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不同湿润速率对三种红壤坡面侵蚀过程的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以三种典型红壤为研究对象,采用室内人工模拟降雨方法,研究了湿润速率对坡面径流和侵蚀的影响以及泥沙特性。实验结果表明:在坡度为15°、降雨强度为60mmh-1条件下,湿润速率越大,产流时间越慢,稳定径流强度越大。供试三种红壤QP1、QP2和QP3快速湿润时稳定径流强度较慢速湿润分别增加60%、37%和21%。同样,坡面侵蚀量也随着湿润速率的增大而增加,供试三种典型红壤在快速湿润条件下侵蚀量较中速湿润分别增加23%、28%和61%,较慢速湿润分别增加112%、85%和159%。侵蚀泥沙的平均质量直径随着湿润速率的增大而减小。研究结果有助于深入理解团聚体破碎机制以及坡面侵蚀机理,为侵蚀模型提供必要的参数。  相似文献   

黄土区坡耕地细沟间侵蚀和细沟侵蚀的研究   总被引:14,自引:5,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
郑粉莉 《土壤学报》1998,35(1):95-103
利用人工模拟降雨试验,通过在径流小区上覆盖纱网消除雨滴动能和增加雨滴除落高度来增加雨滴功能,并采用翻耕裸露作对照的试验处理,对黄土区坡耕地细沟间侵蚀和细沟侵蚀过程及其机理进行了研究。结果表明,坡面侵蚀产沙过程可明显的分为四个阶段,即溅蚀,细沟间侵蚀、细沟侵蚀和雨后径流侵蚀阶段。  相似文献   

细沟间侵蚀影响因子交互作用定量分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
细沟间侵蚀是多种影响因子共同作用形成的复杂过程,不同因子的作用依赖于其他因子的变化而变化。利用前人已发表数据,基于多元线性回归分析,定量分析土壤类型、雨强、坡度和坡长对坡面细沟间侵蚀过程影响及因子间交互作用效应。结果表明:雨强、坡度、细沟间可蚀性及坡长对细沟间侵蚀率的影响具有正向效应,雨强对细沟间侵蚀率的贡献最大(62.93%)。因子间交互作用分析表明,坡长的增加对坡度因子的贡献具有促进作用,对雨强因子的贡献具有抑制作用;坡度增加对坡长因子的贡献具有先促进后抑制的作用,对雨强因子的贡献则相反,20%为坡度对坡长和雨强交互作用方向变化的拐点;雨强增加对坡长因子和坡度因子具有正向交互作用,但是与坡长相比,坡度对雨强的依赖性更强。  相似文献   

侵蚀型红壤植被恢复后土壤养分含量与物理性质的变化   总被引:17,自引:4,他引:17  
为了解侵蚀型红壤植被恢复后土壤养分含量与物理性质的变化状况,采集了植被恢复17年和9年的两个定位试验点土壤样品。分析结果表明:侵蚀型红壤植被恢复后土壤养分含量明显增加。恢复17年的木荷、杉木林0~0.2m土层土壤全氮和有机质含量分别比对照增加了3.92倍、2.96倍、5.80倍和3.52倍,土壤有效养分中土壤有效磷含量增加幅度最大。植被恢复后土壤物理性质得到极大改善.表现在土壤容量明显降低,土壤总孔度、通气孔度增加和大于1mm大团聚体与大于0.25mm水稳性团聚体总量的增加。总的来看,恢复17年的木荷和恢复9年的黑麦草两处理.土壤物理性质改善最为明显.此两处理0~0.2m表层土壤容量比对照区降低了27.9%和20.41%,大于0.25mm水稳性团聚体总量分别比对照区增加了31.09%和29.96%,土壤总孔度和通气孔度分别是对照区的1.34倍、1.25倍、2.59倍和2.14倍。  相似文献   

天然降雨对红壤坡地侵蚀的影响   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
通过气象观测站与标准径流小区的试验观测,全面系统地分析了江西省红壤坡地的天然降雨特征。主要内容包括与土壤流失关系密切的降雨量(P)、降雨强度(I)等降雨特征参数的等级划分和时间分配规律;确定了江西红壤坡地侵蚀性降雨标准;确立了ΣE·I60 为红壤坡地降雨侵蚀力因子R的最佳计算组合,并分析了R值的季度分配、月分配特征以及雨量分配、雨强分配特征。这为探索控制江西红壤坡地水土流失的最佳时段,研究水土流失产生的动力来源以及发生演变的规律具有积极的借鉴意义  相似文献   

张风宝  李玄添  申楠  杨明义 《土壤学报》2023,60(5):1398-1408
细沟间和细沟侵蚀剥离和输移土壤的机制不同导致有机碳输移存在差异,然而因研究手段限制,这两种侵蚀方式对有机碳输移的贡献、影响等研究有待深入。本文利用模拟降雨与7Be示踪技术,在定量化分析细沟间和细沟侵蚀对黄土坡面侵蚀产沙贡献的基础上,进一步分析其对有机碳输移的贡献及影响。结果表明5°小区以细沟间侵蚀为主,其产沙贡献率为86%,大于5°的小区以细沟侵蚀为主,其产沙贡献率介于61%~71%之间,在降雨过程中甚至可达96%。降雨过程中坡面侵蚀泥沙有机碳平均富集比为1.16±0.15,细沟间侵蚀泥沙有机碳平均富集比为1.50±0.50,富集可导致有机碳流失率增加0.008~0.028 g·m-2·min-1。坡度大于5°的小区细沟侵蚀对有机碳流失贡献率介于55%~62%之间,低于对侵蚀产沙的贡献,但仍占主导地位。坡面侵蚀产沙量可解释有机碳流失量变化的97%,细沟间侵蚀产沙可解释细沟间有机碳流失量变化的89%。侵蚀过程中剧烈的细沟侵蚀可导致细沟间侵蚀泥沙有机碳的富集比增大。  相似文献   

侵蚀程度对红壤团聚体分布及养分含量的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
[目的]探讨不同侵蚀程度下红壤团聚体和养分的变化规律,为侵蚀红壤的肥力提升和合理开发利用提供理论依据。[方法]将红壤表层按照不同深度剥离来模拟不同土壤侵蚀程度,比较分析不同侵蚀程度下团聚体稳定性、有机质和各养分的变化规律及其相互关系。[结果]各侵蚀程度红壤团聚体干筛粒级分布规律大体相似,以≥2mm粒级团聚体为优势粒级,与无明显侵蚀土壤相比,强烈侵蚀土壤≥2mm水稳性团聚体含量降低近1/3;随着土壤侵蚀程度增加,土壤碳、氮、磷等养分含量均表现出逐渐减少的规律,其中强烈侵蚀土壤有机质、全氮和全磷含量减少了30%左右,碱解氮含量减少了近50%,速效磷含量减少了80%以上。相关分析表明,土壤有机质、全氮、全磷、碱解氮含量均与≥2 mm团聚体含量、WSA,MWD和GMD值具有较好的正相关性(p0.05),与D和PAD值呈负相关。[结论]不同侵蚀程度对红壤团聚体分布及养分含量有一定影响,可通过增加有机肥来改善侵蚀红壤结构,提高土壤肥力。  相似文献   

粘粒矿物,有机质对酶活性的影响   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
评述了粘粒矿物对酶的吸附,粘粒矿物、有机质和有机无机复合物对酶活性的影响等方面的研究成果,并就这一领域未来的研究方向提出了一些看法。  相似文献   

于东升  史学正  王宁 《土壤学报》2001,38(2):160-166
用人工模拟降雨研究亚热带地区粘淀湿润富铁土和铝质湿润淋溶土的坡耕地土壤沟蚀和沟间侵蚀。研究结果表明,类似于当地花生、山芋垄作的沟垄,在无外来径流影响下土壤沟蚀与沟间侵蚀程度相当,土壤沟侵蚀率与土坡自身特性和外来径流量大小关系密切,相同的外来径流量对不同类型土壤的沟侵蚀率的影响程度也不同。同时利用WEPP中的土壤可蚀性关系式计算出上述两种土壤的沟间可蚀性气值分别为0.1646和0.1362(10-6kg sm-4)。  相似文献   

农耕地土壤~(210)Pb_(ex)含量对侵蚀速率变化的响应模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论文在分析了农耕地土壤侵蚀速率改变后土壤中210Pbex含量变化的基础上,检讨了现行的计算农耕地土壤侵蚀速率210Pbex法存在的问题误区。根据质量平衡原理建立了农耕地土壤210Pbex含量对侵蚀速率变化的响应模型,证明长期以来普遍认为的"210Pbex法测定值为100a或200a以来的较长期的平均土壤侵蚀速率"的看法是不正确的。并用模型模拟计算了侵蚀速率变化后农耕地210Pbex含量的响应过程,结果表明农耕地土壤侵蚀速率发生变化后,土壤的210Pbex面积活度迅即响应,随着时间的增加呈指数变化。侵蚀速率增大的,土壤中210Pbex面积活度降低;减小的,210Pbex面积活度增加。210Pbex可以替代137Cs用于农耕地土壤侵蚀速率的测定。210Pbex不但可以测定持续耕种100a以上农耕地的侵蚀速率,也可以用于调查近期土地利用变化的土壤侵蚀响应。  相似文献   

During raindrop impact soil, aggregates breakdown and produce finer, more transportable particles and micro-aggregates. These particles and micro-aggregates appreciably affect the processes of infiltration, seal and crust development, runoff, and soil erosion. Aggregate stability is, therefore, an important property that may explain, quantify, and predict these processes. This study was designed to develop improved formulae for assessing interrill erosion rate by incorporating the aggregate stability index (As) in the prediction evaluations for soil erodibilites of Ultisols in subtropical China. Field experiments of simulated rainfall involving rainstorm simulations with medium and high rainfall intensity were conducted on six cultivated soils for which the soil aggregate stability was determined by the LB-method. This study yielded two prediction equations Di = 0.23AsI2(1.05 − 0.85 exp−4sin θ) and Di = 0.34AsqI(1.05 − 0.85 exp−4sin θ) that allowed a comparison of their efficiency in assessing the interrill erosion rate. As is an aggregate stability index, which reflected the main mechanisms of aggregate breakdown in interrill erosion process, θ is the slope angle, I is the rainfall intensity, and q is the runoff rate. Relatively good agreement was obtained between predicted and measured values of erosion rates for each of the prediction models (R2 = 0.86**, and R2 = 0.90**). It was concluded that these formulae based on the stability index, As, have the potential to improve methodology for assessing interrill erosion rates for the subtropical Chinese Ultisols. Considering the time-consuming and costly experimentation of runoff rate measurements, the equation without runoff rate (q) was the more convenient and effective one to predict interrill erosion rates on Ultisols of subtropical China.  相似文献   

Interrill erosion depends on soil detachment and sediment transport, which are affected by seal formation and runoff. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of wetting rate (WR) on runoff and soil erosion in semi-arid Israeli soils varying in clay content and exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP). Six soils, ranging in clay content between 90 and 680 g kg−1 and ESP between 0.9 and 20, were packed in 0.2 m×0.4 m trays, wetted at 3 WRs (2, 8, or 64 mm h−1), and thereafter exposed to 60 mm of distilled water rain in a laboratory rainfall simulator. Under non-sodic conditions (ESP<2), highest runoff and erosion were obtained from loam (220 g kg−1 clay and 350 g kg−1 silt) which was ascribed to its high susceptibility to seal formation, runoff and detachability. Runoff and erosion increased with an increase in ESP and WR. The effect of WR on runoff and erosion was negligible in loamy sand and generally increased with an increase in clay content. In clay soils (>600 g kg−1 clay), WR played a greater role in determining runoff and erosion compared with raindrop impact. A linear type dependence existed between erosion and runoff for soils with ESP<5 or when slow WR was used. For high ESP soils, or when medium or fast WR were used, an exponential type relation described better the dependence of erosion on runoff. It is suggested that for sodic soils or for conditions favoring aggregate slaking, runoff level and its velocity were high enough to initiate rill erosion that supplemented raindrop detachment in markedly increasing erosion.  相似文献   

以三种侵蚀程度的红壤(轻度、中度、严重)为供试材料,研究其>0.25 mm水稳性团聚体中的养分(全氮、全磷、全钾、有机质)和不同形态有机碳(易氧化态和难氧化态)的含量状况和分布特点。结果表明:随着红壤由轻度、中度到严重侵蚀的变化,>0.25 mm水稳性团聚体中有机质、全氮和全磷含量逐渐降低;>0.25 mm水稳性团聚体中的养分对土壤养分的贡献率为[>4 mm]>[0.5~1 mm]>[1~2 mm]>[2~4 mm]>[0.25~0.5 mm];侵蚀红壤的全氮、全磷和有机质均与>0.25 mm水稳性团聚体含量显著正相关。土壤有机碳、易氧化碳和难氧化碳的含量随着红壤侵蚀程度的增强逐渐降低,并且均与>0.25 mm水稳性团聚体、有机质、全氮、全磷呈极显著正相关。有机质氧化稳定性系数与不同粒径水稳性团聚体、土壤有机质、全氮和全磷均呈负相关。  相似文献   

ESP值和黏粒含量对土壤表面封闭作用的影响   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
降雨导致土壤表面结皮形成封闭是自然现象,它能降低土壤入渗,增加土表径流,导致土壤侵蚀。该文系统地研究了不同性质土壤表面的封闭作用过程,分别确定封闭过程中的物理机械作用和化学作用。试验采用了具有不同土壤交换性钠百分率(ESP)值(2、5、10、20)和黏粒含量(10%、20%、40%、60%)的4种土壤进行降雨模拟试验,通过土壤表面播撒磷石膏(PG)(2000 kg/hm2)和PG与聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)(PG 2000 kg/hm2+PAM 20 kg/hm2)混合物的处理,分别抑制了土壤的化学封闭和物理封闭,论述了ESP值和黏粒含量对土壤化学封闭和物理封闭作用的影响,结果表明:在高ESP值土壤中,化学封闭作用占土壤封闭的主导作用;低ESP值土壤中,土壤的物理封闭作用增大。当黏粒含量较低时,土壤物理封闭作用较低;当黏粒含量较大时,土壤物理封闭作用显著增大。  相似文献   

Soil sealing and crusting is a common feature in most arid and semi-arid soils with severe agricultural and environmental implications. One of the main effects of soil sealing and crusting is a marked reduction in hydraulic conductivity and infiltration rate (IR), which triggers run-off and erosion. However, measurement of crust IR in the field is cumbersome, time-consuming and expensive. The extremely dynamic nature of processes involved in crusting and crust characteristics makes it very difficult to measure and predict infiltration. Resultantly, many researches aimed at identifying alternative indices of soil sealing and crusting or at improving the methods used to measure IR on crusted soils directly or indirectly have been conducted. Of particular importance is the use of models developed for estimating IR and hydraulic conductivity, but most of them do not account for the presence of a crust layer and therefore fall short on crusted soils. These methods and in particular models and their suitability in estimating IRs on crusted soils are discussed in this article. Trends and perspectives, gaps and conflicts relating to soil sealing and crusting effects on infiltration are also described.  相似文献   

Understanding of factors governing soil structural features is necessary for managing key processes affecting crop productivity and environmental impacts of agriculture, for example, soil water balance, aeration, and root penetration. Organic matter is known to act as a major binding agent in soil aggregation and thus constitutes a central pillar in soil structure formation. However, knowledge of the structural role of organic matter or carbon (OC) in soils highly rich in clay-sized particles (<0.002 mm) is limited. In this study, the effects of clay and OC contents on aggregate stability, water holding capacity, near-saturated hydraulic conductivity, total porosity, and pore size distribution were assessed in cultivated fields with high clay content located in private crop production farms in southern Finland. Significant positive correlations were found between OC content and proportion of water stable aggregates and specific pore sizes from the range of 30 μm up to 1 mm diameter determined by image analysis. Porosities on a smaller size range derived from water retention measurements likewise showed a positive correlation with OC in <0.2 μm sizes. On the range of 0.2–1 μm, a negative relationship was observed, which induced a negative effect of OC on soil plant available water reserves. In line with the positive correlation between OC and larger soil pores, free water, representing the amount of water that can be drained by gravity, exhibited a positive relationship with OC suggesting that OC content can enhance aeration of soils with high clay content. Compared to OC, clay content tended to have an adverse effect on soil structural properties. Clay correlated negatively with pores larger than 30 μm, free water content, and extrapolated field saturated hydraulic conductivity. Further, our imaging results showed how saturated hydraulic conductivity was controlled by pore morphology, and there was a power law relationship between the conductivity and critical pore diameter. K d c 2 $$ K\propto {d}_c^2 $$ in agreement with the percolation theory. Overall, the structural impacts and hydrological implications of OC and clay in heavy clay soils vary by pore size ranges and their emergent practical impacts are thus not straightforward.  相似文献   

Wind erosion is a serious problem, especially in arid and semi-arid regions. This study was conducted to assess the effects of wind speed as well as soil particle-size distribution on erosion rate (ER) using a wind tunnel. For this purpose, two clay loam soil samples (C2 and C10) in addition to a sandy clay loam (S2) were exposed to different wind velocities of 2, 9 and 18 m s?1. The result showed that erosion rate increased significantly with increasing wind speeds. In addition, a critical diameter of 0.84 mm for soil particles was supported; for larger particles the changes in erosion rate were negligible. Furthermore, soil erodibility (K) was determined, which for S2, C2 and C10 was 57.73, 10.27 and 1.43, respectively. To predict soil erodibility, a power relationship as K = 3.382 MWD?1.732 (R 2 = 0.99) was established. The results indicated with increasing wind speed, the sensitivity of S2 remained constant, whereas C2 and C10 resisted wind speed. The finding of this research indicates the importance of particle-size distribution on wind erosion rate as well as soil erodibility.  相似文献   

Five simulated rainstorms, each with a different rainfall intensity pattern but all delivering the same total kinetic energy to the soil surface, were applied to three different soils in a laboratory flume. The storm patterns were: constant rainfall intensity, increasing intensity, decreasing intensity, increasing then decreasing intensity and decreasing then increasing intensity. The three soils were: a clay loam, a sandy loam and a sandy soil. No differences in total runoff were observed that were consistent across the three soil types. However, consistent differences were observed in the amount and size distribution of the eroded sediment. In particular, the constant-intensity storm yielded an average soil loss of 75% of the varying-intensity storms, and the eroded sediment from the constant-intensity storms had a lower clay content than that from the varying-intensity storms. In contrast to the differences in amount and size distribution of eroded sediment, splashed sediment exhibited much smaller differences. Interrill erosion rates are widely assumed to vary with rainfall intensity to the power 2, but this relationship has been obtained from experiments over a range of rainfall intensities, but in which rainfall intensity has been constant in each experiment. The experiments reported here, undertaken using variable rainfall intensity within each experiment, indicates an exponent of 2.55. The experiments demonstrate that the assumption that a given rainfall intensity falling on a given soil for a given amount of time will result in a given amount of runoff and erosion is unsound. They point to the need for a greater understanding of the processes of interrill sediment detachment and transport in order to model successfully erosion under temporally varying rainfall.  相似文献   

Soil erosion is an important geomorphological process with potential negative consequences especially on land agricultural potential. Unsuitable agricultural practices may increase soil erosion, leading to rapid loss of soil fertility and decrease of crop production. It is therefore important to correctly quantify soil erosion rates in order to adapt agricultural practices and implement proper conservation measures. This study attempts to assess the rill and interrill erosion in Romania, using the Romanian soil erosion model and GIS techniques. The database includes the digital terrain model, the soil map of Romania, the land use map of Romania and the rainfall erosivity regions. The results show that the high and very high erosion risk classes include 4.1% of the Romanian territory (9,627 km2). Most of this land is present in the hilly and plateau areas (Subcarpathians, Moldavian Plateau, Getic Plateau, Western Hills, Dobrogea Plateau). The model was validated by comparison of its predictions with long‐term erosion measurements from different locations in the country. Comparison with previous non‐GIS assessments of soil erosion at national level shows that the total estimated rill and interrill erosion in our study was very close to previous estimates. Comparison with the RUSLE 2015 model computed for Europe as a whole reveals that the two models assign almost 54% of their shared area to the same erosion class, while for 39% of the territory there is one class difference between the models. The results can be used for evaluations of erosion risk at national and regional scales.  相似文献   

前期土壤含水率对红壤团聚体稳定性及溅蚀的影响   总被引:7,自引:6,他引:7  
为了探究前期含水率对南方红壤团聚体稳定性及溅蚀的影响,选取泥质页岩和第四纪红黏土发育的4个典型红壤为研究对象,就5个前期含水率(3%、5%、10%、15%、20%)条件下3~5 mm团聚体水稳定性特征及其与溅蚀的关系进行了初步的探讨。结果表明,消散作用是团聚体破碎最有效的机制,土壤前期含水率越大,团聚体破碎程度越小。随着前期含水率的升高,泥质页岩发育的2种红壤水稳性团聚体平均质量直径(MWDwa)显著增大;第四纪红黏土发育的2种红壤水稳性团聚体平均质量直径(MWDwa)先增大后减小,拐点出现在含水率为15%条件下。泥质页岩发育2种红壤溅蚀量随前期含水率的升高显著减小;第四纪红黏土发育2种红壤溅蚀量随前期含水率的升高呈现先减小后增大的趋势,在含水率为15%时达到最小。团聚体水稳性较高的土样,溅蚀粒径分布呈双峰曲线分布,主要分布1~0.5和0.05 mm范围内,且前期含水率越高,0.05 mm溅蚀颗粒含量越大;而团聚体水稳定性较差的土样,除前期含水率为20%外,溅蚀粒径分布呈单峰曲线分布,主要分布在0.25~1mm。该结果为红壤区农业水土工程及机侵蚀机理研究提供一定的参考,对完善坡面水蚀模型具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

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