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1. An experiment was conducted to study causes of low ileal starch digestibilities when broiler chickens were fed on wheat-based diets. Each of 5 cold-pelleted diets containing 771 g/kg DM wheat and one cold-pelleted diet containing 694 g/kg DM wheat were fed to 24 male broiler chickens in 8 cages from 10 to 21 d of age. 2. Feed intake and weight gain were significantly reduced when the wheat diet was crushed and fed in a mash form. 3. Ileal starch digestibility increased significantly from 0.79 to 0.95, 0.93 and 0.91, respectively, when the diet was crushed and fed in a mash form, was diluted with cellulose prior to pelleting, or when parts of the wheat were fed as whole grains. Correspondingly, random variation between individual birds was reduced. 4. These results indicate that an overload of wheat starch in the digestive tract may be the cause of poor digestibility for some broilers in a flock. Grinding of the wheat may also influence starch digestibility.  相似文献   

A 21‐day experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of wheat particle size, insoluble fibre source and whole wheat (WW) inclusion on the gizzard musculature, intestinal architecture and nutrient utilisation of broiler chickens. The following seven treatments, all in mash form, were tested: control diet using finely ground wheat (Fine); control diet using medium‐ground wheat (Medium); control diet using coarsely ground wheat (Coarse); fine diet diluted with 10 g/kg lignocellulose (LC); fine diet diluted with 30 g/kg oat hulls (OH); fine diet diluted with 30 g/kg wood shavings (WS); and ground wheat in the fine diet replaced with 50 and 100 g/kg WW during the second (day 8–14) and third (day 15–21) weeks of the study respectively. Except for the LC diet, all treatments increased (p < 0.05) the thickness of the caudodorsal thick muscle of gizzard compared to the fine diet. The highest (p < 0.05) caudoventral thin and cranioventral thick muscle diameters in the gizzard walls were achieved with the OH and WS diets. Feeding OH, WS and WW diets improved (p < 0.05) starch digestibility compared with the fine diet, while medium, coarse and LC diets had no effect (p > 0.05). All diets containing fibre sources (LC, OH and WS) reduced (p < 0.05) the energy digestibility compared to the fine diet. Birds fed OH and WS diets gained the lowest (p < 0.05) weights. Feeding LC, OH, WS and WW diets increased (p < 0.05) the feed per gain compared with the fine diet. The current results suggest that there is a potential for coarse particles, insoluble fibre sources and WW feeding to improve the gizzard musculature and digestibility of some nutrients, with the effect being more pronounced with the inclusion of structural fibre sources.  相似文献   

1. The objective of this experiment was to study two feeding methods, which could potentially act on the gut microflora, the structure and/or the function of the digestive tract and thereby improve the performance of broilers. 2. Four dietary treatments were studied: a negative control (wheat based) with no additives (C), a positive control with 0.01 g/kg avilamycin (AV), a treatment with 0.6 g/kg fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS) and a treatment with the same composition as treatment C but in which a part or all (400 g/kg) of the wheat was given as whole wheat and a concentrate supplement (WW). The measurements were: the performance from 0 to 6 weeks, the bacterial counts at 3 and 6 weeks, the digestive tract morphology and the activity of some intestinal enzymes at 3 weeks. 3. The birds given AV had better daily live weight gain (DLWG) and feed conversion ratio (FCR) compared to treatment C. The birds given FOS had a lower feed intake and a lower DLWG than the birds on treatment C but their FCR was significantly improved. WW resulted in a numerically lower feed intake and a significantly lower DLWG than treatment C. With AV, the number of aerobic mesophilic bacteria in the caeca was reduced at 3 weeks. With WW, gizzard and pancreas weights were greater and the surfaces of the ileal crypts were larger. An increased activity of leucine aminopeptidase (LAP) in the duodenum was found for treatments AV, FOS and WW. 4. In conclusion, in this study, treatments WW and FOS reduced DLWG, which may have been due to a lower feed intake during the whole period. With WW, the FCR was not affected, maybe because of both positive and negative effects on digestive tract (higher gizzard and pancreas development and LAP activity; larger crypts). However, FOS improved FCR, which may be partly explained by the higher LAP activity.  相似文献   

The conformations of growing broiler and laying strain chickens were compared in an attempt to discover whether, in the course of selecting broilers of high growth potential, the conformations of such birds had been so altered as to predispose them to skeletal failure. It was found that broilers had essentially similar proportions by weight of their various body complexes to laying strain birds of equal body weights. Broilers had slightly greater trunk proportions and lower leg proportions than laying strain birds of equal weights but the differences were insufficiently great to explain satisfactorily the supposed predisposition of the broiler leg skeleton to failure. Broilers, at any given body weight, had bones shorter in length than laying strain birds, explaining the more compact appearance of the broiler when compared with the more slender laying strain bird. A compact skeletal system is one which would appear less rather than more likely to fail.  相似文献   

1. Two experiments with growing broiler chickens were carried out to study the effects of the inclusion in their diets of whole or dehulled lupin (Lupinus angustifolius) seed meal on productive and physiological parameters. The effects of the addition of a commercial protease (1 g/kg, Bio-Feed Pro, Novo. Nordisk, Madrid) were also tested. 2. Diets were formulated to contain the same amounts of energy (12.55 kJ/g) and protein (210 g/kg). Raw whole (not heat treated) or dehulled sweet (low in alkaloids) lupin seed meal (400 and 320 g/kg, respectively) were used to formulate the lupin-based diets, and the protein content was completed with either defatted soybean or casein. 3. Final body weight and feed intake of chickens fed diets containing whole lupin seed meal (400 g/kg) were lower than controls, but gain:feed ratios were not different. The presence of soybean or casein in the diet did not affect productive parameters. Birds fed dehulled (320 g/kg) instead of whole lupin seed meal had similar body weight, feed intake and gain:feed values to controls. The addition of a commercial protease (1 g/kg, Bio-Feed Pro CT) to whole lupin/soy or whole lupin/casein diets tended to increase feed intake and final weight of the birds. 4. Plasma uric acid concentration was higher, and plasma cholesterol and triglycerides lower, in chicks fed whole lupin but not in those fed dehulled lupin seed meal. Plasma amino acid concentrations were not different from controls in birds fed lupin diets. 5. Apparent ileal digestibility of amino acids was not different from controls for the different lupin diets. The relative weight of the liver was higher than controls in lupin-fed birds, but not in those fed enzyme supplemented lupin-based diets. Liver concentrations of DNA tended to rise, while those of glycogen tended to decrease and liver RNA was lower in lupin-fed chicks.  相似文献   

1. An experiment was conducted to study the effects of whole wheat, oats and barley at different inclusion levels on performance, starch digestibility, duodenal particle size distribution, gizzard weight and pH of gizzard contents for broiler chickens. 2. Feed consumption and weight gain were significantly reduced when ground cereals were replaced by whole cereals (P < 0.05). However, feed conversion efficiency was not affected by inclusion of up to 440 g/kg of whole wheat, and up to 300 g/kg of whole oats and barley. 3. Duodenal particle size was measured by laser diffraction to below 1 micron in size. A remarkably large proportion of particles were below 100 microns, with as much as 50% of the particles in the duodenum being below 40 microns in size. Inclusion of moderate amounts of whole cereals reduced the duodenal mean particle size. Large inclusions of whole cereals decreased (P < 0.05) the proportion of particles up to 40 microns in size, and increased (P < 0.05) the proportion with size between 100 and 300 microns. 4. Starch digestibility was improved (P < 0.05) by replacing ground wheat or barley with whole wheat or barley. 5. There was no consistent effect of cereal species or feed form on the pH value of the gizzard contents.  相似文献   

1. Birds were fed diets containing ground or whole wheat and titanium dioxide for 10 min, followed by dissection of 4 birds per treatment after 30, 60, 90, 120, 150 and 180 min. 2. The crop, proventriculus and gizzard, duodenum, jejunum, and ileum from each bird were dried and combusted, and titanium content in each section was determined. 3. Significant amounts of titanium were found in the small intestine of the birds as soon as 30 min after being given feed containing titanium, and significant amounts had passed the small intestine after 120 to 150 min. 4. Titanium contents equivalent to approximately 5 g feed were eliminated from the gizzard per hour independently of whether ground or whole wheat was used. Thus, a hypothesis that the use of whole grain would slow down passage rate through the upper digestive tract was not supported by the current results.  相似文献   

1. A total of 80 male Ross 308 broilers were used in a study to investigate the effect of dietary dihydroquercetin (DHQ) on growth performance variables, gastrointestinal tract (GIT) and immune organ development, glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and haemoglobin in blood, hepatic vitamin E content, dietary N-corrected metabolisable energy (AMEn) and nutrient retention coefficients when fed to broiler chickens from 7 to 35 d of age.

2. Two treatments were used in this study: control (C) and C + 0.5 g/kg extract of Siberian Larch (Larix sibirica) per kg feed, containing 85% DHQ. The diets were fed over 2 feeding phases, a grower phase from 7 to 28 d of age and a finisher phase from 28 to 35 d of age. The birds were reared under the breeder’s recommended conditions.

3. In general, there were no effects of DHQ on growth performance of broiler chickens. However, the results of this experiment showed that there can be changes in the redness colour of the breast meat when DQH is fed. No negative effects of feeding DHQ at 0.5 g/kg diet were observed in this study.

4. Supplementation of poultry diets with DHQ under standard industry-rearing conditions did not improve the performance or any of the studied variables, except an increase of redness index of the breast fillets. Feeding DHQ at different doses and/or under more challenging conditions, e.g. heat stress, may, however, bring positive responses.  相似文献   

1. The objective of this study was to determine the coefficient of pre-caecal digestion of P in maize (3.9 g/kg of total P, 0.83 g/kg of phytate P, 138 FTU [phytase units]/kg) and wheat (3.17 g/kg of total P, 1.94 g/kg of phytate P, 666 FTU/kg) in broilers according to the WPSA protocol.

2. For the diets, monosodium phosphate was used as an additional P supplement. Two sets of diets containing 200, 460 and 740 g/kg of wheat or 200, 500 and 740 g/kg of maize were formulated. A total of 288 21-d-old male broilers (Ross 308) were assigned to 24 cages (8 birds per cage) and the 6 test diets were assigned to cages. The coefficient of pre-caecal digestion of P was determined by the indicator method and linear regression.

3. In both ingredients, pre-caecal digestible P increased linearly with increasing inclusion levels of maize or wheat (P < 0.05). The coefficients of digestion of pre-caecal P were estimated to be 0.18 for wheat and 0.33 for maize.  相似文献   

Skeletal systems of growing broiler and laying strain chickens were compared in an attempt to establish whether the rapid growth rates of broilers lead to qualitative or quantitative skeletal deficiencies. Qualitative comparisons included studies of bone histology and of bone ash, density and compression strength. Quantitative comparisons related bone weight to body weight. Bone “ matured “ very rapidly, as judged by its density, ash content and weight relative to bird weight in the first fortnight of life and thereafter more slowly in both broilers and laying strain birds. After the age of I week bones “ matured “ mainly by replacement of water by mineralised osteoid—the degree of mineralisation of osteoid being a less important factor in bone “ maturation “. There were no significant differences from the viewpoint of either quality or quantity between the skeletal systems of broilers and laying strain birds of the same age. At equal body weights, however, broilers had skeletal systems which were both qualitatively and quantitatively less “ mature “ than those of laying strain birds. These differences were most marked during early life when the rate of skeletal “ maturation “ was high.  相似文献   

1. An experiment was conducted to examine the variability in chemical composition of 16 wheat cultivars and to study how this variability affected the performance of broiler chickens given diets containing 650 or 815 g wheat/kg diet during the first 3 weeks of life. Intestinal viscosity, apparent fat digestibility and apparent metabolisable energy were determined with all diets. Intestinal pH and the relative weight of different parts of the intestine were measured in chickens fed on diets with the high wheat inclusion. 2. The 16 wheat cultivars varied in chemical composition, with protein content ranging from 112 to 127 g/kg dry matter, starch content from 658 to 722 g/kg dry matter and non-starch polysaccharides from 98 to 117 g/kg dry matter. The effect of the different wheat cultivars on the measured parameters was most pronounced in chickens fed on diets with 815 g wheat/kg diet (P<0.001). However, significant (P<0.001) differences between cultivars were still present at the lower wheat content. 3. Milling-quality wheats resulted in better performance (P<0.001) than feeding-quality wheats at the high inclusion, whereas such an effect could not be registered in diets at the lower wheat inclusion. These results indicate that some of the feeding wheats are comparable in quality to milling wheats when included at the concentrations which are more common in practical broiler diets. 4. Decreasing the wheat content in the diets resulted in significantly (P<0.001) better performance and considerably (P<0.001) lower intestinal viscosity (jejunum; 2.4 to 5.9 cps, ileum; 4.6 to 10.9 cps) than in chickens fed on diets with the higher wheat inclusion level (jejunum; 9.1 to 38.4 cps, ileum; 20.8 to 82.0 cps). 5. Diets with 815 g wheat/kg influenced pH in the caeca, but not in the ileum and gizzard. The relative weights of the gizzard and ileum differed significantly (P<0.05) between treatments, whereas those of duodenum, jejunum and caeca were not affected by dietary addition of the different wheat cultivars. 6. The present study demonstrated that the chemical composition and the nutritive value of Danish wheats for broilers vary markedly. The results indicated that the non-starch polysaccharide and especially the arabinoxylan content of wheat are important factors in the discussion of the result obtained. Poor correlations were seen between performance and AMEn and care should be taken when using AMEn values alone to predict the nutritive value of wheat and wheat-based diets.  相似文献   

1. The effects of whole grains of wheat on the digestive tract of broiler chickens was studied. A complete pelleted feed was compared with free choice feeding of whole wheat and a pelleted protein concentrate, given from 7 to 29 d of age. 2. Pepsin activity in proventriculus tissue was lower in whole wheat-fed birds than in complete diet-fed birds. The weight (g/kg body weight) of the gizzard was higher in whole wheat-fed birds and its contents had a lower pH. 3. In the intestine, there were no differences in deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) concentration, protein/DNA, ribonucleic acid (RNA)/DNA, RNA/protein ratios or alkaline phosphatase activity expressed per tissue weight. The weight (g/kg body weight) of the duodenum was lower in whole wheat-fed birds and its contents had a higher pH. Also the activities of alkaline phosphatase and leucine aminopeptidase in the duodenum, and maltase in the ileum, expressed per unit of bird weight, were lower in whole wheat-fed birds. 4. These results suggest that whole grain feeding increases the chemical (pepsin in proventriculus) and physical (gizzard muscle) functionality of the upper part of the digestive tract but decreases the digestive capacity of the intestine. Higher gizzard functionality may play a positive role in the control of bacterial populations. The lower digestive enzyme activities in the intestine may be detrimental in situations of mucosal deterioration caused by intestinal disease.  相似文献   

1. The results of 47 experiments with broilers over the period 1974 to 1983 were selected for regression analysis. Included were those dealing with the relationship of growth and food utilisation to content of dietary protein (DP), metabolisable energy (DME) and added fat (DAF) in conventional feedingstuffs.

2. Significant correlations were found between DP and DME (0#lb50; P < 0#lb01), DP and DAF (0#lb61; P < 0#lb01), and DME and DAF (0#lb65; P < 0#lb01) contents.

3. Using multiple regression models, growth and food utilisation efficiency (FUE) were found to be dependent on the linear and quadratic effects of DME (r2 values = 0#lb67 and 0–64 respectively). Growth and FUE were also dependent on the linear and quadratic effects of DP (r2 values = 0#lb70 and 0#lb49 respectively).

4. By including the effects of DME, DP and DAF in the gain and FUE models it was shown that growth and FUE were dependent on DME, DP and DAF (r2 values = 0#lb76 and 0#lb79 respectively).

5. It was concluded that hypotheses concerning the broiler's response to DME and DAF were both correct but incomplete. DME, DP and DAF contents must all be known to predict accurately growth and FUE.  相似文献   

A feeding trial was conducted to evaluate the effects of moderate dietary concentrations of deoxynivalenol (DON) during a 21-day feeding experiment on the performance of broilers. Fifteen 1-day-old broiler chicks were randomly divided into two groups. The control group was fed non-contaminated diet. Another group of broilers was fed a diet naturally contaminated with 5 mg DON/kg diet. Deoxynivalenol had no effect (p > 0.05) on feed consumption, feed conversion, body-weight gain, live body weight or mortality. The absolute and relative weight of the organs (gizzard, pancreas, heart, spleen, colon and caecum) were not altered by the dietary inclusion of DON contaminated grain. However, both the absolute and relative weight of small intestine was decreased (p < 0.01) in DON fed broilers compared to the controls. No gross lesions were detected in any of the organs of birds fed contaminated wheat during the feeding trial. The microscopic examination revealed that, the height and the width of villi in duodenum decreased (p < 0.05) in birds fed DON contaminated wheat compared to controls. On the other hand the height and the width of jejunum villi were not affected (p > 0.05). This study indicates that feeding DON for 21 days to broiler chickens at a concentration of up to 5 mg/kg of diet influenced the weight of the small intestine as well as intestinal histology, especially the duodenum, as evidenced by shorter and thinner villi. In conclusion, diets with DON contamination below levels that induce negative impact on health and performance could affect small intestinal morphology in broilers.  相似文献   

The current study investigated the effects of intermittent feeding(IF) and fasting strategies at different times post-hatch on muscle growth and white striping(WS) breast development. In the first trial, 32one-day-old Abor Acre broilers were fed ad libitum(AL) for 3 d post-hatch and then randomly allotted into 4 feeding strategies including AL, 1h-IF group(1 h IF, 4 times feeding/d, 1 h each time), 1.5h-IF(1.5 h IF, 4 times feeding/d, 1.5 h each time), and fasting(1d acute fasting, 6 d free acce...  相似文献   

1. In previous studies, a lack of agreement in measurements of plasma corticosterone concentrations and heterophil:lymphocyte (H/L) ratio as physiological indices of stress, caused by hunger and frustration in restricted-fed broiler breeders, was observed. It could be suggested that the differences between previous studies were caused by differences in duration of restriction and time of the day of the measurements. Therefore, in the present study the plasma corticosterone concentration and the H/L ratio were again determined in restricted- and ad libitum-fed growing broiler breeders, taking possible causes of disagreement between previous studies into account. In addition, we measured the daily rhythm in body temperature and heart rate, and the corticosterone responses to an acute stressor as physiological indices of stress. 2. Female broiler breeders (64 per treatment, housed in groups of 4 birds) were used in the experiment. Behaviour, baseline plasma corticosterone concentrations and H/L ratio were determined at 21 d of age (immediately after the start of food restriction), and at 42 and 63 d of age. Body temperature, heart rate and activity were measured by radiotelemetry for 36 h at 49 and 70 d of age. In addition, the plasma corticosterone response to acute stress (5 min manual restraint) was measured at 77 or 78 d of age. 3. Restricted broiler breeders had higher plasma corticosterone concentrations at 42 and 63 d of age, but no differences in H/L. ratio were found between restricted birds and unrestricted control birds. Restricted broiler breeders had a higher corticosterone response to 5 min manual restraint than unrestricted birds. Restricted birds displayed a clear day-night rhythm in body temperature, heart rate and activity whereas such a rhythm was blunted in ad libitum-fed birds. 4. It is discussed that some physiological differences (plasma corticosterone concentrations, body temperature and heart rate) between ad libitum-fed and restricted broiler breeders may have been caused by differences in metabolic rate as well as by differences in the level of stress. It is concluded that a combination of behavioural measurements and a wide range of physiological parameters should be used for the assessment of stress in growing broiler breeders.  相似文献   

1. Field observations were made on the effect of food depth in pans on the feeding and drinking behaviour of commercially grown broiler chickens aged between 17 and 43 d. 2. The group of birds receiving less food in pans had longer visits to the pans, occupied their feeding space more completely, evicted each other more often from pans and were more 'competitive' and less 'relaxed' when feeding. 3. These observations provide data about the feeding and drinking behaviour of broiler chickens reared in commercial conditions and emphasise how environmental factors, particularly food management, can influence bird behaviour. 4. The potential for qualitative and quantitative changes of feeding behaviour to affect performance is also discussed.  相似文献   

In two trials, 60 male commercial broilers were placed in each of eight environmentally controlled chambers receiving 0, 25, 50, or 75 ppm aerial ammonia from 1 to 28 days. Birds exposed to 25 ppm (lower concentration) ammonia gas developed ocular abnormalities but at a slower rate when compared with birds exposed to 50 and 75 ppm (higher concentrations). Birds exposed to higher concentrations also developed more severe lesions. With little atmospheric ammonia present after 28 days of the grow-out stage, the corneas indicated signs of healing. Lymphocytes and heterophils were seen in the iris at 49 days in ammonia-exposed birds even when ammonia exposure was terminated at 28 days. The lower ammonia concentrations resulted in abnormalities that were slight when compared with those seen at the higher ammonia concentrations. As measured by the incidence of inflammatory infiltrates in the trachea, lung, and air sacs, respiratory tract tissues did not appear to be affected by any tested level of aerial ammonia. The findings in this investigation represent the first report indicating that ammonia-induced uveitis in chickens clears rapidly after exposure to ammonia ceases.  相似文献   

1. Different wheat cultivar samples were grown in replicated trials on a single site in three harvest years. A total of 23 wheat samples were harvested. Nutritionally complete, meal-form diets that included each wheat sample at 650 g/kg were used to compare broiler growth performance and determine apparent metabolisable energy (AME). The relationships were examined between these variables of nutritive value for broilers and the chemical composition and tests of quality on the wheat samples. 2. The total starch contents of the wheat samples ranged from 594 to 732 g/kg dry matter (DM). The mean total non-starch polysaccharide (NSP) content was 100g/kg DM comprising 73.5 g/kg DM of insoluble material. Endosperm hardness ranged between 10 and 77 relative units and Beaver was the softest cultivar in two of the batches of samples. The AME of the wheat-based diets had a maximum range of 0.5 MJ/kg within each of the three batches of wheat that were tested. 3. Endosperm hardness of the wheat grains, within a harvest year, was positively correlated with broiler weight gain and the 1000-grain weight was negatively correlated with feed conversion efficiency (FCE). Starch content and gross energy were positively correlated with determined AME, and DM, 1000-grain weight and water holding capacity were negatively correlated with AME. 4. A step-wise regression technique indicated that endosperm hardness and ash content of the wheat were the explanatory variables that, within harvest years, significantly reduced the unexplained variation in broiler growth rate, feed intake and FCE. The contents of total starch, crude protein and ether extract were the explanatory variables that, within harvest years, significantly reduced the unexplained variation in AME.  相似文献   

1. An experiment was conducted to investigate the influence of dietary casein phosphopeptides and 25-hydroxycholecalciferol on the incidence of tibial dyschondroplasia (TD) in 14-d-old commercial broiler chickens. 2. Three hundred and twenty broiler chicks (one day old) were randomly allocated to one of 4 dietary treatments. A standard broiler diet was used as the control with the three experimental treatments receiving the control diet supplemented with 10 g casein phosphopeptide/kg, 14 g casein phosphopeptide/kg or 69 microg 25-hydroxycholecalciferol/kg. 3. Those birds fed the diets supplemented with 14g casein phosphopeptide/kg or 25-hydroxycholecalciferol had a lower incidence of TD than both the control and 10g casein phosphopeptide/kg treatments when assessed grossly. 4. The body weight of birds fed the 10 g casein phosphopeptide/kg diet or the 25-hydroxycholecalciferol diet was higher than birds fed the control diet. Although not significant, the body weight of birds fed the 14 g casein phosphopeptide/kg diet was also greater than the control birds. 5. The current experiment demonstrated that both casein phosphopeptide and 25-hydroxycholecalciferol can reduce the incidence of TD in the young broiler chicken. More research is required to explain the unexpected increase in body weight described above.  相似文献   

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