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Adherence of Bordetella avium to the tracheal mucosa of turkeys was evaluated, using bacteria grown under different culture conditions. Several solid and liquid media were used at incubation times of 12, 24, 36, or 48 hours with incubation temperatures of 18, 26.5, or 35 C. Adherence of B avium was greatest when the bacteria were grown on solid media at 35 C. Use of Bordet-Gengou or brain-heart infusion agar was associated with significantly greater (P less than 0.05) adherence compared with adherence of bacteria grown on other media. Adherence was greatest, using cultures in the stationary phase of growth; however, with some media, adherence diminished when incubation was extended beyond 36 hours. Adherence of B avium was reduced but not completely prevented when cultures were incubated at 18 C.  相似文献   

Three-week-old turkeys were passively immunized with convalescent serum or treated with tracheal washings from turkeys infected with Bordetella avium. Western blot analysis of the convalescent serum and tracheal washings revealed at least two bands of interaction with outer membrane protein preparations of B. avium. Adherence of B. avium in vivo to tracheal mucosa was determined and compared in treated and untreated turkeys. Passive immunization with convalescent serum reduced adherence of B. avium to the tracheal mucosa in a dose- and time-dependent manner. Adherence was significantly inhibited (P less than 0.01) when turkeys were treated intravenously with 1 ml of undiluted serum either 1 or 6 hours previously. Incubation of the bacterial inoculum with convalescent tracheal washings or application of the washings to tracheal segments before adherence determination in vivo resulted in a significant (P less than 0.01) decrease in adherence. These results indicate that adherence of B. avium to tracheal mucosa is inhibited by substances (antibody) present in both serum and tracheal secretions of convalescent turkeys.  相似文献   

An in vivo model was developed for studies characterizing the adherence of Bordetella avium to the tracheal mucosa of turkeys. Three-week-old turkeys were anesthetized, and the cervical part of the trachea was isolated after tracheostomy was done. A hemostat was applied craniad to the tracheostomy site to occlude the tracheal lumen. Isolated tracheal segments were filled with an aqueous bacterial inoculum for 1 minute, and then excess inoculum and the hemostat were removed. After 1 hour, a 1-cm section was excised from each tracheal segment, and adherent viable bacteria were quantified. Modifications of the procedure were evaluated to produce a model that was technically simple to do, economical, and reproducible. To examine the validity of the model, adherence of B avium was compared with that of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. Adherence of B avium to tracheal mucosa was 17 times greater than that with E coli and 1,550 times greater than that with S aureus. Colonization of the tracheal mucosa by B avium was demonstrated in tracheal sections obtained 6 hours after filling with bacterial inoculum. Because the ciliary clearance mechanism of the tracheal segments remained functional, washing of the tracheal lumen had no effect on numbers of associated bacteria. An important advantage of this model over in vitro models is the excellent preservation of the tracheal mucosal surface.  相似文献   

Tracheal lesions in young turkeys infected with Bordetella avium   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Forty-six turkeys were inoculated intranasally with Bordetella avium at 3 days of age. Inoculated and non-inoculated turkeys (n = 72) were necropsied sequentially from post-exposure days (PED) 3 to 53. Tracheal lesions were studied histologically. Mild fibrinopurulent tracheitis, associated with bacterial colonization of ciliated epithelium, was seen at PED 7 to 10. At PED 14 and 21, there were numerous bacterial colonies, loss of ciliated cells, epithelial hyperplasia, depletion of mucus, and diffuse infiltration of lymphocytes and macrophages. At PED 28, the mucosa and tracheal rings were severely distorted. The mucosal epithelium, composed of immature epithelial cells and nononuclear leukocytes, had formed prominent longitudinal folds. Mucous glands were cystic and lined by low cuboidal epithelium. At PED 42 and 53, tracheas appeared normal, except for residual distortion of tracheal rings and shortened luminal epithelium.  相似文献   

One hundred ninety-six male and female turkeys representing two genetic lines were experimentally infected with Bordetella avium. The lines of turkeys included a randombred control line (RBC2) and a subline (F) of RBC2 selected for increased 16-wk body weight. No difference was found between lines RBC2 and F in the number of days to onset of clinical signs, and no mortality due to B. avium infection was observed in either line. Interestingly, however, a significant depression (12%) occurred in body weight of F line poults infected with B. avium, but no significant depression occurred in body weight of RBC2 poults.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural pathology of Bordetella avium infection in turkeys   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
One-day-old turkeys were infected intranasally with Bordetella avium, and tracheas were examined by scanning and transmission electron microscopy at 1 to 5 weeks post-inoculation (PI). The predominant ultrastructural lesions were progressive loss of ciliated epithelium with replacement by nonciliated cells, bacterial colonization of ciliated cells, membrane-bound crystalline inclusions in cytoplasma of epithelial cells, depletion of mucous granules, and distortion of tracheal rings and the mucosal surface. Tracheal surface exudates consisted of mucus, necrotic cells, heterophils, and fibrin. Ciliated cells were replaced by immature cuboidal cells characterized by abundant rough endoplasmic reticulum with small numbers of electron-dense mucous granules in the apical cytoplasm. Bacterial surfaces were rough and contained numerous pleomorphic, knob-like structures, 20-50 nm in diameter. Other changes included enlarged mucosal gland openings, cell extrusion marks, pleomorphic microvilli, and cells with small numbers of short cilia.  相似文献   

Turkeys exposed to Bordetella avium were vaccinated against fowl cholera with live Pasteurella multocida vaccine. Previous exposure to B. avium resulted in impairment of systemic immunity conferred by the vaccine: 86% of the vaccinated turkeys exposed to B. avium at 1 day old developed lesions or died of fowl cholera after challenge at 15 weeks old with virulent P. multocida. Of vaccinated turkeys not previously exposed to B. avium, only 26% had lesions or died of fowl cholera.  相似文献   

Sera and tracheal washings (TW) were used to identify antigens of Bordetella avium recognized during experimentally induced bordetellosis in young turkeys. Pooled sera and TW were examined for antibody by a microtitration agglutination test and by western immunoblotting. In addition, comparable samples collected from 1-day-old turkeys and uninoculated control turkeys also were examined. At least 8 outer membrane proteins of B avium were recognized in immunoblots of sera and TW from infected turkeys. Reactivity of TW in immunoblots was qualitatively similar but less intense, compared with reactivity of corresponding sera collected on postinoculation (PI) weeks 2, 3, and 4. Molecular weights of the major outer membrane proteins of B avium recognized by sera and TW at PI week 4 were 100,000, 97,000, 36,000, 31,000, 21,000, 18,000, 14,000, and less than 14,000. A protein with a molecular weight of 55,000 reacted nonspecifically in all samples tested. Antibody, detectable by microtitration agglutination, was in sera of 1-day-old turkeys and in sera and TW of B avium-infected turkeys during PI weeks 2 to 4.  相似文献   

Using the radiopharmaceutical 99mtechnetium-sulfur colloid, the tracheal mucus transport rate (TMTR) was measured in healthy unanesthetized turkeys and in turkeys infected with Bordetella avium. The TMTR of uninfected turkeys was 35.6 +/- 14.4 cm/min. The TMTR of B. avium-infected turkeys was normal on days 0 through 14 postexposure (PE), despite heavy bacterial colonization of the tracheal epithelium. On day 21 PE, the TMTR of B. avium-infected turkeys was significantly depressed (P less than or equal to 0.01) compared with that of control turkeys. Depressed transport was associated with extensive loss of ciliated epithelium from the tracheal mucosa and replacement of the normal mucosa by immature nonciliated epithelium or metaplastic squamous epithelium.  相似文献   

One-day-old turkeys were inoculated intranasally with Bordetella avium. Noninoculated hatchmates were housed separately. At postinoculation weeks 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, B avium-infected (BA+) and B avium-free (BA-) turkeys were necropsied; specimens of tracheas, intrapulmonary primary bronchi, and lung adjacent to primary bronchi were bacteriologically cultured. Lung tissue was collected for histologic examination. Lungs perfused with acetic acid were collected for evaluation to determine the size, number, and distribution of lymphoid nodules associated with primary bronchi. Bordetella avium was isolated from trachea and primary bronchi of all BA+ turkeys, but was never isolated from lung parenchyma. Acute purulent bronchitis was associated with colonization of the primary bronchi by B avium from postinoculation weeks 1 to 3. Macrophages and lymphocytes persisted in the peribronchial connective tissue for 5 weeks after inoculation. Bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue consisted of discrete lymphoid nodules protruding into the lumens of primary bronchi. Lymphoid nodules, morphologically similar in BA+ and BA- turkeys, were composed of nonciliated, cuboidal epithelium covering a zone of loosely arranged lymphocytes and macrophages and a deeper, sharply demarcated lymphoid follicle. Compared with bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue of BA- turkeys, lymphoid nodules of bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue in BA+ turkeys were more numerous and widely distributed along primary bronchi. In both BA- and BA+ turkeys, the mean diameter of lymphoid nodules doubled between 1 and 5 weeks of age.  相似文献   

L H Arp  S M McDonald 《Avian diseases》1985,29(4):1066-1077
Effects of temperature on growth of three strains of Bordetella avium were determined in young turkeys and in vitro. Colonization of the tracheal mucosa by two virulent strains of B. avium was significantly greater in cold-stressed turkeys than in heat-stressed turkeys. The avirulent vaccine strain, ART-VAX, colonized tracheas of cold-stressed turkeys to a limited extent but failed to colonize heat-stressed turkeys. Growth rates of the three B. avium strains were determined in brain-heart infusion broth at 30, 35, 40, and 45 C. All three strains grew best at 35 C but were killed by 45 C. Compared with virulent strains, ART-VAX grew markedly less at all temperatures, and most cultures of ART-VAX grew at 40 C only after a variable period of declining numbers of viable bacteria. This study indicates that temperature affects growth of B. avium in vivo and in vitro and that growth of the ART-VAX strain is fundamentally different from growth of virulent strains.  相似文献   

Thirty-six 1-day-old turkeys were inoculated intranasally with Bordetella avium (BA) strain 838. Noninoculated hatchmates (n = 36) were housed separately. At 2 and 4 weeks of age, 15 inoculated (BA+) and 15 noninoculated (BA-) turkeys were exposed to an aerosol of virulent Escherichia coli. The remaining six BA+ turkeys and six BA- turkeys were used as controls (ie, not exposed to E coli). Turkeys were necropsied on postaerosolization days 0 (immediately after aerosolization), 1, 3, 5, and 7. Lung and tracheal specimens were collected from each turkey for bacterial quantitation and histologic examination. A 1-ml blood sample was collected for detection of bacteremia. Numbers of E coli in lung specimens from 2- and 4-week-old turkeys were not significantly different between BA+ and BA- groups (pooled data over time); however, numbers of E coli isolated from tracheal specimens were significantly greater in BA+ turkeys than those in BA- turkeys. Although the incidence of pulmonary abcesses and E coli bacteremia was greater in 2-week-old turkeys than in 4-week-old turkeys, the incidence was not different between BA+ and BA- turkeys. At both ages, air sacculitis developed more often and was more severe in BA+ turkeys than in BA- turkeys. Hyperplastic bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue was found more often in BA+ turkeys than in BA- turkeys and appeared to be the first site of heterophil infiltration after E coli aerosolization.  相似文献   

Broad-breasted white turkeys were vaccinated with a temperature-sensitive mutant of Bordetella avium (Art Vax) at 2 and 15 days of age and challenged at 22 days of age by contact with infected birds. Necropsy was performed at 35 days of age. Two vaccination protocols (eyedrop/oral and spray cabinet/spray bottle) and two challenge isolates (Arkansas 105 and North Carolina [NC] isolates) were used. Neither the spray nor the eyedrop/oral methods of vaccination prevented infection of the anterior trachea with either of the virulent challenge strains. The spray and eyedrop/oral methods of vaccination were equally effective in reducing the severity of gross lesions in the trachea. The vaccine reduced the severity of gross lesions in the tracheas of turkeys challenged with the NC isolate to a level approximately equal to that observed in unchallenged vaccinated controls, but the vaccine only moderately reduced the severity of lesions in birds challenged with the 105 isolate.  相似文献   

Plasmids were removed from pathogenic Bordetella avium using a variety of treatments. The plasmid-cure rates depended on the treatment and isolate. Pathogenicity of B. avium in turkey poults was not altered by removal of plasmids.  相似文献   

The ability of 19 different Bordetella bronchiseptica isolates and 25 Pasteurella multocida isolates to adhere in vitro to porcine nasal and tracheal epithelial cells was examined. It was found that B. bronchiseptica adhered well to upper respiratory tract cells. In contrast the number of P. multocida organisms which adhered was four to six times less than the number of B. bronchiseptica adherent organisms. This difference was statistically significant (p less than 0.0001). Both microorganisms adhered in greater numbers to nasal cells than to tracheal cells (p less than 0.005). The data indicated that B. bronchiseptica possesses a greater ability than P. multocida to attach to porcine upper respiratory tract cells.  相似文献   

Tropical Animal Health and Production - Turkey coryza is a major respiratory disease caused by Bordetella avium (B. avium). It occurs in all ages of turkeys and is characterized by high morbidity...  相似文献   

Turkey tracheal organ cultures (TOCs) were exposed to one of the following Bordetella avium fractions or controls: live B. avium, formalin-killed B. avium, B. avium sonicate, heat-inactivated sonicate, culture supernatant, heat-inactivated culture supernatant, phosphate-buffered saline, or brain-heart infusion broth. After the TOCs were incubated for 2 hours with the bacterial fractions, the cellular metabolism of each TOC was evaluated using a tetrazolium chloride reduction assay, and cellular morphology was determined by light microscopy. Additionally, bacterial fractions and controls were injected into turkeys to test lethality. Although the bacterial sonicate was lethal for turkeys, neither the sonicate nor any other B. avium fraction significantly affected the metabolism or morphology of turkey TOCs.  相似文献   

Quantitative clearance of aerosolized Escherichia coli from the trachea, lung, and air sacs was measured in turkeys infected with Bordetella avium. Clearance of E. coli in turkeys with B. avium-induced tracheitis was minimally affected early in infection. Sixteen to 23 days after infection with B. avium, sporadic, mild depressions in clearance of E. coli were observed in the tracheas, which had large areas of deciliated tracheal epithelium or replacement of normal epithelium by immature hyperplastic epithelium or metaplastic squamous epithelium. Clearance of E. coli from the lung and air sacs was minimally affected in turkeys infected with B. avium.  相似文献   

Turkey coryza: toxin production by Bordetella avium   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
R B Rimler 《Avian diseases》1985,29(4):1043-1047
Twelve strains of Bordetella avium representing isolates from turkeys in the United States, the Federal Republic of Germany, and the Republic of South Africa were tested for toxin production. Sterile filtered sonicates from 9 of 12 strains contained a toxin that was lethal for 7-to-10-day-old poults. Mice were also susceptible to the lethal effects of the toxin. No differences in susceptibility to the toxin were found between Beltsville small white and broad-breasted white poults. The toxin was solubilized by sonication and inactivated by heating at 56 C for 30 min. Treatment with formalin or proteolytic enzymes inactivated the toxin, indicating that it is probably a protein. The evidence suggests that the toxin is involved in the pathogenesis of turkey coryza.  相似文献   

Isolation of Bordetella avium from poultry   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Four Australian isolates of Gram-negative nonfermentative bacteria obtained from poultry were compared with reference strains of Bordetella avium, Bordetella bronchiseptica and Alcaligenes faecalis. The Australian isolates were identified as Bordetella avium. A routine procedure for the identification of this recently recognised poultry pathogen is described.  相似文献   

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