外通用的几个模型中均用固定比例估算硝化反应过程中N2O的排放。本文通过砂壤土培养试验,研究了土壤温度、水分和NH4+-N浓度对硝化反应速度及硝化反应中N2O排放的影响,并用数学模型定量表示了各因素对硝化反应的作用,用最小二乘法最优拟合求得该土壤的最大硝化反应速度及N2O最大排放比例。结果表明,随着温度升高,硝化反应速度呈指数增长;水分含量由20%充水孔隙度(WFPS)增加到40%WFPS时,反应速度增加,水分含量增加到60%WFPS时反应速度略有降低;NH4+-N浓度增加对硝化反应速度起抑制作用。用米氏方程描述该土壤的硝化反应过程,其最大硝化反应速度为6.67mg·kg?1·d?1。硝化反应中N2O排放比例随温度升高而降低;随NH4+-N浓度增加而略有增加;20%和40%WFPS水分含量时,硝化反应中N2O排放比例为0.43%~1.50%,最小二乘法求得的最大比例为3.03%,60%WFPS时可能由于反硝化作用,N2O排放比例急剧增加,还需进一步研究水分对硝化反应中N2O排放的影响。  相似文献   

不同铵钾比对高铵下拟南芥地上部和根系生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋海燕  李光杰  施卫明 《土壤》2016,48(6):1077-1084
钾在缓解植物铵毒害的过程中起着重要的作用。本文研究了高铵(30 mmol/L)条件下,不同铵钾比(7.5︰1和150︰1)对拟南芥(Col-0)主根、侧根以及地上部生长的影响。结果表明:30 mmol/L NH4+条件下,高铵钾比(150)处理显著加重了拟南芥铵毒害现象,地上部和根系生长所受的抑制作用更为明显并导致更严重的氧化胁迫。相比低铵钾比水平,在高铵处理下,高铵钾比使得拟南芥主根伸长量降低57.4%,侧根数量减少33.3%,而地上部鲜重减轻69.9%。DAB(3,3¢-二氨基联苯胺,3,3¢-diaminobenzidine)叶片染色结果表明,不加铵处理下,外源不同钾水平(0.2和4.0 mmol/L)对拟南芥叶片的氧化胁迫作用没有显著差异;而高铵处理下,相比低铵钾比处理,高铵钾比显著增加了叶片中过氧化氢的含量,加重了其氧化胁迫。伊文思蓝(Evans blue,EB)染色结果表明,不加铵处理下,外源不同钾水平对拟南芥地上部和根部的膜透性没有显著差异,而高铵处理下,高铵钾比显著增强了拟南芥地上部和根部的膜透性,表明其对细胞的伤害程度加重。可见,高铵抑制拟南芥根系和地上部生长,高铵钾比则会加重这种抑制,其原因除了高浓度钾能减少植物对铵的吸收外,可能与高铵钾比条件加剧了植物的氧化胁迫有关。因此,适宜的铵钾比在植物应对铵毒害的过程中发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

Ammonium fixation and the effects of soil moisture and application methods on fertilizer N recovery were investigatedin two soils of Shaanxi Province, China, a Luvisol and an Entisol, through two experiments performed in the laboratoryand in a glass shelter, respectively, by using ammonium bicarbonate (NH4HCO3). The laboratory closed incubationbox experiment was conducted using the Luvisol to study NH fixation rate at soil moisture levels of 10.1%, 22.7% and 35.3% water filled pore space (WFPS). The fixed NH -N increased dramatically to 51% and 66%, 67% and 74%,and 82% and 85% 1, 2 and 36 h after fertilizer incorporation at moisture levels of 10.1% and 22.7% WFPS and 35.3% WFPS, respectively. The rapid NH fixation rates at all moisture levels could help prevent NH losses from ammonia volatilization. In the glass shelter pot experiment, N fertilizer was applied by either banding (in a concentrated strip)or incorporating (thoroughly mixing) with the Entisol and the Luvisol. An average of 74.2% of the added N fertilizerwas recovered 26 days after application to the Luvisol, while only 61.4% could be recovered from the Entisol, due tohigher NH fixation capacity of the Luvisol. The amount of fixed NH decreased with increasing WFPS. The amountof fixed NH in the incorporated fertilizer treatment was, oll average, 10% higher than that in the banded treatment.Higher NH fixation rates could prevent N loss and thus increase N recovery. The results from the Luvisol showed lowernitrogen recovery as soil moisture level increased, which could be explained by the fact that most of the fixed NH wasstill not released when the soil moisture level was low. When the fertilizer was incorporated into the soil, the recovery ofN increased, compared with the banded treatment, by an average of 26.2% in the Luvisol and 11.2% in the Entisol, whichimplied that when farmers applied fertilizer, it would be best to mix it well with the soil.  相似文献   

The effects on nitrification and acidification in three subtropical soils to which (NH4)2SO4 or urea had been added at rate of 250 mg N kg−1 was studied using laboratory-based incubations. The results indicated that NH4+ input did not stimulate nitrification in a red forest soil, nor was there any soil acidification. Unlike red forest soil, (NH4)2SO4 enhanced nitrification of an upland soil, whilst urea was more effective in stimulating nitrification, and here the soil was slightly acidified. For another upland soil, NH4+ input greatly enhanced nitrification and as a result, this soil was significantly acidified. We conclude that the effects of NH4+ addition on nitrification and acidification in cultivated soils would be quite different from in forest soils. During the incubation, N isotope fractionation was closely related to the nitrifying capacity of the soils.  相似文献   

宁夏引黄灌区稻田氮素浓度变化与迁移特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
过量施氮与不合理灌水是农田面源污染加剧的主要原因。为了寻求较优的水氮管理模式以促进农业生产和减少农田退水对黄河水体的污染, 在宁夏引黄灌区典型稻田中开展了不同水氮条件下稻田氮素迁移转化规律研究。结果表明: 不同水氮条件下稻田田面水NH4+-N 与NO3--N 浓度伴随施肥出现明显峰值, NO3--N 峰值出现时间较NH4+-N 晚, 且变化较平缓。3 次追肥时期和整个生育期田面水NH4+-N 平均浓度与施氮量和灌水量都呈显著相关, 田面水NO3--N 平均浓度与施氮量呈显著正相关, 与灌水量相关性不显著。稻田30 cm与60 cm 深度的直渗水NH4+-N 浓度受施肥影响较大, 与田面水NH4+-N 浓度变化规律相似, 90 cm 处直渗水NH4+-N 浓度峰值出现较为滞后, 且浓度较上层土体低, 120 cm 处直渗水NH4+-N 浓度大体呈现持续上升趋势,整个生育期直渗水NH4+-N 平均浓度与施氮量呈显著相关, 仅30 cm 处NH4+-N 平均浓度与灌水量呈负相关, 其他土层深度不显著。30 cm 与60 cm 直渗水NO3--N 浓度在首次灌水后急剧下降, 在施肥后有较小幅度上升, 90 cm 与120 cm 直渗水NO3--N 浓度下降缓慢, 仅30 cm 处NO3--N 平均浓度与施肥量显著正相关。总的结果表明减少施肥或灌水均可达到减少农田氮素淋失的目的。  相似文献   

在尿素减量施用条件下,探究添加酸化沸石(SF)对氮素淋失及籽粒氮肥利用率的影响.通过等温吸附试验,结合土柱淋溶和玉米盆栽试验,研究酸化沸石对NH4+—N和NO3-—N的吸附性能,以及不同施氮梯度下,酸化沸石对氮素淋失和氮肥利用率的影响,试验分别设置农民习惯施肥(CN)、氮肥减量15%(CN1)、氮肥减量30%(CN2)...  相似文献   

增铵营养对番茄幼苗生长和有机酸含量的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
A hydroponic experiment was conducted to study the effect of partial replacement of NO(3^-)-N by NH -N on theseedling growth and organic acid content of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.). A completely randomized designwas established with three replications and five treatments, i.e., NO(3^-)-N/NH(4^ )-N of 100/0, 75/25, 50/50, 25/75 and0/100. Results showed that 25% replacement of NO(3^-)-N by NH(4^ )-N significantly (P = 0.05) improved fresh and dryweight, revealing that a proper percentage of NH -N was important for tomato nitrogen nutrition. This could increasethe plant growth even though tomato was a crop that preferred nitrate nutrition. Also an increase in the proportion ofNH -N in the nutrient solution led to a significant decrease (P=0.05) in malate, citrate and fumarate. However, the25% NH(4^ )-N plus 75% NO(3^-)-N treatment had no significant effect (P = 0.05) on the 2-ketoglutarate, succinate or oxalicacid content, showing that only some organic acids in tomato plants were affected. Only pyruvate increased significantly(P=0.05), and it only increased for 25% and 50% replacement of NO(3^-)-N by NH(4^ )-N. Metabolism of these organicacids, especially malate, citrate and fumarate, should be further studied at the molecular level in vegetables applied withdifferent nitrogen forms.  相似文献   

Intensive observations of chemical species in aerosols, gases and other samples at the summit of Mt. Fuji and at Tarobo (at 1300m on the mountain'ts southern slope) was performed from July 28 to Aug. 3, 1993 and from July 25 to 30,1994. The most interesting observation was the abrupt increase in the sulfate concentration in aerosol collected in July, 1993 just after the typhoon (number 9306) passed the Japanese archipelago and the wind direction shifted from south to west. Chemical analysis indicated this aerosol was acidic. In contrast, the summit aerosol observed in 1994 was not acidic following a less dramatic rise in sulfate content. Back trajectory analyses were used to extrapolate from these measurement to an inventory of polluted air over the Asian Continent. The concentrations of gaseous SO2 and HCl remained low during both observation periods, with some higher concentrations of NH3.  相似文献   

The responses of three cultivars of Chinese cabbage (Brassica chinensis L.), one of the main vegetable crops in China, to different ratios of NH4+-N/NO3--N was investigated to find the optimal ratio of ammonium to nitrate for maximal growth and to explore ways of decreasing the nitrate content, increasing nitrogen use efficiency of Chinese cabbage, and determining distributions of nitrogen and carbon. Three cultivars of Chinese cabbage were hydroponically grown with three different NH4+-N/NO3--N ratios (0:100, 25:75 and 50:50). The optimal ratio of NH4+-N/NO3--N for maximal growth of Chinese cabbage was 25:75. The increase in the ratio of NH4+-N/NO3--N significantly decreased nitrate content in various tissues of Chinese cabbage in the order of petiole > leaf blade > root. The highest total nitrogen (N) content was found when the ratio of NH4+-N/NO3--N was 25:75, and N contents in plant tissues were significantly different, mostly being in the order of leaf blade > petiole > root. At the NH4+-N/NO3--N ratio of 25:75, the biomasses of Chinese cabbage cultivars 'Shanghaiqing', 'Liangbaiye 1' and 'Kangre 605' increased by 47%, 14% and 27%, respectively. The biomass, SPAD chlorophyll meter readings and carbon content of 'Shanghaiqing' were all higher than those of 'Liangbaiye 1', while nitrate and total nitrogen contents were lower. Thus, partial replacement of nitrate by ammonium could improve vegetable production by both increasing yields and decreasing nitrate content of the plants.  相似文献   

不同铵硝配比对弱光下白菜氮素吸收及相关酶的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以黑色遮阳网覆盖模仿弱光环境, 使光照强度为自然光的20%左右, 以自然光照为对照, 采用精确控制水培溶液氮素营养, 研究NH4+-N/NO3--N 比例分别为0/100、25/75、50/50、75/25、100/0 对弱光下白菜氮代谢及硝酸还原酶和谷氨酰胺合成酶活性的影响。结果表明, 弱光下, 白菜的鲜重及叶片总氮量以NH4+-N/NO3--N 比为25/75 时最大, NH4+-N/NO3--N 比为100/0 时最低。随弱光处理的进行, 白菜叶片中硝酸还原酶活性及谷氨酰胺合成酶活性均呈下降趋势, 但NH4+-N/NO3--N 比为25/75 时, 可维持叶片内较高的硝酸还原酶活性及谷氨酰胺合成酶活性。试验表明, NH4+-N/NO3--N 比25/75 是白菜在弱光下生长的较适宜氮素形态配比。  相似文献   

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