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The objectives of this study were to determine onion water requirements with a sprinkler irrigation system, the most usual irrigation method in Spain. A weighing lysimeter was used to measure single (Kc) and dual (Kcb + Ke) crop coefficient curves and obtain the relationship between Kc-ground cover (GC) and Kcb-GC. Experimental work was carried out in 2005 at “Las Tiesas” farm, located in Albacete (Central Spain). To determine actual onion evapotranspiration (ETc), we used a weighing lysimeter with continuous electronic data recording. Daily measured ETc values obtained by the lysimeter were compared to calculated ETc values obtained through the standard FAO methodology [Allen, R.G., Pereira, L.S., Raes, D., Smith, M., 1998. Crop evapotranspiration. Guidelines for computing crop water requirements. FAO Irrig. and Drain. Paper 56. Rome, Italy]. Seasonal evapotranspiration measured in the lysimeter (893.34 mm) was higher than the seasonal ETc calculated by FAO-56 method (832.90 mm). The percentage of GC was found through the supervised classification technique of digital photographic images with the maximum probability algorithm [Calera, A., Martínez, C., Melia, J., 2001. A procedure for obtaining green plant cover: relation to NDVI in a case study for barley. Int. J. Remote Sensing, 22, 3357-3362]. The values derived from lysimetric measurements are Kc ini: 0.65, Kc mid: 1.20 and Kc end: 0.75, similar to values given in FAO-56. Lysimetric measurements showed that the evaporative component was high during the growing season, due to the high frequency of irrigation and the fact that the onion crop does not completely cover the ground; maximum GC was 72%. Therefore, the dual crop coefficient was calculated, which allowed differentiation between crop transpiration (basal crop coefficient, Kcb) and evaporation from the soil (evaporation coefficient, Ke). With the aim of facilitating extrapolation of the results to other areas, Kc and Kcb were linearly correlated to fractional GC.  相似文献   

In the semi-arid region of Tigray, Northen Ethiopia a two season experiment was conducted to measure evapotranspiration, estimate yield response to water stress and derive the crop coefficient of teff using the single crop coefficient approach with simple, locally made lysimeters and field plots. During the experiment we also estimated the water productivity of teff taking into account long-term rainfall probability scenarios and different levels of farmers’ skills. During the experimental seasons (2008 and 2009), the average potential evapotranspiration of teff ranged from 260 to 317 mm. The total seasonal water requirement of teff was found to lower in contrast to the assumptions of regional agronomists that teff water requirement is comparable to that of wheat and barley (375 mm). The average single crop coefficient values (kc) for the initial, mid and late season stages of teff were 0.8-1, 0.95-1.1 and 0.4-0.5, respectively. The seasonal yield response to water stress was 1.04, which indicates that teff exhibits a moderately sensitive and linear response to water stress. The results suggest that teff is likely to give significantly higher grain yield when a nearly optimal water supply is provided. The study showed that, in locations where standard equipment is not affordably available, indicative (rough) crop evapotranspiration values can be obtained by using field plots and employing locally made lysimeters. The difference in economic water productivity (EWP) and the crop water productivity (CWP) for teff were assessed under very wet, wet, normal, dry and very dry scenarios. In addition two groups of farmers were evaluated, a moderately (I) and a highly skilled (II) group. The results showed that higher EWP and CWP were obtained under very wet scenario than very dry scenario. There was also a 22% increase in EWP and CWP under group II compared to group I farmers. The increase was due to a 22% reduction in unwanted water losses achieved through use of improved technology and better irrigation skills. Both EWP and CWP can be used to evaluate the pond irrigation water productivity (IWP) for a given climate, crop and soil type, and skill and technology level of the farmer. For special crops like teff extra criteria may be needed in order to properly evaluate the pond irrigation water productivity. During the experimental seasons, a high IWP for teff was attained when about 90% of the optimal water need of the crop was met. IWP can be used as an indicator as how much supplementary irrigation has to be applied in relation to the rainfall and other sources of water supply in order to assure greatest yield from a total area. However, the supplemental irrigation requirement of the crops may vary with season due to seasonal rainfall variability.  相似文献   

A combined methodology of basal crop coefficient (Kcb) derived from vegetation indices (VI) obtained from satellite images and a daily soil water balance in the root zone of the crop was proposed to accurately estimate the daily grape crop coefficient and actual evapotranspiration. The modeled values were compared with field measurements of crop evapotranspiration (ET) using an energy balance eddy-covariance flux tower and adjusted for closure using the measured Bowen ratio. A linear relation between Kcb and VI for vineyard was obtained, Kcb = 1.44 × NDVI-0.10 and Kcb = 1.79 × SAVI-0.08. The correlation of the measured crop coefficient (Kc) and modeled (Kcrf) exhibits a linear tendency, Kc = 0.96Kcrf, r2 = 0.67. Other derived parameters such as weekly Kc and daily and weekly ET show good consistency with measurements and higher coefficients of determination. The study of the soil water balance suggests the importance of soil water storage in grapes within the La Mancha region. These results validate the use of remote sensing as a tool for the estimation of evapotranspiration of irrigated wine grapes planted on trellis systems.  相似文献   

Pomegranate trees (Punica granatum L.) is a deciduous fruit tree included in the so-called group of minor fruit tree species, not widely grown but of some importance in the south east of Spain. Pomegranate trees are considered as a culture tolerant to soil water deficit. However, very little is known about pomegranate orchard water management. The objective of this research was to asses the feasibility of using trunk diameter variation (TDV) indexes, obtained by means of LVDT sensors, as a plant water stress indicators for pomegranate trees. The experiment was carried out with mature trees grown in the field under three irrigation regimes: control well watered trees; trees continuously deficit irrigated at 50% of the control regime (SDI); and trees that had a summer water stress cycle being irrigated at 25% of the control rates only in July and August (RDI). The seasonal variations of maximum diurnal trunk shrinkage (MDS) and trunk growth rates (TGR) were compared with midday stem water potential (Ψstem) measurements. During the course of the entire season, control trees maintained lower MDS values than the SDI ones. In the RDI treatment, as water restrictions began, there was a slow increase in MDS, in correspondence with a decrease in Ψstem. When water was returned at full dosage, the RDI quickly recovered to MDS and Ψstem values similar to the control. However, lower MDS for a given Ψstem values were observed as the season advanced. The magnitude of differences between well watered and deficit irrigated trees was much larger in the case of MDS than for Ψstem. However, the tree-to-tree variability of the MDS readings was more than four times higher than for Ψstem; average coefficient of variation of 7.5 and 36% for Ψstem and MDS, respectively. On the other hand, TGR did not clearly reflect differences in tree water status. Overall, results reported indicated that MDS is a good indicator of pomegranate tree water status and it can be further used for managing irrigation. However, the seasonal changes in the MDS-Ψstem relationship should be taken into account when attempting to use threshold MDS values for scheduling irrigation.  相似文献   

Spring maize under plastic mulch is the staple food crop in northwest China. Studying its evapotranspiration (ET) and crop coefficient (Kc) is important for managing water-saving irrigation in the region. Eddy covariance (EC) was applied to measure spring maize ET in 2007 in northwest China, focusing on the characteristics of the maize ET and Kc processes under plastic mulch. An interesting result was that a higher Kc in this study relative to the value of FAO 56 was presented in the mid and late season, e.g. average Kc was 1.46, 1.39 and 1.22 during the heading, filling and maturity stage, respectively. This result was mainly due to that (1) the plastic mulch had an effect on anti-senescence of maize and great green leaf still existed before the harvest; (2) the FAO 56 PM model may underestimate the reference crop ET in the mid and late season of maize in the region; (3) the planting density was higher in the study, which was about 374,800 plants ha−1. Though Kc during the mid and late season was high, a high water use efficiency of 25.2 kg ha−1 mm−1 was still obtained in the study. Our study confirmed that plastic mulch has beneficial effect on improving maize water use efficiency in this severe water shortage region of northwest China.  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of inoculation with the plant growth-promoting rhizobacterium Pseudomonas sp. DW1 on eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) growth, mineral uptake and activities of the antioxidant enzymes including superoxide dismutase (SOD), peroxidase (POD) and catalase (CAT) of plant leaves under salinity stress. The study was conducted in pot experiments using eggplant (S. melongena L., cv. Yinjia) and a coastal soil. The NaCl concentration of the coastal soil was 0.57 g (kg soil)−1. Four NaCl levels were tested: 0.57, 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0 g NaCl (kg soil)−1, by adding NaCl to soil, respectively. Pseudomonas-inoculated seeds had an increase in the germination percentage over its non-inoculated seeds under salinity. Salinity negatively affected growth of eggplant; however, plants inoculated with Pseudomonas sp. DW1 grew to a significantly greater extent than plants that were not treated with this bacterium. Salinity significantly decreased K+ concentration, increased Na+ concentration, and did not significantly decrease Ca2+ content in shoots of eggplants. Inoculating with Pseudomonas sp. DW1 increased shoot Ca2+ of eggplant compared to the non-inoculating eggplant plants under salinity. Inoculating treatments with Pseudomonas sp. DW1 had no effect on shoot Na+ concentration in 0.57 and 1 g (kg soil)−1 NaCl, but there were significant decreases in inoculated treatments than in non-inoculated ones at 2 and 3 g (kg soil)−1 NaCl. Salinity decreased SOD activities and increased POD activities, and inoculated Pseudomonas sp. DW1 had an increase effect on SOD activity in the leaves of eggplants. Alteration of mineral uptake and increase in the antioxidant enzyme activities may be two mechanisms for the alleviation of salt stress. Based on the results of the experiment reported herein, the use of the plant growth-promoting rhizobacterium treatment may provide a means of facilitating plant growth under salt stress.  相似文献   

The emergence of intensively managed olive plantations in arid, northwestern Argentina requires the efficient use of irrigation water. We evaluated whole tree daily transpiration and soil evaporation throughout the year to better understand the relative importance of these water use components and to calculate actual crop coefficient (Kc) values. Plots in a 7-year-old ‘Manzanilla fina’ olive grove with 23% canopy cover were either moderately (MI) or highly irrigated (HI) using the FAO method where potential evapotranspiration over grass is multiplied by a given Kc and a coefficient of reduction (Kr). The Kc values employed for the MI and HI treatments were 0.5 and 1.1, respectively, and the Kr was 0.46. Transpiration was estimated by measuring main trunk sap flow using the heat balance method for three trees per treatment. Soil evaporation was measured using six microlysimeters in one plot per treatment. Both parameters were evaluated for 7-10 consecutive days in the fall, winter, mid-spring, summer, and early fall of 2006-2007. Maximum soil evaporation was observed in the summer when maximum demand was combined with maximum surface wetted by the drips and evaporation from the inter-row occurred due to rainfall. Similarly, maximum daily transpiration was observed in mid-spring and summer. Transpiration of MI trees was 30% lower than in HI trees during the summer period. However, this difference in transpiration disappeared when values were adjusted for total leaf area per tree because leaf area was 28% less in the MI trees. Transpiration represented about 70-80% of total crop evapotranspiration (ETc) except when soil evaporation increased due to rainfall events or over-irrigation occurred. We found that daily transpiration per unit leaf area had a positive linear relationship with daily potential evapotranspiration (r2 = 0.84) when considering both treatments together. But, a strong relationship was also observed between transpiration per unit leaf area and mean air temperature (r2 = 0.93). Thus, it is possible to predict optimum irrigation requirements for olive groves if tree leaf area and temperature are known. Calculated crop coefficients during the growing season based on the transpiration and soil evaporation values were about 0.65-0.70 and 0.85-0.90 for the MI and HI treatments, respectively.  相似文献   

The reduction in agricultural water use in areas of scarce supplies can release significant amounts of water for other uses. As improvements in irrigation systems and management have been widely adopted by fruit tree growers already, there is a need to explore the potential for reducing irrigation requirements via deficit irrigation (DI). It is also important to quantify to what extent the reduction in applied water through DI is translated into net water savings via tree evapotranspiration (ET) reduction. An experiment was conducted in a commercial pistachio orchard in Madera, CA, where a regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) program was applied to a 32.3-ha block, while another block of the same size was fully irrigated (FI). Four trees were instrumented with six neutron probe access tubes each, in the two treatments and the soil water balance method was used to determine tree ET. Seasonal irrigation water in FI, applied through a full-coverage microsprinkler system, amounted to 842 mm, while only 669 mm were applied in RDI. Seasonal ET in FI was 1024 mm, of which 308 mm were computed as evaporation from soil (Es). In RDI, seasonal ET was reduced to 784 mm with 288 mm as Es. The reduction in applied water during the deficit period amounted to 147 mm. The ET of RDI during the deficit period was also reduced relative to that of FI by 133 mm, which represented 33% of the ET of FI during the deficit irrigation period. There was an additional ET reduction in RDI of about 100 mm that occurred in the post-deficit period.  相似文献   

The experiment aimed at evaluating the yield and quality response of broccoli (Brassica oleracea L. var. italica) to applied irrigation water and nitrogen by drip irrigation method during the spring and autumn cultivation periods of 2007. Irrigation water was applied based on a ratio of Class A pan evaporation (kcp = 0.50, 0.75, 1.00 and 1.25) with 7 days interval. Also, the effect of four nitrogen levels (0 kg ha−1, 150 kg ha−1, 200 kg ha−1 and 250 kg ha−1) was compared with each treatment. The seasonal evapotranspiration in the treatments varied from 233 mm to 328 mm during the spring period and from 276 mm to 344 mm during the autumn period. The highest broccoli yield was obtained in the spring period as 11.02 t ha−1 and in the autumn period as 4.55 t ha−1. In general, there were statistical differences along nitrogen does with respect to yield and yield components while there were no statistically significant differences in the yield and yield components among irrigation regimes. Both yield and yield parameters in the spring period were found to be higher than that of the autumn period due to the low temperature and high rainy days in autumn. Irrigation water use efficiency (IWUE) ranged from 3.78 kg m−3 to 14.61 kg m−3 during the spring period and from 1.89 kg m−3 to 5.93 kg m−3 during the autumn period. On the other hand, nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) changed as 37.32-73.13% and 13.08-22.46% for spring and autumn season, respectively.  相似文献   

The effects of pre-anthesis water deficit and cycle length were examined in Papaver somniferum L., cultivated for alkaloid production, in two locations in southern Spain. The vegetative period was shortened by extending the photoperiod through supplemental lighting in the field, while water deficit in pre-anthesis was induced by avoiding irrigations and installing rain shelters. The treatments were: IN (irrigated-normal photoperiod), IL (irrigated-hastened flowering), DN (water deficit in pre-anthesis-normal photoperiod) and DL (water deficit in pre-anthesis and hastened flowering). The artificial photoperiod hastened the flowering by 15 and 21 days, for irrigated and deficit treatments respectively. Seasonal evapotranspiration (ET) ranged from 398 (DN) to 505 mm (IN). There was evidence of root water uptake deeper than 1.5 m. Stomatal conductance was reduced (16%) during water stress, and did not recover in post-anthesis after resuming irrigation. Head yields (capsule + seeds + 7 cm stem) ranged between 3.8 and 4.3 t ha−1; water deficit and short vegetative period both reduced the biomass accumulated, although the effect on yields in these treatments was counterbalanced by a higher harvest index. Early flowering had a detrimental effect on alkaloid concentration in the capsule. Alkaloids yield ranged between 27 and 37 kg ha−1. Water use efficiency (WUE) ranged between 0.78 and 0.96 kg m−3 ET for yield and between 63.4 and 73.7 g m−3 ET for alkaloids. Water stress increased slightly the Water Use Efficiency. A shorter vegetative phase had no effect on WUE for biomass or yield, but decreased the WUE for alkaloids production.  相似文献   

Soil water and phosphorus availabilities play crucial role in yield and water use pattern of pulse crops. A field experiment with rajmash (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) as a test crop was carried out during the winter seasons of 2003-2004 and 2004-2005 on a sandy loam soil (Aeric Haplaquept) in eastern India. In the main plots, irrigation was applied when the cumulative pan evaporation reached: (i) 33 mm (CPE33), (ii) 44 mm (CPE44) and (iii) 66 mm (CPE66). In sub-plots, four levels of phosphate fertilizer were applied at: (i) 0 (P0); (ii) 30 (P30); 60 (P60) and 90 kg P2O5 ha−1 (P90). Irrespective of crop growth stage, the highest leaf area index (LAI), biomass, grain yield and water use efficiency were obtained under the combination of CPE33-P90. Magnitude of these parameters, in general, decreased with the decrease in irrigation frequency and phosphate levels. With the advancement of crop growing period, cumulative actual evapotranspiration (CAET) increased linearly. Best matching between CAET and cumulative pan evaporation data was recorded under CPE33-P90 treatments. A linear relationship with high coefficient of determination was obtained between total biomass and CAET. Present study showed that crop response factor (ky) of the crop was 1.91.  相似文献   

Irrigation management strategy invites the quantification of crop response to irrigation frequencies. Conventionally, mulches increase the yield and water use efficiency (WUE) to a great extent by augmenting the water status in the root zone profile. A field study was carried out during the winter season (November-March) of 2003-2004 and 2004-2005 at the Central Research Farm of Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya (Latitude 22°58′N, Longitude 88°31′E and altitude 9.75 m amsl), Gayeshpur, India, to evaluate the effect of irrigation frequencies and mulches on evapotranspiration rate from tomato crop field as well as leaf area index (LAI), fruit yield and WUE of the crop. The experiment was laid out in a split-plot design where three irrigation treatments {rainfed (RF); CPE50 and CPE25 where irrigation was given at 50 and 25 mm of cumulative pan evaporation (CPE)} were kept in the main plots and the subplots contained four mulch managements {no mulch (NM), rice straw mulch (RSM), white polyethylene mulch (WPM) and black polyethylene mulch (BPM)}. Under CPE25, tomato crop recorded significantly higher leaf area index (LAI) over CPE50 and rainfed condition. LAI value under BPM was 9-30% more over other mulches. Maximum variation of LAI among different treatments was recorded at 60 days after transplanting (DAT). Fruit yield under CPE25 was 39.4 Mg ha−1; a reduction of 7 and 30% has been obtained under CPE50 and RF condition. The use of mulch increased 23-57% yield in comparison to NM condition. Actual evapotranspiration rate (ETR) was 1.82 mm day−1 under CPE25 and declined by 15 and 31% under CPE50 and RF condition, respectively. The variation of ETR among different mulches became more prominent under maximum water stressed (RF) condition, whereas the variation was negligible under CPE25 frequency. Irrespective of mulching WUE was highest under moderately wet (CPE50) soil environment. Among different mulches, BPM was responsible for attaining the highest WUE value (25.1 kg m−3), which declined by 22, 21 and 39% under WPM, RSM and NM, respectively.  相似文献   

A field study was carried out in order to determine the effect of deficit irrigation regimes on grain yield and seasonal evapotranspiration of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) in Thrace Region of Turkey. The field trials were conducted on a loam Entisol soil, on Dincer, the most popular variety in the research area. A randomised complete block design with three replications was used. Combination of four well-known growth stages of the plant, namely vegetative (Va), late vegetative (Vb), flowering (F) and yield formation (Y) were considered to form a total of 16 (including rain fed) irrigation treatments. The effect of irrigation and water stress at any stage of development on grain yield per hectare and 1000 kernels weight was evaluated. Results showed that safflower was significantly affected by water stress during the sensitive late vegetative stage. The highest yield was obtained in VaVbFY treatment. Seasonal irrigation water use and evapotranspiration were 501 and 721 mm, respectively, for the non-stressed treatment. Safflower grain yield of this treatment was 5.22 Mg ha−1 and weight of 1000 kernels was 55 g. The seasonal yield-water response factor value was 0.87. The total water use efficiency was 7.2 kg ha−1 mm−1. Irrigation schedule of the non-stressed treatment may be as follows: the first irrigation is at the vegetative stage, when after 40-50 days from sowing/elongation and branching stage, that is the end of May; the second irrigation is at the late vegetative stage, after 70-80 days from sowing/heading stage, that is in the middle of June; the third irrigation is at the flowering stage, approximately 50% level, that is the first half of July; and the fourth irrigation is at the yield formation stage, seed filling, that is the last week of July.  相似文献   

One-year-old carob (Ceratonia siliqua L.) rootstock was grown in fertilised substrate to evaluate the effects of NaCl salinity stress. The experiment consisted of seven treatments with different concentrations of NaCl in the irrigation water: 0 (control), 15, 30, 40, 80, 120 and 240 (mmol L−1), equivalent to electrical conductivities of 0.0, 1.5, 2.9, 3.9, 7.5, 10.9 and 20.6 dS m−1, respectively. Several growth parameters were measured throughout the experimental period. At the end of the experiment, pH, extractable P and K, and the electrical conductivity of the substrate were assessed in each salinity level. On the same date, the mineral composition of the leaves was compared. The carob rootstock tolerated 13.4 dS m−1 for a period of 30 days but after 60 days the limit of tolerance was only 6.8 dS m−1. Salt tolerance indexes were 12.8 and 4.5 for 30 and 60 days, respectively. This tolerance to salinity resulted from the ability to function with concentrations of Cl and Na+ in leaves up to 24.0 and 8.5 g kg−1, respectively. Biomass allocation to shoots and roots was similar in all treatments, but after 40 days the number of leaves was reduced, particularly at the larger concentrations (120 and 240 mmol NaCl L−1). Leaves of plants irrigated with 240 mmol NaCl L−1 became chlorotic after 30 days exposure. However, concentrations of N, P, Mg and Zn in leaves were not affected significantly (P > 0.05) by salinity. Apparently, K+ and Ca2+ were the key nutrients affected in the response of carob rootstocks to salinity. Plants grown with 80 and 120 mmol L−1 of NaCl contained the greatest K+ concentration. Na+/K+ increased with salinity, due to an elevated Na+ content but K+ uptake was also enhanced, which alleviated some Na+ stress. Ca2+ concentration in leaves was not reduced under salinity. Salinization of irrigation water and subsequent impacts on agricultural soils are now common problems in the Mediterranean region. Under such conditions, carob seems to be a salt as well as a drought tolerant species.  相似文献   

Individual effect of different field scale management interventions for water saving in rice viz. changing date of transplanting, cultivar and irrigation schedule on yield, water saving and water productivity is well documented in the literature. However, little is known about their integrated effect. To study that, field experimentation and modeling approach was used. Field experiments were conducted for 2 years (2006 and 2007) at Punjab Agricultural University Farm, Ludhiana on a deep alluvial loamy sand Typic Ustipsamment soils developed under hyper-thermic regime. Treatments included three dates of transplanting (25 May, 10 June and 25 June), two cultivars (PR 118 inbred and RH 257 hybrid) and two irrigation schedules (2-days drainage period and at soil water suction of 16 kPa). The model used was CropSyst, which has already been calibrated for growth (periodic biomass and LAI) of rice and soil water content in two independent experiments. The main findings of the field and simulation studies conducted are compared to any individual, integrated management of transplanting date, cultivar and irrigation, sustained yield (6.3-7.5 t ha−1) and saved substantial amount of water in rice. For example, with two management interventions, i.e. shifting of transplanting date to lower evaporative demand (from 5 May to 25 June) concomitant with growing of short duration hybrid variety (90 days from transplanting to harvest), the total real water saving (wet saving) through reduction in evapotranspiration (ET) was 140 mm, which was almost double than managing the single, i.e. 66 mm by shifting transplanting or 71 mm by growing short duration hybrid variety. Shifting the transplanting date saved water through reduction in soil water evaporation component while growing of short duration variety through reduction in both evaporation and transpiration components of water balance. Managing irrigation water schedule based on soil water suction of 16 kPa at 15-20 cm soil depth, compared to 2-day drainage, did not save water in real (wet saving), however, it resulted into apparent water saving (dry saving). The real crop water productivity (marketable yield/ET) was more by 17% in 25th June transplanted rice than 25th May, 23% in short duration variety than long and 2% in irrigation treatment of 16 kPa soil water suction than 2-days drainage. The corresponding values for the apparent crop water productivity (marketable yield/irrigation water applied) were 16, 20 and 50%, respectively. Pooled experimental data of 2 years showed that with managing irrigation scheduling based on soil water suction of 16 kPa at 15-20 cm soil depth, though 700 mm irrigation water was saved but the associated yield was reduced by 277 kg ha−1.  相似文献   

Based on successive observation, fifteen-day evapotranspiration (ETc) of Populus euphratica Oliv forest, in the extreme arid region northwest China, was estimated by application of Bowen ratio-energy balance method (BREB) during the growing season in 2005. During the growing season in 2005, total ETc was 446.96 mm. From the beginning of growing season, the ETc increased gradually, and reached its maximum value of 6.724 mm d−1 in the last fifteen days of June. Hereafter the ETc dropped rapidly, and reached its minimum value of 1.215 mm d−1 at the end of growing season. The variation pattern of crop coefficient (Kc) was similar to that of ETc. From the beginning of growing season, the Kc value increased rapidly, and reached its maximum value of 0.623 in the last fifteen days of June. Afterward, with slowing growth of P. euphratica, the value dropped rapidly to the end of growing season. According to this study, the ETc of P. euphratica forest is affected not only by meteorological factors, but by water content in soil.  相似文献   

The effects of drip irrigation on the yield and crop water productivity responses of four tea (Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze) clones were studied four consecutive years (2003/2004-2006/2007), in a large (9 ha) field experiment comprising of six drip irrigation treatments (labelled: I1-I6) and four clones (TRFCA PC81, AHP S15/10, BBK35 and BBT207) planted at a spacing of 1.20 m × 0.60 m at Kibena Tea Limited (KTL), Njombe in the Southern Tanzania in a situation of limited water availability. Each clone × drip irrigation treatment combination was replicated six times in a completely randomized design with 144 net plots each with an area of 72 m2. Clone TRFCA PC81 gave the highest yields (range: 5920-6850 kg dried tea ha−1) followed by clones BBT207 (5010-5940 kg dried tea ha−1), AHP S15/10 (4230-5450 kg dried tea ha−1) and BBK35 (3410-4390 kg dried tea ha−1) and drip irrigation treatment I2 gave the highest yields, ranging from 4954 to 6072 kg dried tea ha−1) compared with those from other treatments (4113-5868 kg dried tea ha−1). Most of these yields exceeded those (4200 kg dried tea ha−1) obtained from overhead sprinkler irrigation system in Mufindi also Southern Tanzania, and Kibena Estate itself. Results showed that drip irrigation of tea not only increased yields but also gave water saving benefits of up to 50% from application of 50% less water to remove the cumulative soil water deficit (treatment I2), and with labour saving of 85% for irrigation. The yield of dried tea per mm depth of water applied, i.e., “the crop water productivity” for drip irrigation of clones TRFCA PC81, BBT207 and BBK35, in 2003/2004 for instance, were 9.3, 8.5 and 7.1 kg dried tea [ha mm]−1, respectively. The corresponding values in 2004/2005 were 2.7, 4.5 and 2.0 kg dried tea [ha mm]−1 while the yield responses from clone AHP S15/10 were linear decreasing by 1 and 1.6 kg dried tea [ha mm]−1 in 2003/2004 and 2004/2005, respectively. In 2005/2006 the crop water productivity from clones TRFCA PC81, AHP S15/10, BBK35 and BBT207 were 4.5, 0.4, 5.2 and 6.9 kg dried tea [ha mm]−1, respectively with quadratic yield response functions to drip irrigation depth of water application. The results are presented and recommendations and implications made for technology-transfer scaling-up for increased use by large and smallholder tea growers.  相似文献   

The North China Plain (NCP) is one of the main productive regions for winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and summer maize (Zea mays L.) in China. However, water-saving irrigation technologies (WSITs), such as sprinkler irrigation technology and improved surface irrigation technology, and water management practices, such as irrigation scheduling have been adopted to improve field-level water use efficiency especially in winter wheat growing season, due to the water scarcity and continuous increase of water in industry and domestic life in the NCP. As one of the WSITs, sprinkler irrigation has been increasingly used in the NCP during the past 20 years. In this paper, a three-year field experiment was conducted to investigate the responses of volumetric soil water content (SWC), winter wheat yield, evapotranspiration (ET), water use efficiency (WUE) and irrigation water use efficiency (IWUE) to sprinkler irrigation regimes based on the evaporation from an uncovered, 20-cm diameter pan located 0-5 cm above the crop canopy in order to develop an appropriate sprinkler irrigation scheduling for winter wheat in the NCP. Results indicated that the temporal variations in SWC for irrigation treatments in the 0-60-cm soil layer were considerably larger than what occurred at deeper depths, whereas temporal variations in SWC for non-irrigation treatments were large throughout the 0-120-cm soil layer. Crop leaf area index, dry biomass, 1000-grains weight and yield were negatively affected by water stress for those treatments with irrigation depth less than 0.50E, where E is the net evaporation (which includes rainfall) from the 20-cm diameter pan. While irrigation with a depth over 1.0E also had negative effect on 1000-grains weight and yield. The seasonal ET of winter wheat was in a range of 206-499 mm during the three years experiments. Relatively high yield, WUE and IWUE were found for the irrigation depth of 0.63E. Therefore, for winter wheat in the NCP the recommended amount of irrigation to apply for each event is the total 0.63E that occurred after the previous irrigation provided total E is in a range of 30-40 mm.  相似文献   

The hypothesis was tested, whether soil wetness and phosphorus status could regulate the evapotranspiration rate (ETR), which is of special interest in the lower Gangetic Plain. Rajmash was grown during November-February of 2003-2004 and 2004-2005 on a sandy loam soil, and was irrigated when cumulative pan evaporation (CPE) attained the value of 33 mm (CPE33); 44 mm (CPE44) and 66 mm (CPE66). Four levels of phosphate application were 0 kg P2O5 ha−1 (P0); 30 kg P2O5 ha−1 (P30); 60 kg P2O5 ha−1 (P60) and 90 kg P2O5 ha−1 (P90). Seed yield under CPE33 was 1.37 Mg ha−1 and reduced by 18% and 35%, respectively under CPE44 and CPE66. Continuous increasing trend in yield was recorded with an increase in phosphate level (PL). Irrespective of growth stages, similar trends were recorded for leaf area index (LAI). Maximum variation in LAI among the treatments was recorded at 60 days after sowing. On average, actual ETR was 1.37 mm day−1 under CPE33 and declined by 13% and 16% under CPE44 and CPE66, respectively. Variation in ETR under different PL was highest under CPE33 and lowest under CPE44. Except P90, irrespective of PL, highest value of water use efficiency (WUE) was obtained under CPE44. However, magnitude of net evapotranspiration efficiency (WUEET) and irrigation efficiency (WUEI) attained the highest level under CPE33 regime. All water use indices showed an increasing trend with the increase in phosphate level from 0 to 90 kg ha−1. Impact of phosphorus on various parameters was pronounced under CPE33.  相似文献   

The Southeast U.S. receives an average of 1300 mm annual rainfall, however poor seasonal distribution of rainfall often limits production. Irrigation is used during the growing season to supplement rainfall to sustain profitable crop production. Increased water capture would improve water use efficiency and reduce irrigation requirements. Furrow diking has been proposed as a cost effective management practice that is designed to create a series of storage basins in the furrow between crop rows to catch and retain rainfall and irrigation water. Furrow diking has received much attention in arid and semi-arid regions with mixed results, yet has not been adapted for cotton production in the Southeast U.S. Our objectives were to evaluate the agronomic response and economic feasibility of producing cotton with and without furrow diking in conventional tillage over a range of irrigation rates including no irrigation. Studies were conducted at two research sites each year from 2005 to 2007. Irrigation scheduling was based on Irrigator Pro for Cotton software. The use of furrow diking in these studies periodically reduced water consumption and improved yield and net returns. In 2006 and 2007, when irrigation scheduling was based on soil water status, an average of 76 mm ha−1 of irrigation water was saved by furrow diking, producing similar cotton yield and net returns. Furrow diking improved cotton yield an average of 171 kg ha−1 and net return by $245 ha−1 over multiple irrigation rates, in 1 of 3 years. We conclude that furrow diking has the capability to reduce irrigation requirements and the costs associated with irrigation when rainfall is periodic and drought is not severe.  相似文献   

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