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Using AquaCrop to derive deficit irrigation schedules   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Straightforward guidelines for deficit irrigation (DI) can help in increasing crop water productivity in agriculture. To elaborate such guidelines, crop models assist in assessing the conjunctive effect of different environmental stresses on crop yield. We use the AquaCrop model to simulate crop development for long series of historical climate data. Subsequently we carry out a frequency analysis on the simulated intermediate biomass levels at the start of the critical growth stage, during which irrigation will be applied. From the start of the critical growth stage onwards, we simulate dry weather conditions and derive optimal frequencies (time interval of a fixed net application depth) of irrigation to avoid drought stress during the sensitive growth stages and to guarantee maximum water productivity. By summarizing these results in easy readable charts, they become appropriate for policy, extension and farmer level use. We illustrate the procedure to derive DI schedules with an example of quinoa in Bolivia. If applied to other crops and regions, the presented methodology can be an illustrative decision support tool for sustainable agriculture based on DI.  相似文献   

Crop models are useful tools for integrating knowledge of biophysical processes governing the plant-soil-atmosphere system. But few of them are easily usable for water and yield management especially under specific cropping systems such as direct seeding. Direct seeding into mulch (DSM) is an alternative for conventional tillage (CT). DSM modifies soil properties and creates a different microclimate from CT. So that, we should consequently consider these new conditions to develop or to adapt models. The aim of this study was to calibrate and validate the PILOTE [Mailhol, J.C., Olufayo, A.A., Ruelle, P., 1997. Sorghum and sunflower evapotranspiration and yield from simulated leaf area index. Agric. Water Manag. 35, 167-182; Mailhol, J.C., Zaïri A., Slatni A., Ben Nouma, B., El Amami, H., 2004. Analysis of irrigation systems and irrigation strategies for durum wheat in Tunisia. Agric. Water Manag. 70, 19-37], an operative crop model based on the leaf area index (LAI) simulation, for corn and durum wheat in both DSM and CT systems in Mediterranean climate. In DSM case, simple model modifications were proposed. This modified PILOTE version accounts for mulch and its impact on soil evaporation. In addition root progression was modified to account for lower soil temperatures in DSM for winter crops. PILOTE was calibrated and validated against field data collected from a 7-year trial at the experimental station of Lavalette (SE of France). Results indicated that PILOTE satisfactorily simulates LAI, soil water reserve (SWR), grain yield, and dry matter yield in both systems. The minimum coefficient of efficiency for SWR was 0.90. This new version of PILOTE can thus be used to manage water and yield under CT and DSM systems in Mediterranean climate.  相似文献   

In the semi-arid region of Tigray, Northen Ethiopia a two season experiment was conducted to measure evapotranspiration, estimate yield response to water stress and derive the crop coefficient of teff using the single crop coefficient approach with simple, locally made lysimeters and field plots. During the experiment we also estimated the water productivity of teff taking into account long-term rainfall probability scenarios and different levels of farmers’ skills. During the experimental seasons (2008 and 2009), the average potential evapotranspiration of teff ranged from 260 to 317 mm. The total seasonal water requirement of teff was found to lower in contrast to the assumptions of regional agronomists that teff water requirement is comparable to that of wheat and barley (375 mm). The average single crop coefficient values (kc) for the initial, mid and late season stages of teff were 0.8-1, 0.95-1.1 and 0.4-0.5, respectively. The seasonal yield response to water stress was 1.04, which indicates that teff exhibits a moderately sensitive and linear response to water stress. The results suggest that teff is likely to give significantly higher grain yield when a nearly optimal water supply is provided. The study showed that, in locations where standard equipment is not affordably available, indicative (rough) crop evapotranspiration values can be obtained by using field plots and employing locally made lysimeters. The difference in economic water productivity (EWP) and the crop water productivity (CWP) for teff were assessed under very wet, wet, normal, dry and very dry scenarios. In addition two groups of farmers were evaluated, a moderately (I) and a highly skilled (II) group. The results showed that higher EWP and CWP were obtained under very wet scenario than very dry scenario. There was also a 22% increase in EWP and CWP under group II compared to group I farmers. The increase was due to a 22% reduction in unwanted water losses achieved through use of improved technology and better irrigation skills. Both EWP and CWP can be used to evaluate the pond irrigation water productivity (IWP) for a given climate, crop and soil type, and skill and technology level of the farmer. For special crops like teff extra criteria may be needed in order to properly evaluate the pond irrigation water productivity. During the experimental seasons, a high IWP for teff was attained when about 90% of the optimal water need of the crop was met. IWP can be used as an indicator as how much supplementary irrigation has to be applied in relation to the rainfall and other sources of water supply in order to assure greatest yield from a total area. However, the supplemental irrigation requirement of the crops may vary with season due to seasonal rainfall variability.  相似文献   

The practice of long fallowing, by omitting a year of cropping, is gaining renewed focus in the low rainfall zone of the northern agriculture region of Western Australia. The impetus behind this practice change has been a reduced use of pasture breaks in cereal crop rotations, and the belief that a fallow can improve soil water accumulation and thus buffer the negative effects of dry seasons on crop yields. We evaluated the benefits of long fallowing (full stubble retention, no weed growth allowed) in a continuous wheat sequence via simulation modelling with APSIM at two rainfall locations and five soil types. The simulated benefits to long fallowing were attributable to soil water accumulation only, as the effects on soil nitrogen, diseases or weeds were not evaluated.The long-term (100 years) mean wheat yield benefit to fallowing was 0.36-0.43 t/ha in clay, 0.20-0.23 t/ha in sand and loam, and 0-0.03 t/ha in shallow sand and shallow loams. Over the range of seasons simulated the response varied from −0.20 to 3.87 t/ha in the clay and −0.48 to 2.0 t/ha for the other soils. The accumulation of soil water and associated yield benefits occurred in 30-40% of years on better soils and only 10-20% on poorer soils. For the loam soil, the majority of the yield increases occurred when the growing-season (May-September) rainfall following the fallow was low (<210 mm) and the difference in plant available soil water at sowing between fallowed and continuously cropped soil was high (>30 mm), although yield increase did occur with other combinations of growing-season rainfall and soil water. Over several years of a crop sequence involving fallow and wheat, the benefits from long fallowing due to greater soil water accumulation did not offset yield lost from omitting years from crop production, although the coefficient of variation for inter-annual farm grain production was reduced, particularly on clay soils during the 1998-2007 decade of below-average rainfall. We conclude that under future drying climates in Western Australia, fallowing may have a role to play in buffering the effects of enhanced inter-annual variability in rainfall. Investigations are required on the management of fallows, and management of subsequent crops (i.e. sowing earlier and crop density) so as to maximise yield benefits to subsequent crops while maintaining groundcover to prevent soil erosion.  相似文献   

The alfalfa pastureland in the semiarid Loess Plateau region of Northwest China usually has dry soil layers. A field experiment was conducted from October 2000 to October 2004 to examine soil water recovery and crop productivity on a 9-year-old alfalfa pasture. This experiment included six treatments: alfalfa pasture for 10-14 years, a conventional farming system without prior alfalfa planting, and four alfalfa-crop rotation treatments. For the rotation treatments, after 9 years of alfalfa selected crops were planted from 2001 to 2004 in the following sequence: (1) millet, spring wheat, potatoes, peas; (2) millet, corn, corn, spring wheat; (3) millet, potatoes, spring wheat, corn; (4) millet, fallow, peas, potatoes. The results showed that dry soil layers occurred in alfalfa pasture. We then plowed the alfalfa pasture and planted different crops. The soil water gradually increased during crop growth in the experimental period. The degree of soil water recovery in the four alfalfa-crop rotation treatments was derived from comparison with the soil water in the conventional system. After 4 years, the soil water recovery from the alfalfa-crop rotation systems at 0-500 cm soil depth was 90.5%, 89.8%, 92.2% and 96.7%, respectively. Soil total N content and soil respiration rate were high in the alfalfa-crop rotation systems. The yields of spring wheat in 2002, peas in 2003 and potatoes in 2004 in the alfalfa-crop rotation systems were not significantly different from yields in the conventional system. In the alfalfa-crop rotation systems, the yields of spring wheat and peas were greatly influenced by rainfall and were lowest in the dry year of 2004; the yields of corn and potatoes had a direct relationship with water use and were lowest in 2003. In summary, soil water in dry soil layers can recover, and crop yields in the alfalfa-crop systems were equal to those of the conventional system.  相似文献   

The combined use of remote sensing and a distributed hydrological model have demonstrated the improved understanding of the entire water balance in an area where data are scarcely available. Water use and crop water productivity were assessed in the Upper Bhima catchment in southern India using an innovative integration of remotely sensed evapotranspiration and a process-based hydrological model. The remote sensing based Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land (SEBAL) was used to derive an 8 month time series of observed actual evapotranspiration from October 2004 to May 2005. This dataset was then used in the calibration of the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT). This hydrological model was calibrated by changing 34 parameters to minimize the difference between simulated and observed actual evapotranspiration. The calibration efficiency was assessed with four different performance indicators. The calibrated model was used to derive a monthly basin water balance and to assess crop water productivity and crop water use for the irrigation year 2004-2005. It was found that evapotranspiration is the largest water loss in the catchment and total evaporative depletion was 38,172 Mm3 (835 mm). Of the total evaporative depletion 42% can be considered as non-beneficial and could be diverted to other beneficial utilization. Simulated crop water productivities for sugarcane, sorghum and winter wheat are relatively high at 2.9 kg/m3, 1.3 kg/m3 and 1.3 kg/m3, respectively. The frequency distributions of crop water productivity are characterised by low coefficient of variation, yielding limited scope for improvement in the agricultural areas under the current cropping systems. Further improvements in water productivity may however be achieved by shifting the crop base from sugarcane to a dual crop and introducing a fallow period from March to May or by converting non-productive rangelands to bio fuel production or other agricultural land uses.  相似文献   

Evaluation of crop water stress index for LEPA irrigated corn   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
This study was designed to evaluate the crop water stress index (CWSI) for low-energy precision application (LEPA) irrigated corn (Zea mays L.) grown on slowly-permeable Pullman clay loam soil (fine, mixed, Torrertic Paleustoll) during the 1992 growing season at Bushland, Tex. The effects of six different irrigation levels (100%, 80%, 60%, 40%, 20%, and 0% replenishment of soil water depleted from the 1.5-m soil profile depth) on corn yields and the resulting CWSI were investigated. Irrigations were applied in 25 mm increments to maintain the soil water in the 100% treatment within 60–80% of the “plant extractable soil water” using LEPA technology, which wets alternate furrows only. The 1992 growing season was slightly wetter than normal. Thus, irrigation water use was less than normal, but the corn dry matter and grain yield were still significantly increased by irrigation. The yield, water use, and water use efficiency of fully irrigated corn were 1.246 kg/m2, 786 mm, and 1.34 kg/m3, respectively. CWSI was calculated from measurements of infrared canopy temperatures, ambient air temperatures, and vapor pressure deficit values for the six irrigation levels. A “non-water-stressed baseline” equation for corn was developed using the diurnal infrared canopy temperature measurements as T cT a = 1.06–2.56 VPD, where T c was the canopy temperature (°C), Ta was the air temperature (°C) and VPD was the vapor pressure deficit (kPa). Trends in CWSI values were consistent with the soil water contents induced by the deficit irrigations. Both the dry matter and grain yields decreased with increased soil water deficit. Minimal yield reductions were observed at a threshold CWSI value of 0.33 or less for corn. The CWSI was useful for evaluating crop water stress in corn and should be a valuable tool to assist irrigation decision making together with soil water measurements and/or evapotranspiration models. Received: 19 May 1998  相似文献   

Field experiments were conducted in 2008 and 2009 to determine the effects of deficit irrigation on yield and water use of field grown eggplants. A total of 8 irrigation treatments (four each year), which received different amounts of irrigation water, were evaluated. In 2008, deficit irrigation was applied at full vegetative growth (WS-V), pre-flowering (WS-F) and fruit ripening (WS-R), while in 2009 deficit irrigation was applied during the whole growing season at 80 (WS-80), 60 (WS-60) and 40% (WS-40) of field capacity. Deficit-irrigated treatments were in both years compared to a well irrigated control. Regular readings of soil water content (SWC) in 2008 and 2009 showed that average soil water deficit (SWD) in the control was around 30% of total available water (TAW) while in deficit-irrigated treatments it varied between 50 and 75% of TAW. In 2008, deficit irrigation reduced fruit fresh yield by 35, 25 and 33% in WS-V, WS-F and WS-R treatments, respectively, when compared to the control (33.0 t ha−1). However, the reduction in fresh yield in response to deficit irrigation was compensated by an increase in fruit mean weight. Results obtained in 2009 showed that fruit fresh yield in the control was 33.7 t ha−1, while it was 12, 39 and 60% less in WS-80, WS-60 and WS-40 treatments, respectively. On the other hand, fruit dry matter content and water productivity were found to increase significantly in both years in deficit-irrigated treatments. Applying deficit irrigation for 2 weeks prior to flowering (WS-F) resulted in water saving of the same magnitude of the WS-80 treatment, with the least yield reduction, making more water available to irrigate other crops, and thereby considered optimal strategies for drip-irrigated eggplants in the semi-arid climate of the central Bekaa Valley of Lebanon.  相似文献   

Effect of salinity on water stress, growth, and yield of maize and sunflower   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Maize and sunflower were grown in tanks filled with loam and clay, and were irrigated with water of three different levels of salinity. Predawn leaf-water potential and stomatal conductance were used as parameters for water stress. The predawn leaf-water potential of maize was higher than that of sunflower, but the effect of salinity and soil texture on the predawn leaf-water potential was the same for both crops. The stomatal conductance of sunflower was much higher and more severely affected by salinity and soil texture than the stomatal conductance of maize.

Although salinity had a more serious effect on the development of leaf area and canopy dry matter of sunflower, its effect on evapotranspiration and grain yield was the same for both crops. Soil texture had a stronger effect on the development of leaf area and canopy dry matter of sunflower, which also appeared in the evapotranspiration and grain yield, indicating that sunflower is more sensitive to drought than maize.  相似文献   

In the Bolivian Altiplano, the yields of rainfed quinoa are relatively low and highly unstable. We use a validated crop water productivity model to examine the potential of closing quinoa yield gaps in this region. We simulate the expectable yields under rainfed cultivation and under different deficit irrigation (DI) strategies using the AquaCrop model for the Northern, Central and Southern Bolivian Altiplano. Simulated DI scenarios include a reference strategy avoiding stomatal closure during all sensitive growth stages and allowing drought stress during the tolerant growth stages (DI0) and various restrictive deficit irrigation strategies (DIi) representing cases when water resources are limited. We obtain a logistic crop water production function for quinoa by plotting the seasonal actual evapotranspiration versus total grain yield. Due to the large scatter, this function only indicatively provides expectable yields. From the scenario analysis, we derive yield probability curves for the 3 agro-climatic regions. DI, without restriction in irrigation water during the drought sensitive growth stages, is able to close the yield gaps in the Northern, Central and Southern Bolivian Altiplano, and would guarantee a high and stable level of water productivity (WP). The yields of quinoa under rainfed cultivation during dry years are only 1.1, 0.5 and 0.2 Mg ha−1 in the Northern, Central and Southern Bolivian Altiplano, whereas under DI0 they are 2.2, 1.6 and 1.5 Mg ha−1, respectively. Under limited water availability for irrigation, these stable yield levels decrease, most drastically in the Southern Bolivian Altiplano. Below a minimum water availability of 600 m3 per ha and 700 m3 per ha in the Central and Southern Bolivian Altiplano, respectively, the application of DI for quinoa is not significantly effective and should be avoided to save valuable resources. The yield probability curves we derive can serve as input for stochastic economic analysis of DI of quinoa in the Bolivian Altiplano.  相似文献   

作物冠层温度是反映作物水分状况的一个良好指标,在研究环境因素对冠层温度影响的基础上,分析了不同土壤水分条件下棉花冠层温度的变化规律。研究表明了冠层温度与细胞液浓度之间存在良好关系,建立的冠层温度与气温差同气象因素和土壤水分的关系可用于判断作物的缺水状况  相似文献   

The reduction in agricultural water use in areas of scarce supplies can release significant amounts of water for other uses. As improvements in irrigation systems and management have been widely adopted by fruit tree growers already, there is a need to explore the potential for reducing irrigation requirements via deficit irrigation (DI). It is also important to quantify to what extent the reduction in applied water through DI is translated into net water savings via tree evapotranspiration (ET) reduction. An experiment was conducted in a commercial pistachio orchard in Madera, CA, where a regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) program was applied to a 32.3-ha block, while another block of the same size was fully irrigated (FI). Four trees were instrumented with six neutron probe access tubes each, in the two treatments and the soil water balance method was used to determine tree ET. Seasonal irrigation water in FI, applied through a full-coverage microsprinkler system, amounted to 842 mm, while only 669 mm were applied in RDI. Seasonal ET in FI was 1024 mm, of which 308 mm were computed as evaporation from soil (Es). In RDI, seasonal ET was reduced to 784 mm with 288 mm as Es. The reduction in applied water during the deficit period amounted to 147 mm. The ET of RDI during the deficit period was also reduced relative to that of FI by 133 mm, which represented 33% of the ET of FI during the deficit irrigation period. There was an additional ET reduction in RDI of about 100 mm that occurred in the post-deficit period.  相似文献   

The North China Plain (NCP) is one of the most water stressed areas in the world. The water consumption of winter wheat accounts for more than 50% of the total water consumption in this region. An accurate estimate of the evapotranspiration (ET) and crop water productivity (CWP) at regional scale is therefore key to the practice of water-saving agriculture in NCP. In this research, the ET and CWP of winter wheat in 83 counties during October 2003 to June 2004 in NCP were estimated using the remote sensing data. The daily ET was calculated using SEBAL model with NOAA remote sensing data in 17 non-cloud days whereas the reference daily crop ET was estimated using meteorological data based on Hargreaves approach. The daily ET and the total ET over the entire growing season of winter wheat were obtained using crop coefficient interpolation approach. The calculated average and maximum water consumption of winter wheat in these 83 counties were 424 and 475 mm, respectively. The calculated daily ET from SEBAL model showed good match with the observed data collected in a Lysimeter. The error of ET estimation over the entire growing stage of winter wheat was approximately 4.3%. The highest CWP across this region was 1.67 kg m−3, and the lowest was less than 0.5 kg m−3. We observed a close linear relationship between CWP and yield. We also observed that the continuing increase of ET leads to a peaking and subsequent decline of CWP, which suggests that the higher water consumption does not necessarily lead to a higher yield.  相似文献   

Cropping schemes have developed in east-central Argentina for rainfed soybean (Glycine max Merr.) production that invariably employ no-tillage management. Often these schemes include growing soybean in a sequence of crops including wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and maize (Zea mays L.). The full impact of various rotation schemes on soil water balance through a sequence of seasons has not been explored, although the value of these rotations has been studied experimentally. The objective of this work was to investigate through simulations, potential differences in temporal soil water status among rotations over five years. In this study, mechanistic models of soybean (Soy), maize (Maz), and wheat (Wht) were linked over a five-years period at Marcos Juárez, Argentina to simulate soil water status, crop growth, and yield of four no-till rotations (Soy/Soy, Soy/Wht, Soy/Maz, and Soy/Maz/Wht). Published data on sowing dates and initial soil water contents in the first year from a no-till rotation experiment were used as inputs to the model. After the first year, soil water status output from the model was used to initiate the next crop simulation in the sequence. The results of these simulations indicated a positive impact on soil water balance resulting from crop residue on the soil surface under no-till management. Continuous soybean and the two-year soybean/maize rotation did not efficiently use the available water from rainfall. Residue from maize was simulated to be especially effective in suppressing soil evaporation. Thus, the Soy/Maz simulation results indicated that this rotation resulted in enhanced soil water retention, increased deep water percolation, and increased soybean yields compared with continuous soybean crops. The simulated results matched well with experimental observations. The three-crop rotation of Soy/Maz/Wht did not increase simulated soybean yields, but the additional water retained as a result of decreased soil evaporation resulting from the maize residue allowed the addition of a wheat crop in this two-year rotation. Simulated soybean yields were poorly correlated with both the amount of soil water at sowing and the rainfall during the cropping period. These results highlight the importance of temporal distribution of rainfall on final yield. These models proved a valuable tool for assessing the consequences of various rotation schemes now being employed in Argentina on temporal soil water status, and ultimately crop yield.  相似文献   

This work describes the influence of the application of sugar foam (an organic residue from sugar beet industry) on water retention properties, over an extended period of time (>25 years), in two red soils in the La Mancha region of Spain. The properties of gravimetric moisture at field capacity, gravimetric moisture in the permanent wilting point and available water retention capacity both in the original soil - without the addition of sugar foam - and in the soil affected by the addition of sugar foam are compared. For this purpose, the profiles are characterised macro morphologically. Chemical, physical-chemical and mineralogical parameters are determined, in addition to determining the water retention curves of each soil with tensiometers and Richards pressure plates.The sugar foam applied to the soil altered its physical and chemical properties. An increase in contents of organic matter (3.5% versus 1.4%), calcium carbonate (40.8% versus 0%) and pH (8.2 versus 6.3) are observed in the superficial horizon of the studied soils, although there is no such significant increase in electrical conductivity (0.33 dS/m versus 0.25 dS/m). With regard to the physical properties, the depth of horizon A increases (32 cm versus 12 cm), the stoniness reduces (5% versus 25%), the structure is well developed, due to the texture becomes finer (silty versus sandy clay loam), and, finally, the bulk density reduces (0.79 g cm−3 versus 1.19 g cm−3).The gravimetric moisture at field capacity was 49% in the soil altered with sugar foam, versus 12% in the non-altered soil; the gravimetric moisture in the permanent wilting point was 14.5% versus 8% and the available water retention capacity was 34.5% and 4%, respectively. It can be concluded that the increase of calcium carbonate, organic matter and the reduction of bulk density are the most influential factors in this process. The scientific novelty of this work is that the hydro-behaviour of the soil due to the addition of sugar foam improves the characteristic values of moisture and, therefore, the agronomical qualities of the soil.  相似文献   

The study investigates the possibility of enhancing crop water productivity in the parts of Northwest India where groundwater quality is marginal and canal water supply is severely scarce. Soil, Water, Atmosphere and Plant (SWAP) model was calibrated and validated in three farmers’ fields with varying canal water availability and groundwater quality in the Kaithal Irrigation Circle of the Bhakra Canal system, Haryana. On the basis of predicted and observed soil water content, pressure heads, salt concentration at 2 week intervals and crop yields, the model was found suitable for use in the region. A few nomographs were prepared to provide a graphical method to predict the effect of different combinations of water quality and depth of water application on crop yield and soil salinity and to help develop some guidelines to the farming community. Water management alternatives at the field level were suggested to increase the yield and to maintain soil salinity below threshold level. The application of frequent irrigation in precisely leveled field would help in achieving 10% higher yield even when saline groundwater of 11 dS/m is used for irrigation.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to develop the relationship between canopy-air temperature difference and vapour pressure deficit for no stress condition of wheat crop (baseline equations), which was used to quantify crop water stress index (CWSI) to schedule irrigation in winter wheat crop (Triticum aestivum L.). The randomized block design (RBD) was used to design the experimental layout with five levels of irrigation treatments based on the percentage depletion of available soil water (ASW) in the root zone. The maximum allowable depletion (MAD) of the available soil water (ASW) of 10, 40 and 60 per cent, fully wetted (no stress) and no irrigation (fully stressed) were maintained in the crop experiments. The lower (non-stressed) and upper (fully stressed) baselines were determined empirically from the canopy and ambient air temperature data obtained using infrared thermometry and vapour pressure deficit (VPD) under fully watered and maximum water stress crop, respectively. The canopy-air temperature difference and VPD resulted linear relationships and the slope (m) and intercept (c) for lower baseline of pre-heading and post-heading stages of wheat crop were found m = −1.7466, c = −1.2646 and m = −1.1141, c = −2.0827, respectively. The CWSI was determined by using the developed empirical equations for three irrigation schedules of different MAD of ASW. The established CWSI values can be used for monitoring plant water status and planning irrigation scheduling for wheat crop.  相似文献   

Nigellone (dithymoquinone) is the main active constituent of volatile oil of black cumin (Nigella sativa) seeds. It is presently used in traditional medicines, for culinary as ornamentals, and is also considered for its abundant nectar secretion. While black cumin, investigated recently (for the oil, essential oil, and other biologically active constituents of their seeds) the effects of deficit irrigation on seeds Nigellone content produced on gypsifereous soils are not known. Randomized complete block design experiments were conducted with three replications and four irrigation treatments on soils with five different gypsum contents over two growing seasons (2008-2009 and 2009-2010). These experiments aim to monitor and quantify water stress and Nigellone volatile oil content of black cumin as a function of crop water stress index and soil gypsum content. The soil gypsum content treatments were 60.0 (G1), 137.6 (G2), 275.2 (G3), 314.2 (G4) and 486.0 (G5) g kg−1. Three irrigation treatments were based on replenishing the 0.60 m deep root zone to field capacity when the maximum allowable depletion (MAD) of the available soil water holding capacity of 25% (I1), 50% (I2) and 75% (I3) were maintained in the crop experiments. A dryland treatment (fully stressed, I4) was also included. The lower (non-stressed) and upper (stressed) baselines were measured to calculate crop water stress index. The crop water stress index behaved as expected, dropping to near zero following an irrigation and increasing gradually as black cumin plants depleted soil water reserves. The seasonal mean values of crop water stress index for the irrigation treatments; I1, I2, and I3 were increased from 0.189, 0.287, 0.380 to 0.239, 0.366, 0.467, respectively when the soil gypsum content increased from 60.0 to 486.0 g kg−1. The highest Nigellone volatile oil content of black cumin seeds was obtained for G1I1 treatment (5.1 g kg−1) while the lowest content (3.5 g kg−1) was obtained for G5I1 treatment. Equations that can be used to predict the Nigellone volatile oil content of black cumin seeds were developed for the three irrigation schedules of different maximum allowable depletion of available soil water holding capacity using the relationships between the Nigellone volatile oil content and the seasonal mean crop water stress index for different soil gypsum contents. The relationships between black cumin seed yield, Nigellone volatile oil content and seasonal mean crop water stress index values were primarily linear. These relations can be used to predict the yield of black cumin seeds, seeds Nigellone volatile oil content, and irrigation timing in soils with different soil gypsum contents. Thus, the obtained data will be beneficial for further research.  相似文献   

Fresh water shortages are severally restricting sustainable agriculture development in the North China Plain. The scarcity of fresh water has forced farmers to use brackish water from shallow underground sources, which helps to overcome drought and increase crop yields but also increases the risk of soil salinization. To identify safe and effective ways of using brackish water in this region, field experiments were conducted to evaluate the effect of brackish water irrigation and straw mulching on soil salinity and crop yield in a winter wheat-summer maize double cropping system. The experiment was in a split-plot design. Six rates of straw mulching (0, 4.5, 6.0, 7.5, 15.0 and 30.0 Mg/ha) were assigned to the main plots and two irrigation water qualities (i.e. brackish water with salt content of 3.0-5.0 g/L and fresh water with only 1.27 g salt/L) were applied to subplots. The brackish water irrigation significantly increased the salt content at different soil depths in the upper 1 m soil layer during the two growing seasons. Straw mulching affected the vertical distribution of salt in the brackish water irrigation plots and the average salt content of straw mulch treatments (4.5, 6.0, 7.5, 15.0 and 30.0 Mg/ha) within the 0-20, 20-40 and 0-100 cm soil depths was 10.2, 14.0 and 1.8% lower than that without straw mulch (A0). No salt accumulation occurred to a depth of 1 m in the brackish water irrigation plots and there was no correlation between the value of SAS (salt accumulated in 1 m of soil) and straw mulch rate. In 2000 and 2001, the salt content within the 0-40 cm soil layer in brackish water irrigation plots increased due to high evaporation rates during April-June, and then decreased up to September as salts were leached by rain. For the fresh water irrigation plots, the salt content remained relatively stable. Straw mulching affected the salt content in the 0-40 cm soil layer in brackish water irrigation plots in different periods of 2000 and 2001, but no correlation between salt content and straw mulch rates was observed except in September of 2000. Unlike for wheat, the yield of maize increased as the straw mulch rate increased according to the equation, y = 0.1589x + 5.3432 (R2 = 0.6506). Our results would be helpful in adopting brackish water irrigation and straw mulching in ways that enhance crop yields and reduce the risk of soil salinization. However, long-term effects of brackish water irrigation and straw mulching on soil salinity and crop yield need to be further evaluated for sustainability of the system.  相似文献   

Paddy fields are characterized by standing water and saturation condition during the entire crop growth period. However, in sub-humid and semi-arid areas, scarce rainfall and intermittent dry spells often cause soil moisture depletion resulting in unsaturated condition in the fields. These distinctive characteristics of the paddy fields have significant influence on the runoff generation and soil moisture retention characteristics of the watershed. In this study, the objective is to extend the application of the Soil Conservation Services Curve Number (SCS-CN)-based models for the geospatial and temporal simulation of soil moisture to paddy field-dominated agricultural watersheds in the water scarce areas. Different SCS-CN-based models, integrated with the soil moisture balance equation, are used to estimate the surface runoff and soil moisture content wherein, the spatial variation in the soil hydraulic characteristics is used to calculate the geospatial variation in soil moisture content. Physical significance of the terms initial abstraction (Ia) and potential maximum retention (S) in these models and their influence on the estimation of runoff and soil moisture are analysed in detail. A new SCS-CN-based model for soil moisture simulation (SCS-CN-SMS), to improve the soil moisture estimation, is proposed in this paper. The proposed model is built up on the soil moisture balance equation to account for the effect of ponding condition and soil moisture variation between the dry and saturation condition. The method is tested with 3 years observed surface runoff data and crop production statistics from a part of the Gandeshwari sub-watershed in West Bengal, India. The entire study area is divided into cells of 20 m × 20 m. Various components of the soil moisture balance equation are estimated for each cell as a function of the soil moisture content. Remote Sensing Technique and Geographic Information System (GIS) are used to extract and integrate the spatially distributed land use and soil characteristics. The Hortonion overland flow concept adopted in the SCS-CN method is used to estimate the soil hydraulic characteristics of each cell in which the curve number is used to infer the spatial variation of the land use and soil characteristics. Even though the original SCS-CN method and the existing modified versions are efficient for runoff estimation, these models are found to be inappropriate for the estimation of soil moisture distribution. On the other hand, the proposed SCS-CN-SMS model gives better results for both runoff and soil moisture simulation and is, therefore, more suitable for the hydrological modeling of paddy field-dominated agricultural watersheds.  相似文献   

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