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In order to assess the effect of soil water deficit (SWD) during fruit development and ripening, on yield and quality of processing tomato under deficit irrigation in the Mediterranean climate, an open-field experiment was carried out in two sites differing from soil and climatic characteristics, in Sicily, South Italy. Six irrigation treatments were studied: no irrigation following plant establishment (NI); 100% (F = full) or 50% (D = deficit) ETc restoration with long-season irrigation (L) or short-season irrigation up to 1st fruit set (S); and long-season irrigation with 100% ETc restoration up to beginning of flowering, then 50% ETc restoration (LFD). The greatest effect of increasing SWD was the rise in fruit firmness, total solids and soluble solids (SS). A negative trend in response to increasing SWD was observed for fruit yield and size. Tough yield and SS were negatively correlated, the final SS yield under the LD regime was close to that of LF, and 47% water was saved. However, SS seems to be more environmental sensitive than SWD, since it varied more between sites than within site. The variations between sites in fruit quality response to deficit irrigation demonstrate that not only SWD but also soil and climatic characteristics influence the quality traits of the crop.  相似文献   

A research has been carried out to determine the effects of nutrition systems and irrigation programs on soilless grown tomato plants under polyethylene covered unheated greenhouse conditions. Two nutrition systems (open and closed) and three irrigation programs (high, medium and low) based on integrated indoor solar radiation triggering thresholds (1 MJ m−2 [0.4 mm], 2 MJ m−2 [0.8 mm] and 4 MJ m−2 [1.6 mm]) in both nutrition systems have been tested. Applied and discharged nutrient solution, evapotranspiration, total and marketable yield have been measured and water use efficiency has been calculated. The highest total yield has been obtained from the open system with respectively 11% and 7.2% increases in autumn and spring. Applied nutrient solution volume and seasonal ET have been modified between 47.8-180.4 l plant−1 and 41.7-145.5 l plant−1 respectively during both growing seasons. As average of two growing seasons, respectively 826.5 and 330.6 m3 ha−1 nutrient solutions have been discharged from the greenhouse in the open and closed systems. WUE of treatments varied between 33-55 kg m−3 in autumn and 26-35 kg m−3 in spring. Highest WUE values have been determined in 4 MJ m−2 and in the closed system in both growing seasons. Results showed that the closed system and infrequent irrigations increased water use efficiency while decreasing yield and discharged nutrient solution.  相似文献   

This work assesses the seasonal dynamics of the substrate oxygen content and the response to nutrient solution oxygen enrichment (oxyfertigation) of an autumn-spring tomato crop grown on rockwool slabs and irrigated with treated wastewater of very low dissolved oxygen (DO) content under Mediterranean greenhouse conditions. DO values in the nutrient solution were clearly higher for the oxygen-enriched (14.6 mg L−1) tomato crop than for the non-enriched one (4.5 mg L−1). However, DO values in the substrate solution were similar for both oxygen treatments (mean seasonal values of 5.1 and 4.8 mg L−1 for the enriched and the non-enriched one, respectively), except for a short crop period at the end of the cycle when they were significantly higher for the oxygen-enriched crop. For both treatments, substrate DO values were highest for the winter period and decreased progressively during the spring period, reaching minimum values of around or below 3 mg L−1 at the end of the spring. The oxygen enrichment of the nutrient solution did not affect any of the irrigation and fertigation parameters evaluated in the tomato crop: water uptake, volumetric water content of the substrate, electrical conductivity (EC) or nutrient concentration in the leached nutrient solution. Moreover, the oxygen enrichment of the nutrient solution did not affect the aboveground biomass and the biomass partitioning, the fresh weight of total and marketable tomato fruits or the tomato fruit quality parameters. Overall, it appears that oxygen deficiency conditions did not occur as the substrate DO values were higher than, or about, 3 mg L−1 throughout most of the tomato crop cycle for both treatments and the rockwool slabs maintained good aeration conditions throughout the whole cycle.  相似文献   

The CROPGRO simulation model was calibrated for processing tomato in Southern Italy with a 2002 data set and validated with three independent data sets with acceptable results. Subsequently this model was combined with 53 years of local historical weather data and it was used as a research tool to evaluate the benefits, risks and costs of 23 different interactive irrigation and/or N-management scenarios. Irrigation water was applied (i) on reported dates with 3 and 5 days intervals and application rates of 15 and 25 mm or (ii) with automatic irrigation initiated at residual soil moisture levels in the upper 30 cm of the soil profile of 25, 50, or 75%. Three amount levels of N application (100, 200 and 300 kg ha−1 as ammonium nitrate) were considered. A simple economic analysis, including tomato marketable yield and price, irrigation and nitrogen cost and other fixed production costs, was used to estimate expected net return for each management scenario.  相似文献   

In the spring-summer season of 2005 and 2006, we explored the influence of three fertigation strategies (A-C) on the water and nitrogen use efficiency of semi-closed rockwool culture of greenhouse tomato conducted using saline water (NaCl concentration of 9.5 mol m−3). The strategies under comparison were the following: (A) crop water uptake was compensated by refilling the mixing tank with nutrient solution at full strength (with the concentrations of macronutrients equal or close to the corresponding mean uptake concentrations as determined in previous studies) and the recirculating nutrient solution was flushed out whenever its electrical conductivity (EC) surpassed 4.5 dS m−1 due to the accumulation of NaCl; (B) the refill nutrient solution had a variable EC in order to maintain a target value of 3.0 dS m−1; due to the progressive accumulation of NaCl, the EC and macronutrient concentrations of the refill nutrient solution tended to decrease with time, thus resulting in a progressive nutrient depletion in the recycling water till N-NO3 content dropped below 1.0 mol m−3, when the nutrient solution was replaced; (C) likewise Strategy A, but when EC reached 4.5 dS m−1, crop water uptake was compensated with fresh water only in order to reduce N-NO3 concentration below 1.0 mol m−3 before discharge. In 2005 an open (free-drain) system (Strategy D), where the plants were irrigated with full-strength nutrient solution without drainage water recycling, was also tested in order to verify the possible influence of NaCl accumulation and/or nutrient depletion in the root zone on crop performance. In the semi-closed systems conducted following strategies A, B or C, the nutrient solution was replaced, respectively, 10, 14 and 7 times in 2005, and in 19, 24 and 14 times in 2006, when the cultivation lasted 167 days instead of 84 days in 2005. In both years, there were no important differences in fruit yield and quality among the strategies under investigation. Strategy C produced the best results in terms of water use and drainage, while Strategy B was the most efficient procedure with regard to nitrogen use. In contrast to strategies A and D, the application of strategies B and C minimized nitrogen emissions and also resulted in N-NO3 concentrations in the effluents that were invariably lower than the limit (approximately 1.42 mol m−3) imposed to the N-NO3 concentration of wastewater discharged into surface water by the current legislation associated to the implementation of European Nitrate Directive in Italy.  相似文献   

Excessive amounts of irrigation water and fertilizers are often utilized for early potato cultivation in the Mediterranean basin. Given that water is expensive and limited in the semi-arid areas and that fertilizers above a threshold level often prove inefficacious for production purposes but still risk nitrate and phosphorous pollution of groundwater, it is crucial to provide an adequate irrigation and fertilization management. With the aim of achieving an appropriate combination of irrigation water and nutrient application in cultivation management of a potato crop in a Mediterranean environment, a 2-year experiment was conducted in Sicily (South Italy). The combined effects of 3 levels of irrigation (irrigation only at plant emergence, 50% and 100% of the maximum evapotranspiration - ETM) and 3 levels of mineral fertilization (low: 50, 25 and 75 kg ha−1, medium: 100, 50 and 150 kg ha−1 and high: 300, 100 and 450 kg ha−1 of N, P2O5 and K2O) were studied on the tuber yield and yield components, on both water irrigation and fertilizer productivity and on the plant source/sink (canopy/tubers dry weight) ratio. The results show a marked interaction between level of irrigation and level of fertilization on tuber yield, on Irrigation Water Productivity and on fertilizer productivity of the potato crop. We found that the treatments based on 50% ETM and a medium level of fertilization represent a valid compromise in early potato cultivation management. Compared to the high combination levels of irrigation and fertilization, this treatment entails a negligible reduction in tuber yield to save 90 mm ha−1 year−1 of irrigation water and 200, 50 and 300 kg ha−1 year−1 of N, P2O5 and K2O, respectively, with notable economic savings for farmers compared to the spendings that are usually made.  相似文献   

This paper presents a water and nitrogen balance model for the surface ponded water and soil profile system of rice (Oryza sativa L.) fields. The model estimates the daily water balance components, as well as, the daily losses and transformations of nitrogen. Data from two neighbouring rice fields during the growing season of 2005 in the Thessaloniki plain of Northern Greece were used for the application of the model. The data set of field A was used for the calibration of the model, while the data set from the field B for validation of model. Simulation results of total inorganic nitrogen in the soil and runoff water exhibited reasonable agreement with the measured data during calibration and verification of the model. Significant amounts of applied irrigation water were lost through surface runoff and deep percolation into the groundwater. The sum of nitrogen inputs from fertilization, mineralization and irrigation water were 292.7 and 280.4 kg ha−1 for field A and B, respectively. Nitrogen uptake by algae in ponding water and plants was one of the main processes of nitrogen reduction in the rice field systems with an amount of 125.7 and 131.8 kg ha−1 for field A and B, respectively. Leaching through percolated water was the other significant process with 118.3 and 120.8 kg ha−1, respectively. Gaseous losses of nitrogen (via volatilization and denitrification) were also substantial processes of nitrogen reduction in the flooded compartment. The study showed that the simple model presents important results for the water and nitrogen management in rice fields. This information can be used for irrigation water saving and prevention of water resources contamination in rice-based agroecosystems.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to test the hypotheses that (1) the tree Acacia senegal competes for water with associated agricultural crops, and the soil water content would vary spatially with tree density and type of management; (2) the microclimate created by trees would favourably affect the soil water content and improve the growth of associated agricultural crops. Trees were grown at 5 m × 5 m or 10 m × 10 m spacing alone or in mixture with sorghum or sesame. Soil water content was measured using a neutron probe at three depths, 0–25, 25–50 and 50–75 cm; and at different stages of crop development (early, mid, and late). Crop growth and yield and the overall system performance were investigated over a 4-year period (1999–2002). Results showed no significant variation in the soil water content under different agroforestry systems. Intercropping also resulted in a higher land equivalent ratio. No significant variation was found between yields of sorghum and sesame when these crops were grown with or without trees. The averages crop yields were1.54 and 1.54 t ha−1 for sorghum; and 0.36 and 0.42 t ha−1for sesame in intercropping and pure cultivation, respectively. This suggests that at an early stage of agroforestry system management, A. senegal has no detrimental effect on agricultural crop yield. However, the pattern of resource capture by trees and crops can change as the system matures. There was little competition between trees and crops for water suggesting that in A. senegal agroforestry systems with 4-year-old trees the clay soil has enough water to support the crop growth over a whole growing season up to maturation and harvest.  相似文献   

In rainfed Mediterranean areas, early sowings which lead to early growth and maturity to escape terminal heat and drought usually give higher grain yield than late sowings in years when rains come early. We test the hypothesis that early sowing coupled with a small amount of irrigation to ensure earlier emergence increases grain yield significantly, while improving irrigation water productivity. Replicated field experiments were conducted for 4 years in the semi-arid central Bekaa Valley of Lebanon. Barley was sown early, and half of the plots were irrigated with 25-30 mm of water immediately after sowing (EI). Half of the plots also received irrigation around heading stage (LI). Besides yields, other agronomic data were collected throughout crop growth, and the supplemental irrigation water use efficiency (WUESI) was calculated. Our results confirm the hypothesis that in Mediterranean areas early sowing followed immediately with a small amount of irrigation increases barley grain yield significantly. Farmers in the region should seriously consider practicing this technique as it produces a higher WUESI than irrigation at the heading stage.  相似文献   

The successful application of postharvest regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) over ten consecutive years (from season 1999/2000 to season 2007/2008) confirms the sustainability of this strategy for producing ‘Algerie’ loquat. Postharvest RDI consisting in a reduction of watering (between 45 and 80% depending on the season) from early June until the end of August, improved loquat profitability by increasing fruit value and by reducing water consumption with respect to fully irrigated trees (control). The increase in fruit value in RDI trees was due to a consistent improvement in harvest earliness as a result of an earlier blooming. Water savings of around 20% did not diminish yield nor fruit quality. Water use efficiency in RDI trees rose by over 30%. Water productivity reached 9.5 € m−3 of water applied in RDI trees versus 6.6 € m−3 in control trees. The most noticeable effect of RDI on vegetative growth was a significant and progressive decline in trunk growth. The canopy volume seems to be strongly influenced by pruning and no significant effects were detected in this parameter. Our results confirm the suitability of RDI in loquat and the economic benefits of saving water during the summer.  相似文献   

The scarcity of freshwater resources is a critical problem in semi-arid zones and marginal quality water is increasingly being used in agriculture. This paper aimed at evaluating the physico-chemical and biological risks on irrigated soils and fruits of macrophyte treated wastewater (TWW), the nutrients supply, and the effect on tomato and eggplant production in semi-arid Burkina Faso. During three years of experiments, treated wastewater was used, with fresh water as control, in combination with or without mineral fertilizer application at recommended rate (140 kg N/ha + 180 kg P2O5/ha + 180 kg K2O/ha). The study revealed that the treated wastewater provided variable nutrients supply depending on year and element. The treated wastewater without mineral fertilizer improved eggplant yield (40% in average) compared to the freshwater. Both crops responded better to mineral fertilizer (52% for tomato and 82% for eggplant) and the effects of the treated wastewater and fertilizer were additive. As the N supply of TWW was very unsteady (8-227% of crop need), and P2O5 supply did not satisfy in whole crop need (3-58%) during any of the three years of experiment, we recommended that moderate N and P2O5 fertilizers be applied when irrigating with TWW in semi-arid West-Africa. On the contrary, the K2O supply was more steady and close to crop requirement (78-126%) over the three years of experiment and no addition of K fertilizer may be needed when irrigated with TWW. Faecal coliforms and helminth eggs were observed in treated wastewater and irrigated soils at rate over the FAO and WHO recommended limits for vegetable to be eaten uncooked. Tomato fruits were observed to be faecal coliform contaminated with the direct on-foliage irrigation with treated wastewater. Our results indicate that treated wastewater can effectively be used as both nutrients source and crop water supply in market gardening in the semi-arid Sub-Saharan West Africa (SSWA) where freshwater and farm income are limiting. Yet consumers should properly cook or disinfect treated-wastewater irrigated vegetables before eating, and market gardeners should also be careful manipulating treated wastewater to avoid direct health contamination in this environment.  相似文献   

Rainfed subsistence farming systems in sub-Saharan Africa generally obtain low crop yields as a result of highly erratic rainfall seasons. This paper presents results of research conducted to test the effects of improvements in farming techniques for subsistence rainfed systems. The research was carried out in the Makanya catchment of northern Tanzania where rainfall of less than 600 mm a−1 and spread over two agricultural seasons per year is clearly insufficient to support staple food crops under the present farming systems in the area. The research sought to prove that, with improved efficiency in tillage techniques, grain yields can improve even under the existing challenging hydro-climatic conditions. The research tested farming system innovations (SIs) at four sites located within a spatial distance of 10 km where a combination of runoff diversion (RD), on-site rain water harvesting (WH) and conservation tillage (CT) were compared against the traditional farming methods of hand-hoeing under strict rainfed conditions (Control). For RD, runoff generated from natural storms was directed into infiltration pits dug along the contour with the excavated soil deposited upward of the trenches (fanya juus). The impact of these techniques on maize yields under different SIs was investigated.The results showed that the innovations resulted in increased maize grain yields of up to 4.8 t ha−1 compared against current averages of less than 1 t ha−1. The average productivity of the available water over four seasons was calculated to range between 0.35 and 0.51 kg m−3. For the SIs that were tested, the distribution of yields within a cultivated strip showed variations with better yields obtained on the down slope side of the cultivated strip where ponding effects resulted in higher water availability for infiltration and storage. However, due to the large seasonal climate variability, statistical analysis did not show significant differences in the yields (p < 0.05) between different cultivation techniques.The study showed that there is scope to improve grain yields with the little available rainfall through the adoption of techniques which promote water availability and retention within the field. The re-partitioning of water within the field creates mitigation measures against the impact of dry spells and allows alternative cropping in addition to the traditional maize cultivated in the rainfall seasons.  相似文献   

A long-term greenhouse experiment was conducted to study the effects of irrigation frequency and salinity on pepper fruit yield and quality in crops growing in coconut coir. Two salinity levels (4 mM NaCl, 2.6 dS m−1 and 24 mM NaCl, 4.6 dS m−1) were combined with four irrigation treatments (one irrigation event every two days (0.5), one irrigation event per day (1), four irrigation events per day (4), and eight irrigation events per day (8)) in a 2 × 4 factorial combination. The effect on fruit quality was evaluated at the early and late harvest seasons, corresponding with two different periods of fruit production (May and July). We found that above-ground total biomass and marketable fruit yield decreased in the salinized treatments. When salinized (24 mM NaCl) nutrient solution (NS) was applied, increasing the number of irrigation events to eight per day resulted in a decrease in the incidence of blossom-end rot and a corresponding increase in the marketable fruit yield. When control (4 mM NaCl) NS was applied, one irrigation event per day yielded as much marketable fruit as was produced with the highest irrigation frequency, and therefore increased water use efficiency, expressed as marketable fruit weight per L of NS applied. When NS containing 24 mM NaCl was used, there was an increase of Cl but not Na+ in the leaf tissue, with this increase reaching its maximum in the treatment involving eight irrigation events per day. Salinity decreased the Ca2+ concentration of the fruit only in the early harvest season of production. However, increasing irrigation frequency consistently resulted in higher Ca2+ concentration in the fruit. The effects of salinity on the morphological and organoleptic properties of the fruit were more pronounced in the late harvest season.  相似文献   

Free-drainage or “open” substrate system used for vegetable production in greenhouses is associated with appreciable NO3 leaching losses and drainage volumes. Simulation models of crop N uptake, N leaching, water use and drainage of crops in these systems will be useful for crop and water resource management, and environmental assessment. This work (i) modified the TOMGRO model to simulate N uptake for tomato grown in greenhouses in SE Spain, (ii) modified the PrHo model to simulate transpiration of tomato grown in substrate and (iii) developed an aggregated model combining TOMGRO and PrHo to calculate N uptake concentrations and drainage NO3 concentration. The component models simulate NO3-N leached by subtracting simulated N uptake from measured applied N, and drainage by subtracting simulated transpiration from measured irrigation. Three tomato crops grown sequentially in free-draining rock wool in a plastic greenhouse were used for calibration and validation. Measured daily transpiration was determined by the water balance method from daily measurements of irrigation and drainage. Measured N uptake was determined by N balance, using data of volumes and of concentrations of NO3 and NH4+ in applied nutrient solution and drainage. Accuracy of the two modified component models and aggregated model was assessed by comparing simulated to measured values using linear regression analysis, comparison of slope and intercept values of regression equations, and root mean squared error (RMSE) values. For the three crops, the modified TOMGRO provided accurate simulations of cumulative crop N uptake, (RMSE = 6.4, 1.9 and 2.6% of total N uptake) and NO3-N leached (RMSE = 11.0, 10.3, and 6.1% of total NO3-N leached). The modified PrHo provided accurate simulation of cumulative transpiration (RMSE = 4.3, 1.7 and 2.4% of total transpiration) and cumulative drainage (RMSE = 13.8, 6.9, 7.4% of total drainage). For the four cumulative parameters, slopes and intercepts of the linear regressions were mostly not statistically significant (P < 0.05) from one and zero, respectively, and coefficient of determination (r2) values were 0.96-0.98. Simulated values of total drainage volumes for the three crops were +21, +1 and −13% of measured total drainage volumes. The aggregated TOMGRO-PrHo model generally provided accurate simulation of crop N uptake concentration after 30-40 days of transplanting, with an average RMSE of approximately 2 mmol L−1. Simulated values of average NO3 concentration in drainage, obtained with the aggregated model, were −7, +18 and +31% of measured values.  相似文献   

The use of treated sewage effluent in agriculture has been a current practice in several countries. However, in Brazil, there are few studies about this subject. This research work aimed at evaluating the potential utilization of secondary-treated sewage effluent (STSE) as an alternative source of water and nitrogen (N) for Tifton 85 bermudagrass pasture. A field experiment was carried out at Lins, State of São Paulo, Brazil, for 2 years, using a randomized complete block design, with four replications and five treatments, as follows: (i) T1 (control) – irrigation with potable water and addition of mineral-N fertilizer (MNF) – 520 kg N ha−1 year−1; (ii) T2–T5 – irrigation with STSE (31.9 mg total-N L−1) and addition of MNF – 0, 171.6, 343.2 and 520 kg N ha−1 year−1, respectively. Potable water and STSE characteristics were monitored monthly; above ground grass dry matter yield (DM) and crude protein content (CP) were determined bimonthly. Increases in DM and CP were observed for the high MNF rates associated with irrigation with STSE. STSE irrigation can efficiently substitute potable water for irrigation of Tifton 85 bermudagrass pasture and, simultaneously, save 32.2–81.0% of the recommended N rate without loss of grass DM and CP yield.  相似文献   

Production of halophytes using saline waters and soils and feeding them to livestock is one of the most sustainable methods of conservation in desert ecosystems, in addition to accomplishing food production for the people living in these areas. Therefore, to study the possibility of irrigating Kochia (Kochia scoparia L. Schrad) with minimum quantities of highly saline water for use as a fodder crop in arid environments stretching across saline waters, two experiments were carried out in the Research Farm of the Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran. In the salinity experiments, two populations of Kochia, including the Sabzevar and Indian genotypes, were irrigated with ground water having electrical conductivity (EC) of 5, 15, and 20 dS m−1. In the irrigation-treatment experiments, two local populations of Kochia, including Sabzevar and Borujerd, were subjected to four irrigation regimes as follows: complete irrigation (100%), 80%, 60%, and 40% of the water requirements using a saline ground water with EC = 5 dS m−1. Because, the Indian genotype is preferred as an ornamental plant, it is not suitable for increased dry-matter production under high-salinity irrigation water compared to the local genotype (Sabzevar), which is suitable for forage. The Sabzevar genotype produced a large amount of dry matter (7530 kg ha−1), even when irrigated with 20 dS m−1 saline water. The best time for harvesting Kochia for fresh feeding is at the end of flowering (88 days after sowing or DAS), when the biomass is relatively high (6500 kg ha−1) and the leaf-to-shoot ratio, as a quality index, is approximately 50%. The highest green-area index was observed at 15 dS m−1 and decreased at high levels of salinity. Photosynthesis and transpiration rate did not decline significantly with increasing external salinity four weeks after salinization, but increased in both genotypes at 15 dS m−1, indicating that the salinity-tolerance threshold of Kochia for both photosynthesis and transpiration reduction is above this salinity level. The Indian genotype also showed a very low seed yield (210 kg ha−1) at low levels of salinity, whereas Sabzevar produced 1120 kg ha−1 seed under the same conditions. Different irrigation regimes had a significant effect on the biomass and seed production of Kochia. The highest forage yield was obtained from complete irrigation, with 11.1 Mg ha−1 dry material. Sabzevar local population represented a better performance in terms of all characteristics, except accumulation of inflorescence dry matter, and no significant effects were recorded. In conclusion, Kochia's high foliage production capacity in the presence of salinity and limited irrigation make this plant suitable for use as an alternative forage crop in harsh environmental conditions. There is a wide range of intraspecific variation in K. scoparia, but more investigation is needed to introduce it as a cash crop.  相似文献   

Simulation models are effective tools to examine interactions between livestock, cropping systems, households, and natural resources. Our study objective was to use an integrated livestock and crop model to assess the outcomes from selected suites of management decisions observed in smallholder sheep-cropping systems of Yucatán, Mexico. The scenarios contrasted specialized systems versus mixed farming, and evaluated the outcomes of increased crop-livestock integration. Mixed enterprise scenarios involving sheep provided more income than specialized enterprises, and capitalized on a lower price of on-farm maize grain, efficient utilization of surplus labor, and availability of common land. Labor and management income was greatest for the unintegrated and partially integrated crop and livestock scenarios. It was more profitable for producers to sell excess grain and maize stover, and use common land to feed the livestock, suggesting that increased integration does not always result in improved outcomes. The results are consistent with a system not yet pushed to the point where integration is inevitable. For all sets of scenarios, the model structure was able to accommodate subtle management differences to produce appropriate biophysical, labor, and economic outcomes. We conclude there is potential to use similar model development methods to describe other crop-livestock systems, thus providing tools for learning, scenario analysis, and impact assessment.  相似文献   

Unrestricted cattle access to streams in traditionally pastoral regions has been linked to increased concentrations of bacteria, suspended sediments and associated contaminants in streams. However, there is a dearth of data available regarding the impact of cattle access to streams in poorly drained landscapes of the Midwest. In this study, we investigate changes in water quality on a 1005 m long stream section impacted by cattle grazing on the upper 130 m. We monitor discharge, water quality [nitrate, ammonium, total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN), total phosphorus (TP), total suspended sediments (TSS), turbidity, Escherichia coli] and chloride, atrazine, silica and major cation concentrations over a 12-month period. Cattle access to the stream does not significantly affect nitrate concentration but leads to large increases in TKN (fourfold increase), TP (fivefold increase), ammonium (fourfold increase), TSS (11-fold increase), turbidity (13-fold increase) and E. coli (36-fold increase) in the summer/fall period. In particular, E. coli concentration in the stream in the summer/fall period exceeds 235 colony forming unit (CFU)/100 ml 64% of the time upstream from the section impacted by cattle, but exceeds this same threshold 89% of the time immediately downstream. Despite the negative impact of cattle access to the stream on water quality, data indicate that dilution, in-stream processes, and natural stream geometry downstream from the impacted section help mitigate this pollution. We expect that this study will be an incentive for policy makers to promote stream rehabilitation and develop more stringent guidelines limiting cattle access to streams in many Midwestern states and other regions with poorly drained soils where the impact of cattle access to streams on water quality is often ignored.  相似文献   

Partial rootzone irrigation (PRI) can substantially reduce irrigation amount and has been demonstrated as a promising irrigation method for crops in arid or semiarid areas. Many earlier researches have shown that PRI reduces leaf transpiration by narrowing stomatal opening. In this study we verified the hypothesis that PRI can also save irrigation water by substantially reducing soil evaporation. Field experiment was conducted in an arid area where cotton production almost completely relies on irrigation. Water was applied to furrows in the cotton field either alternatively (AFI, alternative furrow irrigation), or evenly to all the furrows (CFI, conventional furrow irrigation), or to one fixed furrow in every two (FFI, fixed furrow irrigation). Our results show that surface evaporation constitutes a large fraction of the irrigation water loss from cropped field (more than 20%), and with the two PRI treatments nearly 40% of the evaporative water loss is saved. Transpiration accounted for 48%, 58% and 57% of the total amount of irrigation respectively for the CFI, AFI and FFI treatments. This result suggests that PRI increases the proportion of applied water that is transpired, and therefore leads to a higher water use efficiency than regular irrigation. Overall, when irrigation was reduced by 30%, the average final yield loss of AFI was only 4.44%, a non-significant reduction statistically. The FFI had a significant reduction in yield of 12.01% in comparison to CFI. Moreover, PRI brings in earlier flowering and a higher economical return due to early harvested cotton. This indicates that the final economical output could compensate for the loss of cotton yield due to water-saving. With very little extra cost to implementation, PRI proves a very promising method in cotton production in arid zone.  相似文献   

Deficit irrigation after harvest has been proven to be a more profitable strategy for producing loquats due to its effects on promoting earlier flowering and harvest date next season. To determine water savings which most advance flowering and harvest dates, an experiment was established to compare phenology, fruit quality and yield in ‘Algerie’ loquats over two consecutive seasons. In this experiment some trees were programmed to receive 50%, 25% or 0% of the water applied to controls (RDI50%, RDI25%, and RDI0%, respectively) from mid-June to the end of July (6 weeks). Fully irrigated trees acted as first controls while trees undergoing previously tested postharvest deficit irrigation (25% of water applied to controls; RDILong) from early June up to the end of August (13 weeks of RDI total) acted as second controls. All deficit irrigation treatments promoted earlier flowering when compared to fully irrigated trees; the greatest advancement in full bloom date (27 days) was achieved with severe short term RDI (RDI0% and RDI25%). The trees suffering an extended period of water stress advanced full bloom date but to a lesser extent (13 and 18 days; 2004/2005 and 2005/2006, respectively). Earlier bloom derived in an earlier harvest date without detrimental effects on fruit quality and productivity. In this regard, the most severe RDI (RDI0%) advanced mean harvest date the most (7 and 9 days, depending on the season), and increased the percentage of precocious yield to the highest extent. Productivity was not diminished by reduced irrigation in either season. Fruit size and grading was enhanced thanks to RDI in both seasons. Earliness and better fruit class distribution under RDI also improved fruit value and gross revenue enabling farmers both to increase earning and economize on water.  相似文献   

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