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植物根际微生物组的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
根际微生物组(rhizosphere microbiome),是植物从其种子库土壤微生物组中有选择性地招募在根际聚集的动态微生物集群.随着近年来高通量测序技术、宏基因组学等的飞速发展,根际微生物组与植物宿主及土壤微生物组间的紧密联系引起了全球关注和研究热潮.根际微生物组被视作植物第二基因组,其与植物间的互作极为复杂,有...  相似文献   

Barley plants were grown for up to 16 days in solution culture either under axenic conditions or in the presence of a mixed population of microorganisms. The quantities of soluble carbohydrate released by the roots grown in the absence of microorganisms and the numbers of bacteria which developed in the inoculated solutions were determined. Except for the first 4 days after germination, a greater biomass was produced than could be accounted for by the utilization of the carbohydrates released by the roots grown in the absence of microorganisms; this supports the view that the microorganisms stimulate the loss of soluble organic materials. These results are considered in relation to microbial activity in the soil and in particular to the significance of N2 fixation by free-living rhizosphere bacteria in the nitrogen economy of plants.  相似文献   

Rhizobia pass through the host root surroundings before they infect the root tissue. Therefore, the environmental condition of rhizosphere is one of the greatest factors in the life of Rhizobia in the soil. It was observed that the nodule number produced on the root of the legume is not proportional to the density of Rhizobia inoculated, but nearly constant within some range. The experience presented in the previous paper showed that one or ten cells of Rhizobia inoculated in a test tube were sufficient to produce a number of nodules on the host plants grown in the tube. Such facts strongly suggest the multiplication of Rhizobia in the soil before infection into tissue.  相似文献   

Background: Phosphatases in soil are of great importance for plant P acquisition. It is hypothesized that root hairs increase rhizosphere phosphatase activity as they release enzymes into soil and stimulate microbial activity. Methods: To test the effect of root hairs on soil phosphatase activity, we grew barley (Hordeum vulgare ‘Pallas') wild type and its root‐hairless mutant in rhizoboxes and determined phosphatase activity using soil zymography. Measurements were done at three moisture levels (30, 15, and 5% VWC). Rhizosphere phosphatase activity was estimated for the two genotypes and two locations along the root [root tip region (0–4 cm behind tip) and mature roots (> 7 cm behind tip)]. Results: Rhizosphere phosphatase activity was similar in the two locations along the root (root tip region vs. mature root parts). In contrast, rhizosphere phosphatase extension was two times larger for the root tip region of the wild type than for the mutant at 30% and 15% VWC. However, as phosphatase activities at the root surface of tips and mature root parts were slightly higher for the mutant than for the wild type, average enzyme activities were unaffected by the genotype. Conclusions: We conclude that the mutant seems to compensate for the lack of root hairs by increased phosphatase activity close to the root surface. However, the increased rhizosphere phosphatase extension for the wild type may be equally efficient as it allows P mobilization and uptake from large soil volumes.  相似文献   

Oxidation of methane in the rhizosphere of rice plants   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Oxidation of CH4 in the rhizosphere of rice plants was quantified using (1) methyl fluoride, a specific inhibitor of CH4 oxidation, and (2) measuring changes in plant-mediated CH4 emission after incubation under air, N2, or 40% O2. No significant rhizospheric CH4 oxidation was observed from rice plants in the ripening stage. CH4 emission from rice plants 1 week before panicle initiation increased by 40% if CH4 oxidation in the rhizosphere was blocked. The growth stage of the rice plant is an important factor determining the rhizospheric CH4 oxidation. Fluctuation of rhizospheric CH4 oxidation during the growing season may help to explain the observed seasonal CH4 emission patterns in field studies. Measurements from four rice varieties showed that one variety, Pokkali, had higher rhizospheric CH4 oxidation. This was probably because Pokkali was in an earlier growth stage than the other three varieties. Both in the early and in the late growth stages, incubation under N2 caused a much stronger CH4 flux than inhibition of CH4 oxidation alone. Apparently, N2 incubation not only blocked CH4 oxidation but also stimulated methanogenesis in the rhizosphere. Incubation under a higher O2 atmosphere (40% O2) than ambient air decreased the CH4 flux, suggesting that increasing the oxidation of the rice rhizosphere may help in reducing CH4 fluxes from rice agriculture. The O2 pressure in the rhizosphere is an important factor that reduces the plant-mediated CH4 flux. However, inhibition of methanogenesis in the rhizosphere may contribute more to CH4 flux reduction than rhizospheric CH4 oxidation.  相似文献   

Application of paper mill effluent to sugarcane grown soils increased the populations of Rhizobium and Azotobacter for a particular time and further increase in the duration of irrigation did not significantly contribute to the increase in populations. Prolonged irrigation of the effluent affected the rhizosphere effect (R:S ratio) of these organisms. Populations of Rhizobium and Azotobacter were more in the rhizosphere of sugarcane and increased with the age of the crop in such soils.  相似文献   

A study was made of the changes in the rhizosphere microflora of onion seedlings grown under controlled conditions at either 25, 18 or 16°C. In plants grown at the lower temperatures there was a very small rhizosphere effect for the bacteria compared with that for plants grown at 25°C. A series of tests on bacteria isolated from both rhizosphere and root-free soil showed the rhizosphere isolates from seedlings grown at 25°C to be more active physiologically than those from seedlings grown at the lower temperatures. In particular, the ammonifying bacteria were greatly increased in the rhizosphere of plants grown at 25°C. Numbers of rhizosphere fungi were also greater at the higher temperature but the rhizosphere effect was not as great as that for bacteria. Contrary to expectation the greatest rhizosphere effect did not occur at the optimum temperature for growth of the onions.  相似文献   

In a greenhouse experiment with continuous labeling of oat plants in a 13CO2 atmosphere, the ratios between different carbon and nitrogen pools in the rhizosphere and nonrhizosphere soil, i.e., the values of the rhizosphere factor R f , were determined. The mean values of the rhizosphere factor varied from 0.9 (the water-soluble nitrogen pool) to 4.6 (the pool of 13C-labeled dissolved organic carbon). We split the carbon and nitrogen pools into three groups depending on the mean R f value. Group I with high R f values (>2) included the most labile labeled organic carbon pools and the active component of the soil microbial biomass. Group II with the rhizosphere factor values 1 < R f < 2 included the more conservative pools of the total dissolved organic carbon and the microbial biomass in the soil. The only representative of group III (R f < 1) was the water-soluble nitrogen pool. The dynamics of the rhizosphere factor had a maximum during the period of the rapid root growth rate (the tillering, booting, and earing stages) for most members of group I; a maximum during the period of the intensive root turnover (the milk ripeness and wax stages) was detected for the pools-representatives of group II. The dynamics of the rhizosphere factor for the soluble nitrogen had no prominent trends.  相似文献   

褐煤腐殖酸对不同土壤上小麦生长的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Humic acid(HA),a fairly stable product of decomposed organic matter that consequently accumulates in ecological systems,enhances plant growth by chelating unavailable nutrients and buffering pH.We examined the effect of HA derived from lignite on growth and macronutrient uptake of wheat(Triticum aestivum L.) grown in earthen pots under greenhouse conditions.The soils used in the pot experiment were a calcareous Haplustalf and a non-calcareous Haplustalf collected from Raisalpur and Guliana,respectively,in Punjab Province,Pakistan.The experiment consisted of four treatments with HA levels of 0(control without HA),30,60,and 90 mg kg -1 soil designated as HA 0,HA 1,HA 2,and HA 3,respectively.In the treatment without HA(HA 0),nitrogen(N),phosphorus(P),and potassium(K) were applied at 200,100,and 125 mg kg -1 soil,respectively.Significant differences among HA levels were recorded for wheat growth(plant height and shoot weight) and N uptake.On an average of both soils,the largest increases in plant height and shoot fresh and dry weights were found with HA 2(60 mg kg -1 soil),being 10%,25%,and 18%,respectively,as compared to the control without HA(HA 0).Both soils responded positively towards HA application.The wheat growth and N uptake in the non-calcareous soil were higher than those of the calcareous soil.The HA application significantly improved K concentration of the non-calcareous soil and P and NO 3-N of the calcareous soil.The highest rate of HA(90 mg kg -1 soil) had a negative effect on growth and nutrient uptake of wheat as well as nutrient accumulation in soil,whereas the medium dose of HA(60 mg kg -1 soil) was more efficient in promoting wheat growth.  相似文献   

Extracellular polysaccharides produced by bacteria have been shown to bind molybdenum (Mo) with the consequence that less Mo entered plants. The polysaccharides are produced by a variety of bacteria but those which contain uronic acids appear to be reponsible for binding the Mo. The amount of Mo bound is affected by pH.  相似文献   

Plants in which growth was reduced by low and high Al applications were designated as Al-sensitive plant (Hordeum vulgare) and Al-medium tolerant plants (Leucaena leucocephala, Ischaemum barbatum, Stylosanthes guianensis, and Fagopyrum esculentum), respectively, while plants in which growth was not affected or was stimulated by Al application were designated as Al-tolerant plant (Brachiaria ruziziensis) and Al-stimulated plants (Melastoma malabathricum, Melaleuca cajuputi, Acacia mangium, Hydrangea macrophyila, Vaccinium macrocarpon, Polygonum sachalinense, and Oryza sativa), respectively. Plants tolerant to or stimulated by Al were further classified based on the criteria of Al accumulation: 1) Al-excluders such as M. cajuputi, A. mangium, L. leucocephala, I. barbatum, S. guianensis, and O. sativa, 2) Al root-accumulators such as V. màcrocarpon, B. ruziziensis, and P. sachalinense, and 3) Al-accumulators such as M. malabathricum, H. macrophylla, and F. esculentum. The growth and N, P, and K uptake in M. malabathricum, M. cajuputi, A. mangium, L. leucocephala, H. macrophylla, V. macrocarpon, I. barbatum, P. sachalinense, F. esculentum, and O. sativa were stimulated by Al application, especially P uptake, while in H. vulgare (Al-sensitive plant) they were reduced by Al application. Ca and Mg uptake of many plants was inhibited by Al application, while that of some plants adapted to low pH soils was not affected at all (Ca and Mg: M. cajuputi, H. macrophylla, V. macrocarpon, I. barbatum, and S. guianensis; Mg: B. ruziziensis and P. sachalinense). In M. malabathricum, the relationship between Al and Ca (or Mg) was antagonistic because the Ca and Mg contents decreased by Al application even though dry matter, N, P, and K accumulation was stimulated by Al application. Plants adapted to low pH soils grew poorly in the no-Al treatment. Since the effect of the pH on plant growth was less conspicuous than that of Al, growth stimulation by Al application was ascribed not only to the alleviation of H+ toxicity but also to the increase of root activity such as P uptake.  相似文献   

Biochar has the potential to store carbon (C) in soils on a millennial time scale and hence it is proposed as a tool to aid in the mitigation of climate change. However, the presence of biochar in soil can induce either a positive or negative priming effect on native soil C, or the converse, which may either reduce or enhance the C storage potential of biochar. Thus far, priming effects between soil and biochar have been predominately assessed in the exclusion of plants. Therefore, this study set out with the aim to assess the priming effect of plants, i.e., rhizosphere priming effect (RPE) in the presence and absence of biochar and within different soil types. Three soils (Arenosol, Cambisol and Ferralsol) were used in full factorial combination with or without soybean plants and with or without 2% blue mallee biochar that was produced at 500 °C by slow pyrolysis. Plants were labelled with an isotopically depleted δ13C signature to that of the soil and biochar to allow the separation of plant-derived CO2–C from the total CO2–C. Carbon dioxide was trapped three times over a period of 13 days. Subsequent titration of the CO2 trap samples followed by IRMS analysis was used to quantify the CO2–C captured and its source. Biochar was found to have no effect on plant or microbial biomass. Plant treatments had significantly higher overall respiration rates than those without plants. Plants induced a negative priming in the Arenosol which was similar in the absence and presence of biochar. In the Cambisol, biochar induced a significant negative RPE in comparison to the positive RPE in the control. The RPE in the Ferralsol was positive and substantially decreased in the presence of biochar. Our results suggest that blue mallee biochar amendments may partially offset the positive RPE, or reduce it further where it is already negative.  相似文献   

Using a nutrient solution with nitrate-nitrogen, a strong interaction between iron and phosphorus uptake in water culture was observed. Iron chlorosis could be prevented only by a very high supply of iron-III-hydroxide or a very low supply of phosphorus, both of which resulted in a normal chlorophyll content but produced plants deficient in phosphorus. However when iron and phosphorus were supplied to separate root zones (split-root technique), iron-III-hydroxide was a satisfactory source of iron for corn plants even in water culture. In contrast to corn plants grown in water culture, plants in sand culture (quartz sand) with the same nutrient solution utilized iron-III-hydroxide just as well as iron chelate, even when high phosphorus concentrations were simultaneously present. Using 59Fe and circulating the nutrient solution through the sand culture, it could be demonstrated that the mobilization of iron from iron-III-hydroxide is restricted to the root-sand (iron-III-hydroxide) interface (rhizosphere) without increasing the amount of soluble iron in the bulk substrate. The depletion of phosphorus around the roots in sand seems to be particularly responsible for this “substrate effect” in the utilization of iron-III-hydroxide. The uptake of phosphorus and iron in sequence along a root growing in a solid substrate could be important in the iron nutrition of “iron-inefficient” plant species such as corn growing in soils of high pH.  相似文献   

从哈密瓜根际土壤中筛选高效耐高温促生菌株,并通过盆栽试验来探究其促生效应。利用改良难溶性无机磷固体培养基、透明圈法和钼锑抗比色法评价菌株的解磷能力。以哈密瓜为试验材料进行盆栽试验,设定CK(不接种菌剂)、接种菌株F40(阴性对照)、F1、F9、F70和B25共6个处理,探究接种菌株对哈密瓜的生长以及土壤化学性质的影响。从哈密瓜根际土壤中共筛选出4株耐高温解磷菌,其中菌株F9经鉴定为烟曲霉  相似文献   

Monthly investigations of the microbial population associated with tea soils, in terms of colony-forming units assessed by the plate-count method, were carried out at three different soil depths for a period of 12 months. Three groups of microbes, bacteria, actinomycetes, and fungi, were examined. Contrary to general observations, the rhizosphere: soil ratios were found to be consistently below 1 in samples taken from established tea bushes, indicating an overall negative rhizosphere effect. Interactions among certain microorganisms may also have contributed to this effect. Nevertheless, the rhizosphere of young tea plants and that of a number of other perennial plants, of different ages, growing in established tea fields, appeared to stimulate microbial growth. The negative effect of the rhizosphere of older tea bushes does not appear to be a common phenomenon that is related to the aging of plants in general, but seems to be unique and specific to tea plants.  相似文献   

猪粪和化肥配施对小麦生长及根际养分的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
试验利用根际培养箱中猪粪与化肥配合施用培养小麦幼苗,通过测定植株和根际土壤中的养分含量,研究化肥、猪粪配施对小麦根际微区养分的空间效应。结果显示,猪粪、化肥配施的小麦对氮、磷、钾的吸收更好,且根际周围形成亏缺区,配施处理对小麦生长较纯施化肥显著提高。  相似文献   

Root-induced changes in the rhizosphere may affect mineral nutrition of plants in various ways. Examples for this are changes in rhizosphere pH in response to the source of nitrogen (NH4-N versus NO3-N), and iron and phosphorus deficiency. These pH changes can readily be demonstrated by infiltration of the soil with agar containing a pH indicator. The rhizosphere pH may be as much as 2 units higher or lower than the pH of the bulk soil. Also along the roots distinct differences in rhizosphere pH exist. In response to iron deficiency most plant species in their apical root zones increase the rate of H+ net excretion (acidification), the reducing capacity, the rate of FeIII reduction and iron uptake. Also manganese reduction and uptake is increased several-fold, leading to high manganese concentrations in iron deficient plants. Low-molecular-weight root exudates may enhance mobilization of mineral nutrients in the rhizosphere. In response to iron deficiency, roots of grass species release non-proteinogenic amino acids (?phytosiderophores”?) which dissolve inorganic iron compounds by chelation of FeIII and also mediate the plasma membrane transport of this chelated iron into the roots. A particular mechanism of mobilization of phosphorus in the rhizosphere exists in white lupin (Lupinus albus L.). In this species, phosphorus deficiency induces the formation of so-called proteoid roots. In these root zones sparingly soluble iron and aluminium phosphates are mobilized by the exudation of chelating substances (probably citrate), net excretion of H+ and increase in the reducing capacity. In mixed culture with white lupin, phosphorus uptake per unit root length of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) plants from a soil low in available P is increased, indicating that wheat can take up phosphorus mobilized in the proteoid root zones of lupin. At the rhizoplane and in the root (root homogenates) of several plant species grown in different soils, of the total number of bacteria less than 1 % are N2-fixing (diazotrophe) bacteria, mainly Enterobacter and Klebsiella. The proportion of the diazotroph bacteria is higher in the rhizosphere soil. This discrimination of diazotroph bacteria in the rhizosphere is increased with foliar application of combined nitrogen. Inoculation with the diazotroph bacteria Azospirillum increases root length and enhances formation of lateral roots and root hairs similarly as does application of auxin (IAA). Thus rhizosphere bacteria such as Azospirillum may affect mineral nutrition and plant growth indirectly rather than by supply of nitrogen.  相似文献   

The importance of time of inoculation and bacterial concentration in the inoculum on the response of wheat plants was evaluated, using eight strains of rhizosphere bacteria. The optimal bacterial concentration, for all strains, was 105–106 colony forming units ml−1. Plant response was highest when seeds had been inoculated but was less when seedlings were inoculated. Successive inoculations somewhat increased plant response. Early inoculations resulted in an increased colonization of plant roots at later stages of growth. It was concluded that time of inoculation and the concentration of bacteria in the inoculum were of significant importance in plant response to inoculation and they may govern the inconsistency found in inoculation experiments using beneficial bacteria.  相似文献   

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