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Efforts to restore bay scallop populations in the United States throughtransplantation of wild stock and reseeding of hatchery-reared individuals haveincreased due to declines in natural populations, yet little is known of thecomparative spawning patterns and relative reproductive investment of thesedifferent groups. In this study, spawning patterns of wild scallops from asource population in Northwest Harbor, New York and of scallops transplanted toa distant site in the same embayment (Flanders Bay) were similar.Hatchery-reared scallops held in pearl nets in Hallock Bay, New York showed thesame temporal spawning pattern and level of reproductive investment as scallopsfrom adjacent wild populations and wild scallops held in pearl nets. We suggestthat hatchery-reared scallops may be equally valuable as potential broodstockfor reseeding operations as wild scallops of the same size, provided thatappropriate conditioning and rearing practices are maintained. Both wild andhatchery-reared scallops may be transplanted a short period (i.e. 2–4weeks) prior to expected spawning to provide a source of potential broodstockinareas where natural population densities are low.  相似文献   

The harvest of bay scallops (Argopecten irradians) from Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts, U.S.A. undergoes large interannual fluctuations, varying by more than an order of magnitude in successive years. To investigate the extent to which these fluctuations may be due to yearly variations in the transport of scallop larvae from spawning areas to suitable juvenile habitat (settlement zones), a high‐resolution hydrodynamic model was used to drive an individual‐based model of scallop larval transport. Model results revealed that scallop spawning in Buzzards Bay occurs during a time when nearshore bay currents were principally directed up‐bay in response to a persistent southwesterly sea breeze. This nearshore flow results in the substantial transport of larvae from lower‐bay spawning areas to settlement zones further up‐bay. Averaged over the entire bay, the spawning‐to‐settlement zone connectivity exhibits little interannual variation. However, connectivities between individual spawning and settlement zones vary by up to an order of magnitude. The model results identified spawning areas that have the greatest probability of transporting larvae to juvenile habitat. Because managers may aim to increase scallop populations either locally or broadly, the high‐connectivity spawning areas were divided into: (i) high larval retention and relatively little larval transport to adjoining settlement areas, (ii) both significant larval retention and transport to more distant settlement areas, and (iii) little larval retention but significant transport to distant settlement areas.  相似文献   

A base population of the bay scallop, Argopecten irradians irradians Lamarck, was produced by crossing two cultured bay scallop populations. After 1 year of rearing, the top 10% truncation selection of the top 10% ( i =1.755) was carried out in the base population of about 1300 adults. A control parental group with a an identical number to the select parental group was randomly selected from the entire population before isolation of the select parental group. The result showed that, at the larval stage, the growth rate of larvae in the selected line was significantly higher than that of the control ( P <0.05), and that the genetic gain was 6.78%. Owing to the lower density of control at the spat stage, the mean shell length of the control line was larger than that of the select line at day 100. When the same density was adjusted between two lines in the grow-out stage (from day 100 to 160), the daily growth rate of the selected line was significantly higher than that of the control line ( P <0.05). Survival of the select line was significantly larger than that of the control line in the grow-out stage. In conclusion, the results obtained from this experiment indicate that selective breeding from a base population with a high genetic diversity established by mass spawning between different populations appears to be a promising method of genetic improvement in bay scallop, A. irradians irradians Lamarck.  相似文献   

A marine vibrio (strain C33) having inhibitory effects on the growth of the pathogen Vibrio anguillarum-VAR was isolated from seawater used in mass culture of the north-Chilean scallop Argopecten purpuratus. This bacterial isolate demonstrated broad inhibitory activity on several bacterial strains, including some pathogenic vibrios. Ethyl acetate extracts of extracellular products of strain C33 were separated by thin layer chromatography (TLC), and three fractions thus obtained were found to have antimicrobial activity when tested using microplate bioassays. One of the fractions (A2) having marked antimicrobial activity, was further purified using TLC and analyzed by IR spectrophotometry and NMR'H and was characterized on a preliminary basis as an aliphatic hydroxyl ether. This compound demonstrated bacteriostatic activity against the important marine pathogens Vibrio parahaemolyticus and V. splendidus, and as discussed in the paper, may be useful in developing natural strategies for the control of pathogens in mass cultures of Argopecten purpuratus and possibly other molluscs affected by these bacteria.  相似文献   

Epibiont and predator effects on the growth and mortality of the northern scallop Argopecten purpuratus were evaluated in cultures in southern Chile.The most common epibionts were bryozoans, hydrozoans and algae in both study sites, Metri Bay (41°36; 72°43W) and Chidhuapi Channel (41°49S; 73°05W).After 12 months of culture in pearl nets and lantern nets, the scallops size did not show statistically significant differences in cultures with and without epibionts in both study sites nor were there differences in the growth either with or without the presence of predators (decapod crustaceans). The growth rate was higher in Chidhuapi Channel than in Metri Bay.Mortality was concentrated in the initial phase of culture in pearl nets. During the culture phase in lantern nets, the mortality rate was lower than 3%. The mortality rate in scallops with epibionts was higher than when these were removed in the culture phase in pearl nets. In Metri Bay the mortality rate with predators was higher than without predators. Epibionts and predators did not affect mortality in the culture phase in lantern nets.Epibionts and predation are important factors in the early mortality of scallops and therefore in the success of culture. Epibiosis, however, is not important in scallop growth in southern Chile. This is related to the composition of the epibionts and to the low temperatures which probably limit the growth of algae and invertebrates.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship of the reproductive and reserve storage cycles and spat settlement of the Queen scallop (Aequipecten opercularis) to environmental factors. The possibility of farming this species from spat settled on collectors is considered. The gonad condition index shows maximum values between mid-May and early August. Another peak occurs in mid-November. In spring and summer, the energy needed for gametogenesis is derived from food, although it is possible that direct transfer may occur from the digestive gland to the gonad. The glycogen and lipid content of the reserve organs reaches maximum values between late summer and early autumn. The energy requirements related to gametogenesis, which begins in autumn, involve the consumption of accumulated reserves with the resulting reduction in the condition indices. There is a positive correlation between temperature and the condition indices of the digestive gland, the adductor muscle and their lipid and glycogen content, respectively. Two settlement periods were recorded, one in winter, which could not be associated with the spawning of the experimental animals, and another in summer, which coincided with the spawning that took place in spring. The reduced gonad indices recorded at the end of the summer and in winter did not lead to settlement.  相似文献   

In order to have a better understanding of recessing in great scallop, Pecten maximus and consequently the causes of mortality at reseeding, this study has monitored, at different seasons, the dispersion and recessing of different sizes of juveniles (about 15, 30 and 45 mm, called small, medium and large) after seeding. Moreover, the aim was to see when small spat (15 mm) could be seeded, and thus reduce the costs of intermediate culture.Three monitoring approaches were used together: (1) continual observations by remote video camera, of a defined area (less than 1 m2) containing 10 scallops from each size group; (2) daily monitoring of behaviour with divers along three bottom lines, with 20 × 1 m2 plots each and nine marked scallops per plot; and (3) the biochemical content of the muscle: adenylic energetic charge and storage of energy reserves (glucides, proteins, lipids).The video monitoring identified but did not quantify predator behaviour, particularly at night. The role and behaviour of spiny crab, Maia squinado, and of small predators has clearly been shown, such as: (a) small crustaceans, Inachus sp., breaking the edges of scallop valves; and (b) small gobies, Pomatoschistus pictus, pecking the tentacles of the scallop mantle.For the monitoring by divers, filtering appeared much too difficult to look at for it was very disturbed by divers, and anyway the resumption of filtering came immediately after seeding. On the other hand, diver monitoring of dispersal and recessing was quite easy to do with a minimum of practice. On the basis of dispersal, the best seasons for seeding appear to be spring or summer. In autumn, two-thirds of small and medium juveniles are missing 3 days after seeding, but we could not observe whether they had been eaten by predators or had just moved and recessed farther. There was no experiment in winter owing to adverse conditions for scallop seedings.Biochemical analyses confirmed the unsuitability of autumn for scallop seeding, because of very low glucide content in this season.The adenylic energetic charge in the smooth part of the muscle showed that stress before seeding (aerial exposure, handling), and post-seeding behaviour (swimming, recessing) have a high energetic cost for scallops. In summer and autumn, 3 days after seeding, none of the three size batches recovered their initial vitality.  相似文献   

Growth and survival of scallop Lyropecten nodosus were studied fromJuly to November 1997 using three bottom culture methods, (1) in corrals,(2) in pockets, and (3) in anchored sleeves. All size parameters studied (dryweight of the muscle, gonad, remaining tissues and shell, and shell length)showed significant differences due to culture method. The body componentswere larger for scallops in corrals than for those in pockets and greater forthose in pockets than in sleeves. In contrast, survival did not vary withculture method. Tissue components increased rapidly during the first 2months, when temperatures were lower and phytoplankton abundant(upwelling and transition periods). Subsequently values leveled off, or insome cases (muscle) decreased, and this coincided with stratification of thewater column and associated high temperatures and scarce food resources(and possible energetic demands for gonadal development). In contrast,shell weight and length showed no apparent affect of the environmentalchanges. The increased growth in the corrals was possibly because thecorral walls permitted the scallops to raise themselves off the bottom whichcould have provided greater access to food resources (suspendedparticles), or to better quality food.  相似文献   

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