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<正>本实验研究了不同放养密度对红螯螯虾生长的影响,结果显示,随着放养密度升高,产量在一定程度上也有所增加,但红螯螯虾养成规格、饵料系数、日增重和成活率逐渐降低,所以要选择科学合理的养殖密度。随着我国人口总数的增加,居民收入水平和城市化水平的提高,我国水产品消费需求也不断增长。虾类产品蛋白质含量高,脂肪含量低,营养结构较好,是重要的渔业产品之一,约占国际渔业产品贸易总值的20%。  相似文献   

<正>2014年,越南的虾产品对日本出口速度放缓,而对其他主要市场的出口则呈增长态势。据越南水产加工暨出口协会报道,最近几年,国际虾价一直高位运行,显著影响了日本虾产品的进口需求。随着日元对美元贬值,对于虾产品出口商来说,日本市场逐渐失去吸引  相似文献   

2010年江苏克氏原螯虾养殖产业发展情况报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
克氏原螯虾是当今世界热销水产品之一,备受国内外消费者青睐。国际市场供不应求,欧美国家是克氏原螯虾的主要消费地区,市场空间十分巨大。据中国食品土畜进出口商会统计,2008年我国出口克氏原螯虾系列产品2.4万吨,出口创汇1.5亿美元。国内消费热潮是随着我国广大消费者认识的提高和盱眙“中国龙虾节”的连续成功举办掀起的,产品风靡国内市场,成为红色风暴,吃食小龙虾被视为时尚消费,而且消费群体还在进一步扩大。  相似文献   

2004年2月17日,美国国际贸易委员会(ITC)建议对中国等六个国家的冷冻和罐装暖水虾课征高额反倾销税。一石激起千层浪。消息传出,在我国水产业,特别是虾产业中引起强烈震动。虾产品出口严重受阻。2004年4月份,我国渔业大省——浙江,虾产品对美出口全面停止。2004年3月至6月,我国虾产品主产  相似文献   

出口冻熟螯虾制品质量问题及控制措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冻熟螯虾制品是我国近几年新开发出来的出口熟制水产品之一,主要出口美国、法国、瑞典、丹麦等欧美国家。随着国际市场的开拓,新厂不断增多,出口数量亦日益增加,仅1995年江苏就出口达5000多吨,创汇近4000万美元。中于该产品可直接食用,对卫生要求极高,质量较难控制,如不能把好质量关,将严重影响我国螯虾制品的出口和发展,必须引起有关部门的高度重视。 一、螯虾制品存在的主要质量问题 根据近几年来检验监管工作实践,我们将出口冻熟螯虾制品主要质量问题分为以下7个方面: 1.细菌污染严重。突出反映产品的细菌总数和金黄色葡萄球菌超标,个别厂的产品细菌总数达到10~7个/g以上,金黄色葡萄球菌达到10~3个以上,个别  相似文献   

由于国际市场竞争日趋激烈,厄瓜多尔养虾业似乎面临不少严重的问题。虾农越感到难以同低廉的中国产品进行抗衡。此外,厄瓜多尔试图增加向欧洲市场出口因本国不适应加工整尾虾而受到阻碍。以消售整尾虾为特  相似文献   

对虾是我县出口创汇的大宗珍贵水产品,营养价值和经济价值很高,大规格对虾(特别是活虾)在国际市场上竞争力强,需求最大.小规格对虾国内外市场销路也好.产品供不应求。据美国教授奥希达今年三月在我国湛江市透露。目前,世界产虾国(含地区)达96个,年产量190万吨左右.  相似文献   

美国商务部春节期间就美国南方虾业联盟对中国等六国提出的反倾销正式立案,美国国际贸易委员会将对中国等六国虾产品出口是否对美国本土的虾产业造成损害进行裁定。如果裁定结果认为中国虾产品倾销行为成立,将对中国的虾产品征收119%~267%的高额关税,这意味着我国的虾产品将失去美国市场。  相似文献   

限于设备、工艺、技术等方面的原因,我国目前出口的对虾大部分为简单的去头块冻生初级加工产品,这种单一的加工形式已逐渐不能适应国际市场的需求.广东省汕头市水产加工企业为进一步开拓国际市场,扩大出口对虾的加工品种,提高经济效益,增加附加值,开发了冻熟虾系列产品,本文以出口单冻蒸煮凤尾虾为例,就其加工工艺流程、操作技术要点、关键控制点以及质量要求等作简要叙述.  相似文献   

2004年7月16日,美国商务部对中国虾产品展开为期近一年的反倾销调查仲裁成立,决定对中国的虾产品实施高额关税.这一裁决给国内对虾市场蒙上了阴影,我国产量最大的南美白虾的价格持续低迷,南美白虾、草虾、基围虾、罗氏沼虾、明虾等所有虾产品价格达到了历史上的最低点.同样是在2004年7月,欧盟决定对中国的对虾贸易实行解禁,敞开了封闭多年的贸易大门.那么,2005年,在中国失去了大部分美国市场之后,南美白虾的国内外市场走势如何?虾价是否会出现大的波动?中国虾产品能够在多大程度上打开欧盟市场,成为业内人士极为关注的问题.为此,我们非常有必要对国际虾类市场中的竞争格局进行剖析,以确立适当的竞争策略.  相似文献   

Increase in shrimp farming was stimulated by growth in world market for high-value shrimp products in the 1980s. The major cultured shrimp producers are located in Asia-Pacific and Latin American regions. The revealed comparative advantage (RCA) method is used to provide insights into the export performance of nine selected shrimp producers in the Japan and United States markets, separately. Shrimp is marketed in a wide variety of product forms, and prices vary according to various product attributes including species, size, taste, quality and origin. The results show that vertical product differentiation concerning different varieties of a good in terms of both quality and price plays an important role on the relative export competition of shrimp products among major shrimp-exporting countries. As a result of the geographical advantage, Asia-Pacific producers enjoy comparative advantage in the Japanese imported shrimp market. Joint ventures with the United States provide great benefits to Ecuador and Mexico in exporting fresh shrimp into the United States market.  相似文献   

A food consumption revolution is taking place in Russia. After decades of severe constraints on food consumption options under the communist regime Russian consumers are now adopting new food products—including seafood products – at a high pace. Since Russian consumers have previously had very limited seafood consumption choices, the market can be seen as an interesting laboratory for investigating consumer responses to products that have previously not been available. Among imported seafood products are both wild and farmed species. Furthermore, Russian imports include both traditional species such as herring, and ‘new’ species such as pangasius. We analyze market integration among seafood products using Russian monthly import prices from 2002 to 2007 on several products, such as herring, salmonids and pangasius. We find that pangasius compete in the white fish segment, and is a price leader. In the salmonids market, farmed salmon trout appears to be the price leader, both in the fresh and frozen market segment.  相似文献   

全球鲆鲽类产品市场动态影响到我国鲆鲽类养殖、来料加工出口贸易及国内市场同类产品的消费,适时把握情况十分必要。本文梳理了2013年度欧洲、北美和亚洲等世界主要市场中鲆鲽类产品的市场情况,分析了鲆鲽类产品的市场特征、市场指标变化规律及出现的新情况,为相关业界提供参考。  相似文献   

The cross-commodity price transmission is an approach to derive meaningful results from the price information, and is mostly influenced by the substitutability and complementary relations among products. Using time series data collected from the National Marine Fisheries Statistics, the present study specified and estimated cross-commodity price transmission models for 13 salmon products imported in the U.S. market. The salmon products are differentiated by form, cut, source/origin, and production environment. The estimated cross-product price transmission elasticity and degree of substitutability among them varied considerably. Whole fresh farmed Canadian and Norwegian Atlantic salmon did not have any close import substitutes in the U.S. market among the salmon products considered in the study. A reduced pricing strategy would result in an increase in U.S. salmon import market share of Chilean and U.K. Atlantic fillet fresh, if the U.S. import demand for it is relatively own-price elastic.  相似文献   

The producer price of catfish is becoming relatively unstable compared to the trend in previous years, necessitating the need for a complete analysis of catfish pricing and market dynamics. An understanding of the price determination mechanisms in the catfish market and the relationships between producer price, domestic processed price, and import price are important because price variability can result in significant financial losses to the domestic catfish industry. This study used a cointegration procedure to examine the long-run relationships between domestic prices of catfish and imported price. Results from unit root and cointegration tests suggest that there is a long-run equilibrium relationship between pairs of these prices. Results from Granger causality tests and error-correction model estimations suggest that the market for domestic frozen fillets plays a significant role in the price determination of imported catfish. A similar relationship is found between producer price and frozen fillet price. Some significant measures that were estimated include a frozen fillet-producer long-run price transmission elasticity of 0.162, a frozen fillet-imported fillet long-run price transmission elasticity of 3.56, and a producer-frozen fillet short-run price transmission elasticity of 0.322. High levels of fillet prices appear to have influenced the level of catfish imports. As long as distributors and restauranteurs do not see a basis for paying a premium for U.S. catfish products, they will continue to purchase the lower-priced imported catfish and consequently imports will continue to increase.  相似文献   

Locally grown oysters became available in Hawai‘i in 2014, for the first time in decades. It is unclear if these bivalve shellfish will successfully infiltrate the market when imported products similar in nature have long been the only source of fresh, shell stock products. This study investigates chef preferences for oyster attributes to determine marginal willingness to pay for locally grown oysters. A survey containing a questionnaire and a choice experiment was administered to restaurant chefs throughout Hawai‘i who currently offer oysters on their menus. The study examines trade‐offs made between attributes related to price, growout site, freshness, and supply constancy, respectively. Responses were aggregated and data were fit to a random parameters logit model. Results suggest that respondents derive the most utility from oysters that are fresh, grown locally, and supplied on an as‐available basis. The least desired products are, therefore, those that are frozen, imported from foreign sources, and supplied on a set schedule. Chefs are willing to pay an additional $5.25 for one dozen oysters that are grown locally. This evidence of an existing price premium indicates that labeling local oysters as such may be a valuable marketing strategy.  相似文献   

南极磷虾产业发展最新动向   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
在全球渔业资源衰退,大多数海洋渔业品种被过度捕捞的大背景下,南极磷虾巨大的资源量越来越引人关注。本文对近年来南极磷虾捕捞产量的变动情况和南极磷虾产业的发展现状与趋势进行了分析论述。随着南极磷虾捕捞产量的快速增长、加工技术日趋完善、新产品开发应用力度加大和市场的不断拓展,人们对南极磷虾产业的发展前景充满期望。  相似文献   

There has been a worldwide increase in consumption of fish from open waters and aquaculture during the last decades. In 2013, the Czech Republic was the sixth largest producer of fish within the EU, with annual production of 20,135 tonnes. However, during the period 2010–2015 import of fishery products to the Czech Republic increased from 39,098 to 43,399 tonnes. The monetary value of import increased by 81 % from 90.2 million EUR in 2010 to 169.9 million EUR in 2015. In 2010, the major imported fishery product was frozen fillets of sutchi catfish (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus) from Vietnam (8872 tonnes). In 2015, the most imported fishery product was whole chilled salmon (Salmo salar) from Norway (6897 tonnes). During 2010–2015, the export of fishery products increased from 18,167 to 22,134 tonnes, which is an increase by 21.8 %. The value of export has increased by 80 % from 54.5 million EUR in 2010 to 98.1 million EUR in 2015. The major exported fish was live common carp (Cyprinus carpio) at volume of 7545–9075 tonnes. This study looks at changes in market, volume and value of fish imported and exported during the last 6 years.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   Quality control of imported fish products is a constant challenge for Customs officials. To help officials access the quality and integrity of imported fish products, and to enhance the effectiveness and accuracy of product screening, a method was developed to identify boiled and dried larval and juvenile sardines (Chirimen) at the genus level by direct sequencing using a partial sequence (606 bp) of mitochondrial 16S rDNA. A phylogenetic tree was constructed, based on nucleotide sequences of seven kinds of Chirimen imported from four countries with 16 standard samples belonging to the orders Clupeiformes and Salmoniformes. To identify the fish genera in imported Chirimen, bootstrap values and branch lengths of the phylogenetic tree as well as genetic distances were used. The data revealed that Chirimen imported from China and Korea contains species of the genus Engraulis . Regarding other imported Chirimen, the least that could be verified was that the sardine ingredients do not belong to regulated genera.  相似文献   

In 2003, the United States adopted anti-dumping tariffs for Vietnamese catfish products entering the country. This study examines how these tariffs have impacted the price relationship between domestically produced and imported catfish products. Cointegration tests confirm a long-run price relationship between domestic and imported catfish, which has persisted despite the anti-dumping tariffs. However, imports are composed of catfish from Vietnam and other countries, with only the former subjected to tariffs. Results from vector error correction models suggest that Vietnamese catfish prices do not significantly influence domestic prices. Conversely, the price of catfish from countries other than Vietnam continues to impact prices received by domestic catfish farmers and processors. The domestic catfish industry is still affected by lower-priced imports from countries other than Vietnam, although some of these may be transshipments that truly originate in Vietnam. This research methodology could be adapted to investigate trade and price interactions among other aquacultured species, which will become increasingly important as global aquaculture expands.  相似文献   

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