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茉莉酸酯类对秋甜桃果实着色及品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

研究了不同接穗、砧木品种对冬春茬嫁接茄子果实营养品质的影响。结果表明,接穗品种黑旋风的果实营养品质综合分析优于紫长茄;以托洛巴姆为砧木的嫁接苗果实营养品质综合评价较赤茄更为突出;在六个处理中,组合黑旋风/托洛巴姆果实的营养品质最优。因此嫁接能够提高茄子果实中营养物质含量,但茄子品种不同,果实营养品质不同;砧木品种不同对果实品质的影响也不同。  相似文献   

新型纸袋对红富士苹果果实质量的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
以日本青森县板柳町苹果故乡中心赠送的银河、太阳、KM2等纸袋的试材,进行了红富士苹果套袋实验。结果表明,银河双层袋明显促进了果皮着色,其中果皮着色面积和着色指数分别比对照增加了43.4%和72.1%,同期该处理果肉SSC呈下降趋势,淀粉反应呈滞后趋向,其质量综合效应优良于其他纸袋品种。  相似文献   

不同温度和薄膜包装对茄子冷害及果实生理变化的影响   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
进行了不同温度和薄膜包装袋对茄子果实冷害发生、电解质渗透率及果实呼吸强度、果肉Vc含量变化的研究。结果表明:1~3℃下,对照、薄膜包装果实分别在贮藏3,8d后出现冷害症状,且伴随电解质渗透率迅速上升;薄膜包装可使冷害症状推迟4~5d出现,延缓电解质渗透率的增高;在11~13℃及室温下,薄膜包装可明显抑制茄子的呼吸速率,减少果实中Vc的氧化损失。  相似文献   

为给果袋在优质柰李果生产中的科学使用提供技术支持和参考依据,以10年生柰李树为试材。以不套袋为对照,分别采用单层白色纸袋、双层外黄内黑纸袋对柰李果实进行套袋处理。对不同处理下柰李果实基本品质、色泽、挥发性物质含量变化情况进行测定和分析。结果表明,不同处理间果实纵径、横径、侧径和单果重均未见显著差别。与不套袋相比,套袋能显著增加L*值、a*值、b*值;单层白色纸袋和双层外黄内黑纸袋处理可溶性固形物分别降低17.70%和8.04%,只有单层白色纸袋处理存在显著差异;果实中挥发性物质的总含量均提高,单层白色纸袋和双层外黄内黑纸袋处理分别提高52.60%和48.91%;套袋处理果实醛类香气物质含量显著提升。说明套袋处理可以明显提升果面光洁度,果皮色泽更鲜艳,果实挥发性物质总量提高,双层外黄内黑纸袋效果更好。  相似文献   

不同施肥处理对龙安柚果实产量和品质的影响   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
测定12年生龙安柚果实产量、单果重、果实色泽、果实硬度和内在品质等,进行果实色泽与内在品质间的相关性分析,探讨施肥处理对龙安柚产量和品质的影响,以期为在龙安柚生产栽培中施肥管理提供理论依据。结果表明:(1)2017年,T1、T2和T3单株产量分别比2016年增加了60.10%、19.11%、46.17%,而T4比2016年降低了30.38%。T2单株产量2年均最高(95.40、113.63 kg/株)。说明施肥处理对单株产量有显著影响,其中T2效果显著。(2)施肥处理对果皮色泽的影响不显著,但显著影响了果肉色泽。各施肥处理的果肉颜色为橙红色,其中T2的颜色较其他深,而CK的果肉颜色为黄绿色。(3)施肥显著影响了龙安柚果实的果皮、囊瓣、果肉硬度,其中T2上、下层果实硬度均较大。(4)内在品质转化糖、总糖、糖酸比、Vc含量均是T2上层果实中最高,T3中可溶性固形物(13.07%、13.07%)、固酸比是最高的,且两者中可滴定酸含量较低,说明T2、T3有利于改善果实内在品质。(5)根据果实色泽与果实品质相关性分析发现,果实色泽各指标均与果肉糖含量关系密切,说明果肉糖含量可能影响了果实色泽。  相似文献   

‘龙回红’脐橙由‘纽荷尔’脐橙芽变而来,2012年经江西省农作物品种审定委员会认定的脐橙新品种,其变异株系适应性强,多数生物学性状均优于其母本‘纽荷尔’脐橙。为更全面了解该脐橙品种在果实发育成熟阶段的外观品质及内在营养成分的动态变化情况,本研究以‘龙回红’脐橙及其母本‘纽荷尔’脐橙为试材,对以上两个脐橙品种果实发育后期的相关生理生化指标进行测定,结果表明:随着果实的发育成熟,‘龙回红’和‘纽荷尔’的外观品质(单果重及横,纵径,果皮色差指数)呈逐渐上升的变化趋势;可溶性固形物(total soluble solid, TSS)、总糖、维生素C (vitamin C, Vc)含量呈先上升后下降的趋势,可滴定酸(titratable acid,TA)含量呈逐渐下降的变化趋势。‘龙回红’脐橙果实的红绿色差a*、色差指数(citrus colour index, CCI)、TSS、总糖含量、单果重及横、纵径均高于‘纽荷尔’脐橙,TA和Vc含量低于‘纽荷尔’,其外观品质和果实风味优于‘纽荷尔’脐橙。  相似文献   

以6个不同成熟度咖啡果实为对象,对果实的11个表型性状进行测定,分析不同成熟度对咖啡果实外观品质的影响。结果显示,不同成熟度咖啡鲜果的果实纵径、果实横径、果形指数、果皮厚、种子纵径、种子横径、种形指数、单果重、种子重、种子数、果实硬度间均具有显著差异(p<0.05)。随着成熟度的增加,果实纵径、果实横径、果皮厚、种子纵径、种子横径、单果重、种子重逐渐增加,果实硬度、果形指数、种形指数总体上逐渐减小。咖啡大多数果实性状指标间均具有相关性,且这种相关性在不同成熟度间存在差异。随着成熟度的增加,指标间的相关性逐渐增加,部分指标由不相关向相关性转变。主成分分析显示,11个表型性状可归纳为3个主成分,分别为果实大小因子、种子形状因子、果实形状因子。最终确定果实横径、单果重、种子重、种形指数、果形指数等5个指标作为评价咖啡外观品质的关键性指标。综合分析认为,成熟度为Ⅵ、Ⅴ时,咖啡的果实品质最好,成熟度为Ⅳ、Ⅲ果实品质较差,成熟度为Ⅰ、Ⅱ时,果实品质最差。  相似文献   

保护地草莓经常会出现果实畸形现象。主要表现为果实过肥或过瘦,有时呈鸡冠状或扇形,也有的呈扁平状或凹凸不整等形状。畸形果的产生,严重影响了草莓的外观品质,降低了质量。  相似文献   

干旱胁迫对尼日利亚茄子生理生化指标的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过盆栽控水试验,测定了不同干旱胁迫时间尼日利亚茄子和对照品种的植物组织含水量、叶片保护酶类活性、叶片MDA、脯氨酸、可溶性蛋白含量等抗性指标。结果表明:SOD、 POD活性和MDA含量均随着胁迫时间的延长均呈现上升趋势,其中SOD、 POD活性中待测品种明显高于对照品种,叶片MDA则对照叶片 MDA含量明显高于待测品种,表明尼日利亚水果茄子的抗旱能力强于对照品种。  相似文献   

白水县是陕西苹果的最佳优生区,套袋苹果已占苹果生产总量的65.54%,是无公害苹果生产的关键技术之一,研究套袋技术对苹果生产具有重要的指导意义。项目对白水县苹果套袋情况进行了系统的调查,并就生产中三种果袋对苹果外观质量、内在质量、果实黑点病发生情况、效益等进行了研究。研究结果表明:目前生产中应用较多的仍然是双层双色纸袋和单层双色劣质纸袋,果实套袋能显著提高果实光洁度、着色度、果实外观鲜艳,降低VC含量,增加黑点病发病率,其中套双层三色优质纸袋苹果黑点病发病率轻,为5.2%,而套单层双色劣质纸袋重,高达47.7%,套袋能显著提高苹果生产的经济效益  相似文献   

灌溉方式对地表蒸发和梨果实发育的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解决地面灌溉中灌溉水利用效率低、果实品质差的问题,于2013年在河北工程大学永年校区以5年生田间梨树为试材,研究不同地面灌溉方式对土壤水分含量、地表蒸发量、梨产量与品质的影响。4种地面灌溉方式包括沟灌、畦灌、覆草畦灌和覆草非灌溉。测定不同处理的土壤含水量、地表蒸发量和果实品质。结果表明,不同灌溉方式的土壤含水量差异显著,覆草畦灌和沟灌显著高于畦灌和覆草非灌溉处理。覆草畦灌和沟灌较畦灌可显著减少地表的蒸发量,覆草非灌溉、覆草畦灌、沟灌和畦灌3—8月的累积地表蒸发量分别是77.92、114.64、163.1、203.73 mm。沟灌的灌溉水利用效率为1.99 kg/m3,显著大于覆草畦灌和畦灌,分别提高了1.45、1.06 kg/m3。沟灌显著提高了果实的单果重、可溶性固形物含量、总糖含量和维生素C含量。综上,沟灌既能减少地表蒸发又能提高果实产量和品质,是当前较好的地面灌溉方式。  相似文献   

Of the 13 genes described as affecting fruit color in Cucurbita pepo, one, D (Dark stem), also markedly affects stem color. The D allele confers dark stems and dark intermediate-age fruits, is dominant to the d allele for light stems and fruits, and epistatic to two recessive genes conferring light fruit coloration, l-1 and l-2. However, a gene for light fruit coloration, W (Weak fruit color), is epistatic to D in the fruits. We observed variation for stem color in a scallop squash cultivar having light-colored fruits, some plants having dark stems and others light stems. Two true-breeding inbreds of this cultivar, one having dark stems and the other light stems, were developed and, when these inbreds were crossed, the progeny had light stems. In order to elucidate the genetic basis of the dominant light-stem characteristic, these two inbreds were crossed with two near-isogenic tester lines, one of genotype D/D l-1/l-1 l-2/l-2 and the other of genotype d/d l-1/l-1 l-2/l-2. Also, the dominant light stem and light fruit color were introgressed into a third near-isogenic line of genotype D/D l-1/l-1 l-2/l-2, resulting in two new near-isogenic lines, and these lines were then intercrossed. The results showed that the variation in stem color of the scallop squash cultivar derives from segregation of alleles at the W locus, with a newly designated top-dominant allele, W S , conferring both, light stems and light fruits. This allele may be genetically unstable and sub-vital.  相似文献   

Summary Crosses were made among a permanent white accession of pepper, genetically yyc1c1c2c2 and parents having the following mature fruit color: orange, orange-yellow, lemon-yellow, permanent green and brown. The F2 and BC generations from these combinations were studied and several models of inheritance were suggested. The discrepancies between the present findings and previous studies were considered, with an emphasis on the inheritance of the white color.  相似文献   

The effect of commercial degreening with ethylene gas on fruit susceptibility and quality and development of postharvest green (GM) and blue (BM) molds on early season citrus fruit was investigated. Each cultivar was harvested with different peel color indexes (CI). Fruit were exposed for 3 d to 2 μL L−1 ethylene at 21 °C and 95–100% RH before or after artificial inoculation with Penicillium digitatum or Penicillium italicum. Control fruit were kept at the same environmental conditions without ethylene. Fruit were stored at either 20 °C for 7 d or 5 °C for 14 d and disease incidence (%) and severity (lesion diameter) were assessed. No significant effect of commercial degreening was observed on fruit susceptibility to both GM and BM on citrus cultivars inoculated after degreening. Likewise, no significant effect was observed on disease incidence on citrus cultivars inoculated before degreening and stored at either 20 °C for 7 d or 5 °C for 14 d. In contrast, in cultivars like ‘Clemenules’ mandarins and ‘Navelina’ oranges, degreening significantly increased the severity on fruit with higher initial CI (−3.6 and 1.7, respectively). GM and BM severity on degreened and control ‘Clemenules’ mandarins incubated at 20 °C for 7 d was 146 and 118 mm and 56 and 46 mm, respectively. In general, commercial degreening did not significantly affect external and internal quality attributes of citrus cultivars. Commercial degreening after inoculation of less green (more mature) fruit showed a trend to increase mold severity, presumably through an aging effect (acceleration of peel senescence).  相似文献   

摘要:蔬菜同化产物的分配直接决定了其产量和品质,定性分析并定量化描述不同因素对蔬菜同化产物分配的影响具有重要研究意义。本文对果菜类蔬菜同化物生产与分配的关系进行了简述,并着重综述了生育进程、器官之间的相互作用、环境条件的限制、植物生长调节剂以及人为栽培管理措施对果蔬类蔬菜同化物分配的影响,并对今后的研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

D. Globerson 《Euphytica》1969,18(2):249-255
Summary White fruited plants from the variety White bush were crossed to green and striped fruit in order to study the inheritance of white fruit in summer squash. The genetic ratio suggested that green fruit is controlled by two genes, C and R, and that one (C) has a dominant epistatic control. The white fruit is determined as ccrr. A third fruit color group appeared in the F2, F3 and BC1, having white fruit after anthesis which changed to green during development. The genetic control for this fruit is suggested to be ccR..The green striped fruit showed a simple dominance (St) over the plain white.The dark stem of the Zucchini variety showed single gene dominance (D) over the light green stem.It was found that an association exists between the nonpersistent fruit color and dark green stem, and between white fruit and light green stem.Contribution from the Volcani Institute of Agricultural Research, Bet Dagan, Israel. 1968 Series; No. 1437E.  相似文献   

Ethylene action can be counteracted by 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP), which has been used during postharvest storage to maintain quality. In this work, we evaluated the effect of 1-MCP treatments on eggplant quality and phenolic metabolism during refrigerated storage. Eggplants (cv. Lucía) were harvested at commercial maturity, treated with 1-MCP (1 μL/L, 12 h at 20 °C), stored at 10 °C for 21 d and subsequently held at 20 °C for 2 d. Corresponding controls were stored at 10 °C and then transferred to 20 °C for 2 d. During storage calyx color, damage and chlorophyll content, fruit weight loss and firmness, pulp sugar content, acidity, browning and total phenolics were measured. In addition, polyphenol oxidase (PPO), pyrogallol peroxidase (POD), and phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) activities were evaluated. Fruit calyxes showed reduced damage and remained greener in 1-MCP treated than in control fruit. 1-MCP treated eggplants showed lower weight loss. Pulp browning was clearly prevented as a consequence of 1-MCP exposure, and this was associated with delayed senescence, lower accumulation of total phenolics and reduced activity of PAL. The activity of the enzymes PPO and POD involved in the oxidation of phenolics compounds was also decreased in 1-MCP treated fruit. Results suggest that 1-MCP treatments delay senescence, prevent browning and are beneficial to complement low temperature storage and maintain quality of non-climacteric eggplant fruit.  相似文献   

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