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A pot experiment was conducted to estimate the amount of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) leached from the submerged plow layer of rice paddies during the cultivation period and its accumulation in the subsoil. Organic matter in the leachate was fractionated using insoluble polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) which can adsorb aromatic components having hydroxyl and/or carboxyl groups. Total amount of DOC leached throughout the growth period of rice plant corresponded to ca. 0.5% of total-C in the plow layer soil sample (total C, 17.8 g kg-1) irrespective of the presence of rice plant, and the PVP-adsorbed fraction accounted for 34–43% of it. The amount of DOC in the leachate decreased by more than 50%, and that of the PVP-adsorbed and non-adsorbed fractions decreased by 79–82 and 45–47% by passing through the subsoil packed in the glass columns, respectively. The decreases were considered to be due to the adsorption to the subsoil, since a corresponding increase was observed in the total carbon content in the subsoil. Successive extraction of organic matter from the subsoil before and after the rice growth period with water, 0.25 M NaNSON and 0.1 m Na4P2O7 (pH 7.0) solutions showed that the amount of organic carbon adsorbed on PVP mainly increased in the Na4P2O7 (pH 7.0)-extractable fractions during the rice growth period, while the amount of organic carbon non-adsorbed on PVP increased in all the fractions extracted. These results suggested that the PVP-adsorbed fractions in the leachate were adsorbed to the subsoil mainly by coordinate bonding while the PVP-non-adsorbed fractions were adsorbed by physical adsorption, weak hydrogen bonding, ion bonding, and coordinate bonding.  相似文献   

The environs of Mt. Daisen, Tottori Prefecture, are generally mountainous or hilly, and apart rom small areas of alluvial and coastal flats there is little level ground. The volcanic ash soils derived from the quartz biotite hornblende andesitic ejecta occur on the gently undulating foot-hill and on the level ground with exception of alluvial flats. Considering the fact that these soils were formed from not only volcanic ash but the coarser materials, they may be properly called volcanogenous soils. The volcanic ejecta have been deposited on the soils from diluvial series, andesite, basalt, granite, and tertiary sedimentary rocks. It was recognized that in an eruption the large ejecta, such as fine porous pumiceous lapiili descended first, then the smaller Particles such as sands, and finally the smallest, as ashes. All of these deposits have been highly weathered, but the quartz and hornblende remain in a fresh state1). The author has studied some characteristics of these volcanic ash soils.  相似文献   

采用调查采样、室内分析和评价的方法,研究了湖南省几种主要母质发育的水稻土的有效态微量元素含量及丰缺状况。结果表明,土壤有效Fe和有效Mn含量很高,属于丰富级别;土壤有效Cu、有效Zn和有效B含量极低,处于缺素状态,需要补充和施用Cu、Zn和B肥,以保证水稻的正常生长。  相似文献   

To estimate the impact of water percolation on the nutrient status in paddy fields, the seasonal variations of the concentrations of cations, anions, inorganic carbon (IC), and of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in percolating water that was collected from just below the plow layer (PW-13) and from drainage pipes at the 40 em depth (PW-40), as well as in irrigation water were measured in an irrigated paddy field. Total amounts of Ca, Mg, K, Fe, and Mn leached from PW-13 during the period of rice cultivation were estimated to range from about 390 to 770, 65 to 130, 33 to 66, 340 to 680, and 44 to 87 kg ha-1, respectively. Amounts of losses that were estimated from the differences between the input by irrigation water and the output by percolation water from the plow layer corresponded to 11 to 26, 22 to 47,5.9 to 12, and 13 to 26% of exchangeable Ca and Mg, amorphous Fe, and easily reducible Mn in the plow layer, respectively. The concentrations of Ca, Mg, K, Fe, and Mn in PW13 were higher than those in PW-40. The amounts of these nutrients that were retained in the subsoil between the 13 em and 40 em soil depth corresponded to 83, 86, 61, 99, and 89% of the amounts that percolated from the plow layer, respectively. Total amounts of IC and DOC that percolated from the plow layer ranged from 750 to 1,500 and 85 to 170 kg-C ha-1, which corresponded to 5.0 to 10.0% and 0.6 to 1.1% of the total carbon content in the plow layer, respectively. Eighty eight % of IC in the percolating water from the plow layer was also retained in the subsoil.  相似文献   

有机物料对白土土壤胡敏酸结构特征的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
【目的】研究有机物料施入对白土土壤的腐殖质含量组成和胡敏酸(HA)结构特征的影响,为明确不同腐殖质组分对土壤肥力的影响提供理论依据。【方法】供试土壤为江苏省溧阳市南渡镇"白土改良大田示范试验核心区"的南方中低产水稻土(白土)。试验设秸秆还田(ST)、施有机肥(OM)和对照(CK,不施有机物)3个处理,培肥3年。同时采集试验田周围相邻的江苏省耕地质量监测点(2007~2013年)的每年施化肥(LAF)和长期不施肥(NF)的两种处理土壤进行比对研究。分别测定土壤的基本理化性质及其腐殖质含量的组成,并提取土壤胡敏酸(HA)固体样品利用红外光谱和元素分析来进行结构表征。【结果】秸秆还田和施有机肥处理的有机碳、全氮含量明显高于对照;与对照相比,施有机物料土壤HA的E4/E6比值增加,且秸秆还田施有机肥对照。红外光谱显示,试验区域和耕地监测点的不同处理土壤HA均在1650 cm-1处(酰胺I带)和1550 cm-1处(1500~1580 cm-1酰胺II带伸缩振动)有特征吸收。施有机肥和秸秆还田处理土壤HA的2920/1720、2920/1650比值显著大于对照。在元素组成上,OM、ST处理的土壤腐殖质(HA)中C、H、N的含量比均高于CK,相对长期施化肥(LAF)和不施肥(NF)的土壤有明显提高,而氧元素的含量呈降低的趋势;OM和ST处理土壤HA的[H]/[C]和[O]/[C]原子数比均低于CK;与LAF和NF处理相比,试验区域各处理土壤腐殖质的[H]/[C]和[O]/[C]原子数比均有明显降低。【结论】有机物料施入土壤后可增加土壤有机碳含量,改善土壤理化性质,提高作物产量和品质,且施入土壤的有机物料可转化为新的腐殖质,降低土壤的腐殖化程度。土壤腐殖质(HA)的红外光谱分析说明,白土土壤HA具有明显的酰胺类化合物特征。有机物料施入后使得土壤脂族性增强,羧基量减少,芳香度降低;秸秆还田和施有机肥处理与对照相比,土壤HA的[H]/[C]和[O]/[C]比均有下降的趋势,且HA的氮素含量明显增加,这显示有机物料施入后白土土壤腐殖质发生"脱水"过程,同时也反映了白土土壤腐殖质形成的特征。  相似文献   

水稻沟田协同控制灌排模式的节水减污效应   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
南方地区水稻生长期暴雨较多,高施肥量下的稻田易使大量氮磷随排水流失,导致水体环境恶化。该文提出稻作区沟田协同控制灌排技术的概念,即在农田蓄雨控排的基础上,利用农沟对农田排水再次拦截,并滞蓄农沟控制区内沟渠、道路以及农田侧渗排水,利用农沟和农田的湿地效应,减少排水量及氮磷浓度,降低污染物负荷。2013年采用大田试验,测试农田和农沟尺度上的灌排水量、灌排次数和氮磷流失量,对上述模式进行验证。结果表明,农田尺度上,蓄雨控排模式较对照处理(浅水勤灌)需水量和耗水量减少18.8%和15.3%,灌溉定额和地面排水量分别减少28.0%和60.6%,氮、磷负荷分别减少58.6%和58.8%,灌水次数减少4次,处理间差异显著(P0.05),处理间籽粒产量无显著差异(P0.05)。农沟尺度上,沟田协同控制灌排技术较非控排模式排水量减少55.9%,总氮和总磷负荷分别减少59.7%和66.7%;降雨初期农田和农沟水中氮磷浓度高且随滞留时间衰减较快,控制排水能有效减少氮磷负荷;渗漏水量中氮磷浓度较低。沟渠、道路等非农田的地面排水量占沟道总排水量的31.3%~38.7%,也是重要的氮磷负荷来源。结果表明沟田协同控制灌排技术具有较好的节水、省工和减排、控污效果,对南方稻作区灌排管理具有指导意义。  相似文献   

In a preceding paper (5) the authors proposed a hypothesis that the movement of iron in a soil profile is regulated by the ratio of the amount of the mobilizing agent to the amount of the iron to be mobilized.  相似文献   

灌排调控的稻田排水中氮素浓度变化规律   总被引:4,自引:8,他引:4  
基于农田排水氮素浓度及湿地进出口断面总氮(TN)、氨态氮(NH4+-N)、硝态氮(NO3--N)浓度的监测,研究了灌溉排水措施以及沟塘湿地对农田排水中氮素浓度变化的影响。结果表明,控制灌溉的水稻全生育期稻田排水中TN、NH4+-N和NO3--N浓度分别较常规灌溉处理低12.08%、20.33%和13.51%;控制排水处理下稻田排水中TN、NH4+-N和NO3--N浓度分别较常规排水处理低2.21%、7.08%和20.92%;湿地出口水体中TN、NH4+-N和NO3--N浓度分别比入口降低了16.8%、14.4%和50.9%,湿地水体中TN、NH4+-N、NO3--N浓度随时间近似服从指数函数衰减趋势。控制灌溉、控制排水及沟渠塘湿地系统的调控措施对农田排水中氮素的净化效果比较显著。  相似文献   

不同措施改良反酸田及水稻产量效果   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
【目的】针对反酸田土壤酸性强、有效磷含量极低、活性铝铁毒性重及结构性差等特征,研究不同措施改良反酸田土壤理化性质,提高水稻产量的效果,为施用合理的改良剂消减各种障碍因素、提高土壤肥力、恢复土壤生产力提供理论依据。【方法】通过三年田间定位试验,设置不施肥(CK1)、专用肥(NPK,CK2)、NK+钙镁磷肥、NK+磷矿粉、专用肥+石灰、专用肥+粉煤灰、专用肥+生物有机肥7个处理,研究不同改良措施对华南稻区反酸田水稻产量、土壤酸度、养分状况、团聚体及腐殖质组分的影响。【结果】连续3年添加改良剂钙镁磷肥、磷矿粉、石灰、粉煤灰和生物有机肥的处理早、晚稻平均产量较CK1处理均显著增加,其增幅分别为38.78%~75.00%和38.31%~56.75%;与CK2处理相比,添加改良剂的处理三季早稻和两季晚稻平均产量均有所增加,其增幅分别为9.15%~26.10%和5.71%~13.33%,且添加石灰、粉煤灰和生物有机肥的处理水稻增产率大于钙镁磷肥和磷矿粉处理。添加改良剂的处理土壤p H、有效磷和速效钾含量较CK1和CK2处理均有所增加,而交换性H+、交换性Al3+、有效硫含量则显著降低。与CK1和CK2处理相比,各添加改良剂处理5 mm粒级水稳性团聚体占团聚体比例均显著提高,而2~1 mm、1~0.5 mm以及0.5~0.25 mm粒级团聚体所占比例均有所下降。添加粉煤灰和生物有机肥处理有利于提高0.25 mm水稳性团聚体数量及稳定性,其团聚体破坏率分别降低至14.11%和16.99%。与CK1处理相比,添加石灰处理土壤有机碳含量略有下降,而其他施肥处理均有增加;各施肥处理土壤胡敏酸碳和胡敏素碳含量较CK1处理均有增加,而富里酸碳含量均呈下降趋势。与CK2处理相比,连续3年添加钙镁磷肥和生物有机肥的处理显著提高了土壤总有机碳含量,添加粉煤灰和生物有机肥处理显著提高了土壤水溶性碳和胡敏酸碳含量。施肥处理HA/FA比值较CK1处理均有所提高,其增幅为16.44%~47.69%;与CK2处理相比,添加粉煤灰、生物有机肥处理其值增幅最大,分别提高26.83%和24.53%。【结论】添加粉煤灰或生物有机肥处理对反酸田土壤的改良效果最佳。  相似文献   

Parent material greatly influences pedogenesis and soil nutrient availability and consequently we hypothesized that it would significantly affect the amount of organic solutes in soil, many of which have been implicated in rhizosphere processes linked to plant nutrient uptake. Consequently, we investigated the influence of two contrasting parent materials in which calcite was present or absent (alkaline and non-alkaline soils) on the concentrations of dissolved organic carbon (DOC), low-molecular weight organic acids (LMWOA) and glucose in soil solution. Both soils were under Norway spruce. The dynamics of LMWOAs in soil were also investigated using 14C-labelled citrate and oxalate. Some of the mineral horizons of the alkaline soils showed significantly higher concentrations of DOC, phenolics, and fumarate in soil solution and also a higher basal respiration. No major differences were seen in organic solute status in the organic horizons of the two soil types. LMWOAs were present at low concentrations in soil solution (< 1 to 25 µM). Their mineralization rate significantly decreased with soil depth, however, overall neither their concentration or half-life in soil was markedly affected by parent material. The alkaline soils had significantly higher CO2-to-soil organic C (SOC) ratios, and consequently SOC in the alkaline soils did not seem more chemically stable against mineralization. Considering possible DOC and CO2 efflux rates it was suggested that the equal or larger SOC stocks in alkaline mineral soils were most likely linked to a higher net primary productivity. In conclusion, our study found that parent material exerted only a small effect on the concentration and dynamics of organic solutes in soil solution. This suggests that in comparison to other factors (e.g. vegetation cover, climate etc) parent material may not be a major regulator of the organic solute pool in soil.  相似文献   

滨海盐土地区稻田暗管排水效果试验研究   总被引:13,自引:5,他引:8  
稻田渗漏量是调节土壤通透性、降解土壤盐渍害的重要控制指标,涉及自然、经济技术等多种复杂因素,该文依据渗漏量对地下水溶解氧、土壤氧化还原电位、作物产量等的影响特点,通过3年的试验研究,首次提出滨海沙性盐土地区稻田渗漏量的上限控制指标,为该类地区暗管排水系统的规划设计及运行管理提供了参考  相似文献   

灌溉排水耦合调控稻田水分转化关系   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
该文利用装配有地下水位自动控制系统的蒸渗仪,分析节水灌溉与旱地控制排水技术耦合调控对于稻田水分转化关系的影响。结果表明,灌排耦合调控在小幅减少水稻产量的同时,显著减少了稻田灌溉水量、地下排水量及水稻蒸发蒸腾量,最终显著增加了水稻水分生产效率。与常规灌排稻田相比,灌排耦合调控稻田水稻产量减少1.9%,灌溉水量、地下排水量及水稻蒸发蒸腾量分别显著减少41.7%、49.9%及24.9%,水分生产效率增加30.5%。随着控灌稻田排水控制限的提高,稻田灌溉水量、地下排水量及水稻蒸发蒸腾量减少,水稻产量保持稳定,使得水稻水分生产效率进一步增加。提高控灌稻田的排水控制限,减缓了稻田土壤水分的衰退速度,并增加稻田地下水位低于排水控制限的比例,稻田灌溉次数与发生地下排水的时段均减少,使得控灌稻田灌溉水量与地下排水量下降,两者综合作用下控灌稻田水稻蒸发蒸腾量减少。在采用控制灌溉模式的基础上,适当提高稻田排水控制限,可以较好地实现水稻生产中水分的高效利用,研究结果可为优化稻田水管理模式提供依据。  相似文献   

In poorly drained fields, tube drains are used to improve drainage. In some cases, however, there are fields where the effects of tube drainage have deteriorated within several years after installation. One cause of malfunction is low permeability of backfilled soils (Ishiwata et al. 1990, 1992, 1993). Another cause is clogging of tubes by deposits (Trafford et al. 1973; Dent 1986; Koutani et al. 1989; Kusaka et al. 1993; Kaneko et al. 1995).  相似文献   

[目的] 研究复合生态沟渠系统中的水质沿程变化以及其净化效果,以期为稻渔共作循环水养殖模式的合理构建和绿色发展提供科学参考。 [方法] 通过构建一种由不同类型生态沟渠联通耦合的复合生态沟渠系统,于2020年和2021年对沿程水体进行采样监测,研究复合生态沟渠对池塘养殖尾水和稻田退水的净化效果。 [结果] 2020年池塘养殖尾水磷酸盐去除率为96.21%,亚硝酸盐氮去除率为91.27%,氨氮去除率为94.75%。2021年池塘养殖尾水磷酸盐去除率为68.96%,亚硝酸盐氮去除率为61.36%,氨氮去除率为51.92%;稻田退水净化后达到《地表水环境质量标准(GB3838-2002)》的Ⅳ类标准。 [结论] 复合生态沟渠应用于池塘养殖尾水和稻田退水的净化和循环利用,效果显著,具有广阔的前景。  相似文献   

为研究晒田强度和穗期氮素运筹对不同氮效率水稻生育中后期根系、叶片生长与产量形成的关系,以德香4103(氮高效品种)和宜香3724(氮低效品种)为材料,设置3种晒田强度:W_1,0—20cm土壤体积含水量为(53.60±5.00)%;W_2,0—20cm土壤体积含水量为(40.20±5.00)%;W_3,0—20cm土壤体积含水量为(26.80±5.00)%和3种穗期氮素运筹:N_1,晒田复水后第1天施用穗肥;N_2,晒田复水后第8天施用穗肥;N_3,晒田复水后第15天施用穗肥。测定水稻抽穗期和齐穗后15天的根系形态特征、根系干重、叶面积指数、剑叶光合速率、叶片干重、产量及产量构成。结果表明:(1)德香4103稻谷产量比宜香3724平均高11.57%。(2)两类品种的产量均与抽穗期LAI和叶片干重呈显著正相关,其中德香4103产量与抽穗期和齐穗后15天单株根重和根冠比呈显著正相关,宜香3724产量与抽穗期和齐穗后15天的单株根重呈显著正相关。(3)德香4103氮肥生理利用率与抽穗期单株根重和叶面积指数、齐穗后15天单株根长呈显著正相关,宜香3724氮肥生理利用率与齐穗后15天单株根重呈显著正相关。(4)W_1和W_2处理中,施氮处理N_2和N_3氮高效品种和氮低效品种抽穗期总根长和根表面积无显著差异,氮高效品种齐穗后15天的总根长小于氮低效品种;W_3处理中,N_1和N_2中抽穗期氮低效品种单株总根长和单株根表面积大于氮高效品种,氮高效品种和氮低效品种齐穗后15天根重和根冠比无显著差异。(5)氮低效品种成熟期的叶片干重和LAI均高于氮高效品种,抽穗期至成熟期氮高效品种的叶面积衰减率大于氮低效品种。(6)氮高效品种德香4103采用W_1N_3处理,能增加抽穗至成熟期总根长,降低叶面积衰减速率,提高抽穗后叶片光合速率,提高稻谷产量;而氮低效品种宜香3724以W_2N_2为最佳处理。综上所述,晒田程度和穗期氮素运筹能够显著影响不同氮效率水稻品种生育中后期的根系和叶片特征。通过优化晒田程度和穗期氮素运筹组合,为两类品种构建合理的根系指标和叶片体系,促进根系对氮素养分的吸收,提高灌浆结实期叶片物质生产和转运能力,最终提高稻谷产量。  相似文献   

The high Andes region of south Ecuador is characterised by intense land use changes. These changes affect particularly the páramo, which is a collection of high altitudinal grassland ecosystems. In this region, the interaction between airborne volcanic ashes and the cold and wet climate results in very typical soils, with an elevated organic C contents. The physical soil properties are closely related to the high and reliable base flow in rivers descending from the páramo, which makes them important for the socio-economic development of the region. In this study, we analyse the regional variability of the soils in the south Ecuadorian rio Paute basin. In a first part of the study, data from soil profiles along north–south transects are used to determine the soil properties, and to relate the spatial variability of these properties to the major trends in parent material, volcanic ash deposits and climate. The profiles are Histic Andosols and Dystric Histosols devoid of allophane, with very high amounts of organic matter. Significant differences between the western and central mountain range are observed, as well as a general decrease in Andic properties from north to south, coinciding with the decrease in volcanic influence. Finally, the impact of human activities on the soil properties is assessed in a case study in the Machangara valley. Data from 5 profiles, located in an area with natural grass vegetation and a low degree of human impact are compared with 4 profiles in a heavily disturbed, intensively drained cultivated area. Despite the intensity of the land use, very few significant differences are found.  相似文献   

磷是作物生长发育所必需的营养元素,植物吸收利用的是土壤中的有效磷,土壤有效磷的消长取决于土壤磷素的收支状况,而其消长速度则与土壤性质有关[1]。不同质地土壤固相表面的吸附能力不同,因而影响了土壤溶渡中磷的浓度[2]。为确保土壤满足作物吸收所必需的最低磷溶液浓度,就需要对不同土壤固相的吸附性能进行研究。而水稻土常年以淹水和风干状态交替存在,因此水稻土中  相似文献   

上海地区水稻土氮素矿化模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Three types of paddy soils, derived from granite, Quaternary red clay and basalt, respectively, were selected to study the effects of Fe and Mn in paddy soils on methane production and emission through pot and incubation experiments. The results indicated that the difference of Fe and Mn in paddy soils was one of the important factors causing obvious differences in methane emission from different soil types. Soil Fe and Mn affecting methane emission from the paddy soils was likely through affecting soil Eh and forming Fe and Mn plaques on rice roots. Different rates and valences of added Fe and Mn significantly affected methane production from paddy soils. Therefore, this study enhanced understanding of processes controlling methane emission from paddy soils and may help to improve modeling and estimating regional and global methane emission from paddy soils.  相似文献   

稻田-沟塘系统水氮动态模拟与灌排调控模型构建   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
沟塘系统对农田排水具有较好的拦蓄能力,是降低中国南方稻区农业面源污染风险的有效措施,定量化评价稻田-沟塘系统水氮过程是合理制定水氮管理措施的关键。该研究以稻田-作物模型WHCNS_Rice为基础,通过添加沟塘水氮平衡和灌排调控过程,构建了稻田-沟塘系统水氮调控模型。并采用太湖流域2 a不同灌排和施肥处理的田间试验数据校准和验证模型,分析不同灌排和施肥处理下稻田-沟塘系统的调控策略。研究结果显示,模型能够模拟不同灌排和施肥处理下稻田土壤含水量、稻田田面水深、径流量、氮素径流损失量、氨挥发量、作物吸氮量和作物产量,模拟的相对均方根误差、一致性指数和模型模拟效率的范围分别为4.6%~29.7%、0.758~0.996和0.073~0.983,均在可接受的范围内。模拟结果显示,与传统处理相比,控制灌溉结合优化施肥,减少了稻田32.1%~36.2%的灌溉水用量和36.7%~67.3%的氮素径流损失,同时平均降低了55.1%沟塘硝态氮浓度,从而降低了沟塘地表氮素径流损失风险。Morris敏感度分析结果显示,稻田土壤水力学参数和沟塘渗漏速率对沟塘水深的模拟影响较大,而作物参数的敏感度相对较低。沟塘硝态氮浓度对稻田水力学参数、沟塘氮素消纳系数和氨挥发一阶动力学系数较敏感。同时,构建的模型能反映不同水氮管理措施和沟塘/稻田面积比下稻田-沟塘系统水分消耗、氮素去向和作物生长过程。该模型可为优化稻田-沟塘系统水氮管理方案、防控农业面源污染提供有力工具。  相似文献   

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