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<正>府村林场地处劳山林区西南角,下设3个管护站、1个稽查队,共有职工71人。管辖总面积46.5万亩,森林蓄积量116万立方米,森林覆盖率79.1%。2000年实施天保工程以来,他们一手抓森林资源保护,一手抓生态建设,着力在公益林建设上下功夫,取得了较好成绩,使森林资源得到有效保护,森林面积和蓄积实现了双增长。  相似文献   

宁陕是全省重点林业县之一,全县总面积552万亩,森林覆盖率82%,有野生动植物资源1406种,国家和省级野生保护动物44种,素有动植物王国之美称。“九五”期间,宁陕充分利用林特生物资源丰富的优势,一手抓森林资源管护培育,一手抓生物资源开发利用,大力开展植树造林和封山育林,积极实施退耕还林(草),切  相似文献   

随着天然林保护工程的全面实施,森林管护经营承包责任制纳入日程,要求林区职工在保护好森林资源的前题下,对林下资源享有优先开发经营的权利,把森林管护与职工的切身利益紧密结合起来,进一步调动广大林业职工、群众保护和发展森林资源的积极性,将过去毁坏了的森林再培育起来,恢复生态平衡,保护人类赖以生存的自然环境。  相似文献   

在秦岭山区商州市广阔的林海中,活跃着一支森林资源保护执法队,他们不负领导重托,不辱使命,驻守大山护绿林。 商州市是一个八山一水一分田的林区市,平均森林覆盖率达57.8石%,有着得天独厚的森林资源。为了给长江送清泉,不给长江输泥沙,这个市一手抓造林,一手抓管护。针对传统的重造轻管的现象,他们把林  相似文献   

自天保工程实施以来,内蒙古大兴安岭林管局根河林业局在森林管护沟系承包过程中,积极推行森林经营管护承包责任制,发挥资源综合效益,如今这里的山更绿了,有林地面积增多了,护林人的收入提高了,经营管理者的心亮了。几年来,根河林业局紧紧围绕提高生态效益、经济效益和社会效益三大目标,改变经营思路,调整产业结构,使森林经营由单一木材生产向充分保护合理利用森林资源的方向转变。在推行森林管护经营承包责任制过程中,本着“保护好森林资源,提高职工收入”的原则,切实培育好森林资源,大力发展林区特色经济,为职工转产分流开辟了一条新路。在…  相似文献   

1森林管护对象及任务森林管护对为红花朵林场辖区内所有森林资源,包括所有的森林、林木、林地以及受法律保护的野生动植物。管护任务是按照局天保二期规划要求,根据林场工程区森林分布特点,结合自然和社会经济状况,红花朵林场国有林管护面积37 576.33 hm^2。  相似文献   

文章分析了森林旅游对森林资源的影响,提出一手抓保护、一手抓旅游,促进森林资源和森林旅游共同健康发展.  相似文献   

加强森林经营增强保护区功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
森林经营是现代林业建设的永恒主题。森林资源是构建林业三大体系的物质基础,没有充足的高质量的森林资源,就难以提升林业三大功能,就淡不上现代林业建设。长期以来,我国高度重视造林绿化和采伐利用,为扩大森林面积和保障木材供给作出了重要贡献。但是,这种只抓两头、不抓中间的做法,也带来了单位面积蓄积量低、林地产题。这是我国林业没有很好地解决木材需求问题和生态安全问题的重要原因,也是我国林业与发达国家林业的差距所在。其症结在于林业发展方式粗放、森林经营管理不够,这与现代林业建设的要求不相适应。按照全国林业发展规划,我国扩大森林面积、提高森林覆盖率的空间有限。要真正解决好这两大战略问题,必须坚持两手抓,一手抓造林绿化,尽最大努力扩大森林面积,一手抓森林经营,尽最大努力提高森林质量。  相似文献   

河南森林资源的特点是森林数量少、质量不高、生产力低,其主要原因是森林资源历史上破坏严重、时间长,森林经营工作跟不上;当前及今后相当长的时期内,河南省林业工作应当一手抓森林数量的增加,一手抓森林资源质量的提升,而且要把加强森林经营提高森林资源质量放到更重要的位置,由此提出相应的对策。  相似文献   

黑龙江省部分国有森工企业推行的森林资源管护经营责任制 ,把营林、育林、防火、护林、职工致富有机地结合起来 ,真正将国有森林资源的管护落到实处。同时 ,森林经济由单一经营林木转为对林木、林区资源双重管护经营 ,达到森林安全与职工致富的双赢效果。  相似文献   


This article examines the characteristics of households that were allocated paid forest protection contracts in Tam Dao National Park situated in northern Vietnam. Its research indicates that the national park management board systematically favored households with weaker community ties in their contract allocations. Furthermore, the article argues that the national park management board took a defensive stance against buffer zone communes resisting park policy and that they also attempted to manage forest conservation by centralizing the allocation and management of forest protection contracts. These circumstances led to an inequitable distribution of rights and continued land use inside the park, as contract holders were powerless to enforce park regulations.  相似文献   

我国森林资源质量的主要影响因素及其对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
笔者在对我国森林资源质量进行基本评价的基础上,对影响我国森林资源质量的主要因素进行客观分析,得出导致我国森林资源质量不高的主要因素有两个方面:一是内部因素,主要是现行的培育技术;二是外部因素,主要是现行的森林资源管理技术。据此,提出提高森林资源质量的对策:一是采取合理的措施,科学组织森林分类经营和森林培育;二是合理经营和保护现有次生林资源;三是明晰森林资源产权,同时建立森林经理体系,提高森林资源质量;四是建立与现有经营体制相适应的森林资源综合评价体系;五是坚持政府扶持,同时转换机制,深化改革。  相似文献   

基于VPN网络技术,提出以C/S网络模式建设贵州省公益林管护系统的设计方案,并实现了省、市、县三级系统建设。系统采用ArcGIS Server发布地图服务,以ArcGIS Engine构建客户端,实现了公益林小班信息管理、管护人员管理、合同管理、界定书管理、资金管理、报表管理、专题制图和数据更新维护等功能。  相似文献   

Forest policy and management are subject to various and often conflicting demands, which internationally have led to distinct policy responses and related management paradigms. These range from a strong focus on commodity production complemented by economic rationalities – e.g. focusing on plantations – to community-based or social forestry approaches highlighting local participation and stakeholder engagement, to a focus on ecosystem services and conservation. A major challenge involves the potential orientation of the overall forest policy and management paradigm either towards integrating manifold demands more or less evenly across an area, or towards dividing the land base into forest areas with different management priorities. The specific reconciliation and integration of both sides of the spectrum have been at the centre of scientific and political discussion on forest policy and management for several decades.In this context, the “German model” of integrative and multifunctional forest management has received international attention. It is regarded as an example for integrating diverse (societal and ecological) demands into a timber-production-oriented management approach. At the same time, the model's primary focus on timber production has been criticised by some.In this paper, we analyse the political dimension of the German model by tracing the birth and evolution of the so-called LÖWE programme, a much noticed governmental forest management programme in the German state of Lower Saxony. LÖWE has frequently been presented as a particularly successful example of multifunctional forestry. We first assess the specific societal and political circumstances that led to the establishment of the programme 20 years ago. Subsequently, we assess its political function in forest policy debates about various demands on Lower Saxony's public forests. We show that the evolution of the programme can be interpreted in two distinct but non-exclusive ways. On the one hand, LÖWE was a strategic success story for the Forest Service because it aligned (and also appeased) conflicting demands in line with the changing political priorities. On the other hand, it also embodied a learning process towards environmental policy integration. By underlining LÖWE as an example of the German model of integrative multifunctional forest management, we reiterate the strategic importance of this model in the German context and also highlight future challenges and related research needs.  相似文献   

Management of the understory land is an economic form to develop cultivation and breeding in making use of the forest ecological environment.It is also an important means to increase the income of forest farmers in the forestry regions after the reform of forestry real rights.This paper investigated the management status of understory land,and analyzed the impacts and destruction of its improper management upon the forest ecology environment.The management right of the understory land is a restricted right of property,because the management is related to the ecology protection of forest and woodland.In addition to private property rights,it should also comply with the arrangement of national forest management.Therefore,while encouraging and developing the understory land management,it’s important to establish a legal system for executing the management rights,and the management of the understory land should be included in the scope of the forestry management.  相似文献   

Voluntary biodiversity protection tools have been adopted for practical use in many countries where non-industrial private forest ownership includes invaluable biodiversity resources. This has created a new kind of decision problem for individual forest owners: they should be able to define their conditions for entering into a biodiversity protection contract including sometimes a predetermined subsidy. This study presents a holding-level method for examining this decision problem. The method is based on utilization of interactive optimization where the possible subsidy has been included in the protection (no treatment) alternative of the examined stand. Generally, interactive optimization means that the landowner pinpoints the best plan by interactively studying and learning the production possibilities of his/her forest holding. Following changes made to the objective function by the forest owner, new solutions are presented for forest owners’ evaluation. If the “No treatments” option is selected in optimization for these areas, the forest owner would benefit more—in the current location of the production frontier and with the current subsidy—from entering into the protection contract than from cutting the specific forest area. In the case study, we demonstrate that the values of the holding-level goals, production possibilities of the planning area and the levels of the subsidy have a significant effect on the optimal decisions relating to biodiversity protection on the stand level.  相似文献   

简述了google earth、arcgis软件和稻歌google map截获器在营林设计中的应用,也可以为资源建档、规划设计、森林防火和林政执法提供了强有力的辅助分析及决策工具,为林业的数字化战略提供了有效保障。  相似文献   

分类经营:新西兰林业的实践与借鉴   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新西兰70年一贯制的多效林业经营模式, 在创造了人工林奇迹的同时亦带来了林业持续发展的政策危机和效益危机。新西兰林业分类经营近10年的实践初步成功, 是建立在人工林集约经营和政府扶持基础上的, 是以新西兰林产工业的市场培育和出口导向为动力的。比较借鉴:建议从集约经营工业人工林入手, 为我国林业的分类经营奠定坚实的基础;建议从提高林产工业产业素质入手, 为分类经营的实现培育市场。  相似文献   

A method and layout of various systems of barriers of pheromone traps is described. The rationale of the method is based on the stress of spruce and the chemical communication ofIps typographus. Various systems of pheromone trap barriers were used according to the required level of protection. The method was used in two areas affected by air pollution and bark beetle outbreak. The first area was in an unnatural spruce monoculture region while the second was in a National Park. The described method led to a significant reduction of bark beetle attacks on trees along forest edges and subsequently to the stopping of movement of the zone of attacked trees due to bark beetle damage. In the case of forest stands with no reduced canopy closure, the reduction of attacks led to a dramatic decline of bark beetle outbreak. On the other hand, this method was not able to reduce the level of bark beetle attack in the interior of forest stands with a decreased level of canopy closure. This method, as part of differentiated pest management measures in one forest district, was successful without any other protection measures in the condition of natural reserves in a spruce vegetation zone.  相似文献   

在简要阐述生态系统管理概念、内涵及其在森林资源保护中运用的基础上,以江西省庐山自然保护区2004年森林资源二类调查统计资料为依据,对庐山的森林资源现状进行综合论述,分析庐山森林资源结构特点及存在问题。并基于生态系统管理的视角,结合有效保护庐山世界文化景观入手,对庐山森林资源的保护提出保护森林生态系统的完整性、提高森林生态系统服务价值、提升森林资源管理水平和增强公众参与意识等对策。  相似文献   

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