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The naturally occurring disease caused by San Miguel sea lion virus in fur seals was characterized by small fluid-filled vesicles 1 to 25 mm in diameter on the nonhaired portions of the flippers. Early epithelial lesions contained multifocal sites of cell lysis. The resultant microvesicles enlarged and coalesced, forming grossly visible macrovesicles. Mature vesicles progressed to involve all layers of the epithelium but did not involve the underlying dermis. Intradermal inoculation of vesicular exanthema of swine virus type A48 or San Miguel sea lion virus type 2 into otarid (fur) seal pups caused plaque-like lesions around inoculated coronary bands. These swellings regressed without rupture by 96 hours postinoculation. One seal inoculated with San Miguel sea lion virus had a linear lingual erosion at ten days postinoculation. Virus was isolated from this site and from two uninoculated sites, the tonsil and testicle. Contact controls showed no evidence of infection. Virus was isolated in low titers from some sites of inoculation and draining lymph nodes from seals infected with vesicular exanthema of swine virus. Virus was recovered more easily, in higher titers, and from more tissues, from seals infected with San Miguel sea lion virus. Inoculated seals tested after four to ten days seroconverted. Feeding swine seal tissues from the inoculation experiments resulted in seroconversion in swine which were fed tissues from seals infected with vesicular exanthema of swine virus but not in those which were fed tissues from seals infected with San Miguel sea lion virus.  相似文献   

Mink became infected with San Miguel sea lion virus when fed ground meat from seal carcasses showing vesicular-like lesions in the skin. The mink also contracted the infection when they were fed San Miguel sea lion virus infected pig meat or cell culture propagated virus. San Miguel sea lion virus infection in mink was inapparent but the virus was isolated from blood and rectal swabs. Pigs treated similarly with the same virus preparations given to mink developed a severe vesicular disease syndrome similar to that produced by vesicular exanthema of swine. In a separate trial, pigs fed a large sample of commercial ground seal meat did not develop disease signs or antibodies. Further work is needed to assess the hazard of introducing San Miguel sea lion virus into swine on the same premises when potentially San Miguel sea lion virus infective seal meat is fed to mink.  相似文献   

Colostrum-deprived neonatal Northern fur seal pups (Callorhinus ursinus) were exposed to San Miguel sea lion virus type 5 (SMSV-5) by feeding them fish (Girella nigricans) infected with virus or fish infected with both the sea lion lung worm larvae (Parafilaroides decorus) and virus. Virus infection was demonstrated in 8 of 9 pups, and 1 of these developed a vesicular lesion on the flipper. In this sequence, P decorus larvae exposed to SMSV-5 were fed to G nigricans held at 15 C in a salt water aquarium; 32 days later, these fish were killed, then fed to the fur seal pups. The vesicle developed 22 days subsequent to this and SMSV-5 was reisolated from the lesion. The SMSV-5 was shown to persist for at least 23 days in infected neonatal fur seals. Attempts to establish P decorus infection in Northern fur seal pups were apparently unsuccessful.  相似文献   

Titration of SVDV on primary pig kidney cell cultures revealed a plating efficiency of less than or equal to 0,9 X 10(-3). Concentration and purification of the SVD-Virus propagated on pig kidney cell cultures were done by chloroform treatment, adsorption, differential- and density gradient centrifugation. The following physical parameters were found: SVDV is an isometrical RNA-virus having a diameter of 25,1 +/- 1,0 nm. It is resistent to the action of chloroform, ether and pH. The virus has a sedimentation coefficient of 156 +/- 3S and a bouyant density in CsCl of 1,33 +/- 0,01 g/ml. Within the family of picornaviruses the SVDV belongs to the subgroup of enteroviruses and can be distinguished from the foot-and-mouth disease virus by the difference in pH-sensitivity and bouyant density in CsCl.  相似文献   

Virus isolation was attempted from 262 field samples of vesicular material collected during the outbreaks of vesicular exanthema of swine in the U.S.A. from 1952-54. Using primary swine kidney culture, viral cytopathogenic agents were isolated from 76.3% of the samples. However, an overall recovery rate of 82.1% was obtained after samples negative in tissue culture were inoculated intradermally in susceptible swine. All vesicular exanthema of swine virus isolates were identified as serotype B51 using complement fixation and serum neutralization tests. Two isolates did not react with antisera to known vesicular agents of swine and failed to produce vesicles or clinical signs of disease upon inoculation in swine. One vesicular exanthema of swine virus isolate from tissue of equine origin was pathogenic for swine but produced limited vesiculation at the site of intradermalingual inoculation in the tongue of a pony infected experimentally. Type B51 virus was reisolated from lesions produced in the pony and the pony became seropositive for virus type B51.  相似文献   

为了解猪流感病毒(swine influenza virus,SIV)分离株A/Sw/SH/1/2007(H1N2)的特性,对毒株的抗原位点、受体位点、潜在糖基化位点进行比较分析,并进行雏鸡、小鼠致病性试验.结果表明,A/Sw/SH/1/2007与北美经典株A/Sw/Tennes/1455/1977(H1N1) HA抗原位点最接近,HA1蛋白4个抗原位点中只有Ca位点有2个氨基酸改变,发生抗原变异,Sa、Cb抗原位点均只有1个氨基酸发生改变,不影响其抗原性;受体位点高度保守,只有183位发生改变;A/Sw/SH 1/2007有6个潜在的糖基化位点,在276位丢失了1个潜在的糖基化位点,但同时在274位出现了1个新的糖基化位点.NA蛋白抗原位点序列与广西分离株A/Sw Guangxi/13/2006(H1N2)同源性最高,除401位氨基酸发生G→R改变外,其余抗原位点均保守.耐药性分析显示,该病毒对金刚烷胺、扎那米韦药物均敏感.致病性试验结果表明,A/Sw/SH/1/2007对雏鸡无致病性,ICPI为0;肌注小鼠2周内死亡100%,滴鼻小鼠死亡80%,存活小鼠血凝效价为27,而与经典H1N1亚型SIV毒株只有较低的交叉凝集,HI为2 3.4~3.6.  相似文献   

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