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We evaluated the effect of 1 N NH4OAc and sodium-citrate dithionite extractable forms of soil Fe, Al, and Mn on P-sorption of a flooded acid sulfate soil (Sulfic Tropaquepts) and a non-acid sulfate soil (Typic Tropaquepts) under different soil oxidation-reduction and pH conditions. We used Maha-Phot soil (Sulfic Tropaquepts) and Bangkok soil (Typic Tropaquepts) from the Bangkok Plain, Thailand, and incubated them with 0.2% rice straw under aerobic (O2 atmosphere) and anaerobic (N2 atmosphere) conditions at three different levels of pH (4.0, 5.0, and 6.0) for 6 weeks in stirred soil suspensions with a soil to 0.01 M CaCl2 solution ratio of 1:7. After the incubation period, the soil suspensions in the first treatment (control) were not washed or pretreated with any extractants. For the second treatment (II), the soil suspensions were treated with 1 N NH4OAc (buffered to pH 4.0) to remove Fe, Al, and Mn in exchangeable form. In the third treatment (III), the soils suspensions were treated with sodium citrate dithionite solution (20%) to remove Fe, Al, and Mn in the form of free oxides. The soil residues were then equilibrated with KH2PO4 ranging from 0 to 500 mg P kg-1 soil. Sorption isotherms were described by the classical Langmuir equation. The P-sorption parameters under study were standard P requirement (SPR), Langmuir maximum sorption capacity (X m), Langmuir sorption constant (k), and buffering index (BI). Treating soils with 1 N NH4OAc reduced X m by 32–55%, SPR by 68–84%, and also decreased the differences in P-sorption due to the effects of pH and oxidation-reduction conditions. Significant correlations between the P-sorption parameters and the amount of free iron oxides indicated the primary role of iron oxides in P-sorption of acid sulfate soils. Aluminium oxides seemed to play a secondary role in P-sorption of these soils. Manganese also showed an important effect on P-sorption, but the mechanism is ambiguous.This is a contribution from the Wetland Biogeochemistry Institute, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803-7511  相似文献   

The content of various forms of Fe and Al in six well-drained soil profiles sampled from different parts of Nigeria was determined by selective extraction methods. Dithionite-Fe (total free Fe oxides) content increases with the increase of depth. The oxalate-extractable Fe (amorphous Fe oxides) constitutes less than 10% of the total free Fe oxides throughout the profiles. The active Fe ratio decreases with the increase of profile depth, suggesting that larger proportions of Fe oxides are present as crystalline forms in the lower horizons of these well-drained profiles. Little or no relationships were found in the case of Al.The constant clay/dithionite-Fe ratio within the four profiles from the wetter southern part of Nigeria indicates the co-migration of clay and Fe oxides from the A horizon into the B horizon (lessivage). However, this relationship was not observed in the two soil profiles sampled from the drier northern part of the country.The need for expansion or alteration of the present U.S.D.A. system of soil classification is emphasized.  相似文献   

The distributions of free oxides along profiles of some dry rice fields were set forth in the previous reports2,3,4,6), In this paper, the distribution of free oxides in dry rice field5) in polder lands of Kojima-Basin, Okayama pref. is reported. Localities, years elapsed since the planting of rice began in each field and the characteristic of soil profiles are given in Table 1. All the fields are dry rice fields except Soil A, and carry barley or wheat in winter season. Parent materials are similar in all horizons of all soils and rich in fine particles. Fine sands (0.2-0.02 mm) are mainly composed of quartz somewhat accompanied with feldspars, mica, augite and amphibolite. Clays (< 0.002 mm) are mainly composed of halloysite accompanied with a small proportion of montmorillonite. The structure develops well in all the soils.  相似文献   

In the preceding report,4) the distribution of free oxides along soil profiles in time series of dry rice fields in polder lands of Kojima-Basin has been set forth. In this paper, the distribution of total oxides and the relationship2) between free oxides and total oxides are reported. Localities and years elapsed since the planting of rice began are given in Table 1. Details of soil characteristics have been described in the preceding paper.  相似文献   

A total of 400 surface soil(0–15 cm) samples were collected from cultivated soils representing four soil series,namely,Hariharapur,Debatoli,Rajpora and Neeleswaram in Orissa,Jharkhand,Himachal Pradesh and Kerala states of India,respectively,and were analyzed to measure the contents of total and extractable Mn and Fe,to establish the relationship among total and extractable Mn and Fe and soil properties,and to characterize the spatial distribution pattern of Mn and Fe in some cultivated acid soils of India. The contents of total as well as extractable Mn and Fe varied widely with extractants and soil series. However,the amounts of Mn or Fe extracted by diethylene triamine penta-acetic acid(DTPA),Mehlich 1,Mehlich 3,0.1 mol L-1 HCl and ammonium bicarbonate DTPA(ABDTPA) were significantly correlated with each other(P 0.01). Based on the DTPA-extractable contents and the critical limits(2 mg Mn kg-1soil and 4.5 mg Fe kg-1 soil) published in the literature,Mn and Fe deficiencies were observed in 7%–23% and 1%–3% of the soil samples,respectively. The content of soil organic carbon(SOC) had greater influence on total and DTPA-extractable Fe than did soil pH. Geostatistical analysis revealed that total and DTPA-extractable Mn and Fe contents in the acid soils were influenced by soil pH,SOC content,and exchangeable cations like potassium,calcium and magnesium. Spatial distribution maps of total and DTPA-extractable Mn and Fe in soil indicated different distribution patterns.  相似文献   

The iron oxides fractions of four major physiographic units obtained from a transect of calcareous materials were studied to assess the effects of key pedogenic processes and local hydrology conditions as well as physiographic units in controlling iron oxides forms in the north-west of Iran. Samples from different horizons belonging to six pedons were selected and analyzed for soil physicochemical properties, clay minerals, and Fe oxides forms (Fed, Feo, Fep). In general, the soils indicated some variation in the concentration of iron oxides that could be related to rate of weathering, pedogenic accumulations, geomorphologic conditions (as results of different in physiographic units), wet and dry cycle, and organic matter. A wide relative variation in mean values of Fed (6.4–9.9 g kg?1), Feo (2.9–4 g kg?1), and Fep (0.68–1.3 g kg?1) was observed among physiographic units. On the plateau unit, the presence of the most stable geomorphologic conditions and high rate in situ weathering (reflected in clay content), coupled with minor deposition of sediment suggest that the soils have more dynamic conditions than other units, reflecting in the greatest amount Fed and the lowest Feo/Fed ratio. Fed content of the soils containing less clay content (15–25%) was significantly different from those with greater clay content (25–35%).  相似文献   


The profile distribution of total, DTPA‐ and 0.1 N HC1‐extractable Zn was determined in 11 Nigerian soil profiles formed on various parent Materials including the coastal plain sands, shales, basalt, granite and banded gneiss.

The total content ranged from 9 to 84 ppm. Generally soils developed on igneous rocks contained more Zn than those on sedimenatary deposits. Among the soils on sedimentary rocks, those on shale had more total Zn than those on sandstones. Total Zn was weakly correlated with organic matter but strongly associated vith clay content and free oxides of iron and manganese.

The amounts of Zn extracted by DTPA and 0.1 N HC1 ranged from 0.01 to 10.98 and from 0.23 to 6.25 ppm, respectively. The dilute acid generally removed more Zn from the soils than did the DTPA. The amounts extracted generally decreased vith depth especially vith DTFA extractant. Soils developed on basalt and shales contained the highest amounts of 0.1 N HCl‐extractable Zn while those on basement complex rocks gave the highest values of DTPA‐extractable Zn. Extractable Zn from soils on coastal plain sands remained relatively lev. The extractable Zn was more associated vith organic matter than vith clay content.  相似文献   


The profile distribution of total, DTPA‐ and 0.1N HCl‐extractable Cu was determined in 11 Nigerian soil profiles formed from various parent materials including the coastal plain sands, shales, basalt, granite and banded gneiss.

Total Cu ranged from 7 to 72 ppm with a mean of 35 ppm0 The soils formed from basalt had the highest values while those on coastal plains had the least content. Generally, there was a higher content in the subsoils than in the surface horizons. The total Cu significantly correlated with percent clay and the free oxide contents of Fe and Mn.

DTPA ‐ and 0.1N HCl‐extractable Cu ranged from 0.08 to 2.81 ppm and 0.10 to 7.78 ppm, respectively. Soils on metamorphic rocks gave the highest values of DTPA‐extractable Cu. The DTPA‐extractable Cu ‐was only related to pH but the acid extractable Cu was associated with total Cu, clay, free Fe2O3 and MnO2 contents.  相似文献   


The contents of 0.1 M HCl and DTPA extractable and total iron (Fe) and manganese (Mn) were determined in soil profiles developed on four groups of basaltic parent materials, namely, the Newer‐, Older‐, Lateritized‐Older‐, and Biu‐basalts. HCl‐and DTPA‐extractable and total Fe in the soils ranged from 15.0 to 66.3 mg/kg, 1.1 to 26. 7 mg/kg, and 4.50 to 10.50%, respectively, with corresponding means of 37.5 mg/kg, 9.5 mg/kg, and 7.33%. The corresponding forms of Mn ranged from 1.1 to 89.0 (mean, 39.8) mg/kg, 0.3 to 114.7 (mean, 24.3) mg/kg and 34 to 1010 (mean, 346) mg/kg, respectively. The soils were high in total Fe and Mn and sufficient in the available forms (HCl‐and DTPA‐extractable forms). Total Fe and Mn were neither related to the available forms or to soil properties tested. The available forms were, however, related one with another and largely associated with organic matter.  相似文献   

Granulometric and clay mineralogical analyses were performed on soil types differing in their genesis which had been formed on the raised coral limestone terraces and plateaux under the perhumid subtropical maritime climate of the Ryukyu Islands. The amount of clay fraction in Rendzina-like soil on the lower terrace was relatively small (8-34%) and decreased with depth, while those in Terra fusca-like soils on the middle terraces and in Terra rossa-like soil on the plateau were very large (45–78%) suggesting the occurrence of clay migration.

Rendzina-like soil mainly contained illite and metahalloysite with a moderate amount of mixed layered mineral consisting of illite and vermiculite, and a small amount of vermiculite, Al-vermiculite, goethite, and quartz. Clay mineral composition of Terra fusca-like and Mottled Terra fusca-like soils was similar to that of Rendzina-like soil except that the content of illite was lower in these soils. Terra rossa-like soil, on the other hand, mainly contained Al-vermiculite, metahalloysite, and gibbsite, indicating a highly advanced stage of hydroxyaluminium interlayering. Differences in clay mineral composition from that of Rendzina, Terra fusca, and Terra rossa soils in the European countries were recognized, in that mont-morillonite was absent and hydroxyaluminium interlayering actively proceeded in the soils studied here. This finding is considered to reflect the rapid alteration and intense hydroxyaluminium interlayering of clay minerals under the perhumid subtropical conditions.  相似文献   

Waterlogging results in high shoot concentrations of iron (Fe), aluminum (Al), and manganese (Mn) in wheat grown in acidic soil. The verification of this observation in several acidic soils, development of screening techniques, and identification of genotypes differing in tolerance made it possible to test whether tolerance of ion toxicities improves performance of wheat in waterlogged acid soils. Six wheat varieties selected for tolerance/intolerance of Al, Mn, and Fe were grown in three acidic soils (pHCaCl2 4.1–4.3) with or without waterlogging for 40 d. In terms of relative shoot dry weight, Al‐, Mn‐, and Fe‐tolerant genotypes tolerated waterlogging better, outperforming intolerant genotypes by 35%, 53%, and 32%, respectively, across the soils. The Al‐tolerant genotype had up to 1.8‐fold better root growth than the intolerant genotype under waterlogging. Waterlogging increased DTPA‐extractable soil Mn (71%) and Fe (89%), and increased shoot Fe (up to 7.6‐fold) and Al (up to 5.9‐fold) for different genotypes and soils. The Al‐tolerant genotype maintained lower tissue concentrations of Al as compared to intolerant genotypes during waterlogging. Waterlogging delayed crop development but distinctly less so in the tolerant than in the intolerant genotypes, thus jeopardizing the capacity of intolerant genotypes to produce yield in Mediterranean climates with dry finish of the season. Pyramiding multiple ion tolerances into current wheat varieties with desirable agronomic and quality characteristics to enhance their performance under waterlogged acid soils should be considered.  相似文献   

植稻年限对土壤铁锰氧化物的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
程月琴  杨林章  孔荔玺  慈恩 《土壤》2008,40(5):784-791
以浙江不同耕作年限水田和旱地为研究对象,探讨了植稻年限对土壤铁锰氧化物的影响,并揭示了水稻土发育过程中铁锰氧化物的剖面运移规律和诊断意义。结果表明:①土壤剖面中,全Fe、游离Fe及全Mn的变异随着种稻时间的延长而增大。种植达到一定年限时,全Fe、全Mn以及游离Fe在土壤剖面下层出现淀积。在各种铁锰氧化物中,对水稻土最具诊断意义的是游离Fe和全Fe。②无定形Fe以及络合态Fe、Mn与有机质呈显著正相关。植稻年限对它们的影响是通过对有机质的影响达到的。  相似文献   

Identification of genotypic differences in micronutrient concentrations of staple food crops is essential if plant breeding strategies are to improve human mineral nutrition. The concentrations of zinc (Zn), iron (Fe), copper (Cu), and manganese (Mn) in polished grains of 285 rice (Oryza sativa L.) genotypes and the relationship between concentrations of the four micronutrient elements and concentrations of protein and lysine were examined. Significant differences (P<.01) were found in the concentrations of Zn, Fe, Cu, and Mn in polished rice with a fairly normal distribution among rice genotypes. On average, Cu and Zn concentrations of Indica rice were about 2‐fold higher than Japonica rice, while Fe concentrations of Japonica rice were slightly higher than Indica rice. Among Indica rice genotypes, red rice contained higher Zn than white rice. Protein and lysine concentrations differed considerably among the genotypes, but no close relationship between the micronutrients and protein or lysine concentrations was observed among genotypes. Sixteen genotypes with significantly higher grain Zn, Fe, Cu, and Mn concentrations were identified.  相似文献   

Ectomycorrhizal fungus Laccaria bicolor S238N,isolated from a forest soil in central France in 1990s,has demonstrated unequivocally and ability to promote pine growth.In the present nursery bed experiment,the ability of this ectomycorrhizal fungus to increase growth and P and K uptake of Douglas Fir seedlings (Zone 22) was examined.Growth of inoculated seedlings was over twice(plant height) and three times (biomass)that of non-inoculated ones.Similarly,both the concentrations and the amounts of P and K uptake by seedlings were significantly increased by fungal inoculation,indicating the improvement of P and K nutrition in mycorrhizal seedlings.In contrast,Al-P in the soils was decreased obviously by plants,especially by mycorrhizas,suggesting utilization of this soil P pool by plants and more efficient Al-P mobilization by mycorrhizas than by nomycorrhizas.Moreover,K extracted by 1mol/L HCl following consecutive extraction of H2O and CH3COONH4,which may not be plant available,could be utilized by fungus colonied roots.This could be explained by the release of protons and oxalate by hypae which leads to replacement of interlayer K in nonexpanded 2:1 clay minerals and bio-weathering of phyllosilicates.  相似文献   

不同铁形态对水稻根表铁膜及铁吸收的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过溶液培养试验研究了FeCl2?4H2O和FeCl3?6H2O对水稻根表铁膜数量及铁吸收的影响。结果表明,FeCl2处理时水稻根表铁膜浓度是FeCl3处理的197%~233%。利用EDTA-BPDS对铁膜形态分析看出,根表铁膜中Fe3+占85%~92%,Fe2+占8%~15%。水稻天优998根表铁膜数量显著高于培杂泰丰,其铁吸收是培杂泰丰的115%~138%。两种铁形态处理明显提高水稻的根系活力,其中,FeCl2处理时水稻根系活力增加24%~69%,FeCl3为16%~54%。FeCl2处理时水稻根系SOD、POD和CAT活性分别增加11%~32%、15%~30%和30%~31%,但FeCl3处理没有明显影响。上述结果表明一定浓度铁处理明显增加水稻根表铁浓度和铁吸收;与FeCl3处理相比,FeCl2处理能提高根系抗氧化酶活性,增加水稻的铁吸收和根表铁膜数量。  相似文献   


The importance of various soil components on copper (Cu) retention by Spodosois was investigated. Copper sorption and extraction were conducted on samples from the B horizon from six Danish Spodosois. The investigation was conducted on untreated samples, on hydrogen peroxide‐treated samples (to remove organic matter), on oxalate‐treated samples [to remove amorphous to poorly crystalline aluminum (Al) and iron (Fe) oxides], on hydroxylamine‐treated samples [to remove manganese (Mn) oxides]. Subfractions treated with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) were further treated with oxalate and citrate‐bicarbonate‐dithionite (CBD). Sorption of Cu from an initial 10‐6 M solution after 48 hours was determined in the pH range 3 to 7 using 0.1M sodium nitrate (NaNO3) as the background electrolyte. The pH‐dependent sorption curve (sorption edge) was shifted to a higher pH with decreasing Al oxide content in the soils, and for the treated sample after removal of organic matter and Al and Fe oxides. A negligible effect was seen after removal of the Mn oxides because of their low abundance. Extraction of sorbed Cu at pH 4 to 6 with 0.1M nitric acid (HNO3) for 24 hours confirmed the sorption results, in inasmuch as removal of the Al (and Fe) oxides increased Cu extractability. Therefore, it was concluded that in the soils investigated, Cu retention is mainly determined by the oxalate‐extractable Al fraction with a minor contribution due to crystalline Fe oxides.  相似文献   

Rice (Oryza Sativa L.) nutrition is influenced by the interactions of (Iron) Fe, (Manganese) Mn, and (Silicon) Si in the rhizosphere. A greenhouse experiment was carried out with rice grown in four low‐pH soils (a granitic lateritic red earth, a paddy soil from the red earth, a basaltic latosol, and a paddy soil from the latosol). Rice was grown in pots with the roots confined in rhizobags and the rhizosphere soil and nonrhizosphere soil were analyzed separately for active Si, Fe, and Mn by Tamm's solution. Silicon and Mn concentrations were lower in the rhizosphere soil indicating a depletion which was higher for the basaltic soils and for the paddy soils. Iron concentrations were higher in the rhizosphere soil indicating an accumulation that was higher for granitic soils and for the upland soils. Plant growth response was due mostly to Mn with the basaltic soils supplying toxic amounts and the granitic soils being deficient. Iron accumulation in the rhizosphere caused lower plant uptake of Si, phosphorus (P), and calcium (Ca) and higher Fe and aluminum (Al) absorption leading to the conclusion that Fe deposition on plant roots and in rhizosphere may block the uptake of other nutrients.  相似文献   

土壤锌、铁、铜、锰形态的分布及其与植物有效性的关系   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The distribution of various fractions of Zn,Fe,Cu and Mn in 15 types of soils in China and its relationship with plant availability were studied.Fractions of various elements were found to have some similar characterstic distribution regularities in various types of soils,but various soil types differed to varying degrees in the distribution of each fraction.Soil physico-chemical properties,such as pH,CEC and the contents of OM,CaCO3,free Fe,free Mn and P2O5,were significantly correlated with the distribution of elemental fractions,and a significant correlation also existed between the distribution and plant availability of elemental fractions.Various fractions of each element were divided into two groups based on their plant availability.The correlation between the distribution of combination fractions and plat availability indicated a significantly or an extremely significantly positive correlation for Group I but a significantly or an extremely significantly negative correlation for Group II.Therefore,the fractions in Goup I were primary pools of available nutrients,while those in Group II could hardly provide available nutrients for plants.Decreasing the transformation of corresponding elements into fractions of Group II and increasing the storage capacity of various fractions of Group I were an important direction for regulation and controlling of soil nutrients.However,some Particular soils with too high contents of Zn,Fe,Cu and Mn should be regulated and controlled adversely.  相似文献   

KCl, CaCl2, NH4Cl, NaCl, K2SO4 and KF solutions were used for studying the effects of cations and anions on the dissolution of aluminum and the distribution of aluminum forms respectively. Power of exchanging and releasing aluminum of four kinds of cations was in the decreasing order Ca2+ >K+ >NH4+ >Na+. The dissolution of aluminum increased with the cation concentration. The adsorption affinity of various soils for aluminum was different. The aluminum in the soil with a stronger adsorption affinity was difficult to be exchanged and released by cations. The Al-F complexes were main species of inorganic aluminum at a low concentration of cations, while Al3+ became major species of inorganic aluminum at a high concentration of cations. The results on the effect of anions indicated that the concentrations of total aluminum, three kinds of inorganic aluminum (Al3+, Al-F and Al-OH complexes) and organic aluminum complexes (Al-OM) when SO42- was added into soil suspension were lower than those when Cl- was added. The dissolution of aluminum from soils and the distribution of aluminum forms in solution were affected by the adsorption of F- on the soil. For soils with strong affinity for F-, the concentrations of the three inorganic aluminum species in soil solution after addition of F- were lower than those after addition of Cl-; but for soils with weak affinity for F-, the concentrations of Al3+ and Al-OM were lower and the concentrations of Al-F complexes and total inorganic aluminum after addition of F- were higher than those after addition of Cl-. The increase of F- concentration in soil solution accelerated the dissolution of aluminum from soils.  相似文献   

The concentrations of water-soluble Cu, Zn, Mn, and Fe in the litters of the peaty-podzolic-gleyic and pale-podzolic soils of the Central Forest State Biosphere Reserve are inversely proportional to the pH and directly proportional to the total titratable acidity of the extracts and the content of the water-soluble organic matter (WSOM). During the interaction of the litter solutions with the mineral soil horizons, the content of metals in the solutions can vary depending on the pH, the WSOM concentration in the input solutions, the WSOM amphiphility, and the nature of the metal. The amount of water-soluble Mn, Cu, and Zn in the Eih horizon of peaty-podzolic-gleyic soils is directly proportional to the content of WSOM and inversely proportional to the pH of the litter solutions; the Fe concentration increases parallel to both parameters.  相似文献   

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